5 Min vs. 50 Min vs. 5 Hour - Box Build

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[John] What happened to my effing jointer? Something’s f***ed up. I’m f***ed. So we get tons of comments and requests for more three-levels builds. We wanted to put a new twist on it in order to do so we were thinking instead of constricting the skill level to beginner, intermediate, pro we would take a page out of the Tasty channel’s book and do a time constraint. So this video, we’re going to do 5-minutes, 50-minutes, 5-hour builds. Let’s go. For the first box I am going to use the most basic construction I can come up with, and it’s going to be really difficult. I don’t think I’ve ever built anything in 5-minutes. But I think with proper planning I can still stay safe and build something that’s going to look solid. Sam’s going to time it. You should have a timer up here, and this should be a lot of fun. Let’s get to it. I’ve got some scraps of oak here. I’ve got a stopwatch on my watch. Sam’s got a timer on his. We’re going to get these going and then we’re going to get ripping. In 3, 2, 1, let’s go. [Sam] You’ve got 4-minutes. [Sam] 3 ½-minutes. [John] Okay, next thing I want to try and do here, I think, is pre-drill some holes. I’m not going to make these too fancy. Why’s it look so easy on the training video? [Sam] 3-minutes. [John] I need a bit for this. Help. These are the only screws we have, and that’ll work. [Sam] Nine and a half? [John] Should be. [Sam] 2-minutes, 30-seconds. [John] Break. [Sam] 1-minute. [John] Oh, my goodness. Are you sure that Garmin’s perfect? [Sam] 33-seconds remaining. Please be safe. Oh, 15-seconds. [John] I don’t even know what nails are in here. [Sam] 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Game over! [John] Box. Wow, that was awful. [Sam] Shock. [John] I am sweating. I can’t believe something looks like a box. You know what’s funny is I really underestimated how much time thing takes, and then I always do that. But I thought I was going to have time to put some nice plugs on this and stuff. Not at all. Whew. I need a break. [Sam] And a cup of water. [John] Yes, let’s hydrate. Alright, so, after I caught my breath, looking at this thing, it looks like a 5-minute box. You’d definitely clean it up a little bit with some sanding, some finish, but I cannot believe how fast that 5-minutes went. The next one should be pretty interesting. We’re going to do a cherrywood box with splines, and I gotta build the spline jig, in the 50-minutes. So, let’s head back over to the table saw. So I got this single board of cherry, and I got my stopwatch. Sam’s gotta get his set up. Ready to roll: 3, 2, 1. Let’s build. The first thing I’m going to do is make the panel for the bottom. I’m not going to cheat it this time. I’m going to use a glue-up. [Sam] 45-five minutes. [John] Something’s fckd up. What’s happened to my effing jointer? [Sam] What’s wrong with it? [John] See that? That’s the problem. That’s not how it’s supposed to be. Gonna use a fast-drying glue because— [Sam] You have 42-minutes and 14-seconds now. [John] Because that took 8-minutes when it should have taken 3. It’ll be all right guys. I don’t know how the outfeed table came out of whack. [Sam] 39-minutes. [John] Rip blade in here right now, which will make terrible tear-outs, but I can’t sacrifice that on my miters. Fortunately a couple of years ago I built a sled for the type of box that we’re building. Should be able to chuck that on here and adjust the blade and get really close to what I’m trying to do. Are you kidding me, all those screws and none of them were ever in it? I’ve had this thing for six years. I’m blaming Jordan. Damn-it Jordan. I’d gotta enlist Sam’s help—he’d be a guest—what we’re doing. Not to plan this is going. What do we, what do we like to say around here Sam? Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. [Sam] You’re like rocking the internet right now, my guy. 34-minutes. [John] Small box of pencils? They couldn’t have been in a dumber place. [Sam] How’re you feeling? Think you’ll do it? [John] All right, so parts done. I can now put that ripping blade back in and rip the panel bottom. High-speed woodworking. I wasn’t built for this. I can’t believe it’s already been 20-minutes. Like, I feel like I did nothing. All right, so I need to get this panel on the bottom cut to size. I’m just praying it’s dry. The only thing Sam’s helping me with on this entire build is the dust collector. I’d have that thing running the whole time but you can’t hear me then. So Sam’s being an adult about it and turning that thing on and off. So we’ve got a— [Sam] Oh, John, I just remembered, you have 25-minutes. [John] Hope you’re