Self-Powered Oxygen Machine Tutorial (SPOM) | Oxygen Not Included

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welcome back to Echo Ridge where today we're going to learn all about the self-powered oxygen machine in fact by the time we're done you're gonna be able to build one of these but before we can start with that monstrosity we need to learn everything we can about the electrolyzer in this tutorial we're going to be taking a bottom-up approach we're going to be learning about the basics of the electrolyzer and then we're going to take a look at a few simple spawns or self-powered oxygen machines and that way we gain all the knowledge to be able to build the Behemoth you just saw now an electrolyzer which is actually one of the buildings based in reality takes water and turns it into two components oxygen and hydrogen specifically it can take up to 1 000 grams or one kilo per second of Clean Water requires 120 watts and what we're given on the other side is 888 grams per second of oxygen 112 grams per second of hydrogen and a little bit of heat as a note the electrolyzer is an industrial machine now out of all the basic information we just learned about the electrolyzer I want you to commit to memory to figures one kilo per second of clean water and 888 grams per second of oxygen and the reason why we care so much about that oxygen number is because every duplicant consumes 100 grams per second of oxygen knowing that we can surmise that when an electrolyzer is properly set up we will be able to support 8.88 duplicants with all their oxygen needs keep in mind some duplicants are mouth breathers and consume more oxygen for a safe bet though we typically round this down to 800 grams per second to make it nice and easy remember every electrolyzer can support eight duplicates I also asked you to commit to memory the water requirement and the reason why is because the amount of oxygen the electrolyzer produces is 100 a correlation of how much water you're feeding it and what I mean by that is if you're only feeding your electrolyzer 500 grams second of water in other words half you're only gonna get half as much oxygen out on the other side or 444 grams per second so keep this in mind after you get done analyzing all your vents and geysers for instance this steam vent here only provides us with an average output of 458.8 grams per second which means it wouldn't even be able to provide half the water required for this electrolyzer to produce its maximum amount of oxygen alright all this makes sense so far let's see it in action the first small system we're going to look at is this one right here I know I know it's very basic and rudimentary but like I said baby steps in building blocks what we're looking at here is an axious bomb it's an almost spawn and the reason why I say that is because in order for an oxygen producing system to be fully considered a spawn it needs to be a hundred percent self power this is almost self-powered and there's a specific reason why but this is a great place to start our electrolyzer has a 4 full pipe of nice and clean water coming in the electrolyzer is then taking that water and turning it into hydrogen and oxygen now because hydrogen is a lighter gas it rises to the top oxygen being heavier tends to sink to the bottom we can use those mechanics to our advantage although this system in itself doesn't truly do that we have two gas pumps one at the top of the system the idea being that it will be taking most of the hydrogen out and one at the bottom of the system with the idea that it's going to be taking mostly oxygen out but because we don't have any checks and balances in here we sort of have oxygen and hydrogen going everywhere mostly the hydrogen does rise but we still get some oxygen here and for that reason in this specific system we use a gas filter it is set to filter out all the hydrogen and it takes all that hydrogen and it feeds it to a wonderful hydrogen generator a hydrogen generator then pumps all its power into the battery which is keeping this whole system going but because it is an almost bomb and not a full spawn we have a manual generator here to help out whenever the jumbo battery runs out of power now there's a couple of reasons why the hydrogen's not sitting at the top and the oxygen is at the bottom because we're using a gas filter notice that sometimes this pump has to stop and wait for this pump and vice versa additionally because we learned the basics of an electrolyzer we know that the electrolyzer produces almost eight times more oxygen than it does hydrogen hence the reason why there's enough oxygen pressure in here that it rises to the top because there's not enough hydrogen here to keep it sort of stable additionally even though this electrolyzer is being provided it's one kilo a second worth of water we're not getting a hundred percent throughput on that oxygen and there's a couple of reasons why first we need to remember that a single gas pump can only remove 500 grams per second but a more primary reason is because of the use of the gas filter the gas filter just has limits especially in this setup because it has to pause and filter out the hydrogen and can't just provide a steady flow of oxygen and we can validate that shortfall by using a gas meter valve now the gas meter valve is being used a little bit differently but long story short we're only allowing 0.88 kilos to go through