Ep.2: It's the Great Pumpkin, Mark Worman! | Graveyard Carz: Season 1

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the unburied dead are coming back to life back to life my name's mark Worman I'm Daren Kirkpatrick we get paid to bring dead cars back to life we work with my best friend royal and my son-in-law Josh we searched far and wide to find how a car was built whereas Bennett's life and how it died after that we bring it back to look exactly the way it did on the day was born [Music] if we don't kill each other [Music] [Music] in the past couple of weeks it's rained probably seven out of the 14 days some days it poured pretty good some days and just drizzle oh crap oops yeah what suited the CUDA got flooded because somebody shut the sump pumps off it's that simple somebody walked over to it shut them off totally disregarded anything I had said prior to that about leaving them on all the time and because it's been raining so hard in a flood in the loading dock very in the CUDA to shut the pumps off hey job Josh what are you yelling at me for anyways thank you well you've got that tone Darrin I'm not quite sure exactly what this sump pumps are accepted the fact I know that they got shut off and I got accused for it and I did not touch you sometimes I just think it's ridiculous I mean the cars supposed to be on the back of the rollback on its way over to the Dipper not in water when we talk about taking a car to a dipper what we're talking about doing is taking it over to another shop where they have tanks that are filled with chemicals that remove rust they remove paint they remove bondo removal fillers anything that's in that car that you want off of the it'll strip off of there what did it hurt really well it didn't it just slows us down it just slows us down a lot okay now we got to pump the thing out and then get the car loaded up on the back of the rollback which is supposed to been over there yesterday but you guys took too long inside doing the other things with all the work that's going on around here it's kind of hard to pay attention to that kind of stuff maybe you should take you to an put it there yeah to come get it with the rollback so it's our fault somebody probably just forgotten about it and it got flooded kind of a just a big accident there's going to get it so did you shut up royal did it did you know did you I didn't do it right I didn't do it whatever I wasn't here this week when the crew that got flooded I did not shut the pumps off I did not shut off the pumps no I didn't shut off the pumps good afternoon well bees he's not he's actually going right now kay take a message I am making a flyer for the pumpkin carving contest I think get them alright idea I mean I think that we're really busy right now we don't really have time to plan and things like this like I could be doing research on cars right now instead of doing a flyer I think the pumpkin carving contest was a brilliant idea to be honest with you it gets everybody together it reinforces the spirit of camaraderie as well as competition it'll be a good break for the guys in the shops they'll have fun doing it together we're gonna join together at one table with sharp knives and carve pumpkins there's always a lot of competition so there's one more thing for them to get to compete on undo isn't even an option so how do you shrink that back dad what are you redraw the pumpkin redo the whole thing when I have work to do you're having me make a flyer looks like a five-year-old kid could have made that in about two seconds with an etch-a-sketch what also has anything about your pumpkin when you were pumped you might pump you'll be perfect but okay yes if I had proper equipment we said it's not Charlie Brown why are we making a flyer when everybody who is in the pumpkin carving contest already knows have you met people during the monkey fermionic they need to have it can just like you they just need to have it reiterated over and over and I just send them an email no they don't read you have to print out the picture of the pumpkin and until no and then okay well that is okay okay I'm just gonna print it then [Music] Oh even better dad we don't have color so that looks like an almond it's fine it's yeah that's okay okay I never made this if anybody asks because this is not up to my quality all right you go whatever Oh [Music] pumps get shut off occasionally nobody seems to admit to it so let's just get in and get it done water who couldn't read the measure off the edge of the hood 12 inches right to the very beginning of that stripe the rally stripe oh then the rally stripe itself is an inch and a quarter wide most of the mole parts that I work on the graphics are made of vinyl so you put them on just like you would a regular decal occasionally like the 70 Road Runner the b21 black out on the hood it's painted on they're gonna go all the way down all the way across the back of the cowl and what I do is I go inside I'm anal retentive when it comes to painting something on a car I don't like doing it so I take it all the way down into here right into the into the reverse corner that's it okay so bring it all the way here and then when we paint it may be yeah it won't get all solid right into that inside corner I don't want to stand back and see black and then a little SEMA purple at the bottom because nothing looks cheesier and see in the end of this driver is that the outside or the inside this is the strike is gonna be right inside there okay [Music] they're diving just a little bit see we're just like from here to here it it's cuz the nature of the hand yeah so if you just tell me I can know it's crooked now this way right yeah tell me perfectly straight I've got a go torch Main Street this is by far my favorite car I've ever done I love it you know the colour the body the shape of the car is just it's a cool car yeah I love it it's challenging job and if you mess up forget to repaint the hood in the upper cowl panel so you've got to make sure that thing is laser straight then it wraps around the back edge of the hood that it wraps around the front edge of the cowl [Music] you have to use the blue fine line tape or the pain will bleed underneath it it's one of the things I see it the car shows is that one of two things will happen one of the guys so whoever's laying out the stripes on the hood will get in a hurry and they'll get a little bit of a snake to them a little crooked where they won't mask and fineline them out with actual fine line tape and if they don't use the fine line tape the paint will bleed under it so you'll see all these little just faint little whiskers of paint up and down the striping on the outside outside it everything is gonna be exactly the way this car came off the assembly line in 1970 royal just taken another one for the team everything being delayed it's gonna delay the pumpkin carving contest - I am not rich enough just to pay second they air on every night this was the stupidest thing to agree to [Music] jeez I turn the pumps on 2 hours later it still hadn't drained I was a little unhappy about half on the weighed in and and unplug it but nobody else seemed to want to do it god that's cold royal just taken another one for the team [Music] I did not do this oh I think it's nice that royal in his own little way volunteered to go out into the water and and unplug it but then again I just I I kind of have to take that with a grain of salt because I wonder is these a guy that shut the pumps off so is he volunteering because he wants to take one for the team or is he volunteering out of guilt I'm going home [Music] I'm asking car post paint is this tedious of a job is masking it if you're not cautious and take your time to make sure that the paint isn't bridged anywhere you can actually peel up either the old paint or part of your new paint [Music] the CUDA being flooded is just another example of why we don't get things done on time and I'll tell you something the roadrunner not being done on time the CUDA being flooded everything being delayed it's gonna delay the pumpkin carving contest too I install the motor and the transmission in the cars the exact same way the manufacturer did I lower the car down around the motor in this particular case we have to raise the motor up into it but it's the same effect [Music] I use the forklift and pick it up from the bottom align all of the original k-member bolt holes up and begin raising it up into the cavity the other guys help on each side by guiding it and making sure that it doesn't scratch the paint off the inner fender wells sometimes it goes smoothly sometimes not so smoothly what am i hitting this particular case we had it at an angle so we couldn't get the bolts on the right-hand side to go into place so we had to set it back down and pick it up from a different angle so that it would raise up into the cavity evenly so we could install all the bolts and the transmission crossmember go to the right yeah keep going okay you might hang on the end of that spring Oh somebody go a little bit further don't we we could hammer hey Joshy I don't think he can pound that out of there buddy we can give it a whirl you know what I'm gonna try they don't carefully lose heart socket forever yeah he's got 100 other ones nope nope nope no we're gonna have to press it out you know what about if we take those vice grips right there and we just put something there's something in there and then we could push it all the way through come here Darrin yes boss you know I love you what do you tip can you do it here my friend his operation room here on maybe she just proposed yeah but I thought he will put it up press hold out tomorrow yes [Music] [Applause] you're getting excited about the pumpkin carving contest yeah okay we'll see how well Dan can carve see how well you can carve CEO or like and carve everybody seems to be excited about the pumpkin carving contest except Darrin I don't think Darrin is very excited about the contest doesn't consider himself very good at it make fun of if you guys show up he'll have a lot of fun good one man I'm gonna make mine look like Marc cool yeah I think it about doing that too man you just puts himself up for public mockery anyways you know that big ol huge beak is I don't know if I call a stealing parts from Daren's car I borrow them that's sick dude don't do that [Music] you're 57 years old [Music] how you doing lighting into the screwdriver black cheering idiot you're a buffoon today we're building the steering column out and putting the wheel opening moldings on the 71 charger okay Josh you're ready for you come on buddy [Music] wants to be smarter than the middle hey Mark yeah you would have been this wheel opening molding where it really is bad so we don't get blamed as it gets rude if it's way way off I have no idea why they were having such a difficult time are we the same reason they have a difficult time with most of the things they do you're about to get punched