🌟 The Most Powerful Energy Healing Technique! | Richard Gordon | Quantum-Touch

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hi everyone welcome back from michael sandler your host on inspire nation if you've ever wanted to help your loved ones or others to heal and wish there was something hands-on you could do then do we have the healing show quantum touch for you today I'll be talking with Richard Gordon best-selling author of your healing hand and author of one of our favorite books on healing quantum touch that's just what we'll be talking about today using the power of touch to heal fat plus we'll talk about Julia stem Maine having fun with the Stradivarius charging wine-making grapefruit tastes better Teddy's miraculous recovery energy ball icons and what we can all learn from mr. rabbit so welcome to the show Richard are you ready to shine and that's really Michael what a what a treat to be here thank you so much well thank you so much for joining us for being on the show before we dive right into things I kind of want to go back in a time capsule a little bit can you tell us a little bit about Bob Rasmussen and how he changed your life at 28 wow you really have you've done your homework dude okay so my first book came out when I was 28 it was called your healing hands the polarity experience it was on polarity therapy and I thought I was on the cutting edge of energy healing and it was hot stuff and a friend of mine said you got to go see this guy Bob Rasmussen he's teaching his first workshop this guy had been doing energy healing work for over 20 years he had never taught a workshop he was booked up a year in advance everybody had to see him and I didn't know who he was when I got there but he was this very heavyset 50 year old man who is quiet kind of sitting off in the corner I thought he was the grandfather or somebody just kind of hanging out but no he was the guy who was going to teach the workshop and so he comes up and he's telling all these crazy tall tales and I'm dismissing it completely he said well there was the time the child broke his leg running around the swimming pool and the bone was sticking out of the flesh and then I ran energy and the bone came back and it sealed itself the next day the child could walk and run again whoops there goes my lights okay that's better um and he said well there was the time that I dissolved the tumor the size of a grapefruit and it melted away in an hour and then it was the time and I'm thinking okay this guy's just full of horseshit this is not happening so he said oh yeah another thing is that you just touch people and bones move back into alignment with a light touch and I'm thinking all right come on so he brings up my friend my girlfriend at the time to the front of the room we're looking at her spine directly we see that she has a major scoliosis and he says well I just touched this hip and the hip just melted like hot knife through butter right back to alignment just what he said and in the occiput you know moved back into alignment and it was a crazy time and I thought holy this guy has some incredible gifts I'm never going to be able to learn it no one else will ever learn it either but in the course of the day I actually adjusted somebody's occiput that was very far off and saw that it happened i apprenticed with this guy I took over in his retirement I wrote the book quantum touch the power to heal that you're talking about and then many many years later after I thought there was nothing more to learn about this I came up with what I call level to quantum touch the new human which blew me away which we can talk about later and then we'll talk about what comes after that but that's what happened so it opened up this incredible arena of human possibilities in human potential that I'd never imagined possible so let's let's talk about some of the early people that you worked with some of the people that were kind of critical and setting you on this path maybe you can tell us about Margery in Los Angeles but a severe case my most you know Fletch she was I opened the door and she opened her door and I'm looking at this woman who's looking me right in the eye I'm kind of short and she's a very tall woman completely hunched over looking at me eyeball to eyeball and I had I was going to do a demonstration of what Bob's work looked like we had about six or seven people there and I had to go in another room and put her shirt on backwards so you could see her spine and it looked like dinosaur bones and some was somewhere sticking out like this far and some were indented and it was one here one here one over here and the next one over here somewhere why they were just scary looking at her spine and I just ran energy this is the process of using breathing and body awareness exercise there's no atonement there's no symbols there's no woowoo it's real basic stuff breathing body awareness learning to link the two sensations together and I just worked in every spot of her spine up and down over and over again and at first I thought is that looking better or is that my imagination and people would walk up and go you know I think that's looking better I'm not sure but I think so and then oh my god it's definitely looking better than then Holly and this is incredible every vertebra at the end of an hour accord was in a completely straight line and it was as if was choreographed as a movie because at the moment she stood up the double doors opened to another room her daughter walked in burst out crying mommy you're standing up straight and I was in shock because I had seen a few things but this was this was beyond anything I could have believed or accepted at the time and I remember sitting at a friend's house on the floor where I was staying when I was visiting there and I heard a loud voice in my head a lot boy said that didn't happen and and I had to review I wanted to take it away from myself a day okay that was just too much yeah and I had to review every single ins part of the story that I just told you about the daughter crying and the whole works so as I didn't take it away from myself because it was that stunning that dramatic that's surprising not shocking of my system with what I call life shock experiences experiences that take the paradigm of your beliefs and blow it apart and show you another part of the reality that we didn't think was possible and that's I guess a major theme of all my work that's come since that book came out was at 1997 the 20 years ago basically that book came out there's been tremendous evolution but that's the beginning place that's the place I want people to start working because from there they can learn to work two or three times fast without even touching which is the level to work and then well we'll talk about what comes after that later so so let's jump into one more story in maybe in a life shot a category yeah and then let's dive into resonance maybe you could tell us about mr. rabbit oh goodness yeah a friend of mine was visiting us and she came into our house with a bunny and it was really cute hopping all around the house and then I realized I was these little pellets everywhere and I thought well I better put it back in his box but me and the rabbit weren't really good friends at that point and so the rabbit didn't want to be caught so I cornered the rabbit and when I had my hands on the rabbit I could feel it trembling probably expecting to be made into dinner and I thought oh well the rabbit scared why don't I run energy into it and see what happens so I just did the breathing and sweeping exercises and I'll give you a little bit of a taste of that before we close today on how people can just get started feeling the energy and I ran energy into the rabbit just put my hands on the rabbit gently and the rabbits stopped trembling and I thought well that that makes sense not a big deal and then the rabbit pushed against my hands and my first thought is this rabbit wants to run away but no the rabbit flipped itself over on its back with its arms and legs stretched out and I had my hands on its belly and my friend is what jaws open and her hands on her face ago oh my god the rabbit it's like but you know some bait on a thief list out cuz and I'm pretty certain that if the if the rabbit had been you know my household companion for years that would not have happened it