Endless Space 2 New Player's Guide - Part 1

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come one welcome all let's go with 50% the music here is pretty good welcome I am Bridger and today we're taking a look at endless space - you may have heard of games by this developer before endless space was the first one that I heard from from these guys and endless spaced who is out now and it's basically endless space 1 + endless legend smashed together so let's take a look at it'll be partly review partly a guide to help new people understand the game and partly playthrough so mmm first off I'm going to be activating through these three mods because I like them now the g2g balanced mod amplitude Studios is the company that made the game and this is the mod where they put their balance changes that they're thinking of adding into future patches for people to test out and frankly they need a lot of help the base game has had quite a few patches so far and they fixed a lot of the very overpowered Tech's or abilities or strategies and they're still working on it but this is their next attempt at balancing various mechanics in the game anomaly immersion basically makes it so that you won't have a weird monsoon anomaly on a desert planet for example that's kind of the only thing that changes is a few things like that that make it you know so anomalies are a little bit weird and then this just makes everything look kind of interesting color wise so let's jump into it here endless space - is a 4x spaced strategy game as you probably can tell explore expand exploit exterminate Explorer exploit expand exterminate I never which order those are in exterminates at the end though so here we are I do want to point out one quick thing this UI is fantastic by the way and one of the things that I do highly suggest is you jump in here and change the tooltip which I think defaults to like oh no here it is okay the tooltip delay can be whatever you want the progressive tooltip I'll turn this down to probably 0.7 and that six it I like having the more information sooner so when you go to make your game you got a bunch of different options here and to be honest I suggest one of a few specific races for new players because they all a lot of them have a very unique and maybe confusing mechanics if you're brand new to the rest of the game whereas the following that I'm going to give to you are all fairly straightforward and feel similar to a lot of other care Reese's in other games so the united empire is the first one that i would suggest it is your typical space tyrant situation and their bonus is real easy it's just whenever you produce stuff with your hammers equivalent if you're from civilization then you get some extra influence hey that's cool and that's it you start with some other cool stuff and you can colonize more things before running into unhappiness problems so you don't have to this is all like passive stuff you don't have to actively worry about what these bonuses are they'll just help you no matter what right okay so that's why I recommend the united empire there's still really fun to play don't get me wrong i'm not saying that they are not cool i think they are great for new players and they're probably my preferred playstyle as well because they are all about being a space tyrant and conquering other peoples and doing whatever you want and expanding into the galaxy now maybe you don't like the whole military aspect but you also want something that's not too dissimilar from other games the Loom heiress are basically the space mobs are like the Mafia right they they are all about money and business it's all about business and their bonuses basically they get to use dust to do things instead of influence or colony ships which is pretty cool and real easy to understand like oh hey this stuff cost dust instead of other stuff so yeah these guys are fairly easy and straightforward to play as well so I would recommend one of those to United Empire if you want a more combat focused and ylim heiress maybe if you want a more economy and growth focus so we're gonna pick the United Empire and we're gonna jump into it there's a couple of sub menus here which can be very valuable I'm gonna have the game difficulty on hard for myself time management great for multiplayer options here you can set turn timers that are only on you know either all players have to do this much and then you get extra per stage or whatever or you can just say okay the last player has a turn timer so once everybody else is readied up except for one player on a given turn then they get 45 more seconds there's a bunch of different options here for turn timer really like the multiplayer opportunities animation speed I put it on times 2 this is for how fast the animations are for like ships moving around and things like that but anyway I leave most of this on default but that gets us to the beginning of describing the game and you know I don't have the chat open so nobody can respond to me and that's no good so we'll pull that up for you right now let's talk about the victory conditions the victory conditions in this game are similar to most other games that you have probably played including civilization and stellaris and other things like that so score victory yeah if the game ends a certain number of turns and whoever has the most score wins not gonna happen most of the time because one of these other victory conditions is going to trigger either you capture all the enemies capitals just like ensue 5 or 6 or if you bring a certain percentage of star citizen systems on your control but you can't get that last Capitol you'll still win if you get enough right and then there we go and then a science victory is you have to research all for victory technologies to win and those cost a lot of science and while you're doing that of course you're probably not getting other types of technologies which are valuable to protect you from encroaching enemies or people working for an economic victory economic victory is just the most dust which is the money the gold whatever you want to call it over the course of the game if you can generate enough of it you can win so this is like generate as much science generated much dust I think this is easier to learn than endless legend thanks fish for master I believe it's easier to learn than endless in part because the space 4x elements share more in common with other games you have probably played like gal Civ Master of Orion stellaris and any other space 4x games are probably similar endless legend did some very interesting things with the development of cities and such as well as the heroes in the tactical battle system which was a little bit beyond the pale but I really liked it for a lot of the things that it did and finally the Wonder victory is actually like build as many production points as possible in a number of your systems so it's like this is a big victory boat focused on production its economic dust production science production and conquest so we're gonna leave all those I'll just move on to the game there are a couple other settings I do want to mention constellations are the star systems that are connected at the very beginning of the game by traveled out I call them jump points I'm not sure what they actually call them in this universe but that is if you have the galaxy as unique every single system in the game will be connected to every other system it might just take a couple of other jumps to get there but there will be connections you can see the connections in the back here by indicate by those lines you means that some constellations groups of star systems that are connected by lines will not get you connected directly to the rest of the star systems until you research a certain technology to get there so I leave it on whew it makes the map a little bit more interesting I think now we're gonna get our cool intro and I think they did a fantastic job with these intros especially the voice acting of all of them I like this one and the Lou Maris intro is also fantastic it definitely gives a godfather have become a proud and powerful nation it is time to rise up grasp our future and seek our destiny among the Stars imagine the future that we can build we shall construct great fleets send them out to make great discoveries and through their conquests secure our place in this rich galaxy that really gets you in the mood to play this specific sieve right it's all like obviously it's it's the dictatorial whole space Conqueror as painted by their propaganda right this is the best possible light to paint the dictatorial space Conqueror look we have even these alien servants that are totally happy to serve us and then all of their friends we totally killed them it's definitely up there with like as far as satire goes I mean it's obviously not see cuz here you see this is what reality is we just saw the propaganda version of this Empire the reality is it's like you know it's a class-based society where the upper class believed in this you know version of reality with the propaganda thing and but really life's not as great as they portray okay so here we are first let's just take a look we got some notifications on the right hand side of the screen and I'm gonna try to jump through this stuff as brief as possible cuz nobody likes over-explaining stuff so it does feel a little bit North Korean doesn't it but what much more well produced I would imagine so when every turn finishes you'll see a list of things pop up on the right here which are your notifications for the turn sometimes they'll pop up in the actual middle of the screen sometimes not so let's go through these one at a time real quick we gained a new hero I'm gonna talk about them later so let's put that aside for now we now this is just a little intro for your faction Hey look here's your guy here's your little this is your motivation right what's my motivation there's your motivation right here if you click this button you get more information about your faction and the power you get more influence than normal you can use that influence to block all kinds of things from the other factions in the game so that's pretty cool it also tells you about the other things that you have going on for you here which again mostly passive we'll talk about them when it becomes necessary so at the beginning of the game you learn about a couple of resources Luxur resources that are available to you I should point out by the way this check box up here if it's on it means at the beginning of every turn if this type of window would normally go over the right here it would instead pop straight up and be in your face most of those you just want to leave on default or if you don't like something popping up you can turn it off there so you can also scroll through these things on the right with this button in the top here this button will go through all of the things in them on the right now another cool thing because this company amplitude makes the most beautiful and functional UI systems ever anytime you're in any menu right click to get out of it brilliant now it minimizes in this case so you can right-click on the right and they can go away but let's just say I go to this menu and then I were to open up another menu if I want to go back to previous one right click if I want to go back to this now right-click just right click no matter which menu you're and you go back and you right-click if you go to this menu and then I go to inspect and then I go to this right right right and I'm back where I started you don't have to find the back button somewhere in the bottom corner where it's different in every game it's beautiful and I wish more games would use it because nobody uses a right-click menu in their strategy games right-click is completely ignored and unused make it your back button rant over okay so let's first explain the economy of the game because you start out with your one system here and you can see we're in a sort of spiral galaxy I think I left it under and I'm what it looks like we're in a spiral galaxy in this case which means you're more likely and it looks like a two-armed spiral galaxy you can see sometimes you'd have more or less we're most likely gonna find star connections along these arms much less likely to find the star connections in the middle here that's what the galaxy design implies so what's interesting here is you can see diplomacy skin versus trade scan versus economy scan we got a couple of different levels of and this is by the way space in the main button lets you zoom in and you can see the things on the left kind of change depending on how far out your zoomed and those are really cool and we'll get to them when they make more sense right now we've only got a single system under our control we've got a nice blue star system here and we can hover over it to get a bunch of details in the bottom left let's zoom in a little more when you click on it so in endless space too and in the previous endless legend you have a concept known as FID z/f i.d.s i and that is food industry dust science and influence these five resources are what you're going to be managing throughout the game I should point out there's one more resource manpower that you can see at the top of the screen here and another piece of manpower can be seen here and I'm going to talk more about manpower later when we go over the military stuff but mostly you're looking at these five resources that's what gets produced on your planets so if we take a look at this planet we can hover over it and learn this is a Terran planet it is temperate and fertile those are keywords that might have some effect but the tooltip system in this game is fantastic if you hover over temper'd it says oh it offers conditions blah blah blah because there's no other items than this flavor text you can know that there's nothing you inherently gain from this keyword temperate and what's more is to help keep the UI nice and clear if you're not hovering over that planet temperate is simply represented by this nice little Sun and fertile is represented by this fish and sterile is represented by this fish and cold is represented by this so you can easily look at this and understand the iconography after a few games because when you hover over it you can easily see what they are again nothing inherently gained by the word temperate or Fertile however I will show you exactly here we are this is what's called a system improvement you can think of these like buildings and civilization the civilization series right so in these guys with these guys this building in particular it produces +10 industry that's like your hammers per planet period so each planet that's colonized in this system will get +10 if we were to colonize all four of these planets we get 40 now each of these planets that is colonized and also fertile gives us an extra 10 and each planet that also has the temperate keyword gives us an extra 10 so if we were to build this we would immediately get 30 because this is a planet its fertile and its temperate if we then also colonize the boreal we get another ten for it being another planet and another ten for it being fertile etc etc you get the picture so cold planets good for science hot are good for production sterile are good for dust and dust collection in this universe dust is this substance that scattered across the galaxy on planets and on Terran type plants a lot of seasons and weather the dust sort of gets spread out amongst the planets by the weather and it's very hard to collect so you don't get a lot of it whereas on a sterile planet where there's rare life and not much rain or anything like that you get collections of dust that can be easily mined and harvested and used as money so first let's explain existence at ret cetera if we hit the space bar or in my case it's the tab button that opens up the system management scan so I click on that or you hit the space bar on your game and you can see this shows us how much of each resource the planets will produce per population point so on our little home world here each population point produces eight food for industry six dust and for science and if we go back here you can see we have three population points and if they're all producing a food Oh bingo we get 20 for food and if we get you know 4 times 4 a 4 times 3 rather we get 12 etc etc now this to influence here look at that we didn't actually make any influence inherently on the planet by the population production instead this says it's +2 from and then it gives us a weird symbol well that symbol is actually these this particular polĂ­tica sorry race the imperials themselves it actually looks weird when it's like this but that symbol right there is the same as this little symbol on this guy here that I'm dragging around so this race of people's our race the Imperials for each population point on a planet that planet produces one influence this is another sub race that we have living on our planet and each of them produce extra manpower that's what the person with the ball symbol is its manpower production specifically its garrisoned production on the planet here that's what the the person plus little ball I think is actually a planet so that's garrisoned manpower which acts as your defense should the planet be invaded so that's how you can think of that resource there so you can see we have one two three four five six seven eight total slots on this planet and it's important to understand and thanks to the nice tool tip systems we can see that these red slots here will start generating unhappiness if they get filled up so ideally when we're growing this system we want to get two more slots filled up and then we want to colonize a new planet and have people grow on that one so that we don't get the negative penalty eventually the whole system is going to be colonized and we'll have to build buildings like the infinite supermarkets to increase happiness in other ways so that is the basic production of things on this menu you can also see on the left we get the name which we can click on a we wanted to change it Dorado El Dorado get it right so we can see that you can see right now it costs 20 dust to upkeep to pay to keep the buildings in this system going if we click on the button next to that you can see all the constructions that have already been built in this case we have the colony base every single system that you colonize gets a colony base so it always starts by default at plus 50 approval which is straight in the middle 100 is the best 0 is the worst and it starts with an extra juice of food production influence and it converts 10% of your food to manpower automatically so every planet you ever colonize does that you can increase that amount if you are being more militaristic and you need it the Galactic HQ is the one thing that starts in your very capital you can't ever make another one of these but it gives you extra dust and science to get you kick-started and an influence at the very beginning of the game and we cannot scrap these so we can't use this button but if we were to build more of these things they would show up in here so let's hover over drone networks this produces 10 food and 10 production which are great things when you're trying to escape from being only a one planet species we need food for growth and we need production to get more of these buildings built so I always start with drone networks another great one to start with a cerebral reality because it gets you some science which is good and it gets you dust and it does not cost any extra dust to upkeep drone networks has an upkeep cost of 2 dust which is not a lot but we're only making 28 period over the course of the of everything we have and so an extra 2 is it's not an insignificant amount so we're