I am DONE with EPOXY!

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this could either save it or we're gonna be scrapping four thousand dollars worth of epoxy we've been in this shop for months now and we've been neglecting the office we literally have nowhere to meet so we need a conference table you can probably remember sam and jordan breaking their backs to get the flooring done in the office and now it looks like a frat house so my plan is to pour a river in this wonky ass willow slab we got a few months ago sun's out turtle's out now we just got to get my potato chip off the top shelf about your heads and your wiener can't see it it's so big it's not very heavy for being enormous but it would still kill someone i definitely think they'd be eminent death if that fell on someone and like most things we built around here eminent death is the standard all right it's a big old chunk of wood if it can't handle that it's definitely not going to handle all the other crazy we plan on doing on it [Applause] does better donuts than it does anything else i think quit around damn it so i think the first thing we need to do is establish how long we're going gonna make this some it's about 12 12 foot four inches long i think if we cut it a little heavy over eight we're gonna get here the concern is that it's so twisted we don't know how much we're gonna have to flatten these things in order to get them to work in any sort of table my chesticles tell me that cutting this first is a good start now i just need like a freaking bandsaw or something to get through because things like six inches thick fetch the beam saw living the beam life beam life for you and me gonna need like to slightly touch it good slide in a pube okay good send it [Music] exactly where that belongs [Music] we're gonna get them on the table and kind of lay them out uh get a feel for how i want it to look so we can pick a top of the bottom and then we're going to have to flatten them pre-flatten them before we flatten them after the flattening you know to make them flat it's only out of flat by like three inches something we didn't think of is uh will it clear okay all right so let's clamp this sucker down jordan [Music] push her in towards grab the nuts no that's good it's still a big river jordan has dubbed these the goat nuts all right so i want to do a two colored pour but we have to put a dam in the middle until they get gooey in order to integrate the two colors without them just completely running together not the way i want it so to do this i'm gonna build a dam i got a half a sheet of quarter inch here and i'm gonna scribe it to this interior wall and then when i cut this here should be pretty close or close enough and then what i'll do is this one here i'll do the same thing and then i can put the two pieces together and that'll be and cover them in tie back tape and that'll be our am okay i made a gate out of stuff and it kind of is working and i don't know how that's going to go worst case we just have a purple table because we're going with fire and ice red and blue but we're going to mix 24 gallons right and then pour the left and the right simultaneously so we can get them to push against the gate we'll pull it once it's gooey and pray to the sweet infant baby jeebus that it doesn't uh ruin itself and that we can actually get that thing out we're also really curious on flashing because we've never poured this thick but the liquid glass super clear claims that it can be poured up to four inches and i'm going to test that because we are right at four okay these don't fit as nicely and as the flat ones do go ahead and stick your rod in and cook a hole in the back [Music] oh no oh boy [Music] we've got translucent blue pigment here to try and control how much we're putting in i'm going to pick it up with this thing here and add a drop at a time we did one drop in the one table we did this year and it worked out to be a color that we really like but i have to know how many drops i'm putting in per bucket so that we can get them even now they will mix with one another after we get them in but ocean blue whatever translucent ocean blue jordan here mr particular these days i didn't know if you wanted to all right you ready one it's gonna be wild [Applause] [Music] two once it gets dispersed it's just gone three dude i honestly don't think that the color is mixing it i think it's sitting on the bottom six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15. 20. that's way too light it's not even windex let's go 10 more 30. 140. i think 10 more that's 50. i can live with that okay 50 drops grab the red one jordan we're gonna start out with 20. because the concern with the red one is it's gonna be pink red's gotta be very red one oh that's kind of jelly rancher i'm gonna do a little bit more red though i think ten more go ahead it's 30. [Music] red pretty red let's go five more 35. yeah we read an awesome so we are ready for the pour we've got all the blue buckets over here blue buckets on the right side blue buckets red buckets on the left side laid buckets my thoughts here are we want that center divider to stay in the center or kind of where it's at and not fall over i'm not going to flood it from one side and then the other jordan and i are going to pour at the same time and hope to put pressure on it so that way when we come back with consecutive pours we build up we're going to get some bleed because we left the slabs uneven on the bottom-ish so the whole point here is to reach equilibrium we can reach equilibrium with the amount of resin on both sides then it's not going to mix as much into one another i hope that's three thousand dollars wait now that i think about it should we have caulk bees too much under it we're sending it this