dry, sumbitch. My spinal cord, it hurts. [Sam] I don’t know what that means. [John] I think I made that too short. Sure did. Dammit. [Sam] There always in that thing, in here. [John] Hey, Siri, call Jordan. Where’re the effing space balls? I’ve got Jordan’s pliers. We have a slim chance in hell here Sam, a slim chance in hell. I’m going to go ahead forget the light. Pretty sure they claim this dries in 10-minutes. We going to find out today. How much time I got Sam? [Sam] 12-minutes, 10-seconds. [John] I’m fckd. I like how this turned into, like, three cool ways to do something in a short period of time to me being absolutely dripping sweat, getting my ass kicked. I guess that’s more entertaining. I do it for the peoples. I thought this—I had plenty of time to do this one. I know what I’m going to do. Pin it. I’m pinning it Sam, because I want to get the splines in. What I’m going to do is throw in some pin nails that will be hard to see. This was such a stupid idea. I’ve nailed this into it. Great. On the cooking one, they lie. It says the time, but that’s only the time it takes to cook, not prep. Bastards. I need some frickin’ material for this spline. [Sam] Is that plywood? [John] This is maple from shuffle. [Sam] 6-minutes, 30-seconds. [John] I gotta ask again, who’s friggin’ idea was this? Mine, huh? [Sam] 5-minutes. [John] Usually I do this by hand, but I ain’t got time for that shit. [Sam] 2-minutes. [Jordan] I hate that noise. [Sam] 30-seconds. [John] Spray finish, we don’t have anything clear coated, huh? [Sam] He might have something in it. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and time. [John] Oh my goodness. I lost a spline. I can’t breathe. Mineral spirits. [Sam] No, no, no, no. Your time’s up. [John] Hey, friends, real fast, before I dive into the last box here, I want to take a second to thank the sponsor of the channel that we love the most when it comes to woodworking, Woodcraft. If you’re not familiar, Woodcraft is, bar none, the best supplier and distributer of woodworking products in the world, in my opinion. They’ve got storefronts across the country, I think in 74 different cities, as well as an incredible online store. If you’re looking for anything woodworking, they’re going to have it. Most of the stuff that you can see in my videos is available at Woodcraft. So find your local store, go online, be awesome, check out Woodcraft. Thank you, guys, for supporting the channel, these projects. Now, let’s see if I can get something done in five hours. All right, so for the 5-hour build we’re going to do a lidded box, and I’m going to do a little bit of a detailed feature. We’re going to do dovetails on that box as well as multiple wood species. Things should get interesting on this one. Let’s go rip some wood. So we’ve got five hours on the clock. Let’s get rippin’. So I’m going to try and make this thing out of wenge and white oak. I’ve got some white oak that’s raw, but this wenge here I have left over from a project that a client sent back to me six years ago. So I want to get that dark contrast. This stuff’s super nasty and I hate working with it. [Sam] Just under a half-hour in. All right, so I’m laying out what’s going to be the pin board, the tail board, and I have the really cool 7-degree blade for my table saw that I’m going to use to cut the pins. I’ll cut the tails and I’ll transfer those pins and cut those out by hand. All right, so I’ve got a specialty table saw blade that is angled that I can cut dovetails on the table saw. They’ll be super crispy, and it’ll speed things up for me. Hit that dust. We’ll make miracles happen. It’s taking me longer than I thought. Huh, all right. It’s been a minute since I’ve been back here. [Sam] Sure you remember how to do it? [John] No guarantees. I remember parts enough, but we’ll get through it. This is the Mike Pekovich technique for dovetails. He uses this blue tape. The blue tape actually on this dark wood gives me an opportunity to really see where my lines and my cut marks are going to be because I’m going to cut these ones by hand. [Sam] We’re 1-hour in. [John] So it’s going decent. I’m making headway on these. I’m going to use the bandsaw to cut out the waste: speed that process up a bit. It’s just a matter of making sure I keep my parts in the select order. Because that’s like, when I’m rushing like this, I don’t have as much time to like think what I’m doing between each part. And when you’re doing hand-cut anything— [Sam] One mis-cut. [John] Something that’s going to set you back. [Sam] 3-hours and 55-minutes. [John] Yeah, dovetails and Sam Green. [Sam] What do you mean? My dovetails are great. [John] No, you did great dovetails once. [Sam] Yeah, shut [beep] down and find out, Malecki. [John] Actually, didn’t you do yours this exact method? [Sam] Yeah, he explained to me how to do it, and I said, “Cool. I’m a just do that.” [John] Pretty awesome. So when you do the bandsaw, you have to keep the fat parts tall up top and I think I hurried through it. They should look like this, all of them, and they don’t. Which means I’m going to have to re-cut them all. Except this one. [Sam] 3-hours and 30-minutes left. [John] Kill me. I don’t like this. [Sam] Are we back to where we were? [John] We’re close. 