per second or 888 grams per second which is the exact amount we're supposed to be getting out of that electrolyzer considering how much water we're feeding it but notice every once in a while the packets are a little bit smaller than 888 grams and that has to do with the sort of limitation of this system but despite the Simplicity and the flaws in this design it's still providing a fair bit of oxygen so if you're just looking for a basic system to run that you can build quick fast in a hurry yeah still don't build this one but for Simplicity and to make sure everybody knows how to build this we're going to go through our overlays on each one of our designs here's the power overlay as a reminder you don't actually need the gas meter valve we just used it as a part of an experiment there's the plumbing there's the gas pipes and that's really it the next system we're going to look at is virtually identical save for one upgrade and that would be the use of a smart battery in our previous example one of the reasons why this is so inefficient is because you can see that the hydrogen generator is going to be producing power no matter how much power is in the jumbo battery we can get a little bit more efficient by the use of a smart battery we have the smart battery connected to the hydrogen generator using an automation wire and the battery set at 90 60 which means the battery will send out a green signal if its power level is below 60 percent and it'll send out a red signal once it gets back up to 90. and what this does is provides us a small backlog of hydrogen now this design too while better than the almost spawn is still not completely self-powered we can call this one the nearly self-powered oxygen machine every once in a while a duplicate is going to have to come in here and help out the hydrogen generator the only other change in this system is the use of a couple Bridges in the almost bomb we never have to worry about this entire pipe getting full of hydrogen because it's so inefficient this one if dupes get bored long enough there is a small chance that the hydrogen would back all the way up especially if you didn't have enough gas pipes to store all the hydrogen so we put in an overflow system that if the hydrogen gets all the way back up to here it'll jump across this bridge and it's sent to a hydrogen generator that's only responsibility is just burning off the extra hydrogen now in this case it's only lighting up a lamp but you could very easily link this up to a power grid and I know this looks a little complicated so I'm going to expand upon it using this design here it's the same thing once hydrogen is all backed up on this line here the hydrogen will then bypass the bridge and go down this direction so now it makes it a little bit easier to see with the hydrogen coming through here at a system like this using two Bridges allows us to simplify this sort of pipe run alright so this is all great Echo we've seen the almost spawn we've seen the nearly spawn can we finally get to the actual spawn I mean it was in the thumbnail Yes except there's one more thing I want to show you with this one too one of the issue with these systems is heat as you can see by the surrounding area these systems create a lot of heat first we know the electrolyzer produces 1250 dtus worth of heat every single second but not only that the smart battery produces heat 500 dtus per second the hydrogen generator produces 4 000 dtus per second and if you're using the very basic setup a jumbo batteries producing 1250 dtus per second we're also making it worse because we have manual airlocks here considering that we probably never have to get back into here we could help this issue out by instead of using a door here just insulated out but that's only a little bit of the heat we're still gonna get a lot of heat production coming out of the hydrogen generator and the smart battery so let's head off to our first real spawn and see how we can solve this issue too allow me to introduce you to our first 100 self-powered oxygen machine now this system's not running yet and it's because I wanted to walk you through what it takes to get one of these systems running so you know what to expect we have one full pipe worth of clean water coming in because there's two electrolyzers we know that we have a maximum throughput of 1776 grams of oxygen per second which is just 888 times two this is also the first system we're taking a look at that has two gas pumps on the bottom and one gas pump in the middle and we'll see why here in a few moments its entire power grid is self-contained and we even have the hydrogen overflow system built right in but because there's no power coming from the outside world in we're gonna have to do something to sort of kick start this whole thing you could either connect it to your main power grid or is a convenient little spot right here or a manual generator when a duplicate comes and Powers up this system by running on the wheel we're gonna see one of the problems of starting up this system and you can probably surmise what it's going to be for the first time there's actually no gas filter and considering this whole area is full of oxygen we know that this is going to get some damage because you can't feed oxygen to a hydrogen generator so you have a couple of options one just wait for it to happen and keep repairing the hydrogen generator or separate the line out