Bereshit - Starting the Torah cycle anew with Deeper Understanding!

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[Music] this morning we get the privilege of starting the torah cycle all over again and we're going to discuss creation and the torah but which came first you know it is said that this world stands upon three pillars the torah abu dhab hashem which is our acts of service to god and avada adam our acts of service to mankind which is also known as quesad loving-kindness these three things are what sustain the world but let's talk a little bit about even what came before the creation of the world it is said by our sages that the torah was the first of seven fundamental concepts before the world was even created and it preceded the creation of the world by two thousand years like a blueprint before a house is built this was the necessary blueprint for creation and the torah could say that it served as the architect's instrument in building the world god being the great architect of the world and of all creation thus the torah was hashem's master plan in the construction of the world and it is said that hashem looked into the torah during the six days of creation following the words of the torah step by step throughout creation fashioning the universe according to the plan he had already put into place within the torah so let us start at the beginning with what else preceded the creation of the universe it is said that before creating the universe hashem brought into existence seven concepts which are essential for the functioning of the world and they are torah and teshuva teshuva is repentance and return god knowing the end from the beginning knowing that man would fall he made a way even before he created the world that man could repent and return which is beautiful aiden a place for heaven on earth was the third principle and gehinum was the fourth case is what we call the heavenly throne of glory where god dwells and he put that into place as long as the plan as well as the plan for the bait hamikdash which is the temple where his shakina can dwell with man on this earth and the seventh which is going to be part of our focus for this morning seeing all things through the lens of mashiach it is said that the name of messiah was put into place yahushua even before the earth was created knowing that it would be through mashiach that the world would be restored and redeemed and all things would be brought back into perfection the way god had originally intended it before sin so now in brief i'll explain in which ways these seven particular creations are vital to mankind and why they were conceived even prior to creation and before we get into genesis 1 1 it is said that the world was created solely for the purpose of learning torah and fulfilling its principles of selfless love teshuvah was conceived in order to maintain existence allowing for repentance and return after the entrance of sin a world without teshuva would inevitably perish in the face of hashem's judgment without mercy and so justice and mercy are perfectly balanced and put into place from the foundation of the world the third concept that god created before creating the world was the garden of eden we call it gone a din in hebrew and it was conceived in order to ensure a reward for the righteous a place where they could dwell in the dimension of heaven while even being in the physical realm here on this earth the fourth concept of gehinum was conceived in order to provide the knowledge of where the wicked go and the punishment of the wicked so that the wicked could turn in repentance from that end and return to god the fifth concept is called the heavenly throne of glory the kise hakavod and it was conceived prior to the universe in order to manifest god's glory in the world the sixth concept is the concept for the bay hamikdash the temple the place where the shekinah was to dwell permanently therefore the concept of the temple was conceived as a condition for creation and ultimately we know that it was just a model for god's ultimate purpose to dwell fully in us and through us for our bodies are the temple of god the seventh concept was the name of mashiach and the final goal of humanity is to attain the same state as mashiach in that kind of holiness where we are living torahs even as mashiach is living torah is a living torah he came not to do it for us but to be an example for us therefore the name of mashiach had to be formulated even before the world's inception and it is with this focus that we're going to look at the creation account and begin our annual cycle of torah readings with these concepts in mind pointing to meshiach our first parashah of the year is from genesis 1 1 to genesis 6 8. and genesis in hebrew is called bereshit meaning in the beginning in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and immediately we might ask ourselves why does the torah begin with the second letter of the hebrew alphabet bait and not the first letter alef barashit begins with bait and we know that the aleph represents elohim and the aleph has no sound it's like it's invisible and the invisible hashem was the creator of the world creating a bait which means house in hebrew for his indwelling in the physical realm the fact that the torah begins with the second letter of the hebrew alphabet indicates that reading the text is actually also the second phase of taurus study and secondary to knowing the invisible creator so when you come to the torah i don't want you to just look at the letters but to think of what's behind the letters the invisible creator god says we shouldn't worship any image of anything that he has manifested for he is spirit and we must worship him in spirit and in truth and before a person can even look at the first verse of torah in the scriptures as we're beginning today we need to prepare ourselves for the experience that we are about to undergo by connecting to the invisible aleph