Learn these Common English Phrasal Verbs and Idioms about ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿค‘

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hello everybody this is jack from tofluency.com and today we're going to learn some phrasal verbs and idioms and songs relate to - money - money but first if you're new here welcome please subscribe to the channel and turn on the notification belt this is a live lesson so feel free if you're watching the replay - look at the live chat because you can do that when you watch the replay which is really useful so yeah today we're going to talk about phrasal verbs I've got ten phrasal verbs for you three idioms and some songs so that you can learn common commonly used expressions and vocabulary related to money and these are commonly used which means that people use them in everyday English and if you watch a movie in English or a TV show you're very likely hear these types of phrasal verbs now a good way to practice is to in the live chat leave some examples of the phrasal verbs that were going to learn if you're watching the replay comment once with examples so if you're doing every phrasal verb just leave one comment with your examples not lots of different comments it's better for everyone so firstly how is everybody doing here it is Tuesday morning here in the US leave your comment in the live chat how are you doing today we're going to get started with phrasal verb number one and it is this to pay off pay off to pay off okay so you probably know the phrasal the sorry the verb pay you know this already but to pay off something do you not this means I'm going to give you an example we hope to pay off our mortgage within ten years do you think that we should pay off that loan do you think we should pay off that loan so what it means is to end alone by given the bank all the money for the loan so let's say you have a loan for ten thousand dollars okay and you pay it for a couple of years and now you have eight thousand dollars left on the loan and suddenly you receive a lot of money you might decide to pay off the eight thousand dollars so you give the bank eight thousand dollars you don't have a loan anymore that's to pay something off so this is a very good phrasal verb when it comes to talking about finance and money and loans and mortgages to pay something off to pay off so in the past you can say we paid off that loan as a question do you think we should pay off the loan or we're going to pay off the loan next week with thinking about paying off the loan this is why it's so important to learn English through sentences okay that way you can learn exactly how it is used and you can use it in different ways that is number one pay off all right but before we pay off a loan we need to take out a loan to take out a loan this just means to get a loan to take out alone out alone for that car let's take out a loan for the house to take out a loan so it means to come complete the financial paperwork and to get a loan to take out a loan now we can also use this in different ways take the dogs out let's take the dogs out take out or to take someone out on a date to take someone out on a date lots of lots of phrasal verbs have various meanings we're going to focus on the finance and money today so to take out a loan to say a quick hi in the comments if you aren't joining right the next one and I'm going to give you a couple here this one's a good one okay and we can also use it in this way save up to save up so one just said I know you're mad but don't take it out on me that's a great example to take something out on someone means to blame that person or to shout out that person because you're angry okay so to save up to save up money to save up money it just means to save to save money it's the same thing but where you save up a lot when we say save up for something I need to save up for that holiday shall we save up for a house how long did it take you to save up for that vacation how long did it take you to save up for that vacation I need to save up to afford this posh car yeah I need to save up to to buy that expensive car I think we should save up some money I think we should save up some money before before if we spend more we need to save up some money before we save as spend more so this is a great one to save up and we say a lot of the time to save up for something to save up for something so sorry we can't buy you that Bank we need to save up for it we can't buy you that Bank we need to save up for it okay something we tell our son the next one is this to rip off rip off you can also use it as a noun it's a ripoff it's a ripoff it's a ripoff but to rip someone off means to give them a really bad deal and to do it in bad faith so it's to rip someone off means that you know that the other person isn't getting a good deal when you negotiate something so you might say for example Internet companies rip people off because they make the internet access far too expensive that's what some people say and to rip off to rip someone off or you'll hear people say could you come with me to the car dealership because I don't want them to rip me off I don't know a lot about cars can you come with me to the car dealership because I don't want them to rip me off I don't want them to rip me off okay but yeah again it's used a lot like it's a ripoff internet is a ripoff due to the increasing demand of facial masks a lot of pharmacies have been ripping us off great example great example hello Ned yep due to the increase in demand of facial masks a lot of pharmacies have been ripping us off I was ripped off by a taxi driver during my holiday that's a great example again so if you're away if you're on vacation in a foreign country taxi drivers sometimes certain taxi drivers will rip people off by charging them a lot more money than they normally know we do okay this was a great idea a cab driver charged me 70 pounds it's a ripoff ripoff is a con not necessarily not necessarily but it's basically somebody's giving you something and you're paying too much money for it it's a ripoff it can be serious it can be more of a an opinion so it could be a serious issue or it could just be your opinion like the price of Apple products it's a ripoff Apple products are a ripoff Apple rips you off that's what people say I don't agree now the next one is this pay back pay back pay back so we have before pay off this is pay back pay back and it's similar