Enshrouded Dragon Excalibur

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could the Excalibur be anything maybe it was not oh would you look at this could this be Excalibur this has to be Excalibur right oh Balls level 18 and welcome back to another in shrouded video now I think it's about godamn time that I get back on the hunt for Excalibur I have been very busy with all of the experiments I've done with the hollow Halls dungeons but no I think it's it's about time it's about time we get back back to business right so but first off we need some eggs so instead of getting back to business we're going egg hunting okay I've respeed yet again so now it's back to all arounder build a little bit of everything so we'll see how this goes but just for exploring it should be fine totally fine okay let's see eggs these people do they drop EGS okay let's see and push and another SP as okay they okay they do drop EGS fantastic what is going on with the terrain here all right I was also supposed to go on another character to check out my Mountain something floating oh right that's my that's my other base uh push o that feels nice yeah I definitely prefer an all-arounder build I could also kill chickens now I do have the blacken staff that gives me 5% Mana Lee every time I damage so that is something and I do believe this gives 10% so if I just kill stuff I get infinite Mana a chest Don't Mind If I Do shroud metor shower 13 damage you say stamina health and Mana okay and then we eat one of those and then we might as well get some more rested yes yes indeed okay well we might as well start off from where we left off because the second goal of finding Excalibur is also to well get all the lore now I've gotten most most of it but I miss a few pages here and there like The Alchemist theories now they could be pretty much anywhere now in the late uh last episode of The Hunt for Excalibur I believe that I stopped at Glen Wood's end so maybe we explore a little bit around this area maybe oh I could use some potions too I mean I have a lot of them ooh an Ender Chest that would be good to have to can just place down something and get access to all of the stuff and since I'm not using a HUD for this series I have no idea how long I can be in the Shroud what about this little area oh I on careful right yeah I did find a note at the end of this place because that is the Elixir well there's also a chest here very precarious chest now I would like to go down there and search for Stuff Nightwing bow that looks kind of cool how does that actually look o yeah black bow I mean I needed to find a legendary version of that because even though I have nerfed myself just to look like this I still want the best weapons because they don't change appearance even though they can be found at max level okay but let's search a few random places maybe follow the road like skimmer's Cove and also the pike yeah I think I need to search more for stuff in the pike I've searched everywhere but I pretty much always find lore over there so I guess we'll see okay and the Shroud is very shroudy today come at me yes ah fantastic I also do believe that the bronze sword does a lot of damage so we will see but I would probably not recommend this build because every time I've tried to test a hybrid build it always ends bad okay so this is the Cove but there's only like this chest over me okay where's my pickaxe and there's only a crackling wand here now you would think there would be something here because of all the rubble right but again I don't want to spend all day digging H yeah I've tried to go down there before it was nothing I mean it's supposed to be a Cove a Cove isn't necessarily a cave okay could there be something over here nothing right now I don't see any notes here and it would be weird to find uh Excalibur at this place but who knows let's see okay we I think that I need to be a little bit smarter about this so let's check out the lore and see if I can find any hint let's see because General Alchemist pages I miss those they could be anywhere Emily Frey's Tavern H now that is over there okay so I need to head back to the Kindle waste enchant Flames I believe I found everything and shroud and elixir ah yeah more Kindle way stuff reap what you s h now that could be somewhere always together and again I'm missing a lot of stuff let's see scavengers I believe I've oh almost everything Sister Sister okay still a lot of stuff to explore because now we are in revelwood right and we've found everything in revelwood maybe but again it could be loads of places uh okay let's head straight downwards and explore this area perhaps okay I'm just going to have a quick look around here yeah this area has definitely been in war King Gander and all the betrayals and everything and also the Holo is involved I believe somewhat H might as well get some HP potions doesn't HT oh I shr potion yeah might as well a few more minutes in there let's head over here and there's a big bridge yeah I've been here I remember okay regain some mana and some stamina not sure how much I have but we'll see ha's probably something let's do a big fire ball smack yes uh let's see looking for Rubble like this rubble and I do believe I need to make a click bait thingy like could the Excalibur be nothing maybe it was not I amuse myself sometimes actually let's explore the fall on Frontier because I do miss some scavenger notes that could very well be over here now hang on okay yeah like this thing dead tree there should be something awesome in here and something okay my inventory is going to fill up fast hang on a minute is this Amber it is Amber at this location too eh yeah don't well I knew that I have seen it above ground but I didn't think it