Endless Space 2 - New Player's Guide Part 2

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welcome one welcome all welcome we're gonna get the nice they've always got amazing music amplitude with these with these games I freaking love this music I use it for a lot of other background stuff I asked that on them Google Play it's fantastic anyway I'm Bridger welcome guys we did have an endless space sort of tutorial guide stream a while back and there was a full intention to continue that except that I forgot to save it and then over wrote the auto saves with a separate game that I was playing offline so I felt very bad about that but now we have a new expansion out I'm gonna be basically launching a brand new game in that with the you know well not really expansion I guess just a big patch with a bunch of improvements that cetera et cetera I'm gonna be playing Horatio because they suit my playstyle very well which is expand everywhere take all the good stuff everything you can possibly find now why is that well they've got this thing called gene hunter so essentially they spliced the genetic material of other factions and enhances population so you find minor faction across the world or even other factions populations other major factions populations you take their best pieces about their genes and splice it into your faction so now every single one of your pops that are the Horatio faction get better so the more times you do this the more expensive it is the next time but it just makes your guys so much better than everybody else so you basically need to populate the entire galaxy with the perfect species that's what Horatio is all about so they also get plus 5% food consumption per splice population so that's also balancing mechanics so the more of these people that we splice the more food that our Horatio people eat anyone's take a quick look at Horatio itself yes let's beautify the galaxy there's basically this one super-rich guy was being outcast because of the shape of his head he had some weird deformity I guess and so nobody liked him and just like fine I'll take my money and I'll go and he went and he found this planet with a bunch of cloning like super advanced cloning technologies and he's like wouldn't it be great if the rest of the galaxy was as beautiful and smart as I am and he just made an entire race of people that were direct clones of himself there was a cat involved of course no there was no cat that was all just a ruse anyway so yeah that's this guy that's why he splices people together to make himself even more beautiful and perfect he also starts with these little Zavala people on his homeworld like a little subservient race kind of a thing he's also really good at populating planets because he has crowded planets and content's citizens so you can expand a lot and pack a lot of people onto those planets which is great because all of his people are super super good at producing stuff and I just realized I forgot to open up the chat here so we'll do that right now so I really like the concept of horatio I think it's really cool and if I remember correctly we can do this and then do this and give me one second it probably just went black I'm aware there we go now we're back and now we're back and now I can see the chat over here as well hello twitch and YouTube okay so yeah he's got that we've got perfect genes which means that the heroes recover twice as fast it looks like horatio Prime is where we start with a dictatorship and that means that we can pick whatever party we want to be the winner of any election but it could make people unhappy and rebellions are more likely to happen and it could overthrow the dictatorship and turn it into a republic or something like that but as it is the horatio is in charge of his own people and they are ecologists that's their thing so food and happiness is what they're all about so let's get going you know what yeah I think random galaxy shape a large galaxy is fine we'll leave it on the defaults here for the most part we'll play with seven AI players we'll give the game difficulty hard and yeah I think that's good let's hit go and see what happens we'll watch a little cutscene here because I do love the flavor for this race and if you haven't seen it before he's the most arrogant like crazy bastard okay game launched and ready except it's not doing it they only ever saw what was it oh well I clicked away and that was mistake all right so let's jump right into it nobody wants watch those anyway improved alliances this is the new update they just did you can coordinate with your allies there are pirates that have been significantly improved contextual diplomacy all kinds of great stuff weapons redesign pressure redesign one thing I kind of wish they'd redesign and I'm not sure if they've done it since the last time that I played is that the laws were kind of like especially like the ecology laws and navels colonization of non gas plants however your suffer of 50% fades penalty like this law as like the locked in law for ecologists it's great for the very beginning of the game but as soon as you've gotten all the colonization technologies it becomes worthless it's absolutely worthless and if we try to look at all the other laws that would come into play I'm not sure if it'll actually show us yeah let's see I don't know which one of these was the requirement they might not even show me the required law because I mean those aren't available but my main concern is that some of the other ones have much better required laws and it's like why would I take the ecologist if one half of my two laws are worthless well unfortunately that's kind of the downside to playing this race because if you don't take ecologist you could piss off a lot of people if you don't have enough happiness in your systems so let's start by exploring our ready-made galaxy looks like we have a bit of a spiral galaxy going on here for arms spiral galaxies they did add a new function of controlling the constellation that you're on if you control most of it you get some kind of an advantage so let's see about that we'll send the first revealer in this direction and see if we can find anything valuable Oh a minor civilization dubbed the remnant so we start negotiations and we say hey how's it going we can't afford to make them like us anymore but if we do we could eventually fund the development of this minor solution system temporary increasing its yields and giving you access to its faction trait which is I think concentrated constructors reduced wonder cost that could be very beneficial at the beginning of the game so we'll consider that and then I guess we'll send our beautifier out in one of these other directions and see what there is to build on our home planet what we got here we got Horatio prime which is a Mediterranean system and we also have some curiosities here in our home world a savanna systems pretty good it's gonna give us a little space bar nope that's not system management's I change that to tab that's right okay or maybe it was always tab so this gives us they both give us a lot of dust production this one is a lot better at producing food and science and production and then there's a super cold ice planet here which is amazing at producing science but produces zero foods we're not to be careful about that but then we've also had this lava planet here we can produce basically everything in this little home world which is fantastic and we know that Horatio loves hot planets they get +2 happiness when they're on hot planets so let's see what do we want to build here well I think we almost always want cerebal reality or drone networks drone networks helps us build everything else faster so let's build those two right off the bat and then we got to figure out what we're gonna research here so we have a hero that we have to assign somewhere let's see what we might get from them they have no points but currently they give +1 movement on a fleet or +1 food / original Empire population on planets so that's not fantastic but I mean he could be leveled up to be doing a lot more like +5 happiness and population or production and food not population food so I think that's probably worth it if we make our you know capital here super food production it can grow very quickly and that'll let us colonize the galaxy as fast as possible that's probably what he's good for back from the very brief no man has traveled further struggled more and unraveled more of the mysteries of the universe in whole ratio all right new luxury sources to deposit discovered blue cap mold where it says that but then I don't see it it's not here is it over here I don't see blue cap mold over here why does it say that we've discovered those things but we clearly haven't Empire now has access to deciduous trees those must be things that we can see it's just saying hey you you can see those now period because just existing gives you access to seeing those or what do we start with for technology we start with over here and over there yeah none of those really revealed luxury resources I always thought that was hidden in one of these little middle things all right so let's continue and figure out what we want to do where do we want to go first we know that we've got an ice planet that's a snow this is a Tundra there's a step is this ice way down here Arctic ice is way over here it's gonna take us a long time to be able to colonize that with no problem savanna however wouldn't be bad and we could get that and that would also let us get advanced scanners mm-hmm that's an interesting consideration I'm also partial to getting the titanium probe so you get probes that faster cool down but that won't help us if we don't know what titanium and Hyperion look like which suggests that maybe we should go for one of those first and yet I always I always want the science first it makes it so much easier to get all the other things so we'll get that science first and then we'll look at going over here to the Indian Zeno industrial infrastructure and/or interplanetary transport now because if we're sitting on top of Hyperion or titanium I do want to get access to those better probes early in the game because exploration is very important so here we are we found our way over here are there any no curiosities this location that we can really examine so we'll send our guy on his way and this guy still hasn't reached a destination that's interesting ah we have some curiosities over here let's explore them well Colin advisable Mediterranean but it's got poor soil that's no good a large Mediterranean with super spuds molten springs see that's always concerning it's like okay it's got this is a really good planet if I research this and it's bad luck sure resource deposit or strategic resource deposit I don't think actually bad anomalies ever come out of curiosity's now that I think about it oh we found a titanium deposit so we would see them we don't even have to we don't have to redo it the research at not've - in order to exploit it but this is absolutely a planet that I need to colonize ASAP then we also have a large ash planet ooh radiated anomaly we can find bad anomalies for your curiosity's apparently but probably because of it was an atmospheric we have a couple life-form high chances of anomalies with these ones ooh there we go we found a good luxury source and finally another luxury source I mean it's unfortunate that says poor soil we'll get rid of that and modifier later but yeah alright we'll hit spacebar yeah we now have access to super spots oh man we found a dead end there's nothing here all right I'm sending this colonizer over here immediately because that Mediterranean planet number one we already know how to colonize and live on Mediterranean planets that's this right here so we don't have any disadvantage to colonizing Mediterranean planets and it's freaking huge as a large Mediterranean planet so we can fit a ton of people on it and it's got all these positive anomalies positive production positive food positive happiness positive money and positive production again it's great you can't say no to that and it's at a juncture that makes it pretty safe it's far it doesn't have any connections anywhere else at the moment and it looks