Ep. 5 | Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident pt. 1 | Real evidence & witnesses | The Basement Office

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I liked the rendasham story

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

I regularly cycle around Rendlesham forest. I'll let you know if I see anything.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/caferaca 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

The Rendlesham Forest case once was among "the best" (sigh) cases. The main witness lost ANY credibility when he came out with the hideous tale of the cryptic code, which he showed on this TV show.

As it turns out, the "code" was actual ASCII code, and someone screenshotted it and translated the code. (Which anyone with Kindergarten-level PC computer knowledge can easily do).

The idea that aliens would dictate a message in effing ASCII code is so hideously absurd, I can't even. (Added twist: The actual message included coordinates which, AFAIK, were supposed to designate some location in the UK. But they made a typo...where they mistook E/W...and the coordinates instead ended up somewhere in the Atlantic ocean). Sorry, is a long time ago, have to recall this from memory.

Bottomline: He lost any credibility for me. It has literally become a Rendle-Sham.

Also: As far as I remember, wasn't Linda Moulton Howe (SHUDDER) involved...respective LMH indicated interest she wanted to make her own docu about the case or something. Means, someone, after so many years, wanted to make a "interesting UFO docu" and likely offered good money....and I had the strong feeling that all that absurd stuff, in particular with the ASCII code and the telepathic message etc...was deliberately added so the story sells better. Basically, "oh, well we know about the old Rendlesham Story. Isn't there something else you "remember" from back then, something cool we can add to the story? [waving with a stack of dollar bills]." And lo and behold, all of a sudden the tale of the military personal encountering the UFO had all these highly miraculous new elements to it...including telepathic communication, a secret code, this and that. Enough said. It's utter BS and the case, respective the central witness lost ANY credibility.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/flexylol 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
in December 1980 air force officials thought they saw an airplane crash in the forest when they went to investigate what they found shattered their concept of reality and changed their lives forever I'm thinking the whole time nobody's gonna believe what we're telling us the Rendlesham forest incident is one of the best documented UFO events in the world and the evidence collected is absolutely frightening are we alone colonel they're definitely not welcome to the basement office and again we are joined by Nick Pope who has been kind enough to join us for quite a few episodes here and you literally wrote the book on this incident right yes I teamed up with two of the main United States Air Force witnesses we put together this book and to my knowledge it's the only UFO bird ever to have needed security clearance from both the US and the UK government why don't you set up the scene well Rendlesham forest is in the county of Suffolk in England and it's to the north east of London and these are two military bases Bentwaters and Woodbridge RAF bases so Royal Air Force but operated by the United States Air Force so most of the witnesses are US military personnel and Rendlesham forest lies between the twin bases of Bentwaters and Woodbridge okay so take me to December 26th some of the security police and guarding personnel see strange lights in the forest and their first thought of course is they think maybe a aircraft has crashed and there's a fire so they go out to investigate and they find not a crashed aircraft but a landed UFO a relatively small triangular-shaped craft and it's come down in this small clearing in Rendlesham forest and it's actually smashed off some of the branches as it came down John Burroughs and Jim Penniston who were the two who actually then went forward to approach the crime they walked up to this thing and then suddenly it slowly took off vertically maneuvered its way past the treetops and once it had cleared the treetops it accelerated away at incredible speed Jim was an experienced noncommissioned officer who who had deep specialism in aircraft recognition and he said this this is no aircraft this thing was so beyond his frame of reference he just didn't know what else to think or say and I actually spoke with Jim Penniston and his story is its own episode all together in fact the next episode is completely dedicated to Jim Penniston story but for now this is not the end of the Renison forest incident there's a Christmas party two nights later what happens then the door was burst open a young officer comes up to the base commander and the deputy base commander and says sir it's back and they are told the UFO has returned so the deputy base commander is Lieutenant Colonel Charles halt he is absolutely by-the-book guy he has heard the rumors about the UFO from the first night he is not impressed with this he's like I'm gonna go out there and put a team together we're gonna go out and we're gonna debunk this nonsense so that everyone can get on with their jobs well he goes out and he is not able to debunk it because he himself the deputy base commander witnesses the UFO what he took an audio recorder with him and we have the public can listen to this tape we've taken some snippets from this tape and for you guys to listen to and watch so let's cut to that [Applause] I want to point out in this audio to remember that this guy had no interest in a UFO went out there to calm everyone down there's nothing here you guys are this is bull and then you hear in his voice look look there's a light Oh what is that you know you can hear himself surprised want you to describe what he's seeing in this audience table well the star of all this is actually quite mundane he goes because at first he doesn't see anything so what he does is he and the half dozen or so people that he had taken out with him they go to the landing site where John burrows and Jim Penniston encountered the UFO on the first night and sure enough they actually find indentations in the ground and the ground is this is December in England it's it's cold the ground is frozen hard there are indentations that show that indeed an object weighing several tons did land exactly where where they said it landed so they they start off there and at the beginning of the