to start with drone networks and we'll come back now you'll notice this faction one of their special abilities is that they can buy out as incomplete the production of buildings with influence this is a special power of this faction other factions don't get to do this kind of cool influence is used for a lot of things this faction builds extra influence thanks to their racial power and thanks to the other production situation but anyway this going to take us 5 turns we can see it's going to give us these things going to cost 160 industry we're doing 37 industry a turn it does the math says 5 boom and because we have the special Emperor's willpower when we complete this it will convert 20% of that industry into influence for us which is what the +16 star means in the bottom corner alright let's see is there anything else in this left side we can talk about real quick well this automation policy if you want to if you have so many systems that you don't want to deal with building all the things in them you can say a governor I'll focus on food for this one or focus on dust for this one or focus on science for this system and it will go and build the appropriate buildings and assign the people to the appropriate planets etc etc I don't like to automate unless I get really big so we can ignore that I'm underneath that you can see our population information it says we have three people in this system three population points and in seven turns we're going to get a new population and it's going to be of the type Imperial the type that you're going to get is randomly chosen as soon as you're ready for a new population point so as soon as we finish getting this Imperial it will decide do you get an Imperial or do you get a he show and it also tells you that they are content and it says that being content has no effect if your people are really happy it will produce more food and influence if they're not it'll produce less down here is all about the political system which we're going to get into later finally we have the governor and we're gonna pick the hero that we started the game with as our governor first let's take a quick look at him and determine what he does he can be assigned to a fleet in which he gets his own personal hero ship to be essentially part of that fleet or he can be assigned to a system as a governor in which he provides certain bonuses as a governor his starting skills are plus 5% production on the system and plus 5% hull plating absorption if he's assigned to a fleet so we're gonna sign him to our capital system for now because his hull plating isn't going to be terribly valuable while we're exploring it might be valuable later if we have to fight somebody so we're gonna go again right-click to go back and we're gonna click him and confirm he is now a level 1 hero and he is governing this system now he will level up over time and we will be able to spend skill points to level him up in these different category and we'll look at that later he's also costing us by the way to dust per turn so it is costing us to use him at a higher level heroes cost more dust and we can get more heroes and we'll get to that later okay we're basically done looking at this for our first turn now there's one other bit that we're gonna need to take a quick look at before we hit the next turn button and that is we start the game with a settler and a Patrol this is a scout you can tell it's a scout because it's got the little eyeglass magnifying glass and you can tell this is a settler because it has a little flag now we've got a couple of different options we could immediately settle I believe this boreal colony with this settler no won't let us do that they go is something we used to be able to do because the system's already colonized you can't do that anymore old game okay so we're gonna need to go exploring now these ships are currently in two different fleets down here you can see we've got one fleet here with five movement points that's what the arrow means and another fleet with six movement points the patrol ship has six movement points you can also see that it is currently using one of four command points in that fleet so we need to combine these two fleets if we wanted to we click one and then ctrl click the other or shift-click and you get merge now it's the same vessels together and they can move as a fleet whenever you fight a battle its fleet versus fleet if you have four fleets in the area it doesn't matter only one of them's fighting at a time that's all you have the logistics go passive capacity form so that's how this works but we're gonna split them up again so we click on one of these and say we're gonna create a new fleet you can see there's a bunch of other options here select all assign a new hero heal them scrap them etc so we flipped them out again another option you can do is disband them which sends them to the hangar so now instead of being their own fleets they're now in this hangar and you get access to that hangar by clicking on the little hangar icon here and we can again create the fleets we want the advantage of keeping things in the hangar is generally I believe it requires no Oh upkeep to do that that's how wasn't the previous games as well anyway I haven't checked it yet for this one but in the beginning of the game it's relatively harmless to just send your exploration and your settler ship out into the galaxy to find out what's going on so that's what we're gonna do the last thing we need to do is take a quick look at technology and I'm just gonna pick one for us and then head back and move on and we're gonna come back to technology soon so standby another cool thing we can see on this map is that this system has titanium and Hyperion those are two of the six strategic resources in the game strategic resources in the vein of say five like iron or horses you need them in order to build specific buildings and military modules for your ships so what that means is if we zoom in a little closer here you can see aa eldorado three has a poor deposit of titanium it only gives us one titanium per turn and it has a average deposit of Hyperion and you can also see in the bottom left that these just being on this planet mean that every population point in the planet gives us an extra science and an extra industry so that makes this planet extra good moving on we've already sent our ships out we hit the turn button however they're not moved yet until we tell ships to execute their plan moves which they will automatically do at the end of the turn if you don't press that button we found a new minor civilization so let's take a quick look so we've discovered this system over here and we discovered this system over here which is a minor civilization this is a concept taken from endless space as our endless legend and it's also similar to the city-states of civilization v although in this game you can like an endless legend get them to assimilate into your empire and they will become de facto the same as your control areas unlike say v becoming their allies makes them part of your empire so in order to interact with them we click on their little icon here and we can see that okay this is the pilgrims they like you know they they typically produce more dust than other factions that's their racial bonus and they have this faction trait +5 / anomalies on colonized planet systems that's kind of cool okay their effect on planets if they're there is this good their political output is this great our current things that we can do with them is neutral now how you can interact with them as course on the right hand side if you want to conquer them you have to spend some influence to do it that's kind of like influence you can think of as political power and diplomatic power combined so you have to sway the folks back home and say hey we need to go to war to do this I need the support of my military generals and aid the support of these guys and it's gonna cost me some influence in order to start this war and if you conquer them then they will act just like any other planet that you've conquered or you can praise them for a while and get them to like you if you get them to like you by praising them then they will start giving you trade in the form of dust and science which is great and if you want their faction power then you can use this option down here which requires us to pay some luxury resources which we don't have and if you want to assimilate them peacefully you can assist them by giving them a sling for a quest and they will give you a quest if you complete it they just boom they join your for your faction without declaring war cool what else did we learn well you can see this little ping right every couple of seconds there's a little ping coming from one of these planets the brown one by the way that's filled in means that it's colonized by this Brown faction the non colored in means it's not colonized and not colonize a bull if we go back and look here the white circle means its colonize abow with our current level of technology but not colonized if it was colonized would be blue the blue with a circle around it means it's unique planet it's unique because it's our capital and over here you can see two empty planets because we don't know how to colonize those types of planets so let's go back to this here this means and if we zoom in here we can get a license to do it the data it comes up and it tells us information we have an ice planet here you can click to move through them a little faster and here we go you only see that the first time you click on it you can go right through so you can see that these guys are on the ice planet they've colonized it and it's producing this much stuff now also we can see that oh this medium Arctic planet has a little simply if we hover over it oh it's a long season it's an anomaly and it's a detrimental one detrimental ones always are in this like reddish brownish color and it's giving us those effects - dust - food look that's bad and if we look over here we see a positive effect of positive anomaly that because it is green and it gives +4 science per person and it's a huge planet if we have a huge we can see its maximum population is 6 and the per person output is 16 science for dust that's it no food well that's kind of problematic but that's a lot of science this area because it has three cold planets is gonna be amazing for science generation which you can kind of see this this little bar here gives you a bar graph gives you a general idea of what these planets are good for lastly we have an unexplored and unknown curiosity in this case this curiosity type is ruins you might also see subterranean atmospheric life etc there's I think four or five different types now if we controlled this planet we could queue up an exploration of this curiosity as a building type so if we were back in our own thing here and there was a curiosity which actually there is a curiosity here it's a subterranean curiosity but it's currently locked because we don't have the technology to explore it yet properly but if it we did we could click on this and it would appear down here like a building and we just spend our industry to look into it but because we are not in control of this system we can still explore it because we have a scout here so we can click on this and he will use one of the two probes that he has currently in his arsenal easy to of two at the bottom there with the probes whirring click on that and find out what did we find these are like goodie Hut's in civilization oh the analytical engine a unique dust improvement and I'm not sure exactly what it does but it's now oh it's on the planet it's not a it's not something we can build is it or maybe it is yeah it's as a unique improvement if that's something that shows up here it is look at that so we can build this and what does it do can only be built once per empire cost political impact upkeep six um you know what I think this is bugged because it does not appear that this does anything its effects are nothing utilize your remote sensors the Indians amount instantaneously extracts valuable dust production data from any explored Curiosity sites supplementing dust production oh okay well I think the tooltip may be broken cuz it says it does nothing alright well there you go so we've explored that we've gained some little thing that we can maybe maybe not use another thing you can use probes for is you can launch them you can see there's a little slightly subtle texture here when we sent our scout he has a large vision so he cleared both areas in the side of this jump lane but all of this area still is unvisible to us invisible invisible we can't click here I can't tell my Scout hey go look in here you can only go along jump lanes at beginning of the game but I can tell him to send a probe hey go down there now for five turns that probe is gonna go out in that direction and we're gonna reveal that and that might give us valuable information cool good to know well send our scout deeper into the space in this direction on the next turn and he's gonna go that way meanwhile we found this other planet a small lava very good for production hot plants good for production arid planet also hot but also inhospitable so we don't know how to how to properly build off of these and we cannot probe them we can't explore them because we don't have a scout ship here so unfortunately the mysteries of what's going on here will remain a mysteries to us and we'll send our settler ship down one more jump plane away from our home world if we don't find a planet we can settle in this direction let's send it back and send it down this Lane so there we go and turn again we can buy out this technology because we are this special faction we can buy it out with influence it looks like oh and we're going in the same place so that's disappointing but this is a system which does not have any colonized we'll plant instead if you grow your influence ring use his blue ring that denotes my territory if you grow that ring to encompass this system then the system that encompassed at first gets +50 dust that's a nice bonus so if we were to get the yang as allies and they grew to encompass this system over time then they would get that nice bonus applied to their system now how do you grow this ring around your planets your systems well it's actually linked to the total influence production ever produced on that planet so it's a running total on sorry on the system itself so as this system produces more influence it will grow if you produce more influence faster by building specific buildings and specializations then this circle grows faster alright and that allows you to encompass things like this it also protects your territory unless you see further etc etc etc so we're gonna send our settler back over here because currently there's nothing for him to settle in this direction and you know what I'm gonna wait with my Scout here one more turn because the probe is going to has one more turn easy cooldown one turn means it's gonna get a new probe stock in one turn something's gonna wait one turn here and then we'll get another probe and we'll send it out into the galaxy to see what it finds we'll send it down in that same direction to try to cover most of this area with the probes and now we can send our scout back home and have our settler move through and we're done we're going to the next turn now you can see that these two Hyperion OOP sorry here's our first quest so there are a number of different quests that appear in the game some of them are solo quests just for you and your faction and some of them are competitive multiplayer quests where you and the AI are competing to do something and sometimes it's like a team effort where you choose one side or the other and then the teams try to achieve objectives that 180 degrees opposite from the opposite team and you have to might lead you into some fighting alright so this is the story of what's happening to your Emperor guy here and there's some really cool flavor in this if you just click through this and look down and stuff on the bottom you're missing a lot of cool stuff so this is all about the fact that there's some faction planning a civil war a coup against you right and it's partly because let's see yeah you think we're unsure there was some major accident it might have been an accident maybe it was planned sabotage we don't know and so we're gonna try to find the perpetrator and you're gonna choose how you're gonna find them you're gonna try to either do it by locating 10 curiosities in that case we'll get this which is a plus 40 percent food on our outposts which are our brand-new colonies before they get upgraded to a full colony they're called outposts so that helps all of our colonies grow faster or if we can stockpile 600 dust we get a free outpost in traitors reach I'm not sure where that is but that might be interesting to find out or we can intimidate them if we can reach 800 manpower total in our empire if you remember I told you that a manpower is accumulated an empire-wide basis and an individual system basis for Garrison's punisher drives is an empire improvement that means we're not the build a building it's not a system improvement it's an empire improvement for the rest of the game we get plus 10% damage on our ships that's really good but at the same time I want to find out what this is cuz I haven't I haven't ever seen that before so we're gonna do that and see what happens bribing so that means we need to stock up 600 we're doing 26 of turn it's gonna take a while so we'll see sending our ships home our Scout is gonna get here a little faster because he moves faster if you work all by the time he gets there he's probably gonna have some of those probes back we might use them there we go let's look in this general vicinity you see we're revealing that scattered back drop and that's it ah El Dorado has finished constructions of the drone networks that we built earlier and now they have an empty construction queue I do usually like to follow up drone network with cerebral reality again because it doesn't cost any upkeep it actually produces dust for you another option in this case could be xeno industrial infrastructure it will help us build all other buildings and things faster and because we're gonna want to build a bunch of Scouts and settlers I'm gonna build that first so then I might build the cerebral reality in fact it'll build much faster once we have an extra 30 production it's gonna increase a production by about 40% [Music] and we're about to get a new population point here next turn which will give us more production as well as other things all right so we sent away that probe let's send our scout this way looking for other connections this by the way is all part of one constellation you can tell because of the connected jump points okay so this is an important concept we just finished researching a technology and this menu tells us hey this is technology just finished here are the newly unlocked things this symbol represents a system improvement these your buildings it kind of looks like buildings right there you go so just like that other building we had that was giving us a lot of production this one will give us a lot of science it also allows us to colonize a new type of planet tundra instead of Mediterranean or Terran or something else we can now colonize tundra in addition the bottom of the screen here shows us that we have some new options and these are the ones suggested but let me go to the technology screen because something else just happened which is very important let's go up here to the military side you can see that the technology wheel is separated into four branches military Empire development science and exploration and economy and trade