was here oh okay well there you go you can get Amber without having to go down to the Shroud H that's a little bit interesting I mean we are going to find something regardless I do that every time I do an exploration video we do have a goal to find Excalibur and lore but still we are probably going to find some weird stuff lotions and more explosions okay notes there is a chest Excalibur no bombs yeah anything under the bridge there should always be something under the bridge there's a fence down here now that's a little bit suspicious ah hang on okay there's a way under the bridge not bad there we go oh ah look at that aha okay and then there's the boss could this be no that was not Excalibur but it could have been explosions what oh that bastard explosions yeah okay let's head uh South where should we go maybe this way let's try this way okay could there be something here yeah there's pretty much always a chest down in in these places this is a regular chest with oh this potion okay not bad all right yeah it's this place Gates of The Pillars of Creation well might as well have a look see a little bit more explosions explosions okay there's something behind this thing okay what is behind this thing hang on have I found this huh okay I know that's kind of interesting yeah must have found found this already but yeah it's not marked on the map H okay well found something hidden I have probably discovered it already but sure another chest some more bombs and of course more explosions yes oh yeah this is where I did the update video I remember now could there be something inside of the pillows of creation I do miss a note in know from here okay let's uh let's have a look see from the start here because I have probably rushed through this area I know that I miss one note in the P creation it it's going to be interesting to see the portals to the other worlds or other servers how that will actually work okay but let's continue to explore uh nothing here chair and a dead guy okay slow and steady let's keep an eye open ancients and Flame yeah I've discovered that okay let's just revisit the lore P of creation yeah I found both of these but okay where else was it NAD Highlands do you know yeah The Pillars of Creation I miss one the bones to Uka are coming back up from the Des of the cave H then then again this note it might not be here it could be before this area but I mean it wouldn't make sense that it was like right here somewhere but I guess we will find out oh and now it's dark okay well a little bit of torch action yeah I need to farm some more butterflies butterflies fireflies oh Fireballs okay hang on just going to see I thought I saw a hidden door but that I did not I must say that I am very aware of hidden doors now because of the hollow Hol dungeons now hang on here something get the trusty pickaxe out yeah I did not discover this place the last time come on come on come on come on do I have to dig I think I have to dig in this area I basically skipped all of it the first time can I get up yes I can okay let's have a look see is there any notes here I don't think so here's a button yeah I need to hit the buttons as well in order to unlock the next area we're just going to take it slow and steady yeah this is the area with some carpentry stuff I believe there something glowing in here hang on a minute what is this then a renowned Dragon Sword well excuse me I trust my scientific instincts but no one else will the others don't believe that the existence of the Dragon Sword they think it's just a fable from a begone era but existence of real dragons would explain the origin of a large fossilized bone deposit and could fill the gas gaps in our poos ancestry of draconian vulture if I found a dragon sword and retrieved it its from its forgotten Cavern I could add Credence to my theory until then I'd be the laughing stock of my peers I revealed my true thesis ooh well God damn now hang on did I get I did get a quest rumors of the oh oh hang on hang hang on just a moment hang on just a tiny bit of a moment let's see location on map it is down oh it's down there no no no no hang on oh this this is something okay I think I need to turn my UI back on now now I'm excited what the hell the Dragon no hang on where where where did I what Flor was that it's not uh no at Highlands one no it's not so I'm still missing that but I found ooh Dragon Sword hang on could that be ex Excalibur no no no no hang on that's a little bit weird isn't it because I was here not that long ago huh okay so I found something oh okay oh snap and a biscuit okay the series might be over unless it's something new that was added I have to I guess we will see might as well just teleport up okay here we go right where is it where is it it is down here ooh rumors of dragon SW e come on fly you [ __ ] H let well eat a little bit very good that you can eat while flying oh damn only been recording for about half an hour and already found something amazing every time I do an exploration video I find something now hang on this cave I've been to this cave before haven't I I think I've been down to this cave before maybe isn't it now hang on this is new I think Dragon cave you say oh well sure M what the now hang on is that that looks like a dragon skull okay no no no hang on a moment there's multiple entrances there's also a cave down there does that have anything to do with this thing oh well snap that's a dragon head oh holy God and a biscuit okay I think that this is probably going to be Dragon right uh okay but where where do you get in from here oh yeah this is this place oh yeah there changed this area too right because before that this was a blue chest yeah it was okay so maybe there did something because I was