20-minute detour. We’re going to need a little refinement. Get everything to fit tight. A slight bit of sanding and these should work. Now, the next thing that I want to do, this is probably stupid, so I kind of was thinking I wanted to do a foot. Something like that. Kind of give it a foot and raise it up. Is this a bold move? I do believe so. [Sam] But I mean, you got 3-hours. What else are you going to do? [Jordan] Did it break, or did he just bend it? [Sam] I mean, it’s trashed. I might have to check the rule book. Are you allowed to have— [John] My employees fix the tools I break? Yes. I do believe it says in the rules, “What the boss man says, goes.” [Sam] You got 3-hours. [John] I’m using this technique. I’ve got to cut the lid and fit the bottom in before I glue it up. [Sam] Look at the bit. You have 2-hours and 41-minutes. [John] Now, what I’m going to do is cut this little detail onto the front bottom of the box here and here. And from there, get that thing sanded down, and then work on the lid and the bottom. Once those get into glue, we’re in the home stretch. Have we ever used this? Starting to take shape. That’s the general look I was going for with the box. Just those nice little curved feet on the bottom. Is that where you thought I was going with it? [Sam] I wasn’t sure what you were doing. I’m just trying to keep up. [John] Getting’ squirrely. What’s our time at, my watch died? [Sam] 2-hours and 12-minutes. That’s going to be a disappointment if that doesn’t fit. [John] I didn’t build it to fit. I was going to use that wider stuff, but I think this fits. It might need a little bit of planing. [Sam] Does it not want to go in the hole? [Adam Sandler] Are you too good for your hole? [John] Everything’s a hammer. [Sam] You got 2-hours. [John] Two? [Sam] Two. [John] Rip down the box lid, then we’re going to cut coves in the side of it. Get a water and let’s make a handle, huh? I’m going to have to keep it basic because I don’t have time. There it is. That’s what’s speaking to me. Curved, and the part I’m going to cut out. [Sam] 1-hour, 3-minutes and 5-seconds. And that was Jordan? [John] Yeah, he can’t—this ridiculous mess I’ve made. [Sam] 1-hour. [John] What do you think Sam-wise? [Sam] I think it’s slightly above average. [John] Always the goal. [Sam] I like it a lot. [John] It’s a box. Hey! It’s going to be pretty cool I think. I don’t even know why we’re approaching this like a challenge. Make shitty stuff. Time? [Sam] 31-minutes. You put the magical belt inside out. [John] Not good. I don’t really feel like talking about it. [Sam] Okay. [John] Can you put a new belt on that, please. [Sam] That belt might be okay. [Jordan] I forget how to do this. [Sam] 16-minutes. [John] It looks really good. I’m very surprised at what I’ve made in 5-hours. Where are the f’ing 1-inch screws? [Sam] You have 6-minutes. You have 5-minutes left. [John] Five. Let it spray. We made it. [Crowd] Hurray! [John] Ah, yeah, I need a nap. My back hurts. [Sam] 4-minutes to spare. Though I will argue the inside and the bottom aren’t finished. [John] Technically the challenge was can I get it done. Because I mean, like— [Sam] Yeah. [John] It’s awful. The sanding— [Sam] It’s pretty—it’s pretty deep. [John] That’s going to be a wrap on this one. This project, and the whole video itself, was pretty cool. It was super challenging for me. I very much overestimate what we can typically accomplish within a certain period of time. The 5-minute box I will say was the most difficult part of this entire project. Yes, it was more difficult than the dovetails. 5-minutes just flew. So I challenge you guys to try something like this. If you want to see me do another project like this, leave your recommendations down below. And also, we’ve got new merch. Snag up one of these hoodies before they go out. Because we’re not going to have them for long. And I’ll see y’ins on next video.
Channel: John Malecki
Views: 555,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Malecki, John Malecki Builds, Woodworking, How To
Id: CYmvjJm8OIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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