like this is an endpoint as well what is this Orion no planets except gas giants can be found in the absence of a star it's a star system without a star that's bizarre it's just a floating gas giant in the middle of nowhere I don't think I've ever found that in this game before that's cool and I guess we'll try to see what there is to see in this away and this away and see if hopefully we can explore that without actually sending our scout that way all right so the three of us stood around a table this is this is a small story about how Horatio the original was locked up by two of his clones who both conspired to name one of them is the original and the original as an impostor so the original Horatio is locked up in a dungeon somewhere and one of the clones is pretending to be Horatio prime because he had the support of another clone and it's insane so anyway we could get crafted nutrition plant so a plant that gives all of our original Empire population plus for food that's really good so how do we do that increase the Horatio population to 12 or reach at least 60 total luxury stock in a luxury item or build at least five ships of 59 defense power well we're not getting any luxury items yet I think that multiplied is going to be the fastest thing all these actually different things cultural Apogee Center gives plus to influence on original Empire population that's also really good and this is production on the original Empire population hmm influence can be really valuable and yet I'm drawn to the production but you know the multiply will work really well in the long term because we know that the Horatio will need to eat more over the course and this will give us easier ability to get to land in systems that don't have a lot of food production yeah we're gonna go with this because it's gonna be easiest to get and probably have some very good long lasting benefits to getting that particular choice so our probes found Rheem or has a large lava planet with no specific benefits or penalties a gas giant not a good system so far we need a good food Oh a Terran that's what we need and it's got trans fine it's only a poor deposit but still this could be a super production center because of the two hot planets and we found other planets just off the beaten path look at that links actually that's a four planet system that's fairly undo but it's a toxic planet those are hard to colonize and usually don't provide very good output and then an Arctic also not great with that negative anomaly an ice planet so far this system looks pretty good for science just cuz of those two and it's got prosperity seasons and up Darren look this is not when we want to colonize early it might be good to get late in order to get a lot of science from these two planets a large ice planet in particular it's gonna provide a ton of science 12 science per population point but not early nope not gonna happen and if we zoom way in you can actually see the the sort of car it might be hard to see on the stream I'm not sure but you can see this sort of carved fog of war that that's all I've seen something could be right here and I don't know it that's why you gotta send out that probes so the good news is we know basically everything there is to know except this one offshoot down here about our constellation and I think that we're going to have a revealer built and in order to do that let's first take a quick look at there we go the revealer itself has 2 bonus probe stocks built-in by default I think the default design left some of those empty and everybody everywhere always built the extra probe stocks so yeah I think we're good to go with that so let's build another revealer to explore down in that direction while our scout explores in this direction and I do want to check these anomalies but until I actually colonize the planet they're not terribly valuable to me they might get me something don't get me wrong but let's see population game didn't begin to the Horatio pop that's what we need four of eight we need to get to 12 ain't enough experience to reach level two let's assign some skills now this is since art since our thing is all about food I think we need to hit +1 production and food I think that's got to be or we could just let +10 food straight-up boom plus 10 per fertile and plus 10 on system and I think that we have our homeworld is fertile no it's hot you don't have any fertile planets here but the +10 is still nice as a booster early on it's very nice and we've got another starless system man this is an interesting galaxy we've got building here ah we get to pick a new thing here we know that we're gonna get closer to titanium with that new system so let's get Zeno linguistics that'll also give us this production building although this one is the one that works no offense for teaching deposit so I was thinking a hot planet specialization so we can also think about steps if we need that in the future I'm also very like I want to grab intense confiscate cult of cultivation soonest and I'm actually going to flip those around and do that first build that on the homeworld and just have it start pumping out colonization Authority doubt your intellectual chops please well we're the best so calm down there but so this is the scream you need this is a volley to grow in population so that we can splice them currently we need how many in order to splice them two units of this population and then we can splice them and get plus happiness and plus science to all of our Horatio people interestingly when they splice them they go away we don't know where they go but they stop being I think we might need to harvest them so to speak in order to make that happen what's this game about it's about it's a it's a space for X game explore expand exploit exterminate the victory conditions are varied and I will go over those in a second if you're interested we definitely want to land in this large Mediterranean colonize applies that has very good production overall now it is a Mediterranean which is minus one happiness per person except is it also hot it is also hot which means that that is completely offset by Horatio's inborn bonus of liking hot planets look at that beautiful beautiful why would anybody not want to live here - mine is happiness what are you talking about it's friggin gorgeous I mean it might be difficult to get around because of all the water but it's gorgeous alright so now we're trying to grow this outpost into a fully fledged colony and the way that that works is we have to fill up this bar we have to get enough food here representing you know population essentially that it is upgraded into a fully French colony we can increase this rate but essentially what's happening is every every turn this is producing 13 food that is enough to feed a growing population and so in 24 turns it will have fully upgraded but at the same time we have ships departing from our home world that is sending food aka population over to this planet with 38 food per ship and they're sending a ship every two turns there abouts so this is actually probably gonna be much more like nine nish turns because we're getting that but we can boost it even faster by doubling this production for 150 dust and I think we're gonna spend that we could also spend other resources but dust is the only one we have there we go so now we're generating 26 instead of 13 and and so the 38 still coming in but it's not going to be nearly as big a factor because we're just doing a much better job of paying to build up the infrastructure on this on this world here so somebody was asking what this games about if you've ever played it it was actually had a free weekend this past weekend and I'm sorry I didn't get a stream on like Friday night to kind of show it off and give people the opportunity to go and play it themselves but I was very busy this past weekend so it's just a bad timing for when this game went for you to play with their big expansion slash update that came a free to everybody so it is a space 4x game and you have a bunch of different goals so one of them is a wonder victory if you have very very high amounts of production and you can build five copies of a given wonder or something to that effect 3 3 copies 3 3 obelisks of all space time then you essentially win life when getting everything in this universe because those obelisks I believe the lore is that you can use them to travel instantaneously anywhere you want which means you're basically gonna win every war etc etc and I think you get access to them is this it yes it's difficult to explain structures that encompass everything they can infinite computing power that does not simply record what is happening and what has happened but they do the level of the level particles and waves in perfect synchronization they contain all knowledge all history and the understanding of how to perfectly develop using protective reject all power you hold the ability to create a destroy anything living or nonliving so you basically get the power of a god if you build 3 of these things however they require you to be able to produce a huge amount of industrial production on a single system and you have to have all of these resources in huge quantities especially the later game ones are very hard get that much from so building one of these is hard building three of them is a game-winning amount of effort so that's the wonder victory then the score victory is justified nobody has won by turn 300 whoever has the highest score wins supremacy is if you bring all the enemy major factions home systems on your control you just win just win nobody else can beat you now cuz you've shown yourself to be so strong you can take all of their capitals away and they can't stop you if you lose one of their capitals and you have to take it back before you can win the game basically so if you get six of them and then you lose one and you get the seventh you have to go back and grab the 6th again so you have all of them on your control the same time conquest just means maybe he didn't get to the Capitals but you got so many of them the Capitals are just an inevitability right you need all a certain percentage of all the star systems under your control and as people gather you know colonize more star systems you need to conquer them and get those as well sciences you have to research all for victory technologies to win so if you're doing really good science productive you're ahead of everybody then this race might be for you an economy is producing the most amount of dust in the galaxy so those are the those are the six different ways that you can possibly win I don't yet know what ours is gonna be but it's probably gonna be conquest or domination supremacy sake only because the horatio loves expanding and so sometimes do that by conquering things so hopefully that explains how that what's going on there so now the next question is let me just catch up on the chat here good thing with the game is that you have some quick look at the quests give a lot of flavor to this compared to other Forex games like I love civilization in that style game but the quests here give you so much like to dig your teeth into narrative Lee and I love that about it all right so let's continue to see if our Scout gets anywhere valuable ooh this is actually being colonized by somebody it looks like there's a large ash planet a large ash planet and and come on I like seeing these but sometimes it takes forever savannah colonize about that's a very good one actually tiny Savannah and a rival outpost has taken the large Mediterranean don't you know don't you know that's our thing what are you doing there we will bury you hmm I'm a little bit I mean I think that they're probably yeah there are only five turns away from victory so there's no way that I can beat them by putting my outpost in there first I can't get a colony ship over there anything have one to send yet but we might have to conquer that thing that's a really nice system ah space mob space mob is here these guys love being traitors they love they make lots of dust lots of money so I wonder if it might be beneficial to be friends with them except that we can't have really good lines of communication with this stupid gas giant in the way we're not