ENSHROUDED Survival Gameplay with Josh

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hello Gamers oh I just shot at the blacksmith sorry about that sorry about that dude hope you're all doing great welcome back hello hello hello hello what day of the week is it it's Saturday isn't it it is it's Saturday hi happy Saturday folks hope you're enjoying the weekend thank you for tuning in we're doing more I almost said grounded things I almost said grounded I uh we're doing more in shrouded things rounded and shrouded yeah close enough right close enough they have the OU in there so what we left off doing is crafting a whole bunch of wood acid as well as we're trying to make fired bricks and uh what what was I making here made copper bars oh right we're making tin we're trying to make tin what do we need oh dude I have the wrong recipe I need to make this to make bronze bars I got to combine that with tin bars right so I need wood acid for this to get that going so let's go over here and grab our wood acid and then get things started shall we I have no wood acid yet all right I got to let time go by I hope you're all doing great today it's good to have you here hello there hello there what is this this is the first time I've seen fog did they did they just patch the fog in it's not a very heavy fog but it's fog nonetheless this the first time I've seen this when did they add this I've got like 35ish hours in the game is the first time I've seen that weird weird okay that's cool anyway let me say hello to everyone what up RFI H po Mamba hello P Mamba D Pebbles winter Tom Bren damp squibs Miley uh Ralph bavesh Urban Kevin screamer degree barge Cecilia hello everyone Mr KH what up what up hope you're all doing great today hello there thank you for tuning in now we do have the Alchemy Station down so I can make acid bite now too that's nice that's good also I do have the uh grinder going oh it's done we got 86 bone meals we make a whole bunch of dirt there y Spud love and they were 15 16 months of membership mad welcome back thank you dude thank you thank you thank you I appreciate a lot what's up Jamie how you doing dude all right so I'm trying to think of what it is that I want to do first I know there's things out here to the east that I do want to take care of there's a whole lot of question marks right here that I want to go check out and some up this way as well of course Sun Temple stories Obelisk research and there's those up there those there there's lot of things that I still got to do on the map but I really want to get the acid bit spell going first as well as some other crafting things what is it that I needed the 10 bars for I cannot remember we got some wood acid here we go there you go dude there you go that'll do its thing we can make flare arrows now this stuff allows me to make different potions stronger types of potions so we can get some of those going doing good thanks this is a fun he I'm glad you're enjoying it man cuz I'm having a good time too I need to look around there was something specifically that I was trying to get going and I cannot remember what it was what's really weird is the Wisp wyvern trophy only gives one Comfort when it is so far the strongest boss that I have fought including more than these monstrosities I would think that it would give plus two but I guess it's a matter of because these are bronzed that they're kind of standing out I guess just seems weird to me you think you would give a little bit more because of the difficulty of it are we done here oh right you know what it is I wanted to do I wanted to get the oven going which we can't do until we get the almanac of plants and seedlings which is all the way over here one of these there it is let's go get that guys are you down let's go get that I'm going to fly over here we're going to make our way over there that's what I want want oh I just forgot I have so many things in my inventory I got to go back home sorry guys forgot to put this stuff away so happy you're playing this game I was hoping you would pick this game I'm currently enjoying my own playthrough of this nice dude nice yeah I've been playing it since the day it entered Early Access and it's been a great time it has been a genuinely good time uh this staff I don't don't need anymore mhm got a bunch of those already we're good there fired bricks copper bars monstrosity head raw bird meat Wolf's claw get rid of that all right let's get out there now we're [Music] good it's so nice that the map doesn't stutter around anymore what's up Andre HP love shaft what up that name is still legendary K24 hello we're going to go all the way down here I guess we'll mark the vuka encounter but I do have to go a very specific way about this have any skill points I got seven skill points physical damage strength Constitution I I want the Constitution side of it so I guess we're going to go this way I need two more points for Earth Ora which will make it so damage against me Reduce by 10% then thick skin will be nice too because one Constitution for each two levels of flame my flame is level four I think so that's a lot of extra Constitution making me the big tank right we want to go around this way prob going to watch all the A6 ac6 videos debating on that or Modern Warfare 3 for a nice a new Vice listen I have a lot of personal bias but I'm going to tell you that you're going to find way more fun in armored Core 6 than Modern Warfare Modern Warfare 3 I promise you I promise you it's something new interesting and different compared to the same old same old Call of Duty Call of Duty is something we see every year armored Core is not something we see every year in fact it's the first time we've seen armored Core in over a decade that alone listen I'm not saying you got to do what I'm saying but I'm saying that like that should be considered by itself Call of Duty Diamond dozen armored Core very rare what up Josh Meadow hey Frost Priestess hope let's not jump off the cliff here bird meat and a short sword a perfect combination I'm actually running low on Fireballs because of this place even when he's slowed he's still fast Jesus I don't want the raw game I don't want it hey Lori how you doing don't forget aloe yeah I'm keeping my eyes out for Aloe as well how you doing Mindy I just don't quite know what aloe looks like just yet I mean I know what it looks like in real life is that aloe that looks like aloe to me do I have to chop [Music] it no that granted me [Music] nothing okay we got plant fibers out of the deal what the I thought that was Alo it indeed was not what does the dark magic Park give you when you selected it the dark magic Park let me go look at it hold on hey moruk how you doing dark magic perk I'm not seeing anything that says dark magic uh-oh yeah I don't see anything dark magic here I'm sorry so I'm confused by the question oh hold on do you mean dark arts right here you might mean dark arts in which case that's additional shroud damage from any shroud spells which I've not seen any shroud spells myself yet so what up NS hey Mystique hello Scrabble hello Urban and the guy didn't see me oh Alo is down there in the Shroud okay well I'll worry about that next time I'm down there hey Ricky brother why are you suuck on the grounds all right well he's bugged that's great that's great hey Aaron what's up what up Zim making sure we're staying on the path here actually not quite sure what these feathers are for but I'm sure we'll figure that out before too long well I'm pretty sure they just saw me okay one saw the other walks away how and shrouding coming it's going great it's a good time is a very good time our shroud spells more potent than normal um shroud is like it's actual shroud it's not it's not it's not like a spell like it's not like you can put shroud on fire a shroud is its own elements come here BBs H I hate going after these guys but I need to why are you running look at that dude that's so annoying unbelievable damn birds all right I don't want to climb up this I want to go around this way want to go around this way scale of 1 to 10 what does the game rate as I don't give ratings like that because it it's a very skewed scale that people twist into things that are not realistic I know I've said that a million times but I just I just don't like doing it I could I could tell you that a game is a seven out of 10 and a lot of the time many people will think that's bad when that that would be for me above average so I will tell you that if you enjoy survival games I would recommend this that is what I can say there I hate that that misses every time why you only a seven well this looks interesting I want to check it out more tin I'm not in need of any tin right now le I'm pretty sure it's tin yeah got a bunch of tin back at home already hello B like look at that why do all those Miss bugs okay a chest silver storm oh ice and shock an ice and shock wand lightning and Ice fuse together to unleash a groundbreaking Force okay well I'm trying that first time I've seen electricity on a wand finally well it took a difficult way to get out of there still need Alo keep running past it so is this aloe right here because I tried breaking one earlier and it gave me nothing okay yeah it is Alo so I was right the first time why did the other one give me nothing though I broke one of them and it just had nothing in it unless I was just blind to where they dropped or maybe they dropped through the ground yeah okay so I was right that was Alo insane I like the zap effects that is indigo yeah oh no that's Sage sage and indigo look very similar picking up Stones as well guys just going to collect a bunch of aloe I want to get a full stack of it plus four spirit Spirit affects Mana right I was confused because I I I have an aloe plant I know what aloe looks like I have my own aloe plant the fact that it the first one gave me nothing gave me nothing but confusion it was very odd I mean I specifically have a perk for that dami that's why you see the shock but yes electricity does chain a little bit I have a perk that amplifies that indeed give to me the aloe all of your aloe come here I need your meat that projectile is a little bit slower yikes holy [ __ ] it got dark fast brother these guys are infuriating all right the vuka encounter is just down down this way oh good good where' the bird go did I actually get the bird too or I know nothing but pain I know nothing but pain how the hell did that Miss well at least it slowed him all right they have the electricity casters as well here hey bud you're not supposed to run away from me well some of them are a little tanky yeah it gets pretty dark in this game it does what is that oh animal fur Okay so there was just nothing else here just a bunch of Uka to kill and don't