Alien UFO Mothership Attacks Our Aircraft Carriers in Ravenfield!

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ladies and gentlemen we are getting reports out of the Pacific where United Nations carrier Strike Group five also known as Eagle is stationed trying to keep the peace with the rogue Raven Empire there are reports of a large unidentified flying object that you can subtly see here with some form of cloaking technology in use carrier Strike Group five eagle is sending an aircraft now it is believed that this unidentified flying object has hostile intent once the cloaking device can be destroyed we'll have a better picture of what's going on here but nobody knows where this UFO mothership seems to have come from well as you guys can see here the Carrier Strike Group is in formation you can see some f-22 stealth aircraft in motion guys I don't really know what's going on I've been dispatched here to Carrier Strike Group five we arrived via helicopter as you can see and that noise is the UFO mothership so nobody knows what's happening I'm being sent in to try to investigate we're gonna land on the Carrier Strike Group where we're one of the Special Forces units being sent here we're hybrid pilots and elite soldiers now all I know is that the enemy up there that we can't really see has oh god incoming aircraft guys we got incoming is this Raven are they encodes or them but we definitely have upgraded aircraft as you can see here these this is a very impressive hybrid fighter bomber attacker they've spared no expense now okay you can kind of see the mothership oh my god finally I've infinite ammo oh my god there it is okay that's pretty terrifying so that's the mothership I'm not sure if I deactivated the cloaking device maybe by hitting a firing enough lead downrange that we were able to disrupt it or something but we can finally see what it looks like I'm gonna try to get a much better view it seems conventional ballistics weaponry is in use here I've got to be careful though once I start taking flak I will have to take evasive maneuvers you can see the bridge here who is controlling this thing now I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to land anywhere is that we're aware if that's an anti-aircraft gun I've just got to find the bridge if I could board this thing that would be pretty incredible what is this thing when did Raven get the sort of technology oh they're locking on to me I'm looking for missiles I don't see any yet are those torpedoes in the water there is so much I have no idea what's going on here oh my god the enemy ship is moving I'm wondering if I can't oh that that just that just looks bad well drop will block radio lock there by dropping some chaff there's some explosions coming from our strike group here I've tried some autocannon rounds I could fire some Rockets here check these things out as I over shoot my target for thematic effect here I'm tempted to try to land on it oh man look at this now what's happening to our carriers there's that's one of ours I think the enemy scrambled fighters we're scrambling transports that's one of our bomber variants you can see he doesn't have the propeller on the rear there's the flak gun firing all he's getting chewed up isn't he he's going down yellow five is going down but red five is standing by so we're okay there will movies that from all right it looks like we've got an aerial incursion so while their mothership seems to be some kind of advanced technology the Carrier Strike Group is still okay I'm gonna see if I can't get eyes on any enemy aircraft I don't think so I think our planes shot them down all right we're gonna go in for another rocket attack here I'm gonna target the flak gun oh my god this isn't this isn't working too well can we see anybody Manning that turret it doesn't look like it needless to say this has got to be one of the coolest Maps because it's got a little bit of a story to it the custom introductions and cinematics really add to it hold on what is this guy oh shoot are they are these reinforcements are those an enemy invasion I think those are reinforcements now whether they laid on the carrier is an another question entirely I'm not seeing any entrances whatsoever to that I'm not sure how to take this thing out I mean we've seen UFOs in Raven field before but and that was proper alien technology but never something this big oh man I'm going down we're this is bad this is bad but look at how cool my craft looks geez all right well let's let's try to respawn are we just kidding they're just bombarding the deck here all right I'm coming in via air transport oh man I hope I'm able to land yeah they're just bombarding the deck of this carrier it's pretty much inoperable all right I'm gonna do a low opening here Oh low opening oh okay watch out this whole carrier deck is just getting destroyed I've got to make it to one of these aircraft and get off the deck real quick because if you see it looks like they're almost using conventional mortars you better not take that plane without me okay good this thing's smoking all right I got to take off while we're under attack and dodge the incoming mortar so we'll we'll narrow our profile here I could try to do a landing I think on one of the other carriers to try to pick up another fighter bomber here this one looks like it's about to be an air attack all right command tower Niner requesting landing over and by landing I mean I'm gonna jump out of this aircraft the landing gear is bugged so I'm gonna have to just take one of yours thank you Oh parachute was we jumped out too late to open the parachute requesting medical personnel over we're gonna hit buy more oh god this bed oh all right we're up we're up and we're out now I need to find out