Endless Space 2 #1 - Big Brain Time

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] cat back and we're trying something new not sure how this is going to go down but we're going to give it a try anyway so obviously as you can see this is endless space 2. I thought about whether we should we should try two first or try one first and then move on to two and then I figured why it's not there's a a massive story difference between the first one and the second one there are some differences there's some new races some races disappeared but by and large it's all pretty much the same and besides that it's it's a Forex game it's a bit like going back and saying hey let's play Civ 3. when civilization four and five are already out a whole lot of reason there anyway though we're gonna try this and kind of the reason why I stayed away from this for so long is because I didn't figure anybody would have any interest in watching a Forex game but you know what they had Different Strokes for different folks theoretically statistically somebody out there will enjoy seeing this so why not and besides that I don't think I've ever finished a game of endless Bass don't get me wrong I've started plenty of them but they tend to go rather long I tend to kind of lose interest over time yeah that's that's my problem so here's my excuse now we're finishing a game another question is can I win it I don't know what I do think I'm going to do though is turn down the music a little bit it's already 50 percent but I've come down to like 35. that seems better Now new game alright so I'm gonna be real with you I'm not good at this like at all I'm not I'm not good at this game I'm not good at any Forex game really I mean I like them don't get me wrong I like Forex games I'm just bad at them so we were going to look at this um [Music] so here's the thing I'm gonna stick with something that's easy and I don't have all the DLCs I don't have all the others that means that cell phones lumaris United Empire Horatio that's about it so Horatio are a faction of clones it's one guy his name is Horatio he cloned himself forever and yeah he made his own race of him I don't really know what they do I'll be honest the United Empire however um I do know them I've tried them a few times but the United Empire's thing is military Victory primarily they they want to be military supremacists I'm generally not aggressive enough to do it lumaris are new I don't know what they do or how they work and I've never tried playing with them so yeah but then this is all fonts I almost always played the cell phones they get massive bonuses to research I love research I love shiny things and they're all shiny so I think that's what we're gonna go with see look at how shiny he is he is shiny and they have the omniscience faction Affinity uh they know how many empires have research specific technology and they gain bonuses for the next technology the fewer Empires know of that technology the higher the bonus so we'll have to kind of plot our um we'll plot our research along what is not being researched by everybody else in the universe of eight people that could be hard all right um change or customize the faction choose science choose recklessness choose the softens oh this tells me more about them cool okay so Pilgrim citizens are the heck him Pathfinder is diplomacy ooh ship holes hecto class deci class kilo class Deca where's the big ships are the yata class that's a ship I love big ships okay um oh these are all their their faction traits so Pilgrim citizens uh gives us more population our home system and more science on anomalies Pathfinders reveal the locations of unexplored adjacent nodes fast Travelers two is more movement yeah all lots of good stuff and of course we are scientists but if we look at some of the other ones let's beautify the Galaxy he thinks he's everything and a bag potato chips um yeah this is Horatio crowded Planet so um they get more population on them perfect jeans gives them more healing they are ecologists they have dictatorships ecologists gives them construction from building food and approval okay the United Empire of course um the emperor's will which gives them more Authority per industry and they're the Imperials of course uh expansionists Patriots they're industrialists so they like to build things mostly like to build ships and then blow things up with those ships taking over the Galaxy but it's fun now they're pacifists rich well it's their primary political party I guess uh optimistic efficient explorers I think they're all about money actually so basically we've got dust military might science and anti-divine Long Heads anyway I'm gonna stick with the soft ones why not join the Smart Guys and they're English I mean come on how could you not all right so that being the case uh they're all set up there however we don't we don't want two soft ones so we're gonna have a pink Empire everything else I think can stay the same as far as competitors go we've got eight that's one two four five six seven plus me is eight speed is normal difficulty is normal Pirates normal um Galaxy size is large now it says the speed here is about a 300 turn game give or take I guess Galaxy size is large recommended for eight players density is medium number of constellations few I think this means the space Lanes and the type of galaxy we want an a player so we've got the the spiral that's about it I think we're good to go [Music] I think we're good to go let's get this started they have always been fast the sofas first to split atoms mine asteroids and capture the energy of the Sun there's two to crash their test Rockets trigger artificial earthquakes an accidentally blow up them their great power has given them great irresponsibility [Music] but through it now they're The Thirst to create perfection me [Music] Masters of Science they have crammed the cold Rocky Homeworld of heck him with