get me wrong experience is good just figured there was something a little bit more here probably loot around somewhere fossilized bone dust okay I do indeed need some of that don't mind me just uh you know rumaging through all their stuff fossilized bone herbalist gloves you just found the herbalist sets fossilized bone dust oh boy oh boy all right let's get more aloe here is said kwood Vibes yeah kind of that desert vibe to it I hear the wolf I don't see the wolf the ancient D4 build is dope one BN clears a room assuming I don't miss if I miss them all and ask for 5 minutes All or Nothing type thing huh high risk and reward okay terani and cold loving it see that's my preferred weather too terani and cold is where it's at [Music] ouch I didn't need that but we'll take it for now I have a full stack of Alo yet it looks like it's going to stack to 50 don't know if he's chasing me or not sugar and Sage is this anything of value we're right here may as well check it right hey snowboards uhhuh well that's very deep if I go in there how the hell am I getting out think I see a shroud route down there I only see a way in only seeing a way in God damn it dude okay I think we come back to this a little bit later let's continue Southwest well more West than South now now keep hearing the Wolves don't see the Wolves little scary it would be nice to find just an exclusive elect electricity wand rather than having it comboed with ice don't know if that exists though all right there's a whole bunch of these just random pits it called it a cave hello I really only dropped two terrible terrible rids at least this one does good damage to them too because of the electricity what is this one more question marks it's probably going to be another pit isn't it there's another route over there however once again it looks like if I jump in there I am not getting back out very well bit of a problem there okay well that hit it but I didn't see any damage numbers I wonder if I can kill it with this from above I don't think it does very much damage but I want to try it'll probably take me a good like 10 minutes or more to do it that way well maybe there is a way out I mean who am I to you know not get free skill points now I could just stage this in such a way I'm so good at this game I'm so good at this game I don't want that right now I've got a full stack of egg and it's really dark again all right let's go West for the almanac oh there's definitely a way out I just don't know where it is for the other one to be so you know as deep as it is it's just kind of something like if I'm going to do that I have to be prepared for it and the Sun rises now I know double jump is a game changer but I'm just prioritizing like my actual stats and stuff right now I'm sure I'll get it before too long I know it'll help a lot holy blinding I've just been really focused on making sure that my build otherwise is really set got a full stack of those yet three more one two three full stack of aloe Almanac is in this little area floating rocks look at this like right here double jump would be really nice oh God damn it dude ah hate those guys oh I can't actually like stay on it chicken the almanac is not here why would it be why would it be guys is anyone surprised that I found a legendary bow I am not surprised I con stantly find legendary bows it's like my Mo in this game there's going to be an item to find it's going to be a legendary bow and it's going to be in my hands how it P me all the way up there must be at the southern Caravan there I guess all right let's go see about a tanning station over here then only got a minute of rested bonus left uhoh excuse me this signed for you to become Robin Robin Hood yeah right I should have built as an Archer I swear holy there's a flame sanctum this way so I guess we'll keep going over there to grab that and hopefully find a way up [Music] and the rested bonus is gone don't like that surprised how you Salvage legendary items left and right here's the thing A lot of people are afraid to do that but when you're not using it if you're not if you're not just scrapping it then it's just taking up extra space and you're lacking the resources that it can give you in this case runes you have to be willing to give up the things that you're not actively using don't hold on to an item just because of its quality if you're not using it it's wasted space what's in here copper mine yep copper mine I go to work without rested bonus I feel that same yeah I think a neutralization of the day and night cycle like lighting would be beneficial for this game what I mean by this is maybe make the day a little bit less bright and make the night time a little bit less dark a nice Middle Ground solution so that way there's a little bit more visibility at night and a little bit less visibility in the day all right so flame Shrine is right there but obviously I can't get there from up from where I am must be something over this way that I didn't see there's a path right there so maybe it goes up through this cave right here ooh ominous rats it is dark in here oh I didn't one shot you that is awful for [Music] me hey these rats are very good at dodging very good explosive powder ball nets that's three balls put together don't read too deep into that could use them sometimes I mean I have no none of my skills are specked into bows so why would I keep bows I already have ranged attacks why why keep the bows if I'm not specking into them that's what I'm saying if I could use it if I specked into it but I'm not going to because that's not what my build is it doesn't make sense and even so if you're using like if you're specking into a bow on the side then sure but if you're keeping a bow on you just to maybe hit distant targets to lure them towards you or to hit like the buttons that you require range why use a legendary bow for that you can just use a very basic bow and get the extra runes out of the more higher tier ones hey caled I got to call my stash and tarov I feel like that's most most people stash stashes in tarov no there are no mounts in this game no Torrance it's the same idea why I don't keep like a whole bunch of melee weapons outside of like if I want to try them just to see what their move set is like I did keep that one weapon that looks like an axe but I never actually tried it when I do try it out I will get rid of it afterward there's no point in me keeping it nothing else in here either the lightning light yeah the lightning wand is upgradeable once for extra shock magic damage which I believe I will do just because it's something new and difference how am I going to get up here there must be a way up this way there has to be [Music] [Music] alas we have found it the big thing that I'm really struggling with out here is I just have nowhere to fast travel to nearby maybe I throw down a flame alter just to get back here faster what up strategic Soldier become necro Archer like Sylvanas windrunner yeah if the necromancy was better in this game I would killed him just as he was about to fire at me yo Lorenzo thank you for the year of membership man what up ju how was in Tred so far I'm loving it hope you and the misses are well oh yeah you still repping beard life yes I still have my beard I indeed still have a beard thank you for a whole year of membership here Lorenzo welcome back man me and wife are well she's at work she's coming home probably on her way home right now actually let me see oh yeah wife is stopping a few places on her way home but she is on her way home right now thought say pretty dang good seems I found my way up Fowler trousers plus 13 Mana minor plus 18 Mana but the Fowler trousers have way better physical resistance and a little bit additional magical resistance so let's put those on I think losing five Mana is fine I do have you know a whole bunch of Mana leech and everything so I think we're good I think we're okay to lose that [Music] five no I guess that's not the way [Music] up I'm actually going to take the nails those will add up I don't know what this lever does but let's hit it truly this will be fine ah trying to Parry there you go hav't pared nearly enough in this game Man Prayer of flame well oh my God he's cheesing it he's cheesing it that guy had no Health it's so dark in here someone turn on the lights nice there's a way forward like the the look of this does it work okay yeah it seems to run fine for me especially after the recent uh patch it made it so the things that were running poorly are running great o o there we go the Parry timing for them is slightly different than the other dual wielding guys slightly different oh there was nothing in that there's a button for this somewhere we could go through the the pain of finding it or or why does [Music] it h or we just break it don't worry it'll work just trust me just trust me [Music] come on can also use a bomb you're right we sure can fancy Stone nice dude nice you're right though we can also use bombs anyone else use uh explosives to open up the doors in their exploration Adventures oh I found the button by the way it was in the same room well you know sometimes it just has to go that way now a lot of these things keep breaking as I go to open them which means they have nothing in sight of them and that's the way we got to go right there but hello oh there's nothing even behind that and it goes full circle who this lupas scalper special named melee weapon okay Lupa please be legendary electric wands nope just a flesh grinder I had hopes and those hopes were dashed against the wall with a flesh grinder great name for a weapon though flesh grinder yeah tning station's all the way over there now [Music] Jesus and one of those back in college a flash grinder uh-oh that can't be good for you look at that 108 runes for each my God what's up Hawk how's it going time for a bleed build yeah right that should be three three Sparks yeah three okay well we got all the question marks down here except for that one over in the smothering pits but that just that whole name makes me very uncomfortable so we're not going to go that way right now what I am going to do is go back home take care of some business there then we'll come back here and look at these things over here cuz I've yet to go that way what's up Athena how have you been [Music] something on your mom Caravan Journey came here with the Caravan from the far away Kindle was we were led by Jasmina daughter of the late Queen pikem uh I'd have followed her anywhere but in the end she left the Ancients forsaw different paths for us I wish they hadn't I'd give anything to walk beside her once more okay still don't have the Almond act so I can't make that which is the biggest thing that I need right now could make some of this acid bite now