3 Ways To Get FREE Ships in X4 Foundations - Pirating, Fly-By-Boarding and Exploring

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x4 foundations is full of ships but did you know that you can get every single ship well except of xenon for free in this game i will show you three methods today how to get all of these ships with small to medium effort my name is captain collins we are space operations delta welcome on board i stream on twitch.tv captain collins by the way five times a week and before we start with acquiring ships and you are here for learning something new in the game i have a very cool offer for you today we're taking a look at the sponsor of today's video skillshare skillshare is an online platform to learn new skills or elevate your existing ones with fun and easy to browse classes if you are interested in creative works like animation or graphic design you will find classes for beginners and in-depth tutorials from experts in their fields like marquez marcus brownlee like this course that will teach you all about the basics of shooting a successful youtube video so that you can start to build your own channel or even better how about taking a class in xml editing so that you can mod x4 foundations by yourself wouldn't you like the game to act more your way skillshare got these classes for its members and many more to discover it's completely ad-free available in different languages and new classes get added every week as a special offer the first 1000 people to use the link or my code in the description will get one month free trial of skillshare take a look browse through and tell me if you found something you like now back to pirate i mean acquiring ships we are starting that tutorial today with the easiest thing that you can do and this is getting s-class and m-class type ships these ships are usually bailing out of their ships so the captain and the crew everyone is just getting off the ship and you can get them afterwards how are we going to do that i will get a suitable target and then when we got the target i will show you in real time how it works to get the ship so that you see every single step that i do without missing anything scan whenever you're ready okay we have found a suitable target i just scanned it and i made sure that it has got the range of crew that i need to do and we are now starting to shoot that ship down so that the hull is down to at least 70. i would rather say let's shoot it down to something like 50 percent right that 51 that's fine and now we're just simply flying with that ship and now we're trying not to get hit too much by him and we always let the shield replenish a little bit and when the shield is replenished a little bit we shoot it down again so that it's not losing more hull than what we need them to lose always stay out so that you're not getting shot some ships do have some weak spots where you can simply stay and now you already saw if you took a look at the crew we started with six out of eight crew and now it is down to three uh from eight so the first set of crew already bailed and what usually happens with s and m ships is that the crew is bailing um by three people at once so always three people at once are bailing and we really wanted to try to uh bail everyone out of these ships uh when four crew on that menu is left that means that the last oh wow that was really fast when four are left that means there's one captain and the three people that will bail when there is the captain left only the captain will not stay at the ship that means when four are left you need only one more round of baling so you saw that that was really really quick and what happened now is that the crew completely left this ship what you now want to do is you are flying around the ship until you found the signal leak which you can see right here when you found the signal leak get into your space suit and then fly to the signal leak and scan it in scanner mode scanner mode is usually shift shift and two isn't it yeah shift into so you fly near that thing you scan it you wait a little bit and then you see the ship is green mineral and it belongs to you you can now send a captain from wherever aborted that's how easy it is you see the logo there and it will fly off that's the first way how to get ships maybe you're asking yourself hey captain why are you taking ships with which you are allied with and are you not scared about the reputation hit i will talk about the reputation hit after we acquire l and xl ships but for now i wanted to give you one more detail about the baling and how bailing is calculated and why you want to have small ships so there is a post on discord that was mentioning how this bailing is being is being calculated in the game and it has got something to do with the target max hull your max hull uh the shield your shield the target shield and so on the smaller your ship is the less hull points you got and the more hull points the other one has the easier the the whole thing is so what you want to have is a small fighter if you're out there and want to grab i don't know miners traders maybe you want to have uh what's really really cool uh in that regard is if you have the dlc cradle of humanity and you go into the cigar sectors there are a lot of a freelancer katana and that works exactly like i just showed you but the freelancer katana does not have any reputation hit on the cigars pioneers because well they are freelancers and you can grab these katanas for free that's just a small hint there but what else can you grab for free well i have found a list and there's actually a list in the forum of ecosoft which talks about where to find ships that are simply flying around in space and i will show you one of these ships and already the information that i have posted the link to the forum post to the ecosoft forum post down in the description below and here we found one of the ships that is just simply flying around in space that you can capture because it's there disengage sitting waiting for you here we have an l-class odysseus which is there here in faulty logic 7 it's almost every time at the same place so whenever you enter the superhighway it's like to the left and then a little bit down this is one of the ships and like i said the other ships are uh in the forum post down below and the forum post is getting updated regularly and this is the same it works the same way as with ships that that you made crewless you search for the data leak get up into your space suit fly near the data leak and then after scanning the ship is simply yours and there are a few ships just like that one here that you can grab that way now you can dock in here and look the l-class destroyer is yours that's how easy it is now i changed into