The Lost Years of Jesus Christ: Evidence in Japan, Britain, and India

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jesus christ is a man who needs no introduction though some may compare such as the buddha or muhammad christianity is practiced by more than 31 percent of the entire world population making jesus easily the most famous and influential figure in recorded history however for such an important man you'd be surprised how little is known about his life especially in the scripture i'm specifically talking about the bizarre 18-year gap of time in the bible in the new testament there is literally zero mention or even the vagus reference to jesus's life between the ages of 12 and 30. in the gospel of luke he is seen at the age of 12 debating with rabbis in a temple in jerusalem and just a few verses later he is 30 years old being baptized after which he begins his holy mission this 18-year gap is known as the lost or missing years of christ and its complete absence from the bible has led to many wild theories that a young jesus may have traveled and studied in india britain or even japan and though it may seem ridiculous at first there is some evidence worth considering hey fellow seekers welcome i'm mr mythos and happy holidays to you merry christmas if you're a fan of strange and ancient mysteries with research so deep you're guaranteed to fall down the rabbit hole you're in the right place i humbly ask that you give this video a like and ding the notifications bell so you don't miss any of the rare info we'll be digging into every saturday except for next saturday since i'll be spending new year's with my family and if you love the work i do please consider becoming a patron either here on youtube memberships or on patreon your support is never expected but always incredibly appreciated though for now let's hop on over to ancient judea where our story today begins 18 years missing that's a long time nearly two decades what exactly did jesus do and who did he meet what did he learn and from what source how did he gain the ability to perform miracles what caused him to begin his ministry and what led him to conclude that he was the son of god think about it from the age of 12 to the age of 30 are some of the most formative and crucial years for any person's development and because jesus was crucified at the age of 33 these 18 years make up more than half of his entire life and when he returned at the age of 30 he brought with him a mission a message in what seemed to be supernatural powers that would ultimately change the course of human history unlike any other man before or after him these 18 years were obviously pivotal mainstream scholarship generally assumes that jesus was working as a carpenter during this time but there is no scriptural or historical evidence of this only vague references that might have been used to relate him to the everyday man and it certainly doesn't explain jesus's sudden transformation into a powerful spiritual leader some of the more interesting theories suggest that jesus christ may have traveled to distant regions in europe and asia during these 18 years on a journey of self-discovery spiritual attunement and enlightenment he may have studied with some of the greatest gurus sages yogis and master teachers of that era and through their teachings realized his true purpose here on earth but before we get into it i should address the counter-argument that there's no way jesus ever could have made one or any of these long-distant journeys the reality is that during the time of jesus international travel by land and sea was commonplace with established merchant routes as well as caravans and ship crews that he could have easily joined to prove this point one of his original twelve disciples thomas journeyed to india in the year 50 a.d and this is a historical fact so surely jesus could have done it as well just a few decades prior all of these theories that i'll be presenting do claim to have some evidence some of which is more substantial and worth considering than others and we'll begin with my personal favorite the absolutely bizarre folk legend of jesus christ in japan in the northernmost part of japan's main island is a remote mountain village known as shingo shingo is a quiet rural place with a population of less than 3 000 most of whom are farmers there is no church within 30 miles and only one resident of shingo identifies as christian with the rest either being buddhist or shinto however this sleepy village harbors a truly odd and ancient legend it's believed that jesus christ not only studied here during his missing 18 years but that he returned to shingo to live out the rest of his days after his brother secretly took his place at the crucifixion yes jesus apparently had a brother and his name was isukiri as ridiculous and perhaps heretical as it sounds this mountain village treats a legend very seriously and today anyone who makes the trip up there can visit the grave of jesus along with related ancient artifacts and an entire museum dedicated to the belief of jesus in japan historical records show that this legend in shingo has existed for at least a few hundred years however residents of the village will tell you that the story