Enochian, the Lost Language of Angels | Truth or Lore

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mystics of the past had a long-standing tradition of looking backwards at languages ancient dead languages are ideal for sacred purposes as they never change but perhaps more importantly their age and antiquity lend them an equal degree of sanctity as the thought is that all languages in the world must trace their roots back to some primordial archetype theoretically if you went far enough back you would eventually come across the very first language in its most untouched form pure just as god or the gods delivered it this language for the purposes of our investigation will be referred to either as celestial speech angelical or enochian they're all different terms for the same concept the language of god and angels the lore of enochian largely derives from the book of genesis the book of revelation and the apocryphal book of enoch however many key details between them were delivered during the alleged prophetic visions of two particular englishmen in the 16th century but we'll get to them in a bit in the beginning god spoke the universe into existence using a series of divine words the letters of which burned onto 49 celestial tablets but contained within these tablets was not only the language of creation but all knowledge past present and future and the very keys to unlock and enter the gates of heaven these same tablets appear in different forms in different religions throughout time the egyptians called it the book of thoth hebrew legends speak of the sephir raziel but in enochian the language of heaven and angels they are known as the logee or speech from god in the garden of eden adam spoke the language found within low gate holding familiar conversations with the creator and giving every plant creature and object its true name but his fluency was stricken when he and eve were expelled from paradise no longer could adam speak with god or with the angels in order to communicate with his family adam created the first human language based on his fractured and flawed memories of the celestial speech this would have been an ancient form of hebrew that would be wholly unrecognizable today it was seven generations later that the prophet enoch from which enochian gets its name was deemed worthy enough by the archangels to not only re-establish communication but to visit heaven to view the angelic choirs the throne of god and the celestial tablets themselves during his visit he copied 366 books a mere fraction of the celestial tablets and he was instructed by the angels to reseed this wisdom back into humanity alas enoch would ultimately fail as his work was lost in the great flood that destroyed the world adam's primordial hebrew tongue persisted up until the incident at the tower of babel there the rulers of babylon ordered the construction of a colossal tower that was to reach heaven itself sickened by this hubris god confused the tongues of the builders severing all mode of communication between them and ending the project for good eventually the builders moved away from babylon and founded their own nations establishing the various language families of the world adam's original hebrew was lost and the final fragments of the first language died with it millenniums pass our final stop is renaissance england the year is 1582 and a pair of new prophets begin to receive messages from beings claiming to be angels the two englishmen a world-famous mathematician and an alchemist with a dark past are told that they were selected to reseed the lost angelic language into humanity and they are given this knowledge through a series of complex cryptographic puzzles i'm mr mythos and i welcome you to truth or lore be sure to subscribe if you love the mysteries of history like i do every sub is a massive support to the videos i make on my channel you're about to explore not only the fascinating inokian language itself but also the truly mind-bending escapades of the two men involved without further ado we'll begin by meeting our main protagonist dr john d this is d a man described as tall and slender with a very fair clear sanguine complexion a long beard as white as milk he wore a gown like that of an artist with hanging sleeves but more than handsome and well-dressed dr john d was undoubtedly one of the most influential forces in england he was a world-renowned mathematician linguist navigator inventor astronomer and astrologer and through this capacity he was the right hand advisor to queen elizabeth the first very little could occur without his expert consult or trip to his home in the town of mortlake which was considered at the time to be the largest and richest library in england with more than 4 000 ancient scientific tomes many of which he had sought and collected by hand dee lived during the english renaissance a time when science magic and religion blended like paints on a palette and were largely considered interconnected parts in a grand search for understanding dee was an intense christian and many times stated that all knowledge served god his religious beliefs were strongly influenced by hermetic philosophies thus he believed that the divine could influence nature and natural scientific application could influence the divine we find astrology and alchemy to be prime examples of this but a third branch known as theorgy began to obsess dee's mind as the scientific world became more and more known to him he sought knowledge that could not be extracted from the natural world thiergy which translates to operation of the gods was a study and practice of invoking supernatural deities such as angels to acquire lost knowledge or disclose ancient