BFR to IFR - The Leading Cause of Pilot Inspiration (Full Flight Review)

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what I wanted to prepare for you guys today was what you might expect on your first flight review but what happened was a little bit more fitting for somebody who's a frequent flyer since an instructor can make a flight review about anything that they want I thought this episode was so jam-packed with fantastic information I kind of just let it roll so let me know what you guys think about this kind of episode in the comments section and simply enjoy watching me struggle a little bit and the wisdom of instructor Tyler [Music] [Applause] like a Pilchuck get a flight instrument set so you want to ask a question about that yeah so that's that 500 feet right let's field elevation here Joey you look it up for just answer from every look it up if you don't know what 122 feet alright so what cause say you know we you shut the plane down we walked in came back and boom it's at reading 500 we didn't adjust this at all what made it read 500 I don't we have to if it thinks that you went up in altitude that means the pressure drops yeah exactly so we got a low-pressure think of it just like a balloon same thing if we take a balloon and we climb to a higher altitude that balloons going to expand and that's gonna make that needle move up same thing here that analog way for that balloon expanded and the reason it was allowed to expand because of a pressure outside drops so low pressure system loop and lower pressure I should say okay directional gyro is set so I don't have any of those theatres in this plane so we're good to flip it over do before takeoff fuel selector already on the proper tank flaps that do what match for takeoff this airplane at least that's what I usually do Tripp here it's indication is good and it's set to neutral all right doors when I get yours last I'll shut the way I'll get mine right before takeoff that's not a test it's hot yeah my landing lights already on strobes will be on and transponders one two zero zero we're good to go fuel pumps are you going - good oh man spell traffic Cherokee eight eight three one though members take not normally one for departing straight out to the east bands built by that runway heading I flew through a flock of small they don't drive x.509 at six that came with my buddy got me left Broadway one more man he'll I'll tell you that YouTube channel makes you incredibly like obsessive-compulsive because I was just tired this is my finger up here just for some reason that's how I can think about it better heal him like somebody's gonna yell at me for that they're gonna be like are you gonna crap grasp the dog verbally I mean that's the way I do it too with your finger yeah yeah it's smooth it's easy you can feel what's going on you shouldn't need the death grip it crank on it alright so taking off out of here besides the GPS be a stuff how could you tell that you were clear I like Boston's airspace cha Providence's airspace what I'm gonna pull it up on a chart and I kind of figure out where I was if you know the GPS failed right now I would just stay well away from where I know they are you know I kind of know where Boston is I kind of have an idea of what that 25 nautical mile arc looks like and the same thing for Providence yeah one cool thing about Boston too is if you look at the chart 495 wraps perfectly around Boston keeps you just outside of it so 495 is a good marker for Boston and Providence you ever look at this you pull out you can even use the iPad look at the map around like Boston or Providence you'll see all those magenta flags everywhere yep Morelos for VFR reporting points yeah so can a controller tell you to go to those and report those I would believe something yeah what would you do though if he said like a report bridge and you didn't know what the bridge was I could ask him for that relative to some other intersection or vor or something you might give me you know a radial in distance I could find another half hey you know where you could literally just say on the familiar well I always figured there's so many of those VFR points though I'm always afraid they're not gonna know the one that I asked about or something yeah I know I was always wondering the same thing cuz it's just so penny you always like instrument flying is nice it's always a five-letter identifier they tell you the spelling or whatever you punch it in your GPS you're gonna get it yeah so there's 3,500 so we'll pitch power trip to level off all right the friction locks really sticky in this plant Oh adjust it it's yeah it's it's not about where's the fuel pump plan to like turn off or leveled off a little bit all backpack yeah alright so say you did that almost this happened what do you think of looking around alright besides that I hit my best glide speed now think about this though you just flicked that fuel pump off right yep Matt how about try to feel pop back on yeah so do it turn it on so what do you think the cause of that problem was I failed edge driven pump yeah that's happened to me before really like oh hey okay that works yep yeah see that's that system solid you know what's going on with the airplane itself is gonna make stuff like that a lot easier well good you went for the airspeed the best place to land i policy what my choice would have been if not like if that fun wasn't there yeah that's a