You NEED these for speaking and writing | Adjectives for talking about your vacation in English

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[Music] hi there this is harry and welcome back to my advanced english lessons where i try to help you to get a better understanding of the english language if you like my lessons please don't forget to like this video and subscribe to my channel it really helps thank you so this particular lesson is looking at advanced english adjectives to describe travel or indeed travel experiences so i'll give you them i've actually got 10 they're all adjectives and i'll also give you nouns that they will co-locate with okay so we'll start impressive remarkable superb astonishing stunning dramatic exotic unique breathtaking and memorable now as i said they're all adjectives and because they're connected with travel or travel experiences then a lot of them will co-locate with very similar words but at least they'll give you a choice of words with which you can use them okay so i'll try and give you some of those collocations so impressive something that lead leaves an impression something lasting in your memory okay so when you arrive at the hotel you weren't sure what to expect but when you step out of the bus or out of the taxi you can see the hotel really impressive yeah it stretches for many many meters it's made architecture is very very old but really clean and really well maintained so the whole look of the hotel is impressive when you walk into the reception area it is impressive big big room beautiful wooden desk by where the receptionist stays and a real great atmosphere so everything about the entrance the setting is very impressive okay now the people in the hotel can also be impressive but there are other adjectives we could use to describe them so let's focus here on this travel part you're impressed by what you see so the five-star rating that's impressive the entrance to the hotel that's impressive the reception area that is also impressive remarkable yeah remarkable can be something that is gives you a lot of information something that you didn't know about okay so you go to visit some local sightseeing tours for example the museum or the art gallery and you could say that they were remarkable because the information they provided you that you perhaps you didn't know about perhaps there's some particular painter attached historically to that particular area and when you go to visit the art gallery with his name there's a lot of information wow it's quite remarkable about his style and the way he did things i really didn't know anything about him before i visited that particular gallery well the museum was a remarkable exhibition of old coins or clothing or things relics that have been found in this particular area so the information i got was really remarkable i can use it in my lessons for my students in the the history they had classes okay so something really really remarkable superb well we can often use this to describe food so if you're going to a five-star hotel you'd expect that the food and the menu would be very very good so when somebody asked you well what was the food like oh it was superb superb food every night there was always the chef's choice on the menu and yeah that was you know particularly on the tuesday that was really superb the meat was cooked to perfection how they serve it how they dress the tables how they presented yes superb is the only word i could use to describe it yeah so if i wanted one word to describe the holiday superb super wonderful amazing okay astonishing well astonishing is something that shocks us or surprises us in a positive way yeah so the use of the word astonishing when we're traveling could be to do with experiences it could be do with something that we see it could do with the amount of time that you you have for example when you get up in the morning and you go down for breakfast they have a really as we said before superb menu and the food is excellent and it's astonishing how much food you can eat when you're on holiday so you were nice and relaxed it was astonishing how much food i actually ate but i didn't put on any weight because i got plenty of exercise that was also astonishing i was astonished that i didn't put on any weight so i was astonished or was astonishing that i didn't put on any weight it was astonishing the amount of food that i actually ate really good quality but you know i really really enjoyed it astonishing stunning now we often use this word stunning to do with views and particularly if you're on a holiday or if you're traveling then you will be very interested and hopeful that a lot of the views that you will see you could be able to describe them as stunning so for example if you were standing at the top of niagara falls which i have done many times the view is stunning okay the extent to which the the spray of the water travels up on the air and then blows across the street that's quite stunning the force of the water falling over the the falls is also stunning but there are lots and lots of other places around the world that people would equally describe as stunning the first time perhaps that they they go to egypt and all the the views that they have there they would be certainly stunning as soon as they see the pyramids yeah the size of them the shape yeah stunning views or they're standing on top of grand canyon looking down that view would also be quite stunning but it doesn't have to be something on such a grand scale as the grand canyon or the pyramids you can be standing on top of a mountain and the skies are blue and you can look down over a valley nobody else might know much about it but to you that particular view could be stunning so a stunning view okay a stunning museum we could also use it not to that extent the hotel was stunning so we can use it to describe the hotel so all of those collocations now we can also use stunning when we see somebody really really beautiful but here we're focusing just on travel but you could say a stunning looking man or stunning looking looking woman okay very very beautiful dramatic well dramatic means theatrical yeah so dramatic again this could relate to views at dramatic view so if we go back to my point about niagara falls looking at the the depth when you look down it's quite dramatic because it