English Travel, Tourism and Vacation Vocabulary and Phrases

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hi bob the canadian here welcome to this english lesson about travel now i'll be honest with you what you're going to see in a moment is actually an edited version of an english lesson about travel that i did a couple of years ago but i thought i would put this together today for a couple of reasons one is it's spring break in ontario canada right now and normally jen and i will travel a little bit but right now we can't in fact no one in the world can travel but i think that we are a few months away from people being able to travel again so reviewing these words and this vocabulary and some of these phrases is probably a good idea if you're learning english and the other reason is this i'm on spring break right now and i'm feeling a little bit lazy i didn't actually feel like making a whole brand new lesson for all of you so i thought i would do this instead so stay tuned it will start in just a few seconds oh and one more thing when you're done watching the lesson in the description below there's a link to a quizlet set where you can practice some of the words and phrases that i teach in the lesson about travel i hope you enjoy it we're here to talk about travel i'm not sure how many of you have traveled a lot i personally have not done a lot of traveling in my life i have gone to only the united states i went to san diego once and i've been to the state of michigan and i've been to south africa that was a long trip actually but let's get started let's talk about travel again welcome to everyone who is here for this um lesson on travel so the first word and phrase is trip in english we just call it a trip you go on a trip i tried to add a little bit of a phrase with each word as well because people were asking for a little bit of a more intermediate lesson so you go on a trip you plan a trip you go on a trip you come back from a trip even though you go on a trip when you return from the trip you say that you came back from the trip so a trip is any time you go somewhere it can be a small trip something that we call a day trip so a day trip is when you leave in the morning and you come back the same day or maybe you are going on a longer trip of multiple days or a couple of weeks so a trip is when you get together some things in a suitcase and you head off to go visit somewhere else in canadian english a holiday and a vacation are almost the same thing we do have days in the year where it is a holiday where the government says no one has to work but we also say that we're going on holidays or going on vacation so you notice i added an s there and you can see the phrases as well you can go on holiday or you can go on vacation so a little bit of a mistake here though in english in canada we would say go on holidays so maybe i should have fixed that but a holiday or a vacation is time away from work or school but let's continue we looked at trip holiday and vacation but you might be traveling simply to visit someone so my mom still has family in holland in the netherlands and she will sometimes go on a trip uh to visit them or they will go on a trip to visit her so there's different reasons to travel one of the reasons to travel is simply to visit people usually family or friends i know that i have friends from university and they went on a trip just to visit other people that they knew from university so you might go on a trip because it's a vacation but you also might go just to visit people this word we don't use a lot anymore but i know i have heard english learners use it and that's the word journey so a journey is kind of an older word for a trip or for traveling so if you hear someone say tomorrow i'm going on a long journey it sounds a little bit funny because we don't use the word that much anymore so journey is another word for trip but it's a little bit of an older word when you go on a trip you have a destination so this is the word destination and a destination is the place that you are going to visit so let's say i really wanted to visit france to see the eiffel tower i would tell people i'm going on a trip and they could ask me where are you going or they could ask what's your destination destination is a little more of a formal word you maybe ask this at an airport if someone says oh do you have your ticket what's your destination so this is the place that you are going to again um more commonly we would probably just say where are you going oh you're going on a trip where are you going um and then you reply with where you're going sometimes when you're going on a trip you will take care of all of the planning yourself but sometimes you will hire a travel agent or you will go to a travel agency to have a travel agent help you plan your trip so this is a person who helps you plan your trip they will help you get your plane tickets they will help you get your hotel reservations so a travel agent is a handy person if you are going to a country where you don't know a lot sometimes you will plan the trip yourself many people plan trips themselves and they'll um they'll just take care of it online so when they go to book tickets on a plane or to book a hotel room so this is to reserve a spot on a plane or at a hotel so if i go on a trip before i go on the trip i need to book a flight so i need to book with a an airline so that i have a ticket so when you book something it means to buy or to reserve and you also need to book a hotel room so you need to call a hotel to get a room if you're staying at a hotel but you aren't necessarily staying at a hotel this is an interesting one because a long time ago you had to actually buy a ticket and you had a ticket in your hand and it's a piece of paper that lets you get on an airplane or a boat or whatever form of travel you are using but these days most people use e-tickets so an e-ticket is a ticket that you buy online and the ticket is on your phone so paper tickets are still used but we also are moving quickly towards only using e-tickets when you go on a trip a lot of times you will have a route or an itinerary now this word root you may hear it pronounced route so route or route we say root most of the times in canada and itinerary is a bit of a challenge it's a bit of a mouthful of words isn't it but this is a list in order of the places you will visit so sometimes you're going on a trip and you're going to visit multiple cities so let's say i was going on a trip and i was going to go to paris and then i was going to go to amsterdam and