Endless Space 2 Penumbra - hacking & cloaking guide

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hello ladies and gentlemen this is sponaugle an advisor and welcome to my guide regarding the hacking and cloaking mechanics in endless face to the number a dlc I decided to create this guide for the very simple reason that I noticed a lot of people struggling to understand exactly how these mechanics work so in this video I'm hoping to explain all of the inconsistencies that you who might be getting into and I'll try to make everything clear for you keep in mind this is not I'm broke one specific advice so if you want to know more about playing as these guys you will have to wait until my next guide which hopefully will be published tomorrow or maybe even today depending on how fast I can work but either way the link will be in the description or maybe in a playlist or whatever doesn't matter just check my guides this is the first one hard because it's more important and it's more generalized so that in mind let's start by talking about hacking itself the first thing I need to say about hacking is that no matter what faction you play asks you have access to hacking all the way from ten one as soon as you load into a game you can simply press the spacebar and start hacking uh whatever you want there are some limits of course you start typically speaking with one a hacking operation and you will not be able to hack more than one thing at a time but as you go along with the game and a lot more technologies you can increase the amount of simultaneous hacking operations that you can achieve and in order to increase the limit you have to go into technology screen and find techonologies such as this one which allows you to increase the hacking operation and the first one is in all tournaments materials and then you can also find some more lengthen down the line so this is the most important thing the second thing about hacking is that there are certain things you can hack instead of things you can't hack again this is very specific to non Umbro qua factors over qua have different limits so again their limits and their capabilities will be covered in another guide but if you're playing as an anybody other than on Brokaw then generally speaking you can well for instance allow me to cancel my coccyx and demonstrate some more hands so canceling hack is pretty easy you just right-click on a hack in progress and you can cancel it at any given time it does come at a cost which I'll explain in a moment but anyway hacking is relatively easy just have to click on a point of origin that the big ass system currently occupied it can be your home system it can be your expansion it can be anything else that you currently control and in order to cancel your selection you of course have to just simply right-click so once you select what where you want to crack from then you have to select what you want to crack there are a few options for instance you can attack a minor faction and you know the confounded as a target you simply have to press Yes or you can decide that this is not your final destination and you can just keep clicking after clicking on other destinations plotting your curves course to your final hack now this might be song as you decided that you might believe to be important but being able to plot the course of your hack is actually very important for the reason that I'll show you right now people can encounter you're hacking maker methods for instance right now I am trying to hack the unfallen over in this system and my hack is going out from my cancer system and as you can see there is a little notification that I have which don't let us me know that my hacking operation has triggered the enemy defensive program defensive programs are what allows people to detect the fact somebody else is hacking them and they run a trace program so if Mike hacking is the blue line that you can see right here then the enemy trace program is the red line that you can see here and as you can see it is going to reach my hacking system on this then as soon as I press the + tan button the enemy will finish their trace which will forcibly cancel my hack and more importantly it will also provide more certain penalties for for competing the trace program so the enemy will be able to choose what they want to do after they have counter hacked me successfully this however is an unusual situation because I'm also only one turn away from hacking the enemy system this means that if I when I press the Enter button assuming I am able to because I have one more hacking operation to fulfill and the game will warn me about that but as soon as I press the enter button the enemy will finish the counter tricks and impose penalties in my system but my heck will still finish if my was not yet ready to be finished if it will take any more than one time to finish by the time the enemy is about to counteract me then my hack would be canceled and all the progress would be undone which is quite substantial anyway so how do you cancel counter hacking you may ask first of all you may simply guess for instance recently I guess a twice enemy has no defensive progress on haha it is after all a relatively new expansion and the defensive programs cost you bandwidth the finger you have right here so you don't have the bandwidth to usually protect every single system you have you just protect the systems that are most important leaving some our assistants vulnerable so you can simply guess if our to hack the enemy home system for the quadrants it'll probably trigger an