really nice Street stretch of highway it is nice smooth alright let's uh I don't care what heading you started out or anything we'll put this back so we can watch their air spaces oops too far but go ahead set me up let's do some slow fly alright slow flight so forget the power back fuel pumps on we'll put the landing light on alright it a turn so that's our clearing turn sounds good spin see anyone mixture of full rich because it's following on the checklist and it's really matter at 3,500 and we're inside the white arc so I had a notch applause keep breaking it down 80 knots give the troop and full flaps at 65 we're holding altitude and 60 knots okay so what are we using to control our altitude and airspeed during slow flight the I'm kind of doing both for the throttle I don't know if that's the right answer oh yeah so airspeed I should be pitching for it exactly yeah I didn't help the two for this yep yeah perfect I guess that's why I did when I was setting it up but right now I'm kind of gonna do it the boat at the same time now what's one fun thing to do is literally getting slow flight like this yeah slow flight it right into a landing yeah literally you know learn the limits like even to seven Fox guarantee you you go up you start doing slow flight you figure out what speed it exactly stalls at power settings you can be like this you know two feet off the ground and then you cut that power back and immediately you're on the ground it's stopped these things real short all right good why don't you give me a turn to a heading a zero three zero heading zero three zero keep it shallow and coordinated alright so we do got Boston's airspace to the north of us now what if you wanted to go sim you're going to Beverly from here or anything how would you go about transitioning the Bravo I would look up what the appropriate frequency is for being kind of to the south of the airspace either by looking at Boston or by a local airport dial them up I would say Cherokee 83 will November I'm four miles to the east of Mansfield at 3500 would like to transition the airspace to direct to Beverly alright good now if they just said Chucky 83 1 November Roger could you do that no you need the direct permission for the Bravo if that was a delta or Charlie you could actually not they say Roger they have to repeat your tail number SN 83 will remember honor all right good now I want you to give me a turn to South I want you to send me down to like 3200 while you do it right turn the South down to 3,200 Oh slow Flay are you finding that you need equally the same more or less inputs on the controls to get the plane to maneuver for you definitely for cuz is less air going over the surfaces good that's just answered my next question could have just sent it a little bit faster but alright I want you to see how slow you get this thing I don't care about stall lights or anything you can let that thing below like a free well I feel good to be back the ACS now they want you to do it on your check right without any indication of a stall a slow flight which is weird the pts used to do with the rate above a stall yeah I'll try to hold the same altitude I'll do it too yeah that's perfect there's the light well I feel a little bit of shaking nice that's right on the edge and that's that buffets oh right there ground speed here's about 46 knots nice windy day get this bird barely 40 knots level on the vertical speed nice it really really wants to go over there's a lot of right rudder here alright go ahead just bring it bring it back up like 50 knots as you can get this angle to attack a little more calm then what we'll do is we'll transition from here right into a power off stall so the new way of doing it before you can kind of just go into them is we're actually going to establish like we're descending in the descent configuration so you can just bring this back to about 1500 rpms let the nose over and then we'll actually pick out a deck so you can pick like 2,800 feet roughly I'm gonna just do a workup go to a full stall and recover so I'll try to hold like a good approach speed of like six sixty knots yep with a slow descent or with no descent yeah with a nice like literally like you're coming in on final if in a sense so you're just gonna bring that so I'll bring our back let the nose forward yeah and then say like 2,800 feet is our deck once we hit that just player like a terrible pilot install yeah it's 55 knots going on go now just keep pitching up in the letter stall alright and pitch down full power right rudder lapis slowly coming out sixty knots and we've lost a hundred and something feet yeah that was good nice and smooth all right now wanting climbing back up to 3,000 feet consider the area clear still I've been watching while we were doing those turns and slow flight let's do a Power on stall at 3000 just kind of head me a little more away from the Charlie here so there's 3000 now it's kind of stuck there that's cuz you're going the wrong way but what we'll do is a now how are on styles are almost the same thing you're gonna slow down to a rotation speed then you're gonna go full throttle pitch up okay let this hurts the whole gonna gain a lot of help to do do it but sure and it's fine so there's full throttle and coming up there's about sixty dots you want me to just crank it back again yeah all right bring your anger let go to a full stall [Applause] but light the buffett right rudder