goes all the way back to the lifetime of christ nearly 2000 years ago after all he apparently lived and died there and proof of this lies in a set of ancient texts known as the takanochi documents the takanochi documents are a collection of texts discovered in 1936 near shingo and supposedly dated to around 1500 years of age they were not the original however as they were thought to have been transcribed from a far more ancient scroll this original scroll was the last will and testament of an elderly and dying jesus christ as well as his reflection on his life in japan and it was believed to have been written in a mystical or divine script as jesus lived during japan's yawi period when chinese characters had not yet been adopted and japan had no written language this divine scroll was then handed down through generations who eventually transcribed it into modern japanese and chinese characters the version now known today as the takanochi documents the original scroll was forever lost and eventually so too was his transcription however the takanochi documents were finally rediscovered in 1936 by what the shingo museum describes as quote archaeologists from an international society for the research of ancient literature end quote archaeologists might be a bit of a gracious title here as in reality it was a group of treasure-hunting eastern magi consisting of a shinto priest a mystic historian and a christian missionary who unearthed the scripture not far from shingo and brought it back to the village the main man in question was the shinto priest takanochi kyomaru who took full responsibility for the find unfortunately due to japan's strict laws against non-shinto religions in the early 1900s the takanochi documents were considered profane and in april of that year 1936 takanochi kyomoto was formally charged with blasphemy though the local district court found him guilty in 1942 the case was raised to japan's supreme court who found him not guilty but at a cost the confiscation of nearly 4 000 items declared to be sacred treasures which included the takanochi documents and they would never be seen again as the building they were stored in was bombed in a tokyo air raid during world war ii thus all that remains today is a replica the replica however is more than enough to tell the story of jesus in japan similar to the village's ancient folk tales the takanochi documents revealed that jesus christ traveled to japan to study theology when he was just 21 years old he first landed on a port on the west coast and upon his arrival he was introduced to a great master who brought him to mount fuji and taught him the religious and philosophical beliefs of ancient japan jesus is said to have immersed himself completely in japanese culture the religious customs the food and the spoken languages and his studies in japan continued until he was 30 years old after which he made the immense voyage back to judea and in his home region he spoke of japan not by its name but simply by calling it a sacred land from here the new testament account of jesus's ministry is retold in the takanochi documents up until the roman authorities sentence him to crucifixion it is here where the narrative diverges from canonical scripture once again as jesus's forgotten brother whose japanese name was isukiri steps in to trade places with him on the cross giving his life for the messiah because he played the role of jesus on the cross isu kiri was never mentioned in any biblical text to avoid tarnishing the sanctity of jesus's supposed sacrifice thanks to isukiri christ was able to flee back to japan which he did by trekking through the frozen wastelands of siberia a journey of over six thousand miles he then sailed to the japanese city of hachinohe and finally rode an aux cart all the way up to the mountain village of shingo with him he brought two keepsakes the severed ear of his beloved brother isukiri and a lock of hair from his mother mary deciding to settle in shingo jesus took up the japanese name daitenku taro jirai and married a farmer's daughter named miyuko and with her he fathered three children jesus christ would spend the rest of his years forming garlic and providing aid to the poor and needy and living his life to a very old age interestingly some features of the elderly jesus are described namely that he had thin gray hair with a bald spot at the top of his head he liked to dress in a coat with many folds and he apparently had a very distinctive nose which earned him a local reputation as a quote long-nosed goblin end quote the villagers of shingo of course meant that endearingly though japanese jesus performed no miracles he apparently lived a very long and happy life in shingo and died at the impressive age of 106. upon his death the villagers followed standard burial customs of the time they laid out his corpse on a hilltop leaving it exposed for four years and after this period his bones were bundled and then buried in a mound grave finally his brother's ear and his mother's lock of hair were also given their own graves next to his to this day anyone can visit the grave of jesus at shingo an ancient japanese burial mound topped with a wooden cross and enclosed by a picket fence and because his remains