gonna be able to figure out how to do gas giants for a long time but let's get the advantage of researching these anomalies maybe it's something bad here huh bad anomaly for you ooh the nodes linked to you Bella have been revealed that's kind of nice so if we zoom out here we can see where they go oh that's not even close to their homeworld we might be able to take that if we focus on a military strategy for the near future you might be a good defensive outpost because it looks like it blocks all the ways coming in from that Southern Air Arm of the constellation and it's got a really nice extra luxury resource there's two luxury luxury sources here maybe four basic fusion torpedoes we found the ruins of a civilization and we figured out how to reverse engineer some technology and two basic fusion torpedoes guys these are better than the basic missiles I believe that you start the game with they do 32 and salvo hell 30 to 75 let's see I think we start with some basic missile technology that's the ones that we just gained so no I guess we didn't start with basic missile technology but what are the ones that we can get if we research them that support gear that's a support module - where do we get ship modules from is it really way up here you get the next level of torpedoes huh or over here so that's good we now have a military option so you look here a toxic planet we don't care about the steps planet that's pretty good it's got a low gravity anomaly that's good I know tiny ice that's an okay system not great for us but it's okay a medium tundra there's good science wow really good science Arctic's and great on science another ice this is a super science system you put all your big science buildings right here damn it those are good and I'm concerned because let's build ourselves a fleet here to expand in this direction I'm this is where the other ship came from I think there's another empire down this branch so at this point it doesn't look like we have a lot of options for expansion like if you Bela might be the only one which is a bit concerning I'm gonna leave this guy here because I I remember thinking there was a weird game I had where if the if your block hating a planet then their outpost can't grow I'm gonna see if that's true let's see our pop let's let's build a beautifier and then let's also look at switching our research over to a more militaristic angle we only need one of these and then we'll upgrade this let's see do we want bonus capacity on our planets for defense or do we want bonus XP on fleets we want big data shipyards we want to be able to build ships much better much more experience when they come off the line there isn't an explorer wind condition I had a similar situation why don't we put an outpost there in this game is probably too late yeah it might be too late but I think if I'm block hating it they might not be able to turn into a full colony so I may be able to sneak a colony over there we'll see Oh No a pirate freakin base has spawned in between me and the place I wanted to mm-hmm they're gonna spawn pirate fleets well I guess it's gonna be when military anyway two of them spawn hopefully crap they spawn in those stupid starless systems of course they did because of course they did we need to get make friends over here quickly okay is this system good for us let's see large ice large ice huge baron oh no good this was gonna be a good system that's right it's a Terran planet which is which is good and it has two hot planets the lava one we'll be able to colonize quickly the gas one not so much so it looks like we're like right in the middle of two major arms of this galaxy alright we've finished getting the food which we may not actually need anymore since there's not a lot of places we can expand to quickly I guess we can expand on our own homeworld but that's not terribly great and to that effect I do want to make sure we research Savannah where was that did we already get it we got Mediterranean tundra you want to find Savannah here there's Savannah that will increase the amount that we produce on that Savannah planet right now we can colonize that Savannah planet because we have hardship ready ecologist law but we colonize the planet we get a 50% penalty to the output of that planet until we get the correct colonization technology that's why I'm putting that on the docket because if that's gonna be our second homeworld planet we're gonna need to do something about that now here's the risk right this says the number of terms were a new private field fleet of fears we've got eight turns to try to sneak that past and down here and see if it works I'm gonna try it I might lose a colonization ship that might suck a lot but we're in the process of researching some stronger fleets and in fact I think we have to do that in before we do the baryonic shielding and in order to get the better ship types we actually need to go up here that's right this is where we get our military type ships that has to be first and then we can go over here and get better XP on these ships because we just we need that we need to focus it's a mess of these pirates we need it so you Bella actually did finish being colonized so this is kind of a mistake but let's see if we can find a colonizing past them over here I guess I'll just send this scout further in this direction and see what we can find and we'll send him further in this direction see what we can find oh good this is on our the the savanna planet next to our homeworld we found deciduous trees that's great there's a rumor of an academy out there where more heroes can be trained in the dust ways masters of dust so backtrack the paths of heroes by explain five atmospheric curiosities can do maybe I'll see you gets there first this is an atmospheric life-form curiosity so I'm gonna stick this baryonic shielding on anyway because we're gonna get that colony done soon and after the colony is done let's get some science going here I would do intensive cultivation but it's gonna take a while is gonna take 14 turns and we're just not gonna be able to benefit from it right now we're producing tons of food but we can't really colonize much in fact you know what I'm turning this ship around hopefully it doesn't get destroyed by pirates Oh somebody else got the special D did they produce two hundred dust in the single system oh let's find out where this is happening whoa we found another pirate base on a lion let's check out this system small lava not great tiny lava not great huge gas not great desert and Savannah actually this could be a good system if I mean the fact that these are all tiny planets kind of sucks but we still get plus one we try to put people on them yeah this could be a good system but it's got pirates on it so we have to run away because all we have is a tiny little scout ship here so retreat and he retreated back the way he came so we've a mopped the next stage of the technology which is good what do we actually get that here right we've unlocked stage 2 so now creator of wealth is available somebody else actually did that that's the one that somebody did so we just got access to it but somebody else has already completed it by getting a hundred dust in a single system oh that ships actually going he's going places that was a mistake oh there's another planet this is their home planet I think yep the home planet of of these guys let's get out of here before they get upset at us for sticking around and I guess somewhere in here we'll build another beautifier and grab that third area here we've finished colonizing a system fantastic now of course the first thing we need to build is drone networks to give this system decent production and then a cerebral reality to give it a decent output to counteract the fact that it has a high upkeep the first building that you build is always this colony base which gives you some basic production some basic happiness food but it costs twenty upkeep so you're always in the hole the very first time you colonize something in terms of monetary upkeep so the the cerebral reality helps offset that by a lot so I don't know what to do with this guy except I think we'll just send out as probes and look for any other systems that we've missed because we haven't been close enough to see them in this area and then I think I'm going to send them over here and try to look for some systems that might be out of this constellation somewhere in the middle over here you know I didn't notice that there's no vaulters you're right where their vault there's an endless base what it's been a long time since I played that I only play the vaulters an endless legend that might be somebody they add this minor civilization can provide you with a bla ba ba ba ba ba ba so where do we find them just said we had a new contact with a minor civilization but I don't see them anywhere on the map what is that a black hole how do we learn about that they're also colonizing this man they are they have a good set of planets here we've only got these three systems that are really good we're probably gonna get this one once we get these guys aligned to us but men look it's also kind of awful at for early-game these gonna be great in late-game because look it makes freakin 40 production oh that's cuz it's got people on it but I'm just saying these lava planets can be very valuable but they don't produce any food is the problem so yeah that's very concerning and now we've got pirates blockading our brand-new system and we can't build any military units yet because we don't have these plans to do so all right what does this system look like ice no ice no baron no yeah still not valuable but let's we're gonna research these uh let me see atmospheric ruins ruins is okay because you get loot from these things anyway sometimes it's still good OOP lusts v vision range on system not gritty sometimes you get luxury resources sometimes you get strategic resources sometimes get a special technology like this basic plasmoid shielding a slightly better version of the technology that we already had I believe let's see I think if we show obsolete modules we can see yes okay so there was a difference between these two so basic ion torpedoes were 20 damage with 60 health this is 32 damage with 75 health so this is the one we found in the ruins and we just recently found another boost thing here we had basic plaid Micheel d'ang 10 health 270 shielding with 30 10 270 31 goes into 35 41 14 that's pretty big difference anyway we get rid of the obsolete things there that's no problem you know what I haven't been paying attention to do we have enough we have enough to splice so we can splice the Civ ollie into Horatio it's gonna make the - savaii that we have disappear and all of my Horatio pops are gonna get an extra plus 2 and an extra plus 1 science they already produce plus food and plus one hot this will give them a flat plus two and plus one splicing them in and they're gone we no longer have svali what happened to them I don't know they're part of us now you can see that right there we got more happiness and more science they're part of us now oh hang on a new event baby's not booms there's been a noticeable increase in the birth rate of one of the systems of Empire our capital Ying but identifies as militarist and scientific this trend is particularly strong among Irish my your advisors say it's a cultural response to the instability of galactic warfare while the leading analyst claims the reaction the prosperity of peace perhaps not no one really knows so we gained ahora Shem population on the inc that's fantastic you know why because we're gonna we're gonna simulate them - ooh ok so yeah this is the problem we have there was food actually going from our capital if you recall to this outpost and it was destroyed by some stupid pirates now we have found a five planet system ladies and gentlemen that is usually a very good system because if there's good planets in here we have a lot of this this could be huge it could be massive but only if there's good planet types let's see Oh atoll is pretty good but acid rain anomalies bad gas can be valuable later we get a lot of dust from it but not now tundra is okay tundra is good you can get food there small ice and a medium ice yeah now why