was only because the rabbit was so scared and then started making this really rapid relaxation shift that that it continued and the rabbit went all the way until I'm totally safe and at peace now and the rabbit went all the way from like I'm going to be eating too this is the safe place in my life where I can lay on my back awesome and and it sounds like that was something that was you're really starting to get an idea that there's there's a lot going on here yeah the truth is we don't know the limits of how far this goes and you're right to bring up resonance and entrainment as the next topic because people are going to say well how the heck does this work yeah so it turns out that when two things vibrate a different frequency they could be electrical circuits or pretty much anything there's a tendency for them to come in to entrainment you've seen probably seen the example of the pendulums and you got a whole table of pendulums and they're all out of sync and then the table is moving a little bit and eventually all the pendulums line up and they're clicking all at the same time this is a process of resonance and entrainment when two things vibrate at different frequencies either the high frequency will match the low one the low one will come up to match the high one or the two will meet in the middle with quantum touch what we do is we raise the vibration of our energy higher and higher and higher throughout the session so we do that through breathing and body awareness exercises so we lift our energy we never stop working throughout the session we lift it higher and higher and higher and then the other person's energy has to come up and meet ours we never come down to meet them because we would feel tired and drained if that were to happen so we just go up they just come up to meet us and their body intelligence and spiritual intelligence does its own self-healing and I'd like to think of it this way weed I don't know how to heal a cell in my body there's no scientist who knows how to heal a cell in his or her own body what we do is the body spiritual intelligence knows how to do this incredible thing and how to heal cells well the healer is the one who was sick and got well and a great healer with someone who is very sick and got well quickly we just hold the field of energy for the body to do its own thing and this brings up a really interesting topic and people would say well how do you know it's not a placebo well placebo placebo it's great placebos work based on suggestion or dishonesty or manipulation of some kind but what placebos do is the placebos show us the subtext of placebos is the body has an extraordinary self-healing mechanism that can be brought on through deception or dishonesty what quantum touch shows us is we're able to tap into that same self-healing mechanism but we do it through energy rather than deception and dishonesty so you can take my friend Joanne who worked as the head nurse anesthesiologist at a hospital and when a patient is experiencing their blood oxygen level with a called blood gas level crashing which means that the patient could go into shock or odd or unconsciousness or even potentially die or a brain damage she just walked over to the patient the first time she puts her hands on the patient runs energy and the blood oxygen level immediately shot back up she starts walking away that hearing well I guess it's done and it starts crashing again screws oops and she puts her hands back on leaves after 20 minutes and now it's stabilized she can take her hands off and walk away this year every time the blood oxygen level would crash she'd come back and do that well the a head physician was saying uh you know just totally astounded by this but now every time somebody's oxygen level crashes yeah okay time to go back and she just walks over casually puts her hands on the patient brings the oxygen level up and it's all good now this should be practiced in every hospital but the reason I brought this up is that when people are under general anesthesia they are not subject to the placebo effect and so we see it working on infants and animals and as I mentioned people in a general anesthesia plants fluids even minerals can change and so these are ways that we know we're not dealing with the placebo effect per se but we're dealing with the body self-healing mechanism and so all healing is self healing there's you just made a connection for me that may or may not exist but it falls into these lines I've had a couple near-death experiences as mentioning earlier second I stopped breathing had experienced severe trauma was bleeding out internally well and made a decision to come back to stay here and I had to force myself to start breathing the body didn't feel like breathing it was done and what I did is I breathed in I said what's the most powerful energy I can link on to and I breathe in there's a giant light above me I don't believe it was a tunnel I think with bright sunlight or even light send out love and felt this energy circulating through me now as I did this and focused on my breath and focused on the energy and was able when they when the first emergency crews got there they were pretty freaked out because I didn't have a blood pressure at that point yeah yet I was still around and and kept running that I didn't think of it as running energy I was breathing everything out love yes and it saved my life yeah wow that's powerful that's a you never thought of it as being I was running energy that you were you were totally running energy you connected with that divine flow of infinite intelligent energy and you pulled it in and even though you had no pulse and no the blood pressure you were still alive very alive yeah yeah so what what is this life force what are we doing the you know the Chinese called this life force energy chi and they have the whole acupuncture acupressure systems based around it the martial arts are based around if the the Japanese call it ki the yogis called it prana the Yogi's seem to have had the deepest understanding of it I think and it is the spiritual animating force that animates the physicality it's a non-physical energy and this is really hard for materialists to wrap their heads around because they think that everything is real can be weighed measured and put into a mathematical formula doesn't work that way not at all the life force energy is not physical and my new book which will be out next year really dives into this very deeply and it shows in a very clear set of demonstrations that it will never be measured it is not measurable and yet it exists and this is going to be the biggest shift that science will have to encounter in its evolution and so the dinosaurs died slowly and the old paradigms you know will hit the wall gradually but I'm hoping my new book for next year is going to blast a big hole in the old paradigm that will never be repaired again I had a doctor just this past week he's a cousin of mine and he was saying you know something to the effect of you need to prove it to me in order for me to see that it's real and I can now I have an empirical proof that consciousness and intention and energy can be put into matter so in fact we want water molecules but beyond it could be anything the mat the energy can go into a plastic lid of a bottle yeah it can go into any physical object whatsoever anyway this is like well we'll cover this little later but this is a major discovery that I had and then that object can have physical impact on a person beautiful oh I like that okay so we're definitely going to double back around that one yeah let's talk about a teddy the the premature baby oh yeah briefly and then let's jump into hands and I know this is going beyond hands but we're kind of baby stepping our way in well it's great it's great stuff teddy was born thirteen weeks prematurely and he was an American Indian child named a mixed-race which made it so they weren't really happy about him being there and he was born in a situation where uh he was so weak he was addicted to amphetamines with severe fetal alcohol syndrome and that meant that he was the prognosis was the twenty to forty IQ and life long institutionalization mom got virtually all her calories from alcohol during pregnancy and she was also addicted to amphetamines so it was a couple weeks before the child could cry out loud was so weak