English 9 Quarter 4 Week 1: Judging the Relevance and Worth of Ideas (Part 1)

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[Music] hello everyone it's me again teacher ruby and today we are going to have the first lesson of the fourth quarter in english nine so we are going to focus on this competency judging the relevance and work of ideas soundness of offers reasoning and effectiveness of the presentation in this time of pandemic at the digital age online media play a crucial role as we obtain much of the information we need to many platforms such as youtube instagram facebook or twitter each provides rapid dissemination of information which also allows us to access news to keep us updated but we have to remember that not everything we see or hear in social media is true therefore we should learn how to assess and filter data before we react or believe in a certain issue so let's begin with this activity so take a look at the comic strip below let's read the conversation between the two characters namely clara and mario clara says have you read the facebook post circulating online since april 2 it was confirmed that the coffee the uk variant has already reached our neighboring town luke van kezen according to my friend who resides in the sad town the alleged person who tested positive is a medical professional who attended to a deceased patient i am worried about my relatives who live there i hope they are fine mario says i think you are worrying for nothing because earlier today april 4 2021 i have read some news from inquirer.net published by news correspondent delfin t maliari jr based on the article the municipal health office of lukman had clarified the sad issue according to them the mayor only wanted to quote one of the medical professionals who attended to the disease patient that there is a big possibility that it was caused by a uk variant but there is no conflamatory test performed yet they have also added that they are already trying to process a genome sequencing of a direct contact of the late patient and the local chief executive only wanted their residents to be vigilant and safe now upon hearing the conversation between clara and mario which statements are more convincing is it claris or marius and in choosing between claris and mario statements what are the things you considered in making your choice if you're going to pay attention to the dialogue clara mentioned about a source and what are her sources her sources are a facebook post circulating online and her friend who resides in lukman kesen how about marius what is his source of information his main source of information is a news article published in inquirer.net so although both have their sources which of them has of more credibility what do you think is the impact of unconfirmed information spreading online what do you think this suggests to readers or listeners as we try to gather information from various sources or platforms to keep us updated our capability to judge the truthfulness and relevance of ideas is imperative so we must remember that before we believe the articles or materials that we have obtained we should check first if it's factual or misleading thus and we must know the different tips on how to distinguish factual or truthful information from a faulty one first let us define what relevance and truth means when you say relevance this is how appropriate something is to what is being said at a given time it is how appropriate an information is how related it is to the issue being discussed or it implies any data that applies to the situation or problem that can help towards finding a solution when we say truth it is something that has been proven by facts or sincerity so as we know fake news is nothing new but what is new is how easy it's become to share information both true and false on a massive scale social media platforms allow almost anyone to publish their thoughts or share stories to the world the trouble is most people don't check the source of the material that they view online before they share it which can lead to fake news spreading quickly or even going viral at the same time it's become harder to identify the original source of news stories which can make it difficult to assess their accuracy not just because something is on the internet and it looks professional means that everyone should believe what it says people should go out and do research and see how two things are if a major story were to be real it would be on multiple sources and not just limited on social media people need to know how to spot factual or truthful information so how can we do that first you have to consider the source investigate the site that you are viewing or reading if you come across a story from a source that you have never heard before do some digging check the web address for the page you're reading spelling errors in the names or sounding extensions like dot internet and dot offer rather than that calm or dot gov or that org may mean that the source is suspect so whether or not the offer or publisher is familiar stop to consider their reputation and professional experience are they known to their expertise on the matter or they tend to exaggerate them so you have to be aware that people who spread fake news and alternative facts sometimes create web pages newspaper mockups or doctored images that look official but errant so if you see a suspicious post that looks like it's from world health organization for example check the who's own site to verify that it's really there okay second read beyond headlines can be outrageous in an effort to get clicks and quickly so you should focus on the whole story you have to read and look for details such as statistics date name etc so if a provocative headline drew your attention read a little further before you decide to pass along the shocking information even in legitimate news stories the headline doesn't always tell the whole story so a credible news story will include plenty of facts it includes quotes from experts survey data official statistics for example or detailed consistent and corroborated by eyewitness accounts from people on the scene so if these things are missing question it okay does the evidence prove that something definitely happened or have the facts been selected or twisted to back up a particular viewpoint third check the offer do a quick search on the offer to find out if they are real and credible you can check a writer's social media accounts and look for a blue check mark near their name on facebook or twitter this means their occupation has been verified and they are who they say they are an article without a buy line is a red flag so always do check the offer what else verify supporting sources determine if the given information actually supports the story many times these bogus stories will cite official or official sounding sources but once you look into it the source doesn't back up the claim so if you're not sure about the headline or effect sometimes the simple solution is the best often you can do a search on it to see what others are saying about it a factual news story will always be corroborated by multiple sources however if there's some question about the story's validity a web search should also be apparent check to see if reputable news sources are carrying the same story next check the date reposting all new stories does not mean they are relevant to current events it should be updated so some false stories aren't completely fake but rather distortions of real events these mendacious claims can take a legitimate news story and twist what it says or even claim that something that happened long ago is related to current events so always check the data and lastly check your biases consider if your own beliefs could affect your judgment we know this is difficult i hope you still remember our lesson on biases confirmation bias leads people to put more stuff information that confirms their belief and discount information that doesn't but the next time you're automatically appalled at some facebook posts concerning let's say a politician you post take a moment to check it out try this simple test what other stories have been posted to the news website that is the source of the story that just popped in your facebook feed use your common sense bear in mind that fake news is designed to feed your biases hopes or fears that is why it's very important that we develop a critical mindset one of the main reasons fake news is such