in your face [Music] by who you know if I get up and I thump you want something says you're messing with me fool I usually start at the 12 o'clock position of the wheel opening molding insert the first screw and then begin holding it and forging it against the panel all the way down so that I have a snug fit from top to bottom but I think they started at the very very bottom and tried to work their way up which is insane oh dude so first off my circle person like you say she probably did what do you mean father I know I want to know first of all over funny about didn't you say I've had a long time problem with marceline part sure my car without my permission you know at least the last the last six years or so I really don't know they say that gives your son all right no but now it's gonna feed with you too right Taron know what everybody knows here at the shop what you did nobody know what everybody knows what you do I don't know if I'd call a stealing for some Daren's car I borrow them yeah sometimes I borrow parts off the Daren's car I got you a bunch of stuff wait wait it's on order never that two or three years it's come on my stagecoach no mr. sarcasm it's not coming by stagecoach you mutters just start doing something a bit I am not rich enough just to pay second they air on every night he doesn't make the rules about when he brings the party back well he does make the rules but he shouldn't be able to put it on the list no I'm not putting it on the list delicious too long okay so here's the deal oh there's no deal you don't take and you make a deal if you take it apart don't two markets then you guys seriously get along for five seconds out it can you civilly talk to each other I'm gonna live second oh I'll be honest with you I could I can I can I am mature and he is not do I get along fine with him he doesn't get along fine with me you guys be civil to each other for at least an hour that can't happen can you do it I didn't do it I can't do it sure I can do it can't be civil sure I can do it they're trying to be civil already civil I get emails all the time saying you stay Daren's the pain in the butt but I think you're the pain in the butt I'm not the pain in the butt I'm not the pain in the butt Darren's the pain in the butt what's the deal the deal is I'm a lot more mature than he this is true all right no I'm kidding that's that's mean steak dinner one hour one hour right now and I know you can't resist because they're on and you can't relax your pet monkeys deal with you for an hour okay wait no you have to interact just we're work on the card you have to be civil for one hour and the winner the winner who can be civil if it's a draw we go out to dinner mutually we go what do they call that when you and your boyfriend go out to dinner Dutch we're yeah you okay it's like that and and if and if you crack and you lose you buy dinner for the other person anyway thank you very much for the use of your clip and we're not taking the column apart so jump in you may take the comb apart all right I'm not gonna take it a call before it started now what's Fox is it all started yes because I am the judge and I am slamming down the gavel it actually didn't really matter if it was okay with marker Darren that I was a judge because I pretty much put my foot in and said I am the judge this is what its gonna be this is what's gonna happen I bought a beautiful green steering wheel isn't that incredible but I need the Dodge version of that I actually think the Dodge one is woodgrain right here so are you saying you often I think I'm over that centerpiece it or where's the one off this originally we took it on the 71 Road Runner that's the one you donated the horns for - and thank you that is actually really missing oh yes oh you did take another take up again but yeah once you take him you can't take up again and I wanted to thank you person you didn't take him again heck yes I did my friend okay can you hold the steering column up well I'm gonna go and look on that 71 you go do that my pet sitter thing on Norfolk market last in the bed less than five minutes [Music] my maturity level on both the social and an intellectual level are considerably higher than Aaron 70 line arts car [Music] oh nice stay smart I go outside do something come back in doors locks I felt cheated violated here we are we just made an agreement how long before that I don't think it was really fair that Mara clocked Darren out of the building I mean it's kind of cold-blooded [Music] now where are they [Music] door please oh boy now what we're just right here you see what they do they go they should lock me out over there then act like you're not even in there locking somebody out is not cold-blooded it's my job it's what I do and then you buddy a home woulda done the same thing hi pinky Let Me In well that's nice mark don't let me in is it raining a little bit a little bit of rain I would never hurt anybody but you my brother nice trick right there on the door nice trick I'm sorry you lose why is that now you should shut the door behind me I didn't even know you were out so that's a bracket I said to that it's it's gone the door shut I don't know what you're talking about let's just go there look and if the brackets on the inside it's an inside job but what I'm saying is no I didn't know I didn't I'm with you let's just go over here look no I know yeah hey could you say well done I like my steak well-done okay what are you talking about well done Pepsi well I