representing elohim which is spelled with an aleph this realization makes torah study somewhat of a paradox though on the one hand it's a mitzvah that connects a person to god and as with any mitzvah the person needs to be aware of this fact to achieve a full connection on the other hand if a person actually thinks about the invisible god while he's studying torah we wouldn't be able to concentrate on the subject at hand so we're caught in this dilemma we're no we're told to study and to fulfill the mitzvahs of the torah and yet we must do it all to the glory of god and how do we balance this the solution to this problem is through preparation through mindfulness even before opening the book or the scroll a person should take a few moments to reflect that he is about to study god's wisdom that has been condensed into a humanly intelligible form he is about to bind his mind into a total union with the divine mind of course when he actually studies the torah he will not be able to meditate on this fact since he will be concentrating on the text therefore it's crucial that a person has the correct intentions before he begins reading the torah so mindfulness and intention before you come to god's word and that is why the torah begins with a bait to hint to its readers that study is only the second phase of this mitzvah and secondary to the true connection with hashem that's necessary and the awareness of the invisible elohim through studying torah with the appropriate preparations blessings will come into a person's life thus the jerusalem talmud taught that debate at the beginning of the torah stands for bracha meaning blessing the blessings that we will receive if one can stay connected to the invisible god represented by the invisible aleph at the beginning of the torah now upon meditating upon this first word bereshit we find many hidden meanings and prophetic revelation and in fact we see god's whole plan of salvation is laid out in one word bear a sheet and i've shared before there's a whole hidden message from the creator in this first word of bear sheep pointing to the messiah but for those who have not heard that teaching i'd like to share it again the word berashit in hebrew consists of six letters the bait the reish the aleph the sheen the yod and in dissecting each letter of this first word we see that the very first letter bait is a picture of a house in the hebrew picture language notice how in the torah the first letter is enlarged showing the foundation of the world is focused on god's house and the first two letters bait and reish spell bar meaning sun which shows the focus is on the kingdom given to the son the son of god is the very first thing we see after the invisible olive which takes our first and foremost focus we see his house being built and the kingdom authority given to the sun you can find this word bar in strong's concordance in 1240 and you see it both in hebrew and in aramaic and david refers to barr as son in mishlai 31 2 which is psalms 31 2 saying what my son and what the bar of my womb the son of my womb and what the bar of my vows this is the language of the time in which the son yahushua would be born and also it can also mean seed as in grain as well as purity and possessor of such as bar means possessor of authority so we see many hidden elements of even the sun in the first two letters of the torah the third letter is the aleph the first letter of the hebrew alphabet and represents elohim as seen in strong's h 430 starting with the aleph of elohim the word elohim is the plural of el or aloa and is the first name for god given in the torah it's actually a title now when you combine the next three letters the sheen the yod and the tav you get the word shait which means thorns meaning a wild growth of briars thorns is used in isaiah 5 6 and we see this word shait used there so what is god telling us about him being in the sun and yet this issue of thorns the next word is olive sheen which is rosh which means the head and we see this term used throughout the scriptures as a reference to the head so now we have thorns and head together with the sun and then we have the bait and the race and the sheen which is brosh which represents timber and we see this reference this word brosh in the time of solomon where solomon asked hiram to bring huge timbers down from lebanon and first kings 5 10 says so here harem gave solomon timbers of cedar and timbers of cyprus according to all his desire and whenever the hebrew scriptures are referring to cyprus or fur it will use this term brosh and this was used for the building of the temple which most likely was the very wood that the romans used for the cross this timber this huge strong timber so here in one word bereshit we see multiple words saying the son of god crowned with thought on his head on a timber or on a tree then if you look at just the sheen and the yo together shea means a gift offered in homage and it's used in isaiah 18 7. so we see that the sun is given as a gift and the last letter the top by itself represents the covenant god desires to make with man through yeshua and it originally in the paleo t hebrew looked like a small t kind of on an angle looks like a little cross so here if we add that knowledge to bereshith we literally have a story of the plan of salvation saying the son of god crowned with thorns upon his head on large timber will be a gift of the covenant this is amazing and a very apt description of the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world right from the first word of the torah put in the very first word of creation vera sheet as mentioned in revelation 13 8 completely revealing the beginning and god's plan from the beginning now just as the six hebrew letters of the very first word bearer sheet reveals god's plan of salvation from the beginning so does the first seven words of the first verse in genesis 1 1. in the first chapter we see hidden prophecies in how god creates the