then i was going to go to london so the route that i would take would be paris amsterdam london and the itinerary would list the things that i am doing while i am visiting those cities so this is kind of the plan the written plan for what you are doing on your trip if you go on a trip you need to have luggage so this is a suitcase we use the word luggage baggage bags so or suitcases so we say things like did you did you pack your bags or are do you have your luggage ready to go we don't use the word baggage very much in normal sport spoken english it is used at the airport um but we more use the word luggage like can i help you get your luggage can i help you carry your luggage do you let do you want me to help you carry your bags or we use the plural of suitcase which is suitcases so again this here is a suitcase but we call all of this your luggage or your bags or your suitcases so you need to pack so this is to put clothing and other other items in a suitcase or bag so before you go on a trip you get together your clothes and you get your toothbrush and you get your toothpaste and you get all of the things that you need on your trip and you pack you pack your bags so i think it's called to pack because the english verb to pack means to like put everything squished in a box so you pack a box but you also pack your luggage or pack your bags you'll hear this phrase in a song in some songs sometimes when people pack their bags to go on a trip you also when you travel you need your passport so your passport is from your government and it's the document that declares that you were yes you were born in that country you are definitely canadian or israeli or south african whatever country you are from but you need your passport and they almost all look the same the colors are different the design on the front is different but it's a small book that you use and when you go through customs they stamp it right they let you know that you went to that country you get a stamp on it hey before you go on a trip depending on whether you want to take cash with like bills and coins you might need to go to a currency exchange so this is where um if i was traveling to europe and i needed euros i would take my canadian dollars to a currency exchange and i would buy euros so that when i am in europe i would have money to spend so a currency exchange is the place where you go when you need to exchange a certain type of money for another type of money so not as important anymore many people simply travel with their credit card or their debit card or interact card or bank card whatever you call the card and just use that and that works well for them so arrival time so if you are traveling by air your arrival time is the time your flight will arrive i didn't go over how airplanes work they they take off and they land once your airplane lands at an airport it usually if it's on time then your arrival time is whatever time you get to the airport hopefully that made sense so if you're traveling by air this is the time you will arrive often if you are having someone get you pick you up from the airport that's the phrasal verb we use pick you up you would tell them your arrival time so they know when to come and get you and then the flip side is the departure time so the flip side means the opposite so your arrival time is when your plane gets to the airport your departure time is when your plane is scheduled to take off so a lot of times too if you are taking a flight and a friend or family member is picking you up you will tell them your departure time from your airport and your arrival time at their airport okay so let's see here once you get to an airport you need to go to baggage claim remember i told you that in everyday speech we don't use the word baggage very much but they do use it at the airport so the baggage claim is the place where your suitcases come out but if you were talking to someone at the airport and you needed to go and pick up your luggage or your suitcases or your bags you probably wouldn't use the word baggage you wouldn't say oh i need to go get my baggage you would say though i need to go get my bags from the baggage claim or i need to grab my suitcase from the baggage claim so the baggage claim area is where all of your suitcases come out and then everyone's favorite when traveling is going through customs so this is where government officials and this happens in every country i just happen to have i think this is in beijing but customs is when you go through the airport and government officials might inspect your bag they might ask you questions they want to see your passport um they might want to ask where else you have traveled and what you did there they may say to you do you have anything to to declare anything to declare and that means did you buy anything when you were in the country you came from so let's say i fly to the united states and then i fly to france when i land in france customs will say do you have anything to declare did you buy anything and especially when you're going coming home from another country if you go on a trip and you've bought lots of things when you go through customs from your own government in the airport they might ask you if you have anything to declare let's see here you might when you get out of the airport need to take a taxi or an uber if you're wondering why i'm talking mostly about airplane travel it's because that is mostly how people travel either you go on a small trip in a car but usually in the world now if you go to another country that's far away you take an airplane so i'm not talking much today about boats or anything but after you get off the plane you might need to take a taxi or take an uber so uber is a new company that works like a taxi service but you need might need to take a taxi or an uber hey when you go on a trip you might stay in a hotel when you stay in a hotel you need to check in so when you get to a hotel hopefully you have booked a room remember we used the verb to book and hopefully you have a reservation at the hotel you need to check in you need to prove uh who you are so that they can check you into the room they'll give you a key card or a room key card we don't use keys anymore where are my keys when you go to a hotel you don't often get a key anymore like you don't get one of these mostly you will now get a key card so it's all electronic now very cool um when you're on a trip you might do some sight seeing so if you go sightseeing you are a sightseer or a tourist so in english we say things like i'm traveling because i want to see