How to Learn English Fast: Why Most Methods Don't Work and What You Need to Do

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hello this is jack from and welcome to this presentation on how to learn english and the best ways to improve your level fast i'm really excited that you are joining me today and if you're watching the replay you're going to get a lot out of this but know that i am recording this live here on youtube and i've got a lot of things to share with you today i'm going to try and keep it as simple as possible so that we don't really go too deep into each area that i'm going to talk about but by the end of this lesson by the end of this video you should have a really clear understanding on what you need to do in order to improve your english more quickly than you are now because most learners i speak to they want to improve faster and i'm going to teach you how to do that today and i'm also going to show you the best methods that you can use and stay until the end because i have a plan for you that you can follow it's called the five-step plan that will really help you take action with this and actually follow the plan that will work so quickly can you see the picture on your screen if you can tell me where this is or what this is called it's a picture from england so let me know what this is called and you can see me in the bottom corner let me know if you're watching live if the audio is okay and if the picture is okay too and one last thing before we get started be sure to go to the description after this lesson because i'm going to have all the videos that you need to watch after this one in order to have a perfect understanding of what you need to do going forward and also i'm going to have a link to my book the five-step plan for english fluency that is free to download now lolly lolly who is a member from france has uh nearly got it right stone edge it's not stone edge but it's something else we've got iva here from munich great to have you here i've been to munich before i love it there i would love to go back we've got people from india bangladesh morocco saudi arabia greece turkey minima italy brazil etc very good so and people are saying that everything is okay fantastic so let's just have a look then i've got my presentation here on the different ways that we can learn english fast and well firstly we're going to start with the three ways that you can learn english and this is really going to help you understand the mentality behind what you need to do okay so the first one the way to learn english number one is a language school in your hometown okay and this is where generally speaking we have one teacher and numerous students so we'll have one teacher and different types of students usually six seven sometimes 30 maybe 40 students now these language schools generally group students by level so you can start in the beginner class intermediate advanced etc and on average it's about one to two times per week that's from my experience that we generally do this one to three times a week now one feature of a language school is that you have limited speaking time so the time that you speak in the class is limited because there's one teacher and numerous students but you can also do this in your town where you have one-to-one lessons too so potentially you can have one-to-one lessons in your hometown as well and this is where you can get more speaking practice but generally speaking this is how most people in the past anyway learned a new language it was the only option available for a lot of people where you had to go to your local language school in order to learn english now option number two is to study abroad okay so to study abroad i'm gonna see if i can okay good and with this when you study abroad this is when obviously you go to an english-speaking country so you might go to london you might go to the usa you might go to malta or ireland canada new zealand australia any of those english-speaking countries and most of the time when people do this they take intensive lessons where you'll study in a language school two three maybe six hours a day five days a week so these lessons are more intensive you go for two or three weeks and you are intensely learning english and like i say it's about one to six weeks on average so that's what most people do one to six weeks on average somebody's asking if this is live yes this is live welcome to you and then most people also get an immersion experience here okay an emerging experience where they might stay with a host family or they'll go out at night they'll take different kinds of lessons they'll meet people out in the streets so it's more of this immersion experience and that's why people go to different countries english-speaking countries to learn now i'm just gonna change this up and just to say lolly lolly has a great point here because it's difficult to study abroad because of the restrictions at the moment so most countries aren't really open to having people go there to study right now but this used to be popular in the past and this is something i recommend people try if possible now the budget is more difficult because it can be very expensive to study abroad but even though i don't think this is the most efficient way to learn the experience can be fantastic so if you go to let's say birmingham or manchester for three weeks and you're immersed in english it just gives you that experience and also motivation to learn in the future too and you can think of this as a way maybe you do it once a year every two years but the key to this part is not to rely solely on this because if you just go abroad study for three weeks and then stop again you're not going to make good progress with your english so see this is more of a thing that you can do in addition to what we're going to learn today all right and then option number three is to study on your own so you can see the picture here somebody is listening reading and looking at their computer which is how a lot of people learn these days now study on your own is think of this as self learning a way for you to take control of your learning and to do this on your own now this can include things like listening where you get some audio books you listen to podcasts you listen to movies etc and you listen it could be watching movies it could be shadowing and the lrc method reading grammar courses like pronunciation