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our 1971 446-barrel four-speed shaker hood cuda is almost back to life the drivetrain is ready to assemble and install as is the interior of the car the rest of the parts are all here with the final stages of the paint just about finished this car will be on the road in no time this time on graveyard cars will cuts and buffs the fabled phantom cuda despite her best efforts to help alyssa gets hazed dave begins working on his own restoration while mark and the ghouls take a field trip to check out some long forgotten chargers and debate if they're even worth restoring coming up on this episode of graveyard cars they're coming to get you barbara it has been established that the unburied dead are coming back to life [Music] i'm mark warman and together we bring dead muscle cars back to life to exactly the way they were on the day they were born [Music] is will's getting ready to do the uh wet sand and buffing on our 71 phantom cuda the ev2 hemi orange if it was a dodge it's a plymouth tour red toilet turret you don't i was getting ready to say i know you were you probably meant to say it the first time anywho orange it's the orange car uh he's gonna long block it with 800 which sounds aggressive but that's what you do when you want to get a panel perfectly flat once he does that he'll massage it out go into thousand grit 1500 2 000 and then 3000 and ultimately he'll start buffing on it uh these peaks i know you've done them before but these peaks they love to burn they do they can't wait to burn their their whole thought in life is i want to burn and leave no paint there and that's going to be a hard one to spot in yeah make sure everything's clean dry ready to go well aware make sure there's no flop what have you done it wasn't my fault what have you done you've killed the flock leave it alone i'm not happy mark saw the fly because i want to get the whole cut and buff done without him even knowing about it because he'll make a scene about it he'll post it on facebook on instagram so i'm sure i'll hear about this for quite some time why would you do that okay when i walked out it wasn't here i come back in and the thing is that the last screw it's on the last coat of clear when i painted i got the same thing you can't control everything all you got to do is walk out here into the shop one time and back in while you're waiting for flash coats and a bug can get in there yeah fly killing anyway i would recommend maybe cutting him out with a razor blade i can take care of it i'll say that to a lot of the painters around town are you sure you cut all the bugs out with this how is that my fault it's happened to me a hundred times you get a bug you get a mosquito an insect or something in this case you got a little baby fly you want to kill a little baby fly but it'll cut right out i'm good to go buffing i think he signed off on it i think he just likes to come out here and be silly but it really didn't need to be signed off on that was time to cut and buff he's happy with it so i can go ahead and get started on it meanwhile dave has brought in an engine for his own restoration this engine's for my 1970 dodge dart swinger it's original an fc7 car a plum crazy purple uh white bumble bee stripe with a black vinyl top and black guts uh this one here i'm gonna do all original so it's you know it's an original 344 speed car i don't have the actual numbers matching motor still trying to locate it i got some rumors of where it might be located this is a date coded 1973 40 that i bought with the car i got a 33 a-body four-speed transmission bell housing and everything i went ahead went through the motor the cylinder boards were almost perfect on it i just line honed it re-ringed it put new rods and main bearings in it i'm really excited about starting it up i'm hoping you know everything goes well you know got that anticipation you know and inside you know nervousness and everything else so i'm excited about running and i just you know hope everything goes well while dave gets the engine unloaded will and alissa join forces to extract the fly from the clear coat hopefully it won't require a repaint uh we're ready right now i got to listen here we got the room prepped it's 100 sterile we're ready to head over there and make our cuts but got to get the gloves on first all right make this look a lot easier on tv you got to pull down the right size alyssa's out here helping me it's kind of a technical thing she wants to be a part of it so we're kind of working together to see if we can get the fly out so this is what you're going to grab the corpse with you got to be very careful not to smash them so that'll be yours this is the razor blade we're going to use to make nice cuts um it's kind of a delicate procedure you know the fly has to be held on to just right it's like an oven in here it's not even hot it's freezing outside i just mean the way it feels so we're gonna head in right now and get that body cut off and start standing on the legs a little bit stressed out all you gotta do is grab it i'm gonna flick it off so good you can get in there [Music] [Music] don't put them on the rack ooh we're good didn't have too many problems melissa was a little jittery with the pliers around the oh starting out it was a delicate procedure it was it was but she handled it like a champ we made nice clean cuts had no problem removing the fly so here's the fly so now we're going to tilt the car down and start sanding out the legs it should come out just fine it's in the last coat of clear what happens if you go past the clear then that's repainting the car oh my gosh okay does this happen a lot in body shops with like the fly situation i don't know i've only worked for your dad so