Empowered in Your Purpose - Christ In You Vol. 2

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers [Music] [Applause] [Music] dad has plans for this generation that we're in right now its mandate is for us to represent him to the world he plans for you as a citizen of the kingdom of God to take that kingdom culture to wherever you are your workplace wherever you are and so forth and so on now the idea about living in the kingdom is now this is important it's being ruled by the Word of God in our hearts instead of being ruled by something being enforced by an external system because we are internally ruled Christ in you it's that God really works with us so that we can properly represent him and keep us in a world that perhaps is against us this is a world that perhaps doesn't understand you or or whatever have you but these he is now giving us the privilege of going into the world and representing him we could recall that ambassadorship so you and I are ambassadors say I am an ambassador now he for sure knows that you're going into a place where he says you go like lambs among wolves that there be some people in there and some devices and some trap set up and so forth but God's got you back as we talked about last time we talked about this anointing and what is the anointing and we talked about it in terms of its ability it is God's burden removing yoke destroying power we found that out in the prophetic word that was giving about given about the coming of Christ in Isaiah chapter 10 and verse 27 he talked about and it shall come to pass in that day that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder and his yoke from off thy neck and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing now the anointing is the most powerful force in the universe now when you think of rust Russ I'm talking about you leave something out in there whether and it gets rusty alright sometimes that parts can get rusty and they can get so rusty until they start to corrode and even start to disintegrate now when when that happens now they're not fit to be used in you if you're gonna build them back again you're gonna have to put new parts in there because that rust is so damaging until you can't put that rust back it's done it oxidizes it some of the parts rust so bad - you wonder what happened to the part that's a picture of the anointing it says over in 1st John chapter 3 and verse 8 he said he that committeth sin is of the devil for the devil sinneth from the beginning for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil now let's look at that same verse in the amplified translation he said but he who commits sin who practices evil doings is of the devil takes his character from the evil one for the devil has sinned violated divine law from the beginning the reason the Son of God was manifested visible was to undo destroy loosen and dissolve the work the devil has done see dissolve means he can make it such that it can't come back on you see if he releases you from sickness that can't come back he has dissolved it see and this is what Jesus did but notice it says his purpose see he had he knew his purpose for being here and he was empowered to do what his purpose was to be done here in this earth if you look at Luke's Gospel Luke chapter four and started verse 17 and there was delivered unto him a book of the prophet Isaiah so Isaiah when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written as the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captured recovery of sight to the blind and to set at liberty them that are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord and he closed the book gave it again to the minister and he sat down and the eyes of all them that when the synagogue were fastened on him and he began to say this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears so notice he now knew what his purpose was found himself in the book and then he began to proclaim that this was the one that this book was written about that I'm here now and I'm anointed to preach see you just can't get up and preach you got to be anointed to preach now notice you just can't do whatever you do whatever you do what company you work with whatever you do you were not meant to work without that anointing because that anointing was gonna do something to distinguish you and make it so that you become a witness to people who around you that they want to know what you got you sell them what's in me can be in you all you have to do is join the kingdom praise God now this what's in you you didn't choose you but God chose you now he said so over in John chapter 15 verse 16 but you've not chosen me but I've chosen you and ordained you that you go forth and bring forth what fruit say you're to produce something here in this world he said in Ephesians and chapter 1 verses 3 and 4 he says this blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all what kind of blessing spiritual blessings we're in heavenly places we're in Christ now Christ is not Jesus's last name Christ means The Anointed One and his anointing alright according as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world now I know you're in here today but when were you chosen before the foundation of the world when do you think God made provision for you for the foundation of the world before man was created on the sixth day in the earth did God not make the trees make the lands make the waterways make the animals everything man would need as provision God made before man God and everything you would need in your life God made before he even chose you he didn't choose you three years ago he chose you before the foundation of the world can you say amen to that now in choosing you the tendency is to think that you gotta be somebody special now here's a thing that I caught one time that when God chose you he didn't choose you because of who you are he chose you because who you were to become say Amen cuz when he chose you you might have been in jail when he chose you you might have been I'll tear smoking reefer you chose you you might now I can go through a lot of things but I want you to know that he chose you he knew that you were going to come through a situation or through a sinner through an incarceration come on married five times he knew that but he chose you anyway and the thing about God he won't go back on his choice him see his through his choosing is forever he is his gifts and his callings are without repentance he won't draw them back say amen to that now you know I was just kind of looking up some of these people that he chose and I just seeing that he was choosing people like Esther for example and he'll Vanessa chapter 2 over in Esther chapter 2 it even talks and describes and he brought up Hadassah that is Esther that was her name in the Jewish and his uncle's daughter for she had neither father nor mother and the maid was fair and beautiful who Mordecai when when