Ep. 8 | The Basement Office | Underwater UFOs add to US Navy mystery | New York Post

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Thanks for posting. Glad the show is still getting love! -SG

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/MFLUDER 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wonder what's up with the new epsidoe. It's been over a month now. Hope it didn't get canceled or anything

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/nadelsa 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
A strange recurring theme in the UFO phenomenon is water. It's been reported that one in five UFO sightings involve unidentified craft being seen above or under bodies of water. Yeah, a lot of these UFO have been captured on video. Some of them over water. What is that? And because of that, the U.S. Navy with ships sailing and oceans across the entire world, has become a major source of UFO sightings with hundreds of reported cases. Today, we're diving deep into murky waters and discussing when a UFO becomes a U.S.. UNIDENTIFIED submerged object. Welcome to the basement office. Everyone knows the term UFO unidentified flying object craft in the sky. U.S.O., an unidentified submerged object, is essentially these craft being observed either coming out of the water into the water or traveling through the water. Water seems to play a big role in the common thread of sightings, correct? Absolutely. Water does seem to be critical. And it's interesting that that, of course, traditionally we thought that the Air Force had the lead for this subject. And only recently, perhaps with the ated program in the Nimitz encounters, are we learning that the Navy is a big player in all of this. And again, it brings a spike in water. Right. And if you remember the original story that kicked off all of this modern disclosure in the Nimitz story, the pilots describe seeing UFO as these, you know, forty five foot tic-tacs flying through the air, but they also saw a U S O the size of a 737 underneath the surface of the water, creating a disturbance on the surface. And one of the UFO was these little tic-tacs was hovering above the USA. One of the new anecdotes to come out of all this recently was David Praver, Commander David Favre, who was one of the witnesses of the Tic-Tac, was on the Joe Rogan show. David Favre tells the story of earlier pre Tic-Tac days earlier in his career, a naval ship going to retrieve a disabled torpedo water drone type thing. And as they were approaching this disabled object in the water to retrieve it, a-, as he described it, a dark disc shaped object emerged from the depths of the ocean. Because it's not a submarine, he's seen submarines before. Once you see submarines, you can't confuse it with something else. And he starts screaming through the intercom system to tell him to pull the diver up. And the divers, like, few feet from the water. Then all of a sudden, he said the torpedo just got sucked down underwater and the object just descended back down into the depths and they never recovered the torpedo. She's. And when I heard that story, a lot of puzzle pieces started possibly connecting. I looked back and started noticing that, yes, many UFO sightings occur near bodies of water. And one of those puzzle pieces comes from season one. When you and I were discussing these flying saucer photos taken by the Brazilian navy over the ocean, 1958, the military. Brazil takes these photos of a saucer in the sky, Yes, this is a Navy training ship and multiple witnesses and these extraordinary photos. And it's also interesting that over the years there've been a number of reports of UFOs emerging from and and flying back into the ocean, just as you think you are beginning to get a handle on this phenomenon. There's a new aspect to it that could be coming from the ocean. Well, that's one of a number of theories about this. OK, so before we move on to well documented modern cases of USO's, I think it's important to look back in history, human history and realize there's a lot of stories and folklore regarding weird stuff coming out of the water. Absolutely. And people say, well, in folklore and religion, the gods always come from the skies. Not true. Plenty of gods come from the water. This Poseidon, this Ankie, the God of the Anunnaki is the water God. The birth of Venus. She comes out of the ocean. Right. And another thing in in doing research for this episode, looking back through history, something that I learned that I had no idea was real. And it turns out it is is in fourteen ninety two onboard the Santa Maria, Christopher Columbus in route to Discover America, writes in his logbook book describing a luminous hovering object above the ocean observed by those of his crew. You heard of this? Yes. It's an interesting piece of American history that I guess a lot of people haven't heard of. But there it is. As you say, it's in the ship's log. It's on the record. Yeah. And I think it's mostly dismissed because scientists have written it off and in many ways with natural explanations for what he saw. Media your things, a star brightly in a star that he didn't know what he was. But the way he describes it in his logbook is of like candle lit candle hovering above the ocean. And that is weird. And then there's an event from Japanese history, folklore, a tall tale. You could say that does actually have some documented history behind it. It's from the turn of the 19th century 2:42 in Japan. A familiar with this? Yes. This is truly bizarre. I mean, it's weirdly surreal. Yeah, the. It's so crazy. The legend is called soroban and it translates to roughly hollo ship, hollow boat. And the story goes that native No.3, this object right here, washed ashore on the coast of Japan. Local fishermen see it. They approach it and a figure emerges. Yes. A female who spoke a language that the local people couldn't understand who carried with her and refused to be pointed from a strange box, a device of some sort. No one knew who she was, where she came from, what this object was that she