Ep. 4 - Elijah Wood: An Unexpected Guest (Pt. 2 of 2)

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[Music] [Music] hey oh guys well it's lovely to be here with you and with you too bills oh it's lovely to see you dominic how's everything going it's going very well if i'm honest it's it's been a nice week yeah yeah good yeah it's been going pretty good i've been kind of enmeshed in all of these comments and reviews and things that people have been saying about the podcast and wasn't it nice to see elijah wood last week that was lovely to see elijah wood but there was so much elijah that we had to make it two weeks worth of elijah woods yeah we're gonna give you guys two weeks of elijah or what we were gonna do was maybe give you like a shortened edited version that would only do one week and we don't think that we should do that because we've got some more elijah at the end of this show so we better get straight to the voicemails dom alright let's have a look oh emails and real mails fastest tigers slow snails hi guys um my name is diana morgan i'm from ontario canada i just want to say i love you both so much and i love that you're doing this tuesdays have turned into my favorite day of the week now um i'm a super huge fan and i've got a question about uh when you both went into the studio with vigo back in 2003 for his pandemonium from america album with buckethead um i just wanted to know what was the experience like are there any funny stories um yeah anything would be great i still love listening to shadow maybe and half fling of course um but yeah anything would be great thanks so much love you both that was a great day wasn't it yeah that was that was what were we doing that we ended up there i can't remember what we were doing before if it was an official thing or if we had just met vague for breakfast or lunch or something that's definitely what happened like but i can't remember where we'd met him but i remember him saying well we're in l.a you know that yeah i know that but it wasn't like we were at an official thing and we knew we were going viggo just said i'm in the studio this afternoon yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he's wearing that's all he just said i'm going to studio after this yeah and we went yeah well come and then i think he told us i think he pre-warned us about buckethead because he said he will not let you take pictures showing his face um and at times he might put a bucket on his head or a mask he well he's got a lot of masks he had like a halloween masternode he had all sorts he had a bag of masks anybody who doesn't know buckethead he's an amazing guitarist but he likes to wear a bucket on his head yeah hence the name yeah it makes sense or he likes to wear masks as well yeah max head is not as good a name no but he told me a great story he um auditioned for uh um aussie osborne's band were you there when he told the story i think so he said so basically he grew up with that music that's why he wanted to be a guitarist he knew all the riffs you know back to front play with both hands done ma just amazing guitarist and those riffs is what he grew up with so he could play it all so he goes in and they're looking for a new guitarist and he's auditioning and he's playing these things and he's he's not playing it well he's getting all mixed up he can't remember it just the pressure of being there with ozzy osbourne and he's like oh god i can't play this stuff and ozzy very kindly said look why don't me and the band go out we'll grab a cup of coffee we'll come back once you've settled in a bit and he was like yeah okay okay and they all left and he's like trying to play it and he thought i'll put a mask on because he he likes to play behind the mask you know so he put a skeleton mask on and he was he was playing it and he's gone yeah i'm getting back into it i'm getting good door opens aussie and the band all come back in so he looks up and obviously the first thing aussie sees is a skeleton and he says my god man how long have we been away [Applause] i love that um but wait so that day in the studio from my recollection you me elijah buckethead vigo viggo was playing as a few things this is half finished yeah try to work out this and he had said to us guys he was like this needs a piano this might need a little bit of guitar because he knew that we all kind of were able to in somewhat play you being at a higher level than elijah and i and then i think we all just at times drifted in and out of the studio didn't we elijah was sat on the piano tinkling around he came back in you played a few things on guitar and bass is that right i know that i'm i know that i'm credited wrong on that album oh this is a disgrace because it says i'm playing bass when i was playing drums and it says i'm playing drums when i was playing bass i was very disappointed yeah but my favorite thing is the the thing that you and elijah did the halfling that's the one that she said that's great that's really fun so we went in there elijah and i used to do this kind of voice i think what happened was it's like a sarcastic thing i have it with other friends now where if something bad happens it's i i say oh just enjoy it like someone said i just fell down the stairs and cut my arm up and i got it just enjoy it and um elijah had this thing where they would come over to us and say sorry guys you know we're gonna have to reattach your feet because they've come off and all this kind of stuff and elijah and i would both be lost and we were just messing about with those voices in the studio weren't we and it's kind of similar to this i remember vigo kind of nodding away going yeah yeah do that do that do that and then they record as much stuff as they could and then i think after we'd left i think between him and buckhead these were like oh that piano piece that billy did is great and yeah like that drum and this guitar and and it kind of became a thing and then i don't know about you but viggo then drove to my house months later with four cd uh like boxes which must have been like 200 cds and he's like here you go this is for you i was like oh yeah yeah i think they just arrived at my house one time but viggo's really kind that way i remember one time he came to my house as well i think to watch the academy awards one yeah and he arrived with a box of books he just thought there's a box a book like you know 50 books yeah yeah yeah thanks very much yeah he did something like that with me one time where he opened up the boot of his car and just said just take anything you want and it was just it was just like shoes and books and records and cds and he was like yeah i'll just take anything i get the feeling that maybe he was taking it to goodwill he was like if you want it i'm giving it away probably wasn't his car is that it for voicemails we're done now we do have some questions that people have written in ah should we talk about these questions now do we have time for that if you want to ask us a question you can email us the friendship onion at castmedia.com or you can leave a voicemail at www dot speak pipe forward slash the friendship onion i think did i miss a dot there dot com www.com no www defense no yeah it is here we go i'll do it again right we'll cut this bit out maybe we won't or you can leave a voice mail for us at www.thefriendshoponion.com forward slash the friendshiponion.com and the podcast notes you can see it underneath but you always get it right it's something about a tube if you want to leave a voicemail it's www.speakpipe forward slash the friendship onion.com forward slash speak pipe ah i think it's speak paper.com forward slash their friendship onion we've done it hey oh that was easy hot flashes from that oh this one's for billy oh what is that go on bills shall i read this so that you can answer it yeah this question is for billy i would like to hear the story about your song the last goodbye oh it makes me cry how did it come