EmpiresSMP: Barn Raising, Pranks and Plans! -Episode 5

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hello everyone my name is pearlescent moon and welcome back to another episode of empire's snp where the chaos never stopped coming it's taken me this long to realize that i'm pretty sure i didn't dye all my sheep red and that there is an influx of blood sheep at sausage's base that's just a little bit suspicious honestly there has been quite a few things i have noticed that have happened since i was last on the server and it's kind of insane how many like little things there are to find around the place first off you can see right behind me while second off counting the sheep you can see right behind me we have some flowers and i want to go have a look there's a little sign blossoms blessings hello what have we got here just to press some pretty flowers place down well this can only be from one kingdom the blossom kingdom from catherine this is lovely i'm definitely i'm gonna leave this here you know what i was i was gonna say we have all sorts of weird things sprouting but this is also another thing that seems to have changed does this look bigger or is that just me um okay so we have gross all over the place we we have a giant beanstalk looking thing growing out of the ground getting bigger with each episode i know we got some flowers on my roof i am okay with this not only has catherine left us a flower blessing on top of the roof but she's also given us a little sheep plushy and it's adorable i love it i did trade about two stacks of leather to catherine for a little bit of drip stone and it looks like she wanted to give us a little bit of extra stuff in return and it's it's brilliant thank you so much catherine for the present i am leaving that shape there it's adorable let's go have a look at this stalk i need to go look at this thing up close because it it honestly is getting bigger and bigger with every episode and it's a little bit concerning like sausage took a chunk out of it in the last episode to do like a summoning ritual thing and it's it hasn't been affected by that at all it's decided to just grow twice its size hmm i guess we'll see where this develops i still don't want to chop it down i think it looks gorgeous but um okay i don't know what else to do with it i'm just gonna leave it there and there is one more little present that i've noticed in the base here there's little things everywhere uh took some honeycomb have some gunpowder okay i'm fine with that i have so much honeycomb in this place it's ridiculous my bees are overproducing in the honeycomb and i'm i'm basically over full every time i log on it's basically overflowing so this is perfectly fine well thank you so much for the gunpowder flip with all of the new little changes acknowledged i actually want to get straight away kick-started into my next project on empires because i want to get some building done i really want to put my sheep and my cows and my horses and stuff into a huge barn i mentioned this in the last episode that i really wanted to do it and you know what i am hyped to start it and i also want to get that villager off the hill he's kind of been chilling there for the last two three weeks now so i kind of want to get him moved and inside and get some villager breeding going get these pharma dudes happening so how about we just kick into the first timelapse of the episode guys and uh see where we go from there i'm so excited to show you the barn i have in mind it's gonna be great [Music] [Music] welcome on back everyone we have a mostly completed band to show you guys and you know what i'm actually pretty excited for this i didn't plan for some of these details such as these silos on the left hand side that was kind of a late or at last minute addition that i decided to do because i'm like you know what there's a bit of a space there hello i'm just gonna hug the sugar cane for a second because it's a bit of a space there and i kind of wanted to fill it so we've got some beautiful silos coming in on the left of the barn and the barn itself right here is almost like a it's a bit of a two-story kind of building it's honestly the biggest building that i have in my empire so far i honestly don't know what to think about that yet but um i'm honestly really quite happy with it i did also down the line decided to add these kind of like contrasty white decorations on both the bottom floor and the top floor just to kind of merge in with the style of the other buildings with that little white accent in there because it just looked a little bit generic with all of the spruce wood and it was kind of overwhelming a little bit so i did add that little flash of white and i think it adds a nice contrast to the building itself now walking out inside obviously there's not really much done here that's where the almost finished barn thing comes into play this is actually something that i do want to do in the next episode because the barn itself already took me quite a long time to build and i thought it could be fun if we build this together for the next one so at the moment i've kind of just chucked my animals in here i've got my llamas my horses i have my villager that i also brought over and i actually had another zombie dude spawn at one point so i've decided to just chuck him in there with my villager he's already turned him into a zombified villager which means i can cure them and get some discounted traits when i heal them up again so that's really