we take a look at the military one to begin with you can see that within the military one we have one two three four five tiers of research further you go out the more expense if they get out here it costs six thousand to research one tech and down here it costs 152 so it ramps up in addition every technology you research makes every other technology more expensive so you can't just say I'm gonna get everything eventually because no you're not you're gonna have to pick and choose some things if you don't really need it it might not be worth picking it up because it's just gonna make everything else more expensive so this lock indicates that we can't research anything in the second phase until we have research at least one thing in the first phase and if we look down here you can see we have already researched this and so all of tier two is unlocked in fact that's what this message was it was saying hey you just unlocked a new technology stage not only does that give us access to four new possible technologies it also unlocks all the things in this box and it unlocks this diamond these are two separate things this box gives us access to to support modules that we can put on our ships you've seen the bottom left if we hover over them individually you can see this is a support module that allows you to get three movement points instead of two on your ship drives this is a module that allows you to get extra armor well extra health and it also repairs your ship after each battle so these are support modules you get them simply by researching all the lock symbols from the previous stage because the previous stage is always one lock to get into the next stage we have already researched we start the game with the research here and here so we start the game already having access to the stuff in stage 2 here and stage 2 here now what is this these diamonds are essentially a race every diamond you see in every stage of all of these trees is a race this diamond is be the first to successfully search ten curiosities if you succeed you get 60 of that particular luxury resource if we hover over this it says it's deciduous trees dust it does dust Sid Jewess trees yeah I see what you did there so if we researched n 2 curiosities first we get this cool thing so we've just unlocked a special race or be the first to have three unique star system improvements in your empire so you do that you get 75 titanium ore be the first to build the Wonder endless research park and endless world once you unlock this stage that wonder becomes buildable by you and you can see in this case it cost two thousand three hundred industry ten titanium and ten Hyperion and the red indicates that we don't have enough of those resources to build that thing while we're talking about color let's talk about how freakin remember how I said before the UI was brilliant the UI is brilliant the UI is brilliant the color in this game is so well crafted if you're looking for anything here and you're trying to figure out what you need to do god my food is a problem my planets aren't growing fast enough where this system has a real problem with food I need to figure out how to get more food well food is green if we go over here oh these things are green let's hover over this oh hey these are food improvements and hey look these are food improvements and hey those military things are red let's oh yeah these are military military everything up here is military and the color of this shield represents the color of the resource in question so this is antimatter antimatter's colored this orange color and so the shield is orange because that takes an antimatter to build this shield and hey it takes titanium to build this shield in Hyperion I can tell you that and I can I can rip it off what all of these things are because they're color coded and it's great it's amazing okay anyway that having been said this blue color is for colonization and movement on the Empire map exploration basically so this light blue is colonisation exploration of curiosities and map movement the yellow color is specializations for the planet actually is a yellow-green mix it's a food so that's why you'll see other ones that are different color but this is food food etc then you'll see other colors like dark purple is anything to do with influence light pink is anything to do with happiness again these colors here that the modules are colored are specific to those types of things yellow is dust related this light orange is industrial related it's it's brilliant it really is and then this blue is science Parker blue is science so yeah I can't get over how awesome the coloring is in this game and the symbols help you out even more because if you're looking for a bonus that you don't have to build this is an empire-wide bonus every planet gets +5 for the rest of the game you don't have to build a building to make that happen it's across your entire empire this is a building you have to build it in each of your systems in order for it to apply to that system this is a unique building which is why it has a little Empire symbol in the background it's it's amazing okay so we talked about how you unlock these things and you unlock these races these little things kind of look like they have in other games where you require to do one before the other not true you can click on this and research this even though you haven't researched rare earth foams however these indicate that it's a facilitating tech and facilitating tax reduce the cost of the texts that come after brilliant so since this allows us to colonize Mediterranean which is a pretty damn good planet and not too rare we're gonna want to get rare earth foams eventually so unless we really needed baryonic shielding we'd probably want to get rare earth foams first to make baryonic shielding less expensive anyway there are a few other symbols you might see here specifically this symbol is our faction symbol the Imperials and that means that this tech is unique to the Imperial faction for example they get this carrier class Zell vus class hall design that is unique to them other factions get their own version of the carrier class here and if we look around we can see oh hey here's some other unique things for our Empire compared to other empires so that's kind of cool lastly you might see this symbol that means these are exclusive you can choose one or the other here and we'll look at those when we need to but that's fairly straightforward so that having been said we now need to pick a new technology hmm let's look at our board situation we don't have to worry too much about unlocking the ability to colonize other planets in our home system because we do have this boreal planet which is colonize above form the beginning of the game by pretty much every faction everybody can do Terran and boreal and ocean I think there's like three that you can do from the beginning so I don't think we need to worry too much about finding out how to colonize things now we do know that this is the only other system we've found so far and it's got lava and arid and it's not a fantastic system the two small planets and it's not gonna be in contention by anybody else it's like nobody else can reach this planet so let's not worry about that right now what could we worry about what are we gonna need to build well we're gonna need to explore a lot more around us we can't explore any of this area around us because we don't have any hyper lanes there no no sorry jump lanes but there is a way to get around the galaxy without using jump lanes and that is called warp drive it allows you to move freely without using those jump lanes it's a lot slower than the jump lanes but it does allow you to move freely in addition this would also allow us to research higher level deeper darker secrets of the universe than we can right now which is certainly a possibility and what else do we get Savannah so these are two strong possibilities but another one I like to grab is this machine bacteria which gives us an upgrade to our probe abilities except that we can't get that if we have no strategic resources so how about we do that this particular one lets us utilize Hyperion this one lets us utilize titanium but we already have that and in order to get either of those I need to colonize this planet so I do want to start producing those resources so rather than waiting until we filled up this planet I'm just going to add that to the Dokken it's gonna take a look so what are we gonna do with this set alert here well there's nothing back here for them to settle so let's send them down this way as well and we found a system with a colonize above lanit let's check out check it out and see what it is an ash planet a huge ash planet this is gonna be a very good one for productionize I can tell an arid planet also good for production and a tundra planet which we just unlocked the ability to colonize so let's take a closer look at these that colonize ibill planet there there's two small tundra planet it's not going to give us a lot it can we mix it fit of maximum six population and unfortunately oh it has high gravity on a small planet that's that's not great which is minus two science happiness and production that's okay though because we really only need this planet to provide us with food because these planets are gonna provide us with lots of production let's do a quick check of that ah another luxury resource so you can see that we've revealed the fact that this planet has eaten in sense and we've also gained five even incense as part of that expedition you can see there's also another white luxury source here white resources are always shown up luxury resources are always shown as white should say the strategic resources all have their own color so this one makes the planet gain extra dust and food and this one makes the planet grow extra science and partially offsets for the fact that it's a high gravity planet so I think this is definitely worth colonizing and then we need to figure out how to colonize the ash planets and the arid planets and our technology soon we can see that this isn't a mixed anomaly it's not green but it's not red either it gives us extra food but less happiness Wow people here are gonna be really unhappy with all these meteor strikes and permanent monsoons okay but this has the platform of wise world was once that is shipyard in the of the concrete invent so when you search down here it allow you to search for the title or the thing underneath it if we search for colonisation it'll show up every colonization Tech in the game and you can see everything with one of these little Flags is now blinking at us related building in it so you see here and things that will help them when they are governing a system or leading a fleet and in general you might have one hero that sits on your core world or your best trading world and to prove provides a ton of bonuses and never leads a fleet on the other hand you might have a hero that is permanently assigned to your main fleet and then a lot of other heroes that will be governors unless you're at war and then you're gonna need them for your fleets so with my first hero I usually start them as a governor and I look for bonuses that they can help with the governor hey plus one influence per person on planets that's gonna synergize really well with my particular racial bonuses which makes sense because this bottom corner is my racial based thing because that hero is from this faction they always get these choices because the hero is a hero they get access to all these all heroes have this one branch at the top that looks the same all of the United Empire faction heroes have this branch that looks over the same over here and because this guy is one of the four types called a counselor this is the counselor specific skills over here so that's what determines what things are available to you alright so I applied that so he's now providing us +1 influence per person and plus 5% in the system and if we want to throw in a ship who provide a little bit of bonus from this thing over here alright that's great so what do we do with this ship I'll leave it here for one turn and see if we can drain some of those probes back and we discovered another new luxury resource read sang although we discovered that last turn here we go we can now colonize that what was it a tundra world and you can do it either by clicking this button which will just zoom you in or you click right here you can rename heroes yes it'll help you keep track of which ones like you might may rename them sis - or something to that effect so here's our colony ship coming down on this Tundra world you can see there's these weird dudes here now we got the high gravity here so people aren't super happy but it's offset at least in part apparently oh it's not actually a system yet right now it's an outpost how do these outposts grow you might ask well they need 300 food to turn into a proper system this represents your population getting bigger essentially now because this is a Tundra world that produces what did we save it's 12 7 food plus again remember you have a building that's helping with some of this food what you have here is 25 turns at 12 per turn now we could double that to make it 24 per turn coming from the planet itself it doubles this number up here if you pay this plus 100% food on system but there are colonists being shipped over here from our capital and so you can see that while we need 300 and if we discount the fact that those colonists are arriving it'll take 25 turns we can see that in 2 turns 33 food is gonna be sent on a ship to this outpost a ship by the way that could be intercepted by either enemies or pirates and destroyed before it gets here it's actually physically represented on the map and if our chef's are calling if our outpost here is really far away from the closest colony we want to send people from then there's only a maximum number of of those ships out of any given time and they move fairly slow now this is directly connected to our capital we probably won't have to worry too much about this so we can also in addition to doubling the 12 that's being sent here we could double the amount sent from our capital every to every couple of turns and we could change if we had other systems when a system besides our capital that produces an absolute ton of food and was nearby to this outpost we could say actually I want this system to provide the new colonists because it's closer because it provides more etc etc right now I'm not going to utilize any of my money or influence I think I have other uses for those and it's gonna be a lot less than 25 turns if you take into a fat an account for the fact that they're getting 33 every 3 turns and I need to save up a certain amount of money maybe we'll come back here you know what maybe we'll double the influence so we'll send 66 food each turn there we go now there is one small problem with that this main system here is now minus sixty six food it doesn't just come from nowhere it comes from here and now in seven turns will actually lose a population point here because it's all B's something being sent over to that new place which suggests that maybe we want to focus a little bit on food related technologies wouldn't be a bad idea epi connect crops eating's plus four per person intensive cultivation is plus ten per luxury deposit which could be very valuable in that new system but not in our old system this one just gives plus ten per planet so the top one their intensive cultivation is one that I will often put on my capital so that my capital can continue to expand and supply food to all these things so we'll add that to our tree and move forward stellaris is a different beast and I like them both for different reasons it's I don't know if I would say one over the other right now they're definitely very different games this is a lot more like a traditional 4x space game in a sense and it's got a lot more heart a lot more direct narrative whereas stellaris is so open-ended and has a lot more interesting interactions with regards to like the paradox style gameplay so they're they're kind of two different sides of the same coin if you had to choose one I would say if you've enjoyed other paradox titles and you know you like that solarz might certainly be down your your alley no somebody else already found those 10 curiosities that is crazy it's it's turn 11 how many oh there are some factions that start with heroes that give boosts to the number of probes you get and they could have built a scout or two and done that fairly quickly or the AI cheats you know so I would say if you if you like more complexity stellaris can add a lot of interesting complexity especially in diplomacy stir Flores is a lot has also been referred to as space Europa Universalis because the diplomatic systems are similar I would say the shipbuilding in this one and the the exploration are a little bit yeah you know what they both have that kind of quest system again it's real hard it's it's hard to say one of the I say put them both on your wish list and wait for them to go on sale by whichever one goes on sale first they're both good stellaris might be a little more polished at this point because it came out last um a year ago May and they've been patching it significantly since then so yeah if I was to say when I say get stellaris first and come back to this after another a few patches cuz this just came out in June so it's more than a year newer then stellaris and could still use some patching but amplitudes always been pretty good about that so we've got our it's we have the ability ah there we go I said for some reason I didn't see this button before so we have a signal curiosity very likely to be an anomaly on this huge ash planet hopefully it's a good one because we got two semi negative ones there exile so they are added to our population somewhere I think is what that means maybe not maybe that means when you go to that planet you'll get them huh well maybe they'll be added on the turn I'm not exactly sure what that one did but let's move on so I increased that now what we can see here is because I revealed a curiosity in this minor factions system they in turn are boosting relations with me because I did a nice thing for them now if we praise them by spending influence if we send some people to provide platitudes and discuss about how great they are you can see there's now ten turns of praise and it's gonna be I think at two plus two per turn is what this praise is providing us if we were to hit praise again it resets the timer to 10 and increases this number by two so the most efficient way to woo a civilization to your side is praise them once then come back 9 turns later just before this expires praise them again to reset it to 10 except now instead of +2 per turn is +4 and then the next time you do it it's +6 if you ever let it run out then the next time you praise them it will come back and start at 1 again I'm sorry it started two again at the bottom so you wanna for this timer runs out if you're planning to get them if you just click clicking praise a bunch then it'll do be the fastest but the least efficient from an influencer perspective and again we're at the very edge of the galaxy here but I still want to explore what's going on in here so I'm gonna wait a couple of turns until this fleet gets its probe back which is one more turbulence and you see here's a little food truck oh no that's the oh hey there's the guys that's the population point I just found down here is racing back to other Scout to go because remember those curiosities that were exploring sometimes they give you brand-new technology sometimes they give you battle tactics you've never seen before sometimes they give you luxury resources and