about what was the inspiration really interesting because when i first heard it it was overwhelming that i literally cried marina i cried too when i've heard that song billy's voice i'll tell you what i'll tell you how it happened i'll i'll do it as quick as i can they were using the song that i did in return of the king at the edge of night they wanted to use in the trailer for the hobbit battle of the five armies and so they sent me a note about that and i thought it was brilliant i saw the trailer with the song on it and i thought what could be nicer it links the two trilogies lovely i said oh please do and then we got into a conversation who have you got to do the last song we don't have anyone yet because it was neil finn before one of my favorite songwriters in the world and i said well you know i'll do it and then that's quite unlike you very unlikely yeah it was only because it was in the conversation and then they said well yeah we'll come down to new zealand then and i did and then uh working mainly with a fran walsh and it took a while you know because we kept going back and forward with different melodies and ideas and and it was while i was in new zealand and it was just me from cast uh and and i would go to cafes that we would go to and i'd go for walks and i'd think god this really is the you know we always said there was so many goodbyes there was so and it did feel like this is the last one now this is the end of it yeah that's sad yeah it was quite sad and then we came up with that song and then and that's how it came it came about so rather than being an end to that song it did feel like oh wow this is the end of this tolkien journey this new zealand telling of the story you know and instead of sharing that that last goodbye with the rest of the cast as we've done previously you're now doing it on your own walking around yeah well until it's probably raining do you know what i mean yeah it was kind of weird you haven't when weren't you having problems with your gallbladder at that point uh was that no that was losing another time oh yeah because i was thinking walking around oh the pin great song fantastic song and a fantastic question thank you we've got a a lovely butter related comment would you like me to read this one for you it's from eva from eva or ava as a child whenever i got a tick on me whenever she got a tech on her i don't know if i've ever had a tick on me well anyway as a child whenever eva get a tick on her her mum would blob a big lump of butter on it she said it would suffocate the tick and make it let go i don't remember if it ever worked says eva i just remember several instances where i had to sit still and stare at a big lump of butter on my arm or leg what a lovely butter related statement there there's a use for butter that i've never ever seen or heard would it work on my dog are you trying to suffocate your dog no no if you've got a tick i mean roger that because i was going to say that'd be a lot of butter but i mean to cover a terrier i think i think it's a solid because you can't breathe through butter and i know we've all tried it right so i think the next time bobby johnson gets a tick you should try it because the old way that you used to do it was with a cigarette have you seen that you give the dog a cigarette give the dog a pack of 20 and this thing's just full no you get a cigarette from someone who smokes and you but i think that's what they're surely that would get would get the dog yeah yeah but it let's it makes the tick let go i think butters no of course i would make it let go yeah but then after the tick fell off your little dog would have a lovely treat of uh you know licking his hind quarters a little bit of butter there hey don you know it's a great gift for father's day go on i'm listening manscape manscape yeah it's the only men's brand dedicated to below the waist grooming and their brand new shaving tools just dropped right now in time for father's day yeah i just got one me too the lawnmower 4.0 trimmer it's now available in the usa and canada and you know what dom it's waterproof wow this 7 000 rpm trimmer features skin safe technology to keep your balls in check and has helped reduce manscaping accidents all around the world another thing that prevents accidents it's got a 4000k led spotlight that you can turn on and off when you need it for a more precise shave it's also got a little button on it that allows you to lock it when you're traveling so it won't turn on in your luggage brilliant fantastic additional guard lengths with sizes one to four to let you trim to your liking you can get 20 off and free shipping with a coat onion at manscape.com this is the perfect package for you and possibly your dad's perfect package that's 20 off with free shipping at manscape.com and use code onion get 20 off plus free shipping with the code onion at manscape.com that's 20 off with free shipping at manscape.com and use the code onion it's dad board season it's time to get smooth do you know what clothing company i love now dom tell me things violet clothing hey i thought they were just about gym stuff you know shorts joggies that kind of thing but you can wear their stuff anywhere dom yeah they're fantastic they obviously do board shorts but they do a whole bunch of different clothing you were telling me you got some jogging bottoms and some board shorts i got myself comfortable a little which is like a body warmer i was wearing it yesterday out in the sun i was gardening i was chasing my animals around the clouds came out it's breathable you don't get too hot in it you don't get too cold not only that it's stylish enough i was going to wear it today but i didn't want you to feel jealous i love it dom i also love what the company's about did you know that they are offsetting 100 of their carbon footprint that's fantastic and they actually use some plastics to turn into their clothing which is absolutely brilliant amazing viori is an investment in your happiness for our listeners they are offering 20 off your first purchase get yourself some of the most comfortable and versatile clothing on the planet at viori.com onion that's v-u-o-r-i dot-com slash onion not only will you receive 20 of your first purchase but you'll enjoy free shipping on any us orders over 75 dollars and free returns go to viori clothing dot com forward slash onion and discover the versatility of your clothing we should get into this now because we're talking about your dog sorry the show's going to go so long but you guys come on we're supposed to make this really short because we'll get a larger word later i want to tell the story about how your dog tried to seduce me last week he did didn't he i came down to billy's last week to watch is it off what you know those fighters i can't remember what we're watching we're watching the fighters the two the two fighters they fight each other in the octagon mma no off ufc ufc ah that's what we're watching that's right who came down to watch you at sorry ufc and i know your dog well i've known him for a few years now he's always we've always been very friendly with each other sometimes he'll take a little nap with me fantastic but he did something which you and your wife both said he very rarely does i've never i've never seen him do it i've done it to you nope he mounted me he did and then he climbed up my torso and my chest and ended up putting his top legs kind of on my clavicle and was looking kind of up and over my head and i felt a kind of like you're mine he was very very close to your face and he doesn't like to get close to people's face uh to give you some idea of the size of my dog he's not as big as say one of those uh vacuum cleaners that you would pull he's smaller than that right just to give you some idea a good example so he's a chicken or a small turkey yeah exactly he's standing on dom very close to his face and he never gets close to anyone's face and i noticed them touch your face