her father and mother were dead took for his own daughter now this was what I would call often I'm saying he chose this woman who wasn't often who in fact was used to save an entire race am i right about it look how he chose Moses go over to Exodus and Moses said this said the Lord o my lord I'm not eloquent neither here the for North since thou has spoken unto thy servant but I am slow of speech in other words I could I could I can't talk God said wait a minute who made your mouth I'm just sayin what's your excuse for what God wants you to do and many times we try to back up on God but who God calls for you he ordains and he empowers you to do whatever he's called you to do say amen to that look at Gideon Gideon admitted that he was a stupidest one in the tribe look at the woman who was after well in John chapter 4 and here she was she wanted to draw some water well the disciples were then jesus said nada wanted his disciples to ruin this thing he said almost send him over get some food why don't y'all go in the city and get some food for now I just say bother well they went and got the food here comes a woman that - well he comes to draw water jesus said why don't you give me to drink well he was a Jew she was American and she said well no it and the Jews are not really caught drinking water at the same place with a Samaritan you know a low person like I am Jesus said well if you knew who was talking to you you'd ask him and he'd give you some living water pray it's God so what happened what she's the best round kept talking to him and all of a sudden he started to be revealed and she said this you must be a prophet and she said okay go call your husband and come here she said well I don't have a husband he said you're right you don't have a husband and and you've been married five times and the one you shacking up with right now he ain't your husband she said you must be a prophet well what happened he then reveals himself to her she then went into the city witnessed a bunch of men and they all came out to see him now what did he do he took a woman who had been married five times and made a powerful evangelist out of her I'm telling you you didn't choose him he chose you not because of what you are but what you can become so I'm saying for you right now why don't you get used to the fact that God chooses foolish saying first Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 24 but unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God because the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men for you see your calling brethren that not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty and the base things of the world and the things which are despised has God chosen yay the things which are not to bring to nought things that are but that no flesh can what glory in his presence he does not want you to get one ounce of credit for what he does say amen to that so I'm saying to you as I look over this audience I don't know what you might be using as an excuse for not following the leading of the Lord and doing certain things but right now let me tell you all your excuses are going away say amen to that God is a God who is going to be your help now over in Zechariah chapter four he talks about the fact that he is the one that makes it happen the anointing is the thing that makes it happen Zechariah chapter 4 starting at verse 6 then he shouldn't spake unto me saying this is the word of the Lord to the roof about saying not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord of Hosts what is saying is not by human effort or not by army but God is going to give it to you by his strengths amen now with that it takes a load off of you and me and that's what we want to do we want to make sure that we're not trying to get the credit for ourselves because we don't need the credit give God all the credit now in Genesis chapter 12 look at that in verse 1 now the Lord has said to Abram get thee out of that country from that kindred and from that father's house into a land that I will show you and I will make of you a great nation I'm gonna bless you and make your name great and you'll be a blessing now let's stop right there let's do that in the amplified just see if we get another degree of clarity and I'll make of you a great nation I will bless you with abundant increase of favors a favor and make your name famous and distinguished a famous and distinguished and you will be a what you will be a blessing now God plans for you to be famous he plans for you to be distinguished so somewhere down the line you should be famous for what you do I didn't get many amens on that now God knows that he's placing you in a world and God deliberately places the righteous among the wicked now though be timid or afraid because he says over in Psalm chapter 105 he says this about you touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm so God is not going to let them touch you that you will be there but you are in a season of the latter rain you're in a season where the book that Jesus closed has just been reopened and now God is about to use you to bring Kingdom culture to a world that was in darkness now the enemy knows what you're loaded with you are loaded with Christ the most powerful force in the universe that's what you're loaded with now this is the same power that resting on Jesus but Jesus had a little bit different mission than you have to enough you were to take the kingdom to the world but you're his was limited in what he was to do in Acts chapter 10 verse 38 how God anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and power who went about doing good and healing what oh that were oppressed of the devil that was the limit of his now yet I'm gonna do this real quick but just look at what happened in Acts chapter 13 when this man who was a sorcerer tried to keep Paul from witnessing to a government official acts after 13 and verse 6 please and when they had gone through the isle and Ephesus they found a certain sorcerer a false prophet a Jew whose name was bar Jesus which was with the deputy of the county or country Sergius Paulus a prudent man who called for Barnabas and Saul and desired to hear the word of God but Elemis the sorcerer for so he was named by interpretation which stood them resist him seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith then saul who also is called paul fill with the holy ghost set his eyes on MCD they put it in this so because they don't want you to think he did that out of the flesh this is the ministry of the holy ghost and he put his eyes on him and said o full of all suddenly and all mischief you child of the devil thou enemy of all righteousness will you not cease of a verse the right ways of the Lord and now behold the hand of the Lord is upon you now he's speaking by the spirit and thou shall be blind now wait a minute I thought Jesus went about healing all that were oppressed of the devil whoa