knowing where those are can be very valuable and we only take one turn to build a scout we take three turns to build infinite supermarkets and it would make them produce more food that's what infinite supermarkets on there get hot removal ratings cerebral reality is only two turns and then we'll come back and we'll look at this more that's in production here this production actually will make production on this planet go up by four per person that's really valuable on this system because of this very large boreal planet that has a problem with production because it's a boreal planet we now are gaining three Hyperion our production per turn is one sorry and three Hyperion per turning plus one per turn for teen Explorer there's no and maybe up in this direction in case there's something hiding over here then we're gonna send that Scout off down here he'll have his probes left by that time and we found a neutron star up there hey that's pretty cool now we know that if we can get our influence to expand fast enough we'll gain an extra influence and science in our home system here here's the other thing we can now travel to this star if we get the warp drives and but we were looking over here and there's a warp drive lets you free move through the galaxy it still won't let me like click somewhere out here where there's no planets and just go there but it will let you move to a planet which you don't have connected via one of these dumplings so that's how we can get access to these that's why I sense pleurae ssin thing because this could have been a really nice system with goods just planets worthy of colonization it wasn't but it could have been alright we found another piece of this arm that just refuses to connect to the center because that's the way the galaxy's been set up knockos a medium ash planet with a bunch of curiosities on it and so let's start looking at those because maybe they'll make this an awesome planet we came up ways with some loot but that's it Oh an event has been triggered the atmosphere of this planet is a strange psychotropic effect when inhaled the sweet vapor seems to allow the subjects to see exactly four seconds into the future perhaps a concentrated dose might allow even more our +2 vision range on fleet on this particular Scout ship that's kind of cool and meanwhile he doesn't have any more probes so he can't do anything else there we're leaving there any other questions while I'm going here because I I I'm happy to move on to the next set of topics we covered science and we've covered exploration and movement here a little bit we've covered growing colonies we've covered minor factions a little bit do we have new curiosity nope we're on the probe yet let's take a quick look at our outpost and now says it's 20 turns away but there's still food on the way being delivered let's check our progress on these guys six more turns we're going to turn again ah there's a cooperative quest that has just started rumors of an Academy this is what I believe starts in every game we have to explore five atmospheric curiosities in order to succeed and come in first place in this quest a lot of the quests are like this do this before somebody else so the Academy is where all the great heroes are trained and when somebody finds it you can start getting more heroes than just your starter hero but this is gonna be part of the way to finding it is exploring these atmospheric things now we lost oh no we lost our customs as volley guys that we found the X aisles because remember we're shipping off a ton of food to that other Empire and those were the newest ones so they were the first to go they were the smallest population I feel bad now they just got here and they're already shipped off at that new population I wonder if that means that when this grows it will have their population point I guess we can only wait and see aha here's a new topic politics here is one of the really interesting diverges divergent places that the game diverges from endless space one we're gonna get into that next turn I believe it's telling us right now the industrialists have a huge lead in popularity right now as far as political party is concerned and the pacifists and ecologists are next with the scientists trailing and then the the came in seat here no there's like the religious faction is not even represented at all and as soon as that election triggers we'll talk all about how it works hey we finished our miniature quest here a hidden rebellion part one has been completed what happened well dust buys armies fleets and gets you tongues waggling we bribed some of the rebels and it fell easily we named it traitors reach as a warning to others the biggest shock was at the identity of the rebel leader my very sister Lina was leading the rebels she wasn't oh I'm sorry your sister Lina wasn't blessed only one child Victoria she had another an identical twin Julian cot so my niece was running this rebel base and now we have to deal with this rebellion further now Jul Inca the traitor refuses to speak she's too young to be the true mastermind behind this rebellion but that individual identities there is is no clue you will not sanction any violence against your sister's blood so she languishing in solitary confinement blah blah blah but you need to figure out who is going to be your legacy right who is your going to be your heir you're getting older blah blah blah and if you have an arrow stabilize the Empire no more rebellions is what was going on here we can choose had REE our son who's focused on military we can choose Lina our sister who is all about the industry and production and would be more like a wonder based victory or we can choose Petra which is all about science and we'll get her hero if we finish that will get Lina as a hero if we finish that and they aren't all of their varying types here well let's be a little bit offensive why don't we why don't we choose had REE we'll get him as our leader we need to ship with at least 60 offensive military power that'll help us explore how ship how the ships work essentially we finished infinite supermarkets in our capital let's go take a look at how that is interacting with things so you can see there's still content I'll I was hoping that that would get us just about 70% we'll have to see if we can increase that further basically once you get about 70% they are happy and they give boosts to the food and influence production in the system however if your overall average is over 70% then your empire everywhere gets dust and science increased so if you can be happy every where everything gets dust in science and anywhere that you are happy gets boosts to food and production or its re food and influence and the higher you go the closer you get 200% the better basically there's several steps in several stages now one thing to check is we just gained a new colony somewhere where traders reach there it is so it picked a Terran world nearby and we got a new outpost here and unfortunately now it is unable to draw any food from our capital because those ships would have no way to get here so instead we just have the option of spending 150 dust to boost the food production of this system here which is important because right now this system is not producing any dust it's costing us dust so now that got boosted to 28 for 10 turns and it means this will be done much faster meanwhile we found another disconnected world with our probe it's a good thing we sent the probe out there because this has a bunch of worlds in it this is gonna be a very good system for us a very productive system with these two planets very good production very good production Wow a bunch of ash planets and hot planets then we got a huge hot Jupiter and a monsoon planet which is going to provide the food for this whole system apparently and there are some other anomalies here as well extra production here extra science and dust here these are all good anomalies to science and happiness for this fearful symmetry this planets features exhibit a bilateral symmetry that's unnatural fourth mathematical precision one can only speculate as to what lies underneath the outer layers that caused this wow that's kind of cool so what we need is the ability to get there and the ability to colonize it we're getting ash planets right here right we know that at least two of these are ash planets and one is a lava planet we can already colonize them on soon so what we need to do is build ourselves another scout and another settler the Scout can go there in order to reveal those curiosities in that system and the settler can colonize it and I think we are on the way this is colonizing ash and then later we're on the way no we have to choose that don't we so after that we're getting food and then after that we're going to go to the warp drive so that we can colonize that spot over there meanwhile we got a probe let's send it this way and this Scouts gonna go this way I'm gonna leave that Scout here and he is going to continue to probe in these directions while this scout follows the yellow brick road so to speak I can see here we've got three turns left on this civilizations praise boost ah we found yet another new minor civilization we are the first to contact these people apparently oops and we can praise them they're kind of cool they're like weird for armed monk guys and if we look at them again they give us happiness which is great and remember we want them to like us because they give us portions of their economy when they do we get to trade with them essentially long live the United Empire yes cooperative quest complete huh somebody else have already explored five atmospheric curiosities they must have built a lot more Scout ships than we have and this guy level up again no on the off chance we have to fight something early might not be a bad idea to improve the damage of our fleet should this guy have to lead it or gain a little more influence let's get the influence first the next skill point I will put into his the next two skill points will put into his ship gonna the bonus all right finished cerebral reality so we're getting some extra dust production over there we finished the ability to colonize ash planets that's great you can see now a bunch of these just turned white because now we can colonize them this guy has no oh yes there is something he can a curiosity he can explore while he's here which will again make the minor civilization like us more for helping to examine their situation cyber flora cyber flora a hybrid species that grew from dust infected like him this nearly indestructible plant can be found thriving in even the harshest conditions its beautiful glossy Sheen and interesting bio technical properties create both a stunning environment and a source of scientific knowledge very cool very cool plus 25 science just refining it and we discovered the planet Balaji bill bill Delhi hospital if dr planet rich in natural resources bill gely is served as the base for the endless research stations that were built in its orbit the endless were like the ancient race that was this jason empire that was stretched across the whole galaxy but is now gone but we find their remnants all over the place most games have that kind of a thing this is what they are let'em has a fairly large legitimate claim as being the first place the endless history where the science fertilization was perfected blah blah blah for better or worse this is a fact is given an important role in the mythos of endless civilization so if we go there we can see that one of these is marked as a unique planet anomaly spot torres sanctum gives this is an anomaly that will not be found anywhere else in the game is the reason that this is here plus three signs and plus two dust unfortunately it's a tiny savanna world so it only fits five people on it but it's providing a lot of dust science and food which will feed the people on the other planets will produce lots of science for us so how did we discover that you discovered the planet bill jelly did I really oh there was an event that reveals all the hidden isolated nodes of this constellation even if the map is slightly out of date the information should prove useful so that's how we found Bill Gally so somehow this is connected to our constellation and it's revealed them oh and Janus was also revealed as part of this constellation but not really connected to it that's pretty cool let's take a look look at Janus which apparently has two currently colonized well planets a tan - planet and gnash planet that's too bad you usually want to see at least one of the planets being good at food otherwise it takes a long time to get it built up however plus three per person thanks to rich soil in this lava planet plus free per person due to micro factories and an extra population slot means that Janus 3 looks like a really great spot to sit down a colony although it is minus 5 per person just because it's an ash planning people don't like living on Ash planets Janus for as an arid planet is slightly less inhospitable and it produces 2 vs. 3 vs 3 hmm I mean get some more technology this is gonna be a pretty good system but right now it's not good for its early expansion [Music] hello games and vlogs with Johnny yes I've jumped back into it I mean it was out an early access for a while and it needed a lot of polishing and then when it actually came out it still needed some polishing but it's it's doing well now we've got our two colonies that are just sucking all the population from our home world here we're losing another population point in 18 turns because we're down so much food which is why we're learning planetary landscaping in three turns we need to figure out how to feed these growing populations faster new event riled researchers it appears an intergalactic Congress of scientists have turned into a labor dispute they have come to the conclusion that their work is grossly underappreciated and plan to halt all experimental efforts until their weight is improve and their lab equipment is upgraded in their work reported more professionally so if we ignore this problem until the scientists to stuff it we can focus on production and get more work out of them but our science production is going to weaken we've got a decent amount of dust and we haven't used it for anything yet there's plagues to use it for but just not this lets hit minus 20 dust for 15 turns and we'll get a boost of science we're coming up on the political ideological angle ah here it is speaking of that so you can see there are six political parties in the game the political parties that are supported by the individual pops on your planets are based on the populations race and on the actions that you have performed in the game build a ton of military ships militarists are gonna have more influence if you expand a lot and build a lot of food-based improvements ecologists are gonna have more influence and more votes if you do a lot of science research and builds a lot of science buildings the scientists are gonna have a lot of research pacifists are all about dust creation religious are everything else so anyway we can look at this and try to decide where do we want to throw our weight and industrialists is good for early expansion because it gives us the ability to produce things a little better we're gonna throw our weight behind the ecologists to help with early expansion as well and if you see we've hover over this we get more ecologists if we build food or happiness generating constructions if we recruit ecologist heroes if we assign ecologist heroes to systems or fleets and if we diversify our population with many different types of the unit of people and constructing civilian vessels like settler built settlers then that also ain't grows at colleges we can also hover over these other things influences gives us your religious and religious heroes and other things can start to military vessels yeah you can have a robot of these we also have the opportunity to influence this election based on our government type the republic government type allows you to intimidate citizens or reinforce intimidation and you can see in the bottom left that tells you why you would do these things and it costs influence other government types might have other benefits but you won't be able to influence I could have pure democracy you can't influence the outcome of the election but you get more parties in office and access to more laws which is kind of cool in this case I'm gonna try to boost the ecologists a little bit just my official support which will allow us to hopefully get them into second place over the pacifists because in a republic the first and second place parties matter so we never little thing here we can see in the in our only system Eldorado there are three industrial votes and one pacifist vote so it doesn't look like our ecology support was enough so these are our two political parties the industrialists are ahead and the pacifists are the second-place political part of the Opposition so to speak so you can also see that being elected has given them experience that party has gained experience and that gives you access to more robust more expensive more powerful versions of their party's laws you can see that coming in first place gives you a bigger boost it makes that party established once they get to that little first line here they become established and then they become entrenched I think once they get to the third tier so what does all this have to do with your play system colonised fantastic we'll examine that in a moment we don't go to the Senate up here and you can see that the Senate the party in control is the industrialist cuz it's got a little wheel here you can see the breakdown right now from the previous election there are four total representatives one for each of those pops in our home system and three of them voted industry and one of them voted pacifists now you can see a little bit more about this if we click on Eldorado and you can see down here it shows the political sensitivity of this system this is based in part to the pops that are in this system so this will influence the election significantly what this means is the events and stuff that has been built in this system has been heavily favoring the industrialists and a little bit pacifists and a little bit ecologists etc etc and if you click this button it gives you a breakdown of all the things that have happened recently and how it has affected the pops in this system specifically so why are 56% of the pops in support of industrialists well there are two different races in this system one is the Imperials and one is the hiss you show and the hisses show all of these events made them lean a little bit more towards the industrialists however because the imperialists are industrialists by nature you can see their political opinions industrials in the bottom left corner these guys are actually militarists because their political opinion is industrialists by nature every one of these industrial based events has actually given them strong support so other races besides the Imperials are generally going to have moderate support for these events but the Imperials extra support the Imperial population they're the industrialist governor that we put in charge the outpost that was created as an industrial thing industry buildings created has helped in that case and that effect lasts a certain number of turns and you can see those listed right there and the technologies that we've unlocked have also boosted industrialists ideology there have also been science events that have boosted industrial support in this race specifically these science events didn't move the hisses show his show his show to support the the industry they did however move both factors towards science