Enshrouded: Walkthrough PT16 - Blacksmith Tools - Tanning Station

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I made a little base right we're all the way to the right your home base is right here and we're going to do the blacksmith request uh it starts out as a letter and asks you to go to uh this blazing Rock Outpost so that's where we're oh these guys are the new hot thing in this area because before uh you got a three Constitution for three uh 10 minutes this now you get three times that 30 oh I'm almost out of my nuts is the I haven't come across any other really good uh strength bonuses yet and you can't make anything yet we'll see once we get her uh book for her but so over here you're going to have a couple of Archer guys a couple of spiders that are going to spawn right as we get over here you see come running out there that's one of them there's the [Music] other all right and there's another one inside there and then there's a two-hander um green guy that is crazy as a mofo on top of these stick stairs only good thing oh no only good thing about it is yeah he might come down here we can go up here infernal wand that'll be a little better than what I have once it's fully upgraded um I don't know is it a purple no it's not see if it was a purple that means it's only got two things so yeah see he stays down there which is weird but where it tells you go next is here and we could not do that until we had upgraded our flame alter [Music] oh think before we go in beef up the uh Shrout cuz that's where we got to go it's looks like it's right down here at the bottom but we're going to get the uh hopefully the blacksmith tools with this or it'll send us somewhere else oh good so you see these plants these are what you chop down to get a new resource I talked about it at the very end of the last episode that's why you always want to hang out to the end you never know what I'll say but mint mushroom meat it goes for a whole bunch of stuff you build what do we got night watch there's that I call we had no choice ooh that's cool you know I wonder if uh these are randomized because why would a knight want well what's opportunity damage oh location below location above oh no okay we got to go this way oh okay we're going into a city or something oh boy that's not good all right let's see could be on the bottom floor there yeah something's going down here really oh I wonder where that goes all right just so hesitant to go down into an area I don't there's Lupa hm oh there's the blacksmithing tools and we got a kickass sword oh my God that sword is so beefy hey guys I kind of need bones for like bone meal and you don't mind okay now we got to get out of here shouldn't be too terribly tough we'll reconvene at the old base oh man there's so many bones all righty folks made it back took forever to run out of there not a lot of ways up it's like a giant valley anyways let's talk to our boy let's get it done smithing tools for me how strange well I have plenty of use for them that's my old setting a fire sit them down next to me will you thanks a lot flame Bor let's use them to craft new armor yeah strike while the iron hot oh yeah and I expanded the base played around with some different floor options uh you know we go that right there all right now we can make bronze uh axe oh [Music] okay wonder if we should check the smelter see if we can make something anything else there o here we go mercenary set Crick strike Crick strike damage then we got stamina plus 180 Health damage against melee foes one health regen so obviously we're going to have to go get leather now next Guardian set Parry I'm curious he's just got 13 melee I'm going to have one of those I'm not going to take the the gloves because the gloves I currently have have 6% one hand melee damage which is better than what it was offering but so we have the 13 crit strike 14 + 11 and then we have the opportunity and backstabbing damage now let me think ah yes there was one other thing before we go out so my white wolf sword is at 38 this store starts at 37 oh yes it's just precise on everything huh see yeah nope and there's that aernal wand it only gets a plus one small bonus fire damage versus we need a purple purple or yellowish orange now get back at all right give me a sec all right folks so I built a uh one of our little mini bases over here so we could grab this in need of a tanning station cuz we need to start getting leather and there is a flame Shrine right here so you guys will know you're in the same spot if you want to follow my steps and we just got to kind of just go over that way I guess I wonder if we're supposed to drop into the Shroud to get it probably we'll see it's on if it's on top first because that's how we easier to deal with well maybe it is just fighting a bunch of these guys oh great well at least I'll get to try my new sword wow oh ow damn I do kick my ass yeah the problem is actually what we do yeah I'll just take it all um the chicken is so much better all right going to do a quick check to see if there's any goodies that be a no oh maybe it's that what we're that's what we're getting into cool oh yeah here we go here we go Raven keep location above no no it's not a trap jeez oh oh I'm dead Oh Come Oh my God yeah I just got to lose this dude [Music] I think I ditched that guy promise we will never know until he comes after us again all that yelling oh well okay all right just so we can see what's around us here if there's one switch there oh I