I do want to try that what a predicament we're in or I have things specifically that I would like to make and yet I cannot because the G will not let me pretty sure I'm going to be forced into dealing with my inventory stuff today pretty sure I'm going to be forced into it at this point don't need those uh put that there fossilized bone experience Scrolls tons of eggs rid of the pants get rid of the arrows okay now what did I need for acid bitee ammonia glands goo and dirts where am I ammonia glands where's my goo where did I put my goo where's my ammonia glands I've got the dirt there they are what up Domo [Music] ooh I rather like that okay all right sick sick cool nice more goo I need shroud liquid and Bug dust I have shroud liquid around somewhere where did I put it all is it in [Music] here is it in here there it is don't need to worry about making any more alchemical bases I'm pretty sure we're good on those for a while come here um we need bug dust that's pretty good now give me more of the acid [Music] bite think the only oh wow that Stacks up quite a bit nice want to hold on to that okay we're going to go deal some acid bite damage that's going to be sick mhm don't need Archer boots okay we're still in need of a couple things out here so let's get out there and find them tanning station question marks these question marks over here we have this we can fly from as well so let's get to it what up PB hey Scythe this game on all platforms and right now it's only on PC what goes into making chain lightning I know the only thing I remember for sure is it requires copper copper bars yeah Dom I'm having a good time with a man for [Music] sure it's time to goo on my enemies you heard what I said I didn't stutter I'm going to goo on them and it's going to be great pretty Sor so you don't need to find items anymore I could take them right away from it without having I know I know I know I know I've been lazy about it I've just been so curious in getting more things out in the world I know I'm really struggling with that a lot I know I'm aware what's up Whitney I the first goo victim right here oh oh what the damages it just one shot him amazing my goo is deadly my goo is deadly never doubt the power of the goo oh yeah same screamer all right the big test right here on this guy come here let me goo on you okay not nearly as deadly but does it do more damage if he walks through it again never mind it went away oh it does it does a little bit more if he walks in it again sick so theoretically what I would want to do here is open up with the goo I just goo right away right and then I try to make them stand in it by just standing in it myself and parrying them onto it I think that's the plan ow hey could you not I I asked you nicely if you could not I did make them stand he got to make them stand in the goo the residual goo effect yes my goo does damage over time okay look at that a potion just chilling there a greater health potion you're in the ground I got to go yeah that's pretty incredible yep amazing damage [Music] yeah the the electric arcs on the ground are a nice touch I agree I do agree ow ow all right I'm here for the goods give me the damn tanning station give it to me right now looks like it's in that room ow I didn't realize there was a trap there electricity doesn't do so hot against a lot of these uh enemies here plus they're wearing metal of course which makes sense it makes complete sense at that point hey bro have some goo my goo hurts I don't know how else to say it o hello goo on goo action oh I fell into a trap sick hey can you not I'm going to go I'm having way too much fun with the goo it does great damage man hold on did the boss die bro the boss die died in a single goo I think it might have just stood in and kept Tak a ton of damage or something how else would it have died what the anyway tanning station I can make leather now silver storm ice and shock even better goo gang rise up True Goo to the resc goo well I have a new favorite spell six more damage extra levels out of the deal too good [ __ ] we're going to want to make it home with that however there is some other stuff nearby that I'd like to check out before we go home as they say if the goo fits wear it all right was was pretty good the fact that it's actually really not it's really not bad to make and every time I make it it gives me 20 so like the charges come cheap this can quickly become just a main source of my damage there what we're looking for apparently is up top or inside but I think it did say above so got to find a way up as Joey from Friends would say how you going that's insane right like that's just [Music] insane actually have to kill these guys to get the stuff I'm sure they have resistance to it but let's try it out uh no that still one shot them holy [ __ ] that is an insane amount of damage holy hell dude not even the guys that give me the capability of using this are able to withstand it hello PB this game is very good all right we can climb right up this to the top oh a shroud routs well you know I'm going to try the goo on it all right it's still just one that's fair we got seven skill points I can get this Earth Aura all damage against players within 10 meters is reduced by 10% so that makes me even more tanky and then I need three more skill points to get thick skin which will give me one Constitution for each two levels of flame which will you know overtime rise I think right now it'll give me plus two what's up Eli Abra how you doing you're craving goua cheese nice very nice next ined video needs to be named goo on you and lud is mine I was thinking like I played and shrouded and gooed on my enemies or um h I learned the way of the goo and enshrouded not sure that I can go this way it might make me it might be trying trying to get me to go through here we can explore around this way anyway in fact to make it easier let's go this [Music] way what's up Rambo I inhaled water don't do as I do inhaling water does not feel very nice yeah judging on the look of this they want me to go through these shrouded areas I guess we'll try it out and see if I can withstand it I'm concerned because it is glowing red so I'm not quite sure how it's going to go the map in this game is Li limited I mean it is a set map yeah but it is massive it's not like a small limited map it's huge but like you can see the border of it see what I mean like it goes all the way up here and this is just Early Access well we start the game right over here at the cinder Vault and where I am right now the furthest in the game that I've been is right here the furthest North I've been is like these three spots right here and there is a significant amount of area to the north of that not to mention there's east and west of those locations as well the map is huge n deadly shroud yeah I can't withstand that yet so I'm not meant to go that way yet I'm not meant to go that way it's red there as well so that means I need to head home and see what we can do about leveling up the flame once again oh the um we're running out of space in this house we are running out of space here [Music] dried first salt and ammonia glands to make leather what ises that to help us craft I'm assuming the hunter set yeah Hunter and Sharpshooter sets [Music] both catch you later which for me don't do a whole lot but cool to have still don't have mint mushroom Meats I've barely found any fossilized bones I can get the Sparks amonia gland tenor Ru rabos and fell monstrosity head I've got all of these accounted for it's these two that I don't mint mushroom meat and fossilized bone there's got to be more out there there's got to be more man it takes forever to make the 10 oh I didn't realize it only made one bar each holy [ __ ] that's insane well today I learned now the big thing that I'm after is the oven the almanac of plants and seeds are still what I need and I can't get to that until I can go further east oh no it's down there [ __ ] I didn't realize it was down there that's my bad I thought it went this way okay well that's our current objective then we're going to get over there in order to go there I'm going to have to go back up this way and run down let me put some stuff away first actually hold on let's level up this wand there plus 20 shock magic damage is that it what is this one frozen core this is all ice I'm going to hold on to that we can lose this one [Music] did I just destroy my fire one I think I did that's okay we still have a silver storm thought I said ice oh well it's fine [Music] got 20 sugar cane now all right now guys before we get out there and do it again I'm going take a really fast break because I have to pee when I come back we're going to go for the almanac and that'll make me a lot stronger all by itself I'll be right back don't go anywhere for [Music] e [Music] all right Gamers I'm back what's up Cassandra sorry about the water hope you're all right I'm doing just fine what I see what you mean regarding game reviews I prefer forming my own thorough opinion IGN's review of Suicide Squad was titled highly negative come on another bash I mean yes and no like when it comes to IGN like they're one of the as far as I'm concerned they're one of the least trustworthy Studios because of how they review [Music] things but I mean it's um it it's for me it's it's multifaceted it's more that a lot of Studios that or I'm sorry a lot of people that review games are always going to implement their own personal bias on things and that like that at the end of the day that's kind of what reviews are meant to be they're meant to be some type of subjectivity some or some type of personalized bias to the idea of what the game is putting on offer right that is the whole goal of giving a review it's giving your individual thoughts however the system itself is what what I consider to be flawed because it's very rare that a lot of these reviewing people that give scores out of five or 10 give anything below a five and if they do it's something like that that's very extreme rather than something that there's very few middleof the road experiences to the point where it creates a narrative where things like seven and eights are looked down upon which is nonsense because they should still be considered above average the only time games get like four below is when they just don't function properly right like there's just some type of inherent flaw which if the game doesn't function properly it should be like a one or a two if not a straight zero if it doesn't work at all it's just we're at a point now where people will see a game that is like scored seven or eight out of 10 or sometimes sometimes even a four out of five if it's like on a five star scale where it ends up being like like like that's somehow bad even