world in six days and how they each foreshadow a different millennia through history a millennia being a thousand years the first word bereshit has aish at its center which is fire the aleph and the sheen and then the other letters on each side of it spell breed which is covenant revealing his plan to create covenant with men and women who also in the hebrew have aish fire as the root of our names ish and isha the only difference is it has a yod and a hay which when we come together as man and wife we see yah fully revealed the yod hay of yah but if yah is removed from a man and a woman from ish and isha all you have left is fire aish in both their names and god wants to make covenant with men and women through the fire of his shakina dwelling within each one of us and that is the goal of creation that we become the house and the temple for his indwelling spirit bara the second word of genesis 1 1. could be perceived as bei ra even meaning in evil phonetically or in trouble the world was going to be in trouble in that second millennial day and we see that raw spelled with an iron instead instead of an aleph refers to the fall of man the second fall of man in the second millennial day through the watchers sin with the daughters of men and the hybridization of the image of god creating the origin of angel worship and idolatry so a lot of times there's homonyms in hebrew just saying the same word sounds exactly the same as another word but it's just with one frequency difference it goes from being a good word meaning created to a word meaning in sin or in evil and that's just how close this world is to god's frequency that when we deviate when there's any mixture just like the tree of the knowledge of good and evil god has created everything perfect in its species and its form and when we tamper with things and we mutate things even though it looks for all intensive purposes exactly the same and sounds exactly the same it goes from being perfect and good and holy to being fallen and common and leading to error and sin the third word of the first sentence is elohim and the invisible elohim in this third word descends in the third millennial day it was between the second and the third day that elohim descended upon mount sinai to manifest himself through the word of torah so even elohim being the third word points at the fact that elohim is going to reveal himself in the third millennial day and it was exactly in the midst of that third millennial day that we god made covenant with our forefathers at sinai and revealed himself through his word the fourth word is all of tav which we say at when we're reading it in hebrew barashit bara but this ed is the olaf and the top the first and the last which is not translated in the english but points to the first and the last and the word which would become the living torah on the fourth millennial day this fourth word is a reflection of yeshua who came and said i am the first and the last the aleph and the tav and so there's a reason why god even put this as the first letter showing the first revelation of the word made flesh would be in that fourth millennial day the fifth word is the word for heavens hashem and it points our minds to the heavenly realm in the heavens where the aleph-tav would go in the fifth millennial day to the right hand of god to intercede on behalf of israel as a high priest in the heavenly tabernacle the sixth word is comprised of a valve and then all of tau we say va'et and the vowel always represents a man and at the end of the sixth day it's time for us to be recreated in the image of god at the end of the sixth day and the aleph tov then represents messiah coming at the end of the sixth day and the beginning of the seventh millennial day to usher in the millennial shabbat coming to rescue his children israel and this is why the all of tov is at the end of the sixth word the seventh word is meaning the land pointing our minds to the restoration of all things in the messianic age where messiah will reign from eretz israel and cleanse the earth in the seventh millennial day known as the millennial shabbat so here in the seven letters of the first verse you see this beautiful prophetic foreshadowing of all seven thousand years to the point where sin and death will be done away with and the earth can be made new and god can descend upon this earth and dwell in his home that he created for his indwelling with man as if this was not enough there's also a hidden prophecy in each day of creation recorded in genesis 1 pertaining to each millennial day throughout the 7 000 year plan leading up to messiah in the millennial shabbat now many of you have heard that in the video teaching and for those that haven't i encourage you to watch the bearish sheet video number one for those insights there's a beautiful plan of salvation which everything that god did in each day of creation lends insights into what would happen within each 1 000 years so we see god puts prophecy before he creates the world he puts it in the torah in the very first word in the very first letter aleph and in the very first sentence and in the very first chapter all revealing his plan of salvation through mashiach and this is why it said that the name of mashiach had to be determined before even the creation of the world yahushua yah's salvation the implement of yah's righteous right hand the word made flesh and the living torah is the implement of yah's salvation now but pershop bura sheet contains three mitzvahs that i can see usually when you are taught in yeshiva they will only mention one of them but i will explain why i believe there are three in the first chapter there's two commandments but most teachers only list the first one in verse 28 which is to be fruitful and multiply he tells man and animals to fill the earth and subdue it to rule over all the other creatures he tells man so the very first mitzvah commandment is to us to be fruitful and multiply he desires