and pitch down keep it keep it there we go okay now say you got into a spin yep how would you recover from a spin power to idle ailerons neutral elevator neutral and rudder in the opposite direction of the spin yeah very good and then at the end elevator breaking yep hey have you ever heard of the pair checklist for this PR II don't think so it's literally almost what you said our Idol ailerons neutral rudder opposite elevator to break sometimes you actually got a pitch forward for a second yeah depending on how quickly you recover from it everything alright let's see I want to see if you can get me tell me what radio we are off of the Martha's Vineyard vor okie dokie so I gotta get the frequency in here and I'm gonna probably want me going between the two air spaces or turn around I can fly right over Bedford will be high over it okay sure I'm gonna go right between yep so I'm gonna get the I'm just gonna get my power setting everything first if you're not into Russian no um I'm any question alright so vineyard Vineyard vor is one fourteen point five I'll put that in I'll use this one at the bottom work fourteen [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think that was correctly [Applause] yeah everyone so alrighty we take that out and then we take this and we should want a you wanted radio or a baron radial but radial or on okay so oh I think the this indication for from radial three four zero that seems right yeah yep good grammar radials are always from the station yep so now say you're a lost or anything like that how could I use two vo RS to tell me where I was well if it was at least a couple days ago yeah alright go ahead do that in there about the idea of your explain uh briefing on a prehistoric Play services all right bingo what freaking up Nolan going into a three flight service station that's how you can show this barcode off that's gonna be I got a lot easier to communicate with um without that annoying even the whole time okay so I want I'm gonna get rough indications on both of course this is changing slowly so now it's about three three zero and this needs to be not a GPS but it localized your mood would you call that last time the $20,000 button there's something $500 but that's why you can fail your instrument check right between a vor approach into GPS approach okay so I have a three three zero on the mark this video and in about a two seven zero on this one so draw from two seven zero this way and three three zero puts me right about somewhere in we'll be further this way well there's the airplane somewhere I was going to say I was little bit off I was gonna think it's somewhere over here how more looking for the process of you know how to do it in everything now I go so look at my window sorry so that being said - you're lost or VFR pilots what can you do visually to help you gain altitude okay you can climb circle yeah circle is the five seasons climb can serve communicate comply Oh climbing circle climb climb circle yeah could be the cave or conserve Oh call communicate hey hunter Bly yeah hey there's even another and one instead of conserve it's a just climb circle call confess couple I mean after as long before we actually got lost now who could you call if you were lost right here you're completely lost you have no clue that's Providence off our right that's a flight service station okay they it's somebody to talk to alright you can get them but say you're buzzing around you have no clue where you are so you don't even you can't even pick up a flight service station because you think you're over here but maybe you're out in like New York or something you got totally turn around okay it the worst case scenario like if conditions were deteriorating then I would consider going to 121 five you can't even call them up if you're just lost anyways they're gonna be there to help you okay traffic over there yep good so 121 five what would you say to them I've lost I guess I was held in my last known position and maybe the direction I was heading if I could if I do that I can pop that bad Larry on everyone's favorite part of the check ride can I do it with the heads and on now you might need to take it off I'll take the controls for you well these Cherokees are so loud yeah I know okay okay this is better than I used to my checkride this is a pretty good alright alright let's see just fly heading a South for meeting for now and try to keep us at 3,500 so let's say you're buzzing around and everything and you got yourself into this situation right here what would you do you know you're via pirates let's say you got like five six miles visibility it's still pretty good it's not perfect you decide to go up short little run go get some breakfast supposed to clear up get back to VFR conditions and boom you got socked in 180 degrees underneath greeter you know try to get out of it and then if you don't mind I'll ask you a question because I had a comments like YouTube this morning and I maybe I'm wrong I don't know yeah he said to lose altitude I mean why would you want to do that no well underneath you know if you don't know about towers or anything that sounds like the fastest way to get into a control flight to terrain situation yeah I could believe that yeah yeah so if I have everything in my airplane like I usually do is this will wasps unit do you know yes it is yeah so I can I personally the first thing I would go for other than trying