i mean is this something that you think other painters are going to run into probably yeah it just sucks that it's on tv all right we're good that looks pretty good yeah you can't see it like it never happened that's right never happened operation take out the fly is complete thanks it was fun thank you let's work together again sometime yeah soon with the fly out and the kuda's paint job saved will checks in on dave doing your motor yeah yeah brought my motor in what are you doing with it i'm gonna throw it on the engine run stand hopefully it was in between motors so i figured this would be a good time to bring it down get it on the run stand and keep my fingers crossed so everything works good and then get it stripped down and get it over to you and see if you can what color shoot some hemi orange on it oh yeah i know i know crazy purple car would look pretty cool having a purple motor in there yeah will seems excited um you know i'm happy that he's gonna paint it for me and stuff and and willing to help me out oh it's awesome that dave brought his motor in here um i'm looking forward to helping him paint it moving it right along here not too happy about the hemi orange because every motor we do is hemi orange but i'm still working on them i do want to paint at the body of the car i think that would look pretty cool having a plum crazy car with a plum crazy motor uh will wants to paint the motor trying to talk me into painting the motor form crazy purple because my car's fc7 but that's not going to happen sorry will what's on it now uh it's like some etching primer just rattle can stuff it had some bare metal on the valve covers they're raw steel and stuff so i just kind of so we could probably just break clean the whole thing and just have it exactly so is it safe to say because you built this motor it's going to fire off on the first start yeah i hope so if this fires off on the first start marks doesn't yeah yeah and it looked really good that would look really good wasn't it really nice i think it's great that actually an employee here has a mopar i don't have one i got a volkswagen uh mike has nothing ryan's got box nova something mark has that 69 green charger but we all know he's end up selling that so this is the first time an employee here actually has a car that's going to run through the shop so i'm pretty excited to be a part of it with the engine unloaded dave cleans up and waits until the engine run stand is available to hook up his engine for its first start [Music] all right so a few days back i had a gentleman give me a call out of the blue said he had some chargers that were setting up on some property up near seattle talked a little bit about it he fired me off some pictures they're overgrown they look like they've been in a swamp most of their life which kind of cool picture but not so cool if you're wanting to restore a car he says a couple of chargers i've talked to the property owners they'll sell them he doesn't expect them to be very much money this is the fun part of the job we're up bright and early and ready to hit the road i average about 180 190 on the freeway i average about 80 or 90 on the freeway when we're out there on the freeway it's closer you should be able to get there uh get there in about four or four and a half hours it's gonna be kind of a long drive with mark but i think i'm up for it mark and royal arrive in tacoma to check out the heavily wooded charger graveyard mike is there with a roll back just in case these cars are worth salvaging jim fiverr nice to meet you my son kyle kyle kyle how are you chet chet nice to meet you chester chester good name i like chester i'm sorry the destination where the cars are so we're pretty excited to see them see what they are again i don't really expect them to be much more than what they look like in the pictures but you know even's worth a thousand words as they say i kind of coined that phrase so vin's worth it's like a picture with a thousand mark twain said that but he's been over quoted so you ready to see him why don't you enjoy the moment why do you always have to ruin everybody let's go down there let's get it done let's get back what do you have to do you have nothing to do it's a vacation let's see them you don't take vacations looks like we're going to go down and take a look at the cars now so that's exciting no i wouldn't want to upset your apple cart thanks buddy back at the shop will begins to buff the phantom cuda hey hey what are you doing uh buffing phantom can i help i've tried this sand with her it didn't work and that was on a car that was heading to paint so you have a little room for air this car is in its final paint so the sanding on it there's no room for air the buffing on it there's no room for errors nope no there's nothing i can help you with um unless it's coffee or haircuts i think i'm good really you don't have enough experience to really yeah why no no but i thought maybe you could show me no okay dave let's help him that's okay this is just more technical there's just no room for error so there's really nothing she will ever be able to do in this department but if i can give her that little bit of hope kind of make her just jump through hoop after hoop after hoop before she finally gets everything done that i need done out of her she's going to come in here be ready to go guess what i'm done for the day so to come to those doors you at least have to be in a fully furnished white pink suit and it has to be white and i want maybe a shower cap or something oh my god we can't we can't have hair floating around in here so you make all those things happen then you can come out here and then we can talk okay until then okay just not gonna work i'm gonna try to make it happen okay i'll be