are considered sacred the grave has never been excavated and there's never been any dna analysis but if it's not jesus in this grave then just who in the world is buried there and because japanese jesus apparently fathered three children his descendants are believed to still be around today the most well-known being the sawaguchi family who ironically aren't christian but buddhist as we learned earlier the legend of jesus in shingo predates the 1936 rediscovery of the takanochi documents and that leaves us with a whole host of strange circumstantial evidence to explore historically the village of shingo has always been a cultural outlier and in ancient times they followed traditions that were notably alien to the rest of japan for example the traditional clothing of these villagers was suspiciously closer to what you would find in ancient biblical palestine shingo men wore toga-like robes women covered up with shawls and babies were carried around in woven baskets in fact the treatment of newborn children was particularly telling babies would be wrapped in a cloth that was embroidered with a design reminiscent of the star of david and their foreheads were marked with a charcoal cross believed to have functioned as a holy talisman of protection shingo and their surrounding region also have a very unique and suspect dialect of japanese with many words seemingly showing linguistic roots from ancient hebrew for example the hebrew words for mother and father are ima and abba and in shingo they say abba and aya even weirder before the village was renamed a shingo in 1955 the original name of the village was herai which is pretty much a shorthand version of the japanese word for hebrew hebrew in modern times the legend of jesus's lost years in japan and his final years in shingo are part of the village's identity and every spring they hold a ceremony known as the christ festival where women in kimonos dance and chant around the grave of christ the local legend of christ museum holds many artifacts and relics related to this lore as well as a detailed replica of the takonochi documents and of japan's miniscule one percent population over 20 000 of them make a pilgrimage to shingo every year but perhaps the strangest validation of this myth came in 2004 when the ambassador of israel eli cohen visited shingo and commemorated the grave of christ with a plaque written in hebrew acknowledging ties between shingo and jerusalem maybe there is something to this bizarre legend but remember jesus only came to japan at the age of 21. that leaves nine more missing years beginning at the age of 12 and plenty more to speculate on as we enter our next major theory jesus christ in britain [Music] as interesting as jesus is the legend of christ in britain has more to do with his rich uncle joseph of arimathea to be clear though the bible never actually states that joseph of arimathea is jesus's uncle however extra-biblical traditions especially the ones that emerge in ancient britain insist that he was from a biblical perspective joseph of arimathea is simply described as a rich man and a secret disciple of jesus and in the gospel john is recorded that after christ was crucified joseph was the one to gain permission from roman authorities to take the body down from the cross and bury the messiah in a tomb he had originally bought for himself this brief but significant involvement of joseph of arimathea in the bible led to much speculation in the christian world about who joseph of arimathea was and exactly what kind of relationship he had with jesus christ much like the missing years of jesus the missing information of joseph of arimathea led to countless apocryphal and non-canonical stories however two details emerged repeatedly first that joseph of arimathea was the brother of the virgin mary and second that he made his wealth as a tin merchant whose mining operations were based in britain why britain well because british tin mining was highly valued by the ancient jews as well as their phoenician predecessors moving on though if joseph of arimathea was mary's brother and thus jesus's uncle it also makes sense that he may have stepped in after mary's husband who was also named joseph died the bible doesn't outright state when joseph died only that he is never again mentioned after the missing years of christ after which mary dresses as a widow so if joseph the husband of mary and the earthly father of jesus died when jesus was 12 or 13 years old this traumatic event may have possibly sparked his journey out of judea and thus the missing years but of course that's all speculation we may also speculate that when joseph died joseph of arimathea could have assumed his fatherly duties and taken his nephew jesus on one of his many tin trade business trips all the way to britain an ancient cornish legend tells that quote joseph of arimathea came in a boat to cornwall and brought the child jesus with him and the latter taught him how to extract the tin and purge it of its wolfram end quote however the historic region of somerset carries an equally ancient tradition that quote they came in a ship of tarshish to the summerland and sejorned in a place called paradise end quote the summerland spoken of is undoubtedly