however this faction because their militarists has very weak support for science this faction is in deference to science of their moderate support so this is where you can see all the pacifist events and how they have affected each of the pops in your system turns out when you do ecology events within ecology or the militarist faction they actually are okay but it ecology is directly opposite of industry so it's weak support for these guys here's big militarists and mega so we can see a little more information about that if we go to the scientist edit screen here and we click population details so we look at the Imperials and this shows that military support events create military support events normal normal religion to normal religion regular ecology goes to weak ecology pacifist events to pacifists industry gets super strong and science goes both Science and Industry so this population is going to support industry / science and it's going to support ecology much less likely so as your population grows and diversifies into different types of pops your by for example is absorbing those minor factions you're going to get a more diverse Senate if you instead try to limit how diverse your population is then you can focus on one thing and one thing only or just a few things in addition when populations reach certain numerical values milestones they get stronger right now the imperialists on our planets simply produce +1 influence however when there are 10 of them they will have an even greater industrial output than they do right now in terms of political support when they reach 20 pops in our Empire completely they add an extra 15 percent influence generation when they have any presence in each system that they're in and when they get to 50 you get another boost cool so the hisses show his show they have this effect they get stronger military than they get this and they get this but you can see that they are different van The Imperials the Imperials took turn science into industry and they hate ecology and they're big on industry the his show are militarists first and foremost they don't like science and they don't like pacifism but they're okay on everything else so there you go that's how the system works in terms of how the types of pops and the things you do influence those votes when that vote occurs here's what happens two political parties are chosen if they have a hero assigned to that political party they can become the representative so our first hero is an industrialist hero the industrial party won and so their industrial guy is here now if we open up our that hero and take a look he can actually have some effect when he's leading a political party who is in power let's see if we can find it it's usually towards the outside here we go on Senate if this guy is a political leader he provides plus 1% industry per hero level on all systems in your empire so as long as he's leading the industry faction and the industry faction is one of the parties that's in power right now and he let's say he's level 10 and he's got this skill selected you're gonna get 10% boost to industry everywhere in the system and they're gonna have a bunch of these if I can find another one here you go if this guy is in Senate with this power plus 50 influence per trading company so if we go back to the by right-clicking which is nice we go back to this you see right now he has no skills that are affecting anything but eventually you're gonna have a broad arrangement of heroes and they're all gonna have powers that are having patent in effect if they they're parties in power so that's one way that this effect what goes on another way is that whichever party one has an automatic law applied that costs no upkeep and gives you nothing but benefits so you can see here that automatically that's what this little pin means by the way it's automatically activated when this party's in power if another party wins this one is automatically deactivated you can't get it anymore so what this means is 10% of industry spent for any construction is converted to dust at the end which is great because we produce stuff all the time whoa we have a massive dust shortfall and I hadn't noticed it earlier we have to do something about that in the next 10 turns well we can do that right about now because let's look there's other laws that we can pass here you see we've got certain ones that are available certain ones that are independent and certain ones that are only industry only pacifists or we can see all of them so you remember here dust windfall is the thing that the industrialist have but if we had the pacifists in charge we want to look for their special benefit it's not listed here is it well that's too bad there are a number of things that you get for being in the each faction has its own special thing but anyway what we can see here is that the industrialists are in power and we have the opportunity to pass two additional industrial laws in addition to this one new colony is available because it's available no matter what you can see required political experiences functional zero you don't need anything the industrialists always have access to this law if you would like however if the industrialist stay in power long enough to become established which they have in this game then you can get access to this law if they become entrenched you have access to this law each of these by the way are more potent and cost more upkeep and you'll get access to them later in the game finally if you get you're a given political party is in power for so long they get all the way to the end of the experience train you get the most powerful of their law available the pacifists if you recall did not manage to get more than just a a little bit towards the experience established so we don't get access to make love not war which is too bad because I love this one but we could get trusted broker let's go back to available and see what's available to us the super tax act gives us a lot more dust at a cost of a huge penalty super tax that's gonna go over real well the cram exam act is again we can trade happiness for science we could trade production for happiness or these ones by the way you'll notice costs no upkeep in the form of influence however all of the faction specific ones do cost upkeep and I believe all the independent ones that you get later on also cost no there's no upkeep for these they just have a growing I don't know how the independence gain gain that anyway new colony gives us plus twenty five happiness for a certain number of turns when acquiring a new colony either by invasion or through new through completion of an outpost I don't know why it says zero turns it's supposed to be a certain number of turns it would cost us one influence per person in our entire Empire to keep this law in the books that's pretty expensive I don't think I want to pay that this one is plus one research generation on strategic resource deposits that's quite powerful not right now it's not worth the to influence per population point so that those are all good things I'm not gonna pass any laws because I don't need them and the cost of them is too high for my empire right now now that's pretty much the entire political system you have an election every twenty turns and again the election will be significantly determined by what you choose to build and what you choose to do in your given game if you're getting attacked if war is declared on you and you're building up your military the military are coming to come into power if you're built your economy because you don't have enough dust generation and you build a bunch of dust the pacifist are going to come into our it's a really cool system most of the time the main faction group is going to be in power you can have an effect on that with the influence or a dust that you could throw at the problem that we saw earlier at the very beginning of that political election you can have an effect there and that's what I think that's really cool how things change it kind of the way that oblivion blew my mind when oh you mean I don't choose things that level up that as I fight with my sword I get better with my sword mind blown it's just it's the same kind of thing applied here now you can see that we are a federation style government we get to total political parties and we get an extra system that we can have before trigger expansion disapproval on the Empire that is listed here normal empires only get six once you get beyond six it starts hitting all of your happiness because your empire is no longer small is now so large that people get unhappy just because now the other types of government are unlocked later I don't think we can choose them right now we needed a certain technology in order to switch our government the Republic is probably closest to Federation it also has two political parties involved but instead of gaining an extra system to expand into before we get trigger unhappiness you get the law effects are stronger with a republic and it says you here in a federation you can use these actions to try and sway the citizens you can use influence actions to try to intimidate or change the outcome of an election in a republic you can use money you can bribe but in a democracy you get three political parties represented which means you get extra options in terms of what laws you have and your three heroes can all provide their bonuses to your entire empire holy crap that's awesome but but you do get more happiness you do get another law but you cannot pay to influence the outcome of the election it's based solely on what your populations are and what you do a dictatorship can't influence the election and you get more opportunities for rebellions but you set the political party to be represented by one and it's basically going to be yours for all hoods purposes so you get fewer lost slots and your ruling party just stays in power for all instances I think you haven't actually used a dictatorship or something like that so anyway that's how the politics works I hope that is not super complicated but I like it again the places you can go to check how to affect these things population details on this Senate screen gives you a individual looks at your types of popular population in your empire in addition if you want to grow a specific race more than others and you have the appropriate luxury resource at your disposal you can press this button to favour that population which boosts its chance of being selected by default the largest population in a given system is more likely to grow but this allows you to increase the likelihood of a smaller one to grow or reduce the chance for a small one to grow and even smaller so in addition to that Senate population button you can also go to the individual system and click this little detail to see how things are going here and what the actual support in these given areas are cool politics man it's a thing okay so what are we doing now where we're getting some new guys here we've just finished getting our colony on guys are that's the first place we ever colonize let's go take a quick look at it you can see it started with one population it's the Imperial population and think it always starts with your major empire population unfortunately we lost the the new exile pop in vain while we're here we want it to grow fairly quickly and we can also see that all these the planets that we're gonna potentially grow to are really bad at making food like this tundra planet is actually really good at making food for a Tundra planet for some reason and it's partly because yes it's actually mostly because there is this red saying here is helping a lot because a Tundra by default I don't think gives oh yeah okay planet base output is seven but it's not because of the yeah okay got it so we're gonna get a little more food in production to help us grow the planet and build more buildings hmm what goes after that more science and dust we definitely need dust I have to hit that button because our dust is such a problem is there anything we can do in our main capital to help with the dust problem nope this just increases the dust problem by adding up keep everything will increase the dust problem when that event wears off it'll be fine so what we're gonna need to do is again you look hey economy and trade tab hey yellow things that sounds good accelerated oh it allows you to buy out buildings that's kind of nice and this allows us access in the marketplace to sell things and make money there this allows us to build specializations and another building luxury deposits ooh this is pretty good four guys are here because two of these planets have luxury deposits and they would be very good at generating dust with that hard to choose hard to choose our home system doesn't have any luxury resources unfortunately so where's gonna go with this unique improvement the intergalactic super market +25 dust / system-level yep that's gonna be good for us I'm gonna add that to the list ah [Music] we just finished planetary landing despite our dust situation I think we want to do sustainable agriculture here or intense cultivation yeah we want to do intensive cultivation because we had that problem where we were trying to grow a couple different places and our capital was actually losing population very bad so that'll take 10 turns to build and as it builds we could get this cost to buy it out with influence will go down okay ah we missed our opportunity we forgot to praise them so now we're back to the low numbers I'm gonna hit praise again no we'll get them this time let's pop back here two turns left let's hit again so it reset it to 10 and now we're getting +4 and these guys still have 7 turns left so we're gonna leave them be these guys we wanted to use the probe and look out there in the world and we're gonna wait one more time for them and send it down this way see what's out there Janis can't be actually looked at yet all right so let's move on we were talking about military possibilities right we need to get that we need to build a military ship that's capable of fighting so we're gonna do that we're gonna tack on some research here we don't have anything except a scout at the very beginning of the game so we're gonna get efficient shielding which unlocks a protector a defensive support type ship and attacker which is a small anything that like a destroyer for all intents and purposes it's not a big ship but it's designed to fight diplomatic relation changed amicable with them so now they were giving us even more dust manpower and science that's helping us out a little bit here once we get these guys on board then that'll help out there too I am now the sovereign of the pilgrims on Yin the sovereign is an ally to them and gains access to a special action that's this action down here trigger the migration of a unit of population from the minor civilization system to the closest system you own if we had this luxury resource think it's gen Dix or something then we would be able to trigger that because we are the sovereign special power because we're their ally that's cool we just unlock a technology that I forgot to look at I believe I forgot what it was ah was it this one no we already did that one earlier we did that one earlier well crap I think it was this one nope we didn't under here to Mediterranean it was this one we're on baryonic shielding now we did Mediterranean which will give us the access to get the warp drive good deal all right diplomatic relation change because they like us now new event an unexpected guest out of the blue literally a new minor faction is abruptly moved into one of your planets and have no intentions of leaving whether they are friendly or not is yet to be discovered but hopefully their intrusion won't be long huh except you decide how best to treat them integration or exclusion diversity of purity the choice for the moment has been forced upon you so to calgary's on this system let's take a look at what's going on here we've run into rivers that's basically just pirates these are not any other the major factions now our patrol ship doesn't have a lot of weapons to speak of it has like one turret on the thing it has no defenses so I'm not certain that we should fight this instead I'm gonna retreat which costs us about 60% of our health or yeah 60% or so and it goes a random direction so that's another good reason to be going down the military track which we are doing right now we're doing efficient shielding and then we're going to get n wave fusion and we're going to look into one of these technologies this one or this one here are things that we can do with titanium another of those are particularly valuable this one increases the number of command points that we can have in a given system but what I'm looking for is modules that we can put on our ships this one is all projectile based focused plasma we get a projectile weapon kinetic weapon we get projectile defense shielding and we get a kinetic enhancer so the other opportunity is an energy based weapon and energy based defense and an energy based enhancer might want to get mix of both at some point in the future but right now we're gonna choose one or the other chat room it's up to you energy or kinetic what's your favorite thing you like mass drivers or big beam weapons alright we just got baryonic shielding which gives us the warp drive it gives us the ability to colonize Savannah and we have advanced scanners that can now do more of those awesome anomalies and we just completed that patrol and settler grouping here let's actually send the patrol separate because they have more move speed so we're gonna send them to essa and you can see they're now able and allowed to go straight towards the target they don't have to follow these paths it is much slower than following like if there was a path a white jump path from here to here it would be faster than warping to go down one jump path than the other all right so we got this random event the event ended for the Scout anyway we need to look at our planet here because we had two of those population goes Calgary's hop onto our main planet it looks like they're making everybody happy that's awesome I don't know a problem with that they are religious they're gonna bump up the religious likelihood in the future but who cares they're gonna make everybody happy that's good plus a lot of extra population gives us a lot of extra food and production and everything also still not getting any of those ships sending extra help here even though we've unlocked warp we might wait a turn and see that happening new luxury source discovered and I think that's because we met a faction that likes that resource we didn't physically discover it we haven't gone anywhere I don't think it's on these planets if we would have seen it so the only reason we know about that resource is that we met this faction that has that as a preferred resource which you can see prefered luxury down there they've joined our system so they tell us more about it okay seven turns more on these guys let's check these guys seven turns more five turns four turns away one more turning then we're gonna go take care of that problem gonna boost these I'm gonna simulate a lot of factions here as much as I can well I'm glad that you acknowledge me we met them briefly here apparently that's one of the other AI empires getting close to discussing diplomacy endless legend who was arguably better than its Civic women what are the pluses and minuses I assume you're talking about the pluses and minuses of this game I am NOT a developer no I am just a fan so to speak gotta figure out where to send this guy I think he's gonna again look in the center for possible worlds oh and that was the guy that just met us and then briefly ran away