Ep.3 - An Unexpected Guest: Elijah Wood (Pt 1 of 2)

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bills i love cereal i love it so tasty but most of it's full of sugar it's not healthy but i'll tell you what this one is magic spoon yeah magic spoon is zero grams of sugar 13 to 14 grams of protein and only four net grams of carb in each serving and only 140 calories so guys go to magicspoon.com forward slash onion to grab a variety pack and try it today and be sure to use our promo code onion at checkout to save five dollars off your order and magicspoon is so confident in their product it's packed with a hundred percent happiness guarantee so if you don't like it for any reason they'll refund your money no questions asked remember get your next delicious bowl of guilt-free cereal at magicspoon.com and use the code onion to save five dollars off thank you magic spoon for sponsoring this episode harmonize with me and hold me tight all through the night you're shining bright i'm your host the baby you're my pearl wow well here we are hey hey we happy three huh it's amazing right it is when was last time we were all in a room together do you want to introduce who it is first because this could be audio only yeah yeah it's me dominant manager and me billy boyd and hello hi elijah wood here guys we're giving you what you want we considered that if we were to have a guest got to start with number one on the call sheet frodo yeah the ring bearer and i think at this point we kind of broke the mold a little bit because where do you go from here i mean well you can't gandalf we're at the top i mean it's all about this is it you know it's uh it's a show where obviously we're going to talk we talk about lord of the rings quite a lot so i mean in that situation outside of your good self yeah the person who we shared the most stories with in new zealand was and arguably time as well yeah yeah um we're close we're very close but when was the last time we were all in the same room together it's a while ago guys it's been a really long time we've had we've had a worldwide pandarus yes that occurred yeah it's been terrible i think it's been since the three of us were in the same room has it been was it the vigo thing has it been like eight years i think it may have been the vega yes oh then that wasn't eight years that's that's five six years five years ago four years ago i don't know maybe i think it was it was captain fantastic captain fantastic that was a good that's crazy we did we did that zoom thing for with josh gad that's right that's a fun thing reunited together that's right where everyone fit into their roles perfectly including orlando who for the entire time had a low battery on his ipad so it was constantly and then he'd mute himself and he'd be like didn't he switch devices devices yeah classic and sean asked him to organize assistant yeah two assistants during and mckellen he signs on smoking a cigarette and drinking a glass of wine brilliantly not oh there they all i was very gandalf in when you showed up let me look at you hubby happy happy summer that was fun that was great yeah that was an amazing moment in the whole covert experience for me because i've had little pockets of social time with friends and family and bills and league of legends and all this kind of stuff oh yeah but there was what how many people on that zoom 20 not quite 15 maybe uh 10 maybe yeah really there was a lot there was a there was a lot of people maybe it was 15 maybe because we had extra we had carlo bannon miranda and kate yeah yeah yeah no you're right phil and that was pretty incredible amazing so how has your comfort time been has it been quiet uh it's been good i mean as good as a global pandemic can be um you know i have a i have a son of a 20 month year old son so wow the the silver lining of of this last year and change has just been watching him grow you know it's been almost like a kind of extended parental leave in a way that we may not ever have this kind of uninterrupted time again so that has been great um and then i worked on a film i actually made a movie last year which is crazy well done yeah in september um did a commercial like did a little weirdly did a little bit of work towards the latter part of last year right um which felt kind of wild initially like getting on a plane the first time flew to ukraine for for some for a job and that felt so strange yeah to have been really truly isolated you know we were essentially at our house we'd go to the grocery store and sort of basic things but you know there was no other travel so to get on a plane felt really wild i bet i mean i'd know that a lot of parents with young children have said even though the challenges of covid are real for everyone that like you said they'll never get that time again they might not have known if they were to have had that time the two of them might have been working you work internationally so you could have missed three or four months of virgil's life sure so what an incredible experience that must have been that was awesome and we you know we didn't have we don't have adolescents or kids that are in school so that made it easier as well i think the burden of of the last year for for parents that have kids that are in school age and older you know they have to navigate kids being separated from friends having to deal with zoom schooling we didn't have any of that so it was relatively simple and he won't remember any of it which is nice as well you know i mean you had that more didn't you bills yeah because i've got a son who's 15. and we keep telling kids don't we we keep saying less screen time you know not so much screen time and then we told them you're now at school in front of a screen i know all day i know and you know i think my son did amazingly well but so difficult you know and and you're trying to kind of make it work but it's so hard to concentrate on something yeah on a screen and then for the teachers it's so difficult because the kids don't want their camera on because of teenagers and they don't want to you know have their face there the whole time when you're just trying to figure out who you are and yeah you know so it's so much