though it's you know above the five Mark or the two and a half mark it's such it's it's such a [ __ ] system and before anyone says oh well you know it's similar to how things are graded in school it's not school it's not an educational tool it's not a testing tool it's a review they are not the same they are not the same what's up Jen how you doing Martin thank you for 13 months of membership welcome back dude I appreciate it people don't realistically use five as average they use five as mid I mean they should use five as mid that's what I'm saying but they don't they use like seven and eight as mid that's my point that's the problem [Music] those guys die real fast to electricity man been away for a couple days yeah I was sick shady I was six still kind of recovering now but I am doing a lot better he thank you Shady you have a lightning one yeah I just found uh I found two so far today but it's not exclusively lightning they're lightning and ice so we do a combination of damage mostly I think it's mostly electric though yeah as you can see shock and Ice also I found a really strong spell the one I was trying to make last night it's called acid bite it does insane amounts of damage I will show you what's up emmer here's a vuka one shot what level are you what level are these guys he these guys are level 16 and this thing just one shot them all right now we're going to try something we're going to see if we can get a whole bunch of them grouped together and one shot them all okay that's three dead with one cast amazing like isn't that nuts isn't that insane what's up Coco how you doing granted that my intelligence is pretty high so that's definitely amplifying the damage right obviously that makes sense but to that extent holy hell dude I've not come across any other Eternal spells yet no I haven't actually seen a tomb in a long time and I'm assuming that they're all going to be inside tombs since this where we found the first one but that could be a wrong assumption as well you're cold I'm actually pretty warm right now it's pretty warm in this room I'm doing well man greatly enjoyed games rated 5 out of 10 they were great but you will see reviews that say it was awful if you had a terrible performance or something similar yeah don't going to be wrong like it's fine for these people to formulate these opinions but I think that there needs to be you know a system that everyone can actually trust something that is oh I finally got an acid Cleaver it does poison damage too cool I just think that it's owed to people to have a more understandable system that isn't just leaned into in such a way when something is given something over the middle of the road line if something is scored more than five if it's six or above then it should be considered a good game if it's given an exact five then it's an average game if it's four below then it's bad but something that that is above six should not just be called outright bad as a game that to me that's nonsensical that's why that system is so [ __ ] hey Edward also think reviewers need to be those who actually enjoy those types of games they review yeah yeah that's definitely a thing that needs to to occur as well like for me if I were to go like if I were a reviewer like if I was a you a youtubing reviewer right and you guys I put it out there ahead of time that I just do not like racing games I'm not a big fan of racing games outside of very few things that are just kind of nonsensical fun like Mario Kart right I'm not big on racing games overall though if I were to start reviewing racing games and start giving them all bad scores then obviously that's because I do not like racing games it's not to say that the person can't be objective and say oh you know the graphics are nice the music is good uh the sounds are great stuff like that but then they'll say the gameplay is bad because I don't like racing games I'm not interested it's boring obviously that's a problem right it's fine to have subjectivity when that subjectivity is bashing on an entire idea then they're not really ever going to say anything better and that is inherently a problem it's fine to have subjectivity totally cool but there has to be a limitation to it I'm trying to avoid the fight man I was trying to help you out brother yeah we keep going this way that's where we were earlier these guys are still stuck in the mountain there so weird is there a dog up top too I don't recall what Sage is for but I keep collecting it guess it's better to have it than to not yeah the map is huge dude which map is bigger and shrouded Elden ring or Metro Exodus I've not played Metro Exodus yet so I can't say on that but I do believe this game's map is bigger than Elden rings but a lot of that might translate poorly to one another because of movement speed and the fact that Elden ring gets a a mount whereas this game does not so there might be some weird translation issues there I would personally say it's fair to measure Map size with movement speed as well involved cuz obviously move movement speed is what determines how quickly you get around what map does exist but that also convolutes things so it's really hard to translate that whole idea oof can't go up north in the snow region in this there's a huge dread wall blocking access yeah yeah it is early access so that area of the map is not yet complete let's drink one of those there's a man up there but I'm going to go you served well Billy you served well my summons are nothing more than mere distractions but they're effective my man got goo on I'm going to goo amazing incredible oh you just you just don't walk all right trying to lure him into the goo but he wasn't buying it rats not what I'm trying to do here everyone say hello to Billy hello Billy yeah feel there going to be a bit of a fight here dude this acid is insane it is capable of one-shotting the matrons too that is so nuts that is insane no all right that's going to get nerfed it has to my goo be strong and surely there's something of value around here [Music] right no I guess not I found the southern border of the map again neat that's a nice little area for for like you know a nice patio like a little like reading patio go out back sit on a chair read a book take in the scenery Caravan raid to the east let's go investigate wait you get unlimited acid yeah Eternal acid the thing is too is like this spell doesn't take much to to make [Music] either I'll give you 200 bits to change the helmet I hate it I don't have any other helmet right now otherwise I would does the prospect give me 200 bits [Music] oh I could have just climbed that I guess too wow nice dude nice Alon thank you for the 20 bits man close enough thanks I appreciate it let's wait for stamina brother I hate that so much oh yeah why'd you just walk away he talked some [ __ ] and then just like turned away from me I'm not a professional swinger apparently I guess not oh my God I'm so bad at swinging all I can say In This Moment is ARG ARG where the guy even come from his mama there we go yay 9% damage multiplier throwing 3% backstab damage all that for something seemingly useless to me s useless to me is how my parents describe me oh no dude oh no this looks interesting I see a chest down to my right what game why did it make me Let [Music] Go rude I didn't press any buttons to let [Music] go [Music] Arrow Striker that's cool head of the club is shaped like an eagle 55 damage out of stamina did I [Applause] okay hold on when I was out here it said Eve or something oh that over there oh dismantle ah I see Limestone block secret basement door at Carpenter oh I can make secret doors nice h wow I opened up the door and found planks wait a minute aha another prayer of the flame scroll well I think that's uh just about everything here down at soro's rest suppose we get over here and do some more exploring huh actually I've only got 4 minutes left on this let me go back to base put everything away get my rested bonus back up and then we can go explore more what's up Gabor all right the almanac we can actually make some good food too don't be a stranger all right what's required for the oven other food boiled eggs all right anytime all right so I don't have an almanac I have to put one together never mind I lied it's right there nice just pile it up what's this loom for padded armor oh my God another crafting item he hey a laboratory for healing flame oh my God Smoky and sweet lately life have been dull if we had a beehive smoker we could craft a honey beehive and sweeten everyone's day before I left my home in brittle Bush I ordered a beehive smoker and some gooey golden goodness but my shipment never arrived maybe you could recover it for us gooey golden goodness you say all right brick clay metal come back soon brick clay metal where did I put this stuff I know it's around somewhere there's metal uh hello where is it brick clay metal did I skip over them I had all this stuff together already so it should be around somewhere listen I know this is a mess okay I know now hey GX how you doing how you doing how have you been what the hell is it still in this it is that's why I couldn't find it welome back bless flatbread simple meal granting a lasting strength boost upon consumption taste better in combination of other things though I bet you have I make one it'll give me more recipes too salt water and flour I don't have any Wheats to make in flour right now anyway share a a story what I want to do is I want to get some chicken soup together mushroom omelets and then boiled eggs there we go 10 boiled eggs me find some red mushrooms I know I've got some around somewhere too non-g grilled red rush red Med rushrooms yep that's the word Med rushrooms there's 19 of them patience and friend okay what's the other one Constitution I need Forest beets some salt raw bird meat bell peppers and water okay there's my bell peppers there's my that's the wrong meat that's the wrong meat probably need to put together a well for water actually you know what never mind I know there's a well nearby we can get water at what else do I need salt what a nice surprise salt and Forest beats I don't know how many Forest beats I have but I know I have some somewhere but where is the question we don't need any of those just get rid of them remove them from existence all right which one of you in chat stole my Beats who did this to me and how dare you don't worry I found him Urban did you son of a [ __ ] look at all this water all right it's dri it up all right make me soup oh I need salt still um isn't my salt in this it was but I guess I used it all oh there's some okay make me soup pleas rest all right those last oh that give me five of those so I just got 15 chicken soups 15 chicken soups all right that goes there boiled eggs