The Watchers: How The Evil Angels Corrupted Mankind (Book of Enoch Explained) [Chapters 6-8]

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in the last episode of the book of enoch we discussed the very first division that enoch has that sees him delineate between the fates of the righteous and the sinners there we saw him detail the consequences of what one might expect to happen from the honest ones inheriting the earth and becoming blessed to the dishonest ones being cursed to suffer amongst those who are damned are the watchers those who enoch tells us would quake with great fear and would thereafter be seized unto the ends of the earth in today's episode we continue through the book of enoch in chapters 6 to 8 which gives us vivid details about these very watchers who they were what they wanted and perhaps most importantly how these evil angels corrupted mankind the chapter begins to paint us an image of the era in which the watchers make their move we are told that it was a time where man had multiplied greatly and humanity appeared to be on an upward trajectory with more and more lives being born in this time we are told that the daughters of the men were calmly and beautiful not just in their looks but in their innocence their spirit and their righteousness it appeared to be a time where if there was sin it had not been profilerated or exacted in the capacity that would come to follow but sin would soon make its mark on the earth when the watchers a group of angels in heaven noticed the beautiful women and were enraptured by them the most interesting takeaway from this chapter shows us that temptation is not just something humans have to deal with but that also the angels themselves can be swayed by sin the watchers as their name suggests were deemed by god to do exactly that to watch over the humans and never intervene so it is by this that we see them painted as something of antagonists in these chapters for the very first action we see them commit is a violation of god's rules the text tells us and the angels the children of the heaven saw and lusted after them and said to one another come let us choose us wives from amongst the children of men and beget us children you'll notice that the chapter seeks to highlight the severity of temptation in that the angels in this case are referred to as the children of heaven and that even these creatures divine as they were gave into their impulses they lay out their objective clearly in that they intend to take the women for themselves have sex with them and father offspring this interestingly gives us a new idea that is not established in the bible in their angels at least the watchers in this case are not only able to conceive their own plans but are also able to produce offspring with human women it would also appear that their desire wasn't just stirred by the beauty of the women but by their desire to father children suggesting that like us the divine creatures also foster an innate urge to procreate or at least share the values of the mortal men of the time where extending one's own bloodline and legacy was imperative the chapter continues to establish something of a hierarchy amongst the watchers and we are introduced to the leader named semjaza as the leader samjaza shows some restraint and opposes the bold idea suggested to him by his fellow angels we are told and some jazza who was their leader said unto them i fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed and i alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin now there are two ways to read this particular line one that paints some jazza as noble and mindful of his place or as already corrupt and something of an instigator as well you'll notice he tells his fellow watchers that he fears that they will not do as they have proposed and that by merely conceiving that idea he will be the one to pay the price of sin considering that they were under his charge and thus led by his example by remembering the sin in the first place sam jason shows us that he is aware of god's power over him and recognizes the consequences if his watchers were to act on this plan no doubt he too would also be punished for he would have certainly have failed as their leader and perhaps in some way had cultivated such sinful thoughts amongst his own but secondarily some might say that some jazza was as complicit if not more so than the others you'll notice that he fears that they won't do the deed at all and follows it up by saying he alone would be the one to pay the penalty of great sin in this it can be interpreted that samjaza is inciting the others by saying that he is the only one who is bold enough to do such a thing hence why he would be the only one punished he fears that they will not do as they say and that upon execution of the plan only he would be bold enough to fly down to earth mate with a woman and father a son in a sense it can be said that some jazza is calling the others chicken but the others are quick to call some jars as bluff and tell him let us all swear an oath and all bind ourselves by mutual implications not to abandon this plan but to do this thing here the deceptiveness of symjaza can be identified for it can be said he provoked the others into action by suggesting that they were not as brave as him with this the watchers not only allow the temptation of the women to get the better of them but they also demonstrate pride and appear to value some jars opinion of them far more than that of gods they do not want to appear cowardly in the eyes of their leader and would rather irk god than suffer such shame perhaps more likely though they crave the mortal women above all else and some jazza merely facilitated their ambitions and made the choice all the more enticing the chapter continues of their descent to earth then swear they all together and bound themselves by mutual implications upon it and they were in all 200 who descended in the days of jared on the summit of mount hermon and they called it mount hermon because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual implications upon it and these are the names of their leaders semjaza their leader arakuba ramil kokoblel tamil ramlel danel ezekiel baraka jal asayl or azazel amoros bataro anano zakhil samsa these are their chiefs of tens here we learn that there were a total of 200 angels who descended from the heavens to lay with immortal women and that their landing was upon the summit of mount hermon we also learned that this all took place in the times of jared the father of enoch and the sixth generation descendant of adam and eve unfortunately i cannot be certain about the pronunciation of the names of each of the angels and depending on the translation or version of the book of enoch the names can be spelled differently or appear entirely different altogether however the relevance of each angel's name does not appear to affect the book of enoch in any conceivable way and it would appear that the naming of the angels was merely the original author's method of giving some character or significance to these particular watchers who were described as the chiefs and possibly the lieutenants of some jazza chapter 7 continues with the unfolding of the watchers plan as we see them take the mortal women as wives the text tells us and all the others together with them took unto themselves wives and each chose for himself one and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them and they taught them charms and enchantments and the cutting of roots and made them acquainted with plants there is no indication that the women consent to the advances of the angels or whether they are taken by force but it would perhaps not be so difficult for the angels to deceive the women into sleeping with them in any case we are told that the watchers defiled themselves with the women suggesting they engaged in multiple sexual debauteries and moral turpitudes but interestingly it would seem that the watchers did not return to heaven after but instead stuck around for a bit perhaps intrigued by the mortals or otherwise infatuated with their beauty they began