had arrived in. So a history museum in Japan has released to the public and exhibit a book or manuscript from the 1830s that writes about this event. You see here, the story is told there are artistic interpretations of what the fishermen claimed to have seen the craft. Here is the figure, the woman that they said they saw. She's clutching this box. And the story goes that after she was acting weird and she wouldn't let go of the box. The fisherman let her back to the craft, put her inside and out to sea. She went. The whole story is so weird, Nic. Absolutely. OK. So the weird drawings, the weird sketches, the weird story all notwithstanding, I should reiterate that this is regarded as nothing more than folklore. Further investigations have been done by modern historians into this case. And while they haven't been able to prove that nothing like this happened in 2:42 Japan, there is no evidence to support that this is anything beyond folklore. But I mean, I think this is a wider issue that you look at something like this and you say, well, it's just folklore. But what is folklore? I mean, in a sense, it is information passed between people. We do ourselves a disservice if we just dismiss it as as tales that were told. OK. So there was a little bit of weird history regarding weird stuff coming in and out of the ocean. But now we're going to dove into well-documented modern cases of USS 1973. Piedmont, Missouri. First sighting comes from a basketball coach. And some of the players at night, they see a UFO, a diamond kind of spin, top shaped UFO. It gets weird when dozens and dozens of people begin to see the object hovering above Clearwater Lake, which is the big lake near Piedmont or coming literally out of Pete Lake. A couple of pictures were taken. This is the glow. It started with a glow above the horizon to the to the east. And witnesses saw within Clearwater Lake a glow, reddish glow, reddish light in the lake. And then an object would emerge from the lake out of the lake and become a.. Some people saw an orb rise, you see in this photo, which was printed in dozens of newspapers. This object, they kind of spend top diamond, maybe even triangle shaped UFO and all of this takes place near clear water. There are some great quotes, by the way, in this case. There's a local police chief says there's no doubt that there's something up there. We just don't know what it is. And one of the first witnesses basically said, I know this is going to sound funny, but there's hardly anyone around here who hasn't seen it. I can dismiss one person saying I saw this thing coming out of the lake. This big object that didn't make a Santa took off its feet. But when dozens and dozens of people from all areas of a town, a city, a state, begin seeing and describing the same thing you've got sit back. You have to sit back and go, wait a second. What are they looking at? You know, what are they saying? Something's there. So. A well-documented case. With a ton of witnesses sketches, Air Force involvement takes place 1965 starting over Oklahoma. A wave of saucers, flying saucers is seen by hundreds over four states. And on the first day was actually at night, July thirty first nineteen sixty five. It all starts with a U.S.O., a fisherman at night and his boat on a lake. He observes a saucer type object with a greenish white light slowly emerge in front of him out of the lake and then zip off at speed. He was so shocked by this that it's reported he was hospitalized for shock. It really just literally blew his mind and it was determined he was not on drugs, not drunk and was an upstanding citizen. And then you have four or five straight days of multiple sightings of multiple saucers spreading over Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, then the like. And you could see here the headlines of how the news of the day was covering it. Thousands more see flying saucers, Oklahoma over Oklahoma City. Here's a sketch by a witness, and that's pretty detailed. Yes, there's not much middle ground with something like, right? Yes. This is would be the object that a fisherman claims came out of a lake and then took off to the skies and was then seen in the skies by locals over four states. Now, the interesting thing is the Air Force gets involved. And what what do we know now? And in nineteen sixty five, what was the Air Force doing at this point. Well of course we had Projekt Bluebook. So they were officially investigating these sightings. The Air Force was coming out interviewing the witnesses. And very often sad to say what they were trying to do with these waves of sighting is debunk them. Correct. Yeah. They would try to downplay people's fears. Downplay? Oh, you didn't see this. What you actually saw was was this. And observers, witnesses were actually starting to argue with the Air Force because the Air Force was reporting. No. As it says here, no. You were just seeing a star or Jupiter. Come on. I mean, do they take people for idiots? People look in the night sky all the time. I know what a star and planet looks like. And. And I bet the guy who was out fishing knows Donald well, too. But what's funny is evidence. Further evidence shows this. These totally not UFOs per the Air Force, totally Jupiter or Star per the Air Force are tracked on radar. They were tracked at altitudes of six to nine thousand feet. Not millions and millions of miles away, as in Jupiter or any star. Right. So something was six to nine thousand feet in the air. So, you know, it's you could see I don't want to dove deeper into Oklahoma, which was made international news, but it blew me away that the the catalyst for this wave was indeed a USL and one that scared a hardy fish. Local fisherman, almost literally to death. So in this case, we're able to read about the Air Force's involvement. And when you look at the Air Force's Project Blue Book files, you see at least six hundred and twenty three cases of USA reported by the U.S. Navy. So within Project Blue Book, the six hundred and twenty three cases, I've pulled some selects where Bluebook