will go right there and where's the other one that I made am I blind oh no it's right there okay those are my meals now my meals just got a huge upgrade massive upgrade listen I know I know this is a mess just just let it be all right I don't want to talk about [Music] it I don't I don't want to talk about it I'm fine I'm fine yeah where the rest of my sage leaes [Music] though there there they are okay [Music] now now they got a huge upgrade there do I have any more skill points still no new ones I can't get over that way without upgrading my flame but I'm missing things like mint mushrooms mint mushroom meat and fossilized bones to be able to do that everything else I have access to so where would I get those where would I get mince mushroom Meats I'm assuming down in the Shroud areas I think maybe we go I think we maybe go try to check that out now let's go come with me oh I know vuthy I'm I've just been lazy about it because I'm when it comes to a lot of survival games I am more interested in getting out there and exploring the world and so like when it comes time to craft I often just am very resistant taking the time to do the extra bits I know I need to I really should I kind of want to maybe today but I want to go out there and explore this one last thing before I get started on stuff like that those big green plants where the attacking mushroom creatures are that's exactly my thought as well Jr yep as soon as I thought about it I was like I'm pretty sure they're going to be in the Shroud all right let's see how much the soup adds to my Constitution oh baby oh baby look look at the health look at it desert flower I mean I've clearly picked them up before but I just don't recall doing so yeah I know I need to make the blue chest so that way I can just automatically pull from them without having to constantly reach into them that that's exactly what I'm looking at right there I think those are what I'm looking for okay camera camera is good it is war Banner War Banner interesting magician trousers oh [ __ ] a new armor set the other thing I'm on the hunt for is fossilized bones I did find some inside some boxes and stuff but I've not found any like out in the wild I would have to guess that they're going to be in the Shroud as well maybe I can take like a pickaxe to something out there or something what is this though what is this mess of [Music] stuff oh Twigs well that's good if you're an Archer get a bunch of Twigs out of these what up Jewels I am doing better yes thank thank you good to see you so because it has a red glow it means that I cannot go down there should be able to cross right across this here I'm going to need to find a lot more eggs which we're able to get a bunch of eggs from the vuka what did these taller ones give me oh it's more mint mushroom meat okay I don't know if wet slapping is the greatest noise for that gen yeah that's always like one of the worst things when you have to wait on other people to play a certain game like don't get me wrong it's like it's fun to play with them of course and it's I'm not taking away from that specifically but like the waiting game is always the worst part you know how to use my 25,000 Turtles to add up an emote to better switch TV it's asking for a link to the emote no idea what it's talking about uh there's a website called better Twitch TV if you're watching on PC you it's an thing that you can install as an extension on your browser when you do so it allows you to see more emotes that people type in chat and the only way to see them is to have that extension and those points specifically just allow you to go to that website and find one that you want to see added to chat and when you redeem it you include the link I can add it right away way I know we need a shitload of this so I think we just kind of get a lot I'm just going to keep farming it probably until my axe breaks do do do I can hear it where is it I think there's another mushroom stuck under the ground ah never mind those smaller ones kind of suck they only drop a couple now there's a whole bunch of shroud business down here I don't want to go over there I'm just kind of stopping along the way Gathering the stuff that I do see [Music] you have to kill a whole bunch of vuk car as well or vuka not vuk specifically because they can drop eggs too we need Eggies no Fross princess they absolutely do look like that they absolutely do what's up Noble how you doing where there you are what do I have 95 okay there's that we carry on oh Dr Mystique what you want to do is click on the redeem and it'll ask you to put in a message put the put the link inside of that message oh they did nightbot just went Ham on it okay sorry about that I do see that now sorry about that Miss s let me just open this up real quick okay I see this emote there you go there you go Mystique what we're going to need to do then um I have to go on nightbot and change the settings to allow those specific links sorry about that Miss geek your emote has been added what are you guys chasing come here as they would they would rather jump off a cliff and just let me kill them isn't that insane okay so here's the deal if I go down here it's going to be a while before I can get back up so wish me luck look at the damage it does to this guy insane he's dead already that's so nuts that's absolutely cooked him and he got stuck on the ladder as well oh this is even better than the current one I'm using despite it being you know still not legendary it's a it's still an upgrade we'll have to upgrade that when we get back to the house okay so we can fast travel out of here that's a thing but it looks like there's going to be some stuff down here to possibly explore this actually would not be a bad location to find fossilized bone if we could just find something fossilized they are the exact [Music] same ooh can only go down from that ramp we found 10 oh Jesus stupid bugs oh character was skating for a minute there surely there will be cool things here right surely oh that leads out of that area but we're still in Shroud it's getting a little red over there I'm scared hm you know um I do remember the giant skeleton kind of close to where we first entered the desert area maybe we want to go check that out hey nimrod where' the other one go there you are I'm doing okay man I'm doing all right how you doing hey Charlie good evening once my timer hits 3 minutes no matter what I'm going to head back to the spot where I killed the Shroud shroud route so that way I can recover the timer unless I find another way of course Zephyr yeah it gets red over there too which means I probably can't go over there yep all right we got to go I must leave hold on I'm getting greedy Gloom Monarch chest plate holy physical resistance and mana on that oh my God and health hold up worry about that when we get to safety minute 45 left where was the little path that led out here there we go now about that armor 240 Health 48 Mana 104 physical resist and 52 magic resist fearsome chest piece it's rumored to have belonged to a fallen Warrior whose name is never spoken outside out out loud words I mean this has 48 Mana this this this thing right here is a complete upgrade like 100% upgrade it has the same Mana stat holy [ __ ] oh my God my health is nuts my health is actually insane all right we got to head back over to Zephyr obviously we can't cross into the red but we can explore everything else there and since we know we can get there quickly and get back my God that was an insane find the fact that it has the same Mana value there is kind of nuts that means the next armor set that I can craft is going to have to be absolutely insane for it to be of value because this armor is is nuts by itself Wonder there's a full set so in my experience there should be there should be a full set to this because there is the uh what is it the northern Guardian set or whatever that you could find after fighting the Wisp wyvern there's a full set of that armor there though that was all related to the boss and you'd have to defeat the boss to get access to all the all of it first so maybe there's a boss over there on the red side maybe it'll be a better helmet too maybe and we got 3 minutes to look around around I did find it down here right yeah no other way to get in there all right oh damn pretty sure this is the yeah okay that's the same one got turned it around you're a little stuck there bud God damn it dude why is it always bows oh those are new got some new buggy mans over here they explode very good already checked that out okay we have to head back the game is definitely telling me to be a ranger it is Frost Punk is a brutal game yeah it's fun though what up Scotty wonder if I can see your skill tree yeah I'll show you my skill tree after I get back to the safe area again the game really wants me to be a freaking Archer oh my rested bonus is gone too all right you know what for the sake of playing it safe since my rested bonus is gone we're not going to try to go back again not having the stamina to Sprint around nearly as much and the recovery speed is definitely going to be an issue are archers good they can be yeah I was playing with a friend and I was uh making him into an Archer and it was definitely doing quite well yeah dark lime I'm glad my guides can help you out man that's sick very cool all right here's my skill tree mostly spec into wizard healer battl Mage and tank two more skill points for thick skin everything else across the board here is just empty yeah there you go um need to enhance that one yes well it's actually going to be less damage I don't know if it includes these attribute bonuses in that or not fight yeah whatever it's fine it's fine all right so I have an idea there's some actual bones right here you can see them on the map I'm going to go see if I can do something there with them nice Coco glad I could help man no problem Scotty magical yeah holy [ __ ] it's right here fossilized bone okay we're going to grab a whole bunch of this until my pickaxe breaks we can go level up our flame alter also want to check out the other stuff that we can make for the wizard set at The Alchemist didn't realize it was this easy I think part of what holds me back a certain way in survival games is I always assume that everything is going to be overly complex meanwhile the fossilized bone is just here staring me in the face and I've had access to it since yesterday had no idea it would be this simple there's so much of it right here what's up bloodborne how you doing some people don't know what to do with a big bone but if you know you know all right man I see you all right man I think the next thing that might actually hold me back is getting enough Sparks I haven't gathered a whole what whole bunch of