back with a coffee and a suit you do that she's an idiot alyssa wants to come out and i think it's cute you know she's like a little kid's sister to me so these are the types of little games i like to play with her but i definitely appreciate her coming out to help do you think she's gonna catch on i don't think she's gonna catch on she's not the brightest bulb on the strand if you know what i mean um well she's around the corner i don't think she's gonna catch on she's not really that sharp but um i'm gonna push it as far as i can i love you [Music] oh alyssa wow yeah it's amazing yes yeah looks pretty rare don't they yeah when i walked around the corner my first impression was wow they've been there a while so uh to see them like that's pretty cool i mean i hate to see anything set that long and rot that bad but you know it's i almost like the picture and the setting more than i do the idea bringing it back and cleaning them up yeah which is sinful i'm probably as bad as the other guys out there with i mean that's almost artwork yeah picturesque do you want me to lift this up and look at her here yeah let me see what's under there that's cool yeah it was running last year a motor look at that an engine sorry people don't like it if i thermal quad intake manifold so it's after 1970 probably graveyard cars is my my favorite show i just think the whole idea and and rebuilding the old mopars and i've got a few of them myself and and so i enjoy watching the show yeah i enjoy it because he keeps things all stocked brings them back to life like they were original back when i was a kid and to enjoy that i think he knows a little too much though he gets a little he knows every nut and bolt which is maybe says something for example the daytona charger in 69 uses a factory 69 wheel opening molding but it's extended about six inches wheel opening molding car left hand outside remote mirror that doesn't look like it's going to open see both seats are out of about a 73 b body has the flintstone floors in it they've been on my property here for about 20 22 years here i got them from my brother it came with another car that we had 68 charger he wanted them moved over onto my property so we moved them over with a tractor onto our our property you're the reason the front bumper has no no no no no no but really nice people uh interesting story behind them there really isn't anything magical they just kind of got passed from one set of hands to another set of hands i think forgotten about and it's funny because time will fly and you hear that but it's true when he parked those there 22 years ago over two decades ago i doubt very much you thought they'd be here now a very well deserving trip these cars have been rotten and decaying into the ground for years it's sad to see that and yeah it's a shame but at the same time it happens and because it happens there's lots of this stuff still probably out there on parcels of land and acres and behind people's houses whether they become cars or whether it become parts to make cars whole again they'll go to the right reasons and the right causes after deciding these chargers should be saved mike leads the volunteers in exhuming the corpses and loading them up for the trip back home i'm just glad that our job is done because i wouldn't want to stay here and do that with mike you're leaving everybody what are they here with the camera guys the little nancy fingers out here that are holding the cameras these guys right here that aren't used to working and being in the trenches i did my time all right i did two tours all right i was in the jungle all right dragging these things out my whole youth i spent in the jungle dragging these things out so let them do it and they're wide-eyed and bushy-tailed let them go at it you know first one is going to get poison oak because it's all over the place another one's probably going to get bit by a snake it's everywhere too snake is everywhere snake is everywhere [Music] uh just buffing away starting to do a little buffing on her it's coming out good actually yeah looks sharp are you okay mary you need me to go get you anything this thing is heavy yeah i know it is it's heavy i see that one thing man yeah am i mine's gonna be the old day i used to do like nunchucks with it and stuff he's gonna whip that buffer around hit the side of the car and put a dent in it then that means i gotta turn around and repaint it yet it'll still be my fault for some reason can we not do that next to the freshly painted car yeah devil went down to welby's he was looking for a car to buff he was in a bind he was way behind he was looking to make a deal come across this young guy buffing on a car and buffing a hot devil jumped up in the middle of the hood and said boy let me tell you what this is why i come in at 4 35 o'clock in the morning i get most of my work done before he even walks through those doors go-kart mozart you know him checking out the weather chart seeing if it was safe outside little early burley came alias curly and he asked me if i needed a ride so what was the point you coming out here the goliath crashed to the ground you're heading back to the office revved up like a deuce 32 ford you heading back to that front let me know if you need a uh a relief a relief buffer oh leaf buffer is when you can no longer move any for more at all okay i'm gonna need an injured reserve list your name will need to be on it i just want will to have the pressures i have so i go in there and i wind him up sometimes just to make sure that he's not too calm and relaxed if you ever watch him he's a cool cat man everything's cool about him right very cool hair cool [Music] jeans he walks it's like he's got rocking chairs on the bottom of his leg like this so it just and