Garden Maintenance - Wednesday Zone! πŸ‘πŸŒΏβ˜ΊοΈ // Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going today we're going to be working in wednesday's zone in the garden and that's what we've been doing this week i've just been talking about how we organize our garden space to keep on top of weeding deadheading general garden maintenance not big projects just like the normal stuff to keep things looking pretty kept up so we'll link monday and tuesday's own videos down below in case you're interested in watching those in the monday one kind of when we started this series i guess you could call it i went into more detail about our daily chores and then our weekly tasks and things like that so if you're kind of interested in learning a little bit more on how we kind of break things up around here that would be a good one to watch let me show you where we're working today so here's the overhead shot again there's the house the barn the greenhouse we worked in monday zone on monday this was yesterday's zone in yellow kind of around our outdoor fireplace actually where i'm sitting right now this is where we just got done and wednesday's zone is the whole area in red so it's basically the flower beds around the chicken coop the area around the hartley and then the flower bed behind the hartley that kind of swings over heeby is right here the large heavy statue and then it comes over here on the back side of the versailles garden so let's do a quick walk through so facing back toward the fireplace area just to kind of recap yesterday's there's the house all the flower beds around the fireplace area by the back shade porch and then the whole brick area the flower bed under the golden rain tree the butterfly garden that's all included in yesterday's zone we stopped right here i weeded around the boxwoods so today's zone involves the hartley greenhouse isn't that just the most glorious thing oh i love it i mean we still have so much to do around it in fact that will make this zone go a lot quicker because when the gazebo was here of course we had flower beds surrounding the whole thing so there was a lot more maintenance now we just are kind of waiting on hvac at this point and i know that's not the point of this video but that's all we're waiting on we're going to get the ducting done inside as soon as they can do that and then we can get the floor installed so even if the water and the electric comes later at least we'll be able to have it set up enough to put stuff in there and start kind of developing the outside anyway today's zone starts right here opening to versailles on this side of the box woods and goes all the way around underneath the willow tree around the back side of the hartley let's just pop back here all these flower bed areas and the back side of the chicken coop and then it wraps around the front side of the chicken coop so let's run over here and i'll show you what we're going to be doing i actually don't think there's a ton to do around the statue area that's what we call this area because of so usually i start right here we look for any weeds typically this area is just full of spurge but it's looking pretty clear right now pretty good we've got a rugosa rose we're going to need to maybe do a little deadheading we're going to cut this privet out see that that tall thing this is a leftover from the privet hedges that were here so we'll cut that out typically there's a ton of bindweed in this area just cruising up all the plants eventually choking them you can see the bindweed on the privet actually it's quite nice that it's climbing up this plant as opposed to everything else we'll just pull as much of that out as we can i usually look for any cobwebs and just brush those off doesn't look like much needed i mean the salvia i could clean up the salvia i don't think it's worth spending a bunch of time though just getting a little spent blooms out there's some really pretty colors still on it uh the hawthorne's looking amazing look at all those hawthorne berries they're so pretty it's interesting so this part no berries this part loaded i'm not really sure why and really not a lot's gone on in this area i mean we did a maintenance video where i took after this willow tree and this area's going to see a huge change in fact this whole spaces this whole garden will leave quite a bit of grass up here i want the view up to the hartley to be pretty unmarred i want to be able to see the hartley without it being shrouded by anything but the surrounding area i really wanted to retool all the flower beds we'll incorporate this grass that we have a heck of a time keeping nice for some reason it might be due to the willow actually the willow might be just robbing the moisture from the grass here anyway i thought about reshaping this whole flower bed incorporating it in somehow we even thought of putting like a little pond in right here which would be pretty but maybe a nightmare with all of the refuse that comes off of this tree i don't know there is a rose in here well deadhead we'll just look for weeds in the rest of this area it's pretty clear underneath i noticed there's just a handful just a few tiny little weeds in here this flower bed will need more work so the front side of it doesn't look too bad not too bad there's no no weeds i mean there's some roses we'll go in and deadhead the irises even though they have burnt tips i usually just leave them for the structure until the end of the season and that's when we cut them back uh let's see nothing nothing else oh this blue chiffon hibiscus i showed this recently in a video about chlorosis because it was severely damaged you can see the whole thing looked like this right here but we treated it in that video and you can already see a remarkable difference i mean this plant looks so much happier and of course the caryopteris right beyond it is just gorgeous we've got a pink bud leah right there is that microchip pink is that the right name i don't know it's really quite a pretty area not as pretty on the other side we've got some things to address in this side of course having dead grass doesn't make anything look awesome but the sprinklers over here are capped because when we installed the hartley we just yeah we couldn't have the sprinklers going but it does look like there is drip in this flower bed it looks like that sedum is either having a too much drip problem or it could have had maybe too much fertilizer maybe i got