courses so it can be all of these different things when it comes to learning english and self-studying and the biggest takeaway i want you to make from this is that self-study is the key to improving your english so self-study is the key to improving your english and in most cases people need to do more of this they need to do more self-study but it's not just the key to learning english it's something that you should really take responsibility for because you need to be in charge of your own learning you need to say okay i'm going to take charge of what i do how fast i'm going to learn don't rely on teachers or language schools instead take control of it and know that it's all about the self study going to a language school twice a week won't help you improve fast if that's the only thing you do going on an immersion course for a month every year won't be enough but if you do self-study and then maybe a language school self-study and maybe study abroad then that is going to work great but the key is to focus on the self-study and that's what we're going to look at for the rest of this lesson because it's not just doing anything it's about focusing on the most effective methods in order to improve quickly because in order to improve quickly we need to focus on the things that are actually going to make a difference okay so does that make sense if it makes sense if you are enjoying this please do me a favor and just click that like button click the like button it just tells youtube um that you are enjoying this and that you are getting a lot out of this lesson and it helps me a lot so yeah just just press that like button if you can so after you've done that like button let's talk about the key areas of self study and the first way is this to get as much input as possible to get as much input as possible and like i said before after this lesson i'm going to leave a link to the videos and lessons i made that are going to go into this in more depth okay so you're going to go to the description after this lesson and get these video links but the key to this or an amazing thing is that you can do this from anywhere you can get input from anywhere in the world i often talk about how when i started learning spanish at university i had to go to a language room in order to get audio and books i couldn't do this at home without buying cds but now this thing has made such a difference hasn't it because you can just get on your phone and learn from anywhere you can just get on your phone and you know just listen to anything you want to listen to so here is some um some tips on this in order to help you think about how to this do this more effectively and this the first one is to listen to the right things so when we're talking about input we're talking about listening and reading here and in most cases you can always get more input you can always get more input so listen to the right things and there are three things to think about here something that is comprehensible something that you can understand because if you can't understand what you're listening to you're not going to get as much out of it again we're talking about being effective here being effective learners doing the most efficient things to to improve so listen to things that are comprehensible if you want to look more into this look for a research dr stephen krashen and the input hypothesis it's a fantastic thing to read it's very simple to understand as well so we want things that are comprehensible things that we can understand when we're listening we want things that are relevant relevant to how we are going to use our english and for example if you work in a restaurant in a english-speaking part of town where there are lots of english-speaking tourists then you want to try and learn the english you need to know for the restaurant so what the kind of questions that people ask all that type of thing so find things that are relevant to you if you're studying for the ielts exam then know that you need to study and listen to things that are from the exam that are going to help you specifically for that exam we also want things that are interesting as well because when things are interesting we're more engaged we're more switched on which means we're more focused and we're also having fun and part of english learning english or learning anything new is enjoying it now read for fluency as well because input is listening and reading so we need to read for fluency as well and again what i'm going to say here is look up the reading method i'll leave a link at the end of the lesson like i said before i'll also leave links in the comments but the reading method is where you get books that are perfect for you again comprehensible relevant and interesting you read um extensively which means you read without stopping but you highlight words that you don't understand and then from there you look up new words learn them and then use different methods to help you remember those words but just generally speaking read for things you enjoy okay read things that you enjoy and then also watch tv shows find a tv show that again is comprehensible relevant and interesting and enjoy it just enjoy the tv show this is something you can do at home obviously when you're watching tv instead of watching tv in your own language watch it in english instead now i'm getting lots of questions um if you want the questions answered during the presentation then send a super chat otherwise i'll answer the questions at the end of the presentation okay so input input is important think of this as things coming in through your eyes through your ears your reading you're listening and another method you can use is to listen and read at the same time so find an audio book and the written book and listen and read at the same time i think that's a really powerful method so that's input the next one is output practice smart output and we can call this deliberate practice and a good thing to do is after this look up deliberate practice by james clear he has a great article on this and talks about what deliberate practice is but it's basically where you're using a system and you're doing things so that you improve so you're doing something specific so that you improve your technique the way you read your writing your english your grammar etc and think about output in two ways writing practice and speaking practice and again the great news is