easier just to switch the screen off but then the teachers are looking at 20 black screens and they're like is anyone there it was just incredibly difficult and you've got to applaud the education and system for you know managing to get through it and and really applaud the kids for getting through it but well let's applaud the kids yes well done kids across the world and then kind of like an actor getting a job when my son they said we're back at school he was like oh yes and he's back at school and within two weeks he's like maybe take today off you know like an actor getting a job and the first thing you do is you see when's my days off yes yes haven't worked for six months oh true you look at the schedule and you work out when i've got long weekends oh great i've only got one scene that day i'll be finished by one yeah wishing you days away and then you just go back to the hotel and order chicken wings and watch jerry springer like you've made a great choice in your day oh my god that's funny i tell you what bills living in this la sun and all the activity that we get up to i can get dehydrated it's easy to get dehydrated um what do you do to combat that i tell you what i do i use liquid iv i do exactly the same and the great thing about liquid iv is it comes in so many different flavors lemon lime acai berry passion fruit guava watermelon my favorite apple pie strawberry do you have a favorite oh strawberry watermelon's good as well it's also two to three times better to be hydrated with liquid iv than just water and it contains five essential vitamins wow so get liquid iv in bulk nationwide at costco or you can get 25 off when you go to liquidive.com and use the code onion at checkout that's 25 of anything you order wow when you get better hydration today using promo code onion at liquid iv.com i love cereal bills how about you i love it dom i found out that most cereal is kind of full of sugar and not that good for you too much sugar you know the solution to that i do magic spoon mmm magic spoon because it's zero grams sugar 13 to 14 grams of protein and only four net grams of carbs in each serving and only 140 calories are serving is that right it's also keto friendly gluten free grain free soy free low carb and gmo free and so delicious storm cocoa fruity frosted and my personal favorite peanut butter oh yeah that's a good one so go to magicspoon.com forward slash onion to grab a variety pack and try it today and be sure to use our promo code onion and you get to save five dollars at checkout and magicspoon is so confident in their product it's backed with a hundred percent happiness guarantee so if you don't like it for any reason they'll refund your money no questions asked that's lovely so remember get your next delicious bowl of guilt-free cereal at magicspoon.com onion and use the code onion to save five dollars off thank you magic spoon for sponsoring this episode cereal well let me ask you guys this as as a new dad yeah and as a dad a better dad a veteran dad of a 15 year old son what's the most surprising thing about being a parent the thing that makes you go wow i did not realize that being only 20 months in there's there's still surprises yet to come i think uh but i would say i think what was the most surprising initially was how quickly your your body and your mind becomes a parent how it's sort of an overnight thing you you you think about it for a long time it's somewhat abstract before you're an actual parent so in the nine months leading up to the birth of your child there's all there's classes that we took there's a lot of prep and thinking about how that's going to be and making sure you have all of the tools that you need specifically for that first few months and then the baby's born and you're like oh yeah i know what i'm doing somehow the instinct kind of just kicks in and your reality is that's my child right it's that kind of blew my mind yeah how fast that happened and that first sort of eight weeks i remember because it's it was wonderful and weird and crazy because you know if you read books on it and you can read one book that will tell you exactly one thing and you can get another book that will tell you that absolutely opposite yeah so you can you can read as much as you want but you've just got to work it out and that first eight weeks they're not you're basically just looking after them because they don't know that you're any different from a chair you know it's just like sure you know it's my world as far as a baby's concerned and you know so you're just looking after it and then when they start to notice you and then you know and it's so weird and wonderful yeah but i i remember that that first eight weeks when i was reading all the books and i thought i'm just forgetting about this yeah and the moment for me when i thought i'm just forgetting all this and doing it the way i think it should be done was my favorite thing was to fall asleep on the couch with jack on my chest yeah and then i read a book that said don't do that and i thought i'm done with this i've done my books i absolutely love that yeah what was their justification they were scared that you were going to like roll over and like lie on them and kill them or something but you're like and then you read another book that said you would never do that because right in some place in your brain you know that there's a baby that's right and another book saying you should roll over on your child to keep them thin and kind of streamlined keep them protected from the elements but i love that because you're so tired right because you're getting up at all sorts of times and and really the mother's doing everything but you want to feel like you're part of it so you stay awake well she's feeding them or whatever or but um you're just exhausted and just that you know it's it's good enough falling asleep on the couch and just kind of dozing off but with a baby oh my god i love that i miss that oh yeah because at a certain point they don't want to sleep with you yes and like it used to be that he would wake up in the morning we'd put him back in bed and he'd go back to sleep and we'd go back to sleep it's great yeah that is so over now