Engine Failure Torture Test - Emergency training with realistic flight simulator visuals

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well that was that was easy alrighty let's try to get off the ground next [Music] hello hello everybody it is a beautiful sunny day in southern Florida but not so much in New England so as this tradition with the weather's crappy outside we're gonna do a flight sim video today the goal is simple we're gonna throw lots of simulated failures at me and just see how I handle it our goal is gonna be the head north and visually locate North Palm Beach County Airpark which is probably gonna be my home Airport in about six months I'm really excited and that's it let's see how it goes I got my track ir hat here we should go always ask about that so I get my head motions in the game I'll show you what that looks like and let's get going alrighty here we are set up to take off runway 0 9 at Lantana we're gonna head out that way we're gonna go to the left and go fly underneath the Palm Beach airspace of a beach so we're all set up let's go we got mixtures full rich go pump saw my lights on strobe lights wrong so that's squawking one two zero zero and we can announce we're going to take off and head on our way home flaps we're gonna do one notch or takeoff and doors lashed and security all right take the parking brake off toe brakes Lantau no traffic where you're eatin zero to seven foxtrots taking off on ways to zero nine will be headed one to beach to the door in Lantana release the brakes didn't see anybody a final so I'm using this is prepared prepared Lockheed Martin's prepared and we are using the random failure feature today to have a little bit more fun than we can have in real life well that was easy fire holy ground all right I have we're gonna cut that mixture masters off and let's just get out of here well that was that was easy alrighty let's try to get off the ground next time alright taking it from here again you got everything you'll set up again and rate the take-off breaks off you definitely lanatech traffic more 8:02 set foxtrots taking off always zero nine removing headed straight out and then transitioning to be Palm Beach airspace to the north or the beach thought it was a little bit loud in here that's better all right here's the four full power temperatures pressures roll degree their speeds alive in 16 oh that's right eight okay we got an engine fire so bring the throttle back and mixture to idle I have the checklist over here on my right hand side so we got going for that Beach right there engine fire in flight you got the mixtures back fuel pump is off we're gonna turn off all the electrical equipment as well and then we're gonna pitch down yup the airspeed see if we can increase our visibility and blow out that fire it's fuel selector we're gonna go to off which would be down here for me and so the defense we're gonna go there close that vent over our head - we're aiming down for that beach we're only doing about 80 knots we can go only faster so if we get better visibility I guess we'll start slowing it down hopefully foil on the beach like this gives people a chance to see us coming and get out of the way we're going to land right around that bend up a beach right up there got some flat slows down it's a mobile landing just do it another beach we touched it twice brakes can't see a damn thing how we run the water all right well it proves something we got down the beach we stayed out of the way if how was this in building stuff we went in the water a little bit but it seemed like we might have I think we survived that it was a good one right next all right so we're back on mission here we're climbing about 2,500 as we've passed the class Charlie airspace around West Palm Beach that's peanut island down there near Riviera Beach so I know that it's time to turn inland to start looking visually for North Palm Beach County Airpark and we'll we have programmed in this time this time I'm told this physically what I wanted to do is a progressive failure which I just heard in the first part of because we just lost a bit of engine powers and then we got we're running rough down at like 2200 rpm so over here then our checklist it says engine roughness we have turning the car Pete that's a good that's good that's good advice turn the car key and I don't feel any improvement try adjusting the mixture they'll improve knit I'm gonna start looking around for places to land that's some good we just lost more power - there's 2,000 rpm that's pretty good-looking Beach up ahead again there's also highway there I think that's like the 708 or something and I think this is Jupiter Inlet here yep and there goes more power it's a lot of hotel buildings close to the beach there but I think we're going for that beach again or that highway hard decision we're still developing a little bit of power so I got that throttle in there it's gonna help us for a while engine roughness fuel selector and engine gauges fuel pumps so and then we can check the mags - so Magneto's we're on both right now one two they'll improve it one two back - both and fuel selectors on a good tank and the fuel pumps on so we're we're gonna commit to this now so now we have time we can have a v-8 navigate communicate so I've flown the airplane picked somewhere land and we can tune to one to one decimal five or if we're still on Palm Beach tower we can tell them Mayday Mayday Mayday warrior eight zero two seven Foxtrot total loss of engine power we're headed for the beach north of Riviera Beach by the Jupiter Inlet we're currently at 2,000 feet [Music] or that long stretch of road there again tempting but I think I'd rather take my chances with a beach than with cars so we pretty much have a total engine failure at this point so we're just going to take that throttle back to mixture out turn off the mags and all the electrical equipment and put the fuel selector top off and then since I have time we're gonna crack that door open cuz it's gonna help us get out in case we bend the frame that's something I always tell my passengers on that preflight briefing is that if you're sitting there you're gonna have to help me open that door if you have to land somewhere that's not the NED point again it's a normal landing so we got flaps to use we've shooting right up there let's start slowing down we want to come around through that tan nose all righty let's get out of here it's kind of pretty if you don't think about it too much already that was a good one that was totally survivable that's actually happened quite a number of times in Florida since everybody's flying one of the coasts I think every riddle too is had