to start with and put it into a gas Reservoir in this case we're going to do the non-eco ridge gaming method and play it smart because as you can see right now this gas Reservoir only has oxygen in it whereas otherwise all of that oxygen would be damaging this hydrogen generator but what we're looking for before we can disconnect this gas Reservoir is a solid stream of hydrogen and that's going to take a small amount of time in order for this whole system to stabilize the long and short of it though is all the hydrogen is going to rise and sit here and we're going to prevent all of it from being suctioned out by the gas pump by use of an automation sensor but if we wait long enough you'll end up with an equilibrium that looks a little bit like this notice the oxygen is staying down here and the hydrogen is staying up here preventing this gas pump from intaking any Oxygen in order to make this happen we needed to set the bottom Atmos sensors at above 600 grams and the top one at above 250 grams but now that we know we're only getting hydrogen in this line we can reconnect it and dispose of our gas Reservoir but after we do that we'll now have enough hydrogen where the hydrogen generator can take over the power responsibilities for the entire system and just to prove that fact we'll go ahead and deconstruct this manual generator and while we let this run I want to highlight a couple of important facts to learn about using a spawn and it has to do with gas pressure notice every once in a while there's gas vents getting over pressurized because well there's just too much oxygen in the atmosphere the great thing about this system is when that happens the gas pumps just stopped working well I like this fact just by separating The Gas Pipe and now that the gas pipe is completely full the gas pumps cannot pull out any more oxygen and because electrolyzers have a maximum gas pressure they'll stop producing oxygen and hydrogen and with none of these devices consuming power the hydrogen generator doesn't have to run and it just sort of puts the whole system at a standstill but as soon as we need more oxygen the whole system starts running again and it never loses equilibrium there is one use case where you will break your spawn or at least have to provide more external power let's hypothetically say we didn't need oxygen for a long time maybe this was a backup system which means these electrolyzers would stop producing oxygen nitrogen just like we saw earlier and there'd be no power consumption so the hydrogen generator would stop running which means the battery would stop charging and that'd be fine for a while but remember even smart batteries have a small power lead so if you don't provide it with just a smidge of hydrogen every once in a while the whole system will run out of power and then you'll have to kick start it again just like we did earlier with the manual generator but now let's continue the conversation that we started with our nearly spawn and that's one to do with heat look at all of the heat spilling out into the environment additionally look how hot our chamber in here is getting in fact the oxygen that's coming out of here fluctuates between 36 degrees and 47. the reason why it's doing that is because this pump that's providing half the oxygen is still next to some chill this pump is now just pumping 47 or Now 49 degree oxygen and hypothetically if all this oxygen was going to your duplicates and their small base you're gonna start killing crops because remember a lot of your crops just like your bristle Blossom aren't keen on temperatures above 30 degrees but in this case we've sort of proved how this system is self-powered so we can get rid of the doors and just insulate everything in now all the heat that you have in here is self-contained which is both a blessing and a curse first we have to make sure our hydrogen generators don't overheat and we can do that by taking all the hydrogen and run them in radiant gas pipes and while the hydrogen is coming out at 50 degrees it's okay because and here's a key point of spawns we built this hydrogen generator out of gold amalgam and remember gold amalgam gives a plus 50 degrees to the overheat temperature making the final overheat temperature for the hydrogen generator 125 degrees the same precaution goes into the gas pumps and the electrolyzers these are all made out of gold amalgam if you try to make a spawn using say copper and don't provide it an external source of cooling you will start to damage buildings and your spawn will fail I also wanted to highlight our overflow system because as you can see our one hydrogen generator is eating the hydrogen as fast as possible but we're still getting back act up when that happens the hydrogen is simply going to bypass the bridge as we discussed before and head over to this hydrogen generator where in this case we're just burning it off into a lamp but there's nothing to say you can't take that power line and provide a little extra power to your colony and its power spine one final detail about the oxygen being supplied in the system because it's not really the 1776 grams per second and there's one specific reason why remember when we spoke about the fact that a gas pump can only draw out 500 grams per second well that's not really an issue when you have a backlog because it's going to provide the 500 grams and then it's going to backfill 500 more grams to