with his tongue yeah and he's never done that before yeah so both billy and billy's wife said that's unusual we don't know what's going on there and then for the rest of night he was very close to me and then you said the next day your wife was thought that maybe i might stay the night yeah we were sat up late chatting so she put out some bedding and then bobby was sat on the bedding the next day as if to say where's my mate where's the little sleep together we were supposed to have a sleepover maybe next weekend you can tell him tonight let's hope so anyway there's a butter related question and then a final little question here from someone this is a lovely comment uh it says not redacted which is strange says this show is incredible also your producer john is a fountain of knowledge when it comes to middle earth trivia now hornet's nest wide open because i think there was a little um emoji at the end of that was an ironic emoji because john has really let us down yeah he's sold us down the river i mean the first couple of weeks we said john will you deal with the quiz questions he said just leave them with me he says which we did and then he inaccurately had us tell someone that the ring is thrown into bar and we not mount doom and at the time i remember was kind of going but john's like no no that's right i've changed and then who tried to destroy the ring at the council of el run and he got that reset borromea and it wasn't it was gary and then there was one more i thought which was a discrepancy oh the pub in it was just so what we're doing this week before we do any more quizzes whether they're lauder rings based or anything we need to quiz john yes so this week before we bring another guest because we don't want embarrassed guests no the way that we embarrassed them before we are bringing on john the producer and he is going to be quizzed this week and no you know something else i've seen on the questions and and comments people are saying it'd be good if we had a little more music so you know what i've done tom yeah i've done some quiz music would you allow me to please do it i knew there was a reason why you brought your guitar you've got the voice of a lark just to make a bit more of the quiz because i think it should be a little bigger watch your headphones don't hold on the voice of a lark and the finger dexterity of a young jimi hendrix no don yeah if we like this you need to learn that and sing it with me next week maybe if we like it we can loop it i'm going to they're ready okay you like that the way it goes like that dumb it's quite rock and rolling [Music] do you know the answers no to the questions that we'll ask do you know the answers [Music] oh do you know the answers to the questions that we'll ask do you know the answers will you take the ring [Music] it's time for i will take the ring we have decided to call the quiz will you take the ring to mordor so we have to ask and we should get whoever's on the quiz to say i will take the ring tomorrow let's do that then let's do that so john are you all micked up i am here and i will take the ring to mordor but do you know the way oh here we go john who's doing the first question how many will we do should we do you nervous pretty nervous i was up all night studying good there's no prize or penalty depending on how the questions go should we do like three or four questions and you got an easy one to kick off um yes i'll keep score there are four hobbits and uh the lots of rings that uh they go on the adventure as you know one of them is sam what is sam's full name sam wise gamjee he's done it he's none of that number over right no no no no no no john don't be crazy that's one out of one okay john now i actually answered this earlier on so if you were listening to the podcast that we've just been doing today the answer has already gone out there so we'll see if you're actually listening to it what is the name of gimli's father gimli the dwarf gimli dwarf had a father quite a few times a few characters in the film and the book say gimli son of damn lee it's not right not the right answer dimly son of of gambling no again you've said that again twice that's wrong no i mean i did have multiple choices in my questions oh good point good point i'll give them a multiple them you'll choice we've got multiple choices coming up but the answer is gimli son of gloin there you go well here's a multiple choice then and i'll give you a pippin question mm-hmm your favorite after the my very favorite character after the adventure of the lord of the rings pippin and mary return to the shire pippin gets married does he marry daisy baggins goldilocks gondor rosie cotton or diamond of long cleave does he marry daisy baggins detention goldilocks gondol rosie cotton or diamond of long cleave all right i uh i believe samwise married daisy don't get cocky john well you know that's not the question i'm going to go with rosie cotton it's the wrong answer it's diamond of long clean as everyone knows one out of three one diamonds in middle earth here is your fourth question all right wait wait you love it oh i'll on the on the in the spirit of mary and pippin here you go very very easy john here we go what are mary and pippin's last names full names would be good yeah so that's multiple choice well you can't get multiple choice on that one i'm afraid uh took very good and no one ever remembers my character [Music] he said he's really searching for it can i get a clue yes yes the first part of mary's last name is an alcoholic drink very often drank at the end of an evening with a smoking jacket and a second as a type of animal yes whiskey tiger but i like it though he went for a steiner there no it's merry adock or mary brandy buck so that's one out of four oh is it one yeah yeah why would you get half a mark out of that one and a half one and a half out of four okay last last couple of questions each maybe or one yeah let's do another two see if we can get up to three come on i'm feeling good i'm feeling good there are wizards in middle earth correct also known as the estari there are blue brown gray and white wizards gandalf begins the adventure of the lord of the rings as one color and ends as another great await that should be two points for that we'll give you two i can't believe you gave him that i like john i know you don't well no you're not the way you look behind it john i'll give you a choice here as to the the subject of the question do you want uh do you want a question about hobbits or do you want a question about the ring i'll do the ring it's just it's a simple question it's a simple question is it square [Music] [Laughter] here we go john for all the marbles and possibly a ring who made the ring multiple choice yeah okay multiple choice was it sorrow man sauron galadriel that was very good john a lot better than we thought it was four and a half out of six is that right dom actually said that he would be surprised if you got anything yeah so that is quite good john john you can stay another week do you think we could quiz john like say for instance once a month on other things oh that might be fun and we get to know a little bit about him what he knows what he doesn't know we'll get into this a little bit of stuff i love it i love it we'll come back to you on that john but you did very good that was supposed to be a punishment for you but it was actually a lot of fun billy security is a massive issue for people on their devices nowadays absolutely we don't know who's looking almost anyone can view you've got a webcam you've got all of this sensitive information on your phone how do we combat that i'll tell you how dumb express vpn that is an app that re-roots your internet connection through their secure servers so your isp can't see the sites that you visit yeah expressvpn also keeps all your information secure by encrypting 100 of your data with the most powerful encryption available so you know that whoever you've