that's cool man don't let the goliath be that's the cuda in this case crash to the ground okay so i'm gonna get back to buffing now [Music] i won't see him the rest of the day now that was a little two-minute show that he does [Music] my buddy mike made it back all the way from tacoma washington yeah how tough was it to load them that's what i want to know they were almost impossible there's a lot of good dna on this car a lot of good stuff but you know every day as i was loading up i was thinking the same exact thing so much stuff and so much reference material so at the very least it has that to offer but again i think until the thing is charger shells are hard that's first generation second generation charger 6870 that's a hard car to come up with you can go on ebay and they're selling those things for 10 grand and all you get everything's shipped to you in a flat rate box okay for is nothing there so i don't think it's bad i want to get it cleaned up as best you can inside now if you can get the doors to open on it and let's do an inventory sheet on it and then we'll put these in inventory and we don't know until it gets cleaned up if they are plausible to restore somebody may want to order a daytona you know tribute car or something yeah there it is he got it from the way he stole the tail lights out of it that's cool yeah and the bumper fell out oh the bumper literally fell off right okay so it was i'm assuming it was being held in place by the license plate wiring right taillight wiring and the license plate wiring isn't that a pretty color though b7 yeah i'm sure one time it was gorgeous you could put some pieces in that decklid and save it no no yeah get them cleaned up let me know when everything's cleaned i don't want any dirt out here on my parking lot you know how i am but once they're cleaned up i want you to sweep it down and then put everything away get get adam to help you i'll let you know when it's done tell adam to paint the building next door and he'll immediately start cleaning the cars not a bad idea i suppose while mike and adam clean up the chargers ryan makes progress with the metal work on the record-holding 1969 charger general lee our general lee has already received its used donor front end that is completed it's done it's welded off it's metal finished so from a standpoint of structurally speaking that's done we can now move to the back part of the car now again on this car doing the big fly through the air and coming down hitting that front corner the way it did we've taken care of all the immediate damage the initial damage that you could see visually with your eyes you already know from the other ones you've done we're going to do full quarters all the way up to here all right the remnants of the outer wheel houses i want you to drill out all those spot welds through this quarter inner structure just like we're getting ready to install the new pieces on i want you to go around cut trim clean so i think if you go around it this side's synonymous sorry i don't like to use the board this side's the same as the other side so if you go through there you can uh just treat this side exactly the same way okay i've got everything pretty much down i mean i'm still learning i don't want to sound like i know everything because i'm far from that you're learning something new every day all right well with that i'm gonna go back up to my uh my office and take care of some business i'm gonna start across this back panel here removing this off of here and then i'm gonna go down through here and use the plasma cutter and trim this out slowly on both sides to kind of drop this apart from it and then i'm going to jack it up and finish out the cut down through here and then i'm going to start prying this apart from this back panel to put the new frame rail sections in it should go pretty fast [Music] you're ready to weld i'm ready to weld beautiful right now he is all finished attacking everything in place they've already pre-fit everything so they're just going to go through there and begin welding plug welding all the original holes that were once spot welds after that when they put the new pan on then they can go to full spot welding so your green light go everything fits good solid good job great job thank you the guy is right there make it happen guys behind the scenes they don't get none of the glory they're doing all the hard work i'm just making it look like it's meat good job guys thank you mark you bet [Music] dave continues work on the headlights for the 1972 dodge charger right here we got our 1972 dodge charger se 400 magnum 4 speed car one of 126 ever built which is really cool what we're working on right now is the flip up headlights so we got our headlight doors on here and then you got your headlights mounted behind it just like you normally would in a front fender it's pretty easy uh to work on there's not a whole lot of components this whole headlight and bumper assemblies and doors all goes in in one unit which is really cool if you kind of look in here uh your headlight door mounts on these pivots in here it's got some nylon bushings uh this one in particular has a return spring so if you're if your headlight doors do fail they out you can actually wind them up and they'll spring up if you undo the rod and stay in the open position uh so you won't be stuck out on the road you know with no headlights this rod right here runs across from this headlight door all the way through your motor your motor's right here runs back out and goes into this headlight door the headlight door's got the pivots here and then there's another pivot on the inside that you can't see and that door flips up and down uh by a relay mounted underneath of the dash of the car so you have to have