tape they are going around and for example they're taking samples soil samples scrapings from the trees they run the Geiger counter around and they get peak readings radiation radiation readings and actually the declassified Ministry of Defense file on this she says that subsequently the Defense Intelligence staff assessed those radioactivity levels has been significantly higher than the average background so that's where they start off but then yes suddenly that work is interrupted because they see the UFO themselves and you can absolutely hear the excitement the tension at some points probably a little bit of fear in their voices as as they're saying it's coming this way it's definitely coming this way weird and it is extraordinary I mean some people say why did Colonel Holt make this this recording is it genuine absolutely I've interviewed all the witnesses I know Colonel Hall very well actually it was his custom and practice to take with him this handheld cassette recorder on on his rounds so that he could document his observations and thoughts I mean it was just the way he did business I act yes and I actually had a chance to interview him via Skype about why the tape recorder what he saw that night and it's it's pretty amazing why don't we why don't we we went out into the forest I carried a tape recorder almost everywhere I went and we find these three indentations then it gets very puzzling because we're getting radiation readings that are higher than background not dangerous but much higher especially in the indentations and on the side of the trees facing the three indentations I'm very puzzled about this but I thought there's got to be some kind of explanation for this and while we're doing that one of the party persons with me says look over there there's a reddish orange glowing object it's sort of oval in shape like a large basketball or a beach ball it has a dark Center and it's moving it did it look like the dark Center would just look like it was blinking off and on we're watching it for a few minutes it comes into the forest they'd been out in the farmer's field beyond us we see it in the forest it moves through the trees avoiding trees it doesn't touch any trees bobbing up and down and moving through the trees so I said let's try and approach it so we try and approach it and it recedes it goes back out into the farmer's field we stopped at the edge of the forest and watch it and I can see the glow from it on the farmers house which is on the far side of the field all the windows reflected so bright you look like the house was on fire the objects dripping or shedding some kind of material like molten metal or some kind of sparks or something then it silently explodes like fireworks into multiple white objects and they disappear why are your emotions as you're seeing this thing well we were almost in shock I'm thinking the whole time I wish I hadn't got involved in this nobody's gonna believe what we're telling her I'm thinking ball lightning all kinds of explanations but nothing fits he just comes across as so sincere yeah he's the ultimate reluctant witness this is the last person who wanted to see a UFO and get caught up with a story like this let's talk about the physical evidence that's observed and documented at this site it's really extraordinary there's a quite a combination you've got what broken branches heat signatures on bark burns and heat signatures on trees essentially from what I understand yes the the we are implication from the physical data is that the object or craft that landed in in the clearing was a high heat source both both in terms of conventional physical heat but it was also giving off radioactivity and indeed there are some of the witnesses who say that health issues that they have are may be attributable to that I alerted some of these people to align in a Declassified British government intelligence assessment of the UFO phenomena and there was a line and it said witnesses were probably exposed to what we called UAP radiation for longer than normal time periods and on the basis of that a witness has now been quietly given a settlement from the VA let me get this straight you produce a classified well originally classified classified secret UK eyes only but now in the public domain that said that said the UFO probably gave them radiation yes I know what I can't do that's real yes that's real Senator McCain was involved in in this a number of senatorial and congressional aides were involved with this we sent letters directly from Senator McCain to them stating that if they didn't start doing something release the information and get you the care that you needed that he personally was going to take this in his hands and address it the VA was being asked to evaluate and grant me disability base on the injuries I received in the line of duty in December of 1980 and rebel supporters correct okay so the VA says this is real but what was it I know I know Colonel halt has some scary thoughts on this I have no idea what it was all I know it was under intelligent control what makes you say it was under intelligent control because it moved through the forest avoiding the trees and we tried to approach it it moved away from us and then exploded and went away I'm sure have you researched this more into trying to find an answer into what this could have been oh I've talked to everybody from Nobel Prize winning astrophysicists do you name it and nobody's been able to come up with a good explanation people say it was a manure wagon on fire it was a cop car with lights on the roof it was the White House all these crazy things but nothing fits are we alone colonel no definitely not in the next basement office episode we dive even deeper into the Rendlesham UFO story with retired Air Force officer Jim Penniston what appeared in the forest floor in front of me was a triangular craft he claims he not only saw the UFO but that he touched it with his own hands I was very scared believe me and that's when things got weird
Channel: New York Post
Views: 241,752
Rating: 4.9105453 out of 5
Keywords: new york post, ny post, nypost, news, us news, breaking news, world news, latest news, story, stories, top stories, extraterrestrial life, department of defense, ufo sighting, ufo expert, the basement office, Rendlesham Forest, woodbridge air force base england, rendlesham forest recording, nick pope, rendlesham, ufo sightings, steven greenstreet, investigation, kenneth arnold, heflin, raf bentwaters, jim penniston, bentwaters, larry warren, woodbridge
Id: gy5tIevquP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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