that righteousness multiply like our talents multiply to fill the earth with righteousness and our righteous seed and to subdue it or to have dominion over the earth really means to take care of because god is a servant leader we see this through the example of messiah yeshua and we understand that the only way to really have dominion and authority is to humbly serve to serve god to serve one another and to serve the earth to tend to it like one would tend to his wife tenderly tending the garden watering it fertilizing it weaving the vines as it were to be our homes before there was ever a home built for man it was god's design that we would live in the garden he provided for us and so we are commanded to be fruitful and multiply in verse 29 the next verse god says throughout the whole earth i am giving you as food every seed bearing plant and every tree with seed bearing fruit this is the original diet for a perfect world before sin even entered in everything on the surface of the earth bearing seed is to be our food because life is in the seed and god desires that we as life beings eat life and us as light beans eat that which collects the light in the form of chlorophyll and thus we eat food of light through the greens of the earth and through the seeds which are the most potent absorbers of this light in the form of life and because man since the flood has been eating meat of animals oftentimes this isn't talked about but i always take people back to the first mention principle because before sin what god established is going to be the same thing as what is established after sin so as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end what is happened in between is only due to sin and darkness and death but in a world without death and sin we will be restored in the image of god as beings of light and life and love and our food will be every herb bearing seed after its kind and every fruit-bearing seed after its kind once again and this is why the prophecies tell us that we will eat from the tree of life which has roots on both sides of the living waters and it will bear a different kind of fruit each month and its leaves will be for the healing of the nations what a beautiful prophecy i look forward to eating from that fruit and i know you do too in chapter 2 of genesis we see that the heavens and the earth were finished on the seventh day and god rested from his creative work and he blessed the seventh day and he separated out that 24-hour period as holy for all mankind through adam to receive a blessing and to be sanctified in holiness by being set apart through his holy day although it's not explicitly stated as a command until exodus god was giving the example by resting from his creative work this is why we don't do any acts of creation on shabbat we are to rest in him keeping our mind stayed on him so that we can receive the blessing from him and be set apart for him in verse 16 and 17 of genesis 2 we're told that we shall not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and i always say that whenever you see something for adam or ben adam which means son of man which was a term that yeshua took personally to himself but ezekiel the prophet was also called son of man we're all sons of adam all it means is we're descended from adam so every instruction that was given to adam is also good for us and we could learn a deeper spiritual principle by taking it to heart so what does it mean when god tells our forefather not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil this represents the error is most dangerous when mixed with truth and evil intentions mixed with a good appearance leads to death god does not like any mixture of truth and error light and darkness this is why the torah tells us not to mix seed or even to weave two kinds of fabric together god wants us to be steadfast in truth and light of his love and to not have any mixture of even alter intentions as we say some people have other intentions even though they're speaking positively as jeff was speaking of this morning we have to be so careful with our word and make sure that our yes be yes and our no be no make sure that there's no manipulation or coercion that is that mixture that is not a part of the character of god and so we can meditate as we renew ourselves in the renewing of the torah cycle what does it mean to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in our day in our life in our situation and this is something that we can seek to practice only eating from the tree of life and in our thoughts and our words and in our actions may they only be life imbuing may they be edifying as rabbi shaol says which means for the building up of the body now in genesis 3 and i'm not reading through the whole because in the parasha video that we have produced for your learning i've read through and dissected each one of the words and shared the hidden anomalies but i just want to bring out a few thoughts on each chapter this morning as we mid-rash together focused on messiah being revealed from the earliest of creation in chapter 3 we see the fall of man and we are told in jubilees 3 17 that this occurred seven years after adam and eve were created and it occurred in the second day i mean the second um month on the 17th day that the serpent beguiled eve of that seventh year in verse 14 god says to the serpent who deceives eve because you have done this you are cursed more than all other livestock and wild animals you will crawl on your belly and eat dust as long as you live which reveals something about the serpent in that time that it didn't crawl on its belly from the beginning but that it was more like a beautiful dragon had legs and wings very colorful and it was no surprise to eve that it was speaking because it was considered the wisest of all the animals and so it engaged her in conversation and as linda said this morning we cannot debate god nor should we debate the enemy the serpent that dragon