just his little scrawny skin and bone things so the social worker asked the judge can I take this child home and care for him and the judge said might as well and do you do better with you than he will at an institution so she took him home and she and her husband were both quantum touch instructors and so they fed him good food and they ran energy into him multiple times a day when the child was one-year-old he was average height and weight when he was - he was a started showing above average intelligence he are completely recovered he is like the center of attention when he was uh about uh four he was leaping on the couch from pillow to pillow and he banged his head on the side on the wooden part of the couch and he was crying and the he comes over and holds his head runs energy and Teddy says that feels good he says it's supposed to and then Teddy's taking his own hands and he's doing this and he's looking and his father says what do you see he says I see light he said what's it look like looks like flashlights so squishing his hands together it's an IX meant exercise in a program we've made call my boy running I call it playing with an accordion yeah exactly and you can feel when you're compressing the energy and when it's getting stronger and you can have somebody put their hands between yours I put that in the first chapter of my your Healing Hands book that that exercise if you know rub your hands and you move them closer and further rubbing your hands just bring sensitivity to your awareness your hands it doesn't sound like some static charge or something even though mr. Miyagi did this in the Karate Kid movies so um he eventually learned that he could actually see the energy clearly and his mom tested him with one of the things in my book which is you you vortex the different chakras and the energy coming at your hand becomes the color of that chakra and he was able to identify what color is this green and what color is this blue and he was just able to see when she'd moved her word is two different chakras what color the energy was so he became above average intelligence and I've had a wonderful life sir and that just wasn't going to happen without the quantum touch work so from there I want to want to dive into running energy and what that looks like and feels like before that I'm not surprises happen I think you have a kitty to your left my cat is outside the do you have a kitty in there because my cat is banging on the studio door to come in yes yes this is Enzo you want to see him so yes but let me let me ours in the room he never wants into the studio unless there's a cat on the other end which he starts going crazy so bear with me let me move him over a little bit ah my my wife grabbed him and moved him away from the studio if he comes back I'll bring them in all right so so let's let's go from there and let's talk about moving energy what does this mean what does it feel like and of course the most important question is can anyone do this okay let's go answer the last question first when I was on the road giving endless lectures and workshops building up quantum touch we're now in over 50 countries with certified practitioners I would say at my lectures as well as a sales pitch to get people to be willing to take a chance and come to my workshop I'd say you will be able to move bones back into alignment with a light touch before lunch break on the first day or your money back now that's kind of a big big claim and some people took me up on it and no one ever got a refund no I never qualified for a refund remember one woman was very upset I don't think she wanted to pay for the workshop when it was over and she said well I don't think I learned anything I said well let's test it out so I found somebody whose hips were massively uneven yeah and she measures your abs really high on this side I said okay just put your hands lightly and run the energy and she did I said okay check it now and she she did and it was contingent so what do you see it's well looks completely even she was very upset she she failed at failing so actually the failure to have yeah yeah you just couldn't fail so I've never seen anyone who was not able to learn this and when I call it a basic human skill I don't feel like I'm exaggerating at all so let's go from there then and talk about what it what it feels like how do we move energy and what's it feel like so I was going to save this for the end but let's let's do it now it's a little meditation you can use okay and obviously not something to do when you're operating motor vehicles what not but if you just hold up a finger and you put your awareness into your finger and you can imagine you're breathing through your finger and you want to see how much sensation you can feel inside that finger and you want to see can you feel how your skin wraps around your finger can you feel how the fingernail attaches to the back your finger or can you feel underneath the fingernail can you feel as if you were stroking your finger with an imaginary feather and where the feather was touching your finger can you move the sensation of the feather to different parts of your finger by imagining you're stroking it there and by this time as you've been breathing into your finger and stroking it and feeling the skin and the pulse and perhaps the tendons inside your finger and the fingernail I would ask the group how many of you feel some buzzing tingling vibrating or pulsing sensation and 90% of the room would raise their hand what we do when we're running the energy is we learn to feel that kind of sensation throughout our entire body in waves that's what it feels like it feels really good because once people have done this and they get their whole body tingling and vibrating it's actually a self-healing process that we've already engaged upon and they get that whole that whole body tingling vibrating energetically then what happens is we learn how to link it with breathing techniques so we used the body awareness and breathing in conjunction with each other and some people who really don't know much about quantum touch have suggested that oh you're using breathing techniques well yeah but the breathing is one third of the picture of the body awareness is the third but the synergy of the breathing and body awareness amplifies it massively more maybe that my numbers are off but it's it's like 3 times 3 is 9 rather than 6 when you add them up it's a synergy between the two and this allows us to then sandwich the place that is experiencing the pain we've got a very difficult technique called the where does it hurt technique where you find out what the problem is and you sandwich it and you do the breathing body awareness and then their body intelligence takes over and runs the energy and the most common question I've received over the many years is how does this differ from Reiki and Reiki has symbols and attunements and the person can just relax and wait for the energy to come in we have no symbols we have no attunements and we don't wait we work the entire time the Reiki person is just hanging out waiting for the energy to do its thing and it will and the more that Reiki person's in love and gratitude and joy and has a healthy lifestyle and works out the better their own energy is going to be but if they don't have a healthy lifestyle and they don't exercise and they don't eat well they don't take care of themselves and they happen to be having a bad day I interviewed a lot of Reiki people and they said that about half of them said they get drained and tired from time to time doing sessions that will not happen with quantum touch because we continue to raise our vibration and our energy throughout the session through the breathing of body awareness exercises and so the other person has to match up we never come down to match them it's fascinating and I can't believe I'm going to go there with this but when you're talking about waves of energy and actually it sounds a little bit like like coitus it sounds a little bit like the waves of energy that you have when you're making love well this is true because the waves of energy that you have when you're involved in a wonderful sexual experience that's lifeforce energy you're feeling those those your tingles then and some hormones too but it's the life force energy which provides those waves of sensation that