your key on to activate that relay when you pull your headlights on the doors flip up headlights are on really cool shut your headlights off the relay flips allows your doors to flip shut so just really cool unique setup you know not a lot of cars had them what do you say we give them a shot and we'll pull them on and watch them go up and down so our keys in the on position so we'll just pull our headlights open here and there they go flip right up go ahead and shut our headlights off and down they go be turning on just your parking lights parking lights will be on no headlight doors all the way on that's just got to be the coolest thing around i love it so you kind of look at them and ours has got a little bit of play in them it's not a little bad but it's got little stoppers on there and stuff that you have to adjust it's got rubber bumpers so they don't clank really bad when they open up but we'll adjust uh and try to get them as as perfectly straight as we possibly can but uh it's so cool this is this is the best it's a mopar no car [Music] [Applause] remember you you can't come back in here like that it's not sanitary i know that will says that that's like a sanitary environment and everybody needs to be clean the enters but like i look at him and what he's wearing and his shoes and stuff and it doesn't seem very sanitary so it's kind of a little bit confusing because i feel like you should be leading by example yeah but the pain suit has to be on oh thank you where do you usually put yours on my body no i where do you get dressed it's right here in my bathroom oh do you wear this in the car you drive to work with it well it's not like you're getting naked and put it on put it on right there okay thank you for the coffee you're welcome it's cold but whatever how come this one looks different than yours that is for beginners this is the more advanced you got to put step into it [Music] here in yeah yeah hair has to be in hood up there you go there you go that's better that's it really i have to wear this well yeah because otherwise contaminants come first of all why does it leave room for a neck why why what well really people who wear these don't have any necks or faces okay i'm sorry i'm ready okay that's cool like a lot right what um your gloves you got to have gloves on okay all right nice guy you over eating what is it now you have to make sure everything's appropriate no you're not ready your little weird flower hawaii nikes are not going to work oh you need to go out to the wash bay and get my boots on those are very sanitary they're the tall ones made out of rubber you're not wearing boots it's because these have been properly decontaminated i don't think so well okay wait okay i know what has and what has not you do not my friend so i'll be back yes i've never seen will dress like this or anyone dressed like this so yeah i really want to help and i really want to get in the paint booths and learn how to do some buffing and stuff so i'll do whatever it takes as long as he teaches me it's going to take her a little bit to find the boots they're over there in the wash bay but i wasn't very specific this should give me enough time to get back to buffing without any interruptions [Music] all right did you get all your tape off i think so you think so okay so i'll have you stand here i'm gonna open up the back of the booth and we're gonna roll this outside now okay don't let it go sideways don't hit the sides of the booth just gosh just pay attention to what you're doing okay why are we going outside uh for phase two of your learning what's phase two well we gotta get there the boots are like six sizes too big for me so it's ridiculous i feel like a duck waddling around in there what are we doing out here phase two you're gonna learn to watch the car what um i actually did take will seriously for about three quarters of the way through um then i kind of started figuring out that this is probably more for his amusement than for practical purposes we have to get all the compound off this car completely we're just washing it yeah okay that's easy it's kind of cold out here but you said it was too hot in there i told you you'd be falling down like it's temperate with this thing on imprint don't say word you can't spell i hate you hate's a strong word hey what do it what what what are you doing what that's the favorite thing to do is give me a hard time so not really surprised okay so there's this don't get too close to don't get close too close to the car get the outside of the car done make sure there's no compound like like in the jams here you may have to open the door take the wash mitt and really scrub that through there just get all the compound off it no no compound okay so you should be good to go okay okay with the chargers cleaned up mark and mike assess whether they're worth restoring hardly tell anything's wrong with them really once you see them out here like this right yeah once you try picking it up or window defroster look at that big money there big money probably no good anymore well the bezel is and the duct is plastic so that's probably all good that could be rebuilt we said i never built and it had a window in it right yep we still have it so it's possible no extra charge for the plastic filler this is the way they used to do it in the olden days that there's what they call bondo plastic filler that's right so we've got a steering column 6869 floor shift what would be the difference between a 70 why wouldn't a 70 work uh where are the keys there you go yeah went from the dash after the steering column good job mickey all the original hardware looks like it's still pretty much in place this apron apron's wasted frame rails are all wasted engine's probably no good for much more