of old because when we do we will get caught in a snare and we will be deceived we just need to rebuke as we see the example of michael the archangel rebuking hasitan just say yahava rebuke you hassetan but don't engage in conversation or debate with it for we will be deceived the serpent of old has been studying mankind for six thousand years and knows us better than we know ourselves and knows how to cunningly trip us up and as i mentioned this serpent is a reference to the evil dragon of old called the devil and revelation 20 verse 2 speaks of his in judgment during the coming messianic age saying and he laid hold of the dragon that old serpent which is the devil and satan and bound him for a thousand years so that he would deceive the nations no longer what's beautiful is when messiah comes he's going to teach torah from the temple in jerusalem and whereas that old serpent the devil known as hacitan has deceived the minds of men from receiving the fullness of torah in the past he will be bound so that he deceives the nations no longer while yeshua the living torah reveals the torah to the world in the thousand years after the thousand years he is finally destroyed and the earth will be cleansed of all trace of sin and death so god says to that serpent dragon i will put enmity or animosity between you and the woman and between your descendants and her descendant he will bruise your head and you will bruise his heel now we know that this is a reference to yeshua and while he was prophesied to bruise the serpent's head at the cross the serpent's head is destined to be crushed under our feet as i mentioned earlier when we vindicate god's character of selfless love as yeshua did thus restoring the covenant with israel this is why rabbi shall known as paul in romans 16 20 said the god of peace will soon crush satan under your feet now many people misunderstand and they think that satan was crushed at the cross but sin was not done away with at the cross and that's the problem yeshua set the greatest example of selfless love at the cross that by following that example of self-denial and laying down our life for our fellow man that we could be overcomers of sin and it's through being overcomers that the god of peace that means no violence is in him will crush satan inadvertently through us vindicating his character in selfless love and satan will be crushed by not having any power to deceive us any longer this is a beautiful promise and a beautiful revelation of the plan of salvation as well through not just messiah but through us emulating messiah's example as living torahs and overcomers and this is why revelation says blessed is he who overcomes i will give the right to eat of the tree of life once again in my father's kingdom this is beautiful to look forward to and a promise that we can all hold on to now in chapter four of genesis we see the first procreation with the birth of cain and abel and according to the book of jubilees this was 70 years after adam and eve were created so sin enters in seven years after they were created and then between 66 and 70 years cain was born and then between 70 to 77 years abel was born and in chapter 5 we read about the genealogies through adam and eve of course cain killed his brother abel and god made a substitute through seth their third son and they had other daughters as well and we read about these genealogies of the priestly lineage of adam down to noah which brings us down to the time of the flood at the end of the torah portion and the introduction to the cause of wickedness what we call the second fall the first ball being in the garden through the serpent the second fall was through the watchers due to having these angels having relations with the daughters of men and having three generations of giants and in genesis 6 7 at the close of our tor portion we see god saying i will wash away man whom i created from upon the face of the earth man as well as cattle and creeping things and the birds of the sky he's gonna have to cleanse the earth because of the sin and all the contamination of the hybridization that has occurred where only noah was found to be pure tamim in his genealogies it gets translated in the english that noah was the only one found to be righteous in all his generations but what it says to us in the hebrew is something much deeper his genome was the only one untouched unscathed pure as god had created it descended from adam everyone else had become contaminated in one form or another and so god is seeking to instead of destroying man lovingly mixing that justice with mercy and seeking to wash away the contamination we constantly see this reoccurring theme of god seeking to wash away our sins and it's interesting to note that the torah opens up with the earth being covered in water reflecting the possibility of an earlier cleansing of the earth possibly from the fallen angels from heaven that came to this earth this is why there was darkness upon the void and the face of the deep and so this torah portion this creation opens up with hinting at a previous cleansing and now at the close of the first torah portion god is going on to cleanse sin with water once again the waters of a flood a worldwide deluge and very soon we're going to enter into the age of mashiach the millennial reign heralded by in the stars a prophecy we see we're entering into the age of aquarius in this messianic age which is a man pouring out living waters from an earthen vessel representing the cleansing of sin that is to take place once again through the man yeshua through this earthen vessel he is going to pour out living waters it's prophesied by the prophet ezekiel from his throne and they will cleanse and heal the earth but this time with the living waters of messiah and not with a flood and so we see from the beginning of the torah to the end hidden glimpses of god's plan of salvation through messiah reflected throughout the whole of the torah and just