moves through your body good stuff so let's go for there let's talk real briefly about one of your two breathing patterns and and then let's talk about I want to get into um some of the different things we feel if we use our hands but you can tell us about the four-by-four first yeah I think that's a good place to start ah four counts in four counts out it's pretty simple so it's not exact it's just a generalized for in for out kind of and this is just a nice way to pattern your energy pattern your breath and you can link it with the body awareness exercises and the general body awareness is moving it from the feet all the way at the top the head down the arms but there's a whole series of once and the more deeply you get into it the stronger you get the energy so I thought I'd give a freebie technique to people so they could start doing healing immediately end it and I can think of this kind of like training wheels on a bicycle you're not going to go very fast and you're certainly not going to want to go very far but you can actually pedal on a two wheel bicycle with training wheels and this is kind of a training wheels technique that is a substitute for knowing how to actually do the breathing of body awareness exercise but it can get you some experiences immediately and then when you want to learn to become powerful you can learn how to do quantum touch in a more powerful way what you do is you rub your hands together for 10-15 seconds okay and then take a deep breath put your hands on the person and breathe out your hands and what happens is your hands are automatically vibrating and tingling after you rub them together well this is a mechanical way of bringing your body awareness to your hands it is has nothing to do with rubbing your hands or static electricity or anything like this it's just a mechanical way of drawing your attention your hands then two minutes later you do it again and every minute or two you rub your hands and put them back down again this is a cheat way to kind of like get awareness into your hands and then by linking it with your breathing and keeping your awareness in your hands you'll actually start doing some quantum touch even though you haven't studied it at all you'll actually be able to start getting some kinds of results so from there going into like a first session of healing or looking at some of these different patterns I'm thinking of sir Meow's there's our cat was banging on the door a few minutes ago yes and he's an older kitty he was getting quite arthritic we took him into the vet vet said you know here are some anti-inflammatories not much you can do for kids why right and this is when Jessica my wife she's the producer she she knew she was able to run energy through her hand she didn't know ever what to do with it right and she goes let me see what I can do and she started working on him and then she got your books in for us and um she felt all sorts of different things when she moved her hands around and was fascinated and reading your section of the book on different pattern block pattern common pattern right some of the things that she was experiencing or finding well what you notice once you are very aware of the sensation in your hands you notice that the sensations will change based on who you're working with and what kind of situation is going on so if somebody has an acute injury for example you usually feel the energy rushing soon as you touch them it's like Shawn the energy just picks up really fast but if somebody has a deep chronic injury you may be doing the breathing and body awareness exercises for two or three minutes before you and you just start to show this very low hum of an energy and then it gets stronger and stronger and it builds up in your hands and then eventually it gets to be really strong maybe after 15 or 20 minutes that's the Krahn like they're the chronic or stuck pattern where it builds very slowly and then comes up acute may build very quickly and then you hit these plateaus it's a whole set as you know from reading the book or taking the live workshop or our video online workshop there's you'll know that there's these different energy patterns and you can recognize them just by the sensations in your hand it's not about being psychic it's just paying attention to what you're feeling energetically this brings up a good question or I should mention on that note Kitty is very strong and powerful again which is why he was threatening to knock the door down to get in here yes arthritis completely gone he's a young two and a half year old kitten and he's chasing him around the house now yes yes so when you say the energy kind of comes on strong or rushes in my immediate reaction is a is this okay for the healer well even if we call me here for the person running energy yes is that Alright actually it's all it's fantastic because as I've said before you continue to do the breathing of body awareness exercises so you continue to raise your own vibration and since you're the dominant vibration they're always going to come up to match you you're never coming down to match them so it's great for the practitioner and a physician dr. Jerry Pittman wrote years ago that in its elegance Quantum Touch first provides healing for the practitioner that's sort of the essence of it beautiful if we look at people who have been let's say that the spine is realigned or as you were discussing earlier tumors have melted away you know is it something that loses its stick over time or once somebody has had this healing work done it stays you know this is such a big question it's going to be an entire book on the subject but what we're really talking about is the body has the ability to heal itself but it also has the ability to be sick not as a dysfunction but a communication from a higher self so sometimes the message is you can heal yourself very quickly and learn to transcend this problem and the cat was ready to show you how powerful healing could be and that's fantastic and there's other times when there's emotional causes and so back in 1980 I woke up with severe flu symptoms one day deep gurgling chest Carphone aching fever sore throat headache miserable I thought I was going to be sick for at least a week and instead of crawling out to the kitchen and getting some hot water with lemon juice I wrapped myself in a blanket sat on the floor and decided to look for an emotional cause because I just attended a workshop that said that all illness is caused by various forms of suppressed anger so I couldn't find anything in my life in fact I was emotionally numb and I couldn't find anything whatsoever to be upset about and then all of a sudden after about eight or ten minutes of looking I remember the three days previously somebody in my household had said something that was intended to humiliate me and it did in front of a bunch of people I knew and I pretended nothing was said so I could avoid the experience as quickly as possible and as soon as I had that awareness of those emotions all my emotions came rushing in and I got really angry and I cried and I vented a little bit and I felt a little better so I got up and took a shower got dressed drove downtown Santa Cruz sat in the Sun had a cup of coffee and right in the middle of a cup of coffee I thought oh my god I was sick this morning this took me almost thirty years I was 29 plus years to figure it out and I finally came up with a system that I call self created health the teaches people how to find and release the emotional causes of health conditions and not only do the symptoms go away but people feel intensely grateful the most grateful they've ever felt in their life because it showed them how they had stopped loving that the body had the ability to be sick not as a dysfunction but a communication from the higher self on how the love got blocked and this is now being taught around the world we've got about 30 instructors now teaching people this workshop called self created health and after I finished my newest book which will be out next year called the secret nature of matter yeah then self created health will be the one after that and I'm working on another one after that so there's a whole series of incredible insights yet to be discovered not one is called self created health I want to dive in just a minute go into your second book and an epiphany that you