alarm and the enemy would be able to counter hack me however instead they decided to hack hada which was undefended and I rightly guessed that it was under ferret and this allows me to hack in peace but what if you want to hack a system that you know is protected for instance what if I wanted to cut in deucey which is a system controlled by Devo dyani and most likely very well defended with defensive programs well in order to do that I simply have to plot a course that is unusual for instance I can simply instead of just going into this right away instead in the hack I can go on a different route I can go like this to her Oleum first and then to inducer but this would extend the time it will take for me to hack but it would also extend the time it would take for the enemy to run a trace program trace programs are always faster than hacking programs but they're not extremely fast so if we have a route that is converted and long enough then you should be able to hack the enemy even if they have defensive programs you can make it even more ridiculous for instance maybe if our super crazy I could run a hack that goes like this it will take 21 tests to finish but mark my words there's no trace program not to be able to actually trace me before I can take control over the enemy there is a downside to this every system you pass through can also have defensive progress so even though these systems are owned by minor factions these minor factors may also have defensive programs and they will trace me and they can still cancel my hack even if my hack is not direct that against those manufacturers they do not know who I'm trying to hack so they'll defend against any hacks indiscriminately even if they are your allies so this is something to keep in mind the same thing applies to players now what about the benefits of a hack well allow me to showcase that to you real quick as we finish the turn and my hack completes over on IANA so if we dismiss all the unimportant notifications you'll be able to find out that firstly the Eric Hauck hack counter hacking operation has finished the ami was able to trace me back to cancer and has imposed some kind of penalties to me but because I was able to finish the hack at the very last moment I still get to pick my personal rewards so you have different types of Empires I can hack you can hack Manufacturing's you can hack parrots and you can hack major factions when you hack minor factions you are enable to first increase the approval rating of you which I would have strongly recommend it is a very big boost to their relationships you can impersonate an ambassador for an era of an enemy player which would lower these factions standing with that particular player you can also steal from them even when they are thwart this would give you relation words even if they hate you you can still get there and you can also do a bunch of other things for instance you can create a back door Josh okay see in a second went across the parts roads a similar order if I dare say so myself they're slightly weaker when you hack a paradise you can steal some of the resources and you can also change their relations with certain players or yourself not too useful I'd rather just kill the pirates but you can of course do that World War II colour palettes and lorries for having very good defensive progress and also pirates can hack you as well and they sometimes do so not only the major of fractures can hack you the pirates can hack you as well so always watch out for death so let us have a quick look-see because I hacked two systems the stand first of all I hacked our system belonging to a major faction on ha da if you hack this kind of system you have the following options you can create a backdoor this would allow all my future hacks to originate from ha da so if I were to create that I'll be able to hack from Kedah let's say all the way to Polaris without having to start the hack in let's say Zubin or rasa the other option I have is to embed a sleeper agent a sleeper agent would provide me limited information about a system and if you have enough sleepers you'll be able to start leeching Empire's resources which I'll showcase in a moment you can influence politics which forces the system's politics to change the selected political party can indra a figurehead which is basically a nice way of saying that you'll try to measure an innocent hero he's a governor of a system and finally you can john commands which will help you if you try to attack an enemy system on the ground which is very helpful if you're trying to conquer a system that has very very good defenses in order to showcase it the popular mechanic I'm going to create a backdoor right now as you can see a backdoor has been created on the system more than a second and now I am able to start hacking operation from Hadar to some other system for instance Polaris itself this nest aqui speaking count as running a trace from her down so if enemies do trace them back all the way together my backdoor can be detected and my backdoor can be destroyed however the benefit of a backdoor is that all nearby sisters are easier to hack so generally speaking it is good to have a network of backdoors near a system that you want to continuously hack also if you have two back doors next to each other you can just use one to connect data over and over infinitely add the fredley fast place as well it's always a good and fun idea now I haven't talked about programs just yet I only mentioned them in passing programs allow you to IRA increase the power of your office of hacking abilities