that you can do this on your own from anywhere in the world speaking practice doesn't just mean speaking with somebody in a conversation writing practice doesn't just mean writing for an essay for a teacher we can do these things on our own and get feedback on them by ourselves or using computers okay so we can use computers too i'm just going to leave a link to one of my favorite tools that will help you improve your writing that is an affiliate link which means if you sign up to the paid version then i get a commission if you use that link or i might get a commission it doesn't always happen um but let's just focus again on writing writing is powerful it is such a powerful way to improve because it's just a fantastic way to practice english that you have learned it helps you practice your grammar new vocabulary sentence structure because what you're doing is you're thinking about sentences to write and you're taking all the little bits of english that you have learned and creating your own english and that's such a big thing about english is that when you learn sentences which we'll talk about later then you can take parts of these sentences and use them when you're writing and speaking but when you're writing you can take your time you can just take your time to get the correct sentences out there you can think about the sentence structure and you can take your time to create sentences that are good correct interesting and just express yourself in ways that you can use writing for and again i highly recommend using a grammar corrector a it's such a powerful tool this i use this still it corrects my grammar when i'm writing it it corrects my writing and i'm learning all the time because everyone makes mistakes nobody has perfect grammar and perfect english i'm still learning different things sometimes i don't use the right preposition for example so do this use a grammar corrector and think about the different ways that you can write in english but i recommend keeping a diary every day writing a journal i do this on my computer using apple notes you can do it using anything your phone i prefer my computer because i like to type you can do writing as well but keeping a diary is powerful because what you're doing is you're just writing down your thoughts using the first person and when we use the first person when we're writing we're practicing the way that we speak in certain ways so for example you might just say i had a great day yesterday i'm not feeling great today i think i have a bit of a headache and but i'm going to drink some water do some exercise and then i'm going to use this this and this so there are lots of different ways that you can write in the first person but what you're doing is you're practicing what people say or what you're going to say when you're speaking english and i think it's just a great way to to start writing about things but definitely use that tool um the grammarly link in the live chat so use that link to sign up for that there's a free version and a paid version i use it every day so that's writing writing is powerful and it's a fantastic way to improve your english and again you can do this on your own if you want to get feedback from a teacher you can but just use grammarly for now as well to get feedback on your writing now let's talk about my favorite speaking method now and i think this is if you're going to do one method every day if you only have 10 minutes use this one it's called what i call the lrc method and this stands for listen to a phrase so you get a phrase in english and you listen to it now you're you're also reading as well so when we're thinking about input you're getting two inputs listening reading you see the phrase and you listen to it then you repeat the phrase and record yourself so you can do this on your phone you can do this on your computer you just listen to the phrase and read it and then you press record and you repeat it then the c the c part of lrrc is compare it to the original so you compare this phrase to the original you listen to the original again you listen to yours and then what you can do is make changes you'll notice the mistakes you're making and you can make changes this is where you are giving yourself feedback and giving yourself feedback is super powerful super powerful because the more you practice this the better you get at it at first you might not notice the mistakes you're making you might not know how to correct this but after some time you're going to learn how to do this and then the last part of this is to get repetition so when you actually master this phrase or when you're close to saying the phrase in comparison to the original and it's it's getting there you're almost saying it perfectly you're almost mastering this phrase that's when you can get repetition and look at all the different things we're practicing listening reading speaking pronunciation grammar because as you repeat a sentence you're naturally learning grammar and then we're also learning sentence structure and you can also write down these phrases too so that you're practicing your writing it's just such a powerful method to use you can get audio from my program that's a fluency program where there are over 1 000 audio phrases based on conversation lessons and grammar lessons you can download these from the program and use them as flash cards another method that you might want to try which i've been using recently just to learn italian for for fun is to use apple music getting up the lyrics and what you can do is press the lyric and it just repeats it goes to that lyric and it says it again such an easy way to get repetition from music you can get audio phrases online just search for basic phrases english or english audio phrases phrasal verbs and you'll get a long list of phrasal verbs listen repeat listen repeat listen repeat this is a way to learn grammar naturally sentence structure naturally pronunciation naturally intonation rhythm stress to to learn vocabulary because you're learning new phrases and the type of audio phrases you get depends on your level what you want to learn etc but again i have a full video on this go to the description after the lesson and watch that video so that's my favorite speaking method i'd say my second favorite is shadowing so you can see on this picture there is a shadow now the difference with shadowing and my method is that with shadowing what