Judge the Relevance and Worth of Ideas || GRADE 9|| MELC-based VIDEO LESSON | QUARTER 4 | MODULE 1

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time check it's english o'clock [Music] english teacher nihuan [Music] i made learning english easy for you please like comment and subscribe hello grade nine learners simulana fourth and final quarter ready kanabapada is the first lesson mo tara [Music] our target most essential learning competency for today's lesson is judge the relevance and worth of ideas soundness of author's reasoning and the effectiveness of the presentation this lesson will help you understand better the ways on how to judge the relevance and worth of ideas soundness of author's reasoning and effectiveness of the text [Music] but before we proceed let us first delve deeper on the very core of this lesson which is reading as a review what is reading reading may be defined as a goal directed activity such that a reader seeks to reach a particular outcome as a result of reading a multifaceted process involving word recognition comprehension fluency and motivation reading is also the recognition of words from simple recognition of the individual letters and how these letters form a particular word to what each word means not just on an individual level but also as part of a text [Music] now have you ever asked yourself listed here are the importance of reading reading makes a big difference to children's educational performance reading expands the mind it allows creative thinking reading helps improve concentration reading develops vocabulary [Music] people read for different reasons a person may want to read for pleasure and enjoyment practical application obtain an overview locate specific information identify the central idea or theme develop a detailed and critical understanding going back to the target objective of this lesson let us first determine what text relevance means text relevance refers to the match between a reader's goal and information related to that goal [Music] people read for different reasons now for us to say that a text is relevant to the reader the text should match the reader's goal for example if a reader would want to get pleasure and enjoyment reading text if a reader would want to discover more about the solar system [Music] history books if we are to consider text relevance to the reader's goal dapatay science books [Music] how can we judge the worth of ideas or in other words the importance of ideas in a text determining importance is a strategy that readers use to distinguish between what information in a text is most important versus what information is interesting but not necessary for understanding this practical reading strategy will help you distinguish between the most and least important information presented in textbooks and non-fiction reading headings subheadings chapter titles highlighted vocabulary all of these features guide readers to find and remember the most important information graphic organizers help students keep only the most important information determining importance is more than just remembering the important details to summarize the text to understand the concept of determining important details we need to determine other important pieces of information such as determine when and why a character begins to change determine the importance of something a character says or does determine the importance of a story setting determine the significance of an event in a story and how it will impact the rest of the story determine the most important theme in a story determine the most important lesson learned in a story determine the important vocabularies introduced in a text [Music] if we are to apply what we have learned from this lesson these are some sample activities that you will encounter on your module [Music] now how can we know if an author's reasoning is sound sound reasoning is reasoning that follows logic and can be easily understood by readers or an audience our reasoning is sound if and only if it is valid and if all of its premises are actually true closely speaking if the author's process of reasoning is a good one if the premises actually do provide this sort of justification for the reasoning then that particular reasoning is sound here are some example scenarios that illustrate sound reasoning example you notice that your colds are not getting any better after taking the prescribed medicine for a week you will either stop taking the medicine or go back to the doctor to consult again example number two you notice that your favorite cup is at the edge of the table you will take it away and place it in a safer place and lastly how can we determine if the presentation of ideas is effective a good presentation of ideas should be concise and should focus on the topic it should not move off track a good presentation of ideas should have the potential to convey the required information [Music] so did you learn something today if you want more of this video tutorial and learn english in a light speed walk kalimu tang muk subscribe and turn on a notification button for a updated casino lessons an english teacher in iwan class dismissed see ya [Music] you
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Id: nN2gTRIAm5E
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Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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