somerset and as for the place called paradise ancient writings have called the town of glastonbury by that very name this is important because most british lore ties jesus and joseph of arimathea's visit specifically to the town of glastonbury in fact queen elizabeth ii herself visited glastonbury in 1965 describing it as quote a christian sanctuary so ancient that only legend can record its origin end quote according to this legend joseph of arimathea alongside a twelve-year-old jesus placed his wooden staff in the ground at glastonbury and it immediately took root and flowered in an event that may have very well been jesus's first miracle a grafted relative of this tree apparently still stands today and is known as the glastonbury thorn and it blooms with incredible white flowers twice a year the two stayed in glastonbury for long enough that they apparently constructed a building there together and over time this building was used as an abbey said to be the greatest abbey in all of britain as it was built by the hands of the 12 year old lord it said that the greatest kings saints and heroes of britain were buried in this abbey for over a thousand years we'll return back to both the abbey and the glastonbury thorn when we investigate the evidence but first there are a few more questions to ask what exactly did jesus do in glastonbury besides maintain with his uncle and might he have come to britain with a larger purpose in mind the last we hear of jesus christ before his missing years was in a temple in jerusalem where he held theological debates with rabbis for three days straight he was obviously a very curious and gifted child so perhaps this young theological prodigy would have sought the wisdom of the druids of ancient britain whose religion dates back at least 400 years before jesus was ever born at the time britain was a center of learning with master druids teaching astronomy mathematics and of course theology in fact jesus may have even shared his own wisdom with the druids and this is yet another oddly shaped piece of the missing year's puzzle to put it simply there is a lot of mysteries surrounding the druids this is because the jews never kept any written record as their doctrine was entirely oral and restricted them from recording any knowledge in writing therefore not a single one of their sacred verses or doctrines has survived into modern day not even in translation most of what we know about the druids come from secondary sources such as that of the greeks romans and the irish so admittedly there's a lot of speculation here but as usual i wouldn't include it if it wasn't worth considering so according to these ancient secondary accounts one of the core doctrines of the druids was a belief in a single ultimate deity that was divided into a trinity a creator of the past a conservator of the present and a recreator of the future the three aspects of this trinity were given the names belai tauren and yeshu and yeshu the third aspect of the almighty god is of particular interest perhaps because many of the jurors were woodworkers yeshua was depicted as a carpenter he was also a messiah-like figure who the jurors described as the coming savior of the future and to top it all off besides being called yeshu he was also called jesus this all supposedly derives from long before jesus was born so if you haven't already put together the connections jesus is of course also part of a holy trinity made up of the father the son and the holy spirit jesus is also believed to have been a prophesized savior of humanity and jesus was sometimes described as a carpenter and definitely had knowledge of the craft being that his father joseph was a carpenter finally the hebrew name of jesus is pronounced yeshua now besides his parallel being flat-out weird it falls in line with some legends that the young jesus was accepted as a messiah by the jurors of glastonbury as a fulfillment of their prophecy of a savior to come and that he taught the masters of their universities astounding them with his spiritual knowledge coming from the mouth of a mere child if the jurors ever met jesus though they obviously never wrote it down regardless the question still stands what evidence do we have that jesus's lost years were spent in the town of glastonbury teaching druids and building a grand abbey with his uncle joseph of arimathea well as far as that abby goes there was for sure an ancient abbey located in glastonbury possibly built around the time of christ as it's recorded by historical sources though none are sure exactly when it was built this building unfortunately was destroyed in a devastating fire that occurred in 1184 a.d and a grand new chapel was rebuilt on top of it just two years later to commemorate it even more unfortunately however a large crypt was constructed below this new chapel which demolished any and all archaeological evidence that could have possibly dated this ancient building to the lifetime of christ but beyond this building there is the white flowered glastonbury thorn which i briefly mentioned before but the original tree was unfortunately cut down and burned in the year 1647 during the english civil war to prevent christians from worshiping it as a holy relic besides these