mysteries though his independent theological practice seemed to hit walls at every turn one autumn evening of 1581 john d knelt in prayer and according to his journal there suddenly glowed a dazzling light in the midst of which in all his glory stood the great angel uriel this entity handed dee a bright clear crystal the size of an egg and told him that by gazing through it he could establish contact with angels if you've ever seen an image of an old wizard gazing into a crystal ball this cliche finds its roots in the story of john d this technique would become known as scrying where messages are transmitted from alternate realities by gazing into a suitable reflective surface dee called his crystal a shoe stone and for weeks he tried to use it following uriel's exact instructions with no luck frustrated he eventually hired other scribers and they either failed the same as him or were caught by dee's careful eye as frauds that was until a year later that a man approached john d and introduced himself as edward talbot although his real name or at least what we believe to be his real name was edward kelly to modern historians many details of his true identity and perhaps dark and troubled past remain uncertain edward kelly wore a cap on his head to hide the fact that both of his ears were cropped a common punishment for forgery he claimed to descend from the family of umaine of ireland and that he worked as a notary in london though his name was not in the registry of any known university it is certain that kelly was well educated particularly in alchemy and he knew both latin and greek in their very first meeting kelly did what no other before him could do he saw heard and spoke to the angels as an almost innate talent and john d was convinced that kelly's skill was genuine to this day there are reasons to side with these assessment despite the questionable character of kelly and this we'll explore in depth later as for now it was this fateful meeting that marked the beginning of an intense and eventful partnership that would last for seven years in which dee and kelly would perform scrying sessions almost daily under john d's command these were conducted with the utmost christian piety forcing long periods of prayer purification and fasting prior then kelly would gaze into sacred objects such as dee's mystical shoe stone and a black obsidian mirror and report his visions and in his precious journals d would carefully document everything that kelly saw or heard in that first angelic conference kelly made contact with one of the seven planetary archangels nl who claimed to be the current successive ruler of the cosmos in the following sessions annel then introduced the two englishmen to the four archangels known as uriel raphael michael and gabriel it was these angels and the lesser angels directed by them that would eventually deliver the language we call enochian john d was a learned scholar and knew well the legends of enoch the last purported human to speak with angels in fact he had long thought about the prophet even before his vision of uriel enoch was an alluring and highly mysterious figure for many scholars during d's time and there are good reasons for this to begin he is only mentioned once in the entire old testament and just as an entry in a long list of forefathers within the book of genesis there we learned that enoch was the father of methuselah the longest lived human in the bible at 969 years and the great-grandfather of noah who built the ark to survive the great deluge but these relations are not why enoch is so fascinating seven is a sacred number in the bible and enoch is the seventh generation from adam next enoch is said to have lived 365 years another sacred number as the number of days in a solar year lastly he is the only forefather in the entire list without a record of death his passage reads as follows enoch walked with god and he was not for god took him and that is the last mention of enoch in the old testament that is unless you count the apocryphal book of enoch which after 500 years of being biblical canon was stricken from the official bible by both jewish and catholic authorities as blasphemy around the year 200 a.d this ancient and unique text contains the story of fallen angels the origins of giants known as nephilim and the moral reasoning behind the great flood in genesis but perhaps most importantly it flushes out the details of the prophet enoch and serves as the oldest known record of his life by the medieval era no living person in the western world had ever read it the legend of enoch persisted only by word of mouth so long had scholars and mystics continued to search for a surviving copy but this would be found in ethiopia in the 18th century 200 years after john d died so now you understand why it made sense that in 1583 one of these first serious requests to the angels was for a copy of the book of enoch as one of the known powers of angels was finding and obtaining long-lost texts to his surprise the archangels agreed and they indeed upheld their promise to date they brought him a book of enoch however it wasn't the apocryphal lost chapter of the bible that dee had in mind they brought him a far more valuable treasure the celestial tablets that enoch himself had read and copied from during his legendary visit to heaven the angels called it logeeth in their language this translated to speech from god they told the two men that it contained the 49 speeches god used to create the world entrances to the 48 gates of heaven and the recorded destinies of all things in the universe in all dimensions of time to edward kelly the book appeared as a tome of 49 leaves and each leaf contained two 49 by 49 