but that that first eight weeks is magical i have real i have real uh i've really romanticized that period in my head because it is like you're you're in and out of sleep the baby sleeps every couple of hours feeds every couple of hours and so you're just sort of in this weird haze of like sleepiness and feeding and you know getting getting meta-marie food well you know so your job as a father is just like to make sure that she's taken care of and the baby's taking care of you're not doing the breastfeeding but you you are a part of that cycle yeah which is so lovely so we we got a thing because my wife breast fed as well that we got a thing that she would pump for one of the feeds and then she'd have a lion and this was about five six in the morning and i'd take the dog my old dog griffin oh yeah we we go for a walk in the park with me and jack and i would feed him from the bottle while griffin ran around and the sun was coming up and then ally could get asleep you know and my other friend paul riley who you know was making a new sitcom and he tells me on this day that they'd set up a camera on the hill i didn't know this at the time on the hill in this park they'd set up a time lapse so that they could watch the sun coming up for the start of this sitcom yeah i'm at that hill with jack and the dog the dog starts chasing some um birds around and there's a woman who look kind of scared you know so i'm shouting on the dog and i went and walked and i slipped down the hill with with jack like this one and i'm rolling down the hill to get griffin and that day paul tells me we've got a camera set up before i'd told him that story and i was like you've got to have a look at the footage and see if you see me rolling down the hill but he never saw it oh no way what's the chat too fast all the things you do you make it work in that first little way oh yeah i remember coming to see you in glasgow when jack was relatively young and you you telling me like i'm doing this thing in the morning where we give ali an extra hour and a half sleep we can go walk around the park wait until the coffee shops open up get a coffee walk the dog and even at that point in my life i wasn't quite getting up as early as i do now but i still did it and then i remember this is kind of a slightly disgusting story but i'll tell it anyway hey we so we did that we went and got coffee i wasn't really drinking coffee at the time we got coffee walked the dog and you were like okay i'm gonna go back and check in on ali and i said all right i'm just gonna walk around the park a little bit and i was coming down with a cold or something like that and i produced the largest what would you call it flame ball yeah i guess flembo yeah lugi from from my um breathing systems that i've ever produced in my life i didn't have my phone on me but i remember thinking that is photo worthy it was massive and did you just leave that in glasgow just left it it was just on the wet rain-soaked streets of glasgow but i remember thinking that's extraordinary that that's been inside me just sat around yeah and and i felt fantastic that they'd come out yeah i bet you did now you've been to glasgow as well i have yeah you came from my wedding certainly did that was very kind of you that was really fun that was lovely and we had a lovely time it was new year was it was it was and then we went for some nice restaurants and you came in my wedding we had uh some really good indian food if i remember correctly oh the indian food was good yeah and where where i stayed in glasgow's great indian restaurants that's a lovely neighborhood yeah it's a great wedding it's a great wedding lots of people up and dancing at that wedding there was included me you were a dancer queen was dancing all night from from what i can remember and then we carried on after that yeah we went to we went to ireland oh that's right we we flew with jason to um we went to galway we went to goal we went to kill kenny we were in ring of carry we didn't go to court we went to ring of carry our friend jason limerick we were in liberty our friend jason basically kind of slipped a disk didn't he he has he had and has back issues anyway but yeah i think he did about about a day or two into the trip no do you know how he slipped a disc how did he do it dancing because you guys if you remember i rented you guys an apartment near where oh yeah that place was great it was a great rooftop apartment but it didn't have enough beds so i put an uh a futon for one of you guys to sleep on you know a kind of japanese full stone bed and to get it back to my house jason said i'll help you and you guys were at the top of an old tournament building oh yeah and i said you know what we could just throw it off the inside of the stairway oh sure yeah and make sure no one's coming in and jason threw it over but when he threw over the balcony his desk went out and his back went and that was it did you not tell me he was in a wheelchair it was he was he was in a wheelchair getting off the flight so he got on the plane all right obviously he didn't need a wheelchair to get on the plane he sat on the plane and then you know with any back issues if you're if you're sat sedentary for a long time and you don't stretch it gets worse and then when he stood up he couldn't he couldn't walk and they got him a wheelchair and we we were waiting for him and baggage claim he's like the last person off the plane it gets wheeled out yeah and elijah and i very uncharitable sorry jason we're laughing quite a lot oh my god jason's going in a wheelchair and he was like don't make me laugh don't be poor guy i got sick on that trip i had a really bad cold and i feel like you were coming down with something as well because remember the snot story from earlier on that would have only been that would be a few days and i remember what's the um what's the really great cold medicine that has uh codeine in it oh is it benellin benadryl benadryl no i think benellin's benellin i think benalin is english it's not because it's not we don't have nyquil and dayquil no it was like a oh but it was like it was like a headache medicine but with codeine i feel like it's better that really that sorted