two lost pieces of evidence there is no other proof that jesus ever set foot in britain however the folk legend of jesus in britain lives on it remains a significant belief for many english christians today so much so that the tale has been immortalized in the lyrics of britain's unofficial anthem titled jerusalem which is based on a 19th century poem by the artist and writer william blake quote and did those feet in ancient time walk upon england's mountains green and was the holy lamb of god on england's pleasant pasture scene in 1887 a crimean jewish adventurer named nicholas nodovich was exploring the vast and treacherous himalayan mountains in the region of ladakh in india in a sudden life-changing moment the horse he was riding on made a false step and they both fell violently to the ground which shattered notovitch's right leg his nepali sherpas lifted him into a saddle and carried him to the nearest refuge a remote buddhist monastery some 12 hours away this was the ancient hemis monastery and their monks graciously housed notovitch and treated him with their very best care he would stay there for a month and a half and during this time he made close friends with the chief llama who kept him company during his recovery until his leg was finally healed enough that he could survive the descent down the mountains however it was during this day that notovitch learned of a sacred treasure held at this monastery a location so remote that they hadn't seen a western visitor in decades in his travel journal notovitch wrote that quote the chief loma brought me two big books the large leafs of which were of paper yellow with age and read to me the biography of issa which i carefully transcribed according to the translation made by the interpreter end quote this ancient document a traditional tibetan text was titled the life of saint isa best of the sons of men and it would later be seen examined and recorded at least three other times by four different people which we'll get into soon making this perhaps the most convincing of all the lost years theories indeed isa is the classical arabic name for jesus christ as well as the one used for him in the quran according to the text saint isa or jesus secretly left jerusalem at the age of 13 in order to seek spiritual wisdom from the greater world alongside several merchants he traveled along the silk road trade route and early on he met a group of buddhist and hindu monks who inspired him with their long debates on the mystical nature of life in the universe thus eso decided to follow them to their final destination northern india and specifically the sindh region the scrolls state that he was quote intending to improve and perfect himself in the divine understanding and to studying the laws of the great buddha end quote despite his apparent interest in buddhism saint isa would end up settling for six years in the ancient city of raj gear studying the vedas which are the earliest hindu religious scriptures under the guidance of brahman priests but it was here that isa ran into trouble he insisted that quote all are created equal end quote and that a person's skin color or economic class would not affect how they would be accepted into the afterlife this did not mesh well with the cast system of the ancient hindus and thus issa's life was threatened at the age of 19 isa escaped into the himalayan mountains and eventually came across the buddhist monastery in hemis the same that nicholas notovitch rested at nearly 2000 years later and he stayed and studied buddhism under several great masters moving himself ever further along the path of enlightenment and nirvana finally at the age of 29 saint isa decided to return to jerusalem by way of persia as he felt he was ready to share the spiritual knowledge he gained with his people needless to say when nicholas nodovich revealed this ancient tibetan text to the world publishing it in 1894 under the title the unknown life of jesus christ he thrust himself into an intense controversy where scholars almost universally laughed at him and ridiculed his claims for example the german orientalist max muller wrote quote taking it for granted that mr nodovich is a gentleman and not a liar we cannot help thinking that the buddhist monks of ladakh and tibet must be wags who enjoy mystifying inquisitive travelers and that mr notovitch fell far too easy a victim to their jokes end quote later muller claimed to have written a letter to the hemis monastery asking about notovitch and the manuscript and apparently received a letter back stating that not a single westerner had visited the monastery in the last 15 years and that this artifact does not exist and never has following this many others then claimed that notovitch had made up the entire story however this is unlikely as one of his own detractors sir francis young husband confirmed that nodovic was indeed in that area of the himalayas at the precise time he claimed in his account though young husbands still thought notovitch was pushing a forgery he admitted that he met notovitch in that region just a week or so before his supposed retreat to the hemis monastery moreover till the day that he died notovitch maintained that he was telling the truth the indian