wondering why they removed the rubble hang on now the rubble is back okay that some weird okay Dragon dungeon no more dilly d come on come on Dragon okay I was looking for Excalibur and I found dragons oh now that looks awesome what the hell is dragon skull okay I need to have a closer look at that thing oh do you look at that okay can I fly up this yeah know this is a nice way to use the luminescent stuff this is awesome okay let's have a little bit look around here before we do anything o would you look at this could this be Excalibur this has to be Excalibur right oh bols level 18 okay those of fire damage huh a mythical blade from the long gone days Legend say that it was passed on to Ember whell by a wise Spirit who descended from the Stars in the year of the dragon okay how does that look oh well look at that now that's a fancy looking blade I don't think that this is Excalibur but it is very close well damn okay Dragon Blade not bad now how much can I increase the level of this thing okay I need to check that out right away where is my home cuz I have speced into fire and cutting and this is both yeah cutting loads of fire okay okay let's see let's increase the level of this thing I mean level 23 so it's not that much damage but damn okay so we we found something yeah I want to test this out uh okay I need something to kill let's turn the UI back on okay get me something monkey is that a monkey that is a monkey okay come back I mean it's not horrible and it looks amazing how much durability does it have 100 50 right yeah that's not a lot of a durability damn damn now the question is is my hunt for no hang on no it can't be no that doesn't make any sense no of course my hunt isn't over yet because this seems like it was added no it was added after I started the search so yeah now of course it's not the Excalibur but there you go you always find something but yeah holy hoit that's a sword and a half okay but I think we need to go back to exploration because even though this was an amazing find I don't think it's Excalibur I mean might as well be but we will see and this is where I found a note okay but there's no more notes Here perhaps okay now there's a little vuka encampment right here could there be a note here um okay where's the sword there it is okay come at me bro I mean it does decent damage just all buff up a little bit just yeah they do Drop Eggs okay I mean if I also use some more Buffs like the magic buff I do believe that Stacks with this thing I mean it's not horrible damage it's actually quite good three hits to kill this things and I do believe I also use three hits with disting but only 150 durability that's uh that's a little bit low I mean if the sword was incredibly op I would get it then it could be low durability but it I mean it's um it's just a decent sword yet now we have a dragon sword damn damn damn yeah but no no most definitely I've been there uh many many times so this is not Excalibur it is not it could have been and again it might be like I I'm I'm not sure but I've been searching for Excalibur for quite some time way before the patch too so we'll see hang on this is also a little bit weird there's a chest down here wait acid bite well don't need acid bite no more I feel agree on their decision to Nerf acid bite but they did not have to Nerf it that hard to the ground okay let's uh let's kill this monkey because we also searching for a Gemini ring I've never seen that ring before but uh a lot of people recommended it with my immortal build so might as well give it a give it a go okay come on who aha long distance seems like I can just fire this forever almost okay I almost died yeah let's get a little bit of Dragon Sword action there we go what is this flame Shield sure I mean finding a dragon sword and then maybe maybe just maybe if I found Excalibur to know this would be an episode I mean I should basically just end the episode because I I found a legendary sword but yeah holy smid and a half oh boy okay I need to call myselfself down that was very exciting in search of Excalibur and then all of a sudden Dragon Sword right right now hang on have they done something with the doors could I have done something I think I need to test that out too I mean I have opened up this door before I also saw a lion oh there he is okay let's open up this door just for the sake of opening it do I have more explosions I don't okay well I do have a pickaxe at least you don't have to wait through the entire uh process of opening it there we go nope just the same old same old okay well you can taste my dragon sword as but yeah what the hell could these things be no they have to be the instant dungeons right or who knows maybe they just eye candy let's see where is Raven's keep that is right down now need to be a little bit careful because I could die okay let's explore from the start well on a second note since my daughter has just woken up I think that I am going to end the episode right there but before I do that I do want to take a proper screenshot so I'm going to do some behind the scenes work let's see I need flare arrows you might already know where I'm going with this okay let's light up this thing a little bit better all right oh I need to stop being cringey but yeah I think that that is very nice very nice indeed now there's nothing more in here no nothing more hidden inside there but yeah we found we found a legendary sword okay I have high hopes for this series we we will probably find more stuff but I think that I'm going to say until next time
Channel: Arajnin
Views: 7,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O5O6HTiPQb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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