by first it's making it faster all our programs can allow you to defend from a hack defensive programs you can only put on your own control systems and they have different abilities every defensive program will run a trace on enemy hockey operations as soon as they pass by your defensive program in addition every defensive program has also set an other advantages for instance a firewall is very powerful since as you can see it can block a lot of hacking outcomes so it is very committed to defending multiple assistance with that of course the more powerful a program is the more benefit is cut the cost valve is not a finite resource it's just certain amount of points that you can allocate until you're no longer able to allocate anything else and there are certain actions that will cost you bandwidth for instance running a program always costs to set an amount of bandwidth and you can cancel a program in order to regain it bandwidth but cancelling a hack also costs of bandwidth and there are some other things that can cost about as well so always keep that in mind without in mind let us see what happens when you hack the enemy chrome system because this is quite crucial as you can see I had Genia and because this is the enemy whole system the benefits of hacking are much higher for instance I can infiltrate the scanners which not only will create a sleeper agent on the enemy empire but it will additionally also allow me to see the location of all the enemy fleets on the galaxy thorough you I imagine but this is only where to get started I can also talk about the government forcing the enemy government internal anarchy and choosing some kind of political party that I decide will cause the most chaos for Miami first is if you're fighting against a very managed resignation why I'll make it in pacifist that'll change that will teach them I will prevent them from using those powerful militaries to laws against you but that's just an example you can also scramble avocation which is a truly important let's say the enemies in the process of running a counter-attack against your fleets you can just prevent all of that or a single push of the button it is also of course once the MX hero but I like the system this option mostly because it prevents the enemy from moving supporting a revolution is a hilarious option in a multiplayer environment it's usually the weaker one unless the enemy has no defensive fleets on any kind of course but if the enemy has feet it's going to be much easier for them to recover from this hacking action as opposed to the other ones basically it simply spawns a bunch of enemies cost our fleets around your enemy systems and it is hilarious it is also very helpful if you try to invade the enemy home system on the ground of course as well and finally you are able to steal technology probably one of the most desirable outcomes especially if you're behind in terms of technology and your enemy has some technologies that you are yet to unlock you can simply pick what you want grab it and this will be yours now but for just for just to showcase your t's reaper mechanic I'm going to now infantry DME scanners random conversion over all enemy fleets for instance ribboning this ship right over here which I didn't wasn't able to see before more importantly I can now have a look at the enemy system from up close so if you can see right here I now see the DM is walking on sustainable farms they have two vanships and they're shipyard and guess what I have a sleeper this is how this population is marked the enemy does not know that they have a sleeper agent on their empire but they can guess at some point they can also try to get rid of the sleeper then I'll have to put a newspaper in there you don't have to just stay at one sleeper bus system camera you can have as many sleepers as there are populations on the Emmy system and the model disappears you have the better it gets because if you press the space button you can see a new tab has appeared sleeper tab which shows you exactly how many sleepers you have on each empire once you just set a threshold your lip press would start not leapers sleepers will start siphoning some of the enemy resources and this is a very important way of working the enemy's economy while also strengthening your own again this is stealing the enemy will lose those resources meaning not theoretically then we will also be able to find out about us they do not get a notification that they have a sleeper embedded in their system even if there are human plan however if they are human plan which they can do and this is a tip for you as well is to cover over here a dust production in a box and if you see a - a small amount of dust that you're losing putana and you see some axilla written next to it for instance Oh from most rising or dubious accounting practices or something along those nature and those this nature so something that doesn't make sense or it's just clearly hilarious this means that you have sleeper agents in your empire that are trying to siphon your funds so what do you do when you have sleep rest in your empire may ask well there are certain things you can do to prevent sleepers from stealing from you for instance you can launch programs such as domestic surveillance sleeper reintegration program this will lower your sister's a bra quite severely but this will allow you to reverse a sleeper every few tears it is a very powerful thing to do but a very high cost of losing a lot of approval so it's not something you can just do very frequently so there are good and bad sides to paranoia