archaeologist and writer fida hassnayne recorded that quote notovitch responded publicly by announcing the names of people he met on his travels in kashmir and ladakh he also offered a return to tibet in the company of recognized orientalists to verify the authenticity of the verses contained in his compilation end quote unfortunately notovitch's offer was never taken seriously and he died in 1916. having never been able to prove that the text he saw actually existed this was not the end though as the intense ridicule of notovitch sparked interest to definitively disprove his claims thus in 1922 the prominent hindu guru swami abednanda was inspired by his colleague max mueller's doubts and decided to set off on his own journey to the hemis monastery in order to finally disprove notovitch's ridiculous and ignorant lie however when the swami finally arrived he spoke to the chief lama at length after which the llama left the room then reemerged with the very same manuscripts that have been shown to notovitch much to the swami's utter shock the llama also confirmed that notovitch had been brought there and stayed for a month and a half as his leg healed with the help of an elder monk at the monastery the swami had 40 verses of the document translated once again and it matched notovitch's earlier translation there was a new twist in the story though apparently this ancient document was not the original but a copy the chief llama revealed that the original life of saint isa scroll had been moved for safekeeping to the marbur monastery near the tibetan region of veloso this original manuscript was written in pauli a sacred indo-aryan writing system that dates back to three centuries before the life of christ finally the llama revealed a further legend to the swami not only did jesus christ stay there for many years in his youth but after his crucifixion and subsequent resurrection jesus did not rise to heaven but instead returned in secret to the hemis monastery where he amassed many disciples the original life of saint isa scroll was written three or four years after jesus christ finally passed away from old age and the information within was compiled from reports made by his own disciples at the monastery as well as local tibetans who had come to know him two years after the swami abedinanda's visit the archaeologist painter writer and russian expatriate nicholas rourke would come across the hemis monastery as well during his u.s funded multi-year truck through the himalayas from 1925 to 1929 if you watched my video u.s expedition to an inner earth kingdom we learned in depth about nicholas roark's mind-boggling and life-threatening adventure through the himalayas in search of the hidden inner earth city of shambhala and it was during this epic truck that rourke stumbled upon the hemis monastery besides being an archaeologist painter and writer nicholas roark was a serious mystic and a very inquisitive man so it's no surprise that he ended up being shown the same document the life of saint isa which he estimated was at least 1500 years old and like the swami roark had a set of verses translated which would later be shown to match with notovitch's version more importantly though as roark had trucked through the mountainous regions he noted in his travel diary that he was told parallel legends of a holy youth named issa who traveled with merchants from palestine all the way to the himalayan mountains in ancient times then returned home after mastering the esoteric secrets of hinduism and buddhism these folktales were told to him by villagers and sherpas who were far removed from the hemis monastery thus if nicholas roark's account is true this would eliminate the possibility that the document was a mere prank by the monks of hemis as the legend clearly lived on in the folklore of the greater region besides swami abu dhananda nicholas roark and nicholas nodovich there were two women who came across this document as they were traveling together on a group tour through the himalayan mountains in the late 1930s these two wealthy women were gloria gasque who would become president of the international vegetarian union and dr elizabeth caspari who would be the driving force of the establishment of montessori schools in the united states as good friends who shared a love for adventure they prepared for almost a year for this challenging trip in which they hope to learn about the ways of himalayan buddhists with an army of 112 ponies 12 servants and an extremely well-paid translator they proceeded to visit several remote monasteries in the mountains and one of them happened to be the hemis monastery which they arrived at in 1939 as they spent four days in hemis and enjoyed conversations with the chief llama establishing some trust it was a massive shock when the monasteries librarian and two other monks approached them holding an ancient parchment text protected between smooth slabs of wood and wrapped in a rich colorful fabric interwoven with golden threads under the supervision of the llama the librarian unwrapped the text and presented it to the two women speaking only these words quote these books say your jesus was here end quote gask and kaspari would be the last people to ever see this document