does a hostile presence detected on the tundra planet I think that was a mistaken typo there oh do we want to build here we can start with the small atoll what is this - happiness and - production hmm that's problematic unfortunately my work is calling me so I gotta be right back guys hang up you you you you you you you you you you you sorry about that guys when work calls they need me all right so we're back here this is this is back to me determining if I want to land on this atoll what would what would it give us a total of four production per person which isn't great get a production in this place is awful the acid rain makes it bad but we can still deal I mean it can still give us a lot of other things it'll just be a slow-growing system and it kind of sucks that it's so far away but we don't have a lot of other systems to work with and we've got to spread horatio out look it's beautiful it may have acid rain every once in a while and you have to spend some of your time rebuilding your roofs because they're getting deteriorated by acid rain but look how beautiful it is obviously the plants here have adapted to living in an acid rain environment now I'm not gonna I'm gonna have to pay to boost this production because we're not gonna get any of those food shipments through this area with the stupid pirates and while we're here let's see if we can't find now it doesn't look like there's much over here so let's go this way I mean I probably didn't need to do that since I'm gonna be going this way anyway but whatever I think we added one more beautifier there we go perfect beautiful I say and I think in fact is for public-private partnerships we have to build zeno industrial infrastructure because that's gonna give +22 ying and +10 to Horatio and we need as much as possible that'll give us a pretty big boost in production we need to fight these stupid freaking pirates we just got to oh I forgot you got an election so the thing is we have pure Horatio everywhere if we choose anything other than ecologist or people are gonna be very unhappy and it's like well I want so if we look at military áslaug the jingle is joy bill that is much better and more useful than the default law that the ecologist have the hardship or anything later in the game hardship ready is completely useless later in the game this is still very useful what about this one you can attack and invade an enemy territory while being in a cold war that can also seems like it would be very cool throughout the entire game to the ecologist at least make up for this by having very good things on there other laws maybe [Music] Plus 5% FIDs per anomalies is good - 25 % luxury costs for increasing population growth rate that can be okay 2% science per slight slice post spliced population that's also kind of good so these are actually very particular to horatio these two at the end so now that I look at it those can be pretty valuable if only we can get more lost slots but things like look at the science one here your next research technology to the next stage of technology we go here lower fleet costs that can be very helpful but I think we have to go with ecologists because otherwise we're not going to have very happy empires everybody's gonna vote ecologist basically yep so we unlocked cool copies we could actually look into doing a law here in a second let me look plus to Cal Garros on the home system so now we have a couple of two new species that we could potentially splice but we need four in either of them so these Cal garros will give us happiness which is great because that might allow us to dictate our government a little bit better the Harris gems will give us food when they grow in fact let's see if we can't favor their population in order to get them to four hmm not for now not for now so we're still researching efficient shielding and we're gonna have the xeno industrial infrastructure built at the right time to start cranking out military ships to fight these damn pirates hopefully honeycomb scope that's right that's the +5 vision range on the system that's kind of nice so we got here McGrath's a lava and ash and a Mediterranean Oh mmm crab that's that's so far away we're not gonna be able to we have to get through the Pirates to get there this stupid pirate base is really frustrating now what we got here we need to praise them again to increase right now we they provide us with a small portion of their of our their resources they give us a little bit of science a little bit of dust the next level they provide us with more resources and a special action this one down here I think so let's continue on mind matters a brilliant inventor as creative wonder speech technology a neural device that allows one to temporarily control the thoughts and actions of another unfortunately the inventor only created one and he apparently passed away shortly after testing it there is a bit of hullabaloo over what to do with the device now I think we should confiscate it and give experience to the heroes yeah we don't need happiness and we don't need to improve the college's political ideology we're gonna try to flip things towards militarist if we can all the horatio pops have a sort of predilection towards ecology anything that boosts ecology is going to make them very happy but we're gonna start producing military vessels and researching military technologies which should hopefully push things towards military for the next election and what do we get after that do we get better laser technology and better laser shielding I don't know if the Pirates are gonna be using lasers you know what we need to send our Scout in there to find out we know find out what the Pirates are using we can't see their fleet oh the power of the pirate layer is growing actually you go here we need to send in a scout as like a sacrificial lamb to check the Pirates weapons technology call a spaceman a spaceman oh boy they're upset because they want let's see the minor civilizations as the religious community up in arms the classification system is mostly meaningless at this point okay we could ignore it and lose little happiness to get some scientists political ideology or lose production we can't afford to lose production we just have to ignore this problem and hope it goes away side with the scientists ooh this will give +10 to all production and plus 25 forced an experience on fleet that fights here and that could actually be conceivably quite close to Z you I'm gonna send him up that northern route there and down here we're gonna try to see if we can't find and probe into intergalactic space here see if there's any non-connected then we're gonna send our scouts up here to find out what's going on with these pirates 20% of the galaxy explored azam another population gained of a ratio type all right we finally unlocked these fleet unit things here and we've only had a few turns left four turns to figure out what we want to research for military technology but for now let's build a couple of these so the weapon this is our offensive attacker guy it's a small one it doesn't have a lot of space but we're gonna build as best we can let's look at what we can build it on offensively we can put I mean we know that we've got better fusion torpedoes right now and we can put some beam weapons on there because the beam weapons actually go well with with the torpedoes at long-range so if we try to keep our guys at long-range will do very well with these two together for defensive it's only that one spot we only have one spot to put any kind of defense on so it either has to be defense against she lasers or defense against projectiles this one's obviously better overall giving us the shields there so let's build that into our design we have the other one unlocked as well but I want to wait until we can see what's going on here in Orion what kind of pirate ships we got Oh an asteroid approaching one of our system starts turned out to be a fragment of an ancient planet huh what makes different what they do for the planetary fragment respect the dead gives us science and happiness let's get a forgotten science text and it seems scientists get as much information as possible yeah Horatio doesn't back down from that oh and somebody else found the atmospheric thing it looks like we couldn't find enough atmospheric planets our corner the galaxy kind of sucks we have to expand and quickly ooh look at him vomit another five planet system lava lava ash oh my god this is brilliant we've got a food generating planet and then tons of this is like a shipyard that we could use to conquer the rest of the galaxy with not only that these have a few extra production anomalies and this one has a titanium and a Hyperion I need this I need this corner of the galaxy it must it will be mine I need to take this and block it off oh man another not lava ash ash arid and oh well there's nots not nearly as good here cuz we don't have the food production to grow it quickly but that's also pretty good I I can't not I gotta I gotta do but I gotta take care of these pirates versa need these ones and these ones specifically these ones but those ones too man I just don't know who could do what are we gonna build up here I think we need to build xeno industrial infrastructure because it looks like we're gonna need more production here how's their growth factor fifty two's not bad I could also use this one to get public-private partnerships give us there's no fertile planets here there's two Mediterraneans that are not fertile but this would still give us plus 10 hmm it's not great this one is planets with anomalies is 2 per person that's 2 for right now but it's actually 3 so 3 6 and it could grow to be much more valuable and it it takes longer to build hmm let's get Z no industrial infrastructure it's only plus 10 right now but in the long term it will pay for itself up to 28 turns better now than later I think everybody's already pretty happy ok minor faction provides us with even more stuff so plus 20 happiness on systems on Empire plus 10% ha on the shoulders of supergiant's they watched a supernova and the people were happy about it that's good I'm happy that they're happy the vote gianni and our church acknowledge you yes hello voor dyani let's see about what's up here even further on this this is a large constellation by the way guys it's kind of crazy how big this is usually they're not connected like this alright we gained a beautifier but we've got freaking pirates right on our tail they're coming close we got a run get out of there before the Pirates show up so now I think we just have to start building some of those attack fleets to fight these pirates they might not be the best ships we can build but we'll get them so we're looking for baryonic shielding specifically said that our savannah in our capital produces more FIDs right now if we recall this thing is producing half because specifically we don't have the colonial ability to understand how to utilize Savannah planets very well so we got that extra 200 capacity on Empire that's good and that is a Empire wide thing or is it a building I think it's an empire-wide thing yeah so our Capitol is starting the first production of military ships and it's currently blockaded - oh nope they're running somewhere else let's praise them one more time I think or development grants that's actually great because it's 15 15 spuds is all it takes and it should improve these numbers on the left a lot let's see boom boom a lot of extra science and dust oh oh oh wait a minute we still can't do this there's still only 2 or 1 our populations not growing as fast as we hoped guys ooh show location aha let's use what praise we can to start getting these guys on our side we want all the minor factions to love us we must be loved and we will love in return now we must also take our captain our champion and consider some of the military benefits that he can provide +4 experience when leading a fleet that's not bad and +1 movement and vision range on fleet I'm gonna go with those two and we're gonna put him in charge of running the fleet soon who is this enemy fleet oh that's this minor faction I see well let's keep exploring with this scout way up here luxury prices increase we don't even have access to the