coordinated with the U.S. Navy in order to investigate the sightings. And I'd like to just bring up a few examples here. August 1950, naval officers aboard a ship see an unidentified elliptical object approached the ship. The speed of the object was estimated to be around 500 miles an hour. The object was described as 0 velar egg shaped, Tic-Tac shaped. The object's color was described as shiny aluminum color sparkled in the sunlight and also as metallic white. The official project bluebook conclusion of this unidentified August 1954 off the coast of the Yoran Jima Island in the Pacific Ocean. Witnesses aboard the SS doctor and jeer witness a 100 foot diameter disc approach the ship from the north east. It was estimated to be 100 hundred feet accurately because it literally flew over the ship, stopped and then rose and disappeared into the sky. The witnesses were interviewed by U.S. Air Force Intelligence Project Blue Book in the final conclusion. UNIDENTIFIED So you've got the U.S. Navy seeing these crazy things, coordinating with Project Blue Book, the government's official UFO program, to investigate what they saw because they don't know. They don't if they know, it wouldn't have been a report. And it turns out official guidelines, Navy guidelines were issued. So basically, here it is. Here's the whole procedure of if you see this, report it this way. And I love this because it's got at the top, of course, your picture of missiles. Picture of a ship. Picture of a submarine. Then picture of a UFO with a military aircraft as if. Yeah. That's every bit as real as the other things. They drew a flying saucer. And they're telling pilots and Navy men, if you see this, here's how you report it, how to send it. And then to send that communication of that report, of that sighting to a specific destination. One has to wonder if you were somewhat at one of those destinations receiving these reports. What kind of reports were you getting? What was that like? We spoke to someone who used to be in the Navy, who worked at one of these destinations and received a message. Let's cut to that sky. When did you join the Navy? And how long were you in the Navy? I joined back in February 1968. I was in there for four years, served in Vietnam and combat action had a high level, top secret Krypto Level 14 security clearance, mostly worked at the naval communication station in San Francisco, which was the busiest military hub back then in 1969. So all communication from all naval ships is kind of coming into where you are. Yes, on the Pacific side, yeah. On the Atlantic. There's other. But it was much more traffic on the Pacific side. There was a code room when atmospheric conditions are really bad. The only thing that can make it through is primitive communications, much slower. You know, Morse code. Do do do do you know type of thing. I was a certified high speed code operator. Twenty five words per minute. I was monitoring nine ship to shore circuits simultaneously for traffic from the ships. And I took thousands of messages during the years that I worked there. And the one message that came in all was left imprint. And on the back of my memory, which was what a ship that was reporting its position off the coast of Alaska so that the crew visually witnessed coming off of Port Bell a brightly glowing reddish orange elliptical and identified object about 70 feet in diameter that merged down the ocean, shot straight up in the space of the ship's radar. Operator tracked the blips going over 7000 miles per hour. All this was secret classification, priority level, going to the chief of naval operations in Washington, D.C. What kind of call was it? Was a distress call? Was it just a, hey, this happened collar? What kind of communication was coming from this vessel? It was a classified secret message that was coming in, you know, through Morse code. I was typing it out on a typewriter. As I'm typing this message out, decoding it in my mind, I'm reading this thing. I can't believe what I'm reading. He had some decoding it. And I almost thought for a second, I like you over the Xerox machine and make a copy, but then you get 10 years in prison. That doesn't work. So, you know, handed on to the communications watch officer, which then took it to the Krypto and then send it on to Washington. OK. So after this 1969 experience that you had. Did you have any other running's experiences? Did you hear tales of other cases after that? I've done a lot of research since that time. I find out that's not unusual or is actually thousands of U.S.O. reports that coming out of the ocean that day way back. That brings us to the big one. Probably the most famous U.S.O. case ever, chag Harbor, Nova Scotia, Canada. Why don't you give me the basics? Shaw, October 4th, 1967. Multiple witnesses see essentially an unidentified submerged object. Something comes down. Enters the water. Subsequently, some people say they see it floating on the surface. The military is involved. Many, many witnesses. Right. And leading up to this story, before this object that people see collide with the harbor of Nova Scotia. There are a few sightings leading up to that. One is an airline pilot to. Capture the object on radar said it was rectangular shaped with a string of lights. Got a family at the same time sitting on their front porch. This is around 7:00 or 8:00 at night. They look up, they see the same exact object as this airline pilot. You've also got down in the water. You've got a boat captains picking up the object on his radar. He saw four objects on his radar for different objects. So while the some folks saw one solid object rectangle, others were picking up perhaps different objects. So this sucker is seen. Four lights descending at speed towards the harbor collides with the harbor. People say they hear. It sounded like a bomb going off. Yes. A sort of whistling wooshing noise as this object or objects descends at this point. Many people were calling their local radio stations to report. I just saw this. The first person to call ortho to see this with