got your internet with 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funky for you is that funky this week john it's you that's gonna uh proffer up a song right yeah so this song it has about four four kind of relevant uh pieces as to the show which i'll kind of let you figure out please do you want me to name the song now or played first yeah let's name this song so in lieu of this quiz bombing even though it didn't i chose tom wait's bad as me album and the song chicago now i know tom waits i don't know this song well he loves chicago let's do it [Music] well that well that was an adventure that's certainly funky how do you feel about tom uh not york although we'll talk about that later but tom waits as an artist i love him fantastic isn't it yeah i think he's very brilliant and honest and you know whenever i'm in the studio recording with him no with myself or with the band bee cake whenever we think are we being too weird putting this noise on we'll always go let's listen to tom yeah yeah and you're like listen to how weird that is i think we can you know hit a dog with a tree for sure and that will be okay and his voice over the years has gone from you know uh quite a melodious melodious lovely molasses type voice to now i think melodious is wrong yeah i think that means a very stenchy fish so what was the word i was looking a for with melody is there a melodious it seems as though it should be right i'm i make up my own words sometimes i think that's good shakespeare did that as well you and shakespeare are very similar it's true actually um brilliant that was funky for me i'm gonna say on a scale of brahms to prince i'm gonna say that's the rolling stones very good i would say that was very good you absolutely you you won our respect in the quiz and then you've only just upped that respect with that song it was wonderful and i'll put that up there with the specials oh that's funky yes that is funky he's meant to he's my brother's favorite artist tom waits and i think he's a good actor brilliant great performances and a chameleon as well he's great hey dom i think it's time that we go back and finish off our little chat with elijah wood i don't see why not because you're interesting but you're more interesting when elijah's around i hear you dog so why don't we do that but guys if you want to get in touch with us remember you can email us the friendship on you at castmedia.com that's cass with a k you can send us a voice note yes please send us a voice note to what is it www.speakpipe.com.com forward slash the friendship onion and also billy and i've been asking you for a long time now if you rate and reviewers and you're really proud of that review take a screenshot a screen grab or a screenshot of that review send it to billy and i on our social media page maybe we'll put it up on our social media page maybe we'll read it out on the show next year yeah there's some really nice reviews and like interesting reviews as well so and i know we haven't been very good at explaining how you do it but once you write the review take a screenshot of it stick it on your instagram and tag us in it and then we'll re-throw it back up or we'll read some out on here i don't know how you do it on spotify but i'm sure it's there but i think it's easier to leave reviews on the apple podcast section there was a lovely review this week that said i think dominic monahan is the most handsome man in the world and i thought yeah thanks mum i left that one night oh bills thanks don't worry about it guys we're going back to elijah wood and we'll see you all next week bye toodles lies do i read this question from nick m in november nova scotia canada were any of you aware or had you seen peter jackson's horror films upon or prior to being cast in uh to being cast that a live basket case no that would be um he didn't he didn't make basket case he made um brain dead well get alive is brain so dead bad taste bad taste i think he's thinking of bad taste yes frighteners did you wonder how he'd approach lord of the rings with that type of background have you seen those films what did you think um i had seen the frighteners and heavenly creatures same and i think i i watched brain dead um in new zealand and oh what's the puppet film uh meet the fields [ __ ] but prior it was the frighteners and um heavenly creatures and based on those two things i remember very distinctly hearing about the announcement that the movies were being made which was probably 1997 that they actually announced that he was he was embarking on the journey and it took that time to get it all all up and running and i remember thinking oh man that makes so much sense because of the mixture of fantasy and and human drama storytelling in heavenly creatures specifically i thought oh that's so perfect because that is a you know there is a world a fantasy world that's present in those characters minds that they sort of live and exist in yeah that was so beautifully realized that mario lanza world yeah but then also the the the sort of pathos and the the human drama of it was so real and grounded it just yeah i just remember thinking about him and going oh man i love that film what he'll do with lord of the rings makes sense how i thought that oh yeah what about you yeah i'd saw most of them actually and the one that sticks in my mind i'm slightly older than you guys and uh when i was growing up and video recorders came out vhs and you had to go and rent a movie yeah and the local store would have a few and there was only about four or five movies and for some reason bad taste was one of them oh wow it was bad taste the warriors wow the wild bunch and i think that that basically that all the movies that this store had what a trick you would basically take one out you know every week so for some reason and i don't know why that was one of the vhs movies that was you know in circulation because excuse me the video cover of bad taste had a very iconic cover it was the alien yeah that's the middle finger that's right it kind of scared me when i was a kid i was just like whoa that's the box yeah yeah that looks a little crazy i watched beverly creatures once i got to new zealand i'd seen the frighteners didn't know it was pete jackson watched meet the feebles when i was in new zealand oh yeah and i was a little bit in the same headspace as you i was like right okay so a frankenstein of all of those three i can make sense of and especially heavenly creatures yeah yeah i was like wow there's some real gravitas to it a grandness you know have you guys seen the new kate winslet detective thing on here mayor of eastern i haven't seen it yet it's great that's what i've heard yeah she's great she's incredible she just has that magic thing with great actors where you never see the acting she's just she's just being you know she really is and melanie linsky too yeah oh my god i mean both of them i think it was their first feature film melanie i think had never acted in anything how was that she was local melanie's from new zealand you were there on another project right yeah i've worked with her twice i worked with her on an animated show called beyond um over the garden wall right and then we made a movie together uh called um i don't feel at home in this world anymore which is brilliant i love that film do you know where i saw that i saw that in pete jackson's house did you yeah that's crazy they'd watched it the night before him and fran and we were looking for a movie to watch and said oh let's watch elijah's movie it's great and i loved it your performance to that is brilliant yes thank you so wonderful it's constantly put up in the netflix kind of critics pics like when they do that little section that movie's in there oh that's lovely yeah that's really cool guys yes should we listen to voicemails from people around the planet well you get voicemails from people around the planet yeah it's like technology we use if you want to leave a