luxury market yet the planet Shahar ooh this is a specialty planet a large law of a small desert a unique plan it's a tiny arid planet but what makes it unique I wonder let's find out though Sahar at first appears to be just another dry planet devoid of anything other than the simplest life-forms first faint geometric pattern is can be seen to big and fist agates seem the eshton's surface initial scans indicate that surface ruins do not appear to be related to those patterns there's clearly a story here of some form of civilization but nothing that remains can be easily documented it doesn't look like it has any anomalies or anything that make it amazing whoa wait a minute it outputs twenty how is it output twenty twelve per person huh that's a lot for an arid planet that's what makes it special it produces a huge amount of production because the base planet type is 12 and instead it's producing extra dust and extra production significantly extra production and extra food hmm very interesting and there's red sang over there yeah our Empire is gonna have a law really hard time oh good we got our third colony up and running it's taken a while but we've gotten there it's an eight whole planet so it's not producing as much as it should unfortunately actually no I think a tolls are one of the ones that we know how to build at the beginning it's a toll and and Taryn are the two that we have access to right at the very beginning of the game let's see I was looking at nine turns versus five turns but the nine turns is going to get us oh no that's not the one that gives us base on fertile so let's get these two going as pretty normal on all of our new planets now it looks like actually these Pirates aren't here yet they're right there can we see them we can see them okay now we can finally find out they are energy based they have energy weapons so now we know that we can go in here and we can search for we actually have a good energy defense platform so I think we want to go for a beam we have the good but we don't have any beam options here that's a projectile with very poor long-range power and this is a laser there are no options to grab a beam weapon beam weapons over here hmm that's interesting can't get it until the third tier [Music] you know what these blue modules require titanium we just so happen to have quite a lot of titanium but we can get two things here so why don't we get unstable isotope because it looks like let's see 20 405 and 68 is this thing actually better than that cool module that we picked up from one of those ruins 24:05 and 68 no it's not as good we have a better shield than that so I don't think we want to go down that path because part of that's useless to us let's go here at least it'll give us a better reflective plating it's projectile damage if we need it and it will give us some interesting options for protection against missiles and this will also increase our fleet command point limit and it will give us access to tanks if we wanted to invade anything yep we'll grab these two and hopefully getting these two well that will definitely give us improve ship design and no gcamp some more population on the Empire I think those are the only two military things we'll have to go into in order to deal with these pirates we probably have enough there with that ah we're going to colonize three more because it does have a large Terran planet which is great and it has an unknown subterranean curiosity it could be anything it can even be a boat no actually I think that's one of the only things that couldn't be flavia's part one had some issues with essentially desync between the audio in the video it's the only time that's ever happened I had to download it and like shift it ten seconds here ten seconds they're all over the place because the video like skipped forward without the audio or vice versa and so there are a few little D sync issues with that I think there was only three or four places where it skips ahead or behind by like 10 seconds hello test slow readings to Russia and then we have somebody in the chat that's just you know promoting their so will report them for spam I mean I don't know why they think they can get away with that without getting banned off a YouTube but whatever alright so yeah we're definitely gonna pay the price here to import we do we want to import it from no we want to import it from our capital which is producing plenty of food and it's right adjacent to our Capitol to rights right there all right so we're getting our first so we actually can run away with our Scout ship except kind of what I want to do is send out some of the probes first and then head over to here and do the same thing so we got the Scout ship over here let's take a couple of curiosities from this system because we can come up with amazing shielding systems now we don't any Hyperion but that's good to have and what just happened Oh exhibition failed damn I didn't know that was possible haven't seen that very often oh there's I appear in deposit on this place okay anyway the last one I kind of want to do is shoot a probe this way just in case there's any system any systems in this direction because I really want this was it Andromeda and dromeda is what I really want and to connect my Empire I need to have another planet here maybe to make it work well alright we could build the intergalactic Technology Center but I'm too busy too one of the things I can there's there's pirates there's these space mob guys I got to deal with eventually we've just completed baryonic shielding which now means that we can go to higher levels curiosities we now have warp drive free movement for all ships and we can now get the better production from the Savannah planet which is good I don't think we have oh we have we can do X Oh science stations I didn't realize we'd unlock that already now we could also take a look at our little protector is what it's called it would be nice to have a Hyperion engine we don't have any hi we have 550 rooms so we could build a Hyperion engine on these guys but all it does is give our ship evasion doesn't give the fleet I like having the fleet bonus things on this we've already got that repair after battle not terribly valuable this is this guy's just not that great right now we could put him there this is the one thing that he can install that nobody else can which is we get bonus science when we destroy ships which is something I'll put them in yeah think about it and we can put that there and we'll put this here for the defensive operations yeah I think that's where we got to put it thirty you know this is this this one that we found in those ruins is still better even in the Hyperion base one so yeah that's how we'll do it we can only have a fleet of four ships the very beginning I think we're gonna unlock a better version of that right now but we'll do three weapons and one tool we've unlocked a new Horatio so we're at eight remember we need to get twelve in order to get that special bonus okay now we can try to assimilate the miner civilization by providing this distance no problems see search the curiosity on the planet Janus one with at least seven titanium well we definitely have seven titanium where's Janice one is that oh really son of a okay well let's send our scout over there and hope that there's no pirates nope we found a tiny black hole here tiny black hole yeah that makes a lot of sense so once I get a full fleet with these weapons and tools we got an Idol system up here what are they gonna build well to Mediterranean systems suggests that this could be a pretty good production planet so maybe we build big data systems here so that this gonna be one of the places we put our fleet especially cuz it's got an ash planet here and then maybe we build another fleet right are we getting a new we get an extra plus three here which means we could have seven so we'll do that and then we'll build one two three and those those those three combined with the four being built in my homeworld means we'll have a full 7 CP fleet 7 command points worth capture assimilator attract a new population type into your empire let's see well that's that's our main ones we want to get more now the ostensibly Oh lifting the lamp opening your Empire's doors to a new population as its challenges but also its rewards the rewards are we get to grind them up and turn them into DNA that we can use to make Horatio great again yeah it's not so it's like really ooh look at that we did find one up here and these guys are +5 food and we could get groupthink which is wow that's really nice oh but we don't have any alliances or peace yet I think I got to spend my everything I'm getting a decent amount of influence we already have a Cal Garos but I don't mind spending a little bit to get them to like us a little more diplomacy remains an option for the good of the church I have a proposal for you you know what I can't I don't even know what the afford nari are do I I shall defend the faith whatever that requires yeah but where are you I don't even know where you are 15% oh oh this is the whole thing if we fully discover it an empire needs to discover the entire constellation before anyone can claim the control bonus and if we control it we get plus 15% food that's really good but anyway I don't even know where the vore Denari are they might be over here no yeah they must be over here but to that end I don't think I give in to your stupid threats I don't care if you like me or not I'm building military ships right now bring it on all right so we're gonna to get eight turns before the next she's thought this thing is screwing me up I got to defeat these stupid pirates somebody else got the eight colonisation she's mad she's mad at me she needed a tithe to the church pilgrims where are they way up there Wow there's three minor empires over there I need to start building anything that can give me influence and just get all three of them twins so sucked into my empire oh we need new technology so we got the military ones we thought we'd need I think we need to focus on other things now we could focus on dust or like I just suggested I need to find influence right spin project plus one per it's a planetary specialization that's not great but what about this Academy Empire has a unique improvement that's not terribly valuable either I think these ones up here and I guess the the spin one could be valuable this is kind of the one I was thinking of National Museum but at the same time these other things could be very valuable oh this is a tough choice where do we go from here I think we need to get this it gives us a system improvement strategic deposits this gives us access to the goods exchange which could be valuable this gives us access to lots more dust we have a decent amount of dust this allows us to actually use our dust I'm gonna go with that because this allows us to buy out the construction so I can speed things up as needed I kind of miss not being able to do that right now I have a lot of dust and not a lot to do with it ooh so because Horatio hit level 10 the collection effects are ecologists are really happy I guess and then when you get here they do bonus food okay we're gonna spend one to try to boost Hera Shems and get more of them in our empire these are the remnant we're gonna get them soon enough ah damnit can't you just let me be I guess we're after retreat I was hoping those pirates wouldn't be there [Music] let's take a look at what we've got here huge gasp ooh large atoll is great we get a little red sang as loot titanium deposit come on let's get some technologies up in here lube horse oil hmm a bunch of dust is very good anyway we need to keep continue mapping the rest of this constellation ah the remnant is now friendly and they're sending us lots of our resources we're working on that right now but I can't do it until the stupid pirate ships are taken care of which should hopefully be soon for turns until we can get our first fleet going there's a lot of pirate ships around here man I'm not sure in what order to do these but Astro finance would give us more dust and we need more production the luxury deposit gives us happiness colonizing ash what are they the planets we were thinking about needing to colonize