give the gas pipe its maximum of 1 000 grams of gas in this specific example you don't have to do this but the maximum throughput that one gas pipe is going to be able to give you is one kilo per second worth of oxygen which means it's only providing enough oxygen for 10 duplicates you might think well Echo just separate the gas pumps from each other for instance maybe something like this now each gas pipe has their own independent line but remember then we're going to be beholden to the gas pumps maximum flow rate of 500 grams per second in this case the electrolyzers are able to produce more oxygen than the two gas pumps can handle and that's the reason why the third number I want you to remember an ingrain in your head as gas bumps can only draw out 500 grams per second so just to recap we have three numbers to remember now one kilo per second of water for the electrolyzer 8.88 dupes per electrolyzer and 500 grams per second per gas pump or five dupes worth of oxygen per gas pump so while the oxygen throughputs on this system only allows you to support 10 duplicates there's still some advantages to it first we're only using two strand wire not conductive wire there's no Transformer in here in fact the the only place where you actually need refined materials is for the smart battery the three Atmos sensors and a little bit for your automation wires now just to make sure everybody has the overlays so they know exactly how to build this here's our power here's our plumbing here's our ventilation and finally here's our Automation and now it's time for the most famous of spams before Rodriguez well maybe not the fault Rodriguez let's just go ahead and say a half Rodriguez Now The Story Goes somebody on the clay forms invented a system that looks similar to this and their last name was Rodriguez or at least that's what people remember and thus all the systems that sort of look like this have now historically taken on the moniker of Rodriguez in this case this is the half variant please excuse the debris inside of our system I know it's unacceptable but it's there let's just move on the reason why I wanted to highlight this system is because everything we just learned about flows notice now that we actually have two oxygen gas pumps per electrolyzer in this case we have some water coming in attempting to cool the oxygen before it's fed to the electrolyzers because of the increased amount of gas pumps we are running two hydrogen generators and we once again have our hydrogen overflow you're starting to get the theme here it's all very similar but the reason why you need to remember the numbers so specifically is because this design although very similar to our last design provides a different amount of oxygen even though there's only two electrolyzers because there's four gas pumps each gas pump is able to move 500 grams per second so we have a total throughput of 2 000 grams or two kilos worth of oxygen per second what you're thinking might be enough to support 20 duplicates remember your electrolyzers can only produce 800 188 grams per second it doesn't matter how much your gas pumps can consume so in this case we're getting that true 1776 grams worth of oxygen per second in the last system it was the gas pumps that were the limiting factor that decided how much oxygen you're producing for your dukes in this system it's your electrolyzers another difference with this system is the pressure because there's more room for oxygen we can set these Atmos centers to what's become a pretty good standard above 450 for the oxygen and above 250 for the hydrogen and now just so everybody knows how to build it here's our wonderful power here's the plumbing here's the ventilation and here's the Automation and now it's time to highlight the very standard full Rodriguez now there are four electrolyzers in a full Rodriguez so you might think that it has a maximum throughput of 888 grams times four or 3552 grams of oxygen per second but this is another case where our limitation is actually in the gas pumps we have six gas pumps all able to consume 500 grams per second which means our total throughput is 3 000 grams in other words the fold Rodriguez can provide oxygen for 30 duplicates now the core structure of this is the same you'll notice that we didn't use tiles here in the middle instead we used a manual airlock both systems work we're still using the hydrogen and the radiant gas pipes to keep the hydrogen generators cold in this case we're actually using hydrogen generator is made out of steel because we didn't have access to Gold amalgam or gold and with steel we have an overheat temperature of 275 so they actually don't require a lot of cooling but it's better to be safe than sorry now with the full Rodriguez because you're using four electrolyzers and six gas pumps it's a pretty big Power draw for that reason you actually use heavy watt wire connecting four hydrogen generators to one smart battery and to power Transformers and those two power Transformers sort of separate the spawn into two grids one for the right side and one for the left side now in this case you'll notice there's no external cooling being provided to our oxygen and this oxygen is coming out at 70 degrees it's for this reason we actually have to provide cooling for the oxygen separately in this case we're using an anti-entropy thermal nullar fire system and just running the gas pipes through the room