to find what where I was yeah is the terrain page there so I would just make sure that I was clear of any obstacles that might be coming up yep yeah no that's good losing altitude that's just dumb yeah it really is I could believe that I mean I could understand say you're up at 7,000 feet and you know you know you're over an area where the elevations that like 200 feet and you were skirting underneath the clouds which you shouldn't have been anyways alright maybe but even then it's just kind of dumped they're all open approach control they're gonna tell you where the bottoms are they'll tell you when to descent they know all those safe altitudes and stuff because have you even have you started looking at instrument or doing anything in regard sensual but though and I did some of the other my training too yeah so just like we have those you know max elevation figures on the sectional chart figures like that that tell you what like minute hem essays minimum safe altitude is the quadrants right exactly so we have stuff like those on the low Andrew charts and everything that tell you all right you need to be at this altitude now the approach controllers will have that they're gonna be looking at all of that for you and kind of giving you a vectors the vectors are literally just headings and altitudes yep and so they're gonna try to get you out of it they'll be able to get you in and honestly if you're proficient enough they'll actually be able to get you on the ground just factoring you into an airport they're trained to get you over a runway and into an airport so you think we could request vectors for a practice approach of the de bedford would we do it and i could do it under the hood yeah I was actually just gonna say well I'd love to do that let's see if I was even gonna see if you could pick up the ILS I'll walk you through an ILS and have you kind of shoot it hood you know the basic version of I'm not expecting you to read an approach plate or anything like that yeah but we'll go out a little further we'll pick up some thick Oh we'll call up Providence and I'll have them give us the ILS into New Bedford sounds great let you try shooting one of those in now VFR pilots yeah even if you don't know how to do this stuff you don't know how to read the plates knowing how to program it in the GPS how to pickup a iya localizer and stuff that could be the difference between you getting on the ground or not because you know obviously you're not gonna go up and start filing instrument if you don't have your insurance rating but you get up you uh you know stuff happens if you get stuck in the clouds and you have this ability why wouldn't you use it if you haven't know like say you were literally checkride ready but it's never one for the checkride you can shoot an iOS you know how to do it why not why wouldn't you in an emergency situation that could save you so we're gonna keep going we're gonna do a couple little maneuver things under the hood we'll do some unusual attitudes and stuff and then we'll get you back on let's see so now if you were VFR into IMC same thing 120 105 tell them your condition is that an emergency in that situation yeah I guess if the minimums technically weren't met then you're technically not rated to be in that situation so I would think so yeah exact thats leading cause of plane accidents VFR flight and i am see one rated for it so yeah that's an emergency you know you can squawk 7700 you get the clear and emergency and they're gonna help you they're gonna get you on the ground a lot and look up YouTube videos they come out great all the time people yeah you know they vector people around get them in know so see where we're at here just need to go a little bit further to get away from New Bedford all right while you're under the hood to keep keep that scan moving around looking at the instruments you're doing good give me a left turn to a heading of 1 2 0 1 2 0 now when you're turning what are you looking at here in this Bank now keep it at coordinated and I'm looking at my vertical speeds if to see how much back pressure I need to cancel out that lost lift and doing a standard raker and kind of like coincidence here but I'm not trying to do it quickly just because I want to keep it safe and controlled packet there's one to zero almost there you go good all right climbing up to 4,000 feet and give me a turn to a heading of 2 1 0 up to 4,000 to 1 and 0 [Applause] yeah there's the headache [Applause] cool while you're doing that I want to give me that iPad for a second yep yeah there's what sounds and lookups stuff real quick you Bedford's 126 I know you have know how to get into towered airports I've fallen at you enough to get in and out of them so think you know how to get natus and all that stuff there you go keep this heading keeping us at 4,000 126 85 let's see what runway they're using at New Bedford did new bedford terry this information juliet two to five trees a zoo win to 1:06 visibility 1-0 few clouds one 2010 to two 12.15 and this cemetery 3l party Renee to three hazardous weather information for the areas available hi walk flight watch our flight service advisor Ashok contact you Vedas information Juliet alright so we'll get Juliet and then we will get the ultimate or setting get all that and if therefore sorry this Hong Kong from Juliet two to five trees is will win two one zero six there's building one zero few clouds one 2010 