me out well that's sazirip that's what little wayne's into right scissor but this is pills these were these were pills he drinks the syrup yeah and then wraps he's an extraordinary rapper but his wrapping comes from codeine well it's just inspired by code isn't there a there's an entire genre that that that goes along with scissor that's like a slowed down yeah wow that's like slowed down beats that they listen to because of the i'm pretty sure we should sound a little ignorant now i can't oh elijah you never sound no no no don't say that about yourself we should talk music though because music is such a formative bonding thing for us not only is billy in a band and has you know created a bunch of albums and songs but the three of us are all massive music fans and our experience in new zealand in so many ways was collared by music oh yeah absolutely a lot of time at real groovy and if we go back into that time we're in the cd world oh god yeah so what you're actually expected or you need to go and buy a physical copy now if we were doing lord rings the three of us would sit home on our computer and just download the music and it wouldn't be the same community thing because when we went to real groovy records you'd be walking around saying to me oh you should pick up this this prince bootleg thing and i'd say to you well have you seen this and you go oh you have seen that but you should get the second album yeah we're constantly sharing your information we spent so many hours in that store so many more so well it was per diem wasn't it yeah and for anyone who doesn't know per diem uh when you when you live away from home making a tv or film uh you get a per diem to help you of course four per day exactly dominate wonderful the old latin's coming back from school yeah now and and you're meant to use it for buying your dinner or living expenses living expenses and we would spend all on the friday at real groovy yeah buying music yeah that we would then listen to in the makeup trailer all that week we'd take days each you know that would uh be elijah on the monday and he'd say oh have you heard this album yeah and then the tuesday dawn would say have you heard this and we were such a big part of our life huge part we would love sean astin as we do we would tend to skip sean astin's musical um i mean because i don't know that shawn ever contributed well i think he had one day where he did it and from what i would have been like billy joel it was billy joel's greatest hits no it was it was really joel's greatest hits and i love an uptown girl hey wow but over and over again piano man yeah piano man but he's a little penis didn't he yeah really sure um if if i mean we could go on and on about music forever yeah but if you were to have one album that you would pick to define that lord of the rings experience because i do i've thought about this and i'll i'll i'll kick it off oh lovely that sounded like an effect from lords do that again that's what i do when i think i sound like well you probably haven't heard that that much look see elijah does it no anytime i'm hearing that i'm thinking that you've got coffee on the go but that's you thinking that's me thinking wow that's the thinking sound yeah i've got two albums but i won't say them yet go i'll kick it's only allowed one well let's can we condense it down to what we can do no no i'll do one you could have an a side and a b side no it's a cd very tricky i i started to make a list uh for the q a that we did the the hobbit q a that we did with stephen colbert so one of the things that i thought might come up would be music to discuss and so i made a huge list of all of the music that we were listening to at the time but to pick a single album because we were also djing quite a lot of it so there's there's a lot of the classic stuff the bangers that we would dj and then we'd have the stuff that would wake us up in the morning and then we'd have the the euphoria of rapping and stuff like that but if i'm if i'm gonna kick it off so many albums so many things that we listen to but if if i think about one album that sims it all down it's probably the men who by travis nice good one because that went through the entire principle photography it never fell off never did we were all singing it a lot always we all loved it i remember when you and i were looking at apartments in wellington we hadn't had one yet we hadn't chose one yet well maybe we were we were humming the guitar part right up the stairwell all right yeah i remember in fact i think you did have an apartment i think it was changed it was your apartment building was it i think so and elijah and i from what i recall was stood waiting for a lift or an elevator and we started humming the guitar was it the guitar track from turn i think i think so and we did like the halls that is so specific we did have albums over over that time period that we loved for a while and then not that we started to dislike them but you you reach a peak with those like macy gray is a good example we all love that first album i tried to say goodbye and that joke but then it got to a point where we were like okay we're kind of done with it it was also in every shopping mall everywhere it's huge i love that album i just rediscovered that again oh because i was thinking about the music but that's you've done two albums tom no no i just mentioned one the man who travis that's your that's my one do you want me to go or do you want to go elijah that's your thinking yeah right here's mine and it's actually from a specific time and in our sort of um can we guess it if you give us the time no no [ __ ] all right then maybe okay i will i'll give you the time and i'll tell you why it's stuck in my head it was when we were in queenstown and the drive to set was basically the length of this album so we listened to it every day on that drive what was that album i have a guess elijah you go first um was it was it the wilco record was it no hotel foxtrot good that's good good uh thought but yeah no because that was big that was good that was a big one yeah my guess yep parachutes coldplay nailed it i've done it well what an extraordinary album that was a great album