than whatever bolts we can get off of it power steering gear core with the re return valve still in good shape on it those are usually snapped off most of the front end's wasted the headlight doors may have some use to it maybe some intricate parts the vacuum motor's still in there yeah all the stuff's still in there yeah pretty sad old life this one had all the while alyssa continues to wash the phantom cuda while its engine is finally ready for primer and paint so the engine's in the booth it's all masked up wiped down and it's ready to get some paint on it this is a great opportunity for alyssa to get in and try to learn to paint problem is i need the car washed also so i'm going to kind of just get this thing done real quick in and out before she has any idea that i was actually painting something that she could have helped it you're really just not you want alyssa both not really you don't have knocks we there's a window just coming so polite to knock anyways what's happening what are you doing i'm getting ready to spray the dp90 on the phantom shoot-up motor oh cool good to see you today glad to see you actually show up and come out to my side of the shop that's it first i want to come out and keep you from working as much as i do the other people you are what mark would call counter productive so i'm gonna go in here and get this painted can i watch for a minute sure at least until mark catches me that's fine [Music] you know you should feel lucky today i got alyssa breathing down my back dying to paint something i say no you got to get this car washed you let me paint it are you capable you just want to jump in there i don't try anything once [Music] now that you've done successfully done a good job putting the dp90 on do you feel confident to go in there and put the single stage on absolutely will the teacher like you piece of cake it's like so yeah exactly this one i was noticing didn't flex at all when you had it on the forklift which is amazing amazing that door opens [Music] you can save anything right you can save anything but is it worth it i think you could probably use this nose remember how we had to find one for our general e yeah this would work just fine we'd put a radiator support from amd we'd put a left apron on it and i bet the rest of it would have been fine and you'd have had it instead of having to knock a car in the head broiled a little quick on the trigger if you know what i mean a little what line of dog no i i did not say light on sorry sorry it looks great turned out great i mean he was very careful mark's going to be happy with it here it's not going to keep that's all that matters how's it going i'm almost done you're what i'm almost done you're almost done yeah oh should i rinse the back off and i thought i'd come out and give you a hand for being a good sport yeah what would you like some help or do you got this it's all right i'm uh i'll help you get this done we'll get it back in the booth so we get our things wrapped up on it okay um and this was all for fun hey i'll remember this why didn't you remember i didn't think you'd go through with all of it most people would be like really you really i wanted to help you all right let's finish don't get too close now with the phantom cuda washed mark and mike come to their final conclusion on the chargers so i guess ultimately the way it comes down to me is probably won't end up saving either one but both of these will contribute vital vital vital organs to many of the cars that do deserve to cover a long time yeah for a long time graveyard cars is known as the company that brings them back from the dead and so you know some people might be sitting there thinking well why not these and you know it's it's multiple answers to that in this particular case not a valuable car no personal emotional attachment to them uh not much left of the cars i mean really you'd spend a ton trying to get those cars back on the road again so my ultimate answer is let's take the pieces off of them that we need over the next few years and help make other cars good cars that do mean something to somebody that do have a value that do have a place in this world that are realistically going to be back on the road again let's help them get back on the road with the use of the parts from these cars all right good job buddy it looks good let's get these things moved out to rat row uh i want them to set even like everything else though this thing's going to hurt somebody so let's cut off what we can and i don't see much they're worth saving that you can't buy from amd's so as far as the front bumper just get rid of that like i say between the pieces that we can use off of them and the original information that's still set in there it's well worth it i think it's all working it was a good trip it was a fun trip nice folks cool place hey careful yeah we'd hate to damage it don't you put a dent in that door just because they're parts cars doesn't mean they won't be useful to other graveyard cars restorations in the future with the day's tasks finished dave readies his engine on the run stand to get it started for the first time in years with the day's tasks finished dave readies his engine on the run stand to get it started for the first time in years i got a few things put on but there's a lot to the engine run stand i don't know so i got to get mike in here and use his expertise of you know putting the rest of the components on the motor and running this engine run stand because i've never done it before so it's it's great being in the engine room and working on a motor it's cool i get a chance to work with mike a little bit on an engine he comes out and helps me out quite a bit in the assembly room so it's kind of nice to come in here and and have