Sparks out here but we'll figure that out after we get a whole bunch of fossilized bone this game got a bit overshadowed by power world it's a shame it largely did yeah but this game is only in Early Access whereas power world is full release so this game is still you know it still has plenty of opportunity right power world I'm pretty sure is full release yeah I think by the way this game when it's uh you know officially completed I'm sure we'll be under a spotlight by many again it's kind of like um OverWatch and battleborn you guys remember battleborn I think it was made by gearbox that game was actually good it was like um I've said this before how I think the uh the Moa scene would be revolutionized if it was combined with FPS type of combats and that game was it and a lot of the characters were very similar to OverWatch it's actually if you guys recall there was a bit of a controversy where blizzard actually poached a lot of developers that were working on that game and copied a lot of the ideas that the developers brought over with them there's a big controversial thing I think back in like 2016 and they both released very like I think OverWatch went into beta or something but it was like one of those very long betas at the same time that battleborne released and so it just got largely overshadowed because of that but it was a genuinely good good game power world is Early Access to okay do you know what they're um do they have like a a window that they want to hits cuz in shrouded aims to be in full release in a year from right now so there is where that'll land too yeah I plan on checking out night Andale as well that game that game has some Jank to it already though from what I've seen so I'm curious to see how it's going to play out I checked out some of the uh they have like a demo thing like a server stress test going on right now I checked it out and it's kind of janky we'll see all right first thing I want to check out is the new magician set 14 or 12% Critical Strike damage 40% magical Critical Strike chance 90 Health 72 Mana okay that is actually very worth it need linen and torn cloth need some leather for this 27 Mana plus three Mana regen plus three Mana regen minus 90 mana mana timeout reduction what is Mana timeout reduction I don't know what that means well this set is definitely worth it but I'm need a whole bunch of linen together for that which means I need a whole bunch of flax but that set's actually worth it so we have to make a choice here I need more ammonia glands which I got 16 on me I need a whole bunch of tin which I know where to get we got enough ruos in the fell monstrosity head but do I have do I have 20 Sparks I've got 19 are you kidding me do I have another one somewhere I don't I've got I've got 19 Sparks holy [ __ ] rigged rigged dude absolutely rigged what else did we need why does my mouse disappear when it does that ammonia glands ruos Fel monstrosity was there a monstrosity head in this one no I've got a few monstrosity heads there's one I should have more ammonia glands laying around too there they are and then rabos where did I put all that I gathered a bunch yesterday and some earlier today as well there's some linen more [Music] Eggies play spec Ops the Line yeah it's a great game I did hear was pulled from stores yeah kind of sucks when that happens yes that is an excellent game where did I put the rabos there it is so I need tin ore and Sparks I just need one spark and then getting tin or isn't going to be too bad to do so let's go get that stuff shall we um I think I can kind of just go somewhere easy to grab a spark right I don't have I think I can just repeat the same ones yeah I know Aiden I'm aware I just haven't done that yet either what I'm what I'm really waiting to do here with this is I kind of want to like remake my entire base or like remake a base somewhere else and so once I do that I'll be able to really get that idea going doing things a little out of order licens licenses are expiring I think for the music yeah that's some [ __ ] took over a farm it's nice nice I should give me one nice okay now tin [Music] ore time out reduction might be the time delay before recovery kicks in maybe that would make sense where did I find tin really easy was it over there yesterday I think it was right over there I know it was like just a small little spot where I could form a whole bunch of it I think it was over here in this corner said I needed 20 we're going to gather up as much as I can yep right here nice time to get to work need 20 of these bad boys count it what's up dunnage how you doing [Music] man [Music] got 12 already nice got one of them Costco lasagnas today I learned this Costco Costco lasagna I've never been to a Costco never [Music] been stamina have an NPC in your inventory or what uh yes it's it's the summoning staff dark lime summoning staff when you have one of the NPCs selected it just shows up as the NPC instead of the staff crang orium what's up dude May the the twitch Prime I appreciate it a lot man thank you so much thank you also we have five skill points guys we can get thick skin one Constitution for each two levels of flame my health bar goes Bur I am one tanky [Music] Mage thank you so much crank hope you're doing great dude [Music] [ __ ] Bonk all right that's 43 we have more than enough we're just Gathering a whole bunch until my pickaxe breaks may as well while we're here [Music] right Costco is great for bulk buys bought myself a food saver and I only buy meat from Costco to cuts the cost in half nice very nice similar idea to Sam's Club I guess yeah 55 Costco Salmon's really nice your mom's really [Music] nice and it broke back to base we go all right immune with the flame strength in the flame boom that up my Constitution another one I believe as well pretty good she is she texted me to check up on me in my because I had an earthquake last night yeah that's a nice mom right there that's nice I could be upgrading the flame alter a bunch too but I haven't okay now the next thing I'm going to need guys is a whole bunch of linen I do need some leather as well I think it's just one leather yeah just one leather oh hold on three leather we need three leather total the linen is the big thing though have to go get some flax come with me Gamers we're going adventuring for flax that's another thing I'm missing out on man if I had a farm going I wouldn't have to worry about the flax we do it the hard way going the wrong way son of a [ __ ] the fact that I made a mistake and still was able to correct course and still land over here safely just goes to show the value of this glider right now as [Music] well I forgot to repair my pickaxe luckily I don't need it right now what's in the box Fireball this spring my boyfriend and I are going to have to do a lot of work work on the house taking down the garage and redoing it probably oh God need to finish the basement too that'll probably have to wait till next year next honestly home owning is stressful no doubt no doubt insanely stressful but you know it has its benefits too it's easy to see the downside but never forget the UPS as well lot of flax Areno over here black Sama you resigned yourself to never owning a home yeah it's where my head's been at for a while now too still trying to save still you know slowly saving up towards it but you know the market is always outpacing what I'm able to save stop shooting poison at me stop it oh God Kai That's terrifying glad you're okay though dude that is terrifying man GL you're on the other side of that now Jesus what do these pants make you look thick as hell it's not the pants bud it's not the pants I stay being thick where are my flax ores there's some wife is home much do I have I found eight which will give me four linen anyone do the math on how much I needed I probably should have done that before coming out here but Al last I did not breathe man how much what I need flax flax for linen linen from flax there's more down this way as well probably some to the north too and that goes into the Shroud all right I'm going to go home and actually count up how much I need so that way I can actually be informed all right two linen 10 linen that's 12 18 24 28 I need 28 linen which means a total of 28 * 2 is 56 56 flax outside of the flax I already have I've got five flaks now so that reduces that to 23 so 46 46 minus 8 is 38 I need 38 more [Music] flax 38 more flax what the flax dude what the flax repair pickaxe I should have yeah I definitely should have I'm not using it for anything right now though so it's okay should find more up this way one one flax that's all I get hey guys where's all the FLA it seemingly does not [Music] exist what the hell dude not cool man lot of indigo tons of indigo even strawberries and camel meal but no flax [Music] it doesn't but would you like a legendary bow yeah that's kind of where the game's at right we don't have any flax but if legendary bows are indeed growing in the forest so take your pick right this is not going great all right I'm repositioning we're going to go north all flax was replaced by legendary bows [Music] yes [Music] let's try over there no I went that way already I'm going to go to the east side here go over this way I did check that side already I think I checked a lot of this area over here yet too I'll check again surely there's flax out here surely one that what is it two that makes three and four hell yeah flax I know I was by that earlier as well all right stamina stamina exists all right we got that now we're actually going to go to the Northern Area over there North Northwest this way five yeah I know Jonah I know devs hate him dude devs hate him I think what I am going to do is I'm just going to gather as much flax as I can find and I'm just going to start farming it I I should have do done it so much so much earlier going to gather what I can over the next few minutes and just go start a farm and while things are growing on the farm I'll take time to switch out everything as far as my chests go to the magical ones probably have to get a bunch of resources for all those too though you get 10 seeds per flax do you that's pretty sick jump m well if I were to take all these I would get 80 seeds I don't know if I need 80 see now we're finding a good amount of it look at all this flax some camo meal all right going to check on the other side of this and we're going to head back home okay how much did I get out of that 16 we got less than half of what I needed anyway here we go seed bed we need wood log metal scrap Farm soil Farm soil is dirt and bone meal I know I have a whole bunch of bone meal back here here go get a whole bunch of wood here's a question does anyone know if Wells replenish I know there's a well where I can get water