voicemail you can do that at www dot speak pipe forward slash the friendship onion that's really cool it's cool right so let's let's uh hear what people are saying to us this week hopefully not abuse so say for instance you you must be on the podcast next week uh elijah or the week after i could leave you a voicemail yeah if you could yeah oh i will yeah good great all right let's see hey there i'm really excited to hear this podcast i think you guys both have great chemistry in one of the appendices dom you mentioned seeing elijah wood tumbling down three flights of stairs i think billy you mentioned that the irony is that his eyes don't really work very well i was wondering if you could elaborate more on that story and also a little bit more on how bad elijah's eyesight is if there are any other stories regarding that i just thought it was really funny but yeah thanks so much for listening to this and i'm excited to listen to the podcast take care bye oh it's such a lovely message well this is so that was so strange because we were just talking about this obviously falling yeah i seem to recall we were in camperdown studios or it might have been stone street i think it was stone street i can't remember what we're doing but you were in front of me and you were looking over your shoulder talking to me and you kind of just missed a step and tumbled a little bit but trying to regain your footing down those stairs and we were laughing and i was like oh you're okay elijah and you're like yeah i'm okay and you kind of like bounced up and then as we turn the corner to the next set of stairs you either did it on purpose or it happened again and you jumped up like a cat it was crazy it sounds like i did it on purpose first bit maybe not yeah that sounds genuinely like i was losing my footing but the second one yeah cause i i i loved and still do love pratfalls um i actually took you know the stair so the the first hotel that we stayed at where they they put us up before we ended up getting accommodations was it the ten points the ducks the ducks they've since changed the name of it i think it's now a different hotel but it was the duxton then nice one yeah uh and i remember intentionally because it had that when you walked in the lobby it was a high high high ceilings because there was a mezzanine that you could walk up to there's a big staircase off to the right that would wound around to the mezzanine area and i remember taking those stairs and intentionally prep falling down those stairs wow brilliant about halfway down yeah but you were very difficult to hurt i remember once i don't mean emotionally but um you i remember busy that hurt emotionally like physically now i remember we were somewhere at this sort of seaside because the sea was there and there was a beach and you jumped over the wall which was like this height you know uh on to the beach but not knowing that the other side was like a 15 foot fall and you just landed and laughed and i remember thinking when i looked over the wall i was like oh my god he could have killed himself and you didn't know it wasn't you just jumped over and you were all right yeah yeah it was you're quite incredible how you can't hurt yourself i think it's that thing though when your body knows what's gonna happen it right braces for the fall which is actually very dangerous so they often say that that drunk drivers walk away from a lot of accidents because their bodies don't brace and you get injured by bracing because you're holding you know you're waiting for something to happen and you go stiff and that is what actually causes injury so having not known what was on the other side was probably to my benefit because i pushed because it was sand that helped yeah because you did recently take a tumble and hurt yourself didn't you yeah about two years ago um uh we my girlfriend and i lived in a place near downtown that was a sort of an industrial building it was a loft space and i uh she was away we were actually running a film festival out of our house just for our friends called the fortnight friend film festival um just movies that we had never seen and we just didn't like programmed it invited friends over and it was kind of an open door policy so anyway i i just watched um butch cassidy and the sundance kid and i was on a break between films um can i just interject yeah at the end of butch cassidy and the sundance kid they both take a massive leap and ultimately die they do yeah that's really that's interesting i had not put those two things together yeah so go on sorry finish watching the film um and i was sitting outside on a break at about two hours before the next film was supposed to start and i thought oh you know i haven't changed the air filters in the ac units in quite some time random i'll just use this time so i climbed up to the roof and the property had uh or has a sort of corrugated plastic roof material over some plants that lets sunlight through and i just hadn't been up there in a long time and instead of walking along the roof line that was solid roofing i walked in a diagonal and crossed over that corrugated plastic which of course didn't hold my weight instantly fell through so i stepped over fell through to concrete below about 15 feet when you say concrete you mean another floor no it was the it was the ground it was a concrete concrete floor yeah and uh i yeah at a small hip fracture dislocated my left hand from my wrist broke a small bone in my left hand which is actually miraculous considering the fall the length that i fell i mean if i'd fallen wrong if i'd hit my head you know did you make enough noise that people at the film festival knew that something had happened to you nobody was there so were you like help i was alone so it was a it was a wild series of events fell knew i would like you know as soon as i felt the plastic from underneath me buckle i thought okay that's it you know your brain immediately goes i'm falling so that happened and then i fell landed and immediately took stock kind of oh my dude okay okay all right up my left hand is dislocated and like it was like out here oh i can't move that that's not good gonna need help for that i need to call 9-1-1 i need to go to the hospital this is obviously not something i'm going to walk away from so i had my phone in my pocket that i'd fallen on but managed to not destroy my phone called 9-1-1 i then had a cigarette nice in a kind of i was in shock clearly in shock i didn't feel any pain yet right um so i had a cigarette kind of like calm my nerves down because my my adrenaline was really going i then called my girlfriend and tried to sound as extremely as calm as i possibly could so it's not to scare her yeah and of course i didn't sound as calm as i thought i did uh and i stayed on the line with her until i got outside and saw the ambulance so i could tell her where where we were heading at what hospital um so were you kind of hopping because you fractured i was i was kind of limping yeah the the hip fracture i could even hear like a little clicking in my because i'd actually dislocated part of my thigh muscle from my hip that had to be reattached in surgery but the real pain it is our bodies are so resilient i don't know if you've had any extensive injuries like that but like when you break a bone and you have that kind of injury your body goes into self-preservation mode and you don't you legitimately don't feel anything yeah massive amount of endorphins for a while and then it started to kick in when i got to the hospital they gave me some uh they gave me fentanyl at the once i got into the ambulance which scared me because um you know there's obviously a fair amount of deaths associated with abusive fentanyl and they're like no no it's i mean we have a medical graduate now we know the dosage like okay great um but once i got to the hospital it started to come on the pain by the time that my girlfriend had gotten there actually it just started