had which is very similar epiphany that my wife Jessica then had after working with Sir Mausers and and then but before we do that you tell us can you give us a taste or a basic self-created health 101 how do we go how do we start hunting for what the body is trying to tell us it turns out the life is giving us whispers all the time and so what I've learned to do is come up with about 12 questions that I asked people that seemed innocuous like when did it begin you know what are your symptoms and things like this and they answer all the questions and I keep pumping them for more information tell me more about the pain and so forth that I do I write down everything they say verbatim that's part of the trick and then when I've got enough information about everything about the condition I say okay this you said it started eight years ago think around that time was there an emotional situation that had some of these components and they will ah they'll say well it kind of sounds like my relationship with my ex or my dad or whatever and I'll say well let's see if it fits and then I'll go through all 40 of their replies and every one of them will fit like a glove to describe that emotional situation and then I'll hand them and then I say well what do you do with those emotions and they'll say they're the ones I never want to experience and I'll hand them the list and say well maybe you're experiencing them as physical symptoms instead of as an emotion and then they have this moment it's use that wonderful word grok they they get it like oh my god it suddenly makes complete sense to them that they've suppressed this set of emotions they never wanted to feel them they were too vulnerable they're too painful whatever it was and now they know where to work then I give them exercises for releasing the emotions and then moving through what I call seven step process versus the discovery then the release and the insight that they had done it to themselves which is totally dangerous if you didn't do steps 1 & 2 and then the remorse for having hurt yourself and then the self forgiveness which becomes explosive overwhelming self loves that you can't contain and then and that turns into this unfathomable gratitude so the symptoms disappear and they're left in place with this incredible empowerment and gratitude and that is what self created health is and so far we don't have it on video it's on or in a book form it's being taught by people by courageous people and the very first thing I like to say at the workshops is our pain goes deeper than we ever want to know but our love goes deeper than we can know and and when people dive into the depth of their emotion they put their toe in the water oh no it hurts too much to go into this pool of emotion I don't want to feel it and they dive in they go all the way to the bottom they get all the way to the bottom that's where the treasure is but you don't get to the treasure of how deep your love goes the infinite capacity your love to transform and transcend you don't get there unless you dive through the core of the emotion but I don't have to feel the emotion I'm spiritual I don't have to feel anything well then you're dead you have no access to resources your own inner resources the suffering is a gift that we've given ourselves to be able to awaken to who we truly are but we don't know it because we're so caught in the drama and the pain and avoiding the intensity so if there was a great human blockage the one that people never want to get past it's the unwillingness to feel the intensity of our emotions that's the great human blockage and the most courageous and healthy people are the ones willing to experience the depths of themselves their loved ones and not to hide from those depths but to go all the way through them to the other side where they get to experience the wonder of who and what they truly are beautiful I don't want it I don't want to oversimplify it and it's a whole discussion for perhaps another interview but when they're diving deep is that through a meditation that you're doing or or how are you helping them to get to that dark place ah do it the first step is the identification to know what they're looking for because you can look and not find anything very very very very easily and that's a lot of berries what happens is a person who's doing like a Zen meditation may have thoughts like uh nervous about something or whatever it is coming up I've got all these jobs to do whatever busy thoughts are passing through their mind and they don't go very deep and they're trying to ignore them and just get to a peaceful place I would go a different direction for this particular thing which will make your Zen meditation far better afterwards which is to find out what is that core issue and so the whole first step the first quarter of the workshop on self created health is how do we identify what the core issues actually are they're right in front of your face but because they're so difficult to want to acknowledge we tend to not want to go there and so we push it aside avoid it at all cost but the reality which is a spiritual reality it's constantly mirroring it back to you it's mirroring it through your health it's mirroring it through your relationships it's mirroring it through your finances you're sick or lack of successes in the world so the reality is constantly whispering to us this is our higher self communicating to us through the stubbed toe or the mosquito bites or whatever it is that's bugging you it's it's constantly telling you pay attention pay attention to the deeper emotions because this is the true awakening of our soul and our spirit coming alive and we need that aliveness and this is what we came for this is our life journey our personal quest let's go from there and let's jump into quantum touch 2.0 then I want to hear about 3.0 a brief brief story from Jessica on this because she was so excited about this as she was she was doing kiddie work some more kiddie healing work and we had just interviewed Howard Martin from heart math oh yeah I know Howard and so he said he's a cool you guys you're on the same you you guys resonate together we're good yeah so Jessica started breathing in and out through her heart yes as she started doing your work yes and the difference I don't know if Kitty went into a state of ecstasy so to speak but the difference was extremely noticeable we're talking to an exponential factor yeah what was going on how did you come up with with Quantum Touch 2.0 and what does this mean alright I was having dinner with a friend and asked a bunch of people some people I didn't know and some people I did and my friend was talking about hey Richard show me --xa how you can untwist her hips it's a fun demonstration on twist people and their occiput the cranial bones I said sure and so Misha stands up and I'm my hands are approaching her hips and he says wait a second I bet you can do that without touching I said really he said yeah try it I measured her and then I I I knew how to access the sensations of my heart chakra and I started doing my breathing body awareness and projecting the heart chakra energy and she was immediately untwisted I don't know way and I literally had to test it thousands and thousands of times to be completely confident that I showed it to rooms of chiropractors and you name it I have demonstrated this endless times because this is a way to show people a phenomena that's considered physiologically impossible when a person has pelvic torsion where the hips are twisted usually the right hip looks high from the back and the left looks high from the front so whether you're measuring from the front or back your hand right hand may look high and there's the chiropractor's put a person on their side they do what they call the million dollar role because means they may million dollars because the person comes back every week to earth you know two times a week or whatever trying to crunch them and then they come right back two or three days later then one of my students explained to me that there's a bone behind the nose and eyes called the sphenoid bone and if you use this technique I kind of came up with using the technique for it but to align the sphenoid bone behind the nose or eyes the occiput instantly untwist and the hips in slant twist and usually is for the rest of their life and