to 12.15 altimeter sri zero zero four localizer backcourt or visual approaches and youth landing in to party alright so on runway two three I'll look up the frequency for us Providence approach is one twenty eight seven so why don't you go ahead put that in now I'm gonna have you do the radios and everything as well so just tell them where you are you can American well again if you learn whatever your end point Pat Geraghty then I'll kind of walk you through the approach plate side yeah I think I actually have a pretty good understanding of those so okay I'll be interested to see and then all I need to know is kind of where we where we're at here um say your eleven to the south of the bedroom no okay let's go but there would be some marker down here or something I could use should I go up India Indian tango Charlie DZ over call them yeah go ahead do a nice smooth hundred eighty degree turn and open everything which are Larry can q10 not the nation if I can even get your turn coordinator how do you are sorry you're heading indicator how would you all get around 180 degrees remember although the stairs are a turn for one minute good perfect nice I like that you knew that well yeah just tell them you're up where you are like 10 to the South 12 to the south of New Bedford and you'd like a practice RNAV runway 2 3 into their full stop yep and you got Juliet and they'll just I don't want to India tango 500 conjoint happy score 3rd Arnav Yankee 123 approach Providence Road Cherokee 3-1 November with a PFI request for an a3 1 November promise of birth all 7300 5 have a position destinations 83 one of ever is nine miles to the south of New Bedford and we'd like to practice we have the practice aren't have approached our way to 3 to bed 3 we have Juliette over there there are nine things Charlie TURN RIGHT heading 1/4 there on the turn probably report will be 2 o'clock and 1 0 I'll just watch that out - this is go ahead bring me down like a 3,000 488 301 November 2004 4 5 0 4 4 5 rated your what if ever there were nine thing Charlie runs out there before me yep now look at the bank you just put it away no contact bond for the first one for you veneered us for it so you're gonna go two procedures you're gonna go select approach you're gonna choose Arnav two three this much I do a lot of my plans better vectors vectors and then after they radiate that through November 2004 4 5 0 4 4 5 si se in the box 0 for 4 or 5 483 whatever is already through 1 November thank you were in our contact time alfalfa looking you Bedford ear for grown fond memories 3 0 0 5 the verified type of aircraft and also what do you want I pay aircraft of requests 83 November is a Piper pa-28 we want to practice on approach to 3 in a new bedford they were 83 1 november roger holiday first terminate and also i feel it for a new bedford verify when you have it we have juliet over there this will be a full stop into bedford there any if anyone to confer on to maintain VFR and and then your new president anybody ever announced on the approachable maybe VFR the present heading for 80 through November their entire thing go Charlie you trying to counter you want me to Center what elfanara will not just go down to 3500 for now gotcha he should tell you but we're VFR he knows it's practice of him though we're training well go down to 3500 basically there's all this is is a map right here it's telling you at the points in the altitudes in between that you have to be it so Ferb's all this stuff like that if you look down here anything with that maltese cross is your final approach fix yep so Zed V is our final approach fix this is a GPS approach so we can identify every single point with the GPS another way we can know we can safely identify points of the GPS as if it has five letters in the name yep so I mean it's kind of redundant but they all have five letters on a GPS approach obviously and if you look it just tells you what else to is you can be in so we want to cross that B patter above 1700 that's what that line means so now hit that $500 button there you go and now when we get in you can turn this to our inbound course which if we look up here it's gonna says 235 which it's really not gonna change anything that's more for about a reference for you okay so 235 for the inbound course is what we should be able to hold assuming that there's no wind and that would bring us in and then we're just gonna follow the glide slope once we get it that's pretty much it we're just gonna wait for him to give us vectors help move us around we'll get in we'll get down great this is exactly what I wanted to do today this is just just a little bit more than I usually do which is great well here's the thing VFR is you know some people might look at this and say what this isn't a VFR he's doing instrument training with you right now well here's the thing I can already tell from that first you know half hour or so 45 minutes of us flying around two installs Steve turned slow flight all that you know what you're doing you know what you're talking about three whenever maintain VFR flying 0 for 5 I coulda final 0.58 a VFR 83 whatever so why not spend that time and kind of enhance your knowledge help you have learned some stuff that if you were ever in this situation could get you down on the ground so the heading you just gave us is gonna hit us up inside me yep so watch that zero four or five and no not end up ads at me he's probably