something's happened here why because he did Jesus did his part and close the book but now the book has been opened by the Holy Ghost and there's another part to execute vengeance upon all the people of the enemies of God and I'm telling you now if anybody's standing in your way there's a new sheriff in town and I'm telling you it's a new day so he said and now behold the hand of Lords with you now shall be blind not seeing the Sun for a season and immediately that fell on him a mist and a darkness closer to God and he went about seeking someone to lead him by the head I'm telling you you go be much you're gonna be much too much for witchcraft to deal with I'm saying if they try to curse you look what's gonna happen to them look at Genesis chapter 12 and verse 3 this is what will happen to them if they try to curse you he said this I will bless them that bless you come on come on read it I'm not saying you going around cursing people but I'm telling you don't nobody get in your way now because we turn in the corner we're getting into a new chapter of the book and the book says to execute vengeance upon all that oppress this is your season this is the time that anything trying to come against you and stop you from reaching your destiny that beautiful fulfilling your purpose then erasing you and your family is gonna have to pay [Music] [Applause] now I'm telling you that our people in here and you should be famous by now you should have built buildings by now you should have been at the top of your game by now and you thought it was just coincidental that they didn't pick you that you didn't go I'm gonna tell you as an apostle of God that that was not the case there have been spiritual forces said to hold you back but the time [Music] Christ his death and resurrection did more than simply guaranteed your entrance into heaven there's so much more here on earth you have access to because of the anointing deposited within you Christ in his anointing breaks yokes lifts burdens and clears the way for you to win in life it's time to discover how to access and release this power source the anointing is the key that brings to pass the promises of God right now call us now at 879 t-- 327 or go online to bill Winston org to get your copy of Christ in you vol 2 in this four-part series dr. Winston masterfully breaks down the anointing within you as only he can dr. Winston uses the scriptures to explain what the anointing is and exactly how this god-given power works consider this four-part series a spiritual boot camp you'll emerge from this time in the word truly understanding the anointing and how to activate it for your benefit these lessons are available on DVD mp4 CD or mp3 maybe you want to upsize your understanding of the true power you have as God's child and the power within you bundle is just for you not only will you receive the four-part Christ in you vol 2 series you will also get a copy of dr. Winston's mini book the missing link of meditation the art of biblical meditation is the process that shifts your thinking and creates permanent change in your life if you have not seen what the Bible promises come to pass this book provides the missing link to make your every dream become a reality you have all you need to succeed locked up inside of you don't wait one more day to unleash the power within hello bill Winston here now I trusted you've been blessed by the day's message I'd like to take a moment to share a couple of testimonies with you that they have come from our prayer call center we have a call center that set up to pray with people who would call in now we've created this Center for you the partners viewers those would call in need prayer for any matter it doesn't make any difference we want to pray with you stand and agree with you whatever we need to believe God for you for the thing that you need God to do in your life here is a testimony that was given to me this came in from Florida this particular person had a family member that was in a coma they had been in coma for two weeks and that this family member was the family was being challenged as to whether to take the person off a life support or just leave them on well this one person decided to call the prayer Center here at billets and ministries and that permit is to pray with them and believe God for that person's deliverance or that person to come out of that coma well shortly after the family called this person and reported that the sister the dear sister that was in a coma opened her eyes and woke up and it asked for a drink of water now they asked what time that this sister called the person what time did they pray for this dear sister in the hospital they prayed at 11:16 a.m. in the morning and that is the exact time the sister woke up from a coma that she had been in for two weeks it's God let me give you another one this tech of testimony comes from Illinois this particular person called for prayer for their godmother now she had stage four cancer and was going to have surgery now after they received received prayer from the prayer call center the doctor started the surgery but could not any longer find cancer in this verses body now these are actual testimonies that have been coming in so I'm just saying here that if you need prayer if you need somebody to agree with you we've got people that know how to get old of God I'm totally you see God's plan is that we all be healed God's plan that we all be delivered God's plan that we all have enough abundance or whatever have you so if you're going through something that isn't God's planned in other words there's something in your situation there that you know is not God's will for your life call that press enter they're standing by these folks know how to pray and as you pray with them and they agree with you we gonna believe God that every if your life is gonna be back well remember we're here for you the prayer call center is available we love you this is bill Winston saying keep walking by faith doctors bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you we know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life contact us by phone at 187 seven five four three nine four four three or submit your prayer request online at billwinston.org /prayer follow us on periscope and facebook to join us for our regular live prayer sessions we want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call-center possible together we are transforming lives throughout the world if you are not a partner we encourage you to pray about joining us and partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you [Music]
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 71,614
Rating: 4.8726444 out of 5
Keywords: BW, 1519, 3A, Bill Winston, Bill Winston Faith, Bill Winston Ministries, Christ in You, Believer's Walk of Faith
Id: z5AapoIE_n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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