square grids one on the front and one on the back an alien script filled the squares the letters of which had been delivered in the form of a 21-character talismanic alphabet just days earlier here they were written in what kelly assumed to be the blood of lambs as referenced in the book of revelation upon the receival of logaith d understood the tables to be a series of cryptographic puzzles as the angels did not immediately provide a way to translate or decipher the grids they only stated that the purpose of the book of logee was to open the gates of heaven either to summon angels to earth or to enter the celestial realm directly as enoch once did the angels explained that john d was expected to continue where enoch had failed d was to become a new prophet of god and reseed the lost language of angels back into the world of man as he conducted his seances dr john d simultaneously instructed the science of navigation to many of those who would conduct england's voyages of discovery and he found himself struck with a similar inspiration and opportunity with the queen's blessing the doctor abruptly left his position at her side to travel to continental europe with edward kelly and their families trailing behind they would spend the next six years as nomads as they keenly continued their angelic seances from city to city and attempted to win the patronage of kings emperors and clergymen copious notes in john d's journals reveal that dee was more enthusiastic than ever and kelly was initially just as committed to their mutual goal when they arrived on the continent but over time it became apparent that kelly was more interested in alchemy than scrying and they scribed nearly every day as the months and years passed kelly expressed deepening frustrations and a desire to stop but dee insisted that they continue their work the second set of a nokian text were received by kelly in 1584 in the city of krakow where they stayed in the court of polish king stefan battori these would be known as the 48 keys and there is a distinct difference between the language written in them versus the language used in the book of logeeth whether they are two dialects of the same celestial speech as the postulated the 48 keys can be considered as the enochian language proper as this time around they were given translations thus providing a foundation of enoki in grammar and vocabulary as for the contents the 48 keys are an example of pure esoteric literature on the surface they seem to be a series of archaic and convoluted poetic verses but in order for one to decipher the actual meanings behind them that person would need to possess deep knowledge of astrology ancient hebrew mysticism and numerology even john d who is a world recognized expert in these fields would never fully deduce their meanings and this was a problem as the angels revealed that the true purpose of the 48 keys was to present a solution to the 49 cryptographic puzzles in the book of logate finally allowing dee and kelly to access the literal words of god and their destiny as successors of enoch this lock and key system between the two texts was referred to as gebo fall by the archangels and involved a 49-day ritual over which each key would invoke the angel guarding one of the 49 gates of heaven these gates represented by the magic tables in low gate moving on we now approach one of the most perplexing pieces of evidence for enochian authenticity if the delivery of the book of logate seemed like a simple case of glossolalia or speaking in tongues particularly as there were never any translations given the picture becomes a bit more complicated when considering exactly how the 48 keys were received in krakow each key was processed letter by letter word by word backwards the exact process is understood by piecing together these highly detailed notes and transcripts for example edward kelly in his trance would report that the angel points to column 5 rank 23 john d would then reference the relevant grid in the book of logee and write down the letter he found in that square once the cipher sequence was complete d was instructed to rewrite each word backwards to reveal the true message so what does this mean well if we were to take the stance that kelly was a con man we would have to consider an incredible feat to produce the keys he would have had to memorize the grids within the book of logee there are 96 grids in total each 49 by 49 squares this requires knowing the identity and exact position of 117 649 talismanic letters not to mention that he would have had to create his own functional language write poetry in it and painstakingly spell those poetic verses backwards to john d why would kelly go through all this trouble if he was attempting to deceive dee wouldn't there have been an easier way clearly meticulous care was taken in the delivery of the keys there were no misspellings nor were there noticeable errors in word usage between parts after the ciphers were written english translations were tapped out on little strips of paper emerging from the angel's gaping mouth this is how the enokian we know today was received [Music] the mighty sounds have entered in the third angle and are become as olives in the olive mountain looking with madness upon the earth and dwelling in the brightness of the heavens as continual confidence now would be a good time to cross-examine enochian itself and ask whether it's a real functional language to begin innokin has been studied by many linguists throughout the years to determine its characteristics and authenticity as a natural language as opposed to an invented one here's what they learned inokian possesses its own unique phonetic system grammar and syntax with a