glittering metropolises and great works of engineering that proclaimed their genius as the newest member of the triumvirate you face a future full of risks and challenges but hey that's where the fun is more great discoveries await you in the inky depths of space all right so that's the beginning and I mean they blow up the moon Once Upon a Time America was going to blow up the moon so you know it works moving on so here we are this is where we're starting um things that we need to do first off take a look around there we go look at that Galaxy that's a good looking Galaxy also gotta remember wasd does not work here don't push buttons here are our planets and already we have one that is colonizable in our own home system that's awesome we're gonna we're gonna do that um no specializations because we don't have any specializations yet but yeah let's um what are we gonna do first colonize or get some of this stuff done because there's these two things are always really good so cerebral reality will increase our science and dust production drone networks increase our food and Industry so faster research more money more food more industry faster building well food is faster growth industry is faster building so probably I want to say let's get drone networks up first then we'll work on cerebral reality and then we'll colonize and hopefully we can do something with that so things over here we have found Proto spores somewhere but that means you know that's that's excellent we've got protospores there somewhere around here I thought they were anyway economy screen no well okay maybe not I don't know it's been a long time since I've done this okay done and we have found Eden incense use it to upgrade systems in the economy screen and of course we've got a hero interestingly enough I think I can even or I can actually rename Heroes so what I think I'm gonna do is can I rename Heroes wait wait hold on come back here um inspect I can okay so you are not going to be this absolutely long and unpronounceable name I am going to make you oh uh hold on I'm going to make you we're in because we're in is one of my 10 patrons and gets automatic placement in pretty much any game I do so there you wait come on change confirm there we go we're in look at you you look fantastic now what am I gonna do with you so you are a soft on obviously you are a counselor and a scientist so you don't have any points to spend but what are your points so you have Universal skills of course that would be these up here I believe yes then you have soft on skills which are down here and counselor skills counselor skills are well primarily I think their planetary skills hmm um back up a minute counselor uh the counselor focuses on empire-wide resources as well as diplomacy the councilorship is heavily oriented towards support modules with limited weapon and defense capabilities so yeah you don't want to be in space so we're probably going to focus on things like person of means you know as soon as you got power but the first thing we need to do is get is put you to work assign you to a system we only have one system you're going to P core and I'm going to make you run the entire system I'm counting on you Warren don't let me down okay so that's cleared next technology so by and large no one's going to have a whole lot research right now we have Rare Earth foams which lets us colonize Mediterranean planets and make debris analyzers so we get science per destroyed command points on ships then we've got xenobiology which allows us to get more science on fertile planets and on all planets in general really plus temperate we can also colonize Tundras and build public-private Partnerships now the question becomes what can we get next so we should be able to see what everyone else is researching I forget what that looks like I don't know I should be able to see something though right well even if I can't figure it out let's see what is this common Curiosities basic colonization okay those are things that we get by default so I think what we'll do is we're just going to go ahead and work on learning this first ring we're gonna need more warships at some point we'll get those over here though but we don't get those until the second ring no I think we're just gonna go like this we'll just go one two three well no hold on no don't go far that far back hold on no no no no no no no um oh wait okay I see what I'm doing I see what I'm doing hold on it's been a long time since I've done this there we go all right so we're just gonna go like this we're gonna go one two three four five six all cued up now should take us about 19 turns to get all of them because right now we're generating 42 science a turn it'll be our job to get that science up now that should take care of all of our bureaucratic stuff the next question is what do we do with our ships here we got two one of them is a colony ship one of them is a scout and I think that I'm going to have the um the Scout go off on his own just tell him to Auto explore and he's not gonna get very far this ship on the other hand I'm a little bit tempted to use it to colonize our own our own system here because after all we can this I think we can the system is already colonized okay maybe I can't I thought I could use it to colonize the extra planet that was in our system okay then I'm gonna send you out too this may be risky but we're kind of bottlenecked here there's only one path in and out of this place so we're going to take this one I think that means that we're good for now so let's just start rolling time over not that button that button nope not that button that button no what is the button for ending turn thought there was a button all right well we'll just click it then all right turn two what do we got here the genus system and we found a new minor civilization the nearest so the nearest are temperate temper factions provide more dust Haymakers they