could go terrible preface we were going to caulk it but now that we're doing multiple colors i didn't think about it when we do a project like this with one color i let it go underneath sometimes in order to balance some things out i thought the same thing but then all right whatever okay let's go here we come full send let's go touch him yeah this is super cool i'm just going to see if they're going to bleed is my damn working uh so far dam's working dams working dams working i'm so terrified it looks like a freaking jolly rancher haven't those noises please i can't see that damn so damn's fine [Music] that's a lot of reason wish we would have done less color oh damn get back to the equilibrium yeah why didn't you why weren't you pouring you're not full i kinda don't want you before anymore pubes sticking up and we're right under four inches my concern here is one we have another whole other bucket of the red so we have a whole bucket of blue here's my math was red a whole bucket of blue okay stop because it's going to seep into that jordan can you get it into that hole i should have cleaned that was a terrible mess i hope that the red doesn't stain the wood i'd be very upset we've got red seeping into the blue we're going to let that ride though because we can't do much else my plan was to pull the dam though tomorrow and like swoosh it around so it could still look pretty cool i'm really not liking the blue i'm hoping that it starts to look more like this like it was intended to but we will see all we can do now is wait so it's about nine in the morning i'm just getting in i have a very bad feeling ah damn it so i know we pushed the limits on what this is supposed to be doing and we got cracks it's super warm what's the room at 67. that's like literally the exact working temperature well some of it's still gooey i think we got to try to get the dam out [Laughter] i kind of had a feeling that everything could go wrong what i'm really interested in after i figure out how to get this thing out is there's a bunch of crystallization and cracking on the bottom of this and this side you can't see in so this table is looking as terrible as i'm feeling see it was supposed to be goo one benefit to epoxy flashing and cracking is that it shrinks holy is right i don't know what we're gonna do with this thing now there's this is what four thousand dollars of poops look like not counting any labor this is probably top three worst ideas i've ever had and by me i mean this was sam's idea we've got some gooey bucket resin left over from the poor and this thing's already three sheets to the wind like shit-faced and so we're just gonna shove it in these cracks oh my goodness it's like jello all i know is i hope you get your miracle hat on jordan because she's gonna need some serious cnc love this is so awful [Music] okay so to sam's point when this happened on the waterfall table run the roll thermal heat from the inside creates the swirl inside that blue i can't replicate that if i just fill the cracks with a similar color blue you'll still be able to see them we were trying to do a pigment that we didn't like pre-measure and we had a couple colors in there that made this part not work but these are the exact mix it's just the next day when you're not supposed to be working it because there's no chance these bubbles are coming up i went into full screw you table mode and just scent it turn the ac off said you wanna get hot he's gonna burn this could either save it or we're potentially going to be scrapping four thousand dollars worth of epoxy and wood yay i'm not gonna lie it's not what i wanted but it's um improving slightly this might work i think the red will look actually solid the blue i'm really worried about but we could see in five days one week later so this diarrhea sandwich here is literally looking exactly like that the coolest part of it right now is probably going to be the shavings i'm going to cut it down to size and then start sanding it see if i can save this sucker we will see it's definitely one and a half not two and a half good thing we got some extra room on the other side got me jordan was the one drinking this week [Music] least we know we can do it on one straight cut that's short at least it's mine how do you measure it and jordan's like did he account for that was like yeah totally different it's all good we'll make that one inch so important all right i've never worked this wood before and it seems to be incredibly soft but the only thing we can do is to do it so i'm gonna hit it with 80 grit start seeing if we can make this river not look like a clown turreted on it [Music] [Music] it's not as clear as the red but i can see some stuff in here can you see that see that yeah [Music] this kind of has me slightly excited now the top is super rough and like it's difficult for light to penetrate i'm gonna flip it and sand the top we have a lot of voids and cracks and crevices what happened when this dried so quickly we just had a bunch of crap happen to it so this isn't very standard for a normal pour but i'm gonna come back and just start filling all these cracks and voids with clear resin let that dry and i'll come back and finish it up tomorrow fortunate for us the total boat pump and dump is that what this is called so gonna go with some sticky stuff and i'm literally just gonna spread it on and just try to get in as many of these voids as possible the clear shouldn't make a difference and that's typically what we would do on like a project that wasn't an absolute kool-aid piss job dumpster fire like this one that was for someone that i actually cared about we'd fill the cracks with clear instead of trying to match tint uh because it's just not possible you're not going to match tint we learned that