I think actually being able to use wormholes might be super valuable and we could cancel the negative effects of one of those anomalies in our planets yeah I think that's the way we go getting wormholes can be quite valuable pacifists is the new party in the lead really well we've been building all these military ships how is that solo the ugly plague they come with certain preconceptions as to what beauty is and they're now throwing down their pens and markup kits and frustration of having to live alongside all these other uglier species let's see we have three systems with only horatio population we get a bunch of that or reach a hundred and fifty for production on xing yin and zai you I think it's gonna be I mean what's the current situation which systems don't this one is all Horatio and this one is not all horatio right yeah it's got mixed this one's all Horatio so actually when this outpost gets complete we're gonna have completed that quest so yeah we'll just have three systems with only Horatio population that's easy enough so if the ratio want to be alone they can be alone all right we got to give them another boost to something let's see bonus happiness bonus food let's get bonus food and the next one will go for another military bonus all right three turns still we can get our main fleet ready to go here ooh has barely slowed from a super light speed when built of rocks starts to peel off and head towards you on a carefully calibrated collision course course change is impossible minus 20% fleet health if we study it or minus 2 movement points if we destroy them and gained some resources let's study it I think we need to know what's going on here jeez this is fine we haven't found the end of this stupid constellation like it spans both of these arms that's crazy and I think we just need this guy to stay here and heal up while he waits for for that craziness to be dealt with meanwhile I guess we'll probe our way and I don't know maybe up here all right we finally got this what happened we entered an unknown system and barely slowed from super nice speed blah blah blah we already knew that focusing on scientific investigation you study the system and its effects to gain an industry bonus but doing so put you in harm's way your fleet is damaged but survives the secret of sophisticated magnetics and guidance systems will prove worthwhile so plus 15 production colonies in the Empire yeah that'll be useful we gotta take care of these pirates ah nice we got this a unique improvement ah now that we have completed our first quests we have a new quest for this chapter now that I am fruitful and multiply I can turn to other matters if I am to turn the populace completely against five and Prime they must adore me even worship me unceasingly for I could never have guessed how good it feels to be Emperor alright five and Prime they must be found and then destroyed so the original Horatio escaped with the help of the other one that was thrown in jail pretending to be him they must grow in numbers and adulation on the system do say and raise its happiness to 70 where's do se whoa we've to go all the way over there how come you jerks it's a small Savannah planet it's not even like it's not great and the planets already colonized what are you giving me that for and the reward is five becomes a hero of the military Empire of the militarist faction rather ha own the system do say and raise its happiness I don't think I'm gonna get to that one anytime soon unfortunately so anyway we got this system here colonizers only Horatio which is what they asked for this is one in which we must build them drone networks and cerebral realities to get it started meanwhile we're only two turns away here two turns away there we're finally in the process of dealing with these pirate bastards oh my God look how many there are there's six over there just when I think I'm in a good shape alright maybe that means that this is unblock hated it is it's unblock hated and I wish I knew with this bar around the outside of it is that pretty how close it is to finishing a production maybe no doesn't seem like it maybe blockade oh yeah something done down here intergalactic supermarket a unique improvement that gives us only a bunch of dust does seem like it could be valuable but what is more valuable in this system I mean these are gonna be great for science and right now this is gonna produce all the food which grows the population to be used over there so I think sustainable would give us ten per planet this is also a temperate it's not hot and it's not cold but it will be cold so let's do that an intensive cultivation is a unique improvement that gives us plus twenty five per system level and three / original Empire population this is gonna have a large Empire population and it's right in the middle of our Empire I think xeno industrial infrastructure is going to be great too though let's build that first and then sustainable farms and then consider one of these two 27 versus 13 I think we might just do intensive cultivation cultivation I was thinking about put it on my capital but I think I'll put this one of my capital in this one here because these two are gonna be two very important very large systems that we need to have a lot of population in a lot of food in ooh our empire lacks the troops to fill our star system in fleets we built so many ships we're only gaining 47 a turn that's not good I've never run into a manpower problem before but I built so many ships so fast and we're not producing enough food that's being converted quickly enough do these fleets all have their hundred yet they do okay so it's one of these that's low no they're just barely able to stash it looks like Oh yang needs to decide what wants to build now infinite supermarkets they're already happy we could make them even more happy but I think science or big data systems yeah we if we're gonna build another fleet here we got to be ready and then crafted nutrition plants will help us grow lots of stuff here meanwhile let's take this and put it on this temper planet why not now how come I haven't I must have actually gotten the other one that gave me the eye they did give me the credit for getting the other quest all right we got to do this the quest curiosity this is what those miner faction wanted us to do and it was successfully gets 60 Empire dust and 150 here and we've obtained the miner civilization fantastic okay now I've got to send this scout ooh what's here a small desert with rings and a medium arid with rings those would be really good for dust production keeping that in mind for the future meanwhile now that we're here let's do one more probe and now send this guy to see if we can find finally the end of this stupid constellation in one I mean there's three different places that it continues that we haven't chased it all the way down to so we've assimilated this faction here including their fleet which is good it's the start of something anyway so they've colonized a lava and a gas planet that's interesting so this is gonna need a little bit of food here because I don't know where they're getting their food from buildings the colony base and sustainable farms so we'll build a little bit more I guess but this is definitely going to be a ship manufacturing center lookit there's ninety seven production and we haven't even really finished colonizing it what am i other would see the system's here 116 and 110 those are the two major facts I mean look five populations seven population meanwhile this is ninety seven with two less or four less than the other one it's gonna be good we now have access to Hydra Mel now again we have a situation where no no no can't so we don't want to skip the election the survey says pacifists are the new let's what are the pacifism laws here allows you to force peace when at Cold War with you an empire okay huh yeah I kind of want to stick with ecologists because these have some cool things when they get established but let's not let's let's keep people happy happiness makes people grow better so let's go with the pacifists it's actually gonna be ecologist oh man I was quite wrong it's like most of our supporting ecologist and some industrialists so anyway we got to look in here and see what we want to maybe put here I could have we don't have any alliances or pieces so none of these laws are terribly valuable all right now oh these are the two little ships that we got from our neighbors they've got they like long range battles so what if we change this yeah that's long range instead of short range and these guys are all about medium range battles all right well let's let's fight it out I don't feel like watching it cuz it's not a big clash but Oh a decisive victory killed those stupid pirates there we go they weren't so scary we're they although at the moment these stupid pirates going back to my homeworld but I'm gonna go after their their their main base I'll clean up the few fleets running around once I destroy the main base now these guys are just little attackers that I can stick into any fleet I'll use them all season to trace down these two going for my homeworld and maybe we'll build a fleet around those guys [Music] more Em's okay is that enough no we need three any four of a given population type before we can splice them in why are there just a few ships in the game I'm not sure what you mean you mean in few the total number of ships that I have or the total number of types because you're right I only have a few types but I research into the left tree here to unlock new ones this is military a medium-sized military ship this is a medium-sized sort of support ship for the military and then up here you get access to a carrier ship the larger size ah we found them and because we are much better at long-range we can power to shields or revive and build I think we want to power to shields we'll watch this one and let's take a quick look at the advanced plot here yeah that's how it's gonna shake down cuz we only have four CP in this fleet so let's fight it out and watch what happens guys these are kind of cool to watch I really appreciate it that they've put the time and effort into making these battles like visually interesting but you can also skip them if you're not you know it's a tiny battle on really care what it looks like I do find that the auto camera doesn't do a good job of really letting you see an overview of what's going on so we've got our great shields there and you can see actually the numbers and everything if we happen that oh they're getting zapped with beam weaponry here comes our missiles and of course the camera like goes away the instant well that's kind of cool ooh is that one gone nope not quite there it is that was the last one I like the the the camera thing all right we got a decisive battle we beat up the stupid pirates we took a little bit of damage to one of our ships that'll be easily repaired I think and hey the stupid pirates went back the other way come back alright now this is where we add two more together we merge them and we blockade this system right here guard this system means anybody that enters the system can't leave without fighting me not for what well they block for one turn so these ships that are on their way in are gonna be screwed they're gonna have to fight oh god there's rebellion in Sibel they're not happy about things let's build infant supermarkets there that'll make them happier they're very unhappy why are they very unhappy - twelve for not leading political parties and -21 cuz their planets suck they don't like living on lava planets we got to make their life better and one of the ways we can do that is through I mean the inference Marcus was one way but maybe we got to go all the way up to colonial rights no where's the other happiness ones ah five on hot and five on planets so yeah that's gotta be and that's just a that's that's an empire improvement everybody gets happier so plus ten to both of those planets over there and then we've got luxury deposits on that plane I don't think we have to look for deposits there no we do not but yeah they sure as hell don't like it so it'll be plus fifteen that'll get me back into a decent place especially with the infinite supermarkets helping