Enshrouded - Underfloor Lighting Hack!

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so this is going to be a really quick tip on how you can create lighting fixtures underneath your base if you have a small base like me maybe you don't want a bunch of light maybe you don't want torches everywhere um I feel like this adds a really nice kind of atmosphere to small builds um it's not too overwhelming so it's going to be very simple to do all you're going to need for this is a standing torch and we're going to try and make it symmetrical here so we're going to come over here we're going to dig once then we're going to dig twice and then finally a third time then at the bottom of the hole that we just made you're going to place a small block then we're going to take out our torch and can't really see what we're doing but hopefully it's okay and we're going to pop it down and there you go it's simple uh now the reason we place the block at the bottom is because sometimes when you try to place the torch um if the terrain underneath is uneven then it won't let you place it so we put a block down just to make sure it's nice and flat but yeah that is how easy it is and the great thing too is that obviously you can't burn yourself you can just walk over the fire and you can't fall through the hole it's not taking up any space in the build um the only downside is that technically these don't count towards warmth um so you're not going to get your warmth buff from these um something you can do I don't have anything on me but um you could build something that does provide warmth and essentially do the same thing that we did with those so we could make you know a hole in the middle of the build and place it underground then just you know cover it back up now you're not going to be able to cook with it or anything like that but it will Prov warmth and it will give the illusion that these are providing the warmth so uh yeah really quick tip and uh hopefully you enjoyed that if you learned something then please consider dropping us a subscribe or a like that would be very much appreciated and we'll see you next time
Channel: Pratfall
Views: 2,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pratfall, Ragdoll, Games, Gaming, UK, British, Comedy, Music, Funny, memes, gameplay, new, event, video games, win, fail, slapstick, music, original, yellow, purple, enshrouded, survival, building, tips, Hack
Id: 52rHZxf9-pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 17sec (137 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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