will provide us more food if we can keep them happy and we don't know them yet but we can go ahead and make first Contact so start negotiations first Contact there we go uh hailing from a vibrant Ocean World a short time ago the nearest Home Planet wasn't always brimming with life a time of rampant expansion of population growth led to the ecosphere coming close to utter destruction today endless miles of bleached Coral huge rusting industrial facilities and mass Graves of extinct fellow sea dwellers still litter the ocean floor these act as a constant reminder to the nearest and help sustain their ecological outlook on life now among the remains harmonious Technologies maintain clean oceans and support a myriad of colorful life forms despite using inventive liquid tanks to Traverse the land the nearest are still most at home in the water the Interiors of their spacecraft are more like verdant aquariums than typical sterile ships cool very cool all right so welcome to Janus we there's a medium lava Planet here another medium lava Planet here that's about it so not much we can do there oh and I need you to kind of slow down a bit actually turn that off I just want you to come here and stop because you have space probes and we should be using them now as for you there is nothing you can do here so you may as well move on we will learn off-world agribusiness in three turns so let's start rolling time over all right move ships for now this is like the most fun we're gonna have all right had our one colonized this is the uh the Mediterranean world it's not bad what about this one head R2 is inhospitable it's an Arctic World headart 3 is a it's a snowball High science moderate dust but can't live there and had our four is a medium Baron there is a curiosity in it though and we should be investigating these so actually no don't do that um let's take a look here we go all right Expedition successful um we found mutated flora and we got some dust out of it it's not bad however we cannot settle here we we can't do it because it's already you know taken so we send our Scout on we'll contact them again and we can't really do anything with them yet we don't have anything we'll have enough dust well actually we should have enough dust now oh we require off-world agribusiness for assisting them okay I want to make friends with them we should have friends and I guess since we can't do that yet you can get on the road too all right and turn [Music] crack on you guys nothing new to report this turn so I guess we'll just skip it in one more turn though we'll have off-world agribusiness [Music] research complete off-world agribusiness this gives us infinite supermarkets plus Xeno synergy uh uh knowledge of alien biology this enables diplomacy with minor civilizations and the pirate League wait you can negotiate with pirates okay and the first of our quests okay solo Quest started chapter one what a good idea running an Empire is a large complex time-consuming operation this has been An Inconvenient Truth since the dawn of the of soft vanity one of the few drawbacks to living in a civilization as Cosmopolitan prosperous and Brilliant is ours one always finds oneself straining for the next yawn-inducing thing people to meet things to do star systems to conquer it's enough to make one hang up one's hoverboard one solution this problem was posed by RR need uh Needham the Proctor of future research at the rohab University why not get some of the stupider people to do it surely there is a subs off on somewhere who actually enjoys this mindless drudgery he said but the extensive and immediate ridicule she received was sufficient to change her tune okay it's a her why not she then proposed a cervically just get an AI to do it then The Genius of this idea could not be understated the movement gained immediate Traction in the high caucus budgets were allocated the finest mines assigned to the projects and in a matter of months the enhanced neuroflexible entity research and for project was launched now just a few short years later we are ready for the final touches tighten the belts and raise your receptacles saw fawns with infer finally finally the golden age is upon us so we need to choose an objective and meet it the first off is a military objective um if we can win three battles we will get use and lose ships this is a policy uh we will lose or I'll see oh it will subtract 15 percent of the industry cost to build ships it's very nice or inspiring people take your exploration feeds to orbit around two systems in a different constellation this will reward us with soft on free movement it's a support module which will give us more movement and more visual range could be good on Scouts or socialize uh raise your relationship with a minor civilization to 90 or higher it will give us silicon tongued diplomats this I believe is also a a um policy yes it's empire Improvement minus 30 on bribe or praise actions on minor factions could be useful um they're all good I'm gonna go with hmm what am I gonna go with this sounds cool however this is a support module and modules on ships are going to be in high demand so maybe we don't want this one that means that if we strike this one cheaper ships or cheaper relationships with allies I don't want to have to build a whole bunch of ships I want to build a few really good ships and not have to worry about it yeah because I I only want the used part not the lose part so if we don't do this then socialize yeah oh game uh okay yeah game play hint they can only do this using inputs I think we should go with socializing let's do it okay sometimes the Lesser races get offended so easily but within Furs in infallible linguistic AI the stresses of inter-species friendship will be a thing of the past teach and for a newly constructed AI how to talk to strangers I feel like we could we could replace infer with chat GPT it wouldn't be that much