something a little bit bigger in an m-class world trader in this case but this is not really an empty last trade this is one of the new ships made for the duke's buccaneers it is classified as an m trader though it has got three weapon slots and three turret slots and it's called the prometheus and this one we're using to get l and xl class ships we're doing all of that in real time so that you know exactly the steps the the standard procedure that i would uh that i would like you to do is we first are shooting down the engines so we're taking the difference between the difference between l-class ships and m-class ships is that l-class ships do have surface elements which m-class ships do not have so you cannot shoot engines down from an m-class ship now you shut the engines down on that ship that will give you a small reputation hit because shooting down a surface element is like an unauthorized kill but you gain the advantage that your target is not moving anymore now i am changing into the sin into a ship that has got a high capacity of marines because that's the whole reason uh why we're shooting down that ship is because we want to board it and i will show you a method that i simply call fly by boarding repair drone how does that work you are shooting down the engines you change into a bigger ship and now you go into travel mode and with travel mode you are trying to fly by your target really close you can do the same without a reputation it if you're simply flying by a target that is standing or that um well you you just simply you just simply fly by another target where you did not shoot down the engines before and what you want to do is you want to press pause the moment you are very close to the target look at this you want to press pause the moment you are very very close to the target so you just simply want to fly by and in that moment you can right click on your target board set the marines for boarding and you want to enable here very strong very strong start that operation and let me tell you that works even if you are boarding a target with 100 percent shield 100 how and you simply let that run itself if your marines are powerful enough the target will be eventually boarded sometime after that but i will show you a method where you can do this faster that's why we shut down the engines first now we're sending over the marines we started the operation you can close this menu you have to go back into the f1 uh mode here and then unpause the game you will fly past this ship if you're far enough away you go out of travel mode and then you can turn back if you are in a um [Music] karen contact l-class ship you can shoot down the target now from up to 8.9 kilometers and what you now want to do is you want to shoot the target down exactly like before we did with the m-class ships you want to shoot down the target to uh under 80 hull and i think that should be already enough let's see yeah 64 hull that's enough i won't do over us i won't do that much more and now you can see this uh the the boarding will simply run stage one is already done we lost five bedrooms there because the one boarding patch is messed up we know x4 sometimes it's things are messy but now the infiltration starts and i will cetera that a little bit so that you can see what's going on uh they are infiltrating and the infiltration is faster the the more hull you shut down or also the more uh the more surface elements you shut down but as i said every single surface element is an unauthorized hit and that you saw already how fast it was that was in sita but anyway it is already completed that was a fly by boarding that works also without any reputation if you're just simply flying by a ship that is either standing or you do you have like a good position positioner whatsoever and you can send over the marines as far as i heard the marine boarding pods are able to hunt down a target which is flying up to 170 meters per second and again a pro tip to getting free ships again back into the cigar sectors if you heard about the supply ship and you do not have a supply ship maybe you want to try and start with a supply ship because in the cigar sectors there are a few honshu's they are just standing around and waiting for you to do a fly by boarding method one bonus i was talking about you do not get a reputation it or whatsoever if you are trying to board ships then what you want to do is you want to take systems where the owner of the system is an enemy of the owner of the ships so for example if you are in black hole sun black hole sun is organ it's an organ system if we go into the encyclopedia entry you see governing faction is argon and if we now take a look into the organ faction you see there is a list of enemies and one of these enemies is for example the vigor syndicate so what happens when you are for example trying to get this ship the bigger delivery ship magpie if you would try to do that in the vigor system this ship would send out a emergency call the sector police would respond to that emergency call and you would gain the reputation hit for attacking the ship not even shooting it down not even boarding it whatsoever well if you do that in a system where this vigor syndicate ship is an enemy too like an organ system if you do not shoot down the ship so kill that ship you will not get a reputation hit in systems where the faction is an enemy too one short pro tip for everyone that is still in the video by the way thank you so much for watching the whole video that's amazing i hope that you will have a lot of fun with that boarding and taking ships from every single faction i mean being a pirate right so one one last tip is uh you can also get ships by using marines so by by sending over marines onto a ship that has no crew a waiting order this is something that you really want to avoid because well technically it still works to getting that ship and technically you will also get a captain that way automatically but it will not only destroy the ship's hull a bit but it will also destroy uh the equipment on the ship so if the m and s ships are completely bailed the crew usually destroys already a lot of equipment when they're leaving and when you're now using a marine to get the ship you are destroying even more equipment not only that the ship will cost you more to repair but also maybe if you're doing that to gain money because you want to sell these ships afterwards you will not get the same amount of money for the ship that you boarded that was already it thank you so much for watching have fun with boarding that's amazing and we see us in the next video goodbye
Channel: Captain Collins
Views: 120,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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