a few crashes in that way usually the planes actually reusable that beaches are pretty compact all righty thanks mom let's go all righty so we're back in business and we found North Palm Beach County Airpark which is right ahead so we're going to enter our the 45 to left downwind runway 2:08 and we have a random failure this time so let's see what its gonna be North County Airpark where you're eight zero two seven Foxtrot century to the 45 left downwind runway zero eight right North County this is my favorite feature of track IR is actually being able to look out and see where you are so I see some weird oh yeah I think it's an oil leak because it seems like it's going all over the windshield North County traffic warrior 8:02 sent foxtrots on final runways zero eight right and we have an oil leak sort of exit the runway immediately bring that power back do we have a emergency checklist for oil leak water engine fire inside the white arks we can add two notches a flap stop slows down electrical fire I don't know oh and there goes the engine well hopefully we're gonna make it I wasn't expecting that so we can bring that mixture back just to cut off in fuel flow and turn off our electrical equipment looks like we do have plenty of altitude which is why it's good to always stay high because altitude is your friend 80 knots over the threshold add one more notch of flaps to help slow us down we got that when we made keep bring it down 70 knots flare for a little early [Applause] there we go you always just need to remind yourself it's a normal landing doesn't matter that you don't have an engine there what's going wrong it's always a normal landing so we don't have any power so we're just going to get out of here right now I guess we can just throw open the door and get outside well that was that was good we had lots of altitude we had lots of altitude which was great because it meant that we could just totally make a normal landing even though our oil system totally leaked out on us the engine actually seized up which I didn't even know prepared could do that so that's kind of cool well lesson learned there what we're gonna do now is we're gonna do a couple of touch and gos and we're going to have it fail at totally random intervals along the way and I'm just gonna see how I handle those failures party engines running in brakes her off we're ready to go North County traffic warrior in search SF foxtrot Seguin off are we eat right we'll be doing left close traffic North County we got one notch a flaps doors closed temperatures pressures for all the green during the run up heels to the floor full power temperature pressure cells all studied agreed big star smell rich and again this is totally random failure intervals while flying a pattern because that's you know well you're close to the ground is the most dangerous part right sixty knots rotate [Music] they were bitching for dy about 76 not to the warrior we climb up to about 600 feet and that's the total power loss pitch you lose a lot of your speed fast and we're at 200 feet so we're just gonna pick an open field and go for it there's 60 knots add some flaps to get a little bit of lift safe across the railroad tracks now in reality is that area full of light swamps or Gators or something before you get to the highway here maybe I don't know it might not be soft it might not have got a pretty landing but we were only at 200 feet so we didn't try to make that impossible turn back to the airport which at 200 feet just literally would not have been possible in this airplane so we picked something straight ahead that looked clear made it on the ground good beeps do it again already back in business one more time we're on the runway and we're gonna say North County traffic while you're in services and foxtrots taking off from 1:08 Wright will be left close traffic in Orange County goes to the floor full power temperatures pressures live greed SP it's alive have those flaps that we take out sixty knots rotate in climate for dy actually in theory since we're trying to be safe let's try to climbing the X this time the X is the best rate of our best angle of climb so it's going to keep us cooking there's power loss against down to sixty knots we got 300 feet this time just for fun and it's a simulator let's try making that impossible turn I've seen the math there's that stall buffets we need to bring out that Bank angle not a chance and that's how you end up in that stall spin there's the stall and that's why you don't try to make the impossible turn unless you have the altitude do it that's how it happens and that's it's kind of close to home because there was an accident at Worcester a couple of years ago where somebody tried to do exactly that they had a failure a couple hundred feet after takeoff and they tried to make that turn in a moody which is not as quite of a docile stalling machine as a warrior and they didn't have the altitude to do it and it didn't end up so well so there's some reinforcement right there if you ever needed it if you aren't below figure out what your mid of them is for that impossible turn go out with an instructor practice trying to go around a couple of times as low as you can and once you figured out what your minimum is mine is probably 400 to 500 feet don't try to do it just you you can't you your plane does not have the energy to do it so just aim somewhere in front of you and I guarantee it's gonna turn out better than stall spinning trying to make it back to the airfield so that's what I got for you guys today I hope you enjoyed this little bit of a different video if you'd like to see you later stuff let me know I can show you some of the more some of the gizmos and technology I have or we can try to do some more interesting failure scenarios or anything else you guys are interested in let me know we can give it a shot until then I hope you enjoy it and learn something today and we'll see you soon on the friendly skies Channel squawk VFR and have fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Friendly Skies Film
Views: 45,886
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Keywords: flying lesson, flight training, piper warrior, cessna, vfr, aviation, flying, private pilot, Pilot, gopro, Flight, Cockpit Audio, hd, ATC Audio, atc, friendly skies film, nick cyganski, cyganski, N8027F, shareaviation, mraviation101, flightchops, mzeroa, steveo1kinevo, film, graphics, 3d, cgi, film effects, KORH, worcester, recording, high defintion, professional, emergency, flight simulator, prepar3d, failure, crash, engine
Id: 5OTGs1aWZ30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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