out I don't want a rebellion no thanks but yeah you can modify the the ships to have different types of weapons and things on them so yeah it's there's a couple of main classes and I kind of missed the fact that there's not like a battleship class there's like the Scout and and colonization class that you start with then there's the what is this the protector which is like a small support ship and a small military ship and then you have a medium support ship and a medium military and then you have the carrier like that's it but then you can put like bombers and fighters and all kinds of things on all those different types let's see what is this gonna do I think here we want to colonize the other planet because if we grow more population here it's gonna start being unhappy because it's too crowded in that system meanwhile we could give infinite supermarkets to these guys also to keep them happy make them even ecstatic it's also possible no we can't put any decent specializations that I care about right now here but this is poor soil which is not fantastic it makes me feel unhappy and this is a +3 per person straight up that's actually really good because both of these have anomalies that we're gonna want to deal with fertile planet temperate and none of those only the planet ones apply their intergalactic supermarket is a unique improvement that's the kind of thing that we put at the end of a trade route and this looks like it's gonna be the end of a trade route so they're just gonna make this like a super trade area if we can I mean there's not a lot of dust being produced here it's okay for dust it's not it's not great but it's okay let's get the final fleet upgrade we're heading for their stupid pirate base we're gonna knock them out and this battle should go in our favor if we do the same thing we do a shield wall we don't need to watch it let's just let it play out I think we'll beat them up didn't even lose them so there we go alright so some of the Pirates have been slowly taken care of we have antimatter in our home system that's kind of nice that's one of the harder to find things in the game later the let's see let's make sure they continue to like us make sure they continue to like us and let's make sure that they continue to like us mmm we want to assimilate everything the boosts increased chance that they do we want to try one more for them I think we do we want to get them boosted up alright we've we're here at their home system I think we have to do invasion combat in order to knock them out so let's start invading huh we have we have to do preemptive bombing right that does a lot more damage to the defender during the ground battle and it might blow up some improvements but we don't really care about the improvements on this stupid pirate area 33 health on invading troops keeps them alive a little longer yeah let's do a pre-emptive bombing see if that works we destroyed a lot of them and we kept a lot of ours so we'll hold out there they won't grow in numbers I don't think but we will kind of because we'll be read we'll get reinforcements now the other thing I haven't actually done is go in and adjust my military forces I should be producing some armor here let's make 20% of our fighting forces into armor and actually we have enough adamantine something to unlock this oh no we don't it's saying nevermind we don't have any I thought it because it wasn't grayed out we were ok so we'll make our infantry stronger will make our infantry even stronger and still stronger Wow we can really do this nope we can't do the final one oh that requires a lot more of actually we can't do these cuz we don't have any hyperion we need to find some Hyperion guys that's really weakening us more Horatio and we've run out of things to build on our other planets here let's infinite supermarkets make sure everybody's happy this planet needs to get researched actually got a subterranean thing here it could be a luxury or strategic resource hopefully that's Hyperion actually let's let's pay 376 to make that happen real quick Zeno industrial infrastructures not not the best thing to put there but alright this is our Empire that now is Oh still really unhappy there's nothing I can do about that right now but they're partly unhappy because of some of the populations not from the leading political party so we can use profit pacifist propaganda to try to slowly get these guys to like the current political party that'll decrease the -12 penalty get with the program people we did get Hyperion oh that's great did not expect that to actually work out in our favor and now we got to do this again I think we just preempted Bob again we only get one tank 20% of our manpower is converted then we only get one okay okay they're only getting 66 troops this is another one you can watch let's do this watch the the ground battle a pre-emptive bombing about and they're dug in bombing so that's what we got we blew him up a lot but it wasn't enough now there's a battle at there because they produced a fleet let's see how are the shields I guess is what we got to do now why is do I get to choose where these stupid sea peas go Wow can they all go in there I was of the impression that you could not do that but okay decisive victory shut him down and a minor victory in the plan now what is dug in dude to beat even whatever trans available they find yeah it's hard to blow them up okay but there they don't have much left in terms of population 125 so I think we can deploy up to 600 and they can deploy up to 500 as a result the the ground comments a little bit confusing but you can only to play so much of your population to it [Music] bumper crop is over that's too bad [Music] now remember I want to get to Andromeda I want to get there ASAP but I currently have a problem I don't know how to build on lava planets that's desert Arctic you know what lava I think is over on the right-hand side now that I think about it ash lava yep that's gonna be a problem so let's let's see what that does get some research going all right we got a pre-emptive bomb again I think let me take a quick look here at the fleet what is their manpower at they have 100% of their manpower is devoted to the fight on the ground so we have 400 manpower there four of them are tanks I mean we should be winning that pretty handily this turn blitz lets us deploy more but I don't think that helps at all 25% improvement destruction population death health and invading troops 10% so blitz just benefit is defender gets more damage and we can deploy more we get a bigger advantage but I think we just want this we want more maximum damage I like that those freakin tanks are like weird centipede things come on get him he's still survived no we got him huzzah all right we seized some loot from these stupid pirates and now Orion is free of enemies but still not habitable antastic so now this fleet is at 54% manpower so yeah it's gonna drain our manpower by quite a lot soon meanwhile let's just get it over here and now that we're actually building Hyperion we can consider upgrading our infantry a little bit more not quite yet let's do 30% our tanks I'm not sure there's a week I mean I'm having a hard time understanding what is the purpose like armor obviously seem superior is there reason not to just do this there's got to be a reason right to have some kind of combined arms thing I mean it means I'm gonna have less are more deployed total because the cost is 15 manpower per armored versus five manpower versus per infantry but I just don't it's three times I don't see I'm just gonna stay 234 now alright Empire provement approval increased so maybe that'll be good enough disabled sample is no longer rebelling against us but man do they not really have anything to contribute like all I got was their crappy like remnant population I need one more and they're not helping me right now I need some of this specialty resource to get them to boost now this planet though this planet when it does grow it's gonna produce a team Horatio I want them to produce a remnant so that I can splice it actually this system now that it's done its it still has - well from not bleeding political parties so I think should I leave Pressman front I think I want to get rid of that and instead I want to build another fleet here so we've already got the one fleet of seven this has two three four five six seven so we'll actually bring this back over here and you know I forgot to put my leader on that fleet I didn't even need him but I might do that soon enough let's just explore some more we gained a population that's cool of a faction I don't even know titanium enhancer module projectile damage increase in critical hit increase that's kind of cool those things are only really useful in the bigger ships though you can't fit you can't fit those on the smaller ships and and make them do much all right we might be close to finishing exploring this entire sector or this entire constellation I should say so what's this one doing and doing intense cultivate cultivation that's good because we can colonize the tundra over here that could be next but I think of beautifier is next we want to go and grab that and dromeda area that one that's gonna be our shipyard of the galaxy repair or retrofit in their system we did not build the endless research park I don't think we're going for a science victory this game all right so we're getting all these little minor empires and maybe absorb them into our system here especially because now we're connected with these with the wormholes riled researchers the researchers are upset we could get bonus research or we get bonus production let's take some research we don't really need our dust production right now whoa actually we do we're only +19 now huh that's problematic yeah I think we're gonna want to get that commercial framework thing here we can also upgrade our empires based on one of these functions now we get a lot of this super spuds ship buyout reduction on system construction buyout reduction on system so that makes it cheaper to build that's not bad we actually get any other we don't have any income of any other luxury resources do we I don't know I can see income but we're getting them from zai you here two of two we're getting oh here we're getting deciduous trees here looks like two of two and we're actually getting two two and two so we're actually getting eaten and trans vine also so this one is the spur planet I would like blue cap mold I like getting science ooh I think even incense is what we're gonna choose for this it's gonna take over a while to build it everywhere but when we build it it's gonna be awesome that's a lot of extra influence for free it's hard to get influenced otherwise you usually have to build a lot of specialized buildings but that's not easy there's a lot more specialized buildings for like every other type of improvement so we can get glorification of the gorgeous and then planetary colonization for Ash and we got economy and trade - yeah we know that we just took took advantage of that is there something that allows us to get bonus luxury resource production there's got to be something like that I think it would be under a yellow tech right as bonus dust with luxury resources you know one thing I could do is get access to the market and sell my spuds and buy even in cents that's another possibility and this will help us with our dust problem as well did I not spell luxury correct lux you know I spelt the correct is just not showing anything valuable okay there we go so let's look at those planets and see if any of them know that's per hot that is also per hot this one that's what I was looking for self mining NPO what about this one there we go okay slag and sludge center was the one I was thinking of it generates more resources everywhere of all types I think not just strategic skyward dwellings is damn nice plus one population on planets there's the food specialization all right good to know it's already 12:30 huh all right population collection bonus we got another that's the next level which is bonus food and all horatio planets and then when we get to 50 it's 5% of our food is added to influence that's great spread ourselves amongst the stars where do we find them we finally