and all the chill that the aetn provides getting these equilibrium is normally even a little easier than the simple spawn that we showed first you're gonna need to kick start some power and I recommend disconnecting this pipe here and sending everything down to a gas Reservoir to prevent damaging all of this equipment until you reach that beautiful equilibrium and then you can just reconnect it not too shabby though huh we've managed to go from a simple system all the way to the classic full Rodriguez let's highlight some of those overlays there's our power there's our water there's our ventilation and here's our automation take note on the automation side that once again these Atmos sensors are set at the classic 250 450. now due to the fact that this is called the ultimate spawn tutorial or the ultimate spawn guide I haven't figured out which one I'm going to use yet it wouldn't be complete unless we did a full build of a spawn as I'm sure there's going to be little tips and tricks that I'm going to be able to show you along the way now I always start from the bottom and work up and there's one specific reason on this because your gas pumps are going to control the width of your spawn as a reminder we try to use gold amalgam wherever we can now please excuse the sandbox mode let's be honest you'll get the idea and now in this case our spawn is going to be a full Rodriguez so we're going to start with six gas pumps and despite what I told you before we're gonna start with a manual airlock on each level that way the duplicants can get in there and work and do any troubleshooting that may come up now above your first two gas pumps a lot of people are going to put four airflow tiles and that's because remember you need the oxygen to be able to come through the tile so a lot of people use airflow tiles and there's nothing wrong with this but I prefer to use mesh tiles instead and the reason why is because if your electrolyzers end up leaking it's really difficult to see it on airflow tiles for instance there's a blob of polluted water sitting on these airflow tiles and it was a little difficult to see even more difficult to see is a blob of water like in this case here and the reason why it's bad is there's a potential for these liquids to interfere with the correct operation of your electrolyzers now if you do some clever searching around the internet you're going to find people that purposely put liquids around their electrolyzers in an attempt to make sure that they don't ever hit MAX Pressure but I find these methods a little exploitive in nature so I tend not to do them but as always you do you now here we could put two tiles but it's almost a better cost savings to just put two doors depending on how you're doing on the quantities of raw minerals or metal ores but either way will work so now we have our four electrolyzers and our six gas pumps in the duplicants can easily get from this ladder and be able to build all the way across and do what they need to do the next step is to put in our hydrogen gas pump again sticking to Gold amalgam and we also want to put our Atmos sensors in as well connect the pumps with the automation wires and there we go now of note you'll see some designs that actually connect all six of the gas pumps to these automation sensors its personal preference on which way you want to do it as I haven't seen a big Effect one way or the other now with that being said I tend to do it separately and the reason why I prefer to separate it I allow these pumps to pull differently so if the atmos sensor says we've got enough pressure over here it'll go ahead and pull that way we don't get too much pressure on one side burst the other which in theory helps the hydrogen stay stable next up is our insulated tiles that sets the floor for our next power level the easiest way to remember this is you want a One Dial gap between the door or the tiles depending on what you choose and the bottom here from there you're just going to put an entire run right across the top Now's the Time we put in the power we're going to use a smart battery made of gold two large power Transformers also made of gold and then we're going to put down our first hydrogen generator made out of gold amalgam we're going to raise the back wall and then put in a heavy watt joint plate there's not a big difference of whether or not you put it here or if you put it over here but best practice is to have at least one heavy watt joint plate then we can put in our next floor and add three more hydrogen generators after that it's ready to kind of seal up and then we have our spawn pretty much framed up now because I already did this automation here I'm going to do the automation first here I normally wait to do all the automation all at once and that way you don't end up forgetting any the automation is going to go from the smart battery and connect to each hydrogen generator now it's time for power we're going to start at our smart battery go across our power Transformers hit our first hydrogen generator and then continue on utilizing the heavy watt joint plate we put in and then connect the rest of the hydrogen generators and we're going to grab our conductive wire now the materials on the heavy watt wire and the conductive wires does not really matter it's never going to get hot enough in here to melt bernst and sled so you use whatever material you have the most of and with that