so we're gonna head down this direction exploring pluses and minuses of the weapons ah well if we look at this weapon it is most effective at medium and long ranges so that's the laser weapon whereas the kinetics are better at short range attacks and if we follow that trend we can see that these projectile based missile weapons are much more effective at long range and not effective at all at short range these ones oh this beam weapon is optimal at short range so it's not just no yeah energy is optimal at shorter ranges than projectile it appears to be a trend nope because here's kinetic so it's it's not the same across every piece of of weaponry I can tell you that in general the different weapon types are going to have different strategic resources so you can see here that we have access to these kinetic laser kinetic things right here right basic ultra-dense slugs they do nine damage per second and they have six anti-missile efficiency on the next step up we get nineteen damage per second double the mission efficiency however this type of kinetic weapon requires two titanium the energy equivalent requires Hyperion and then as we go further up the track it turns out that this requires adamantium and this one requires some others so part of what's going to determine what you pick may be what kind of access do you have to the different strategic resources you can see you also get shields that come in two different varieties this is an energy defense shield and it requires antimatter this is a projectile defense shield and it requires adamantium but on the other side don't worry there are still base versions of these that you can get access to so this is you know forty three hundred sixty eight versus what did we just look at for the shield's that would be this one fifty four hundred 110 so the strategic versions are roughly fifteen to twenty percent stronger in general but they cost strategic resources and it looks like they also cost less production that's interesting so even if you don't have access to a given strategic resource you can buy it off the market or you can fashion in so what you might think about doing is you might consider hey I'm gonna build my weapons out of titanium and my shields out of this other strategic resource that I have access to certainly a consideration to be made so each of the weapons has different plus and minus in this case like I said you have to look at the ranges which can matter you don't want to put like short and long range on the same ship type because the ship is gonna either go in short or long range when you fight which we will hopefully get to very soon all right we know the Pirates are coming for kazar so we need to continue running away from them with this Scout because that Scout is not gonna be able to fight them population gained on Bazar just time to get attacked by the Pirates fantastic well we're trying we're trying we're getting there where is it we are we are finishing up the dust conundrum because we can't build more ships if we have no dust to support them Oh monk man they are now cordial with us I thank you and they have 9 turns left these guys have 5 turns left let's praise them again we got extra yeah yeah we can we can boost this a little faster for all right what do we find down here when we sent our scout oh we didn't send our scout yet go scout hmm that is one of those planet list systems a black hole in fact plus 50 science on the system if you can get your influence circle to surround it let's keep looking oh boy so here's one set of pirates here's another set of pirates another reason that you want to maybe get these minor factions on your side is that pirates will spawn in their systems as long as they are not assimilated to somebody and I think even if they are your sovereign you still might see pirates now you might not you might not anyway that remains to be seen but you know you have to deal with pirates eventually aha we have unlocked the new technology stage which allows us to do system development which we are going to look at right now do we have access yes we do to at least two different luxury resources we could get access to more if we knew how to land and colonize arid plants we've unlocked an intergalactic supermarket and an accelerated production schedule so we can now buy out constructions even if they are not yet complete so we could complete this instead of spending two for turns we could to complete it by spending eight hundred and fifty eight influence or 1.8 thousand dust okay our dust situation is mostly stabilized we were at minus 50 before if you recall now let's see what there is to see over here oh this is another long jump path and we've got our Scout here in the capital so we might as well use it to explore this new curiosity we explored all the curiosities available to us before but we leveled up our science and exploration tech to the next stage and so now we're able to look this improved ion torpedo module now that's damn cool cuz that may in fact be better than anything else that we currently have access to unfortunately its requires titanium which is the slowest producing strategic resource we have access to right now all the more reason to get these guys on board because they have access to more titanium an atoll planet chains and islands its fertile cruises a lot of food good deal we need to get that faction on our side okay so now we're getting a new type of ship and we're gonna outfit it with our basic weapons Plus that new one that we just discovered what is the most what's the most valuable resource at this point well you uncover access to those strategic resources in layers so we right now I don't think we can see adamantium right now I'm pretty sure we have to get to this tier 4 in order to even see it but we definitely can't harvest it until we get this technology and the final tier technologies for the last two are way over here so we currently have access to the first two and we can see them anywhere they are on any planets all right so efficient shielding once that's done we'll be able to start building some cool ships there we go we can see we've unlocked the attacker and the urine f-class protector population gain in El Dorado market changes okay now we have two new ship designs so you can see they all have their little symbol here the role of the attack ship is to inflict massive damage on short and middle range on the enemy primary targets our protector and coordinator ships secondary targets our carrier ships this ship is its job is to protect and assist other ships in battle its primary target is attacker and hunter ships and its secondary target is protector and coordinator ships so you've got a whole little thing going here so let's take a look at this Corvette - I wish I could rename it when I edit it but I can't really just gonna call the Corvette every time so these have a number of slots let's first take a look at the offensive slots you can see that we've got an offensive slot here only offensive things can go in another one here and then an offensive or a defensive slot here we have a choice finally we have a defensive slot here and a support slot here so let's look closely at the offensive slots well this is 25 damage per second nothing else we have comes close to that except the basic plasma beam huh Oh short range hard to get that into use and it will take longer like you won't be able to do much with it until you get into short range so why don't we these are long and medium they're projectiles if we go up against somebody that has good projectile defense we might be screwed so let's put lasers that have decent chance at hitting at long range on the ship as well now these aren't good lasers but it's possible that this will help us more than if the ship that we're going up against has a bunch of projectile defense okay now we get to put one type of defense on this ship I think pirates use projectiles so I'm going to put projectile defense on this ship it also increases the health of the ship by 40 alternatively when you get plasma shielding which gives us extra shields of 120 and shield defense of 12 and a small health bonus but we're gonna stick with with the projectile defense for now then we can now this ship is really slow if we don't use the only excuse me support slot to increase its move speed it's gonna take forever to get anywhere so that's not really a choice right now good news though you can apply this design you can see effectiveness is given to you here it also tells you how much damage you're doing that's projectile versus energy and how much defense you have that's projectile versus energy if you want to get detailed stats it'll even show you that the type of missiles versus kinetic non missiles that can't get shot down it shows you the actual bonus to health and you know whole plating absorption from blah blah blah and get cool stuff alright so we boosted our core our esker our Corvette there oops I don't want to create I wanted to just edit this guy so there are certain modules that we see here now that we didn't see before this debris analyzer can only be installed on support ships protective ships it could not be installed on ownership there's probably also modules that we can't see now that we could see before because they can only be installed on attacking ships so let's see I think we still this is just too big a boost not to add those extra extra shots for long we're gonna keep everything at long-range right now we'll come back and make some changes to this later if we need to and then we have no other no other military slots to fill so now we've got two defensive slides let's put one of each so we get a little bit of shielding we get a little bit of projectile defense as well and then we get our two slots which could either be used as defense or as this slot is only that which again we have to use some kind of movement thing there meanwhile we can either have this be more of a tank and it repairs the ship after battle or we get some science for every command point we just drive we're gonna go hunt some pirates I think we want some science as a result of thats we're gonna apply that design and now i let's let's build some of those guys what is our maximum number of command points we start with four and i think that is still the case yep four is the maximum command points we can have command points are the maximum things you haven't fleet and the size of the ship as well so our small ships are one command point our medium ships are three and i think the large ships are five and if we go over here we can see we unlocked the small ships here and then we have the three point medium ships here and then the large carriers are here they cost six actually I thought there was battleships or something bigger but I guess they kind of stopped at cruisers and they go straight to carriers which is interesting if the coordinator and the hunter respectively here now also you'll notice there are these cool enhanced versions of those hulls basically each of these options unlocks extra module slots in the hall but if you put anything in those slots it costs extra strategic resources to build that ship so both of these are pretty cool to have it also increases the manpower that can fit on these ships we're going to get to those later I think we want to get some more options of that we can actually use on our ship itself before we use the more modules we finally made it to esse we're gonna start our colonization effort so let us settle the world that provides the most possible food it's not gonna show it to us yet so we have to hover over these where's our food oh it's definitely the monsoon planet isn't it because all the others are no food so yeah here's the thing where the devs heard monsoon and they thought Oh tons of rain storms monsoon actually has to do with a wind pattern and in Southeast Asia that monsoon brings lots and lots of rain but that's not always the case fun fact Thank You Demetrius you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them for you okay so we're at this situation again the problem is Oh actually yes because we have warp drives our ships can now come from the homeworld and send food / colonists so we can grow this a lot faster we can pay to increase this from 11 to 22 there's some money to make this grow and unfortunately holy crap - 26 because it's an outpost which is minus 10 you know I don't know that seems like it's a double doesn't it - 26 is actually hmm I'm not sure it's getting - 26 that's a conundrum for me but we're definitely gonna want to turn this into a proper colony as soon as possible so we're also going to increase the food coming from our capital hmm do we want to do that is that gonna hurt our capital right now it's already weakened air coupled but we're about to finish intensive cultivation I'm gonna save my influence for the moment and just rely on the capital sending its normal food which is going to be boosted as soon as this finishes because the food that it sends out is a percentage of its total production in this case it's producing what looks like a hundred and twenty and it's sending seventy of that so roughly it's a hundred and twenty something yeah so it's probably about half ish of the food that's being produced from the capital hmm okay so anyway the other thing that we can do here is look at those anomalies so we definitely want to oh we just zoom in in order to do that let's let's hopefully these are good anomalies that we're about to find huh we found red sang that is gonna give us extra food and dust and we found titanium underground excellent so that is going to help us quite a lot you can now see that we're actually getting a little more food than we were before instead of 22 we're getting 24 thanks to that red sang so I think we are also actually an abundant deposit of titanium that's glorious now getting six titanium a turn and three hyperion that's a pretty good haul and we're gonna leave our Scout here to find all those other curiosities as it's probes recharge meanwhile we have this Scout which is just hiding here because we know that somewhere over here there are pirates [Music] yeah you think it's tripling that that outpost number for some reason that one's a little curious to me system colonize oh great maybe hang on we just finished colonizing this system I wonder if this will be no I was thinking maybe the number of outposts you had had an influence on it but I guess not alright so two more turns here so let's boost this one more time to make sure it doesn't end prematurely and these guys have seven more turns and sixteen returns we're gonna let that go so traders reach finished and you can see we are way behind on dust right now which again is a little confusing you know what I think it is that event that's reducing our dust income on everywhere but it's not being represented here for some reason minus 20 from always increasing our upkeep isn't it there's an event that we'd said increase our upkeep by 20 that's exactly what it's doing but it's not showing up here as oh there's another minus 20 here because of that event when that event goes away all the numbers will make sense again great so yeah you can see our dust is getting very bad now so let's see it'll take five turns versus yeah we're gonna build cerebral reality right now and then hope basically that our dust recovers in time or that event wears off I think it was only ten turns maybe was 15 alright we've researched a new technology this one allows us to add a hundred and fifty man power to the defence of our systems as an improvement as a impervious bunkers and allows us to convert population directly into manpower what does that mean where does manpower I'm glad you asked we also got the advantage of having plus 200 total manpower capacity on our Empire's reserve so that's because we unlocked a particular stage we unlocked stage 2 by researching one thing in stage 1 so how does this whole empire manpower thing work all of your planets are producing a certain amount of food and if we go back and click on our planet and we hover over the food you can see that a certain portion of the food I think it's 10 percent is being sent to is going to being converted to manpower in fact we know it's 10 percent because the colony base automatically makes every colony in your entire empire convert 10 percent of its food into manpower now this system has a capacity for 240 manpower which I think is based on the colony base no I don't know it's a base on a base number that can be increased by building things like the impervious bunkers if we build these it changes this number from 240 to 3 what was that 100 and 150 so it would go from 240 to 390 and then this 11.7 would slowly fill up this until it gets full again it would be 240 of 390 roughly 60% and it would slowly fill back up right right ok I think hopefully this is how it works so you have this manpower that's locally located in this system when somebody comes to invade this system they will drop an invasion force and it will fight this manpower this is your garrison now if they block hate it and see to the planet for a while they can knock out your garrison and then invade later when your Garrison's been reduced or garrison can never recover when it's being blockaded and seeds from above so how do you make your systems stronger and more defensive you increase this number but right number right hundred percent and this 11.7 is still disappearing somewhere where is it going it's going to the Empire's reserve this represents your mem Empire's military reserves which are manpower that isn't currently assigned to either your systems or your fleets when ships are built or system defenses need replenishment they are supplied with manpower from these reserves we go back and check they give a look at our ships real quick I believe it shows maybe not on this screen yes you can see it says an optional cost of zero to a hundred manpower when you build ships it takes from your Empire's reserve if your manpower from your reserve isn't there the ship will spawn severely undermanned and if that's the case it will have severely reduced effectiveness in combat here's another thing when you want to invade a planetary system the ship's manpower is sent down to the planet to attack a certain portion of the ship's manpower basically they're Marines for all intents and purposes if that invasion fails because you didn't wipe out enough defenders or they were stronger than you thought your ships manpower will not replenish unless you go back and orbit a friendly planet or at very least it will replenish very slowly if you're in enemy territory but if you send it back over a friendly system then the ship will slowly recover its manpower until it's back up to a hundred percent then you can send it and siege again and hopefully win that time and if you noticed one of the options I believe on one of the guns that we could put in there or one of the tactics is you could knock out the enemies it's not actually available here and we'll talk about the tactics when we actually fight the pirates but one of the things that you can do is try to knock out when the ship takes damage it knocks out some of the manpower and makes it less effective so we can see that the base increase of manpower in your system every turn is based on the planets that are producing stuff so we know what that is and our star system and fleet consume a fraction of your increase base manpower to replenish their troops so we know that you know somewhere we've got one of our systems is probably filling up with manpower maybe it's our brand new system traders reach yes traders reaches at zero manpower because it's brand new so it's pulling from the Empire main thing now it's still sending this 4.9 to the Empire Reserve then from the Empire Reserve