a big issue nowadays is that it's not because they are often believable so it's easy to get caught out much fake news is also written to create shock value that is you know a strong instinctive reaction such as fear or anger this means it's essential that you keep your emotional response to such stories in czech instead approach what you see and hear rationally and critically ask yourself what has the story been written is it to persuade me of a certain viewpoint is it selling me a particular product or is it trying to get me to click to another website am i being triggered i hate it so again here are the tips on how to spot factual or truthful information consider the source read beyond check the offer verify supporting sources check the date and check your biases all right so let's now go over to the different learning tasks that you will accomplish for this week for learning task 1 now that you know the different tips on how to spot factual and suitable information let us verify your answers on the first activity so remember the conversation between claria and mario so let's do the fact check by accomplishing the table below put the check on the corresponding box for each item if it was clearly provided by the speaker the person who will get the most checks is therefore the one who stated to for ideas so let's start with clara did clara mention the source yes she did so you have to put a check mark declare include supporting details i'm afraid she didn't how about the offer did she mention the offer of the facebook post no she did not right how about supporting sources aside from a facebook post does she have other sources of information [Music] yes she also mentioned a friend who lived in dokland how about the date did she mention the date yeah she did she mentioned that the post circulated on april 2 right now let's talk about mario's statement did marty mention the source he definitely did did mario mention about supporting details yes offer definitely supporting sources yes and date yes so between clara and mario mario's statement is more truthful right now in learning task 2 you have to listen carefully to the news clip and be ready to answer the given questions now i am just going to include the link to the new script but let us all read together the transcript or the news article all right laguna resolve revert to gcq until april 4. so this was released on march 22 2021 by zian atangel from cnn philippines the provinces of bulacan reserve lagoon and cavite have been placed under general community quarantine status along with metro manila until april 4. in line with this the inter-agency task force handling the government pandemic response also approved new restrictions to slow down the rise in covenanting cases under resolution 104 approved by iatf only essential travel into and out of metro manila and the four provinces are allowed those authorized to go out of their homes include workers in the government and private sector health and emergency front liners persons traveling for medical or humanitarian reasons persons going to the airport for overseas travel and filipinos returning from abroad mass gatherings include large religious activities and are prohibited weddings baptisms and funeral services are allowed but attendance is limited to 10 persons restaurants are limited to offering delivery and take-off services outdoor dining is allowed but only at 50 capacity the private sector is encouraged to adopt alternative work arrangements for employees and reduce their operational or on-site capacity to between 30 to 50 just like in the government executive branch the iatf also discourages visits from persons outside one's immediate family or household a curfew from 10 p.m to 5 a.m is in force for two weeks malacanang appeals for public understanding since the restrictions will affect some people's holiness plans the iatf considers tourism a non-essential activity maintained behind that this is for the common good you are looking forward to uh this holy week right now italian despite the restrictions presidential spokesperson harry rocket clarifies there is no lockdown in measure manila or the four nearby provinces under gcq that is because most businesses and public transportation are allowed to operate hindi putin economic lockdown industry in encouraging local government units of the areas under jcq are ordered to ensure compliance with health protocols as well as quarantine and isolation measures zender kangal cnn philippines now that we have read the article let's read the guide questions the first question is what is the news all about is it a is it about economic lockdown among provinces under the general community quarantine is it b hollywood break and essential activities allowed to be conducted during the holiday period or is it c copy 19 interagency task forces new approved resolution to slow down the rise in covenanting cases or the resolution number 104 or letter d copy 19 interagency task force considering terrorism as an essential activity in places under gcq so which do you think is the main idea of the article a b c or d the correct answer is letter c correct copy 19 interagency task forces new approved resolution to slow down the rise in covenant in cases or the resolution number one zero four if you're going to notice a b and d are actually all wrong first it was said that there is no economic lack down second holy week break and essential activities are not allowed during that period and tourism was not considered as an essential activity in this learning test you are going to make an infographic so as a teenager you are considered as one of the most vulnerable individuals from kobe 19. thus it is important that you remind yourself of the preventive measures against the virus so in this task you will make a creative infographic out of the informative text from the word health organization and copy making facts so what do we mean by infographics or from the term itself it's a combination of information and graphics so it is a visual representation of information or data specifically a collection of imagery charts and minimal text that gives an easy to understand overview of the tongue maker so this is the information that you have to work on so you already have the half of it the information so what you just need to do is to translate this information to an infographic so you have to add some images probably some charts or tables okay or any other graphics that could accentuate or support this information right now this is how you're going to be scored content the four points the sign of graphics four points format another four points quality and sourcing for another set of four points so remember this checking the legitimacy of the information will keep us from being a victim of fake news or false information while as a receiver of information we need to sharpen our skill in judging the relevance and worth of one's ideas since we may have to use it as basis of our personal decisions in some situations so the points to consider in evaluating the truthfulness of information are the following source offer details supporting sources date and biases now for the assessment let's analyze the following situations and decide whether it can help you obtain factual information or not put a check if yes and across if no number one you are reading an article about the number of new positive cases of copy 19 in your place then you found out that the article is already out of date is this statement something useful for identifying facial information or not check or cross [Music] cross right why because the article is already out of date in today's world anyone can get into social media and see thousands of sources displaying news to the world as part of our future generation it is very important that you know how to verify information you know what information is out there and you know how to determine whether they are true or not okay so that's our lesson one for quarter four thank you so much for watching this video and i hope to see you on our next class bye you
Channel: Rubyrose Baldovino
Views: 89,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deped, english 9, quarter 4, week 1, judging, relevance, how to spot factual information, source, authort, details, supporting sources, date, biases, learning tasks, Tips on How to Spot Factual or Truthful Information
Id: 77Jn2xsNFLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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