different all right and of course we've unlocked a technology stage empire development technology deed available that being this thing so in order to gain this we would need to pour our Research into learning two I think two Technologies here and that would give us the endless Park in research well I mean maybe we can work on it can we see what everyone else is doing now because if we got research then somebody else probably did as well no I really can't see it or I don't know what I'm looking for oh wait hold on wait a minute is it this oh okay okay okay okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on cancel those out so this is what it is one out of eight empires have researched this that gives us a plus or 25 bonus 25 bonus 50 bonus we should do that one this is also a 50 bonus so we do that one and this is really good this little uh teach us how to use titanium we don't know how to use titanium yet as well as give us Mega in this Mega Indie consultancy okay then there's the rest of these 25 bonus yeah we'll get that one honestly maybe we should like pick a direction like head there [Music] I'm not sure for now we'll do this because I still want to learn the rest of these and then we'll get that one once we get done with the um the central ring maybe then we look into what we can do differently and now we still can't wait so oh I see so I need to be better friends with them before I can praise them currently we're gaining two per turn two per turn influence with them and I would need to have more of these star the star is Empire influence so it's just influence we're currently gaining seven of that per turn which means in two turns I think we'll have enough to praise them which should bring up our diplomatic relations then maybe we can start assisting them okay yeah um I think we're good here so let's go ahead and move what do we got here the assistant or the uh the takim star attack M1 huge Arctic and nothing more attack M2 another giant Frozen ice bowl is there anything around here we can live on attack him three a small Baron planet attack him for a tiny Baron planet wow severely disappointing yeah well there is at least this here we can investigate that all right successful Expedition uh there's molten Springs here gives us 5xp in our ships doesn't really do a whole lot alright so just select all of them and send them on their way the further out we get away from our home system the less confident I am about colonizing anything and we are getting pretty far away from our home system I think we just finished construction though yeah we did we finished drone networks we'll have cerebral reality in four turns excellent now as for you and we found a new minor civilization the mavros they're pragmatist shipbuilders cool something else unknown let's make contact uh I guess we've already made contact technically we could praise them for 10. it couldn't praise the other ones pretend it cost us like 40. oh well um we'll try it anyway I'll try it anyway so we praised them that's gonna last for 10 turns what can we say about them though some view the mavros is a as mere soft on Renegades oh they do look familiar don't they they are a different Society with a different mentality even if they share much of their genetic code while both enjoy tinkering technology and Discovery the macros have a tendency to use these things to plunder pirate and conquer they are adventurers and scavengers who have almost as good science as their Brethren but a lot more attitude a lot of come or a common epithet of their bounty hunting Society is unbreakable toys can be used to break other toys often found as mercenaries and enforcer the mavros compensate for their small size by technology and belligerence so they are very very at home in hot planets they're industrialists cool well let's make friends and we found some deciduous trees sure I guess so let's take a look sathras one a lava World completely Molten however does have ruins on it somebody lived here Sathers 2 a desert colonized that must be where they are the mavros Sathers 3 is a medium Savannah inhospitable for now but if Savannah should be that hard and a medium Mediterranean that's unavailable why is it unavailable oh because there is a colony in this system so we'll have to either make friends with them or wipe them out I'd like to make friends like if we can make friends with them then we can get this one for free okay um no don't go there oh I can just zoom out okay well that's fine that works um takim now what about you guys no we still need 40 influence to praise them but we're we are going up slowly uh selected idle Fleet yeah you're gonna stay idle for a moment just because I want the Scout to be going first my Colony ship should not be out in front okay now I've got a few probes let's try using them let's look here [Music] an expedition on Saturdays 3 we found super spuds hey we got we brought five of them back with us we got titers and what's this we found more titers [Music] yeah new luxury deposit I can't believe super spawns are considered a luxury deposit they're space potatoes all right um you head that way and I guess we'll leave it there [Music] okay research complete ubiquitous surveillance this gives us Big Data shipyards which is an improvement um it will raise our militarist faction but it does give ships additional XP on creation so that's good an improved recruiting which is a support module it gives additional Manpower and increases deployment limits that'll be for um sieges and invasions so we have that now and what's this technology stage unlocked right we unlocked um stage two and Technology okay let's take a look at our research we are currently working on xenol linguistics are we still getting the bonus yes we are excellent so we're going to keep working on that the Empire welcomes all who Embrace its ideals okay we um we met the empire you mean well comrade the Empire feels