it's being delegated back down to this planet system okay so that's manpower but how do these ground battles actually work we just talked about how you make ships and ships can have these different things and they're cool well there's actually a thing that has to do with your manpower as well with regards to ground forces you start the game only with the ability to have infantry we manage to go to the stars we forgot how tanks work apparently so you can see there's some things about about infantry they have 50 health 20 to 40 damage by default and they have plus 50% effectiveness against air so they counter air forces the armor is just really strong you can see it has 240 health and it does forty to sixty damage and it increases the probability that you're destroying improvements during the ground combat when you're trying to seize the planet finally you have the air type which has even more health does way more damage and has a improvement destruction increase on it as well as a population destruction so the reason that infantry have that bonus against air is make it so that you still bring some infantry with you because otherwise you're like why would I not just use armor and air all the time so let's look at this break it down now okay so at the beginning of the game you only have infantry whenever you go into combat 100% your troops will be infantry they will get these stats so what that means is every five manpower is going to convert it into one infantry unit for the purposes of the battle and if you unlock armor you can say well 70% of my forces are gonna be infantry and 30% are gonna be armored the manpower cost is would then be essentially fifteen of the infantry are converted into armor so three times as many manpower is used and converted into armor however you'll notice that the damage increases by about a hundred fifty percent to 100 percent which means oh that's not a great deal but the health increases by more than four times so that is pretty significant I would say then on top of all that you can spend resources early on it's gonna be the strategic resources that you have easy access to like Hyperion what is it Hyperion and titanium and then later on it's gonna be the other types of resources that you have access to to build up armor and to build up air and you'll unlock these over time so you're going to choose a specific percentage and say 30% of my populate my popular manpower is gonna convert it to infantry 20% to armor and then a ton to air Shh 50% hair I don't know what the best possible outcome is I assume a 2/3 infantry and then half and half armor and air is probably not a bad thing to do because you get more troops with infantry but you get more powerful things with armor and air so I would say if you have armor and air unlocked and you've upgraded them a lot and you're attacking probably sending the armor in air anyway we probably don't have to spend resources on this now it looks like we could afford it no we can't we don't have the Empire desk to unlock them all at the same time so that is how these things break down and again this number is replenishing your systems and ships that have been defeated or just barely brand new brand new ships okay so that's manpower you don't need a degree all of this is very easily learning if you just hover over the tooltips and it's it makes a lot of sense to me anyway I can see how for some people if you're not super familiar with a amplitude Studios games or B these kind of games in general it could be problematic oh there's the Pirates let's run away again with the scoutship you can't you can't do much meanwhile we're gonna want to build for let's build one two three Corvettes and one escort ah we have to choose a new technology so where are we now what do we need to do hmm I think we determined that we want to go to Janus we don't really need any new technologies to deal with that what else we want to do knockos we already have the ability to colonize that if we wanted to uh-ohh uh-ohh a rival has built an outpost here that's literally our only access to the rest of the galaxy I think this calls for a military blitz doesn't it yes I think it does first autonomous construction to increase our ships fleets from four to seven next high energy magnetics increases our damage when defending in a ground battle so that's another defensive building we don't worry about that electromagnetic shields another defensive building what does this do increases flotilla crew destruction by 25% so that increases the crew destruction we inflict on the enemy in space combat pretty good we're also going to get loss of ooh this support module allows us to reduce the enemy manpower when seating much faster that's very good hmm we already know we have those missiles right they have those titanium missiles that are very good as projectiles we need some good beam weaponry don't we so let's look at this and that's two technologies then we'd unlock the next tier and then we'll look there for other options like a booster for projectile damage maybe that will find that up here somewhere either way that's our that's our go to goal now conquer Procyon well we'll have diplomacy with other factions that are worthwhile we forgot we have our scout sitting here for a while he needs to do some more checks of those I mean even if you're not planning on colonizing something these can give you pretty beneficial things not least of which because hey look we got some free science and we found out about an anomaly here but the free science is nice you always get some loot ooh we got population that's gonna be sent back to our planet again hopefully it won't get killed off so this gives us a new type of population which is good diversity is great and you know except for you know kill the alien and the mutants and The Heretic kind of situations all right we said we're gonna make this guy a little bit better at fighting the next time you leveled up just in case we do need a hero and we are now building an army worthy of more I mean the Empire we can now check out one more of these situations we can't colonize gas planets [Music] comma tight volcano lots of production there and 50 free dust I like it because we're running out we're gonna need to build those dust based buildings soon although we are gaining some whatever it requires huh so when these pop up these diplomatic messages the most important thing to note is what it says down in this corner because these pop-ups specifically because something changed diplomacy in this game is very interesting you start at Cold War which is what this symbol represents if they wander into your territory you are free to attack them if you find them in neutral space you are free to attack them no guarantees that it won't piss them off you can't be like yeah I know I blew up your ship but you know it's mil space anything goes no they're gonna still be mad by that and you're only able to simple negotiations you can go to peace status from cold war or you can go to war status from cold war can go either way the thing you can't do in cold war is go into their territory and then initiate an attack you can go into their territory but they can attack you and you can't attack them you can't attack their cities and planets without declaring war you can't attack their fleets inside their home territory without declaring war and I think what changed here is we've been in Cold War but what changed is that they're threatening us now and you can see why their stance they mean it you can click this and look a little bit more about the void void yaari on whatever they are these guys are ship bound they live on great arcs they can move from place to place I like the Terran in StarCraft hello Michael I wave back I don't have an avatar to do it with or a camera mm-hmm I think I need to build the intergalactic supermarkets and take so many turns though I kind of want oh hey look we can do this we're gonna leave the guys who are good unfertile on fertile oh they're all infertile okay anyway this way we're getting a lot more production no getting a lot less production we're getting a lot more happiness see now we can see the effect plus 10% food and plus 10% influence because if we leave these guy and you can see if you hover over me go back it drags and selects a certain number can you put them over here this reduced the happiness but they're still happy hmm it's just that it's minus 9 from overpopulation but both of these are fertile so let's just put these guys over there and reduce that unhappiness at least a little bit all right hmm looks like we're gonna get another one of those guys next that's cool that did lower my production a little bit disappointed so many things you got to do so in six turns we'll have our flotilla although in a few more turns after that no we actually need a total of seven ships that's problematic and I'll show you why faction sovereignty huzzah fund the development of this minor civilization system temporarily increasing its yield and giving you access to its faction trait it's V are amateurs plus five per stage unlocked in science and exploration quadrants on systems we've unlocked two stages so we would get +10 happiness everywhere if we pay that hmm and they would give us more dust for a little bit of red saying yeah wow that's a lot more dust holy crap that soft smile dust conundrum I think it's only temporary it's still in effect for ten turns but Wow can we use that over here no we own the right resource what about here don't have the right resource don't care that was amazing and over here we can ask them what they might want in order to get them to assimilate into the great Empire for centuries they've gazed at the heavens and wondered what mysteries lie out there search curiosities until they feel content that the mysteries of the galaxy are not all armed for yeah that should be a problem we've got a couple of probes out there already this is the ground support module which is great when you're trying to conquer things his show isn't built moving forward two and a half hours already don't worry guys it's gonna be brief no it's gonna be a long one I am very we've built a ship with at least 60 military I forgot that was our goal it's been sitting the top right hey by the way don't forget to do this it gave us a brand new hero ha dry Lenco he's a militarist we already had one so it doesn't give us a new faction leader for one of the Senate things but this because he's a military and a guardian he's probably gonna be pretty damn good at fighting so we're gonna put him in charge of our new fleet the trail runs cold chillin karotz in cells silent nobody knows anything about the ancient rebellion or nothing they're prepared to admit so we have to look to the future try to put the matter out of your mind instead think of the millions of true patriots but oh no it's still you're a paranoid did you heed the warnings of the war mongers and your angst epitomized by the Sheridan name and militarized or should you hark back to an earlier age of scientific invention possess planets of every climate type huh hold at least three systems at level two are higher or win five battles if we win five battles we get a new laser module yeah that's okay seventeen damage per second doesn't seem that much compared to some of the other ones who are about to unlock United Empire there's a sci-fi design school oh wow that's just a straight boost the production of our Empire whose URI +5 science per person per planet with anomalies that's also good I don't know chat which one industry or science you have 30 seconds make a decision this new hero got upgraded to level 4 automatically for us that's great plus 10% health plus 20% health on our fleet good plus 10% shield absorption on fleet I think that's a good place to start what is the other option ooh experience / turn the ships level up and the fleet sees farther what I do one of each I see two industries nobody in the YouTube chat has decided to chime in see ah guys our is gonna have a large population one of these unique improvements wouldn't go badly here how is that compared to our capital this holds a total of six six no six five so eleven seventeen 22 if I did my math right this one's definitely not gonna have the most but damn it still has a lot for a two planet system that holds eight this holds eight that's sixteen versus the 22 and then oh this is the new one that we're building for nine fourteen fifteen sixteen the gas giants well we're in so our capital is the only other one that might 7 plus 4 is 11 Plus 8 19 plus 5 it's a little bit bigger but it's busy it's busy building other things I think I do want this one to build our especially cuz it's got a lot of luxury resources dust is gonna be a nice productive thing here gulp 44 turns all right we're just gonna back that up a little bit and look to one of these other options to increase things you know many strategic resources here so this is the best we can do to increase our production at this time it was like 8 turns but it will give us plus 10 [Music] [Music] I mean we could colonize this here too which gives us more options as far as production is concerned let's do that we'll get to that later it's good but it's not it's not worth it yet so we've gotten plus 500 military manpower capacity and our entire empire and we have an improved ship design army and defense ship improvements starting experience for new ships is rookie - good deal be the first to raise one of your heroes to level 9 huh I don't know if we're gonna be able to do that but if we do it's worth 75 adamantium and we just gained access to new defence modules and lasers so the last thing I want to do before we get involved in this war is consider what new lasers these were medium and long range also can we find something that's short range yeah focus plasma their projectiles again but we're probably gonna need it we'll do this and then this to give us even bigger fleet possibilities it also gives us another type of missile weapon but it's not as good as our current missile weapon huh [Music] or we take this to give us better defenses no we've already unlocked this second tier we can look at this this beam is only damaging at Short yeah let's unlock more beam weaponry especially strong ones that can be built with Hyperion we have a decent amount of that so we'll start there we got to choose the objective that's right industry industry war requires production I see a lot of industry suggestions okay let's talk about how to get your systems to higher levels oh he's left unassigned is he well let's take him no problem we're gonna do this and then we're gonna click here and assign the new guy he definitely looks imposing so he's the leader of that new thing now our current system is level one you can level up your systems when you research along this economy and trade track specifically when we got to the third tier we gained basic system development which allows us to unlock the level to upgrade I hit space by mistake well they liked us more good there's an interesting thing a distant stellar giant about 80 times the size of an average star just gone supernova and a pacifist group has launched a campaign to bring home the fleets that were monitoring the event rather than leave them on patrol and it makes everybody happy yay they're demanding things of me alright well we're gonna have to do something about that okay so here's level 2 level 3 and level 4 we can go here and create a template which will allow us to level up all of our systems with a given bonus level 2 we choose one of these luxury resources it should probably be one that we produce you can see that we're producing four per turn of red sang and one per turn of this Eden incense and this particular one will give us food this one will give us [Music] influence yeah I guess we will make the upgrade give us plus for food so now if we go back to our home world take a quick look we have a new system development option it costs no upkeep takes one turn and levels up this system to level two which means everybody produces more food I'm gonna take a moment and do that to help speed up the expansion now we need something else guys are it's gonna help us by building a settler of ship oh it's the one we wanted to build but didn't have the production you know what I'm gonna spend the influence to build this settlement ship immediately boom one turn this guy needs to explore some more though because we need to find more of those curiosities don't we and this guy can do it while he's here there's actually three left in this planet he's just gonna keep sending out expeditions we got 25 influence from that oh we have another Scout ship here I forgot about him well we've explored this area pretty significantly oh it looks like one of our probes just barely detected this system with a gas planet so you know what we're going to try to go there yep it's gonna take forever we're gonna do it because it might lead us to more systems here that we can get sort of a hook into the other arm of this spiral galaxy and maybe get some get a foothold over there right now we're pretty stuck here I don't think there's that many other ships up in this direction or not ships planets in that direction thank you reborn for hosting alright next turn so Eldorado is still building up these Corvettes ipiria magnetics is gonna finally let us build it and design a few more ships also has its rewards a new objective lifting the lamp capture assimilate or attract a new population type into your empire and get rewarded can do what's the difference between es 2 & 6 I'm not sure that's a good comparison but if you just talk and overall effects finally got rid of that minus 20 dust whoo that was killing us let me answer one question at a time here es 2 & 6 endless space obviously has a big theme difference it also has a better narrative we're getting these quests that pop up that really add to the flavor of the faction you're playing they if you read through this flavor text it's not badly written like you'd expect from most of these games that add quests into the game it's really quite well written and Civ doesn't have anything like that Sims 6 also has just such a bad diplomacy system I mean I know what you are trying to go for but it just doesn't work it's like you get empires that just hate you for doing the thing you have to do like oh I'm getting attacked over here I better build up my military and then somebody comes over and says hey I don't like that you have a big military because it says so on my card over here like that's just paradox has been doing diplomacy correctly for so long you can't just copy them anyway so the diplomacy in this game which we haven't really looked at but one of the things I love about it is you start at this cold war you don't start at peace with people so you could fight right off the bat and then make peace with them afterwards potentially depending on what you were what would you can try and threaten them with if you're stronger than them what have you but there's other cool things that have to do with the diplomacy so declaring war costs influence it's not something you can just do for free closing your borders costs influence it's not just something you can do for free and that is great there's a political cost in the form of influence you want to do other things with it it has other uses that you want to do and you have to use it to do these things you can also trade but that costs influence too if you want to do map sharing and hey I'll give you a dust bribe if you give me your maps right hey it looks like they're willing to take that I don't want to pay 964 for the map share but let's see if they're just willing to do map format I don't think they will be no definitely not so that cost is cool and then once you get to