one when we exploded that waterfall table it's on the ceiling of shame somewhere let's go putting clear epoxy is going to give us a preview sneak preview i had to put it in the cracks i wasn't intending on spreading it around when jordan stops what he's doing just to come make sure i'm not everything up even though most of the time it's just i'm solving the problem just screaming at you anyway it's the best [Applause] [Music] i don't think we have any hope for the blue i think i over tented the blue like a freaking idiot so we've got a decent amount of tear out from milling i sanded most of it out it got warm in here oops what season she's here this is so close all right the kool-aid vomit has dried i've looked at worse things but i don't think that's a good standard we do need to do is sand this sucker and then i can go into the buffing process seems like a lot of those voids i was sad about are now filled if not i'm just gonna have to come back through and do the same thing this is more the meticulous process of screwing things up someone's got to do it it might as well be the guy who screwed it up excuse me while i stand for the next hour [Music] [Applause] it's looking really clear it's a polished kool-aid man turd looks like a jello shot we're going to work this the whole way down tagged in i don't know how that works [Music] [Applause] it's looking better it still sucks you know it doesn't suck having electricity while you're outside that's why i'm super stoked to bring you this week's sponsor ecoflow ecoflow makes some killer power stations they have the fastest charging on the market and they make some sick adapters like this solar panel so i can just stick this sucker on my truck bed let it charge up and then i can go about being awesome i love to be outside especially when the weather's nice and this gives me the opportunity to have power wherever i go if you're someone like me who is constantly on the go it is also nice to have an option to not concern yourself with electricity i could charge this thing up i can take it out into the woods i can take it on a fishing trip a camping trip i could take it pretty much anywhere and if you're grilling with pellets you're gonna need electricity and you can pretty much do that anywhere now with something like this power station from ecoflow this ecoflow delta max also features their high output x boost which is in saying you can literally power a high wattage appliance or plug in basically any of your devices and what's also awesome is you can manage it from the ecoflow app right on your phone makes it super simple and easy so i'm super stoked to be able to work this into my life if you are looking to step up your outdoor game and get yourself some power while you're on the move check out ecoflow i got a link down in the description super pumped that they participated in keeping us alive here in the shop now we got to figure out how to keep this table alive excuse me the polished turd itself i think just needs something to break up this line in the center we were going to go down the rabbit hole of doing a ridiculousness but we don't have the time so my thought here 22 inch white you're on the lucky level in the center then we have red white and blue which we love and i think it might help save this thing so miss piggy we're your magic girl jordan [Music] jordan got the logo all cut out this thing's looking pretty cool so we're going with the red white and blue theme as john said earlier we're trying to hide the fact that this is sort of like this weird didn't mix together thing the difference between an amateur and a pro is just hiding your mistakes so we're just gonna try to be pro about it i've got the white diamond effect pigment from black diamond pigments friends over there are always making cool colors this will give a little glitter a little pizzazz to it i'm gonna go with the total boat high performance epoxy on this one it's only about a quarter inch deep go with the medium speed hardener though just because i'd like to try to sand this today so we're going with medium i don't know haven't tried it about a liter liter and a half of it mix that up add some white and we'll get to pouring feels like the whole jug just gonna make a mess isn't it what do you think who didn't use enough pigment i showed you the color and you said looks great damn it i said john i'm going to use this white is this cool and you go uh-huh great and he went back to welding and i was like okay vulnerable i'm excited to see how you can get the sheen up and see what kind of what it looks like it is better it does definitely help with that hooey transition good luck [Music] so this turd is looking as polished as we can get it it doesn't look bad it's not like anything close to what i wanted it to be so it is time to hit it with some finish we're gonna spray it with a two part catalyzed lacquer cross our fingers and pray for once this spray needs the prey and hopefully it looks better than it does now once i get some finish on it so as we always say around here let us spray [Music] well i wouldn't say that we saved it but i will say that it's not completely lost it's still a functioning table it's going to be a great lesson every day as we use it to remember not to suck if you want to see some other projects that don't suck i got a whole playlist right here
Channel: John Malecki
Views: 522,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Malecki, John Malecki Builds, Woodworking, How To, river table, epoxy resin, epoxy woodworking projects, epoxy woodworking for beginners, woodworking projects, Epoxy Problems, Epoxy Mistakes, Epoxy Resin Art, Epoxy River TABLE
Id: 37hNYQ7tH6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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