that our interests are mutually aligned we could Forge a strong friendship and build a great future I like friends um so this is Primus Primus one small uh a small arid planet Primus two a large a toll this is a rival Outpost what do you mean a rival Outpost Primus 2 is colonizable interesting Primus 4 is also colonizable there's a rival Outpost here though which means something says they're colonizable though so maybe we should go for it except I mean there's a colony already started here I'm assuming it's a a uef colony um we really need to get another Colony going though all right let's pull you back here I want to see what's on the other side we'll see what's down this long leg and we'll make a decision then because if this is all we got then we're gonna have to fight the uef for it but I hope not I really wish our options didn't suck this much all these systems and not a single habitable planet in them I ain't even here there's like one hospital or one planet we can we could settle in and it's taken and we still can't do anything here we'll need or we need one more point over here um we've already praised them we can't really do anything else yet although I do want them on my team all right um we're just gonna roll time all right Hero level up we're in has leveled up fantastic all right so what can we do options um let's see optimal operations expert is plus industry and plus food per person or per population on planet it's pretty good or Cosmic Castaway which gives experience on fleets not on a fleet over here peer review uh gives plus 10 science on a system if um we're in design there and we're in is a sign there or this is plus dust on the system and even more on sterile systems yeah no um we're gonna go with this we're gonna um peer review and we can if we can get us up to tier two it'll still be plus 10 but we'll also get plus two per Hero level so that's good we'll we'll get this apply skills where and you are going to science us into the future all right so you I want to go this way and please tell me there is something over here habitable and clear that out um now that we have 40 influence we can finally come over here and praise you have been praised which is going to basically double yeah it increases the value and oh wait hold on making other action we'll do it okay yeah so we were getting two per turn now we're going to get four per term for the next 10 turns that will easily push us over the 50 that we need to start assisting them how are we doing with the uh the mavron or mavros excuse me we're also doing the same thing plus four per turn here there's only eight turns left though it's all right though oh wow um actually they got expensive wow wow they did okay it's fine though roll time all right go go go go uh we have discovered the planet of Raya home of the Peter the first Missouri Starships arrived Millennia go landing on a green virginal and empty planet of breathtaking fecund Wilderness today Rhea proudly shows its pioneering Frontier pass as it tamed the wildlands and stormrax seas its landmass is now brimming with Mighty industrial swaths and vast Urban powerhouses on the ocean stand huge mining platforms rise riches now the United Empire's riches above half-built Starship yards orbit the conquered world as the Empire prepares to take its glorious civilization to the rest of the Galaxy we found the Homeworld of the uef great okay you are coming back here you are going over here and we are taking a world we're taking one the odd options are not great though a small or a tiny I mean I guess we're going to take the small one then welcome to Primus 3. [Music] it's a nice vacation spot okay so here's us here's them theirs will be a colony in five turns ours will be a colony in 24 turns unless we speed it up a little bit we don't have enough influence to do this um we don't really have the military might it would cost a well no we actually do have the military might we could slow them down a little bit we'll do it animal boost this will make us a colony in seven turns and because of our military intervention they'll be a colony in eight turns we'll get there first however there's only one population area here oh no I should have taken the forest how does it have so much more population I don't know well they're gonna be pissed about it and we found transvine stuff is good makes people happy we also finished cerebral reality and now we're on to con colonizing this ocean world we'll have it in four turns so let's get to it [Music] okay research complete xenolinguistics that it gives gives us Mega industry consulting which is a system Improvement as well as titanium did we find any titanium I guess not [Music] and we've opened up this creator of wealth okay so let's take a look here again so what do we have available [Music] um we're currently working on this we're only getting a 10 research boost on it though that one's a 25 that one's a 10. so I'm inclined to let these go and we will research these survival suits after that however 25 50 for omniscience efforts 50 percent [Music] and I guess no bonus for this is that because everybody's researched it except for me probably [Music] so things that would get me 50 bonus technical shielding would get us intense cultivation actually hold on if we look down here this will let us colonize steps colonize no colonized Savannah colonize arid as well as get as exoscience stations which are a planetary Improvement and basically no one's done this yet we're gonna get this one so we'll learn to colonize arid after that um I don't know we'll see [Music] over here these are all unavailable was there anything else along the way that we could get ice Arctic Baron ice was one of the plants we could do right mediterraneanospitable inputable and Okay so I said that we were going to research arid and then we have for an option Savannah snow and steps we would need to get snow before we can go further