in person later in that same year of 1939 swami abidinanda died and his disciples revisited the hemis monastery where they were informed that the life of saint isa document had gone missing much to the utter dread of everyone there it would never be found again whether the document was authentic whether it ever existed and whether those parallel folk tales are true if buddhism was such a major influence on saint isa aka jesus christ then there would be noticeable links between the two religions despite the 3 000 mile distance between their two regions of origin to begin these two religions are indeed fundamentally different of course christianity believes in the existence of a supreme being but in buddhism there is no such belief jesus christ identified himself as the son of god while the buddha siddhartha gatama rejected any labels as a deity and forbid his followers from worshipping him finally jesus taught his followers to be good and never evil whereas siddhartha encouraged his disciples to seek a middle path between the two extremes despite these core differences though there are in fact a number of strange parallels between the doctrines of christianity and buddhism for example both siddhartha and jesus gathered a number of disciples to spread their religion and both taught their lessons through simple parables so they would be understood by the common man both preached that the common man was spiritually equal to the rich or educated man and did not judge their followers based on wealth occupation ethnicity or caste in fact both siddhartha and jesus taught their followers to help those less fortunate particularly the disabled and the poor finally both of them share an origin story that inspired their most transformative teachings this being that they are both recorded to have left their homes during the prime of their life and entered into the wilderness alone in order to seek truth and wisdom through asceticism in the case of the buddha siddhartha sat beneath an ancient and sacred fig tree where the demonic celestial king mara who is sort of a devil-like figure appeared and attempted to seduce siddhartha with material promises as well as visions of beautiful women stripping in the case of christ jesus had been fasting in the desert and satan the devil appears to him and tempts him with bread to end his hunger as well as promises of power and rule over all earthly kingdoms thus with both we have temptations of worldly pride as well as cravings of the flesh and after these temptations fail both siddhartha and jesus returned to civilization with incredible wisdom that would ultimately establish their following and set their ministry into motion while it's no proof of saint isa or jesus in india these parallels certainly open up the possibility that jesus may have been inspired by some of the core tenets and stories of buddhism and incorporated them into his own teachings the lost years of jesus were never recorded in the gospels and remain an absolute mystery but to think that jesus christ left his parents to travel to japan britain or india isn't really that far-fetched when we look closely at those final verses before the mysterious 18-year gap the gospel of luke records that at the age of 12 jesus went off on his own without any concern for his family's worries without ever letting them know he went all the way to a temple in jerusalem where he spent three days straight seeking the wisdom of the rabbis and when his parents mary and joseph found him he simply asked him quote why were you looking for me end quote this alone should show that nearly anything could have happened during this 18-year disappearance that occurred immediately after jesus clearly sought the wisdom of the ages and wasn't afraid to take off on his own in order to find it and with that these three theories of japan britain and particularly india might hold answers that have been searched for for almost two millennia the truth of what ascended jesus christ to his full potential what made the child into a man and what made that man into the son of god if you enjoyed this investigation you will definitely love my video the rehonk codex which is another bizarre artifact in a case of forgotten christian history and i'd like to give an extra special shout out to my patrons since your generosity is absolutely incredible so thank you guys and if you want to support too there's a link in the description all proceeds go straight into these videos i'm mr mythos merry christmas to you all have a blessed holiday i'll see you next year peace [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Mythos
Views: 823,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lost years of jesus, hemis monastery, the unknown life of jesus christ, nicolas notovitch, the lost years of jesus christ, the lost years of jesus bbc documentary, the lost years of jesus revealed, the lost years of jesus documentary, the missing years of jesus, the missing years of jesus christ, the unknown years of jesus, jesus as a child, jesus as a teenager, jesus in japan, jesus in britain, jesus in india, Mr. Mythos, mr mythos, mrmythos
Id: H2-96jTABpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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