went out here and I put them put this little say you start out there I put it right here it's rare get it I don't see it when you put it there I didn't there's no bracket on your oh nice children yeah Thank You hunter we got beat should I get for Darrin one so Mark had to take us both out for a nice steak dinner Wow what I get to go to the nice thick dinner because I'm the judge and somebody needs to split these two apart that was the genius that came up with this bed they both have an ego problem so I'm gonna be the judge that's how appropriate for you chicken then we're going out for steak can you take this down to a hamburger place so we can have chicken fried steak it's the same thing no it's not the same as a sirloin a t-bone or whatever no it's not the same oh you can I don't care what they had down there at Finn's restaurant okay he they chose to have chicken-fried steak there's steak in that word and that ax absolutely qualifies it as the payoff for the bet I'm not taking him anywhere else [Music] all of this was the stupidest thing to agree to that's it dude don't do that that thing needs to be over there needs to get dipped so we can assess exactly what panels we're going to be able to save and what once or not [Music] [Music] we got to get this driveshaft disassembled painted reassembled and installed before that car can come down and that cars coming down now let's do it [Music] [Applause] what does Gloucester sentence either way so never resist we neutered mark he's in pretty easy to get along with you what do you want you freak so we'll check all my stuff make sure it's tight another fine job by Royal yoke Oh [Music] I don't know I can't find the shocks what are this job cuz you never asked me where the shops are yeah idea but they're not here yet they're on backorder and weakened forums yeah yeah my kid Roy look I can't give it back your head I can't scenes magnifies alight sexist - oh yeah where's the rooster you took that hammer from buck can you go to work no contest you know Road Runner you were trying to take this you join an apartment taking a clip out of it because I couldn't see it Wow he's got issues buddy you may want to go ahead and call the squad to get you some new tires right now Oh talk about Marty somebody's already played that game with me before her oh really yeah they do I guess you didn't learn the first time now did ya no I wouldn't pick can I wait come on meat for all the second hitch are sure I think we need to get long little butter a little better bud do what we and you deserted get long a little better we learn to get along a little better it works how to destroy our relationship no he did not Darrin and my relationship is kind of weird you know I love you [Music] and we don't say it enough I gotta do something important see this is what you do every time I try to have a civil conversation with you and you just turn right run at height by emotions right the little girly man the girly man [Music] [Applause] go ahead there's a two-foot roll [Applause] [Music] how's that that's good [Music] go up which toe you're about to get punished when we have in the pumpkin carving contest I'm not answering to cut the pumpkin cut I'm hot don't come to me like little kids I remember when I was in third grade mrs. Wilcox or Elon to school same thing we all wanted to wins the Halloween party she says afternoon okay so the minute noon hits every kid but keep in mind third grade every kid in the class when points a party once part of most part of one's party once part least part of them to be once a party gonna be hey hey hey miss me what's your point personal sure what's your point stitch you're 57 years old you're 57 years old it's time to knock it off over the third grade issue you shouldn't be standing there with your funny arms and your funny face I'm on your side it's always the fight the pumpkin carving contest is a reward for a job well done so before I can reward them we're gonna have to have the road runner down off the rack so we can start putting it together and that kid has got to get off to the Dipper did you drop it or anything ignorant like that why would I drop it why would you drop it I don't know why would you lose the clevis pin why would you show the hornier pin away watch our time if it gets the same thing any of the things you know Tara pissed we have it's just getting it professionally installed you joined [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that Royals got the sump pumps turned on and the waters out he couldn't start empty in the parts out [Music] [Music] [Music] there it is [Music] heading over to Albertsons because the other day when I drove by there there still had about 100 pumpkins setting out front after Halloween it gets a little bit more difficult finding a pumpkin just can't go your regular avenues and routes they're gone they were right there the day before Halloween I drove right by Albertsons right there in between the two why would they do that well that's so stupid honestly what would you what would you put a pumpkin okay rite aid they had some right underneath that canopy are you friggin serious everybody apparently just reels up the pumpkins the day after Halloween well probably because everybody else did their job the day before Halloween so they can enjoy the pumpkins the night of Halloween so we're going out to the Thurston Safeway and if it's not out there if they don't have the pumpkins out there I'll go on Craigslist I don't care I'll find the