peace then you can potentially get to an alliance and once you get to you know peace you can get trade deals and things like that and you can trade technologies and all kinds of stuff but there's another level or level here there's another layer this influence pressure at the top the amount of influence that you are gaining per turn if it's higher than the other person here it's gonna push this bar one way or the other whoever's highest so if I'm gaining a lot of influence and they aren't if I'm getting more than them per turn it slowly pushes towards them and when it gets at this step I can demand things of them and they either have to declare war on me or give it to me basically and that's kind of cool the AI kind of does feel like another player who's trying to thwart you they kind of did the AI okay in this game I I haven't played it a lot I would say it's slightly better than Civ six which unfortunately that's not saying a lot the six AI is so bad so very bad and it still isn't fixed they're both going to continue working on it and we haven't gotten to the combat yet and building your own ships is really cool and I like a lot of the things they do with the tech tree and Civ six and I kind of like how they did the civic system but man the whole UI on that could be use a big once over there probably could use like I normally don't see this but I think the technology tree could probably use a few new technologies and so six it's very rare that I think you need more of something but it's just so bare-bones usually I scoff at the at the situations create and merge there we go I usually don't like scoff at the things that are like our mod adds 900 new buildings and it's God you know that's way too many you can't possibly expect those to be balanced in any meaningful way and I don't mean that some faction is gonna be stronger than the other cuz that's only one way of balancing things another way is well nobody's ever gonna build this building because it's not it's not good compared to these other options so why even put it in the game you're cluttering up the game State and making it harder for me to play because you thought more is better more is not always better okay so we've got a battle let's take a look at battles we know that this pirate has lots of defense against energy weapons and his weapons are energy weapons you can see that by the projectile energy balance in the bottom left corner there we can also see that he is much preferred to short combat than long our ships on the other hand a very little energy attack but very high enter a projectile attack so we're both probably going to hurt each other a lot not great now because we only have four ships in this fleet we have to position them in the middle point and we have a few options these cards that we can choose have some effects and they determine the range of your three different sub fleets when you go into combat so we definitely want one that's in a long range category because all of our weapons are much better at long range than they are at short range so power to shields is good except I don't think any of our ships have shields so the actual effect of that is not gonna be good okay gaining dust for destroying enemy fleets probably better arguably better yeah revive and rebuild so let's take a quick look at the Advanced tab which might explain this a little better you can see that there are different strategies that are used on the political battle map here depending upon which card you use and it's based on where the ranges are so if it's short-range and medium-range these to the top in the middle try to go straight towards the enemy to close the distance as fast as possible and the medium one takes its time going out here to get in a good position for a medium attack without being at long range either and this one you can see this one's trying to be a long range so it takes a quick turn and doesn't go anywhere close to the enemy if it can avoid it and then this one also just kind of goes way out here so it's at long range in this goes to medium range and then you got to close it along now you can also see that you can drag these from spot to spot unfortunately we only have three cps worth of shift for cps where the ships here including the hero and you can only start using this top section when you have five cps worth of ship in your fleet and you can only use this bottom section when you have ten cps of ships in your fleet so right now we're stuck using the middle section which means we only care about what's going on in the middle these cards are never all long range or all short range or all medium range they're all varied so you're going to need to make some ships that are good at long range and some other ships that are good at medium range so that when you have a big fleet and you have to put some in those other areas that in order to balance it you put the medium where the medium goes in the long where the long goes etc etc so you build your battle cards and your fleets in tandem to work together so in this case we need to choose rot revive and build and we can distribute our fleets based on the best range compatibilities that we'll distribute amongst the three automatically for us or we could choose toggle the locking set of all your ships they'll change flotilla if you use the presets blah blah okay you can also look at this and say okay here's the military situation between the two here's the situation of okay these guys favor energy we favor projectiles significantly and here's how they favor different ranges so you can use that information while you're going so head back here and we're gonna watch the battle because one of the cool things about the endless space series is they show you the battle you get to watch it you don't have to you can just snap your fingers and let it go but when you have really big fights happening sometimes it's really cool to watch there's the enemy pirate ship here's our three ships plus our hero and we're gonna let loose with a barrage of a barrage of missiles here in a second and you can also turn on this little overview that helps you oh oh crap it's moving it's happening we turn the overview and we find out he's still got some of his health left he's got 340 left oh that's gonna be it I think it's game over sunk already our shifts just fine so that was kind of anticlimactic cuz we were gonna win that but when you have a massive battle with battleships and carriers and fleets and all kinds of crazy things it's cool to watch every once in a while you don't have to watch it every time in fact I watch it very rarely because I've seen him before but when it was a very important battle I like to watch it has add some tension so we greet her in the name of the four families that's the one that we are about to go to war with increased population we build some things yeah labelled ease if you like the Civilization style game if you like the whole history and then you know Nations you know on earth as far as theme is based more than the space for X I would suggest sieve 5 because you can get that whole thing super cheap on these bundles when they come up and it is quite good especially when you go with the two expansions like I said you can get a super cheap like 5 bucks you can get the full sieve five bundle on any of these sales that they have and at the same time you can you know wait for sip sticks to get a little better and have its first expansion in addition there is a mod that I highly recommend for sieve five called Vox Populi also known as the community patch project and out of all the different 4 X's that I have I would say that one is my favorite period sieve 5 with the Vox Populi mod is the best one that I know of especially because the AI in that game is actually quite clever the AI in the in the endless games has been its weakness its design has always been really good the AI has been weak the multiplayer capability of these games is really good they've done a good job making the multiplayer interface really good really tight giving you all kinds of options alright so we have to choose our new hmm what do we determine we're weak on production possibilities here +2 resource generation on strategic resource deposits that'll increase our strategic resource production we want this one we want predictive logistics just flat +20 production two planets and plus happiness because of luxuries yep that's the one I want we're also going to have ooh because we went on that major political military buildup the the militarists have gained a lot of ground here against the industrialists up we discovered the homeworld of those guys there let's leave it immediately fortune smiles for fur ratio is willing to speak with you this guy this guy he was a trillionaire and he is so narcissistic he believes himself to be the perfect being in the universe so when he went out and explored and found a ton of ancient cloning technology he fired it up and built an entire race of duplicates the Horatio race is entirely composed of people that are exact copies of Horatio it's just I freaking love that I love that it's so unique I haven't heard that as a sci-fi trope anywhere else and I'm sure it's done done before but I still like it all right so we're immediately leaving these guys homeworld cuz I don't want them to get mad at me yet yet we'll we'll do that on our own and we're going to research another two curiosities here on this planet there's a lot of curiosities in this little planet ooh no sign of that the dust we've got a lot of dust stocked up now basic perfected slugs more projectile damage and short range at that hmm so we have a couple of possibilities after that one maybe we increase the strength of our ships we can't do it not until we get something else on this level hmm well I think we need to take xeno button zine ology in order to get new heroes started but this is really good to dar not university it's a unique isn't it yeah it can only be build once I know let's colonize barren planets huh 509 vs 679 I really want more more heroes to govern my planet so I'm gonna go with that oh oh oh okay endless legend is a good place to go from endless space they share a lot in common you're gonna be very comfortable there soon esas finally going to become our our planet each each ship that's being sent there you can see there are three ships this one started moving like a gajillion turns ago and it still hasn't the first ship hasn't reached it yet I wish there was an upgrade to make those ships move faster we talked about this earlier once you reach 10 the industrialist get even more industrial the effects granted by collecting population units of this kind is increased hmm what else we get more Imperials where is our Scout what did he find down here he's still in the way about our other Scout the me another Scout he's on he's on route OS right he's on route to the middle of the galaxy we can spend a little time talking a bit more about these interfaces that we haven't discussed yet you can see here f7 is the quest log you can see the current quest you can pin a specific one up to the top right make it easier to track and you can see the active events on your Empire we've also got the hero list which also shows how you can get new heroes and we'll get to that when we when we build up the thing that gets us new heroes [Music] we don't need more food here I don't know what this does hmm endless research park and endless world this is the one where you have to build it before anybody else it's it's like a wonder we'd try to build it right what's the worst that can happen no we don't we don't want to we want to build more military from here ah you know what we want public-private partnerships this will significantly improve our science outcome here and now shorty the short-range ship we want to pick the attacker 35 only effective a short-range but man is it going to be effective and then we're gonna add well we know that the Pirates are hitting us with energy yeah let's put energy defenses on the ship finally we have to give it the the old extra speed boost all right we have a new ship design that we can build and add to our fleet one two three now let's do two yeah we can do three and now we can introduce you to another cool thing every hero has a ship when they are assigned to a fleet and we can make his ship whatever we want let's make him a long-range guy I think this is also a long range but energy gives us more possibilities to punch the enemy punch the keys of God's sake and we'll give one of each of the defensive modules and then as we do have room to put another support module on he will help us siege down things he has like the mass drivers that help us siege that's pretty good yeah I'm all about that so we've just paid now his ship is upgraded up we can use void stone now we've discovered void stone somewhere in the galaxy hmm the lord of war black markets have always existed in dense urban centres bla bla bla black markets for illegal firearms another matter especially when enables enemy civilizations to get their hands tentacles or other appendages on some of the Empire's most effective weaponry unfortunately the truth is that some of your own undercover security forces of unearths compete compelling evidence that a gun smuggling ring is operating out of three of your systems and the leader is suspected to be the nephew of duke growth's a bad apple with history of criminal activity we shut down the ring or do we let them stay [Music] well honestly getting that many heroes is gonna be difficult at the moment we're only just getting to research the ability to get more I would need all three of them to have a hero that's certainly possible but 60 happiness might be easier you can build a few buildings and make that happen shouldn't like us well that's okay we're planning to kill her so this is our main capital guy I made him a little bit better at fighting if he has to but I'm gonna make him better at collecting dust next twenty percent of the galaxy has been explored yep we did all that [Music] all right let's keep it getting more curiosities we know we want to do that to complete this mission ooh a smart survivors battle tactic we can actually go in and check the battle tactics soon what about these other guys we still can't choose this we need 75% huh just one I just click done ah there we go now it's plus four for ten turns that should get us right where we need to go and we'll get both of these guys added to our faction hopefully wow this one has taken forever to build it anything huh even with the friendly locals it's growing very slowly all right we've discovered this system here but all the curiosities have already been explored but at least if we explore a little more here we might get some more ideas of how strong they are as a faction hey I'm gonna wait for him to get his curiosity research back there now there's a standard standard length game oh we've already completed this I didn't even have to go we've already got people that are happy ubiquitous surveillance got picked up okay we finally got our outposts turning into a colony way up here and this is gonna be an amazing system eventually in the meantime we need to get it started and I think we're gonna need sustainable farms here because this is the only planet that's gonna be producing any food so we're gonna go to their next [Music] all right now this one it has a decent amount of food production at this one here nine yeah that's that's okay and this is also going to have its own decent amount of food production we probably don't need to put sustainable farms on here you know what we can put it on here and then tear it down later but the thing that we need is production this tearing plant it's not that great for production apparently it's only three fertile though that's temperate so let's do that I'm actually gonna spend half of my dust building that in a single turn to make this grow faster ah I forgot we could built this settler in a single turn I need to send him Janice now his guys are able to supply food to Janice it's currently colonizing over there we build this quickly and I'm out of dust I just I blew it all in that turn but oh okay hmm industrialists and militarists are very likely to be the choice I'm still gonna throw my way behind the ecologist because they help growth an expansion or now let's throw it behind the militarists I'll see what happens alright they're voting they're voting industries going way out front yep it's gonna be industry then military by a hair and you can tell actually there's been there's a bit of a coalition when the Empire's realize they're not one of the top two they join one of the top two so the industrialist got the votes of the scientists and the pacifists and the militarists got the votes of the religious I think it's got a set default we didn't get any new laws and we didn't get any action changes so it looks like it's just the same the militarists gained so we did get new law technically the militarists are now in power instead of the who was it before it was the pacifists but now we have the military laws lower fleet costs seems like a good thing to me ethics it costs one influence per population which currently would be 19 per turn but I think it's worth it so we're getting a little less influence per turn but I like it alright so we're building three of those and hoping that one fleet is enough we're gonna build that and then we're gonna build one two three four five six seven a second fleet of seven just in case the first one gets destroyed got to have a back-up plan what is iron harvest chat is asking me about iron harvest release date 2019 an RTS oh yeah I have seen this no I'm not really interested in anything that takes place in World War one much less steampunk um to be honest five per luxury deposit huh I like that and we can now build those extra valuable things now specialization this is something that we haven't talked about yet which planet might be to show that off on me the hot planet no they're all temperate aren't they well once you start unlocking specializations they are things that you can put into effect in one turn takes one turn to build them two turns I guess looks like this time and they increase the effectiveness of a planet towards a very specific thing in this case I can make each person's planet give +1 production because of unlock industrial zones this specialization works better on hot planets the science specialization works better on cold planets the dust specialization works better on sterile planets and the food specialization works better on fertile planets and beyond that there are a lot of other specializations that are based on different things so here's an example of another specialization that is industry base but it doesn't give you industry it gives you extra resource production I believe that covers both strategic and luxury so go figure and here's one that's a better version of the lower level dust specialization as you can see here one plus one unsterile and this is two plus two unsterile so yeah I mean you can see where would be the science one right here yep one plus one cold and then it gets better cancels the negative effects of missed anomalies that's not the same thing I'm guessing yeah there's the two plus two one cold unlocks the exploration of moons and then this is plus one influence so you can see their specializations for pretty much everything food specialization is where is food specialization it here you
Channel: Bridger
Views: 494,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space 4x, 4x, strategy, game, TBS, Newbie, tutorial, help
Id: yg7XLMhbh8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 40sec (11440 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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