it takes a few seconds and so that got me started on what we call the level to quantum touch 2.0 and that led to a series of what we think of as new human abilities a whole series of new human abilities which I outlined in the quantum touch 2.0 book so that that just completely blew me away because I thought I was I had come up with everything with quantum touch I was going to come up with and that one took me by surprise which was great so what would one key human ability be that we want for example you could work on multiple conditions simultaneously you could work on multiple people simultaneously you can work on people at a distance two or three times faster than if you were touching them you could work both with touch and without touch simultaneously you could be giving a massage to their neck while you're working on a broken toe of somebody else yeah it frees that your mind is free if you wanted to work on the anterior superior portion of the pineal gland you're already there wherever you bring your awareness you're already there so how do you maintain awareness of your breath of sensation of your body and go to the heart and be to the place that you want to bring your awareness to heal all at the same time same where you get to Carnegie Hall practice practice practice you know you you work on it you build these skills gradually or quickly however fast you want to learn and then it becomes natural it's like well how do you remember how to stay balanced on a bicycle how do you do that well you you've learned how to balance and now you're looking around and deciding which way you're going to turn or where you're going to go on the bike and so yeah before we go to 3.01 and briefly understand 3.0 or or object maybe you can briefly tell us about the heart to heart exercise oh this is really beautiful when you've learned how to bring the breathing and body awareness through yourself and you learned how to amplify the heart chakra energy because it works so much better I mean people can just think about their heart chakra they're actually doing some amplification but when you've learned how to move it to your whole body and you amplify it and you've learned how to project it then when you're with another person who's learning the same thing you can do it together and there's this lovely exercise I call chakra charging for to where it's quite remarkable and when people have learned the level to work they can be doing this technique with each other and where you're holding each other's feet it's a little harder to visualize for some people but imagine both people laying on their back with their feet toward each other and you scoot yourself so you're holding the other person's feet and you run energy into their feet and you get higher and higher and higher doing this thing is it's an incredible experience for people beautiful from there tell us about 3.0 where things are going and maybe charged objects it's not 3.0 okay it's it's an extension of Quantum Touch 2.0 yeah but it is a way to discover the consciousness and matter are infinitely intricately connected that the mind is not confined to the brain and we're and the overarching conclusion were spiritual beings but you know telling you that doesn't tell you the fun of the journey what happened was it was Thanksgiving last year and a friend of mine told me that he discovered something about quantum touch and he said that if you make a movie of yourself doing quantum touch and people watched the movie they'll experience some healing and my skeptic jumped in got no way come on that's not going to work so I started running a series of experiments and tests and it led to my newest book which will be out next year called the secret nature of matter now what I found was through a suit I've done 58 unique experiments to find out what happens and the one test that I use most commonly was just untwisting people I have already talked about because I get a yes or no answer is the golf ball on the green or is it in the hole there's no ambiguity there's no in-between is the light switch pointing up or is it pointing down there's no ambiguity so I have a question did the person on twist or didn't they untwist because I'm good at measuring I can do it in about a second and a half ago yep it's high I can see that so I put consciousness into objects and find out if it's going to untwist them well what about water I run energy into water will that hold the energy and untwist them if they look at they drink the water sure enough it work what if I boil the water and I let the water cool will it still hold the information yes it did what if I turn the water into ice no it didn't what if I let what if I capture the water on the lid of the pot and I put that in a little vial and hand it to somebody no doesn't work so I've done 58 experiments that tell me incredible revelations about the secret nature of matter because matter can all matter whether it's plastic or rubber or paper or pebble or metal or anything all objects have this common denominator they all hold consciousness equally they're all made out of God stuff well then I made my most incredible discovery which is what I call conscious entanglement and conscious entanglement means that if you are aware of a whole group of people or objects and you do anything to one of the objects or people it'll happen to all of them so I demonstrated this before I understood this at the university of hunt of Hong Kong where I untwisted a whole stage for the people simultaneously and I did it out loud where I said okay I'm gathering every looking at everybody and I'm gathering them all together into one iconic person we use icons in the level to work so I created an icon of a human being and then I then intentionally moved the sphenoid bone of that one iconic person and the pole twenty people on stage became untwisted simultaneously when I was at the University of Macau this year I did it a slightly different variation on the same test except this time I understood a conscious entanglement on what I did was I had twenty five people on stage all holding hands then I took an object that I had charged with the intention of untwisting pelvic torsion and the woman at the very beginning of the line I took this coin out of my pocket and I just flicked it across a couple of her hairs as just like like that the whole line was untwisted simultaneously because what all the people were touching each other and they were all entangled so I did what I think is my most maybe it all be famous from this experiment one day the bottom line is that I didn't like the results of some of my experiments because the implications were the energy was spreading on its own and everybody in the room would be twisted that's kind of a short version of it and that wasn't happening so I did I couldn't accept the explanation that the energy was just moving across all the coins on a table yeah and pissed me off because it shouldn't be happening this way why is this happening so then I came up with a new experiment where I woman handed me her change and I meditated on the change without thinking about untwisting anybody or anything and then I handed each of them one to these two women a coin and then I tapped one of the coin with a charge coin they were both instantly untwisted because I created conscious entanglement I had entangled objects together and then anything you do to one of the objects happen to all of them and this ties in with quantum entanglement but that's another subject for another time but that's so it really showed me how matter is capable of holding consciousness and consciousness is the underlying principle of the reality so this is a big deal and my book won't be out till middle of next year but it's pretty much all written now and we're just getting it in finest form possible very very cool so if we step back from there this is a kind of more going to the basics but it's it's actually you know if we look at not people who necessarily run energy but if we look at quote-unquote healers yes what we find is and I've actually heard from some of them a prerequisite is that you are must up for a for lack of a more technical term for it yes a lot of healers are struggling physically ok the reason for this is because that was their motivation to get into healing it was not a prerequisite it's because they wanted to know how