as i have shared with you week by week in the videos every torah portion has a hidden glimpse of the coming messiah now this week's hof torah reading in the prophets is found in isaiah 42 5 through 43 10 and it opens with a statement by the almighty god who created the heavens and the earth and stretched them out who laid out the earth and made it produce this echoes the torah's portion recounting the creation of the world in six days so we see this parallel between the prophet section and our torah portion and god speaks to the prophet isaiah reminding him of his life's purpose and duty and this is what the torah portion reminds us of our life purpose is to be connected to the invisible elohim that invisible olive to be beings of light and life and love to have authority over the earth to take care of the earth and god speaks to the prophet isaiah reminding him of that duty namely that of arousing the people of israel to return to being a light to the nations to open blind eyes to bring prisoners out of the dungeons and those who sit in darkness out of a prison this is paralleling god's first words let there be light and his intention is that each one of us be that light to the nations to open blind eyes spiritual eyes that are still covered and veiled to bring prisoners out of the dungeon of hopelessness and to help those who sit in darkness come out by revealing the light of god's love to them this is our purpose and this prophecy continues with a discussion regarding the final redemption pointing to messiah as well and the song that all of creation will sing to god on that day god promises to punish all the nations that have persecuted his children in israel while they were exiled the descendants of israel and the prophet also rebukes israel for their past errant ways and that's why it's time for us as we awaken to call people to repentance as yochanan did 2 000 years ago make way the straight make way the paths back to torah in essence we should say for the light has dawned and it's time to return to our true purpose in being lights to the nations and it's time to repent from the sins of our forefathers jeremiah says our forefathers have inherited lies it's time to return to the ancient paths and this is what we see through the beauty of the most ancient of documents recording god's original purpose for creating this earth and creating mankind that his light would be able to shine forth and that his selfless love would be made be able to be made manifest in the physical realm as it is in the spiritual realm [Music] isaiah not only rebukes us for our past errant ways but assures all of israel that we will return to the correct path in the end of days as we're seeing happen right now with the awakening of israel and he promises that god will not forget us but he will redeem us so we clearly see in the hof torah as well as the torah portion the focus on mashiach in the context of the final redemption and the restoration of israel and all the nations who would be grafted into israel as well isaiah 46 10 says declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and i will do all my pleasure so we have to understand the end from the beginning as we're doing by seeing his hidden prophecies in the creation he has told us what he is going to do and how he's going to save us even when we fall into darkness he's going to bring the light which is mashiach and so we've seen how beautifully hashem has revealed the power of salvation and his plans from the foundation of the world and hidden within it the very hebrew letters and the words of the torah psalms 111 verse 6 says he declared to his people the power of his works in order to give them the inheritance of the nations this is a profound statement when you think about it because our sages interpret this only in the sense of letting the nations know that the whole earth belongs to god that he created it and he can grant it to whomever he deems fit in his eyes and of course it was his will that israel should have it and by his will that he took it from the nations and gave it to us but i believe this text also refers to the spiritual inheritance of the nations if they will be grafted into israel not only will they receive the inheritance in the land but the inheritance of salvation which is for israel and through israel for the world for the power of his works and the inheritance of the nations is none other than messiah yahushua as yahushua said salvation is from the jewish people since everyone who is saved is saved by being connected to the covenant with abraham by faith when he talks about the jewish people he's speaking of all israel the seed of abraham who will receive the faith of their forefather in god's salvation and rabbi shall refers to this in romans 1 16 when he says it is god's power which is at work for the salvation of everyone who believes the jew first and then the nations how beautiful many people don't understand what he was saying when he was referring to this and second corinthians 5 19 says for through the messiah god is reconciling the whole world to himself by not counting their sins against them and he has committed his message of reconciliation to us to take to the nations hallelujah amen so now i open it up to you for a question and answer time and to invite you to participate in midrashing with me about messiah and the hidden glimpses of messiah in creation and sharing your thoughts about what this parashah of bharashit reveals to us in creation and in salvation you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 19,693
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: Bereshit, Torah, Torah cycle, Shemini Atzuret, Rejoicing in the Torah, Genesis, Creation, Rabbi Yitzchak, Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Id: IwdZBxFefco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 41sec (2861 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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