rising and that was intense then they had to they had to reset my left wrist to my my left hand to my wrist and in order to do that they said we're going to give you ketamine and we're going to give you a fair amount of ketamine that is that will disassociate you from the moment you won't be aware of what's happening but you will be awake i thought okay they gave me the the ketamine and that sent me into this like it was such a trip man i don't know if you've ever had ketamine a k-hole it is like a slightly different dimension of what you're in now currently yeah and it felt a little scary slightly i remember feeling it was like a little dystopian a little creepy um i remember i literally said it's like i'm in a jodorowsky film it was scary yeah anyway wow and did you change the filters didn't make it to the filters no i think i actually fell with one of the filters in my hand probably saved you yeah put it under your head there you go and then what was the other thing it was about elijah's eyesight your eyes you wear contact lenses your eyes are quite bad aren't they yeah and they're probably worse now than they were then but yeah oh i mean i i can't see anything i'm nearsighted so i remember being astounded in new zealand when you told me that you didn't change your contact lenses just back then i didn't yeah back then i wore lenses i would wear them a month at a time and that was a that was at a time where you weren't supposed to right yeah was it just the mornings were hard my eyes became so resilient i remember the very first time i slept in them i was probably 10 or 11 years of age and it was impossibly painful i accidentally slept in them woke up and my eyes were sort of welded shut and it was extremely extremely painful but then after that my eyes just were so resilient and i would wear now i take them out every night and i wear i wear um dailies so i don't have to clean them and i don't have to deal with solution i just put them pop them in throw them away at night but the irony is now you there are types of contact lenses that you can wear for a month at a time sure back then there weren't you could well you've got to clean them and all that don't you is that you did you just kept them in i never just slept in them and then you'd have like 10 minutes of yeah just like a little crustiness in the morning and away we go crazy yeah the only thing about the ones that you throw away apparently in the ocean now a lot of fish are wearing them i don't need them right because i was going to say yeah if it was a fish that's long-sighted great fantastic opportunity in life three or four times i can see oh you guys is that a shark and it can get out of the way i can see the plankton i can read the newspaper without needing to guys we're going to run out of time here come on we're going to have to invite you back i got to come back yeah you got to come back we'll should we do should we eat the world right as you probably know bill and dom eat the world where we eat things from different places in the world yeah that they might be known for a certain type of food let's eat the world let's do that i'd actually done a little song for this oh go on johnny you're coming in with the oh our illustrious producer john is coming in with uh napkins and forks and stuff so if someone wants to slap some drum and bass on this maybe sample it i can't really i can't base thing not you i mean the the people back home when they listen to this okay it's half it's a half-finished song sometimes it's a waffle one time it's a plum eating the world eating the world eating the world with billy and dom and elijah hey we'll put a larger parenthesis there that's great that was very good you know very good put some bpms on there maybe a symbol right elijah do you want to be the the do the honors sure as they say what have we got here ladies and gentlemen elijah's girlfriend who he has a child with is from denmark wonderful country and i have been informed that in denmark one of their traditional dishes pickled herring we can we can translate for you a pickled herring you see pickled herring oh we've got plates here and balls oh i was so excited i don't think it's something that should be served in a bowl no it shouldn't it should be more of a saucer thank you sir um oh it's got a it's strong oh i'll tell you what there's a scent to a pickled herring there is it there's a bowl billy give us a bowl there's three you've got three of them oh god you threw them over no you didn't ready yeah it's coming like a frisbee yeah and there's one for lunch yeah i'll take that oh i love that thank you elijah welcome thank you what apologies here he comes apology acceptance that i will leave behind um this is the kind of thing you wouldn't bring on a flight is it no no so uh pickled herring is not necessarily specific to denmark very scandinavian though scandinavian um but this is sort of an approximation of small smarbro which is uh essentially oh i think actually the smart means buttered i believe bread and bro bro it's very difficult to pronounce danish is bread so it's anything red all right so and so it's basically so this is i brought um a danish rye that i've that i've pre-sliced for this well thank you um and you know in denmark there are restaurants that are devoted to just this thing very very traditional it's almost like a danish taco the idea is you have the the traditional rye bread and anything can go on top from fried fish to vegetables whatever combination that you can think of obviously herring is a very traditional little shrimps little prawns i've seen that yeah sure they eat a lot of that around there don't they hold on guys there's a now i would say you could describe the smell more as a stench than a smell would that be accurate there's a there's a stench well as i see you it's pickled fish isn't it it is pickle fish certainly pickled fish elijah's fire hold on hang on all right get as close to the microphone when you're eating it we need the mastication is very important oh yeah i mean oh and you would you would you would traditionally have this with schnapps or aquavit aquavit yeah yeah it's vinegary it's fishy fishy i'm loving it hold on i'm going to have another goal because it's quite a shock on your first bite elijah yeah we're going to give you the categories in which we rate these things so that you can have a thing the first one you're right bills i'm already stuck man and you too oh my throat billy's been suffering from throat issues today i'm quite worried about him i'm just worried that i was i was going to get some hair in the lung quite hard to get out of there once it's in so we rate we rate our eating the world based on taste out of ten billy i always forget the other two um um taste out of ten taste out of ten also um aesthetics ah the look the feel the vibe whatever okay the whole ambiance of it all and also um the usefulness yeah flexibility like a flexibility almost fullness yeah yeah of this thing like can i use this is this going to come in handy these were billies these were billy's categories billy would you like if you're in the house and you'd pickle herring right and all you've got and a bagel some crackers and a piece of cheese would you think to yourself that's useful right now yeah or um you know how useful is it in the house when you don't have a lot of other stuff you know at one point yeah i do at one point at one point we're probably going to do marmite because you know ma might such as yeah now marmite's fantastic it's not necessarily useful honestly here's a question when it comes to marmite and vegemite where do you stand i'm a marmite guy right vegemite's australian is it is it that's that's the distinction yeah but it also and new zealand isn't it yeah new zealand do their own version of marmite and their own version of vegemite but we're the original we england created the original right wasn't it an accident yeah i think it was born out of the beer making industry