to heal themselves yes so they got into a lot of people study psychology because they're messed up and they want to know how to get better and they think that studying rats and mazes there's going to teach them something unfortunately way it's taught doesn't do that so people who are messed up often get into it so you tend to think that one is a cause of the other no I would be happy to take heist students who aren't messed up show them how to do energy healing magic show them how to eat really the best food ever how to process their emotions the best way ever how to raise their energy field to the highest vibration ever and if they have a high level of compassion automatically built into their system because of how they were raised or who they are or their spiritual journey some of them are going to want to become energy healers but here's something I've come up with recently very few people are going to want to make a career or a life of doing energy healing it's definitely not for everybody it's a special kind of person who's going to want to sit there for hours giving their love and running energy and watching people get better it's a fantastic thing for those for those that's right for it's bliss for those it isn't it's boring so let's be honest it's kind of boring to sit there for hours just running energy if it isn't your thing but for six or eight hours a year it's the most valuable skill you can have so everybody should learn to do breathing body awareness learn basic quantum touch because for those six or eight hours a year when you really need it it's your most valuable skill you don't care about riding a bicycle most days except for when you have one on a nice beautiful day and you're driving driving along the beach or something this is fantastic I love bicycle but the rest of the time it doesn't matter that much because you're in your car or whatever and so that's what energy healing is like so it's not something that everybody's going to want to do all the time and you definitely don't need to be sick to be excited or good at energy healing it's just how people get motivated like a lot of people become motivated to learn about metaphysics because they're broke or they want a relationship or they're sick and then they learn about their spirituality because they were motivated to come into that arena you didn't have to be sick or lonely to get there it just was your motivation that's all so let's say you're motivated to heal yourself yes is there a different technique we start to use to do that I would suggest that you do everything you process the emotions you learn how to stop you know there's this incredible diet it's called the stop eating junk diet where you actually eat real food the way your grandparents might have eaten it and use gradually substitute healthier choices for less healthy choices and I'm constantly I'm never my diet is never static it's constantly evolving and getting better and better and I'm stronger now at age 68 then I was gonna pause you for everybody who's noticing that because I'm looking at at you and Jessica was asking how old you are and I said oh he's probably a bit older than me I'm 46 yeah and and I'm looking at you on Cameron I'm like oh no he's about my age well here's the deal I am I can do like five times more pull-ups now then I could when I was 28 I am stronger and healthier now than I've ever been in my life and so I've created a whole program I call the art of youth in slowing stopping and potentially reversing aging I don't feel like I'm successful at reversing aging yet I do feel successful that's slowing the process and I feel like I'm almost to the point where it's going to start moving to a new place and I'm on to a brand new skill that I'm going to test Friday at UCLA so I'm really excited about this one as well very cool so for you so we throw an emotional healing at it what are the other components basically Youth the kitchen sink what is the kitchen sink the kitchen sink is nutritionally mmm-hmm you got to get yourself on a good program stop eating the junk and the sugars and the bad fats and other things move into the really healthy fats and the good nutrition and the fresh foods essentially then process the emotions release the old angers and resentments so that you can live in a vibration of gratitude and joy because what's the point of being here if you're not having fun it just doesn't make any sense um you need to get your body moving you need to be get the whole system moving and energetically you need to move the energy it's a different kind of exercise where you keep the energy going well it turns out that the emotions have more to do with the energy than anything else the nutrition has everything to do with the energy and our exercise moves energy as well and don't just pick on one there's this really cool technique called easy strength where you don't work out to exhaustion you just kind of you go to you go about 60% upper body strength or I mean forty prefers 40% upper body strength or 60% lower body strength and you do a set every 10 or 20 minutes where you never get tired but you get stronger week by week by week a whole lot stronger there's ways of building yourself up energetically emotionally spiritually with the all the different methods so you so you work with them all if you're dissatisfied you're in the wrong job in the wrong relationship or something process what do you really want be clear about your desires get passionate about your life get passionate about what you're doing and even if it's only for 10 minutes a day build on something new because the lifeforce energy is a full expression of our spiritual reality and so you want to get your vibration and your energy up as high as you possibly can energetically emotionally and spiritually so that you can exemplify your deepest truest expression how important it is is it to focus on our thoughts or being care that's a dangerous term itself we have weekly where mine's negative challenges come into our mind a how important is it to to address those in our mind or to let them go or when we're throwing the kitchen sink do we not worry if one piece of the puzzle isn't as perfect because there is no perfection as the rest well of course our minds are going to give us lots of different extraneous than challenging ideas we have a negative ego that I cover extensively in the self created health workshop the wants to feel better than or less than self-pity and self-importance and you see it you know the politicians all the time I mean if self-importance was an award we know who would be getting it right now it's it's the downfall of humanity that we get locked into self-pity and self-importance and then some people link them together in the same sentence poor me I'm so important and nobody appreciates it so these are the catchphrases of the negative ego but the negative ego is incapable of feeling gratitude or love so as long as you're feeling gratitude and love you cannot possibly be in self-pity yourself important because there's no place for it there you can't be you know out in the yard and in the kitchen at the same moment one you're one or the other you can't be in one place or another without shifting so what keeps people from experiencing that is a big subject in and of itself yet we need to start with the core and the core is self honesty and my guru Jiminy Cricket said honesty is the best policy and that's where it all begins where you can honestly know what you're really feeling and then with courage vulnerably communicated to your loved ones who you have a deep relationship with and with practice and empathy skills they can listen and care as you can listen and care to their core honest emotions beautiful beautiful beautiful from there just a few quick wrap-up questions Jessica always wants me to ask and you addressed it a little bit earlier where do we start with our kids either healing our kids or teaching them how to start doing this as well the first step is lead by example be the person who processes their emotions who is constantly looking to uplevel everything in their life who can be honest and vulnerable and say hey I screwed up when I told you that I'm really sorry about that I will never do that again I won't behave that way anymore and then they learn to celebrate your failures because it means you're stretching to be that