power is pretty much done too now let's start with one of the more complicated processes of the spawn and that's the gas pipes now remember in this standard example we're not assuming any sort of cooling potential but remember when we start hooking all these up this auction is going to come out hot and while outside the scope of this specific tutorial you're gonna need to cool the oxygen somehow now to start off with you can just put gas vents right on the outside side of your spawn because while this is waiting to hit equilibrium there's going to be a lot of junk in everything else coming out of here especially considering you might be building these in a biome that has chlorine or anything else and you might not necessarily want all of the stuff in here being delivered directly to your Colony pretending like we're going through our own cooling system and it's heading down into the colony full of dupes now there's a lot of ways to do this but remember you're gonna have to deal with the excess hydrogen just like in the examples we showed before this is a popular location for the Overflow we have the bridge here and we can overflow it this way and this is important because a standard full Rodriguez will have a lot of excess hydrogen in this case we're just going to burn it in another hydrogen generator that's lighting up this lamp but another great place for this is in your power brick from there we're going to grab our radiant gas pipes now remember radiant gas pipes are typically made out of ores and ores aren't great conductors but to be honest if you made ever everything out of gold amalgam you're not going to need a great conductor because the chances of these getting above 125 degrees with even minimal cooling is very low so at this point we're just gonna wrap the radiant gas pipes all around the top part of the spawn I like to go above the hydrogen generators just a little bit to provide some extra Cooling and then hook the gas pipes around to feed the last three hydrogen generators now for our settings we're going to make sure our smart batteries at 90 60 although you can get away with a 90 40 or a 9080 it won't be a big deal once it gets going anyways because it is self-powered let's also grab our Atmos sensors we're going to set the hydrogen one to above 250 grams and then set our oxygen ones to above 450 grams now one curious design decision that we didn't do in this bomb that we probably should have assuming no cooling is coming in is insulate the water pipes going in and the reason why boost water is coming in at 26 degrees well when this spawn gets really warm it's gonna end up heating up the water being fed into the electrolyzers well when you highlight over the outputs on the collectorizer itself you can see that the oxygen will be at least 70 degrees or hotter if the input materials are hotter so you might save yourself a little bit of cooling by making all of these pipes insulated the last thing we really need to do is provide Power to get it going now there's a couple of methods that you can use one you can just hook up some of your electrolyzers and pumps for instance this line right here and start to get everything stabilized until you're producing enough hydrogen to where the self-powered nature can take over or you can hook right into the power brick in this case since I have a nearby conductive wire I'm just going to hook in like so keep in mind if you are just going to power one side it needs to be the side with the hydrogen gas pump connected and I'm going to pause it because once this is powered on electrolyzers are gonna start producing oxygen and hydrogen and we're not quite ready remember I told you in this system here that if we started feeding the contents of this pipe directly to the hydrogen Raiders we're going to end up with a bunch of broken hydrogen generators and that may be a great throw caution to the wind solution it's not the best way to do it so what we're actually going to do is get rid of this hydrogen generator here put in a wonderful gas buffer tank connect it up and then disconnect the line from going to the hydrogen generators to begin with now all the gas is going to be dumped into this gas Reservoir and once we unpause everything will start working electrolyzers will start producing oxygen and hydrogen although it may take a minute depending on the overall pressure here the environment may already be maximum gas pressure in which case it's going to take the gas pumps just a few minutes to be able to empty out everything else in here a word of caution if you do just power this bottom side it's going to take you longer to be able to hit equilibrium for the simple reason you're going to have a bunch of oxygen over here so until this gas pump up top ends up vacuuming up all this nonsense and the hydrogen spreads across you won't have equilibrium so the best case scenario even if you only have a conductive wire just tie it right into the battery now it's not going to take long for you to pull too much power off this conductive wire but this method is a lot quicker when it comes to reaching equilibrium oh this is perfect we have to take a break because we have an issue our overflow gas Reservoir is full so we would have to come destroy it and replace it or just add another one another issue that you might come up with is you'll notice that all of these pipes have hit maximum pressure if your pumps can't draw out