you're doing is this you're listening and repeating but you're not pausing the audio so maybe you get a podcast on audiobook and you listen or this youtube lesson and you listen to what i'm saying and you're repeating it but the skill is that you don't pause the video to repeat instead you just continue listening and you're one or two seconds behind the speaker the key to this is choosing audio carefully because if the audio is too hard then you won't be able to keep up with you won't be able to continue with the listening listening and repeating instead you're just ah it's too hard it's too hard so start with very basic audio and then improve as you go along and i also recommend recording yourself to because recording yourself means that you're going to be able to listen to yourself saying this and you can notice if you're making too many mistakes you can notice if you're making too many mistakes or if you're mumbling if you're saying and then i went to the shop obviously that's not going to help you but i i see this method as more for fluency rather than accuracy whereas the lrc method is both fluency and accuracy this is just helping you just get more practice and and going for some more stuff where you're getting that fluency practice but again choose the audio carefully and record yourself too now the next one is to get natural practice so we've talked about getting lots of input listening and reading we've talked about my favorite method we've talked about shadowing we've talked about repetition and learning through sentences and flash cards the next is natural practice now the picture here is somebody probably using zoom these days it's uh obviously a fun picture and somebody's just getting that natural practice with the teacher now i recommend here is starting small and building confidence because a lot of people when it comes to natural practice they they feel shy or nervous and it's difficult for them to really get that practice and they just don't have the the confidence to do this so if you're struggling with confidence start small and build confidence over time so just practice with somebody for two or three minutes and go from there i will just answer this someone says george listening my own voice is so awkward it is at first no one likes listening to their own voice after a while you get used to it i've been editing my own videos and podcasts for years now so for me it's just natural listening to my own voice and you just get used to it but start it just start it's it can be a little bit cringe-worthy where you're where you feel oh i don't like my own voice but get used to it again start small and build confidence now natural practice in english-speaking countries is easy to do it's quite easy to do isn't it because you are surrounded by english speakers you go to the shops you practice a little of english you're out in the streets and somebody asks you for directions you meet a friend at a cafe and you speak a little bit you order some food at the cafe you speak a little bit you have to order tickets you speak a little english so it's quite easy to do in english-speaking countries having said that i know people who live in our local area here in the us in the united states and they hardly speak english because they're surrounded by people in their native language and they don't get the practice that they probably need but obviously it's easier to do in an english-speaking country and then one of the good things you can do here is to find a teacher so if you're not sure how to start with this find a teacher who can help you again start with 20 minute lessons or 30 minute lessons it's quite tiring when you're trying to speak english because you feel i need to do this i want to do this well and it can be quite tiring and draining which is a great word draining so find a teacher to help you and start small and build your confidence now let's put this all together now let's have a little bit of conclusion and this is the five-step plan where you can get the book for free i have this book for free it's in the description over 250 000 students have downloaded this book and they've read this for free so you can download yours for free just enter your email address and you'll receive more lessons from me through email as well but this book is free to download and it goes over the the five step plan the first two steps is all about your goal and your why so when it comes to learning english it's not just about what you need to do it's about having the motivation which is your why and having a goal so that you can really create a plan again in the book i go into detail with this but your why is your motivation the reasons why it's important to you and your goal is what do i want to achieve and when do i want to achieve this then you need to look at what you need to do which is what we've talked about today self-study speaking practice input writing etc and the methods that are really going to help you the most effective methods for you but an important part of this as well is not just what you need to do but how to do this how you're going to do this how you're going to set up a schedule when are you going to learn how you're going to stay consistent which is so important because you need to make english learning part of your life so for example you might want to wake up and listen to a podcast while you're eating your breakfast that's some listening and then on your lunch break to do 10 minutes of the lrc method where you're getting that deliberate practice and you're really using your english and then in the evening to watch your tv show to get more input but how much you do per day depends on your goal and how quickly you want to learn but i think it's more important to set up a schedule that you can really stay consistent with rather than trying to do too much at the start and then feeling overwhelmed by everything and the last thing to do is to get started today so to not put this off to start this today to start listening today to start that lrc method listen to yourself today record your own voice and make changes to audio even if it's just three phrases that you mastered today or one phrase just get started and then create your plan what you need to do how you're going to do this but again the best way to do it is to get my book the five-step plan for english fluency the link to that is in the description okay so let's go back to