him help me out with my motor and and get it fired off for the first time i got a reader topped off oil pressure looked good we kind of just lit it off for a second and there rolled it outside so let's uh let's fire this baby up [Music] we're a little rough huh [Music] uh [Music] you all right yep got my radiator hose gravy there yeah blew the cap out of the thing thank you very much it was the plug imagine that sucker hitting you in the ball oh god that's a ball shot yeah all right that's fine because you're getting ready to shut off anymore that kind of freaked me out when i heard it i know when the water come when you're like well there goes scary just let go oh we'll do a carb swap on it that carb is kind of plugging up a little bit we have issues with it on the vanishing point motor uh so we're gonna do a carb swap on it tomorrow and get that cam broken good somebody just didn't tighten the clamp but it it's working great it was running the right temperature at 80 pounds of oil pressure yeah yeah i think that might be the highest oil pressure we've had out here so that's a good thing yeah low part performance uh high volume oil pump there so and you got a mild cam in it you were saying yeah it's it's actually yeah it's just a little bit above uh stock that's awesome what a lot of builders are recommending for this 340 so yeah i mean i was super stoked you know the way it ran uh yeah i'm really happy so it's always nice to go home on a good note and that's what i get to do tonight also leaving on a good note the ghouls accomplished a lot this week we'll buff the phantom cuda despite a winged invader alyssa learned about proper paint attire and just how far she can trust will royall tried his hand at painting a very special 440 engine dave fired up his own 1970 dodge swinger 340 engine mike and mark rescued some dodge chargers from their all but forgotten grave site and elissa washed a car hey i didn't say all the accomplishments were equal and now the numbers correct 440 six-pack engine and phantom cuda can be brought together for the first time look at that pretty mama oh my god look at that though wow look fool look i'm trying to stop it from rolling you got rage issues i don't you just called me fool because i'm sorry and i'm trying not to use the f word that much july 5th 1981 what were you doing not born yet not born yet all right that's right when did the engine get painted the engine got painted well didn't this happen uh you were washing the what had you watching the car in their paint scoot i'm a little butt hurt about that i think that you know i should have been the one in there helping considering i've played along with his stupid joke the whole time so i definitely have i have some plans will's not going to get away with this one it's okay a royal jump so you had me out washing the car and then you were in painting the engine royal you're gonna let royal paint with you but not me no i'm not gonna get back at royal he's fine but will yeah he's got one coming royal was already geared up in his jeans and t-shirt july 5th i was hoping that maybe they would get a little bit more excited uh with the idea that we're at this milestone and that not only are we at this milestone but now we can see the finish line that we're close on this car to having it completed right there in front of you you need to appreciate it you need to understand it because without that car there's no youtube i can appreciate what my dad was trying to do by bringing us in and kind of showing us you know how much like how far we've come if you could put into just a few words what you're feeling right now the the emotions that are coming from sorry very frustrating again not the angle you're going for it actually yeah the engine's painted i dressed up like an idiot and i didn't get to help just a little frustrated so alyssa and i do you mind if we just put this but i just want you to have a moment you're anti-moment you hate the moment you want to get up on a building with them and you want to hook your handcuff to it you want to jump off onto a great big pillow down below and you want to have murtaugh put a gun in your mouth yeah i am crazy the the moment is when the car's all done assembled right looking perfect and then it rolls over here bad news force fans i could be dead by then congratulations hearts the ice heart twins it's still a great moment and it's something that even if you have to force somebody to appreciate something which is kind of what i had to do today one day you look back and you say wow yeah that was really cool it was neat to be able to be a part of i think alyssa is less than enthralled at the idea she got beat out of getting to paint the engine because i guess royal got to do the painting on the engine while she was out in her space suit washing the car which is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard in my life we'll put her together you know it's all right he pulled one over on her that's that's life that is what it is i got gags that i did back in the 80s that they're still talking about over on willamette street in eugene so [Music] big stuff funny stuff locked a kid nikari almost died all right so let's get this back to the body shop and then we can get it wrapped up and back over here to your father okay and don't crash it nope you go inside
Channel: Graveyard Carz
Views: 305,653
Rating: 4.7722025 out of 5
Keywords: Graveyard Carz, TV Show, Mopar, Chrysler, Dodge, Discovery Channel, MotorTrend, Restoration, Muscle Car, American, The Office, Christine, Mark Worman, Allysa Rose, Will Scott
Id: wUXzmhCLOB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 36sec (2616 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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