yeah yeah i mean if we oh lars you've not done yours yet um i actually just pulled up the list no oh he's gone into the octagon it twice hold on hold on everybody i mean and it's not necessarily the one that you like the most it's the one that defines the lord the reason software slump granddaddy oh yeah on an album in terms of that that particular criteria it it permeates the experience that was one of those things that we discovered and just like oh man kept going back to it but there are so many others but that one and that is interesting because not only in that time are we discovering bands like travis and coldplay and software doves were big as well doves yeah wilco but there was also stuff in all of our back catalogues so you had been bringing prince songs that no one had heard right and i was bringing beetle stuff and you were bringing radiohead stuff and we wrote down roses roses morphing into each other yeah eminem was a big deal for us yes yeah and your 12-inch mix tape so your mixtape of your 12-inch records had young mc on it yeah the know-how 12-inch yeah it had the 12-inch of i could never take the place of your man by prince so good some like crazy outcast stuff and stone brothers hate 12 inches is a big one for me that looms large because we used to listen to that all the time on road trips and you know i'm sure you guys know about this but the reason why we listened to so much music was because we had to spend what started out as being about two hours and ended up being i think an hour and a half hour 40. yeah we started out more as i remember it was from being picked up to being ready it was three hours right so if it was a half seven start we'd be picked up at half four so you know it was a long time it was a long time so there was a couple of albums you could listen to at least yeah it's so crazy thinking about that and the length of time that it took that when they moved when they when they got to the hobbit the feet were pull on wow they were they were shoes and perfect like beautiful silicon they weren't using latex anymore wig lace was already punched in it was absolutely all done you pulled it and it went up to your ankle or up to your knee yeah and they were just so shoes standing on those bodies standing and getting things glued to your feet glued to your feet but also as i'm sure you guys remember with all the chemicals every so often we might get a little tiny nick yeah an open little cut on our feet and then they're applying glue and alcohol and chemicals to it and it would get sore and infected and sting and then the next day they'd have to do it again and yeah and i don't know if you wanted to he had the most emergencies i had i had had a varuka on my foot which is verruca now avaruka uh here would be a planter what i think it's called is it okay i don't know a wart i can answer this oh hold on i can answer dominic here on my rachel hello hello a veruca is essentially and i'm sorry to say this billy a wart that you've applied pressure onto which i can't help because i'm walking so let's yeah let's say you've gone let's say you've got one of those yeah no good point you could have hopped let's let's say you've got one of those witch's warts you know like with a tuft of wiry hair coming out yeah right those things are 3d because there's not physical pressure on them sure but on the base of your foot because you're putting body pressure constantly the wall goes in an inverted wall so it's basically a hole at the bottom of your foot and i'm sure it's called a palanteer or something in america isn't that that thing that you stole from me yeah you're living in the lord of the rings trilogy i don't know if that's right i'm doing some surreal it's nice now let's find out we have the technology but a veruca is it's an ugly thing of a disgusting walk and i apologize to anybody out there dealing with ferruccus at the moment but if you have to wear hobbit feet every day you will never get rid of a varuca i'll tell you that because the people who used to deal with the feet would sometimes over the year and a half apply veruca ointment to trying but because it's covered in a latex foot all day you've got no no have you brought up looked it up it's not nice is it called the plantain no just like i just see veruca very very common if you attend public swimming baths which is probably where you got it dirty dirty man you're going to watch what you're walking always wear flip-flops if you're in the swimming pool that's why i don't know if you i don't know how often you attend public swimming paths elijah because you know i've been frodo i i've been to one okay in new york the um the turkish russian baths and i don't know where this is gonna go ladies and gentlemen i don't know they're great it's great so you know you have that little kind of disinfectant walkway yeah you come out of the showers and then there's a little kind of just that's just often like wood or something like that is to try and stop curb verruco the veruca community and i can't remember good name for a band actually and they're it's called uh it's called the verrucka pool and it's there is a latin for it which i can't remember but um for ten points name a character in any well-known movie with the name veruca veruca bam yeah well done who is ten points she was a name she was in uh willy wonka in the chocolate factory she's the one that uh she um she's the bad egg she says i want it now the song yeah i want the world i want the whole world i want to give it to me now right that's her supposedly i heard that the uh limp and then fall into a forward roll thing that gene wilder did was improvised i heard that too yeah he had he told the director he was going to do it but they didn't tell any of the kids oh that's him just to have that kind of perspective oh that's so cool i love that film well that was feat that was a whole conversation about hobbit feet yeah virtually just touched on it i mean we could keep going because we've not even mentioned the fact that sean astin kept a list of how many times he put on his feet in the word featured i don't know what he was hoping to do that sounds like something that yeah you know what else well no what he also