and get Arctic or ice sing is how this is like the bulk of what we we were working on maybe that should be it or maybe we should focus on our home system we have a toxic world we have two toxic worlds well that kind of sucks um you know what I'm gonna go ahead and cue these up I kind of want to get this too so we're going to work on this I'm going to put this up here after the colony because we do have two fertile worlds that we're going to be um we're gonna be building on so that will help so plus 10 per fertile that's plus 20 per turn plus 10 per Planet there's two so that's 20 and plus 10 per temperate that's a temperate that's a cold so we'll get a total of like 50. if we can get this built which is good because right now we're getting 63 per turn and there's like no way to buy it out so yeah we're kind of stuck with that all right um let's get you to come forward surprised that the um the uef isn't pissed off at us or did they return the favor ah they returned the favor we'll still be a colony in eight turns but they're going to make it there first [Music] well we get like kicked out or something uh diplomatic relation change with the nearest previous relationship was neutral but now we're cordial they share a small portion of their resources and will let us repair or retrofit ships on in their orbit yeah deed creator of wealth has failed be the first to produce a hundred dust in a single star system wow okay well can't all be winners I guess all right so if things have changed here with them diplomatic we are now cordial but oh it's because we're 25. so at 50 we'll be able to do something else all right and turn research completed survival suits we've got impervious bunkers in the Chain Gang program prison labor lets us convert one person or one population into 300 Infantry [Laughter] Ah that's fun diplomatic relationship with the mavros we're now cordial with them too ah time to make friends I want to make friends okay let's take a look at science we are currently working on this and we'll have it in three turns we're getting 111 science per turn after we get this maybe work on something else I think 50 is the highest bonus we can get home and health program oh okay kind of interesting um yeah we're gonna work on this this will also get us magnetic field generators um I don't know what this actually does it just says it gives us more political impact with Scientists sure I guess I don't know we'll figure it out later we will figure it out later okay nothing for us to do this time oh who's here enemy Fleet it's a defending Fleet it's a curiosity Expedition oh it's the mavros okay that's fine I'm gonna send you out now that I know roughly what we're doing and we've got our first colony World up and running or at least establishing I will set you loose to go explore and that's done okay successful Expedition on pick door two it's a hollow planet about as anomalous as an anomaly can be this planet has a vast Subterranean space hundreds of cubic kilometers in size oh so it's got room for extra people that's cool and a honeycomb scope reverse engineered from endless scope discovered in a dig site uh just gives us plus five Vision range nice Sly one aren't you uh the um D we have noticed us so you play the friend but underneath lurks the snake we will not forget this lesson we lost everything we lost all of it I shouldn't have even tried okay well we know we didn't get a colony we didn't get anything and now there's Pirates hooray for that another Empire colonized the system of Primus yeah that sucked so we get we just gave them a free planet uh we did gain population in our home world yeah we're we're screwed see I told you I was not good at this game construction is complete we colonized the ocean excellent no specialization but then again we don't have anything to specialize with we have people here pilgrims they give us more sounds on an anomaly well there we go there's an anomaly there it's a hollow Planet knock yourself out and since soft ones like cold worlds I'm gonna bring you guys back here there we go so that'll increase our science more because they get plus three science on cold so we're going to work on these public-private Partnerships and yeah we'll we'll do that oh I think we got this for free actually when we colonized it interesting I think that's what happened so we'll have um PEB scale accelerators in two turns I'm gonna have to start making another Colony ship not here not there I don't know where we're gonna send it since we don't have a whole lot of options this system is two lava planets which is useless and we can't do anything here until we're like best friends with with um with those guys and this system is now completely out of reach even though Arctic would have been an option at some point all right well you continue exploring actually hold on a second I don't want you to Auto explore [Music] turn that off because otherwise you're not using probes and like there was things over here that we missed so Bria one has an unknown atmospheric anomaly Bria 2 has an unknown signal that could have been useful we'll we'll come back to it I guess bring it three has a large ice with nothing else on it and Bria 4 has a signal so yeah worth our time worth investigating close that off and and turn I'm going to get a couple of more turns in before we end it I want to investigate something so what do we got here the niss system a huge gas burning so basically a brown dwarf tiny arid and a medium ocean which is colonizable and now we don't have a ship to do so that's unfortunate okay go back It's the End of the Road anyway [Music] I'd be a little bit afraid of colonizing something that far away anyway [Music] because if if the uef wanted to go after it we could never save that we could never save that okay pev scale accelerators this note we can now colonize arid planets exoscience stations and magnetic field generators that do