vocabulary that may be rather limited due to the non-availability of other texts but is still able to produce subtle complex and intricate parlance as seen in the translation of the 48 keys this has led skeptics to believe that the enochian language may actually be plagiarized from another linguistic source but a nokian shows no relation to any known language including biblical hebrew which is often thought by christians and jews to be the closest relative to the original primordial language of adam [Music] the linguistic problem created by this is that historians of languages generally agree that it's impossible for a person to invent a new language without drawing from existing sources whether intentionally or not if enochian truly is unique in this regard one must seriously consider the possibility that this language delivered to edward kelly is natural or technically supernatural even the most respected and challenging critic of enochian the linguist donald laycock writes the following at the conclusion of the complete enochian dictionary which he authored we still do not know whether it is a natural or an invented language if the language itself is difficult to challenge we must now turn to its script system the innokian alphabet has 21 letters when spelled diacritical marks also known as accents may be included and only a scant few letters have direct english equivalents while many have their own unique pronunciation enoki in script is written from right to left which is his only similarity to ancient biblical hebrew if kelly or d drew inspiration from another source is possible that we'd find it in the alphabet which was the first angelic material received by kelly just days before the book of logate in march of 1583. it's notable that john d once owned an alchemical treatise written by giovanni pantheus in 1530 which contained a table labeled enochian alphabet of the ancients in the treatise itself one can find an abundance of notes scribbled by john d and even an attempt to write his own name using pantheus's alphabet but if you look closely there is virtually no similarity to the angelic script received by edward kelly if anything this just shows that dee's pursuit of the enochian language dates back further into his academic career than what was once thought though john d and edward kelly continued to work cooperatively the tension between the two englishmen grew starkly as they traveled the continent particularly after the reception of the 48 keys [Music] during this time a close associate remarked that dee seems to have driven kelly to the brink of insanity forcing him to perform long scrying sessions on a near daily basis to add to this d demanded long periods of fasting and cleansing before each perhaps this unending stress upon edward kelly is what brought about the infamous cross-matching incident that would ultimately lead to the destruction of their partnership in 1587 kelly made contact with the angels once more but this time they brought with them an unexpected demand in the interest of furthering the philosophical partnership of the two men they ordered that john d and edward kelly share everything they had everything and this included their wives dee was hurt and anguished by this order as was his wife jane who reportedly fell weeping and trembling of course he initially objected but after days of interrogation of kelly and the angels themselves should they be demons in disguise he became convinced at the end that the order was genuine and that it was god's will john d wrote in his diary may 22nd mrs kelly received the sacrament and to me and my wife gave her hand in charity and we rushed not from her the pain and regret proved too much for dee and he could no longer proceed with their angelical meetings nine months later jane d gave birth to a son theodorus trebonianus d there was speculation among them that the boy was actually kelly's but theodore was raised as d zone and he loved him indifferently the cross-matching incident would remain a secret for the remainder of john d's life in 1589 he and his family returned to england and edward kelly found work as the chief alchemist of rudolf ii they would never see each other again it's finally time to dive into the theories surrounding the authenticity of enochian we'll begin with the prime culprit a man who has carried the label of fraud and charlatan for centuries edward kelly so who was he really it's true that he was known to d under a different name edward talbot and we can only assume that kelly was his real name historians know that he was well educated but have difficulty tracking down exactly where the most likely institution is oxford university where the name talbot of ireland was found as a bachelor of divinity according to students who housed with this talbot at some point he abruptly left oxford with an unsettled mind the reason for his leaving remains unknown and from face value edward kelly certainly fits a profile of an untrustworthy figure alleged crimes he was tried for in his past include forgery counterfeiting and necromancy the practice of using dead bodies to foretell prophecies thus many skeptics of inokian's authenticity believe that kelly deceived john d for the purpose of gaining money and influence which is a legitimate motive dee never actually saw or heard the angels he communicated with all messages were transmitted to and from through kelly d candidly confesses in his diary you know i cannot see nor scry and this emphasizes the trust he placed in kelly's word this clearly leaves kelly in an advantageous position but there are indeed a multitude of problems with this theory first it seemed to john d and all other witnesses that kelly was a