right the dregs of yeast right and they recognized that there was a flavor to that that was really good and they packaged it with your girlfriend being danish do you eat a lot of scandinavian danish type food there's not a lot in los angeles true it's the problem um do you know soccer bit oh my god are you on the third street in the sweet show yeah come on incredible oh yeah by the pound buy the pounds it's actually very good for your pickled herrings you know is it yeah because of these omega-3s and also your vitamin d3 that's right yeah so um lots of omegas omega three maybe omega-6 which are probably very good yeah very good for you fish is very good for you very good for you what else do you know about pickled herring i'm just looking now i'm cheating do you know anything i'm cheating here at home hang on i'm going to read a little piece here pickled herring especially brined herring it's common in russia and ukraine where elijah and i have both word where it is served cut into pieces seasoned with sunflower oil and onions like this yeah or can be part of herring salads such as dressed herring there's also a lot of dill dill is pretty prevalent in a lot of scandinavian food as well how was sweden i'd really liked that do you guys and see these sort of russian sort of uh states i i was doing i was uh working over in lithuania wow and i was i was in the hotel and i went down for breakfast and the first day i was there i had the normal breakfast eggs whatever blah blah and then it was the second day over in the corner there was something and i thought what is that there and i took a walk over to this ice mountain caveat like honestly ten different types of caviar for breakfast breakfast what do you think what do you want with the little little pancakes cheese cream all this stuff oh elijah i couldn't sleep at night but thinking about getting up for this caveat salty though salty love it so good for you as well and then the waiter would come over would you like eggs no i don't want eggs have you seen the mountain over there of caviar i'll be eating that until i'm sick [Applause] and it was fantastic and it was free and it was well it was your breakfast that was just your breakfast because caviar is very expensive not in lithuania wow they'll serve you that like it's a boiled egg i love the caviar scene in in big you know where he tries it for the first time oh it's great back to the pickled herring we've got to give it marks out of 30. so that's separated into three ten and ten i got it do you want me to go first to give you an idea of how we go about this yeah you can give you can do decimal points okay i didn't know that until last week he put an eight point four and i didn't you're like oh we're doing decimal points yeah i don't know why we didn't make it 100 anyway good point taste i'm giving it an 8.2 nice because it's high in taste it's delicious but it's a shock the first time you bite into it yeah so that took off a point straight away yeah you've got to be ready for it maybe the stench is what helps you get ready i like the shock i find it quite refreshing i was like oh i didn't expect it to be that strong right check the sale by date yeah i thought but i carried on yeah for looks i'm not going to give a high on looks other than i like how dense it is yeah the denseness is good so i'm only going to give that a 6.2 and for usefulness it's not that useful no i'm not going to put it on a pizza no no no no i mean not very versatile it's not versatile yeah you're not going to stir it into soup no no no no no you eat it with a hard brown bread yeah which is the only other flavor that will go with it yeah so i'm going to have to give it a three point six okay versatility yeah fair enough fair enough large all right uh i'd say a nine for flavor it's superb i love it tasty i love it i love all things pickled though i love i love briny pickley things sweet and otherwise um what's the next one appearance appearance appearance i mean it's not the most aesthetically beautiful food no it's the bastard child of pickled fish i'd say a seven maybe a seven yeah i mean think of some beauty think of some japanese food that you may have had sure some sushi i mean they've taken the same fish at some point i will say and they've made it look prey it's true i will say a proper small bow if you were to get it in a restaurant might be more beautiful yeah um i'm getting better at it usefulness i gotta go low on usefulness yeah this is a difficult one but we're keeping it yeah we'll keep it i think um here's the thing that's that that makes it more useful okay is that you can uh you don't have to cook it the preparation is that you right out of the jar uh-huh you can eat it so so you can have it on a car journey i feel like it's more useful than yeah maybe you can have it in your glass this is a 4.7 yeah from what large is saying there potentially and bear with me for a second it's wonderful bear with me for a second you could put a jar of pickled herring in your glove box and then while you're driving you could ask the passenger to pass it over to you and hopefully open it for you so you don't have to do it yourself and then as you're driving down the motorway you could just drink drink it and then i got a big bit in there do you remember speaking of this reminds me of pickled onions do you remember who used to eat a lot of pickled onions is it our friend mark no on the set of lord of the rings oh peter jackson loves her pickled onions onions and cheese and cubes of cheese and then you come over really close to you and you go i want you to be really scared in this moment and you go i am i'm scared of your breath pete get away it's awful it's awful i love him too i love him can i tell you what my favorite pickle is of all time because they do them here the pickled hot chili peppers you know the the yellow banana peppers great oh that in the morning come on come on so good not as good as a pickled onion though love it chips two pickled onions so good lovely yeah i'm getting into the chips i love sauerkraut as well oh i love salad and the sauerkraut juice i will drink yeah it's supposed to be very good for a hangover i'm gonna give my scores taste yes i'm just getting a bit off the back of my tooth there yeah 9.2 oh it's up there i loved it i absolutely loved it looks i'm with you guys i'm gonna say it a one point seven that's nice pretty that's an ugly thing i think the taste the taste could stop you from trying it if you weren't brave like we were the look the look i'm sorry the look and then usefulness yeah uh i'll be charitable 3.5 right okay it's not that yes i loved it though i absolutely love it there's a place in copenhagen that next time you're there uh you should go it's an institution i think it's like a hundred years old this place called chinaman's and it's not easy to get every time we've we've been we couldn't manage to get a table and we finally got a table this last trip which just was just before lockdown so the last time i was in denmark i was there with you almost yes we almost we almost saw your show and we had to go yeah yeah wow so yeah we managed to go to shenandoah i just thought you were sneezing it is incredible it's that is their specialty and it's every variety of of small blood that you can think of it's awesome so awesome i could go that right now that's so good do you guys not think because we're gonna finish and like schnapps oh my god oh schnapps like dill aquavid and all these different flavors of aquavit so good yeah i lived in sweden for like nine months oh i love sweden and our friend jason came over and we did an an absolutely no expenses spared smorgasbord which took like four or five hours and it was incredible awesome i know you have to go live and we'll have you come back whenever you want because we've got so much to talk about and we didn't touch upon anything but very quickly do you guys not think it's really interesting that how long have you