did on his mirror uh sorry to call you out sean but when we went back for pickups he put the he drew a calendar on the mirror and would slash out the days well do you remember that i don't really yeah i can't remember if it was this it may have been one of the the second or third time we went for pickup so taking all your days off just kind of taking the days no i mean i mean i think you know it's it was i think it was a little different for sean too coming back and you know older family man like sure you know the sort of his reasons for that were probably different though we're all on our own different journeys i um i i i asked billy this and i'll ask you again like because i'm so confused about this thing i always thought that the four of us kept a diary whilst we were putting on our hair and feet and wigs and billy said no that was just i you did yeah i had a journal that i started and i have it in my room here i i just didn't keep up with it i've i my entire life i've been really bad about journaling uh for me it's mainly been photography has been my way of kind of holding on to memories and capturing moments in time but sitting down and writing has never been never i've never stuck with it and i've always wanted to and to a degree i've sort of regretted not keeping one but i did i did briefly try talking about so yeah you're not wrong yeah did you not lose a lot of your photographs i remember years ago your sister or someone getting in touch with me saying elijah has his computer hard drive has gone and his other hard drive's gone and he's lost basically all his photographs from new zealand yeah and you know did i have any and i couldn't find mine either i don't know where mine are yeah so that's interesting there must be a ton of photographs somewhere well thankfully most of the photographs that i took while we were shooting were analog they were mostly actual films film photos so i have all of that good and then we all got digital cameras sort of towards the tail end of it right yeah i don't have any of those photos i don't think yeah i had my laptop stolen as well and i did you yeah so did i yeah crazy right yeah and i lost a lot of photos but you remember when the three of us such a gut punch man oh it's horrible it's soul-destroying it really is it completely changed the way that i felt about the medium i just thought well if you can lose photos after all that work and all that investment i don't know if i have the heart to do it again it was really heartbreaking yeah but do you remember the three of us went to auckland on a little weekend trip together and i have all those photos i have all those and i have it in a photo library and for some reason i think it was me but we there's a lot of um overly posed photos of like you guys yes oh yeah or like holding an unlit cigar or pointing at a seagull yeah there's a lot of those i'll bring that in one day yeah and that was also during um what's the the the the boat race that they the americas caught yeah it was during america's cup that we were right so i don't know that we engaged with it but i do remember that was happening in the background of our trip i seem to remember being on an america's cup boat with you the louis vuitton as i remember it yeah i don't know if it was that year okay but um yeah we definitely did that so we got a sort of ringside seat of the america's cup and which was all for free and they took care of us and everything but i remember the cost of that for getting on the boat and being able to drink champagne and you know eat those fancy sandwiches was a few kind of posh-o people kind of dealing with those like curiosities a little bit like oh look at those people over there oh come take pictures with us come take pictures with us oh i hear you guys orbits and i remember thinking oh is this the cost for the and you're awesome it's worth it for the free shipping absolutely absolutely delicious we've had some questions as you always do from um from the great outdoors should we jump into that because we could treat you forever yeah we're gonna do the first one it's from matilda sophie from or is that her name strange yeah or is that a place in denmark no i think that you might know this that's the full name okay so it's matilda sophie strunj from denmark lovely she asks or he asks matildy it's a it's a woman yeah she asks have you read other tolkien books beyond the lord of the rings the hobbit the silmarillion or farmer gals of ham if so what did you think about them great question yes i've only ever read the hobbit of of the other materials yeah i've not read this it was a round wasn't it it was yeah rings but i've not read it and i remember asking i have it philippa boyens uh pete and friends writer i said is it worth reading the silmarillion she said it's fantastic it might not necessarily help you in lord the rings but she said it tells the story of men and dwarves and elves and stuff but it's quite dense yeah it apparently reads more like a history book than a novel right yeah i haven't yeah the hobbit lord of rings is all i've done uh well you know what i'm going to read one of the others and i don't i think i will do this on marilyn yeah there you are let me know here i'd love to read this somewhere earlier why don't we all read it together sauron's origins in this film really cool isn't that didn't tolkien write one called something like untold stories or untold unfinished tales unfinished that's supposed to be one of the more accessible okay which i think christopher his son who kind of became the the steward of the of his work edited that because i think it's it is genu genuinely a compilation of unfinished works that he put together and compiled that would be interesting maybe we should all do that one if you guys can hear a distance siren yep it's not someone playing grand theft auto 3 close to us it is actually an emergency i can see it down there in the distance it's an ambulance when i first moved to la remember you and i hanging out in the first two or three weeks of me having moved to l.a yeah you were in that back i was in converted garage right right yeah i was extending my old manager's converted garage which had no toilet mm-hmm