Energy Healing: BUSTED!

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Fantastic as always, It's still amazing to me that people can be fooled so easily.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Thelonelyhouse 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2017 🗫︎ replies
Wow proof that energy healing works scientific proof that energy healing works this I have got to see hey guys today I'm going to show you just how easy it is to heal the body using energy so what is energy healing are you are [Music] well imagine the Jedi mind-trick was real and actually heals people and you could be trained in it online of $49 per month I mean this guy has over 20,000 hours of experience that's like doing this for eight hours a day every day for seven years and now as he says I've become hypersensitive to energy I can now feel it in my hands in the same way someone can feel a wooden table when they touch it in their hands this incredible sensitivity allows me to interact with the energy in a way that is difficult to explain in word but what I will tell you is that I use this ability to heal the emotional and physically ill with an incredibly high success rate now they teach this and if you'd like I can teach you too I am officially taking students but even more amazing is how he's actually measured this scientifically at latex subtle energy laboratory hey guys I'm here at the SciTech fellow energy laboratory I'm going to see if I can get my energy field measured come with me this is going to be amazing you know that looks kind of like a thermal camera you know I got one of those we decided to focus on thermal imaging and I will let Amelia explain you see the temperature for hands this is a great way to show information T in specific areas okay I'm about to clear the neck thing for you are you ready yes I am yeah Murdock Wow the necklace pulsating in daylight I've never seen that so luckily for the first one on the last one just a difference between mature well I couldn't alternative explanation stuff what's actually going on here and it goes a little something like that hello there my friends Miley is tricky let's hippie energy and I'm here to talk to you today about the amazing new technique called soccer maturity now is only in practicing this incredible technique for about five minutes now but already I can feel all of the alternative medicine energy flowing through my body it's a well known fact that the body channel is negative energy through the feet and gets rid of it to the earth under the socks are the catalyst by which the body expels these negative energy and if you don't get rid of them enough of this negative energy it can accumulate in the body causing painful inflammation that's why came to create this amazing new technique called local authority which I'm going to scientifically demonstrated to you now using a thermal camera which is frequently where in one pair of socks on your feet is typically enough to tell the negative energy away from the body but sometimes it's not good enough so what I discovered was wearing it second pair of socks on your hands will actually augment the negative flow of energy away from the body and that's what I'm going to demonstrate for you now now I must emphasize but simply putting soap on your hands and expecting it to channel away all of the negative energy would be silly you have to have the Tuesday sock on your left hand to tell away the Chi energy and the earth why they suck on your right hand to generate the bad chakras so now let's hear silk and the therapy actually help channel way all that inflammation in the back of my neck where curiously my hair is keeping it nice and warm and finally I find this Akhmatova work best when the third toes of your left foot and it's in warm marmalade I find this teiescope grant Marley make with Seville oranges works best for me my Germans are look or inflammation there now I need to put my socks on that are 50 amazing socks a make a channel TV are the negative energy of wasting these you're already receiving energies government the information started to cue down because of my supplements therapy but even working out here on my my arms that just look how uninflated white Arthur [Music] how the energy has flowed out of my socks and it is totally refused the information on the back of my neck here let's just get a support as after short of actually if the neck was pulsating and a like I've never seen them directly for the first one and the last one just a difference between T Chuck incredible you've either cured there are ambiguous neck pain all alternatively they've just cooled off a little since they pull their clothes down and expose more of their skin to the cooler air hey I might even be able to help you with this the neck was pulsating in the white wine I've never seen that case you see I can actually kind of replicate that just by blowing norman's yeah these thermal cameras are incredibly sensitive the point where if you're waving your hands around or just say for instance blowing on people you'll get weight pulsating pattern but you know what I wonder if you can replicate that marvelous result with someone else taking their clothes off he's just something there all the time and it is click on happening perform amazing yeah okay John Cantlie so happy for so very sure energy healing amazing stuff hello you can try to get the same effect from taking your shirt off in a cooler room putting socks wing lands and dipping the third toe of your left foot in warm marmalade [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Thunderf00t
Views: 444,066
Rating: 4.9032664 out of 5
Keywords: energy, healing, busted, thunderf00t, debunked, thermal, camera
Id: ukCfYcoehWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2017
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