rather reluctant participant in the long term of dee's angelic pursuit for someone who apparently wanted to break off the seances during the receival of the 48 keys the arduous stressful and needlessly complex method of their delivery would appear to be even more undesirable again we would have to assume that he not only memorized the positions of 117 649 characters but that he could speak enochian backwards when many times kelly complained to dee that he could barely understand the learned tongues forward why would he go through such lengths and trouble second the english translation of the 48 keys display a completely different writing style as compared to kelly's own works the solution would be that kelly plagiarized them but yet again no source material has ever been found third it is often overlooked that kelly was only one in a line of several scribers approved and employed by john d before him was barnabas saul then after kelly was john d's own son arthur who was finally succeeded by bartholomew hickman if edward kelly had falsified the angelic conversations stylistic thematic and methodological fluctuations between each scrire would be found in the transcripts recorded by d and this is not the case the reality is that these conversations with the archangels michael gabriel raphael and uriel seem to change little from one scriber to the next and with many direct parallels found between them from this we may actually begin to draw suspicions from another individual the only one present through the entire length of this enterprise dr john d himself if there was any man capable of creating enochian perhaps it would have been john d this man was incredibly learned particularly in mathematics and more relevantly cryptography because of his expertise john d was actually the founder of england's very first secret intelligence service a predecessor to the uk's modern day mi6 he established the world's most elaborate network of spies at that time under the rule of elizabeth the first and when he wrote to his queen he signed his name as double07 a trait that inspired that of the fictional spy james bond [Music] and this leads to a rather interesting theory that john d was actually england's first spy as he traveled across continental europe with kelly under the disguise of an eccentric old man searching for angels indeed john d was loyally devoted to his beloved england who do you think coined the term british empire he was not only one of queen elizabeth's primary advisors he was also her longtime personal friend they first met when the young princess elizabeth tudor was held under house arrest by her paranoid half-sister the ruling queen would become known to history as bloody mary d was elizabeth's science tutor and they developed a friendship which would eventually last a lifetime as queen elizabeth funded many of his mystical endeavors and protected her friend against those who accused him of witchcraft and dee would always remain by her side continuing close communication with her even as he left england with kelly maybe this fact grants d some deserved credibility and trustworthiness on this note we may also need to consider that d was an intensely devout christian and it was obvious to everyone around him that he took his research into the magic and language of angels seriously sometimes invulnerable moments expressing great frustration over the torturous task of translation and understanding is convoluted pronunciation and grammar his character is consistent and not easily doubted since the very kindling of his interest in divine wisdom dee sought it out not only for his own curiosity as an insatiable scholar but as a sacred duty to heaven he states in his journal my commission is from god i feign nothing neither am i a hypocrite an ambitious man or doting or dreaming in this cause thus the last question asked by skeptics is often of these sanity during his lifetime there were never any signs of mental illness reported by his family or associates one of whom commented that dee's approach to every seance was singularly free from deluded fanaticism in his own notes one can find his painstaking cross-examination of each transcript his meticulous authentication of each angel's identity and his most vulnerable self-reflections and admissions of failure thus the brainsickness theory is a disservice to a man that certainly deserves history's respect [Music] free from the shackles of angels and john d edward kelly went on to indulge in the patronage of holy roman emperor rudolph ii whom he had convinced that his alchemical experiments would soon produce gold he lived lavishly and in 1590 was even knighted sir edward kelly of imani and nuluben this high lifestyle however would not last long as the destiny of kelly would begin to play its cards in may of 1591 rudolph arrested and imprisoned kelly supposedly for killing an official named jerry hunkler in a duel it's more likely however that rudolph didn't want kelly to escape from prague before he actually produced gold four years later in the dungeons kelly pleaded with rudolph finally convincing him that he could fulfill his alchemic promise he was restored to his former status but under close watch over many months he was unable to transmute the materials into gold tired of kelly's sly games rudolph imprisoned him for the final time in ghanavin castle in the city of most in 1598 kelly attempted to escape from the hightower he fell broke his legs and was dragged back into the dungeon dying from his injuries only a few days later if fate seemed cruel to kelly john dee's was more quiet and solemn at the request of queen elizabeth herself dee returned with his family to england in 1589 he arrived in