fertilizer on accident anyway i'll cut that back we'll clean up this sedum right here that's flopped i am going to pull this karyopterus it was just shrouded but i think it's i think it's a beyond midnight i'm gonna take a look at it this looks really great but i don't know what's going on with the rest i think it was really um what is it choked choked is the right word it was choked out by all of the red valerian and stuff that's in this bed there's a lily i'll kind of clean that up poet's wife roses looks like they could use a tiny bit of chelated iron i'll probably do that um you know i'm not really going to spend a ton of time like i'm going to weed this whole section here but i'm not going to trim any of this off of this walkway or anything because all of this is going to change as well spurge see how it looks kind of pink on the ground that's a weed look at all that spurge we'll take care of that and in this bed i've got some beans coming up that seeded themselves from last year uh there's just some minor deadheading in here of the roses we'll do some chelated iron in here as well they are looking far better than they did earlier though before they all looked severely yellow a whole bunch of spurge down in here we'll pull not a whole lot going on here either so um when the concrete truck had to come around this way we pulled up all these bricks but i think we're going to continue the bricks on and we're going to connect these two flower beds so this little in road with the pergola pad that you know pergola used to be there will be gone this is going to be completely different in a while we'll groom up the ladies mantel looks a little bit scorched and then in this area don't need to do a whole lot it's just very full i mean there are things i could cut back but it's pretty late in the season now like the white ones veronica i never cut that back and it would have stayed much more in check and not flopped over had i done that when we go down this way i'm going to clean up the lambs here so i'll deadhead that everything looks good though i'll clean up the borage here just a little bit it was earlier going way out into the walkway the brunera it's really not worth cleaning up or spending any time grooming because it's in full sun and it doesn't like full sun it wasn't full shade when i planted it here um so we are going to be moving that so i'll probably cut it back and move it later on this fall boy i got to figure out something to do with this weeping cherry tree i think i need to trim that upward growth it is just becoming a monster we'll trim some of the rose that's kind of coming down the zephyrine rose they just grow like crazy it's kind of magical back here with all the sunflowers this has just become very thick and wonderful i love it veronica we can clean up a bit need to deadhead these lady gardener roses and not a whole lot needs to be done here probably do a little bit of rose dead heading and that's pretty much it take a look around this side yeah this side looks awesome the poor little lime hydrangeas though this torch-like coleus is just going for it and kind of covering those hydrangeas up i might try to unearth those a bit because there's one in here look at that oh and that looks so pretty doesn't it look at all those beautiful layers all right let's get it done [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] all right i got it all done so it took me a little bit longer today just because i decided to do some cut back uh a borage and i'll show you everything that i cut back and that's typically not what we're looking for in our zone usually it's just the little stuff but let's walk back through and i'll show you what i did you already saw what i did but we'll look at it together there was one weed in front of the hartley i did pull that alrighty i did a little bit of deadheading here i didn't go through the whole thing just because it's not super apparent like you don't notice right away and i do like some of them to form hips so i did leave some of them alone i got the privet cut out the bindweed there was a big bunch of bindweed back in here i got that all pulled right here there wasn't much that needed to be done except for i did groom up the irises a little bit they had some dead leaves i groomed up some dead branches on this tiny wine there was some tree suckers back here i cut back i ended up not deadheading these because i want those to form hips too i cleaned up a little pile of debris here i deadheaded the jubilee celebration rose right there nothing else really needed it in this bed which is really nice she's so pretty isn't she all right moving this way it's still rough but much better so cleaned up the sedum all of the spent these are candy crush hibiscus right here cleaned up all the spent blooms from those i cleaned up that lily which in turn kind of made it look a little bit weak but it looks better than a whole bunch of dead leaves at the base i cut back and pulled most of this caryopteris this whole stem looks really healthy though so i kind of propped it up with another stick i don't know we'll see what happens maybe it'll be just fine i kind of cleaned up the rest of this area right in here i had to clip a couple of little branches off the blue spruce that had been choked out by other plants earlier this season and then i cleaned up this whole road doesn't look so much better i ended up going and getting the winged weeder because it is so dry right here and spurge is so close to the ground i couldn't get my fingers underneath it to pull it so i just decided to go over the area with the winged waiter i did hand pull the big stuff but it looks better look at all these drip tubes so these are all feeding areas they're they all originate over here by the hose but we are going to be digging a hole for a drain for the hartley and um and then we'll be rerouting all of the drip once we pull up this area and re-tool it anyway for the time being we'll just have tubes on top of the ground no big deal do you guys remember when i dug these hearty geraniums from the front garden and brought them over here aren't they amazing and of course if you ever have hollyhocks in your garden you will never be rid of hollyhocks in your garden i had no idea one of those snuck in with one of the geraniums i didn't see it it must have either been the seed or a tiny little seedling inside one of these you know groupings of perennials anyway it's kind of beautiful