Relevance and Truthfulness of Ideas || GRADE 9 || MELC-based VIDEO LESSON | QUARTER 3 | MODULE 2

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time check it's english o'clock [Music] english teacher nihuan [Music] i made learning english easy for you please like comment and subscribe [Music] i'm back grade 9 learners ready can about for another english 9 learning episode ta-da let's start [Music] our target most essential learning competency for today's lesson is determine the relevance and the truthfulness of the ideas presented in the material view [Music] that is to analyze whether a certain information presented in a text is irrelevant and truthful this lesson is of great importance especially now that fake news is so rampant on social media posts and articles be careful the judgment of ideas points of view and arguments presented in text or other platforms are important for students growth as independent thinkers learning how to analyze and critically evaluate information's truthfulness helps you develop a sound framework to test your arguments and enrich your points of view moreover it is only through sound judgment and worth of ideas that students can distinguish among challenging claims for truth and determine which arguments and points of views they can trust and those of which they should be skeptical especially when they view and or listen to the information on the internet or other technological advancement how can we judge a reading text judgment in reading is the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions while considering the text details this generally helps readers in the analysis of the information presented you have to remember that reading is a goal-directed activity maybe you would want to discover more about the planets and the solar system and so you will read science books or articles or if you want to know more about our filipino heroes then you will read books on history [Music] a text is said to be relevant if it matches with the reader's goal therefore we can conclude that information that closely matches a reader's goal is more relevant whereas information that does not match the goal is less relevant regardless of its importance [Music] here is a simple illustration let's say the text you are reading is about kodi 19 which among the words associated with it are not relevant [Music] if you answer rainbow and flower then you are correct these words are not relevant or irrelevant to the topic or subject when we say that an information is irrelevant it means that it is an information not related to what is being discussed or subject and therefore not important now you also have to know that not all relevant information are truthful how can you know if the information is truthful in this age of fake news challenging at this point critical thinking is an essential skill that allows you to handpick truthful information and therefore fact checking must be done dapat alam nino kompa anamak fact check this simply means that the ideas or information are considered truthful once it is verifiable here is a sequence of steps to follow in fact checking read the material read the material a second time marking passages for checking write down the claims to check and list keywords and potential resources to research do the research record results including the source [Music] so did you learn something today should i call it a nosebleed if you want more of this video tutorial and learn english in a light speed walk kalimutang mug subscribe and turn on a notification button updated lessons an english teacher in iwan class dismissed see ya [Music]
Views: 117,273
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Id: s-dQC1U8gbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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