guess it was just a switch we needed to throw I'm curious how well these do that's it [Music] oh how funny I blew up something we're supposed to read no better than us oh there's a guy right there so we won't open that way no still not quite sure feather what we use feathers for but I'm sure yeah I guess that's the way we go to get up oh so we've got to find a switch to unlock that part okay [Music] [Music] sh the whole reason I came in here is cuz I was hoping this was uh something different this is where that switch was that I'm looking for so maybe we got to go in here yeah maybe one of these two sides will have it not this side yay there it is okay man this sure is a a lot of work for a tanning rack oh no I'm curious if I can dig through the wall I'm just curious yeah that's a no not like so much patol around here so usually what that means is that somewhere there's a switch might be one of those things where it we'll find it upstairs and we got to come back down that's weird they didn't work okay oh that's where we need to go well how do I get to there super scalper oh okay [Music] oh this isn't good Kill the Magic user before anybody else we can take this gold chest it's got in it damn it well that would be an appear way to be out oh wait a minute oh no so we're right here at Raven's keep now we've got to go all the way there for the in need of a tanning station dang it okay one all right folks I am on the top of this little mountain right here that's where we need to go and you can I'm really starting to finally see a difference here in the way things work oh [Applause] no oh no actually I came down in a great spot right the beginning of the road oh no only par all right it's still way up there all right so here we are I come out of oh my God he's a 20 that was a little more intense than I thought it was going to be that is so funny though wh all right who who did that you did D you guys are throwing that weak ass now I assume we got to go into the keep that would make sense right yeah it says location above oh yeah this is obviously the get all the freaking animal fur you can okay there's a guy over there that kind of worked any chests anywhere no okay going about up here oh no ah really going to hit everything oh the A on this is just not so there we go stay locked on him damn it oh that's good yeah awesome all righty folks unfortunately I wasn't recording for some stupid reason but um you guys saw where I died up there I just went up there and did the same exact thing killed all of them see there's one left I I miss everything and we I looked all around I didn't see any of the any more uh gold chest or anything didn't see one don't think there is one there's going to be one to be up here and there ain't nothing but we can go back to the base I already got things set up all right so we set this up she's like Yay let's get to work I didn't look to see if anything new just a large backpack now now she can make one now she's seen it I guess we'll need and I'm going to have to figure out what the ammonia gland is we need salt dried fur I got a lot of dried fur not too much salt but we need that so we can build the next series of armor and then he gave us a quest line Hearts of Iron that's way out here to the um what east of uh lupus Lair where we were last and this guy popped off hey good to see you Sun Temple stories heading to the kindled waste best be on your guard my auntie Ellen was cursed in one of sun temples struck by this ghostly skull from below he said te chattering this true well most likely you know Ellen always a tall tor but never a liar isn't Emily from around the kindled waist maybe she knows I bet she'd Babble anything else and she's got something to say that's good cuz the sun temples I know that there are gold chests if you can find them and set things uppr right they're a great place to farm Hello friends haunted Sun temples why I lived one it was awful see our temples our hollowed halls and burial sites honoring the Ancients the spark is fed by prayer and shields are dead from harm but as a shroud spread it's like dull maybe our faith wethered when the catacombs came alive M planks dark Whispers I held my prayers inside the tavern ever since wh okay so there's a sun Temple there and I know there's a couple there's like one here and then one over in this section we'll get to eventually I think all righty folks there we go we got the tanning rack and we got the blacksmith tools so if you enjoyed the video do me a favor and watch another video I have hundreds of playlists thousands of videos just go watch another couple of videos you never know there might be something in there you like just check out my playlist section as always keep your heads down your swords of Doom up and all see you again real damn soon
Channel: TheRevPlays
Views: 457
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Keywords: therevplays, indiegames, walkthrough, PS5, xbox series x, how to, Enshrouded: Walkthrough PT16 - Blacksmith Tools - Tanning Station, Blacksmith Tools, Tanning Station, therevplays enshrouded, enshrouded, #enshrouded, #survivalgame, #rpg, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded game, enshrouded tips, enshrouded building, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded walkthrough, enshrouded beginners guide
Id: O5HSU6Cc4cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 0sec (2160 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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