but if it doesn't replenish I'll have to make another one let's go find out they do replenish good news good news everyone very nice it only gave me five looks like it takes a while to replenish it but that's okay better than none all right need some metal scrappage as well there we go let's plant the seed mhm um okay there goes that let's get some more started on the other one too okay and here's your water all right those are getting started now how do I make a well a well is needed I have [Music] you need linen for a well dude [Laughter] no you son of a [ __ ] all right let me think where else can I get water easily we can go to the [Music] shrines what's up Gara how you doing now there should be a whole bunch of things in here that I can just break they will often drop water I never repaired my freaking pickaxe son of a [ __ ] the pickaxe will work a lot better there there's a well near the starting area if you didn't smash it I've been using it I want to be able to uh have that are you saying I can pick it up and replace it it'll replenish the water though ring I can do [Music] that [Music] [Music] well there's some water there us be able to pick up everything not anymore gotcha there's a lot of water here water and wax apparently nope not what I really wanted to do there I'm trying to pick up items not zoom around like a mad lad [Music] oh my God [Music] game we'll take the salt as well Metal Sheets don't care about [Music] that anyone need wax I've got tons of wax now apparently give to me the water all right I guess no more on this floor yeah more candles for [Music] sure go to the town get your water to warp home and go back and get more water I'll try that after we clear this Tower of course we might not even need to we're getting a lot of water here what's our water count 15 good enough I'm going to drink some water I guess need a hand all right Farm soil how do I put Farm soil down I must need a crafting Hammer Maybe enter build mode more shapes terrain Farm soil what the not sure how that end up so uneven but whatever okay this is not going to be very neat oh I just punched a plant okay all those are down good [ __ ] we are doing business give me linen give it to me now okay do I need to make anything else plantwise specifically and I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to do a whole lot of plant business let's take a look at our actual choices here shrubs red mushrooms Tomatoes strawberries beets beets would be good got a ton of flax going already Wheats would also be good aloe sugar Oran oroline rather broadleaf and evergreen trees we can make trees I do have some wheat around here somewhere or some wheat seeds I think where were they where my wheed at wheat grains I think I just canceled that one didn't I I did son of a [ __ ] it's fine I'm not going to need more than that anyway okay so I need believe two here we'll put one in the other one too then bone dust fossilized bone dust I do have fossilized bone on me still don't I no I put it away one makes three it looks like so that'll give me a total of 45 we'll just let that go for a minute okay all right very good we need more likes any likers out there H true almost to 200 almost there shoot didn't I get more okay it takes 10 minutes to get that going all right that's going to be a while before we get that so what I want to do now now then put this the rest of this flax in this get that going there going be two more linen gives me 12 what I want to do now is I need to make a shitload of magic chests or well shitload I mean I need 10 large magic chest I need a large chest shroud cores and alchemical bases I've got 16 alchemical bases give be enough for five of these chests me I need five more so I need 30 total alchemical bases to me me need more shroud liquid in my celium I know I have some more more of those around somewhere but I'm still going to need to go grab more there's that I want to get this started where's my melium there you go that's working now we'll leave those right there okay now I need to go get more shroud liquid in my celium that's not bad to do let's go later Coco have a good nights thank you for chilling today what's up Dano didn't want the stones but you know I thought that would have given me my celium I guess not so much shroud [Music] juice I get my celium out of the blue maybe nope that's dirt I guess it has to actually be fuzzy for it to work but then this is kind of fuzzy too there it is got to get the very particular stuff the goo kill shots give me 31 that'll last me a while but let's grab a little bit more until the pickaxe breaks I guess better get as much as we can now so we don't have to worry about it for a while all right 52 will suffice got to remember storage is an issue right now as well so going to hop in here so that way I can just kind of go down to the route kill it off real quick and then get back to base from there easy what pickaxe am I using that is the copper one all right here's all the Shroud juice here's a bunch of my celium as well there you go Bud there you go let me go see the well real quick see if it'll give me more water oh we've got growth ladies and gentlemen we've got growth we do be scooping water have a good night [Music] Jen and gave me 15 water that time yeah the music is great I agree has it been 10 minutes yet not quite all right so we got this crafting as well for the alchemical bases going to need more water in here let's take a look at these magical chests again the large ones specifically need a bunch of shroud cores as well think I've got a bunch of those laying around going need 30 alchemical bases and 10 large chests themselves which require a lot of wood planks bronze bars o bronze not copper but bronze and a whole shitload of nails okay bronze bars are going to be tough we're going need a lot of tin for this see this uh this project guys is a little more ambitious than what I intended to go in on a little more ambitious than what I intended where I put my tin yeah we can convert shroud spores as well that's true it'll be worth it though cuz I don't have to worry about these chests nearly as much so that'll be great it's worth doing it for how to get backpack upgrades you can uh get them from the [Music] Hunter have more wheat grains there all right got a whole bunch of those we got 223 of those if we're going to make 10 of these then we have enough for that so that's good to go the bronze bar is the hard part also need to get more wood acid going too okay convert all of these into Nails just so that way those are done which we do here how many total do we need before we go too far one large chest is 16 we're going need a lot of these hold on pulling out the calculator 16 * 20 320 Nails anything else sorry about the white flashing and the noise but we need 320 of these so we're just making a shitload right now need about 100 more do I have more metal scraps arounds I do this 40 will give me another 80 Nails which will be 207 I'm sorry 307 which is going to land me 13 shy of what I need what's up do Venus oh there's seven right there that puts me at six more six more Nails needed so close man all of that and we're not going to be able to make it son of a [ __ ] dude there's all my shroud course which is what three per chest so 3 * 10 is 30 so I need seven more need get more wood acid going specifically how do I get that going wood logs I am doing so many things all at once right now it kind of feels good it kind of feels good we're doing the crafting business dude aren't you making nails for 20 chests when you wanted to make 10 magic chests we need the large chest as part of the magic chest recipe am I did I double up that on myself see how requires a large chest for the large magic chest that's what I'm going for and I did I did overdo this I multiplied by yeah I need 160 nails for 10 I don't know why I was thinking 20 you're right well we have more than enough nails now we're good holy [Music] [ __ ] it's fine this requires so much tin ore to get the tin bars going that is nuts yeah you are right I um I don't know why I was thinking 20 there for some reason I know I got more fossilized bone dust around so let me just pull one got one extra in there as well those take 20 minutes to get going that's kind of nuts I didn't mean to take that much flocks did that give me got 18 that'll be nine more how many did I need of this how much linen did I need for this set of armor let's look again 2 12 18 24 28 total we're stronger together I've got 14 so I need 14 more 12 more that'll give me six so I need uh basically 12 more flax nine more which is plenty here okay we're good on on Flax we're good on Flax playing a b guy in this game kind of fun but the arrow crafting sucks so bad the arrow crafting is tedious yeah think your best bet would just go around Gathering a shitload of twigs for like an hour just cross the map doing nothing but toy Gathering it's kind of insane but yeah this is going to pay off for you it is it will it's tedious now but it will pay off for sure I agree [Music] um put away everything that I can right now don't need nails for a while need to go gather more tin so that's my goal now I need a shitload more tin so much more tin going need copper as well how many bronze bars am I going to need for this don't what is it three per so I need 30 bronze bars yeah I'm going need 30 bronze bars so I'm going to need a lot of copper as well but while I'm Le while I'm gone I can get the copper going cuz I know I have more copper ore chill somewhere thought I saw a stack of like 13 or 14 somewhere as well but I could be crazy yeah I'm crazy you have many bows to choose from yeah there's a shitload of bows at least there's that I can make two more stacks of those that give be 20 all right in the meantime let's go find Tin Tin Tin Tin Tin Tin that was a good catch though Jonah that helped me out I uh don't know why I doubled up on the nail count for some reason but at least we W have to worry about nails for a long time right oh there's copper right here as well that's good you guys remember how much damage these guys were doing to me before like half of my ire health bar now look at it I am an absolute tank insane the strides we made today are [Music] huge I am pleased with this this development I nailed it that's for damn [Music] sure I don't know why I doubled up my math there but even just making 10 of these large magic chests is quite the undertaking probably should have started at just a few but just like most things in life when I do something I go all [Music] [Music] in [Music] luckily this is a great source of tin very quick to get to and has a shitload of it go biger go home you're damn [Music] right you're damn right [Music] [Music] brother you go all in always choose the longest or hardest way