goes straight down and the water falls down several hundred meters and then the spray comes back up again okay so that's quite dramatic or if you get on the boat that goes underneath the waterfall that is even more dramatic so it could be a dramatic journey on the boat it could be a dramatic view when you look down to see the force of the water and you hear that noise it's it's quite deafening you can't hear other people talking because of the the force of the water so that in itself would also be dramatic okay now you could have a dramatic event so something happened on your journey or your holiday that could be quite dramatic you know perhaps if you're traveling by plane and the plane hits a bit of turbulence as it can often happen that could be quite dramatic so the plane journey turned out to be dramatic all's well it ends well and there were no problems but yeah a few people were really scared and they were shouting and screaming a little bit so we could certainly describe the plane journey as dramatic exotic well exotic could be number of things if you're going on a tropical island then certainly the trees or the vegetation or the fruit could be described as exotic fruits that you wouldn't get when you're at home you know a full list of exotic fruits a list of exotic fruit drinks to enjoy okay the whole experience walking on the golden white sands with palm trees hanging over the the sands to to provide you with some shelter and shade that could also be described as exotic so exotic trees exotic plant and animal life exotic fruits to enjoy and your evening while you're sitting by the pool exotic an exotic location so where did they go for the honeymoon or they picked some exotic location in the caribbean unique unique means unusual or different or something special okay so when you're on a journey or a holiday or traveling then something unique is something perhaps that you haven't done before well going on a cruise ship for me would be a unique experience because i've never done it before so a unique experience so if you're traveling somewhere where you haven't been well it's going to be unique for me because i've never been to south america or i've never been to asia to enjoy some of the traditions perhaps in japan for when they have the tea ceremony that could be unique so a unique exhibition or a unique demonstration of the traditions a unique tradition only known to the japanese so you could describe it in those ways and use unique connected or co-located with those particular nouns breathtaking again this is a usually about views okay so when you stand on that mountain when you stand on that at the top of that ridge when you look down that waterfall when you look across the expanse of the river then all of those views would be breathtaking breath taking view or if you've never been skiing before and you get up to the top of this mountain at three or three and a half thousand meters and there's a vast expanse of white snow yeah the sky is blue as it often is the sun is shining so you could say wow this is truly breathtaking a breathtaking view a breathtaking experience okay so something that literally takes your breath away your you can't think of words to say it's everything is quite surprising really really really good experience for you something that you haven't experienced before breathtaking and then finally memorable well memorable is all connected with the memory what are you going to remember in the future so we all go on holidays some of them could be forgettable because they weren't so interesting or they were just average holidays nice to get away but nothing so memorable so memorable means something that will last for a long time it could be your honeymoon ah yes it was a memorable holiday we really really pushed the boat out when if with our location we spent a lot of money but you know it was wonderful really memorable those memories will last for a long time you went hiking you climbed up a mountain you visited places that you had never expected to see and perhaps you'll never see them again so these all add to the experience all of them would be memorable memorable experiences memorable occasion a dinner that was memorable because it was the first one of the holiday or the last one of the holiday or perhaps it was one of these restaurants that are on these revolving restaurants at the top of towers so you you go up in a tower and an elevator you go on this revolving tower so as you're eating your meal the tower revolves very slowly but they can be memorable because if it's a clear night you can see different places at different times and really really enjoy it and you can't wait until you get home to tell your friends about it so memorable experiences okay so these are all adjectives they're advanced english adjectives all connected to this or describing travel or travel experiences so we can have impressive views an impressive hotel we can have a remarkable experience in a certain museum or gallery superb service a superb wine list astonishing views stunning views dramatic journey and a dramatic experience a dramatic event exotic fruits exotic animals exotic trees whatever unique experience unique show a unique event a unique country to visit something you had never experienced and probably never will experience again breathtaking again breathtaking views breathtaking scenery from the balcony of your hotel looking out on that sun-kissed beach with the the water that's hardly rippling at all yeah turquoise color really really breathtaking and then memorable overall the whole holiday was memorable or that final dinner that you took me to at the top of that tower really memorable i will remember that for a long long time i'm glad we have all those photographs okay so advanced english adjectives all to do with travel and all to do with travel experiences okay well hopefully you can get to use some of those try to practice them if you need any more help then you know where i am and i really appreciate you watching and listening as always join me again soon this is harry signing off
Channel: Learn English with Harry
Views: 55,263
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Id: HBp4oadjeZQ
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Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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