texture i'm going to leave it i like hollyhocks i did clean up a few spent leaves along the base of these iris i deadheaded the roses right here and when i was looking in here i realized that this this is a big cis plum and it had suckered all over this area i did not know that that tree did that so beware it's a pretty tree it's got a pretty color but it does like to sucker at least in my garden gosh isn't this so pretty this view right here the autumn beauty sunflowers back there and then the cariapurus is loaded with honeybees do you see that movement around that plant it's amazing flashpoint no fofias had a little bit of a hard time in our huge rainstorm we had but starting to bloom again it's exciting i deadheaded these roses and benjamin helped me out a little bit i didn't really need to do anything here the cat's pajamas nepeta we cut back earlier earlier this season this is its second flush of bloom daisy may sunflowers not really reflushing that grate right now maybe we'll give them a little bit more time and typically i cut them back a little bit harder than this we were trying out kind of a different method so i think we'll take them back harder next year they're typically an amazing performer drumstick alliums i like to leave them even though the blooms are spent because i like that dry seed pod look we've got some hibiscus are those not evening rose gah i can't remember we planted them in a video there's a penicidum hardy penicidum and then this is a it's a gold karyopterus it's about ready to bloom but i like the bright leaf color coming this direction you can see what i ended up with out of today's zone typically a zone per week is a little less or maybe one full pop-up bag today since i decided to do more i have these are all like big branches so i can pick them up all at once i ended up with a little bit more than one bag so that was yeah that was the work for today i cleaned up the ladies mantel it looks a lot better not perfect but a lot better i didn't have to do a single thing in this whole bed now i do have baptisia i am noticing i'm going to have to get some chelated iron in here because they're not supposed to be yellow like this they're supposed to look more like that right in here your seed pods are awesome evening rose hibiscus right back there and we've got a crab apple here i did clean up the lambs ear a bit deadheaded it kind of cleaned up this little area right here i did pull a couple of weeds in here and cut back a fox glove nothing major but this right here i cleaned this whole area out it was completely shrouded i cut all of the weird top growth off this tree it could probably use a little bit more shaping but i'm going to wait until i can see the structure of it when it doesn't have leaves on it but there were some boards that seated itself all over in here and it just was taking over so i cut all of that out and kind of cleaned up this area i pulled a couple of grasses that were pretty much gone i don't know what had happened to those but this whole area i'm going to be digging and moving a lot of this stuff anyway so no big deal cut a couple of branches off this wine craft black smoke bush that we're just like woo they were huge oh it's so pretty though look at all of this texture i cut back the veronica's here i ate a couple of peaches they are ripening and yummy i deadheaded the lady gardener roses right here also i wanted to show you the albrighto coleus now i had a ton of other things in these pots totally unnecessary when you're planting alternanthera which is this purpley one and a colorblaze coleus of any kind that's all you need it's beautiful i could have trimmed it back and kept it pinched in order for everything else to be able to kind of shine but i just enjoy this coleus so much there is a surefire rose begonia in here it's like hello i am here blooming you can see it on this side too and then coming around the front of the chicken coop i only deadheaded branches that didn't have any buds on them these are the peachy cream peachy cream and they're just like a landscape shrub rose and really deadheading is not required so you can just leave everything on there they just continue to bloom there is a couple of volunteer sunflowers in this bed and it looks like and i just noticed the zephyrine might start blooming here again pretty quick i did uh prune the zephyrine a little bit and the one around the back side so i did crawl into the flower bed on the back side and cut that one back but i'm not gonna do this one until later the one that's planted right here and then i freed the the hydrangeas a little bit that's plenty of airflow to get them through the rest of the season keep them nice and happy and they are beautiful aren't they this whole bed is beautiful my favorite and now we're back behind the chicken coop um so you can see the fountain needs some major attention we have a part coming for our power washer we're going to power wash this fountain and the one that's not running right over there as soon as we get that part because they're kind of beyond a scrub with a brush sort of job and that is it for wednesday's zone it felt really good to work through this bed for some reason from week to week things are things are different and i feel differently about every single zone at different parts of the year that there's a lot of really pretty stuff at this point of the season in this area and it kind of makes you think like you know tomorrow's on we're going to tackle the area back in here and i think i actually might do tomorrows and fridays together because friday zone involves a lot of the front of the house we don't have flower beds up there so that zone will be really really quick to do anyway i can see which areas i'm lacking like late summer interest and it's like that like in the early spring i'll have one one area like up by the kitchen is phenomenal in the spring but back here not so good so you know we're just kind of working on flower beds as we go and just adding things as we see little holes or a need for something and that's just how our gardens evolve and it's a really fun process anyway thank you guys for watching today's video i really hope you enjoyed it and i hope you're having a great day we'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 197,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: JYT3ziR4kqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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