the big view of me here i am drinking my zero calorie soda today it's very good let's go to the comments let's go to the comments okay so we've got people from china india um azerbaijan uzbekistan and i saw a comment before saying it was someone's first time so yeah great to have you here this is your first this is my first day in your video you're really good well thank you so much fanny yeah if you are new here just click that subscribe button actually before we just go into it i'm just going to take a 30 second break and i'll be right back [Music] okay i'm back got lots of people saying they're from bangladesh in tajikistan brazil hatfield chile philippines vietnam turkey wow wow um okay so yeah it's time for question and answer so any questions you want to answer ask then it's time to do that now so ask those questions now and again if you're just joining if you haven't done so yet just click the like button on the stream that really does help the channel and it helps me reach more people and also if you want to uh really help out just share it with your friends so click that share button and then after this lesson definitely go check out the links in the description and i haven't added them all as we're live but i'll add them um once we finish so again it's time for questions and answers um abinaya has does reading help to improve sentence structure and grammar yes it does um reading does help so i i always like to say um read to learn reading just if you get the right repetition and if you read extensively and you read a lot then you're just going to learn grammar naturally so if you come across a phrase that says you know i've been to england three times and then i've been to the shops twice today you're going to learn present perfect and sentence structure and the prepositions for the grammar and how to use the present perfect in that structure so reading is input think about input as like input a computer and then output it produces something so the input is the code and then it produces something but it's all about the repetition in order to get as much input as you can um jack could you pronounce ask so i can learn it from you yeah two ways really um of three i say ask ask then in the south of england you'll hear ask ask and then in the us ask ask why when i list so this is a question from a media when i why when i listen to you i understand everything 100 well if i watch your film i understand only 30 to 40 percent yeah a couple of reasons firstly i normally talk about topics that are easier to understand things that you already know before i use simple everyday english and the audio hopefully is quite good whereas when it comes to movies it's using you you have different types of characters young people old people and people who are in business people who might be homeless people who are in gangs etc and they use lots of different slang words and usually accents are quite strong in music in movies too additionally there can be background noise or music in the background so it can be more difficult to understand the audio for example my wife and i watched a film called dunkirk and we turned on subtitles because it was difficult for us to understand what people were saying due to the the music and the guns going off all the time so that's normal um what kind of writing exercises do you recommend to do copy a little or complete chapters yeah i love copying writing so the writing method go check it out um i've got a podcast on that go to um to fluency podcast on itunes spotify wherever you listen to podcast you'll find it there and look for the episode where i talk about writing but yeah i recommend copying just copying phrases copying sentences copying paragraphs and just enjoy it you know put some music on find your favorite drink and just copy those sentences we've got question here how many hours should i spend per day if i want to speak like a native i spend 10 hours per day is it good well so i like the equation of how fast you learn english depends on what methods you use and how often you spend using them now obviously the more time you spend it so let's just say you use the most effective methods the more time you spend the better however think of it more as how much can i do today based on my schedule and how can i stay consistent with my learning because if you spend 10 hours a day for the next 10 days great but if that's too much and you think oh i'm not learning i'm not improving as quickly as i'd like or this is too difficult you might just stop whereas the person who does an hour a day for the next three years is going to obviously improve more so it's that consistency that's key but just think of it as yeah how can i learn more english today how can i learn more english today but i'm still going to just do even if you're if you've got a busy day i'm still going to do 20 minutes or half an hour on that daily basis just to stay consistent with it lolly allah says can we learn english faster by rote learning rope memory um yeah kind of so yeah it works because i teach learning through sentences and repetition there's a few things to know here because it depends what you're learning in a rote way and how you're learning it so the lrc method where you're saying sentences with intonation and stress and rhythm and you're really expressing yourself practicing that and doing it in in terms of repetition is going to help you so yeah it does work but i'm not too sure if you just do it like for single words and phrases or just sorry single words find sentences find phrases that will help you okay so we've got great question here or a comment from raider and from morocco i've been starting learning english since 2017 and i feel myself does not improve much so you don't feel like you're improving much um yeah so ask yourself two questions how many hours am i spending per day learning and what methods am i using because again that's the equation you need to to think about and also think it's important as well to understand if you're improving or not because what happens is it's it's like a it's a very step-by-step thing incremental progress where you might not think you're improving but maybe you are because every day you're improving by a tiny amount a tiny amount and so you're adapting all the time so it's a good idea to think about how you can test yourself in a very effective way i like to do it in terms of how many not just am i