Bonus Episode | The Basement Office | Former Navy pilot on the Tic Tac Nimitz UFO | New York Post

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[Music] you published this article in 2015 about the nimitz encounter this is two years before the New York Times bombshell right what made you write the article the so I've known Dave flavor for thirty years I think it is so um we've been friends for a long time and he had told me the story of the the nimitz incident in a bar and it became the best bar story I ever heard you know my jaw at the ground and he told it to me in pretty good detail and you know it's just something so remarkable to me because you know one of the questions I get asked as a professional pilot you know somebody spends a tremendous amount of time in the air have you ever seen anything weird in a UFO anything you can't explain and my answer has always been no not only no but I don't know anybody who has I immediately discounted it until I heard this story and so it's it comes packed with a lot of credibility because I know Dave I know that there were other people involved - you know corroborate his story there are eyewitnesses you know I know there were other assets involved that had radar tracks and stuff like that so to me it just it so broke the mold of what I was used to or how I was used to dealing with the question of the UFO theory that it just always stayed with me and then once I became editor of this online magazine fighter suite it was one of the first stories that I wanted to write I wanted to give it a real a real journalistic pass so that I could put as much facts and details and explain you know this phenomena that happened in a way that was essentially the refutable you know it's it's not some wacko who says he saw something in his backyard it's a you know it's a captain commanding officer of a fighter squadron with three other people and an entire Carrier Strike Group that witnessed something so that's what motivated me to write that story so you say that this story this this nimitz encounter where with the tic tacs and you know all the crazy stuff there in this was a up to you know that point was just a bar story it was a it was a tale Navy sailors were tailed to each other certainly Dave would tell it and he reminded me I called him last week to to kind of freshen myself up on the on the details before our call today and he reminded me that at one point I had called him and I was having a party in my house and I was telling people the story about you know a UFO incident and I'm like hold on let me get let me get the guy who saw it on the line and I called him up and I'm like hey Dave will you tell this story and he literally on a speakerphone with you know the people at the party hovered around the speakerphone told the tic-tac story to everybody and then we went and watched the video that was on YouTube and this was probably I don't know 2011 or 12 or something like that so yes it was essentially for a long time just a really great bar story and another thing I think people don't understand is something you just mentioned which is the the video the 2004 video featured in the New York Times article in December 2017 that was actually on the internet for a while right years yeah yeah and I would when I told that story well you know whether it was just me telling friends or Dave you know calling in to a party I would use that video as punctuation because the video in and of itself is unremarkable you really need the story ahead of it to give it substance so it was really available on YouTube for many many years was the pentagon's a tip program involved with the nimitz encounter the investigation what did they look into it have you heard one way or the other yes so as I understand it and I have a copy of that oh and I report which I believe really is a native report but as I understand it from Dave nobody said anything to anybody after the incident it was just something weird that happened and everybody went along with their lives and went about their business until 2009 and that's when the Oh an eye or a tip did this comprehensive investigation and they and they went back and talked to all the CEOs of all the ships the tactical action officer on board the Princeton the radar operator Dave his wingman the ytube folks the captain or the commanding officer of the submarine they talked to the head intelligence officer even the junior intelligence officers on the Nimitz and they talked to the Admiral in charge of the Strike Group so they talked to everybody that had any position of authority or any sort of access to this material they talked to the senior chief that was running the radar during the Tic Tac incident itself and it's a great it's a great document which again I managed to get my hands on and that's what my article is based on basically talking to Dave and reading this article so so uh basically what I'm trying to figure out is if this secret Pentagon UFO program did in fact investigate the Nimitz encounter you believe that it's possible they were involved in this oh and I report yeah so the document I have doesn't have anything on it other than the report it doesn't say classified it doesn't say you know office of naval investigations it's just the report itself which is unusual for a a military document would certainly have something on it marking it it would say who it's you know who the investigating department is and who it's designed to be sent out to if it was classified or secret it would have that stamped on it this has none of that it's just like I said a very thorough