something but now we need new research we have a 50 bonus here this would get us let's see the studier of Worlds be the first to have eight planets colonized within your Empire right I can't even find one place to make a colony world we are not gonna get that and our current rank is only three of eight so somebody's already ahead of us on that yeah we're not getting that [Music] um how would we colonize a lava world evolved soils that's good uh desert [Music] Ultra MRI astronomy citizen science observation unit wait I want to look for little Flags here we go Arctic ice I don't see anything to colonize it we may have to just deal with what we've got and what we've got ain't much either that or we're gonna have to break away from the space Lanes and be one of the first to invent warp travel but I think with the Pirates right there we're gonna need some better ships so we're going to have to learn efficient shielding so that we can make some new ships the kilo class and the DECA class we're not getting any kind of bonus for this at all so yeah oh Cooperative Quest rumor of an academy and when one speaks to these Heroes masters of dust and its vast Powers one also speaks at a place where they studied where they learned these Feats of Strength and genius it is simply referred to as the academy some seem to present it as a center of Higher Learning While others mention it in tones more suitable to a warship and epiphany it would be good to know the truth of all this it'd be good if your ships would be the first to make formal contact with it and meet its leader shrouded mystery they are as few in number as they are great in power Heroes of the Galaxy they learn their skills at a place simply referred to as the academy so backtrack the past of Heroes by exploring five atmospheric Curiosities okay I think we can work that never mind it's already been found we suck we're never going to accomplish anything ah okay well that was fun but we never even had a chance it was gone before we even thought about it all right our latest political survey it appears scientists are in the lead but it's not election time yet all right well before we get off for the day I want to see some Curiosities and there's plenty of them here 's a signal uh the signal is huge ends rings a rich and multi-color band of asteroids surrounds this planet reflecting the star's light in green gray purple white and blue they are highly prized tourist destination as well as a ready source of minerals and alloys so more science and more dust also the epistes a race of mechanical beings who have only recently ventured into the Stars cool we can do one more there's an atmospheric anomaly and another signal okay expedition was a hyperium load yay all right well I think we'll get another probe back next time [Music] or on our next turn and we'll be able to look at that last anomaly but uh we've already gone a little bit on the long side so I think we're gonna go ahead and take a break here overall for the first um 16 turns it's bad it's real bad so we have our run of like these three systems before we hit this uh pirate base but overall we are limited to our home system a lava world and a couple of smaller minor races that I mean probably don't care about us at all and here's here's here's the worst thing here's the worst thing if the uef was already colonizing that planet the reason why we didn't get first Contact here is because the uef has already made first contact with them meaning I'm gonna praise them and hope that maybe I can pull ahead and influence but there is no reason why these guys are going to join us they're probably already on better terms with the uef and were probably screwed meaning that the mavros are probably going to turn against us in the future if they do that we will be utterly locked into this little arm here these these four little stars which are inhospitable or already taken which means that we will be basically locked into one system one system while everybody else goes out and builds Empires things are about to get really really bad for us and the game has only just started and here's here's the even worse thing there's nothing I could have done differently there is nothing I could have done we made our best speed out this way as we could and by the time we got here the uef already had a foothold I think that we kind of got handicapped right from the beginning we only had one lane to go in the uef had three the uef found multiple plans that they could colonize we got none we are going to be probably handicapped for this entire game yeah it's not going to be good it's not going to be fun this is going to be pure torture for the entire time and for me who is not good at this to begin with and has never actually won one of these games the odds of us winning anything just dropped cataclysmically so we'll see what happens next time if you want to be here for that all you got to do is subscribe hit the Bell icon that way you get notified um if you know people who are actually good at these share this video with them because I could use the help and I tell you what you scratch my back I'll scratch yours leave a like on the video leave a comment on the video if you can help me out then I will go ahead and name a hero after you we already have we're in who is a patron and so automatically gets in but if you help me I'll make you a commander or Fleet or something or a planetary Governor whatever it is so you help me I help you and maybe just maybe I can survive this game to the end fingers crossed anyway leave a like leave a comment I will see you next time for more endless space and until then take care [Music] [Music]
Channel: ShadowKatt
Views: 3,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FMeLmNoWc-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 20sec (4400 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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