enough of your oxygen the oxygen is gonna keep climbing up higher and higher in which case you won't hit equilibrium either so during this time you need to make sure that you're not hitting MAX Pressure one method would be put it where you actually need the oxygen or just use high pressure gas vents and now you can see the equilibrium start to take effect and bingo at this point this line is going to be nothing but hydrogen and as long as we don't mess anything up it always will be once the hydrogen starts flowing give it a minute to allow it to snake all the way through so you have an ample enough amount of hydrogen and then you can go ahead and disconnect from whatever power source you were using to get the whole thing going because at this point it's a hundred percent self-powered we also need to make sure that we put in a more permanent overflow system because the gas Reservoir would work until it got full then once everything's finished don't forget to take away your high pressure gas fence and put your normal vents back in once you feel confident that the system is working as intended you can go around and get rid of these manual airlocks and fully seal in Your Spawn because remember that heat is going to generate very very quickly before we go look at the bad mama jama you saw in the thumbnail I wanted to highlight this system here to show you that the fundamentals of a spawn are all the same even though this has a completely different shape it works identical to the previous examples its equilibrium is now dependent on on this one door separating the electrolyzer and the hydrogen gas pump so the hydrogen Rises and the oxygen is pushed down to two oxygen gas pumps now in this example because the hydrogen generator is producing more power than we really need I connected it to our main power grid but don't be fooled it is 100 a spawn the automation is the same we have one Atmos sensor controlling two gas pumps and then we have one Atmos sensor controlling the hydrogen gas pump the atmos sensors are set on 150 and 450. now looking at this I'm going to ask you the viewer to tell me how many duplicants can this system support I'll give you a quick second to think about it remember there's two gas bumps for oxygen and one electrolyzer in this case the two gas pumps could provide enough throughput to support 10 duplicates five for each gas pump unfortunately there's only one electrolyzer which means we can only support 8.88 duplicates nice job I know you got it right all right let's go look at the monster spawn before we can begin take a look at all those beautiful buffer tanks now if you think this system looks similar you'd be absolutely right it's just a full Rodriguez expanded we have the same exact ratio of electrolyzers to gas pumps with 10 electrolyzers to 15 gas pumps and because the ratios are the same the equilibrium is the same it's just the structure looks a little bit different now in this case because there's so much space for oxygen we actually want it to pull a little bit more and for this reason the bottom Atmos sensors are set on 600 and the hydrogen sensor set on 250. the power in these systems are pretty much identical we have a bunch of hydrogen generators all being fed with an absolute mess of hydrogen and five power Transformers providing power in somewhat of a messy way now in this one we have a couple of damaged electrolyzers it had to do with some nuclear waste coming in the pipes but if you get nuclear waste out of of your spawn pipes yours wouldn't get this sort of damage but it looks pretty similar to all the rest I suppose another difference is the fact that we're using two gas pumps because we're providing a lot more hydrogen generators with hydrogen another difference and it's something you can do with any of your spawns is we're actually cooling all the oxygen through a cool plate we have a steam turbine and a thermal Aqua tuner keeping all these metal tiles down to about 10 degrees and because of that the Oxygen's coming out at around 13 degrees not too shabby considering the massive amount of heat that this system causes all the beautiful buffer tanks that you see are just because I have an affinity towards buffer tanks and I wanted to make sure that we were able to provide the massive 10 kilos per second that this system requires all said and done the 10 electrolyzers would be providing enough oxygen for 88 dupes but because we only have 15 gas pumps we're actually only providing enough oxygen for 75 dukes and this Colony actually has two of the these systems set up this was for by 150 dupe challenge I made it to about 130 before the frames and my patients got the best of me well I hope you learned a lot about self-powered oxygen machines and now have the confidence and the fundamentals to design and build your own self-powered oxygen machines that may or may not conform to what everybody thinks they should look like so until next time happy gaming and I'll talk to you soon [Music]
Channel: Echo Ridge Gaming
Views: 135,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ONI, Oxygen Not Included, Spaced Out!, Strategy, Klei, New Player, Colony, Colony Survival, Simulation, Gaming, Indie, Survival, Let's Play, Lets Play, tutorial, spom, self-powered oxygen machine, self powered oxygen machine, electrolyzer
Id: PJyigtsL_Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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