his own eyes and to call authorities. That first phone call was by Laurie Wickens, who we spoke to be a Skype. Let's listen to his story. You were a witness at the chag Carver event. Yes, I was the first one to call the RCMP that night. There were five us in the car. We see, like, you know, this guy shadowed in our brain. And describe for me what you saw. There were four lines. They were in a row in a line. Oh, no. And actually, we went a mile or so as we made a corner and started going up by hill. The light went from going level a 45 degree angle. And before we made your job, the hell the. We had a fight for about three seconds. We made the top of the hill at one point in the water. We just thought it was a plane and went down. We went up. What was it called? The art MP, Joe, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and reported a plane crash. One theory is that this is a crash. But I wonder when when you come to think that there was a recovery operation, they went, they searched, expecting to find debris. I mean, people thought initially. One of the theories was this is a plane crash. They didn't find anything. That's interesting. It raises the possibility that this was a controlled descent into the water. And indeed, some some of the witnesses saw it floating on the surface. Did it actually take off and leave? What do you think it was? Don't know. Something crashed. They say we all felt really sharp. But we don't know what it is. And the official story says we found nothing. Nothing was found. And to me, that's almost as crazy as we found a UFO. Because if an object is observed in the air tracked on radar, its size estimated it's seen crashing into a harbor. And if gravity works the way it's supposed to work, you would find something in that lake. If it indeed was a crash, you would think there would be something down there. Or if this really was a crash, as the witnesses believe, debris, we have no proof that the official story we found nothing is false beyond logic. And I think logic says if a massive screaming object falls from the sky and hits a lake, you're gonna find something. You're like you said debris. I mean, I'm fine with accepting that it's a balloon or X, Y, Z. But to say nothing is found after, quote, it sounded like a bomb going off when it hit is just preposterous. My point is that something that the military has a history of doing. Well, I think you can look back at the entire history of military involvement in this and say at the very least, they've downplayed it. I mean, if this was something conventional, the police report would simply have said pilots saw something. There was an apparent crash. We searched. And sure enough, sadly, a light aircraft has crashed and we've recovered it. And that's all the report would say. Of course, we see from time to time, that's exactly the sort of report you do read in in government files. But this is something else. Now, if you remember, as we started talking about chag Harbor, we talked about the the sightings and the in the radar data before the crash. One of those was a boat captain who, you know, captured the objects on his radar. Here is an official report with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police about, as you see here, the unidentified flying object on four October 1967, in which that boat captain is interviewed. He acknowledges within this document at times, the Navy. Do a lot of practicing in the area, he acknowledges. Look, I know the military in the Navy, they've done tests, there's testing grounds nearby. I know stuff happens out here. But he says, quote, I had never seen anything like this before. When the object left, the water went straight up in the air with only one red light. And so he he sees this sucker go in the water, remain in the water, move for the water and then take off out of the water. Could have been this kid in that business. But I literally had never seen anything like this before. And, you know, many of us haven't. I mean, to see something crashed into the ocean. Move around and then take off again is preposterous. It's difficult to reconcile that with something that we had at the time. I mean, you know, these these people are pretty good witnesses. What I like about this is he's very careful not to be, I suppose, over embellishing this. He says, like when he doesn't know, he says I don't know or I couldn't see it. All right. So you are getting a real straight shooter here. Just telling it like it is. And yeah, absolutely. When you think, well, could it be this? Could it be that? No, he sees that kind of stuff. And on top of that, at the bottom of this report by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, it says Captain Bursey is considered to be a reliable type individual and bears a good reputation in his community. The officials, the police military found this man to be legit. So most of my brain leans towards Ockham's Razor. This is all just simply experimental aircraft created by humans that still to this day is being withheld from public view. But it's hard to process. At the same time, that data evidence the witness accounts by law enforcement, military all describing something seemingly impossible. And as we covered in the last episode. Now astrophysicists and U.S. Navy personnel say perhaps even something nonhuman.
Channel: New York Post
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Keywords: new york post, ny post, nypost, news, us news, breaking news, world news, latest news, story, stories, top stories, pentagon ufo, uso, unidentified submerged object, ufo, unidentified flying object, aliens, unidentified, ufos, ufo sightings, ufos underwater, ufo underwater, ufo sighting, us navy, ufos san diego, declassified ufo, Christopher Columbus ufo, us navy ufo video, shag harbour, shag harbour incident, alien, paranormal activity, Steven Greenstreet, Nick Pope, utsuro bune
Id: vUhgawm-ZKc
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Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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