gonna parallel of course and then he's gonna turn us for inbound to intercept and at one point he'll say you're cleared you can it'll either say you know maintain this heading and via altitude until you intercept or he'll say you're cleared for the approach which maybe I can turn on and all that stuff so right now we're just gonna fly that heading at zero four or five and wait for further instruction and I don't want to look up because I don't want to kill the illusion but can you reset my gyro at the wind compass the hard thing is I look at it from a different angle so there's that everyone is one right then I'd add a three whatever looks pretty good right now okay thank you this one you got to push it a little hard sometimes it doesn't that's what it really says it oh I might be thinking all whiskey Tango sorry bouncing around 40 points a day yeah I get it [Applause] now all these maps we have lpv which is what you need to have wasp or to get really low yep down here in this box 359 that's our PMS don't let we can come down to what I'll have yet it was cool house minimums yep that's our minimums and we need at least three-quarters of mile visibility okay so as we get down kind of keep that number in mind about 360 rounded up to 400 play it safe so is the 3/4 saying that the runway is 3/4 miles away or the two don't we need to have 3/4 visibility in order to land and how do you judge that the IC determines it what's that you determine it you determine really just let you determine distance from clouds all right I literally know someone who got ramp checked because he came in and whatever whoever the guy was I forget I'm having a brain fart right now has said hey you didn't have the minimums for that approach he said you didn't you shouldn't been able to get into this Airport he goes yeah I did because I had 91 175 I was in a spot to make normal maneuvers and descents down to the airport I had the minimums prescribed by the approach Bay and I got visual of the threshold so I landed and he was like ok he literally can't hurt you because yeah I mean you determined those minimums we determine what that ranges ain't really if you can see the runway why wouldn't you want to land anyways free quarter-mile half-mile I mean that's gonna be pretty hard to judge but you get used to especially fog and stuff being able to tell and sorry I was like trying to fly at the same time you were talking where where is that minimums where do you have to have that that's like you come down if you come down to like basically those are your minimum altitude minimum visibility okay so at that altitude you need that exactly okay so when you're down at four you're like safe this you know 359 feet you're coming in you're looking and say you could see some like a tenth of a mile and you can see the runway in that tenth of a mile we technically can't land in here that's ground don't wait we should probably put tower 3 3 1 November someone saying 3 2 0 let the 3 2 0 83 whatever [Applause] the crowds point nine there you go now keep those turns standard rate nice and smooth that's what eight DC's planning on Eubank and they're kind of make it that ain't the one with the intercept for you that makes a lot of sense remember 3 1 November here for a traffic 12 o'clock and 5 miles off at the direct and opportunity a few thousand type unknown look looking for the traffic any through the better now is the annoying part of I don't know if it was 12 o'clock that way or 12 o'clock that way they stopped all the way we return true hey bring us all down at a 2500 2500 number 3 1 November traffic no factors so factor 83 over remember 3 1 November full miles upon approach - well thank you think they'll maintain VFR lettered our nav fun way to friction of effort left 2 3 0 and clear at the hour to Bedford 3 1 / 3 3 one of em replying to you fine through a joint three fives already three remember hey cool so keep us coming down and right here bring us right be right there whenever dancers as I mentioned traffic is now on that few mouths you think yourself what Bob still indicates mm we're still looking at a period of every east of us is behind us and I don't really care did he say they were Southwest Pam I didn't catch it sorry that's fine so he told me to fly to 5-0 so I believe that something like get your study how that came in watching for that to come in what you did so you're good to turn whatever you want now well now match your headache to that at two three five bring us down to 1700 down to 1700 two three five is the intercept of course so right about or the amount course so right about there yep need to make up a little bit at the cross track deviation three one of them revising establish on the phone for 'the federalist worth that was a three whatever definitely one defender Roger and that I traffickers have a few miles north you see remember this and what it might be in doctoring but for contact about the talent or whatever yeah we're looking for the traffic and over is how are you three whatever all right so now you're just gonna tell tower here one mile for zippy on the Arnav to three approach okay is it still Juliet over there yep then just keep that walking in so go back to the left I know uh so our pile out a mile from Bizet be yep Arnav two three too bad for Juliet yeah yep yeah we're at that's our frequency yep cool now just watch the bank seabed fruits our charity eight eight three one of