English 9 Quarter 4 Week 5 Reacting to lay value judgment on critical issues (Part 1)

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[Music] hi there great day students it's me again marubi and today we're going to have another exciting lesson on english 9. so this is our first lesson on the competency reacting to lay value judgment and critical issues that demand sound analysis and call for prompt actions in this era of modern technology and easy accessibility to social media platforms everyone is exposed to the different issues that the world is facing every day so being aware of these problems at a young age will enable you our dear learners to view life seriously so that you will take the initiative to be part of the solutions to this problem soon and eventually be the epitome of change and hope of this country so first let's take a look at the following terms so we are going to focus on the word issue so what do we mean by issue issue is a subject that people discuss or argue about and today we're going to focus on three types of issues the first type of issue is the what we call social issue it is a group of common problems in present-day society that many people strive to solve examples are overpopulation gender inequality poverty and homelessness so social issues may differ from one society to another depending on several reasons a social issue may be caused due to geographical educational or political reasons but if we're going to look at these examples um some social issues can be applicable universally so social stratification poverty inequality racism gender issues are some of the most commonly identified social issues the nature of these issues may vary from one society to another but the cause or the base of the problem may be the same in many cases so it is difficult for individuals to find solutions for social problems alone that's why in the definition it says here that it is a problem that many people strive to solve so it should be done in a collective manner with the aid of the government as well however an individual problem also has the possibility of turning into a social issue if it aggregates the effect over a number of people now the second type of issue is what we call the moral issue moral issue concerns the internal your own values beliefs feelings and learnings that are often subjective and concern yourself to discover your own morality it has the potential to help or harm others examples are corruption manipulation prostitution extramarital and premarital relationship and physical and mental abuses so under morality is the idea of ethics ethics defines the way how to live in a morally accepted manner so each society has its own ethical conduct and moral issues arise in instances where people go against this accepted conduct or behavioral pattern so since ethics show the right or wrong manner of living individuals in the society are expected to follow those principles if we take an example protecting the environment is ethical in almost all the societies right however if one person or a group of people goes against this there can be harmful consequences so ethical issues may or may not affect the society as a whole it depends on the issue and the response of the members of the society as well now the issues that we're going to discuss are very much interrelated but think about it what could be the difference between moral and social issue so when we look at the differences we see that social issues always affect the society as a whole but moral issues may not be like that always second social issues cannot be solved by individuals alone but moral issues can be prevented easily and lastly individuals have no control over the social issues unless they really work together but they may have control over moral issues right next economic issue economic issue is that being faced by the world economy as well as regions and countries so the economic issues assert that there is scarcity or that we have finite resources available and this is insufficient to satisfy all human wants and needs so everything that is related to our economy is under economic issue examples are prospects for growth inflation energy and the environment inequality labor issues emerging markets and the impact of new technologies so those are the three types of issues social issue moral issue and economic issue so at this point let's try to look at the different learning tasks that you're going to accomplish for the week so in learning task 1 you are going to read the following use headlines or journalistic article titles and identify the issues being depicted if you have your modules with you on the box so you have the right s if it's a social issue m for moral issue and e for economic issue so let's try doing number one resume in person passes in areas with low copied cases government urged this is from philippine daily enquirer so what do you think is the issue being reflected in this headline is it a social issue a moral issue or an economic issue that's correct it's a social issue right so the talk about covenanting pandemic and its impact on education is considered as a social issue so you just have to go back to the definitions and the examples that we have earlier so good luck on learning task one so learning tests you're going to read and analyze the news article philippine detects 242 new cases of coronavirus variants of concern this is from phil star and then after reading the text or the news article you have to determine its implications in the society so after the text you can see a table and you have to list down the social issue moral issue and economic issue that have rooted from the general issue discussed in the article so the general issue being discussed in the article is very obvious in the headline right we are talking about the new cases of coronavirus variants i'm sure you have your module with you so you could read the text let's proceed with the table so you will see a table with three columns again first column social issue second column moral issue and third column economic issue so what are the social issues that can be rooted from the covet 19 pandemic so first the article talks about the increasing cases of coffee 19 it talks about the new variants of coffee 19 and because of this it shows how there is a decrease in effectiveness of public health measures so now think bigger think about the social implications of covenant epidemic did it lead to poverty and homelessness did it further lead to overpopulation right now let's talk about moral issues so what are the possible moral issues from kobe 19 first medical care decision making second it could be about the fairness of policies implemented to contain the pandemic but then again i think bigger did it also resulted to more corruption cases of physical and mental abuses or violence okay and lastly is economic issue so we could have recession or economic shutdown it says in the article that only essential industries are permitted to operate so did it further lead to businesses getting close or unemployment so think about the social moral and economic issues rooted from the pandemic right now with learning task free you have to look for a news article cut or print out that article that reflects an issue in the society then paste it in a pad paper next indicate whether a social issue a moral issue economic issue is being presented so elaborate the problem presented in the article and suggest a possible solution to address it so for example i took out an article from philippine star the headline is mindanao covered 19 cases outpacing ncr declared by dohe so this is a type of social issue and the problem is that there is an increase of infection cases in mind now so what are the possible solutions to address that problem first observe and adhere to minimum public standards and second include more areas outside ncr and rollout okay now for your performance as learning task 4 you are going to write a letter so it says here that our country has many problems that must be given solution at an early age you must feel a sense of commitment to your community it is important to take part in improving the quality of life on this task write a letter to the government regarding a problem that you want to be addressed and detail your requested solution so based on the instructions you have two important components the identified problem and your suggested solution so there are many issues that you could choose from but i suggest that you focus on one so that you could give a more detailed solution to that problem so aside from the combination pandemic you could go for an environmental issue you could go for a political issue you could go for something that is related to your education right probably your supporter of the resumption of face-to-face classes you could talk about discrimination or bullying so there are many possibilities out there now if i were you i'm going to choose something that i'm passionate about so that it will be easier for me to express my thoughts and my suggestions to the government right so i'm sure you know how to write a letter what you're seeing now is an example of a letter adjusted to the government so again what's important is that you identified a certain problem and you give solutions or proposals in order to address or solve the problem okay don't forget to follow the structure of the letter now this is how you're going to be graded tone is 10 points organization is 10 points and another 10 points for grammar and spelling so again just remember the different types of issues we have social moral economic issue also take note that keeping oneself abreast of the different issues being faced in the society helps you as a citizen responsible on playing a part in nation building become critical and ponder on what contributions you can make in addressing relevant concerns at that present so it's always important that we develop our critical thinking skills in that way we could give better contributions to our society now to wrap this up let's just try accomplishing the assessment let's just give in to one example so there are five statements here and you have to determine whether these statements reflect social moral or economic issue so let's do number one the government must make effort to listen to people experiencing poverty poverty is the key word so is it a social a moral or economic issue that's correct it's a social issue so i'm sure now that you know how to differentiate social issues from moral and economic issues i'm sure you could get the rest of the answers correct of course do not forget to accomplish the last part of your module and that's a wrap so this is our english nine quarter four lip five lesson thank you so much for watching this video i hope i was able to help you out with the lesson and hope to see you next time bye
Channel: Rubyrose Baldovino
Views: 57,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DepEd, LEAP 5, relay value judgment, critical issues, issue, social issue, moral issue, economic issue, learning tasks
Id: ouu_iKawAnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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