to pay off but it's a little bit more informal and used between friends a lot more so to pay off a loan is a financial term but let's say that my friend gives me $10 and I say oh it's okay don't worry I'll pay you back I'll pay you back I'm going to give you that money back I'm going to give you the $10 back next week but I don't give my friends the $10 next week so he sends me a text and he says when are you going to pay me back when are you going to pay me back when are you going to pay me back and I can say I'll pay you back soon don't work don't worry don't worry calm down I'll pay you back soon just relax I've pay you back soon but I don't and then he says you're never gonna pay me back you're never gonna pay me back you're never going to pay me back so I'll pay you back soon I'll pay you back next week I'm going to pay you back when are you going to pay me back I'll pay you back soon we can use it in all those it's used a lot for friends when you give each of the money loan each of the money next one get by get by get by this means to to be able to pay your expenses okay so it means to be able to pay your expenses to be able to pay to afford what you need to buy so not just your expenses but things like your rent your car payment your food at the moment is difficult to get by at the moment is difficult for a lot of people to get by so to get by means to be able to pay your expenses and the things that you need so when you hear about or when you hear a politician introduce a new policy and they say we're going to pay unemployed workers a hundred pounds a week you'll hear a lot of people say you can't get by on 100 pounds a week you can't get by on a hundred pounds a week I'm going to write that sentence it's great you can't or in American English you can't you can't or you can't and I'm gonna write dollars you can't get by on a hundred dollars a week you can't get by on a hundred dollars a week and this is an argument as well when it comes to minimum wage as well so you'll hear people say you can't get by on six dollars an hour you can't get by on six dollars an hour and it's it's important with phrasal verbs to learn the common sentences that people use with phrasal verbs because you it really shows you exactly when to use it and in which situations people use it the difficulty with phrasal verbs is once you learn a phrasal verb most people want to use it in all situations but it's often quite specific this is such a good example to use and what I recommend is after this lesson watch it again and then write down the sentences and examples that I give you and the examples that I read out on the chat as well okay so that's a really good way to do it that way you do then you can learn the sentences and know how to use these phrasal verbs and when to use these phrasal verbs next one so with go go up go up this means in this situation to increase I have just received a notification telling me that a stock has gone up today that is freaky they strange it just said your stock has gone up by 5% today so anyway go up stock prices stocks have gone up by I can actually check it's ten twelve the Dow Jones has gone up by two point seven three percent today so it's gone up by two point seven three percent today it means increase the price has gone up by ten percent exactly the price has gone up by ten percent somebody just just us how do I memorize the sentences well go to to fluency com /t F P or just search for the to fluency program or the to fluency method it's a great method to use and so let's see if we've got any more examples keep the examples coming in when you're writing them I'm going to read the sentences that are correct so though the price of face max will go up in more Western countries the price of face masks will go up in more in most Western countries very good so the price of face masks have gone up recently the M you can also say the the price of certain food has gone up recently the the price of base masks so it's a really good one to use when we're talking talking about prices but the opposite is this go down go down stocks have gone down ten percent today stocks have gone down seven percent this year the price of the price of travel has gone down recently okay the price of travel has gone down recently so this is a huge lot when we're talking about money so to go up and to go down I made a lesson on how to describe charts and data so take a look at that how to describe charts and data okay the next one this one is more informal and it's used between friends I love it chip in chip in to chip in do you know what this one means to chip in to chip in I'm going to give you an example let's say it's my friend's birthday okay and I text my other friends who are in this group and I say should we all chip in and get mark something for his birthday shall we all chip and get mark something for his birthday so the chip and means to collect money to buy something to collect money to buy something to chip in it shoot a lot between friends so you might also say let's all chip in and get a big vacation home let's all chip in and get a big house where we can all go on a vacation if we all chip in it will only cost $100 if we all chip in it will only cost $100 so somebody says to contribute exactly contribute to all contribute to it to chip in to buy something it's it's used a lot for for presents for vacations when you're in a group of friends and you're doing something as a group let's chip in for grandma's birthday a great example you can also do it for when people retire so if somebody retires at a company the workers will chip in to buy a retirement gift good next one to cash out to cash out this means to sell your investment to cash out to cash out to sell your investment okay do you think we should cash out now or maybe next week and thinking about cashing out on my stocks cashing out on my stocks hi from Taiwan thanks for teaching good to have you here somebody asked us this method also work to memorize vocabulary it does it does and it does it in context it does it in context okay we're going to go into idioms now and then we're going to talk about three songs to listen to or to consider listen to you that I'm talk about money one of them uses the conditional second conditional can we stay to cash out my bets yes you can to cash out my bets so that's another good example if you make a bet on something then the betting company will give you prices so you can cash out so for