but generally speaking if you see that you're not losing any dust or maybe if you're losing very little dust then there is very little reason to actually run this kind of anti sleeper program but if you believe that you have been infiltrated and the infiltration is severe I do encourage you to figure out which programs were the most honorable to hacking operations and the launch domestic surveillance on those programs for instance right now I can deter I can determine that well some of one of my programs somewhere or where is it I do have one deficit program somewhere yes this system is protected by the first program if there was a hack ongoing I will be notified of this so it's very unlikely that the enemy would be able to play sleepers in here without my knowledge so there's no need to launch a counter super operation in here because it's unlikely that there are secrets on this system but this system is unprotected it's possible that there are sleepers in here so that's why maybe you want to launch this program on this system now I have covered pretty much everything you need to know about hacking except for again the unbroken hacking which is something I'll cover in a separate guide but before I end this video I need to talk about stealth stealth is amazing stealth allows your ships to go from point A to point B without being detected this allows them to ignore everything so for instance if the enemy has a defensive fleet over their system that would normally run a blockade I don't have to worry about it I can just ignore a blockade and go anywhere I want what the enemy even knowing I was there it's a very powerful feature and once you store cloak on your ships which looks somewhat like this our shock is destroyed okay so there are difference of cooking modules the one I'm using right now is called cloak ambush which gives you at a 3-2 calculable freeze the highest caliber possible and there's a lot of food to be invisible so once you install this kind of module on your ships there are small modules of course our short case that's for right away for instance on a patrol ship I stopped just a regular cooking chef the cocky module which gives it less cooking power but still a substantial amount of course - is still quite high and difficult to detect so once you do that you can simply press on this coconut button and then you will be invisible and you'll be able to subtly ignoring any feats while cloaked you are unable to ally the guard or invader system in order to change that you have to actually declawed but this will cost you all of your remaining movement point however once you die clock you can again start guarding the system and potentially also invade a system if you want to do that of course so the clock also has some abilities that you can use in a battle itself for instance if you have a quick look-see are the module I'm using on my cruises it's called a cloak ambush which allows you to stay invisible and during a fight and prevent the enemy from firing upon you until you reach your desired range as illustrated by but accounts so for instance if I had this module and use the turtle butter card my ships would not be fired upon until I were to reach short range at which point I'll be most effective so you can see some very powerful tactics that you could utilize in those scenarios that allow you to minimize the your own casualties and maximize your weapons optimization which is very nice indeed I dare say myself now how do you counter enemy stealth abilities well in the same way you get stealth abilities if you want to get stuff you have to go into a murder a tree and you have to look for things that as cloaca so the modules which allow you to unlock coping mechanisms for your ships if you want to deal with that you have to just look to slightly to the right and you will be able to find antic Locker mechanisms keep in mind when on the same technology era where you reach a certain point you will only be able to reach a detection point of one level lower so it's harder to detect you and DM if it's than it is to actually cloak so in order for instance to counter the cloak of fourth era you need to go all the way to fifth era in order to be able to see that there are also some other antic locking abilities for instance my ships currently have an ability that allows it to launch under cloak measures that stay orbit an orbiting system and always detect enemy eco systems or ships because systems can be cocked - now that the amber pies in the game but all that being said I believe I've covered everything I'm near - and this guide and showcased every single bottom and hopefully explain how it works if you want to know more about the amber quad I encourage you to check out my next video which hopefully will be like momentarily but for the time being this is Pangolin and Weiser thank you very much for watching and I'll see you online
Channel: Pangolin Advisor
Views: 29,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high definition, english, PANCZASU, VoD, game, Video On Demand, Mighty MIG Spammer, live commentary, high quality, multiplayer, Endless Space 2, ES2, Endless Space 2 Supremacy, Pangolin Advisor, Pangolin, Advisor, stream, guide, tutorial, Endless Space 2 tutorial, Endless Space 2 guide, tips and tricks, tips, endless space 2 strategy, advice, help, penumbra, umbral choir, endless space 2 penumbra, hacking, cloaking, stealth, hack, penumbra tutorial, penumbra guide, endless space 2 umbral choir
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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