speaking better or did i pass this test as to say have i improved but instead how many sentences do i now know that i didn't used to know how many new words and phrases have i learned how much have have i improved in terms of the way i'm speaking and following like a pronunciation course and that's something i left out in the whole how to learn on your own it's related to the speaking method where you're improving the way you speak by copying english speakers and making changes so that you are improving the way you speak so i think it's a good idea to think about it in that way so that you're really focused on am i improving in these areas i wish i could talk fluently in english without thinking how to talk any suggestions on this please that's from julie yeah the the method that i talked about before because basically if you learn grammar too much then what you're doing is you're very um it's very mathematical where you're say you're thinking okay i have been to england twice and you have to think about every stage of that sentence and when you're speaking you're also focusing on the way you're saying it whereas if you learn phrases i've been to england twice i've had three cups of coffee today i've never been to russia i've done this three times i've been there six times and you learn 20 similar phrases or sentences then you're just going to naturally say this the next time it comes out okay because once you learn that and then new vocabulary and different phrases and this topic here you can just put it all together you can put it all together to help you with that okay so that's an important thing to think about how can i remember the words while i'm speaking exactly like i've just said you get the input you get the practice and then when you're speaking it will just come out naturally that's the stage we want to get at when i write in english i write write but when it comes to speaking i sometimes be wrong help me yeah get the speaking practice too use the method i've talked about in order so that it flows naturally and get lots of practice it does help you too someone says it's impossible to learn 10 hours a day i i know people who've done it and they've just dedicated all their time you know didn't have a job or didn't need a job went to a foreign country for three months and that's all they did learned english look at fluent in three months with benny lewis he learned german three months in germany he got an apartment he just studied he did the the methods we've talked about he got lots of speaking practice love the way you teach english i follow and share with people thank you for your information it is my pleasure it's my pleasure can you make a video on a telephone conversation yeah i might do that actually that's a good idea i'm gonna make a video on how to use apple music to learn english or how to learn use english music to learn english and i think it's gonna be a good lesson well i hope it is anyway how to avoid pauses while speaking don't worry too much about pauses while speaking a lot of people i i pause when i speak a lot you know you have to think about what you want to say and how you're going to say it so it's a natural thing to do to pause but again it's a lot of it comes down to the practice and just doing the methods we've talked about today okay this is interesting i'm trying to understand this how to say phone charger is still plugged into the mobile while energy went off i don't quite understand but plugged in to be plugged in how many hours should i spend for intermediate a day again it just depends on you and your schedule the more you can do the better but make it sustainable make it sustainable so then you just feel still good and energized about learning english when i started learning english i barely spoke my own language that's how i learned in six months yeah so this is known as complete immersion when you completely immerse yourself in english now you can do this from anywhere in the world a lot of it just depends though i mean if you have a job and commitments or you're at university then it's more difficult to do but again it's just about how much of this you can do so you can immerse yourself in english by everything that you read and listen to is in english so you don't listen or read to anything in your native language let's just say you want to buy a new camera then you look at youtube videos that talk about this new camera in english you read forums about this new camera in english you read reviews about this new camera in english it's just one way you can do it um and it just make and because it's it's something that you need to know then you have this motivation to do it do you think reading aloud is an effective way to improve speaking yes uh yeah again is this is like shadowing in a way so you might want to record yourself speaking or to do it with audio phrases but yeah it can help as well okay so i'm going to leave it here and again go check out the description to look at the links that i've left here so you can learn more from this lesson and just to expand on it and i also recommend going back and watching this presentation again so that you can understand everything about what you need to do in order to learn quickly and one last thing try these methods see if they work for you focus on your weaknesses and what you need to improve but definitely check it out give it a try and then get my book the five step plan for english fluency i'll leave a link here there's also a link in the description too and that will just help you really get focused on what you need to do to improve okay so if you've enjoyed this then share it share it with your friends and also check out my podcast the to fluency podcast it's on different apps because someone's just said here olga i like shadowing your podcast it's very enjoyable and helps a lot so yeah if you want a shadow go check that out um erasmus has a question on all memberships and your website valid for lifetime yeah as long as the you can download the courses so yeah you have
Channel: To Fluency
Views: 75,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, to fluency, english, learning english, speak english, free english lesson, english lesson, speak english fluently
Id: rMvKNhfcajs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 30sec (3030 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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