been married bills uh don't get in trouble with your eyes for god's sake 13 years what year is it here 2021 21 10 11 12. you've been 11 you've been married for 12 years you've got a 15 year old son elijah you've been with your girlfriend for how long five years you've got a 20 month old son but the gay rumors are still kind of circulating around with the three of us do you know is that true here well i do this q a on instagram yeah and you know there's questions all right i see that on your on your stories or whatever yeah guaranteed at least i would say ten questions we just saw one are you gay are you an elijah gay are you and billy married you your answer actually was really sweet your answer was well considering the fact that you know both bill and elijah are fathers and you know uh like you know yeah like work with the science here someone asked me someone asked me is billy's son also your son and i was like well how does that even buy allegedly work well it's questions doesn't it do you know what i mean questions i think it's probably because we're all together yeah yeah we're just closer [Music] i know you have to leave live what about the um is there a music thing oh we've got do you want if you get time for the music thing should we do the music thing this is a new thing this is a new regular feature of the show inspired by elijah jordan wood because you're such a big fan of music called funky for you where we we ask our guest or someone that phones into the show to pick 10 seconds of a song and we ask is that funky for you for you so elijah what have you picked for us i have picked the opening 10 seconds of a song called halalua by can the german cat rock band can let's do it pump it up chris let's hear it i know you're not called chris john [Music] how are we we've not even talked about how we're gonna rate these schools we don't it's because we don't even know this is uncharted territory play that again i liked it so much player good job here we go i like that drum is extraordinary it's an 18-minute song get the heck out 18 minutes uh there's a single edit on on 45 uh that's three just under four minutes and that's that's what i've dj'd with that it's so great because it just condenses the best bits into it like a little less than four minutes but yeah it's an 18 minute song it's so good i think i'd suggest it to you that maybe we rate it the funk basedness of it on brahms at the lower level of funk because we all know that brahms was an extraordinary musician but i don't think anyone would describe him as a funky music name and at the very top did we say prince what princess funky prince is the funk and we can go anything in between for me i enjoyed that very much i love it as the start of a song which is very important so i'm glad that you took the start of a song elijah and that really drew me in as you see the drummond tape tastes tight and then when that came in with i liked it i liked a lot i'm going to say that was very funky yeah but do you want to mention a musician based on the rate of the funk i mean it's up there as with you as with james brown nice that's james brown james brown funky wow that is that's really getting up there funky i was going to say early jimi hendrix funk okay funky yeah there's a little bit of room to go yeah large i would put this in the um i would put this in the early the early parliament funkadelic fund oh it's a deep cut i know it's a deep cut it's very fun yeah funkadelic i would say i love it yeah early funkadelic it's made me want to listen to the rest of it same so that's good i think yeah yeah it's a real hook those drums are amazing anyone out there if you want to suggest 10 seconds of music to us get in touch on our voicemail or you can email us the friendship onion at castmedia.com that's cass with the k and it's fun this notion of 10 seconds is so rad too because there are bits in songs excuse me that that otherwise aren't funky but it breaks down into something funky yes for instance at the end of optimistic before it goes into tree fingers is that what it is yeah um there's there's a little breakdown like it goes funky for like 10 seconds and then it goes into another thing and just to clarify for anyone out there that wants to play that was a radiohead by the way radiohead just to clarify for anyone out there that wants to play along this it doesn't necessarily just need to be funk of course james brown is funky and prince is funky and parliament are funky but radiohead can be funky exactly uh the beatles can be funky uh macy gray can be funky there's a whole bunch of things that make you jump up and down oh man i mean the opening of um speaking of the beatles um sergeant peppers sergeant pepper reprise free press oh we used to do a monster monster yeah that is a smash oh well i remember talking to you people are like ringo is [ __ ] off he's an amazing ringo is incredible amazing remember we had talked about in new zealand the break i think it's the middle eight type vibe break in pump up the volume by mars there's a funky break in that which is just incredible i can't i can't recall it but um yeah watchman watch him do it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there you go um lars you have to go i gotta go i'm gonna ask one more question and it's kind of a one-word answer and this will be the thing that will slay the two of you ready you have to pick you're on a desert island and you have to pick the entire back catalogue of either one of these three bends or musicians prince david bowie or radiohead who are you gonna pick and this will end the show i know that's really hard i know prince prince really yeah and it's yeah i mean it goes without saying like radiohead or it's it's a tough call i would go david bowie and i don't think we need to explain ourselves let's just leave it like that prince will you come back i would love to we did yeah i feel like we've only we barely scratched the surface we scrolled through probably less than a third of the show and i wanted to is that your is that your series of notes i wanted to ask you about being famous usb what does that mean well i just just the fact that the three of us have been famous for more than half of our life so the idea of being famous to us is so kind of just it will it's just who we are type thing i wanted to swim through those murky depths but we didn't get there we will we oh we'll get there we did the bowie prince thing i wanted to talk about are those jelly beans on your on your socks they are look at that thank you jelly bean sauce oh i have one more thing this is i have to tell you this all right otherwise my my parents will kill me at one point you had post this is years ago you had posted on facebook so sad to be leaving austin i look forward to being back there soon and my dad whose name is austin had written to you on that same feed and said oh elijah i didn't know that you cared and he didn't write back which is fine because you didn't see it it is i think my dad's favorite joke of all time that's a great job he said can you please ask elijah if it resonated and i said to my dad this morning i don't even think elijah saw it so no because if i had i think you would have written absolutely written so sad to be leaving austin talking about my favorite jokes ever another question i was going to ask you but we'll get around to it next time is will you wear wigs oh we should have done and and we'll again we'll we'll break that down at another point live it's been great to see you this has been so good you guys wonderful so fun we'll see you next week guys goodbye you
Channel: The Friendship Onion
Views: 315,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Friendship Onion, Billy Boyd, Dom Monaghan, Lord of the Rings, Merry Brandybuck, Pippin Took, Elijah Wood
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 48sec (4428 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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