the sights so the sights are like the historic places the interesting places the coolest places that the country or city has to offer and when you go to see those sites we say that you are sightseeing it's a little bit of a tongue twister so here if i went to paris one of the sites is the eiffel tower it is one of the things that you have to see if you go to paris so if i went as a tourist or sightseer i would want to make sure that i see the eiffel tower if you go to a city and you don't know your way around uh you might want to find a tour guide so this is a person who helps you see the sites so remember we talked about sites are the cool places to see so you might hire a tour guide so that a person can lead you around the city and tell you uh and show you all of the really cool and important historical places and then while they're doing that they usually give you a mini history lesson so they'll show you something and they'll tell you about it they'll show you the eiffel tower and they'll tell you when it was built etc etc when you are all done at a hotel you will check out this box is a box where you just throw your keys in at the end of your stay at the hotel but let's say you didn't get let's say you didn't take a taxi or an uber maybe at the airport someone picked you up so sometimes when you go on a trip you'll phone ahead to family or friends and say hey i'm going to need to be picked up from the airport tomorrow at 3 o'clock so to be picked up or to get picked up is when family or friends come to the airport to get you so it's kind of nice it's cheaper than a taxi if they pick you up and the flip side of that is if you're done visiting family or friends you will need to be dropped off at the airport so you could say hey my flight leaves tomorrow at three o'clock could you drop me off at the airport at one o'clock so you would say oh i need to be dropped off tomorrow and here's something interesting that happens to some people when they travel they get homesick so when you're homesick it means that you feel sad while traveling because you miss home so some people really really love traveling actually i have a sheet here for that just a sec let me find it some people have i'm looking through my big pile of papers here i think i made too many this morning some people have the travel bug so this is someone who has a strong desire to travel so we all probably know someone who has the travel bug they just travel all the time anytime they can go somewhere they go these are the kinds of people that sometimes travel around the world because they love traveling so much so we call that having a travel bug or the travel bug the opposite would be someone who when they travel they are homesick they just really really like being home and they have trouble enjoying their trip because they're homesick so travel bug and homesick maybe you didn't go on a plane maybe you went on a cruise or a cruise ship so this is the other type of vacation that a lot of canadians go on so they go on a cruise ship um usually in the caribbean so you say caribbean or caribbean i say both but in the down south to the east of central america we have the caribbean so a lot of people go on cruise ships or they go over to the mediterranean and they go on a cruise ship and some people go on cruises in the north atlantic around iceland and then over to the east around norway and sweden and finland but cruise ships are a very very common way of traveling or going on vacation for canadians bus tour so sometimes when you go on a trip especially as a tourist you will go on a bus tour this is a great way to see a city often a bus tour will have a tour guide who comes with so you'll have a person either the driver or another person on the bus they'll talk on a microphone like to your left you'll see the eiffel tower it was built many many years ago i don't know when it was built but um a tour bus or a bus tour sorry let me get that straight this is a tour bus when you go on a tour bus you are on a bus tour is that confusing it's a little bit confusing isn't it so sorry about that um there's also people go traveling so they can go camping so camping is when you get a tent and you go out in nature and we have we have another form of tourism called adventure tourism people go on adventure tourism or sorry adventure tours or adventure i think because it's new we don't have a formal name for it but they go on a trip where they go this person is kayaking they might go mountain climbing they might go um let's see um they might go off-road uh dirt bike riding but adventure tour is tourism is for people who like to do exciting things while they are traveling and then we have a new kind of tourism which i don't understand totally called agri-tourism or agrotourism we haven't decided yet we use both these words but this makes me laugh because this is where people pay money to go work on a farm so it's interesting to me because i i have a farm and it's really hard work but people will pay money to go and work on a farm we call it agri-tourism interesting maybe that's what we should do at home maybe we should have agri-tourism so people could come and stay on the farm and and work for us this isn't really the kind of travel any of us do but it does it is a kind of travel so we have space travel so here you can see um the space shuttle is being launched so space travel and then if you read science fiction or you watch movies that are science fiction movies we have something called time travel and none of us can do this either but time travel is when you go back in time or you go forward in time and currently it's impossible and i think it will always be impossible but we have time travel and we also have another word for a trip in uh english is a getaway so um you could say something like in the winter it's nice to have a getaway which means it's nice to go on a trip many canadians like i said like to go south in the winter because they like to have a little getaway where it's warmer where the sun is still shining [Music]
Channel: Learn English with Bob the Canadian
Views: 165,414
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Keywords: learn english, learning english, learn english with subtitles, bob the canadian, yt:cc=on, english lesson, english video with subtitles, english subtitles, english travel vocabulary, english vacation vocabulary, english travel words, english travel, english travel phrases, phrases in english for travel
Id: A9N7OMk5nXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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