person and then to continue and to communicate with them as wise young people who okay let's have a meal where you eat a whole bunch of sugar how did you feel afterwards that didn't feel good did it no so now we know that doing that doesn't it kind of tastes good for a moment but then it feels bad for a long time so you work on all levels you work on the emotional the nutritional the energetic levels the the exercise levels you work on everything together this is how we heal but the most important and deepest healing always comes from emotional honesty that's where the core comes in now learning these skills like we just got a story this week about somebody who got three quantum touch sessions and the cold and cancer disappeared that's fantastic stuff we love hearing these stories and it's a core element of our gift to one another that we can give our love but all all of it boils down to the honesty and so we're doing as ritual of self-love we're eating better and better and if you're after anybody listening to it on a bad diet no biggie just have one better choice today than you would have made otherwise that's it that's all you have to do every day just add one small decision to make one tiny change just change one percent a week and that Teddy and your whole life will be completely different if you just make one micro change in a week that to me a big woohoo yeah exactly so in in the art of youth in workshops that I put together this course I suggest people change just to make a two percent change week by the end of the year you're 100 percent different just a little tiny one if you try to go quickly your body will hate it and you'll rebel against yourself but you make these tiny changes and there's endless little changes you can make so you just start down the path and just say okay well instead of this you know cake I'll have the strawberries and whipped cream sounds good I'm not going to mind not eating the cake I'll have some a better choice that made me feel better ooh strawberries exactly from there where can people go to find your beautiful books and I'm holding up your newer one right here that has got the new human quantum touch 2.0 where people go to find your books and to find out more well they can always go to quantum touch calm and get access to all our information you can buy the book on the website or an Amazon or any book dealer should have it it's distributed to Random House so quantum touch is widely available that book is in 17 languages now and so you can go to foreign world foreign countries around the world and find practitioners and instructors if you don't happen to live in the United States and we're our fastest growing place now is in China of all places years ago our fastest growing place was in the Netherlands and then it moved over to Japan and it's moved over to China and China's like exploding and excitement about quantum touch who would have thought some little Jewish guy was going to go to China to teach them about light energy healing that's just like absurd yeah where acupuncture was born and I'm gonna go over there it's as silly as can be Mazel Tov little bit of Lea de nada yeah fantastic so from their question we like to ask all of our guests before the end is what personally brings you the greatest happiness or what I call the woohoo factor well it's connecting the source within yeah it's it's that it's that connection that we have to open ourselves up and realize who and what we really are and when I'm able to just really tap into the depth of the love not just that I feel but what who and what I really am that's when you could actually feel a sense of overwhelm and joy in that connection Hey look kitty cats are are together on the pedestal that's really sweet very cool yes both ends oh and uh Debbie and Devi yes and and meows gave up I think he was pulled away from the studio but he wanted him to say hi so a last question like to ask all of our guests any last words of wisdom that you or Enzo or Devi wants to share well I would just say that that your love is the most valuable resource that exists and it actually has impact on yourself and other people it's incredibly valuable it's your most valuable thing and it truly matters and if you think about whoever hurt you the most in your life their message to you was exactly the opposite they were telling you your love doesn't matter it does no value it doesn't has no impact and this is the the most damaging message that human beings convey to one another and it's also the most beautiful message when you put it in the positive that your love does have impact and it matters and it's really valuable woohoo well thank you so much for being on the show this has been fantastic Richard I can't thank you enough for what you're doing and the difference you're making in the world well thank you so much and we have a wonderful new thing yeah we're putting out a quantum touch pendant anokhin gets in focus this particular pencil hold that up close for just a second there yeah it may get in focus sometimes it will it is yep okay yeah what Helen it had that's the image that you have drawn inside your book as well at the beginning of the chapters it is kind of like that and so here's the deal about this pendant because this is like crazy I learned that I can link objects together and tangle them mm-hmm so I've entangled all the pendants that we've manufactured now I sent them off to our top instructors and in time we'll have a thousand or more practitioner certified quantum touch practitioners and every week or two I'm going to ask though they will spontaneously put their deepest healing energy into the pendant they're going to charge this thing up like gangbusters look with their deepest gratitude their love or their talents or their skills or whatever it is we're going to this thing is going to be different every single day of the week it's not going to be the same pendant that you bought every day out of a thousand people maybe 50 or 75 are going to be charging it and it's going to continue to open up energetically and you can use it for putting on a wound for charging your your water for you name it it's it's like okay this is a whole new thing and these will be available in store in about three to four weeks so then this is like a preview of coming attractions so depending when you release this it'll be out there I'm going to say this with all the love in the world Richard you're crazy but you're the crazy that I really really love oh I'm time I I love I love taking it as far as it can go and I'll have news next week about something even crazier very very cool we'll keep in touch let us know I'll wrap things up here but I certainly want to keep in touch because this is this is really really cool stuff you're doing so for everyone out there this is Michael Sandler saying be well have fun get the quantum touch feel the love that goes really deep and shine bright good work fantastic Richard hey thank you thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed it be sure to LIKE like below also leave your comments have some real fun with it subscribe to our channel where you're going to get more great videos more interviews coming up and check out our website inspire nation show calm that's where you'll find tips blogs information videos you won't find anywhere else and useful and helpful resources to really help you kickstart your life and to shine bright thanks so much again thank you for your support like like like comment subscribe see the website thanks so much and have fun of course shine bright whoa
Channel: Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation
Views: 312,235
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Keywords: the most powerful energy healing technique, most powerful healing techiques, energy healing techniques, energy healing technique, quantum healing techniques, richard gordon meditation, quantum touch the new human, richard gordon healing, richard gordon, quantum healing richard gordon, quantum touch richard gordon, quantum touch, richard gordon quantum touch, quantum touch healing, quantum energy healing, reiki healing techniques, quantum healing, energy healing
Id: M8FF6j4Kcco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 25sec (4645 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2016
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