comprehensive report Dave told me that he believes that it was a tip in the guise of oh and I and he knows a lot more than I do at this point about that kind of stuff he's actually talked to some of the folks that used to work at a tip so where did you get the report it was given to me by somebody that doesn't want to be named but okay cool is that online is that something I missed is that something that's published online V I believe and I have a Reese I haven't looked for it because I've got one but I believe that the let me see if I can find it I believe that the cover page is online or it's been released but there it is but the document itself is not so here's a here's the document I broke this this is this is just me for my own purposes and you know it's just it's a it's a huge document with lots of detail and the reason why I don't put it out is because I was AI was asked not to would be it's got a bunch of names in it that of people that aren't public right now and I'm assuming that they don't want to be public if they're not at this point so it's not for me to release the names but my the article that I wrote is essentially that document with the names redacted so and it's got all the details in it okay and that's big the document right there is basically a summary of this Oh n I investigation slash a tip investigation correct yes yep like I said there's no markings on it it just it literally you know just the cover page says executive summary it looks like something that comes out of a corporation if you know to your point but it's you know it's got all kinds of great stuff in it you know it's got all these photos it's got you know technical data on the ships what's what uh what photos do they have there's no photos of the tic-tacs themselves that was that you know that actually there is I mean you know this is this is Flair footage right here you know that this is the same footage that comes from that tic-tac video so it's not there's nothing remarkable about it but is there any radar data there's discussion a very technical discussion of all the radar stuff yeah okay all right so this story has been with you for a while directly indirectly what do you think the tic-tac is I don't know that's a great question and again I have to refer back to you know that my friend it was died witness and he does not believe it's terrestrial he says in his experience you know flying for 20 plus years 25 years or whatever he did what he saw was not something that was produced here on earth so that's that's all that he says I know that a couple of the other witnesses that saw it we're kind of wigged out but which i think is telling in and of itself so you know I would have to lean towards something that's not planetary but again I have no evidence to that so you've got decorated experienced fighter pilots for the for the US Navy saying that is not human yes yeah this story is so nuts man this story is nuts during that time was there ever protocol Navy protocol for reporting or engaging UFOs no so you were never briefed if you see something weird here's what you do no no and in fact I mean it just it was so not a part of the culture that you know when Davy I'm going to show you this video or this cartoon but when Dave came back to the ship you know he was transmitting his engagement on the radio and other people could hear it so you know it was broadcast people heard what he saying and what was going on and when he came back to the ship and landed one of the things you do is you go to the Intelligence offices and you debrief it's unusual for the squadron CEO to come in and debrief but he felt it was important to do that and when he walked in there all the intelligence guys had made tinfoil hats and you know we're mocking him right I mean they were making fun of him they were ribbing him which is totally normal and you know a military especially naval aviation environment you get grief and you get ripped and in the next day on the air plan schedule which is that the schedule for the whole Air Wing there's a cartoon every day where they take some sort of a Gary Larson or you know Calvin and Hobbes cartoon and they amend the the text to fit the situation but the next day show this really well but you know they they put a cartoon up there of a UFO that's been shot down and the aliens are swimming away and there's a there's an f-18 right there flying away and and the text says strike past Eagle 1:10 splash one UFO and you know in the bottom it says with black ace one being a being a master of air-to-air combat the UFO never stood a chance so that was the attitude was that this was kind of funny who's blind base one that's Kate favorite likeness the squadron vfvf a forty one is the black aces and black ace one is the commanding officer so Dave braver was black ace one and that's the actual cartoon that was posted on the Nimitz yeah the next day you
Channel: New York Post
Views: 248,611
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Keywords: new york post, ny post, news, us news, breaking news, world news, latest news, story, stories, top stories, Paco Chierici, us navy, pilot, ufos, ufos caught on camera, us navy ufo, ufo, ufo sightings, USS Nimitz UFO, unidentified flying object, David Fravor, mystery, Tic tac UFO, tic tac, aliens, us government, area 51, pentagon ufo, pentagon ufo video, new york times ufo, ufo sighting, basement office, extraterrestrial life, unidentified flying objects, extraterrestrials
Id: _bKgf8aevrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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