often times [Music] yeah definitely doing things in a more difficult way in this as well but that's just because I like getting out there and exploring so much like this game's exploration is pretty good so I just like going out there and seeing what's out there you know that put a lot of the crafting stuff on [Music] hold but I definitely want to make sure I get these upgrades before I go to the new area so think it's a good play to do [Music] [Music] this 47 pickaxe is going to break soon we'll probably end up with around like 55 is I think 55 60 long and hard is usually the best way [Music] Jesus oh I'm [Music] missing there a couple more hits and this should break there it goes yeah 60 on the nose [Music] okay that'll give me another three bars we need 30 bronze bars [Music] right got plenty of cob copper don't have to worry about getting Copper at all we're good there I do need charcoal soon though see if I have any laying around I doubt it you know what I I'm fairly certain I don't so just check the Lego site some of the prices are insane yeah they can definitely definitely get up there man all right let's calculate how much tin I actually need for all the bronze bars I need if I need 30 bronze bars each recipe makes 10 so I have to do it three times so I need 12 10 I've got four there that's enough to make that let me see 10 bar so I have enough to make three more that'll put me at six I got to double up on this all right let's go get more tin then what's the tin or used for making bronze you need to combine tin bars with copper bars to make bronze I can't see where I'm landing this can't be good we're fine I think I've got enough wood acid already so that's fine to go that's good might need a little more charcoal but that won't be a problem just throw more wood in the charcoal kill [Music] the thing is too is I'm still going to need more bronze I think I'm I'm fairly certain there going to be a bronze pickaxe and axe as well fairly certain so I'm going to need more bronze yet too I'm only doing this just for the chest right now [Music] [Music] let go mixure pick but 50% longer no no I do not I don't have any skill points to get it either one of the first ones though right 10% % durability % more damage against Stone objects including resource veins yeah those would be nice right now but I just don't have them have a good night elron thanks for chilling dude [Music] [Music] is getting a lot of uh limestone [Music] [Music] we definely have to come back again to finish this off you know what's crazy about this game is even though I'm using all of this resource up right now if I were to log out and log back in it would all reappear I kind of hope for the sake of the future of the game they make it so that's not the way of it every time I think the game just has a difficult time like having like a Save State between sessions it is it saves all the important stuff right like your actual base your what you have in your pockets your chests all that your character location it does well with that but for some reason it doesn't save like the world States cuz everything respawns and it shouldn't be like [Music] that it'd be one thing if it were plants right plants can come back that's fine but something like this uh this tin should not come back and that broke have done us we have a lot of resources to make big buildings even then though like with how large the world is and how much stuff stuff is everywhere you're still going to have plenty to build big [ __ ] that way absolutely plenty to do that need enough for four more bars got to get more tin we go finish that spot off I to repair my pickaxe right yes like just just think of how much tin I'm getting out of this one spot and there are much larger nodes of it out there already much much larger nodes of it that I've been near this is one of the smaller ones and it's given me so much only reason I'm going to this one is cuz it's just the quickest one I can access from like the Spire but how much is out there otherwise I mean there is just plenty plenty plenty plenty hey Matt [Music] hero [Music] [Music] I should have grabbed the rest of the flax in the uh from the fields oh well we do that when we get back [Music] [Music] again the best thing is about this game is if you wanted to you can carry your character over to a new world that is a thing too [Music] yeah you can do that in valheim as well that's what I did to make my video where I was testing magic against all the bosses just kind of went to a new world and just tried against all the bosses that I found him cuz I wanted to play with magic from the beginning magic op in that game or well I shouldn't say magic op because like the way the the way the scaling works in the game you don't really get any magic until you get to the m lands which is what a sixth biome so it makes sense that it you know kills everything earlier on in the game the first like three four [Music] bosses [Music] is [Music] Buy return to Moria I forgot if you did I intended to but I did not kind of glad I didn't man like I was really excited about a lord of the ring Survival game but then that game turned out to not be great so overall glad I didn't purchase it [Music] [Music] [Laughter] J I appreciate you lurking I appreciate a lot have a great night Jules thank you for being here hope to see you again soon looks like this vein is just about dry thought you were going crazy yeah the constant clink Clank clink clink let's see need a total of 12 tin bars I'm sorry nine why do why why am I doing my math so correctly I need nine cuz I need 30 bronze bars so we need nine I need four more tin bars here yeah I went overboard again I was doing my math incorrectly all right so that's going to be enough tin bars charcoal and wood acid to make all that work we've already got more than enough copper for this as well charcoal is going to be what I need there again so let me get charcoal started we don't need any more wood acid but we'll throw this in there charcoal will be sufficient after a couple goes I need wood acid for leather too pretty sure I do I need three leather the world is worth fighting [Music] for no I need ammonia glands I only need to make this recipe once cuz it's going to give me 10 Leather So 10 dried fur 20 salt and two ammonia [Music] glands pretty sure I've got dried fur laying around somewhere I know I've got ammonia glands around where is it all there's the fur yeah M ammonia glands where the [ __ ] where did I put them oh you know what they might be in the other thing I needed them for the other alchemical stuff right all right there's seven a bunch of salt as well well okay there it goes that'll be all the leather that I need now is this we need more water for this but I've got more than enough alchemical bases already so that is set as well now the next thing I need is 30 shroud spores which I know I've got like 24 somewhere 27 so we need to make three more shroud core we need shroud liquid for this as well but it's 10 per so need total of 30 on me to get these three all right going need more shroud liquids they're easy to get the Shroud [Music] juice these mushrooms are rather phallic aren't they all right 47 is pretty sufficient let's making a nice even 50 though all right will I play Brothers A Tale of Two Sons remake Noah I'm not really interested good game just not interested in playing it again you all right there we go there's our 30 shroud course that's good to go now we just need large chests like crazy nails wood plank bronze bars where did I put my huge amount of [Music] nails just got to wait for the tin to uh continue up we need just a few more then we can make a whole bunch of bronze get that going what's the timer on this 5 minutes minutes not bad yeah we're actually almost there already actually almost there we got those going that'll stop after that's done that's great news I just picked up a flax seedling like a dumbass um [ __ ] I'm going to need what I I think I need 38 linen for this 36 did my math wrong there 2 12 18 24 oh no 30 yeah we're good then let me double check that 2 12 18 24 30 yeah we're good there then sick need a bunch of torn cloth mint mushroom meat fossilized bones and then just the leather which is almost done too this is going quite well not sure much torn cloth we're going to need but let's take all of that that still has 9 minutes left on [Music] [Music] it all we need is the leather for just these last two pieces which we'll uh we'll craft it all together we'll craft it all together what wand is that this wand is silver storm has ice and shock it's pretty tight okay so all we're waiting on is more tin the last two tin to make the few bronze bars that we need then we can make a whole bunch of large magical chest cuz we'll be able to combine all of those together and we'll get 10 of them that'll be great and once this leather is done we'll also have the magician set which will be a huge upgrade all around except for the chest piece we'll we whether or not we want to change out the chest piece at that time I guess but we're going to do all of that tomorrow first thing on stream tomorrow that'll be great let me take these wheat seedlings I'll just pile those there for now let's plant a whole shitload of wheat holy wheat man oops anyways folks thank you for hanging out on the stream tonight I hope you enjoyed your stay I'll be back again tomorrow at 400 p.m. eastern time to pick up where we left off here and uh we're going to make a new armor set we're going to have a whole bunch of new chests and I did just upgrade my flame level which which means I should be able to go into the further east area all the way over here to see what else is going on all this stuff this way looking forward to it we will tackle all of that together tomorrow all right thank you all for tuning in tonight hope you enjoyed your stay thank you for hanging out thank you for you know your time your generosity all the new subs and follows I appreciate it guys and I will see you tomorrow until then be excellent to each other good night everyone
Channel: theJOSHfeed
Views: 3,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded live, enshrouded stream, enshrouded live stream, enshrouded first look, enshrouded early thoughts, enshrouded survival, enshrouded solo, enshrouded solo gameplay, enshrouded live gameplay, enshrouded impressions, enshrouded building, enshrouded review, enshrouded combat, enshrouded character creation, enshrouded all bosses, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded boss fight, enshrouded building gameplay, building in enshrouded
Id: blpmLZgVmtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 254min 35sec (15275 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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