found the end the end of this stupid Gallants not galaxy but constellation oh the Emil liked us now for some reason no I'm trying to click on a thing here calm down and then I guess I think I'm gonna send this guy down this away to try to find the end of that and hope that we can blow up those pirates before it's too late all right where's our main fleet here's our main fleet this one's actually gonna be disbanded and move them into the hangar and then the main fleet is gonna go this way now in the previous games moving them into the hangar actually reduced their upkeep but apparently in this game that's not true oh we're taking care of your stupid nonsense Janus oh hang on I think we found the end of this yes we found the end over here too okay ooh merg rez I think yeah yeah we're gonna have to deal with them probably by conquering cuz that's a damn good planet and it's on the way to Andromeda battle-ax Geist Wow my main fleet actually is not doing well Howard a shields definitely we want to put everything there let's fight it out and see what happens decisive victory okay and now we're block hating it how are our ships on manpower still great on manpower ninety eight and fourteen is there full and we can't invade our diplomatic relations prevent us from invading Janice oh I was hovering over the wrong guy okay there we go so we have 600 manpower which is how do I have 600 each of these has 100 200 300 400 500 there's actually 700 manpower here total but when I invade I can only invade with 600 which converts to 84 and 12 and the Reavers can only defend with 500 cuz that's all they have on the planet so blitz actually would help us here in a sense we get to deploy plus 30% more manpower which means we get to deploy more total let's do it and see what happens oh they don't even have tanks but they keep using dig in [Music] now they took out half of our tanks bastards so we used up to 750 so that way we were actually able to use all our troops in that opening salvo the opening barrage there all right so now we can just continue and fight next turn and next turn we won't use that because we can't reinforce those guys on the ground I don't think we have 455 let's see what happens if we end a turn does that improve things the capital needs more more of everything plans with anomalies nope fertile or temperate yes let's let's get some more science and let's get some more sustainable growth here now let's find out what this life-form is I'm really needing to get ice colonization going so that once this is filled up I can do that and this guy is ready to do some more things we wanted to get production in the capital or happiness in the capital or because he's a political leader he could get bonuses being in a Senate ooh that's every resource we'd have a point 5 deposit value produce 50% more basically or 25% more hmm yeah I think we want him to increase our deposits of resources because he is a faction leader of the ecologists so that applies when he's in the Senate oh but he's not in the Senate because the Senate is only composed of one political party cuz I'm a dictatorship so we need ecologist to come back make a big comeback and then his benefit will shine so we were at 4:55 last turn and we're still at 4:55 so now it's good to know so when you start an invasion the troops you landed are the troops you get you will not regenerate new troops until you retreat from the invasion get new troops to the ships from your empires pool and then start the invasion again meanwhile if you retreat from the invasion maybe the other side gets a chance to replenish their pool I'm not sure meanwhile we don't have 600 this time or 700 rather that we can use so pre-emptive bombing seems like the best play to do as much extra damage as possible we don't care about hitting infrastructure this is another gas planet that we're having this ground battle at by the way somehow guys I'm not sure how that works so that's the extra damage [Music] one more one more thrust should do it I think they only have 145 and so we can find out Oh their ships here too oh boy these guys have manpower no their manpower is actually way down on the planet's surface that's bad but we'll try it what we fightin anyway and we won anyway but we lost a ship we lost the tool that just means we need to build another one Ramar is not sure where it wants to go now that we've got let's see I think public-private partnerships it's got fertile and temperate this is gonna be a plus 30 to our science from that planet that's good so what we know is these guys have 145 yes we did find the final thing here when the sovereign of the pilgrims that sounds like a good thing trigger the migration of a unit of pilgrims who they give a bunch of science bonuses if we exploit them into our thing yeah let's see what they need us to assist them with we chill 11 population excluding your main population on inhabitants that means I can't splice anybody for a while come on reach 70 happiness in your empire and maintain it for 10 turns wow we're pretty close pretty close we just have to find the happy the unhappiest planets and make them happier what about this one ins I you can we have yeah we'll build them some infinite supermarkets and they will help turn the tide I think well we need to make sure the Harrisons get built okay and then these guys ensure the amuse prototype ship survives in flight for at least 16 turns where is this at least 16 turns within you it might be best to merge it with a fleet huh oh there's another battle at Janus and we wanted to preemptive bombing again they still stuck at 145 so neither side grows or gets reinforced at all it looks like in ground battles unless the attacker retreats and the defender probably still doesn't grow because the defender is blockaded I don't think they grow in there maybe they grow very slowly when they're blockaded we get him come on got him okay pirates are gone we've done the pirates in we're superior in all ways to the Pirates meanwhile I guess we just take this and yeah bring it down here and hide it in our shipyard and they'll be happy that's all we have to do and meanwhile this fleet doesn't have anything to do right now we could consider a military campaign against these guys but I think that's gonna be for our next session and I think it's a damn good idea because they're trapped in this corner they're gonna have to expand through me and that's not gonna be cool with me really so I'm gonna get this fleet built back up with a tool from here and then we're gonna go clear out these pirates in the corner and then we're gonna start building more fleets for a campaign against these guys and that's gonna require some military advancements probably hardened alloys is on the docket because of the extra fleet size and we can also deploy more manpower let's put that into the future we've got plenty of titanium so getting bonuses that are related to titanium will definitely be helpful including extra projectile defense we could also think about getting bombers and fighters but I'm not sure about that is this like advanced bomber and advanced fighter somewhere else yeah advanced bomber advanced fighter I might get both of those for the future but this is gonna be enough these three techs are gonna be enough to prosecute our war and that's gonna start in about 28 turns apparently well retrofit all of our units and start some some some bad fighting going on now what are we determined we have antimatter that is currently not being grabbed that's kind of it at the moment there's some adamantium over there that would be nice to get but antimatter is here ha is it control says this to the front nope is it control shift no it's Control Alt sends it to the front so I want to start exploiting that antimatter right now it'll also let us colonize gas giants which is interesting and damn it we need the lava planets too okay well all of that sucks because it puts our invasion timeline back a little bit but maybe if we can improve our science production over that course of while we're waiting for this by a good bit and it will improve naturally as we expand to other air and this planet unfortunately also needs a huntress good we can expand a Tundra without doing much and we're gonna do that all right I'm gonna call it here for now general gentlemen gentlemen ladies disliked endless space too I think I liked it actually you know I think I compared it a competitive stellaris at the time when it was released and it felt like it was a little bit more so the quests in stellaris are really interesting but it feels like between the quests the Empire management in stellaris felt very sterile and disconnected in game mechanic II the Empire management in this game feels like you have a closer to connection to the narrative of what's going on in your empire and that I think is in part because of this whole politics thing where what you do affects people's voting habits and their voting habits effects the bonuses that you get so if you build a bunch of military ships and you research a bunch of military stuff your people are gonna be gung-ho for a war and you can get military parties into power and I like that dynamic of how what you do reinforces what you can do well right it's kind of the same thing I really liked about oblivion the way that that you know Elder Scrolls oblivion did where the more you do something the better you get at it instead of oh well you slaughtered enough monsters you now have enough experience points to level up and put that experience into anything you want because slaughtering monsters obviously made you a better blacksmith for some reason whereas the Bolivian was just saying listen if you do a lot of fighting with your sword you're gonna get better with your short but you're not gonna get better with axes or you're not gonna get I don't know Murphy that's exactly how it worked but you know you're not going to get better at casting spells just because you have fought a bunch of monsters with your sword you know so I like that reinforcing like positive reinforcement loop and it really does make you kind of focus and say listen I'm gonna have a war coming soon I want the military party in power because their laws can really help me and in order to do that I need to start getting the populace behind me in order to do that I just cranking out military ships I need to start researching military stuff and I need to do all the things that gets people behind me for a war so it's kind of a cool thing the way that you so that's what I'm saying is I like the interior internal politics of this game much better than I do stellaris solaris has to be fair gotten much better but it's still not quite as engaging is what I'm saying I like I've always liked the diplomacy aspect of the endless games the Cold War mechanic and the spending of influence as a resource is really valuable now to be fair stellaris also has that influence mechanic and they use that for a bunch of different things and in some cases I don't think it's sometimes used in in politics but diplomacy in this game uses exclusively influence like you can't declare war on somebody without spending a bunch of influence so at the beginning of the game it's it's very interesting now you can see let's see what's so fun are the ones they're actually their power level their influence pressure is push a little towards us and that is based in part upon your production of influence in your planets and and your total score if I remember correctly now if we can start doing really well we can start demanding things from them when we are that much stronger than them and there's border conflicts and things like that but right now it's sort of stuck here open borders we can access their system and we can attack their fleets because it's a cold war anyway I'm gonna stop the stream for now and we'll catch more of this either later today but probably tomorrow morning I'm gonna start out there Stream around the same time 10:00 Eastern Time is where I'm shooting for
Channel: Bridger
Views: 37,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EySq-9XfcFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 33sec (8013 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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