example Liverpool are going to win the Premier League if if the Premier League continues and if you made a bet on Liverpool winning the Premier League then the bookmakers will say you can cash out now for less money you can cash out now for less money all right let's look at it in to be rolling in money rolling in money to be rolling in money so this means and to have lots and lots of money and you can picture a movie scene or some type of picture where somebody has lots of money and they throw it on their bed all this cash and they they roll about about their bed so to be rolling in money he is rolling in money he was rolling in money I'm gonna be rolling in money means to have lots and lots and lots of money rolling in money roll in rolling in money the next one is a little bit of a deep one and is this this is a very common idiom money is the root of all evil money is the root of all evil which is basically saying money is the reason that people act in a bad way so this one is a little deeper and you can think about if this is true or not money is the root of all evil and that is that is what people say when there's some bad news based on people being greedy or based on finances when there is a story in the news that suggests that money has caused that problem and people say uh money is the root of all evil which is a very strong statement next one to be right on the money right on the money to be right on the money see what that means it means to be exactly right and it could be an opinion or a prediction okay so if you say stock market example I think stocks are going to go down by 22% next month and then they go down by 22% somebody says wow he was right on the money with that prediction he was right on the money exactly right or if you give an opinion about something at work or with a friend you can say you're right on the money you're right on the money you are exactly right to be right on the money right on the money good he's wrapped the money right in the money he hit the nail on the head another good example okay so those are the face of those payoff ripoff save up pay back cut back on oh I didn't do that one to cut back on cut back this is a good one let's cut back on our monthly expenses let's cut back on our monthly expenses let's decrease what we're spending let's spend less money on certain things cut back on restaurants let's cut back on traveling so much let's cut back on spending money on advertising let's cut back on advertising means to spend less money on something so it could be used for a business let's cut back on advertising or it could be used for everyday life let's cut back on okay bill let's cut back on our monthly subscriptions let's cut back on amazon shopping pay off Ripoff save up pay back cut back on take out a loan gift bag go up go down to pin cash out roll it in money money is the root of all evil right on the money let's talk about I need to cut back on fatty food it's another good example let's talk about three songs now that talk about money the first one is one of my favorite songs when I was growing up Mo Money mo problems Mo Money mo problems what do you think mo means here mo if I say Mo Money mo problems Mo Money mo problems more exactly people are saying more this is the notorious b.i.g and was it Puff Daddy as well and Mase this is a famous song from the 90s more money more problems which is saying the more money you have the more problems you have now that is an a conditional more money more problems the more money you have the more problems you have the more problems you have so what they're saying is when you have more money you end up having more problems and which is an interesting interesting idea isn't that next one and I'm just gonna give you this one this is one of my family's favorite songs Hall & Oates rich girl and it's just talking about a girl who is rich it's a really good song I recommend you have a look at this song and listen to it now the last one is if I had a million dollars if I had a million dollars okay and someone says I don't have money and I have a lot of problems so this is not true but maybe the more money you have the more problems you have I think the idea so my opinion on that before we talk about this is it's one of those things where if you are rich then you're probably going to have fewer problems then if you are poor but then there's a certain point where the more money you have after that the more problems you're going to have but this is interesting if I had a million dollars barenaked ladies is the song and I think I can't remember the the artists but this is a good song and I made a lesson on this in the past if I had a million dollars just search for if I had a million dollars song and what they're going to do is give you lots of examples of this second conditional so let's complete that sentence if I had a million dollars I would go to the states if I had a million dollars I will go to Algeria I wish I had a million dollars this is good so wish is often used with the second conditional I wish I had a million dollars if I had a million dollars I would do something that's such a thank you for the donation really enjoying your teaching from South Korea yeah thank you so much that's a great stupid chat I really appreciate it if I had I would travel around the if I had a million dollars I would go visit Jack if I had a million dollars I would Oh deleted that one I would visit London I would travel around the world okay very good so hopefully you have enjoyed this lesson go back and watch my latest video on British expressions and slang that was the last lesson I made and then if you have found it useful please like and share this lesson so share it with your friends on whatsapp on facebook Messenger on whatever app everyone is using these days and if you are new please subscribe check out the tip fluency program to fluency calm slash TFP and I'll leave a comment below with a link to everything I've talked about okay thank you so much for watching and I'll speech yo C for bite
Channel: To Fluency
Views: 21,383
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Keywords: english phrasal verbs, money vocabulary, phrasal verbs money, tofluency, learn english, english grammar, phrasal verbs, angielski, anglais, english lesson, speak english, how to learn english, english lessons
Id: T9oCQ4FxnRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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