pumpkins oh you're so stupid because you should have had the pumpkins already bought because I don't think it's my responsibility to buy pumpkins for a group of guys who can't seem to finish the projects on time and then reward them by going out and buying how much Oh pumpkin spin here since I bought a pumpkin order their buck apiece daddy's go to the store and they just have to set it there you can have to go more less to a farmer or a produce stand and buy a pumpkin get a pumpkin his mark is a city slicker he doesn't know anything about that never they still got stuff out from the fourth of July why don't they have any pumpkins and they were all right there where it says wet floor stupid what would you do with a hundred Pompeians leftover what would you oh I know mark loves Halloween night I know for a fact that that is this favorite time of year have and I sure a lot of similarities we both like horror movies things that just scare you so what's a day after Halloween the the pumpkin fairy comes by the stores and takes up all the pumpkins and hauls them off has this been to like three stores so far and these are they're just stacked up out front Albertsons and Safeway so I just got ahold of a guy on Craigslist who said he had 20 pumpkins for 20 bucks so I called him up answers the phone and he's all all quiet about it I've got some pumpkins man yeah cool why I just I need eight pumpkins I need eight pumpkins sure you don't want all 20 pumpkins man I don't need all 20 pumpkins man I need eight I got eight people I need pumpkins for maybe not even that many I'm not sure all right well I'm going to the game today so meet me out behind the game yeah I meet me out behind a meeting in a parking lot I'll be driving an older unmarked Toyota pickup Audie I mean it I hope that it's not illegal to buy pumpkins after after Halloween right your first sign of trouble I'm out of there all morning just trying to get all morning just trying to get a bunch of pumpkins together this was the stupidest thing to agree to the stupidest thing look at these buffoons Aqsa Stadium University to Oregon Ducks number one team in the nation right now I don't want to be here anymore I want to get out of my car I run over and clothesline that guy Centennial Boulevard because I was supposed to reward my guys with a pumpkin carving contest and still the guy the pumpkin peddler who apparently it's illegal can't come over and meet me and bring me my pumpkins I have to go over and meet him on Centennial loot behind a building behind the now house I'm just getting some my heart I want to move back home again or can I just go back home hey it's fun you know I'm sitting here in happy time in in traffic no way oh yeah all right buddy thanks but well it's a complete waste of time you went out to get the pumpkins at the farm and they already gave them to the pigs our Stanley just wasted an hour of my life home never again so I get all the way back here and I and I think myself well now Darren's an old pig farmer and he comes from a long line of pig farmers his dad was a pig farmer his dad's dad was a pig farmer maybe he knows where there's some so I asked him and he says sure I'll find you some pumpkins white people you knew I left a couple hours ago for pumpkins or wouldn't you do that he finds pumpkins in two and a half minutes picks up the phone makes one phone call she moves is some guy up the river to given him the pumpkins not just the I got him but you couldn't have them we don't want him too big they just speak up nor house no you're selling these here yeah we're still part of you can't have those don't you understand I told him like three times I get in here okay I have a hearing disorder no you need to be quiet listen I gave you two ears and one mouth but can we leave him here like mr. hurt [Music] that thing needs to be over there needs to get dipped so we can assess exactly what panels we're going to be able to save and what ones we're not it's a pumpkin pool carve the pumpkin if you smash my pumpkin I will kill you [Music] [Music] [Music] it was a relief to get the cooter loaded up on the truck and heading out he really was that thing needs to be over there needs to get dipped so we can assess exactly what panels we're going to be able to save and what once or not [Music] [Music] do you have actually like Carver for a pumpkin or you know this is how we have to do it with more kids okay we got a sharp knife out of mom's drawer we get the big kitchen knives out and it's tough because sometimes the blades that big so if you're trying to make a small hole that's a little bit tougher but you know those are those are the type of things that Forge you into the person you become later in life okay down on the ground so I could assembly wouldn't be an issue if you're out in the woods and you got no way of feeding yourself you're gonna wish you knew how to carve a pumpkin you're gonna use those skills on on a rack or a chicken or a monkey or something you're gonna wish you could use a knife why don't we carve these after Halloween now don't do your setup for the camera you know exactly what we're doing because nobody had the roadrunner done carving contest we're having one I don't care if it's a melon and there's no point in having a pumpkin contest dr. Halloween except the boots marks ego where he thinks you've got to win the contest yummy yummy [Music] anything to be a fool I had the most fun bothering Margaret carve the pumpkins yes it's gonna turn out very