no oven was there no shower no shower there was a fridge and a bed and that was it and she gave me a tv and you and i were hanging out one day and i said i really want to get a dvd player and you said well if you're going to get a dvd player why don't you get a playstation 2. and i said i don't need a playstation 2 i just need a dvd player and you said no no no [Laughter] a playstation 2 is a dvd player and a games player and you know i'm massive on twofers i love a bargain yeah so i was like okay i'll get one of those and then was it you that loaned me grand theft auto 3 or was it someone else maybe yeah it was either you or mac aston yeah you gave me a couple of other things and that was my new journey into the world of gaming right just based on a happenstance comment from you where you said well get a playstation 2. it's it's both of them yeah crazy so while we're talking about gaming is this the perfect time dom between me and you are we going to pitch should we pitch elijah our team yeah let's pitch it what you do elijah yeah well you know that through lockdown billy and i've been playing this game league of legends oh yeah which you tried desperately to get me involved it's a five-man team we only have four we have four myself you need a fifth billy boyd his young son jack who's a great gamer and nigel nigel nelly yeah and we need an extra person and we've said for months because your your base level gaming ability is a lot higher than most people's because you did grow up gaming i did yeah my son jack is really the only gamer that we have and he's really good dom has spent more hours playing league of legends than anyone else alive so he's he's half decent you know he's okay yeah nigel is slightly better than me he has five accounts where he kind of you know tries to get better than us moonlights oh yeah and i am really awful but i just hide in the jungle so we need you if we're going to take this to the next level yeah and i'd like to go to the next level i would because the thing is with league of legends is because at that point it's a five-man team with everyone on comms yeah if you're playing against like let's say a bunch of individuals and none of them are on comms yeah you've already got an advantage because you can say hey everyone go to the top lane everyone get a dragon yeah haven't gone over over here you would love that game i know you don't have as much time as you would like to with a young child in your life but i know you love gaming i do yeah and it is a lot it's free to play yeah we should be sponsored by these guys it's free to download it is an extraordinary game right need to play it yeah you've got to and if you were there and we could talk to each other then because you can send you send little kind of signal saying i'm going here now or i'm going there or i need help i can't do any of that elijah because there's too many buttons to press yeah i'm i'm just focusing on not dying yeah in the jungle yeah so if you were there i could say elijah come and help me and i wouldn't have to press any buttons sure yeah so that would really help us out if you could do that for us please i would love to play a game with you guys yeah i mean even if you download it for free yeah and play and play the game for free after a couple games you go not really my thing you've not lost anything at large it's true you've only gained a deeper understanding of us really [Laughter] it's really fun how often do you guys play we play five or six hours a day nah no not that much is it we play at least once a week i would say right because well you know in the world we have like a regular yeah in the week we're busy and some of us might be working but usually at some point on a saturday or something or a saturday or a sunday friday night it can be all getting together and then you can do everyone get yourself a cup of tea if you want to glass away and have a glass of wine yeah we've done tipsy league of legends have you yeah oh and then we just we get on the rift and we really we pick our characters and then we really go at it it's capture the flag it's basically capture the flag so you're trying to destroy their base while they're trying to destroy yours is there is there a mission that you're trying to achieve you're trying to destroy their base how their troops but like where you are in the game are you trying to level up is there i don't really know oh there's all sorts of things you're on a map you start on a map on it's always the same map always the same map but you can pick different champions the cool thing about league of legends is if you want to be a crazy norwegian berserker viking guy that throws axes around you can be if you want to be a cat on a magic carpet you can be that too and everything in between and all you're trying to do is destroy their base yeah while they destroy yours it is some of the most fun i've ever had in a game there's a couple of games that we've played that has been really truly wonderful times and i know that you're going to be brilliant at it and also because of your vibe because there's a kind of negative vibe sometimes in in league of legends where people will they could look at aggro see foreign who's in the jungle and he's a big lad and he does a lot of damage he can set himself on fire and you know he should be making a lot of kills and not dying much so i had died eight times and hadn't killed anyone and the other person our fifth person said how is dr mundo eight and zero you know eight there's no kill sure and i said well i'm not very good i i type back just to let them know and they said please never play again that's a shame isn't that a shame please never play again that's called that's called oh my god and i know you would never take that down never that's why we need you okay that's great in the in the community in the league of legends community that's called flaming right oh okay he flamed billy and you know you've spent more time with billy and i than almost anyone billy and i have never really had a crossword nah not really we've had debates we've disagreed about stuff but we've never had a crossword we had our first ever official fight playing league of legends can you