london by train the guard of 20 soldiers at his side the queen received him in richmond and welcomed him back unfortunately reality set in when he finally returned to his home in mortlake finding that his precious beloved personal library had been vandalized without mercy its interior torched and more than a third of its priceless manuscripts stolen he learned that many of his neighbors feared him to be a conjurer much had changed in england since he left now his study and practice of the occult was damningly scrutinized and no longer accepted by the public john d's heart and shambles he sought support from elizabeth who graciously appointed him a new position as warden of christ's church in manchester but even there he was despised and cheated by his fellows and subordinates and soon after his wife jane and two of their daughters were taken by the black death epidemic in 1603 queen elizabeth died and was immediately succeeded by james the first king james ordered the surveillance of all known sorcerers of which they greatly harassed the 76 year old john d stripping him of his work positions [Music] finally as a beaten old man he sold whatever beloved books remained one by one in order to feed himself and his daughter catherine who cared for him until his death at the age of 81 in mortlake dee's gravestone was stolen and thus his burial site and exact year of death remain unknown to this day reflecting upon the fate of john d all note that he recorded a bone-chilling nightmare in 1583 the year he left england with kelly saturday night i dreamed that i was dead and afterward my bowels were taken out i walked and talked with the verse and among others with the lord thrusaurer who has come to my house to burn my books though the tale of dr john d and his search for divine knowledge is tragic today the complexities of dee are recognized as are his political and scientific contributions to the world at large but his most important work at least considered by him was a celestial language he and kelly discovered and what we know about enochian today comes directly from his meticulous journalings as an old man fearful that his neighbors and townsfolk would burn his work as heretical he hid several of his journals and a grimoire in the false bottom of a wooden chest where they would remain hidden for over 50 years after his death this chest was auctioned off to a confectioner as a gift to his wife who didn't discover the false bottom until 20 years later leaving the found journals at her desk for later investigation her illiterate maid tore many of the pages to kindle the fireplace until the wife caught her doing this and rescued what scraps remained what we still have today is significant largely thanks to the level of detail and copious amount of notes produced by john d unfortunately that doesn't make up for the fact that parts of these original manuscripts are now lost as is the ability to fully interpret the meaning and validity of a nokian [Music] speaking of a nokian d never actually called it that he referred to it variously as adamical angelical or celestial speech today we call it enochian due to the book of logeeth allegedly descending from the mythological work copied by enoch in the same way that the books of the torah are referred to as mosaic in reference to the biblical hero moses much of these enochian knowledge remained hidden in unopened journals that were auctioned off to different households until the late 1800s when a group known as the hermetic order of the golden dawn was formed they made a serious effort to collect and include dee's work as part of their curriculum as dee was a thought leader in hermetic philosophy however as they only had access to several of his journals the golden dawn were wholly unaware of the existence of the book of logeeth this resulted in a divergent enochian system of magic that resembles but is ultimately separate from d's original and for the next hundred years including innokin's popularization by the famous aleister crowley these system was overlooked that is until the early 2000s when the internet rediscovered john d's original work today students of the occult have put in monumental effort to decipher and understand enochian as d saw it and perhaps overcome the barriers he never made it past but certain questions may forever remain do you think the two englishmen actually spoke to angels is a nokian really the world's most ancient language and will the hidden ciphers of the book of logeeth ever be decrypted let your theories be known in the comments below and maybe we can solve these mysteries as for now thank you all so much for watching if you haven't already subscribe to my channel hit the bell icon and as always friends stay tuned for the next episode of truth or lore [Music] i'd like to give a massive shout out to those who pledge to my patreon and to my two diamonteer patrons ashes of zeon and capricorn studios thank you guys so much for your contribution to the show
Channel: Mr. Mythos
Views: 1,519,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enochian, enochian language, john dee documentary, echonian, angelic language, celestial speech, loagaeth, edward kelley, edward kelly, john dee, liber loagaeth, enochian magic, enochian laguage, how to speak angelic language, edward kelley john dee, enochian language of the angels, enochian language alphabet, enochian language spoken, enochian language book, enochian language learn, enochian language words, enochian language sound, enochian magick dr john dee, adamic language
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 44sec (2984 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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