Evers the pileup that's beyond the are now two three we have Juliet circuit one Trina correction III 1 November runway two three quid LAN you'll be number two fun touching go midfield left Ellen for lamb two three follow the aircraft touch-and-go for 83 1 November all right good get the better seventeen years older level it off now cuz that's where we want to be yep that'd be okay yep so see if you can turn to the left a little re intercept that and then bring it back to the right you're gonna have that little bit of a crab angle here from the wind now once that centers that's when you can start following it yeah when your accent is off cuz I'm actually kind of yeah that's it man I don't want to be yeah I don't have success Department cleared off nine nine six third of your turning side Cherokee traffic five mile final doing a GPS approach a 93 clear with the options very clear for the option ethics our turkey to remember approach advised us that we had traffic behind us look like they were confident just want to see if that was nine ninety six or someone else at tree on November negatives there is a Mooney about two miles south easier positions southbound to the vineyard I do have a target to about ten miles northeast indicating two thousand I'm not talking to him all right thank you throughout November alright good now keep following that down so bring that power back we're at the final approach fix inbound now so we're actually I was gonna tell you beforehand we just got a little track to side with everything else we're gonna literally configure for landing now so bring that power back probably about 1800 1900 for now and you're actually gonna want to put two notches of flaps and that's I've asked alive ratio inside that white are cuz I'm just gonna bring it away out yeah that's fine makes just full rich feeling it's already on it good you want one too yep then trim it out now we're set up and configured for landing so it's not gonna blow us off the approach course as much you know when we're gonna be changing stuff during a critical phase when we get low so just keep it coming back to the left now whenever we're making changes on these glide slopes literally five degree changes make a world of difference for that localizer part basically we're still a little left to three zero so we should get make up that a little bit exactly just keep us coming down all right I got that traffic it looks like they just crossed my threshold now okay god I can't imagine doing this without a collide slip information you just chop it drop it it's even easier you just stay on that course and make sure you hold your altitudes okay so right about well that's looking good about there yeah and now it's not you can't even slow this up come in in about like 80 knots take it nice and easy now if you make any mistakes they're not gonna be as big as you're moving slower there you go let's feel television feel the elevation good question master here is 79 feet we're gonna touch down zone 78 in case that foot made a difference for you I'll keep going to left just a little bit more so you know it's good it's gonna get more sensitive just like as you get closer to a vor all right minimums were 360 feet take it right down to 400 once your app for you have visual feels like the winds from the left but then it we're a little bit low but also a little bit fast it so slow us up a little don't rush it and watch that see how it's starting to move off to the right slowly start coming back keep falling it alright go ahead you got visual there's no way to get this off yeah there you go alrighty wow that was all right yeah that's great give me a short field land ok I'll try use a use the thousand rudders as a displaced threshold see if you could touch the thousand footers is that the aiming point bars or other ones before it the UH just like a solid yeah yeah yeah won't pretend that this is all a threshold above it maybe you can cut it out in here like building a deer Birds 996 runway 2 3 little imps to free quota left on it Oh nicely done have fun you know a little fun it was a you know it was a little bit like I don't know what to call it it was kind of it was very much fun but it was a little bit like I've worked this hard to get really good on the radio so I sound good yeah now when you throw me through this now I sound like a student again so it was a little bit like embarrassing you know but now imagine doing this actually solo imc almost to bare minimums yep you know an instrument ratings are really nice to get and it's also one of those things you really have to respect one of those things very good to have another pilot with you even if there's programming the radio and the GPS yep alrighty then all right let's show get dinner yeah not my batteries are almost dead [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Friendly Skies Film
Views: 117,162
Rating: 4.9398618 out of 5
Keywords: flying lesson, flight training, piper warrior, cessna, vfr, aviation, flying, private pilot, Pilot, gopro, Flight, Cockpit Audio, hd, ATC Audio, atc, friendly skies film, nick cyganski, cyganski, N8027F, shareaviation, mraviation101, flightchops, mzeroa, steveo1kinevo, film, graphics, 3d, cgi, film effects, KORH, worcester, recording, high defintion, professional, BFR, Flight Review, Fell Lesson
Id: ujI58zDZGvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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