cool so they're all there and ready for when i want to set up my little farmer trading section in terms of where i'm going to put them i was thinking of having a bit of a second level to this balance of course like i said it's got the two stories so i wouldn't mind doing like a balcony going all the way around and all the way around there we're going to have the farmer villages chilling so that you can get your golden carrots at any point of course the right we've got our little piggies we have the blood sheep and we have some cows which they appear to have found a leader in block form i don't know how that got there but yet again it's another surprise in my empire that i'm honestly fine with let's take one little fly around as well just to give you guys a bit more of a view of it because it's a bit hard to see from the ground but there's the building there it's quite large it's got this lovely curved roof over the top of it with a couple of little like dormers coming off the side of it just to give it some more air to it and it has a few little black stone or d sorry deep slate accents as well on the roof that's pretty much all there is to it but i've also decided to add of course this path that winds around goes into the building itself and also comes down here because i want to add some extra buildings down here later on at some point don't know what they would be maybe some residential houses or something but it could look really cool as well so i'm pretty happy with how this barn has turned out and the silos with a little bit of mushroom fungi growth on the sides as well because it's a very green very plant-like empire that i've got going on with the barn out of the way i've also noticed a bit of an extra present that has popped up in the time that i have been building a gift from the grim land so this one's from flip and he's gonna left us two stacks of tnt because he's very known for his tnt usage on the server i don't know what i would possibly use these for maybe for some ancient debris mining or something like that but uh i think he flipped very much for the little gifts that was super super random we might have to return the favor at some point down the line with that being said you might have noticed me walking past this little thing every now and then and it's just suddenly popped up out of nowhere now a few things did happen while i was building the barn and you know what instead of just explaining it i've actually recorded them and i've got them as clips so how about we just play those right now and i'll get you guys caught up with what happened during the building of my barn i can't reach this tree why is it so tall fine lights and actions what is she laughing about this is crazy you know i can hear you guys all right you know i can hear a voice happening over there right oversight on our part yeah you might need to whisper a bit more quietly do you want to try that again pal of course you get it coming we got you what's your version of the handshake right hold on i gotta hand shake your back there we go hello what brings two lovely visitors to my kingdom well this is the the uh you listen i got a house blossom blessing on my roof i did too you did too i did too yeah so why didn't i get one hang on you didn't get one what i felt really left you haven't you haven't been blessed by the house blossom no they'll pick up myself you bless me i don't think unless i missed it i don't think she was like how did you miss it well those chickens you had chickens baby well i did i was pranked with chickens but i didn't get any flowers oh you pranked with chickens i wasn't pregnant with chickens let's see why was i pranked with chickens wow we got flowers you got chickens that looks like a disgraceful thing you can make oh what's that oh pumpkin seeds oh thank you oh yeah that's something i don't have for some reason uh the glowing sack as well and more pumpkin pieces how many pumpkin seeds do you guys have what's oh look at that i got achievement for it too hi cutie he's gonna stay somewhere can find yes you have blood sheep oh that's so nice i do have blood sheep was this from a certain sound body no no no no no they're they're just kind of like lingering around they're going at every empire i see something's been happening i don't know okay you know what i don't even know when it happened i swear i've noticed red sheep before but i didn't notice that all of them were red so i don't know when it happened they're all red i don't know if it happens three weeks ago if it happened two days ago i don't even know anymore oh no oh no no um that took 20 minutes um i know i did this one well you did like five minutes of that one well sorry pearl you've been very protected oh he's crushing your crops as well oh yep okay well this is um thank you guys for unleashing something on my my base that is breaking everything um sorry maybe we've done a fantastic joy huh yeah yeah beautiful allies breaking havoc on my kingdom yeah we're gonna you know we're gonna leave a guy no i like friends you don't have to leave it's okay do you want to help me like break some trees um well how about this how about this if you're not busy right now i was about to give a blessing to house of blossom take a nap take a nap listen um uh do you want to put um uh our three brains together go to house blossom right now and unleash the same thing that we just gave you in her base but a thousand times yeah yeah yeah thousand times what is the thousand times we just are we just