where these mortars are coming from look at this thing man I can't catch up this thing is almost as fast as we are oh dude we lost one I've seen no ability to board this aircraft the great mystery I'm not even entirely sure where these mortars are being launched from all right this is red five going on bombing run over where we're gonna try to hit the bridge we made multiple contacts we have achieved victory we believe we haven't achieved victory this thing is still that thing's operational looks like the pillar of autumn from a video game I used to play going on another bombing run pull up oh my god okay you know what we're doing this for science Oh oh my god everything's just turning to crap look at the explosives all right oh my god whoo get they give me a freaking grenade launcher okay that's cool so the battle of the Pacific is a really cool map I want to see what it's like to be the attacker now all right so look at that we can just deploy on the mystery here oh we must be we're in the carrier deck okay so this is what oh god that's that's a scary sound hey you get away from my plane yeah that's you look at this puppy this thing is gorgeous oh sorry Jimbo I think the mothership might be above us I'm gonna stay low yeah there's the mothership they haven't taken off the cloaking devices I guess once these aircraft are destroyed so it's a really cool concept I feel like they're almost there on creating this whole idea oh look at the gun convergence to see how the bullets Fork that's a very nice detail I I think we let's see what happens when we respond look at that so we're basically the vanilla weapons redone now what happens oh god I'm in the mother ship hello oh wow let's see what happens when I respond in we fell out of the mother ship where these must be like Raven psyops commandos which are needless to say elite forces usually using the Raven secret weapons yeah see it's just so as the mothership is going over there all of our soldiers are just chillin over here because I'm not sure if the aircraft can't respond or respawn rather or won't respawn sorry boys prepare for grenades oh here we go look at this now I'm flying in as the blue guys I'm not sure what's going on or why but I you know what at least I got to be able to respawn is one of the good guys without having to you know reload the map or anything like that maybe all the reinforcements come in as yeah that's right but those things the skins were using artery we're using though the Eagle commandos the unlock in what once again okay what's going on see they've been very close to a really cool concept now the developers of this said that they want this to be a series of maps so if you guys have any constructive criticism some ideas or some refinements you may want to suggest put it in the comments below they want this to be the beginning of the maps and in the future they're going to increase more maps against giant motherships all right we're deploying on the main carrier deck here we're flying in again those helicopters look empty are they ghost helicopters I'd love to see an update to this map because it's freaking really cool in concept there's a few things one when you fall off the mat will fall off the carrier I couldn't get back in the aircraft carrier you weren't able to swim to the back so that would be nice if they was treated like the aircraft carrier on archipelago maybe even opening up some of the carrier deck and even getting into the command deck I think there's some anti-aircraft weapons I could try to use because I think I got lucky right before you weren't really able to just oh man we're getting we're under attack from long-range bombardment it looks very similar to the carrier this is the vanilla plus variance this is like the anti-aircraft gun so I think our flak is blowing up well before we get yeah see look at the city aircraft gun all right I think the players the only one that can deactivate the active camo see there you go you fire at the front it seems a little too easy to get rid of the active camouflage now how do I destroy those whoa oh wait that's an enemy fighter oh okay the collision boxes could be worked on maybe well god zero oh look at this I get it beep an Apache pilot cool or is it a gunner okay I'm the gunner oh my god that's terrifying all right defend aircraft carrier one I repeat Oh God planes are falling from the sky you know what I'm out see if I can't land oh okay it landed up here where's the the mother ships over there take this grenade you dirty Oh we're under attack I'm gonna hide here and hope to survive so it looks impressive now we just need the mechanics to get sorted out and we've got one of the coolest custom map ideas that we've seen in Raven field in a while I love to see the modding community take leaps of faith and try their hand at stuff like this because this ultimately is or would be one of the coolest experiences in Raven field if this would work I'm about to die ladies and gentlemen thank you for watching another episode of Raven field you'll have to tune into the news next time to see how the Eagle faction has dealt with the alien mothership because apparently throwing grenades is a really bad idea all right guys see you next time
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 1,022,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, ravenfield, ravenfield mods, ravenfield carrier, ravenfield aircraft carrier, ravenfield carrier battle, ravenfield ufo, ravenfield alien, ravenfield alien ufo, alien, ufo, ufo mothership, alien mothership, aliens vs military, mothership vs military, alien mothership vs military, mothership vs carriers, mar20
Id: uzZIk8iX2mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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