badly for you Darrin if you keep it up it's a pumpkin fool carve the pumpkin is your fucking rock inside yes it is oh man it is not that what is rocking that looks wrong I think that's what people deserve they deserve rotten pumpkins because that's what you give a customer you know that's a good life lesson all right if you tell somebody their cars gonna be done on the first and people goof around and play grab-ass and don't get it done in time so I have to give it to him two weeks late it's kind of like a rotten pumpkin for them isn't it not the least bit sorry they is pumpkin is rotten I think it's funny that his pumpkin was rotten just leave the top on it that's your pumpkin that's your cleveson no let's my clevis batch your clevis pin that'd be funny Joyce that is awesome you know he's gonna win first place this is this is more to hell that's supposed to be this is you if you can't tell by this schnoz it's too small no one knows it's too small well that's me [Music] hey my name is Josh hold on one second pal okay seriously Josh it's rotting and you just about of it no say run no no no you got a small way buddy yeah that's it dude don't do that we should all take our IQ test [Music] it was fun go carve pumpkins again I haven't carved any pumpkins since my kids were young [Music] I like putting guts and stuff my pumpkin in March pumpkin house it mostly warming I wanted a pumpkin carving contest to be a lot of fun for everybody but Darrin just couldn't accept it for that I don't know why I'm serious you empty it right now and I'm serious empty it right now don't touch it empty it don't play around our tools don't horse around give me my saw empty my pumpkin I just emptied it in water fluoride the others what do you want both of them I give you both it's like the little dog it barks if your heel all this time not gonna do anything he kept filling my pumpkin up with the crap out of his pumpkin and I warned him several times too and I don't think he understood that I was serious I hate that right you hate it I wish you wouldn't do it [Music] I hope editor out okay is that cheating no Phyllis I'm cheating I don't have any nice well either do we but we can't use it you always have to make sure to win so you cheat I think all is fairy all was fair yes was it fair for Josh to use the face that he bought in a store clerk does something she just smashes pumpkin I wouldn't recommend it you why okay what are you gonna do big boy you know what fellow why don't you smash it and find out if you smashed my pumpkin I will kill you [Music] [Music] you [Music] well the reason we're not over there with the car more three days late thank you for asking is the fact that somebody shut the sump pumps off on the loading dock and it flooded the car so you know it would be one of those things that is kind of out of my control so I don't think I don't owe you a doctor's office how can I charge me for an appointment I didn't make throw some old crap box Chevy hire and let it set to long what okay I don't know but are those the ones that you have me turn off a couple months ago to save money I'll back here in the summer and on you had me turn off some pumps back there during the summer to save money are those the ones you're talking about yep [Music] yeah so um anyway sorry about that yeah well anyway we figured that whole thing out and snow big deal doesn't matter because the cars made a metal anyway there's it's not like anything got hurt worse than it already did sitting out in the rain so [Music] yeah a lot genitive lug guards this week that for example cut to be 21 black out hood option on it let's jump engine transmission suspicion rear in fuel tank all the roadrunner Austin buttoned up and not a week too late and what was our penance for not getting that done on time pumpkin carving contest two weeks late well I wasn't two weeks late but it was a little bit late with her late well okay maybe now you know how the customer feels that owns the roadrunner when we tell them this car isn't done because few days late you'll remember the rotted pumpkin won't you so did you get in the car dude you didn't do anything wrong well we stick to croutons a dipper hoping there's a little bit of the CUDA left when it comes back gonna be a lot left to their to the today differ how about the steak dinner did you like that steak dinner no I want to stay you know not a chicken-fried steak dinner how does it deal first okay you order the chicken-fried steak I didn't yeah but you don't go to a Chinese joint an order American food if I take you to a place that offers a state I've done my job I offer you you could look at the camera stupid bat your eyes but I did my job it's called the chicken-fried steak but it's actually hamburger that's all beat up okay look Freddy why don't you beat up in a minute if you don't you bring it on all dude okay right fool sitting over there with your your Beeker from the Muppets and posture thanks graveyard guards I can't put the top up until you hit subscribe go I'm begging ya hit subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Graveyard Carz
Views: 109,094
Rating: 4.486146 out of 5
Keywords: Graveyard Carz, TV Show, Mopar, Chrysler, Dodge, Discovery Channel, MotorTrend, Restoration, Muscle Car, American, The Office, Christine, Mark Worman, Allysa Rose, Will Scott
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 17sec (2657 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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