believe that yeah i hold my hands up it's my phone because i was not defending the tower well enough for them oh i watched billy on a mat on the map because you can watch what other bats really funny the very first the first fight ever and i had to have a word in myself and i called billy the next day and i said i sincerely apologize my behavior was a disgrace and he didn't let me off the hook he went well yeah that was a disgrace but what had happened was so you can watch because you have to go back to the shop to get items and all those kind of stuff sure and you can watch what's going on so as i'm going back to the shop i went to see what billy was doing and i said billy don't he's still angry about it i said billy don't don't teleport back to the shop there you go you're going to get hit by the enemy he said no no i'll be fine he got hit by the enemy oh billy don't and he went no i've been frozen i've been i've been hit by one of morgana's binds and i went no that's not what happened and we got into a little step two nigel our friend nigel's in the middle of it and he's going hey guys let's just because he'd never seen us have a fight i then had to apologize to billy throughout the rest of the game which went on for another 10 15 minutes the air was you could cut the tension with a knife and i was going i'm sorry about that bills i just got a little excited billy's like well you know you're kind of a [ __ ] there you know kind of being a bit of an [ __ ] and it was an [ __ ] wow so it can really go it can get under your head and the reason why i think that happened was because we were missing a fifth man oh god exactly i would love to prevent that from ever happening could you please yes you could and i honestly like i think you would love it because it is so much fun but the only thing is it's also fun to get your mates together yeah online and play it's just fun lightly worried that you would play for two weeks and then you would be ranked and you'd be off playing for a real team you know that and i would never leave you would you that's sweet well that's been recorded together you know i would never we need the ring bearer we need a leader that's what we do that reminds me that notion of the two of you having your first fight ever ever that reminds me the first time we had a thing you were it was we were in queenstown you were napping your trailer door do you remember this well this is this is insane stuff here folks i don't even i think your trailer door may have been opened i'm a deep sleeper i i came i approached very excited what was that that's the thing i can't really remember i know what it was what was [Music] you said [ __ ] off i think i tried to physically attack you he came into my trailer wrapped a [Applause] that was amazing you blew up and it wasn't yeah you didn't have any control over it you were coming out of a very deep sleep but man that was funny i was i was much more cantankerous back in my lord the rings days for two reasons go on one i was drinking more alcohol which which is associated with a much poorer sleep and yeah you know there's probably a little bit more hangovers involved i said to bills the other day not that in any way was i walking around you know drunk or drinking at work or anything i would just enjoy a sunday night drink yeah so on monday i'd be a little bit slower than normal if i could do lord of the rings trilogy again the only thing that i would change was would be to be not hungover on a monday morning because i think i missed quite a few amazing moments and as you guys both know at the weekend what time would i get out of bed one two in the afternoon oh yeah yeah you guys had served had breakfast sometimes four yeah that was pretty extraordinary a lot of days a lot of sleep you were watching a lot of days lots of david attenborough and the best uh goals of man united yeah on repeat yeah yeah i would have company yeah you won't get into that let's go to another question realize you want to release that on guzzney street i was on eggmonster okay yeah but very close to uh cube street yeah right around the corner from cubase yeah i was right in the center of town sure you know eva dixons has gone i know we've talked about that oh that's a shame that was a wonderful place not only is it gone i went on the last day of it being open which one the one near wetter the one downtown the one downtown oh man the one upstairs yeah i just i was in new zealand in wellington for some reason eggs benedict was from eva dixon brilliant some lovely breakfasts really laid back spend a long time just hanging out in there and i was in new zealand and i thought i'm going to go to eva dixon's and there was a poster we closed today and i went up and i had a coffee and i was like but what's the chances that you would laugh from my recollection was either dixon's was the entrance to eva dixon's on a relative courtney narrow side street yeah i think so because i remember having breakfast with the two of you guys climate staircases yeah yeah i remember having breakfast with the two of you guys and orlando showed up late and he's like oh my god i hide a nightmare hey pickle i couldn't park anywhere there's nowhere apart and we said where did you party with our parts start at the restaurant we were like that's a narrow one-way street you can't probably it'll be fine now come get me if it's a problem and he kept his car there for like an hour while he had breakfast just blocked off the entire stream wow well isn't that fantastic isn't he a fascinating man he is so fascinating in fact that we've got so much elijah wood goodness that we're going to cut it there this week and we'll have some more elijah next week oh it's going to be like a double album oh yeah brilliant with a full doubt brilliant so yeah more elijah wood next week
Channel: The Friendship Onion
Views: 1,182,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Friendship Onion, Billy Boyd, Dom Monaghan, Lord of the Rings, Merry Brandybuck, Pippin Took, Elijah Wood
Id: j60ZE5wGXg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 8sec (3248 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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