to teach them charms and enchantments the cutting of roots and gave them knowledge of plants here it can be interpreted that the watchers taught the mortals the use of magic that which was forbidden knowledge and not the sort of thing that god had ever intended for man to wield the charms and enchantments are unfortunately not specified in the text but they appear to contribute to the earlier remark of the watchers being defilers perhaps defiling mankind's innocence with the practice of what might have become witchcraft or sorcery we are then told more of the sin that would come to have greater repercussions on the earth and that was the conceivement of the children between the watchers and the mortal women we are told and they became pregnant and they bear great giants whose height was three thousand elves who consumed all the acquisitions of men and when men could no longer sustain them the giants turned against them and devoured mankind here we are told that the women gave birth not to regular babies but instead bulbous beasts that were as tall as three thousand elves and not without a temper these giants thought to be the nephilim were monstrous and had insatiable appetites so much so that we are told here that they consumed all the acquisitions of men most likely their cattle when the food ran out the nephilim turned violent and began to consume mankind themselves so disastrous were the nephilim that no one was able to keep them in check as they ran a mock on the earth more savage than anything that had preceded them chapter 7 concludes by telling us that mankind were not the only victims of the nephilim's rage as we are told and they began to sin against birds and beasts and reptiles and fish and to devour one another's flesh entering the blood then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones the consequences of the watchers actions are dire to say the least and this is before god has even intervened the nephilim instead can be seen as an effect of karma and also a caution that bad things will eventually take shape in one's life should they sin the watchers were probably not expecting to produce such monstrous creatures and saw only the short-term gratification of their knees but the story seeks to show us that everything has a price while some jazza is seen to consider the ramifications of sinning he only considers the consequences his actions will earn from god and omits the earth altogether in this the watchers demonstrate arrogance and likely believe themselves to be so above man that they do not care about the repercussions that the mortals then have to sustain the nephilim in this sense then become man's problem as the watchers do not claim ownership of them nor do they take fatherly responsibility for the creatures they have spawned their impetuous actions are even denounced by the earth itself where the watchers are deemed as lawless ones considering the appetites of the nephilim i do not think it is out of the realm of possibility to suggest that they too try to consume the watchers divine or not and that here the watchers may have come to see the folly of their actions in fact it is uncertain whether the watchers were really able to enjoy earth thereafter nor whether they themselves were even strong enough to oppose the creatures that they had fathered it seems unlikely that they were a match for the nephilim considering the description that goes into the creatures those that are such ravenous creatures that they even turn cannibal and start fiending for each other's flesh and blood chapter 8 of the book of enoch tells us more about what the watchers taught mankind whilst they were on earth and how they went about with their corruption we are told of azazel a watcher who taught men to make swords knives and shields breastplates and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them and bracelets and ornaments and the use of antimony and the beautifying of the eyelids and all kinds of costly stones and all colouring tinctures despite not being the leader of the watchers much of the condemnation in the fallout is reserved for azazel who we later learn is pursued by the archangel raphael with the utmost prejudice perhaps because unlike some jazza and the others who taught the mortals magic zazo taught them how to make weapons and worse yet how to use them with this idea it is believed that azazel showed men how to hurt each other how to wage conflict on each other and how to kill each other and instilled in man a sense for warfare the magic given to mankind by the other watchers was perhaps harmless inconsequential even but the crafting of swords knives shields and breastplates that were taught by azazel brought only pain and suffering you'll also notice that azazel is responsible for man's mastery over the metals of the earth and the art of crafting them into bracelets and ornaments objects that would be fought over or even idolized by mankind it is these sorts of items in jewelry ornaments and costly stones that would inspire greed and envy destructive sins that would corrupt man the beautifying of the eyelids is another interesting aspect mentioned in the passage and some have thought that this was in relation to makeup and cosmetics and that azazel taught the less beautiful women how to compete with those who were naturally blessed in the looks department some have also said that this painting of the face was a deception and that azazel instructed the women to do this in an effort to entice men and make the world promiscuous in any case the watcher's efforts to corrupt man were successful as chapter 8 tells us and there arose much godlessness and they committed fornication and they were led astray and became corrupt in all their ways the other watchers are also named and shamed in this part of the chapter where we are told some jars are taught enchantments and root cuttings amaros the resolving of enchantments barrack kajal taught astrology kokoblel the constellations ezekiel the knowledge of the clouds erichiel the signs of the earth shamseel the signs of the sun and saril the course of the moon here we are given more insights as to what mankind was taught and how in the eyes of god his creation was corrupted mankind appears to have been given the keys to the universe during the watchers visit and while some of these teachings might seem benign enough the book of enoch reserves that this was not god's intention and that the watchers had superseded him thus angering him beyond measure some might also say that with the watchers teaching mankind about the signs of the earth the sun and the moon as well as the constellations and the clouds man gained independence from god but in doing so it can also be said that the watchers invoked in man a thirst for understanding and the cultivation of an ambitious attitude that would set man off in seeking knowledge more than salvation but the teachings of the watchers would not be enough to fend off the rage of the nephilim as the creatures brought down devastation upon the earth the landscape was battered animals were slaughtered men and women torn apart chapter 8 concludes by telling us and as men perished they cried and their cry went up to heaven with these cries the antics of the watchers and the destruction of their offspring would become apparent to the archangels for those that were already preparing god's vengeance but that's all we have time for on today's episode of the book of enoch next time we'll be exploring how god responds to seeing what the watchers have done on earth as well as a profound look at the vengeance of the archangels if you've enjoyed today's video let me know in the comments below and as always don't forget to give this one a like and don't forget to subscribe for more content just like this until next time
Channel: The Legends of History
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Keywords: Book of Enoch, The Watchers, Legends, Legends of History, History, Bible, Biblical Stories, Enoch, Enochian Legend
Id: GYpzaknyyWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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