going to plant a whole bunch of flowers oh oh you mean the golem oh okay uh-huh um yeah i'm down for that you got some pumpkins all right not seeds um i can't make a golem with seeds oh pumpkins are a limiting factory but we have lots of iron oh okay well let's do it if she has pumpkins we can use those too okay all right well let's see let's go make some having let's do it let me empty part of my inventory okay they're on their way oh look at the pretty flowery colors look at these guys exactly now if we make more she'll have more of these to protect her are they just going to be like regular golems though do you have to rename them i don't know i mean [Music] okay let's let's make some more flower golems isn't this is going to be you're going to love this oh man she's going to be well protected now she'll love it it'll be perfect they're so pretty you guys have special columns not yet not yet i'm gonna get something special soon i'm getting something special constructed as we speak i'll show you when it comes though fancy i'm making weapons what you're gonna say i'm making a waffle i'm making waffles too and and i'm gonna pass by the swamp is catherine in our annoyance she's in everybody's alliance so technically you know this is fine technically yes there we go oh perfect you guys want to see something one of my ravens told me there's a secret thing behind this throne behind this third okay yep i got ravens everywhere come with me we're in a secret spot i feel like i'm infiltrating where we shouldn't be oh wow oh my god technically right yeah well as we can go down to the secret room what is all this diamonds oh there's like every ore under the sun down down here so nice this is such a secret spot i can't believe we found it it's a crown in the middle oh fancy cramp she needs protection down here so i'm happy to give some iron golems down he's perfect it's beautiful though i love it oh boy we've really done a good job yeah yeah we have oh geez okay just nothing columns right here no no zombies are going to work she's got afk here and she i haven't even noticed this room oh my goodness oh look this is nice and cozy why is there more iron boxes i'm lost what beautiful room i'm lost we're over here or downstairs sausage i've been here no look that's my banner i've been here before this is nice oh we need all the other bandits wait jim what's your banner do you have a banner yeah yeah but i don't have it on me it's this oh oh pretty much look at that that's beautiful i love it apparel later on i got to show you the banner i made you okay later on i want to see some stuff ah yes i'm building a giant barn at the moment it's gonna take me a while oh that's gonna take forever you wanna see your better now we could after our little prank on catherine i did decide to go back to my base where we'll get organized to then meet up with sausage a little bit later but before we met up with sausage we did say hello to joey who wanted to do a little bit of trading okay we need to get some leather for joey because joey would like a little bit of leather and we're gonna go trade that with him so let me just grab a stack of leather and this should be plenty for him that's it got a catherine little gift oh hello i hear a voice hello i'm here hey i see fancy wings oh oh my gosh look at the oh they're shiny too oh they're beautiful yeah they're enchanted i actually wish they weren't shiny but it's okay you actually wish they weren't oh no true because you once you put enchants on them they're just endlessly shiny yeah anyway how's it going joey i haven't talked to you before in here first time i know looking fancy i love your outfit thank you i love yours oh thank you love the nature yes i am very much farmer lady at the moment [Laughter] oh wait i'm one short one let me just grab one thank you it's very green uh let me just get you that full set cause you wanted a stack of leather right let's do a trade-off these cows they're having a fun time in there this isn't this isn't cruel at all no they like it they love it they're bouncing up and down they're happy they're cuddling exactly yeah cuddling but they suffocate cuddle cow party all right okay so i got a stack of leather for you okay i got a bunch of jungle logs for you ooh sweet oh as i just take them right back wait here he's the leather oh fantastic thank you this is going to go really well for my kingdom going to build it up fantastic amazing thank you do you have any paper oh yes you want paper too come right this way sir right a little secret passage sort of sort of whoa what is this this is um beehives it's like a little subtle oak wood texture and it's uh kind of an in-between that is so cool i've never seen that before in my life really oh you should try it sometimes yeah they're lovely i love building with them so come down yes my sugarcane farm it's a little bit boring down here it's not quite as fancy but feel free to grab something in these chests if you like we could do a three for three if you like gosh sure thank you thank you thank you no worries at all oh my god well i know where to come next time i need some sugar cane yeah go for it if you ever want to trade something in the uh in the future feel free to come back and let me know you're looking for what was it called diet not diorite but uh calcite calcite that's the one yes we can call it cow cow site for now if i ever come across any i know where to bring it perfect thank you so much i appreciate the jungle yes of course talk to you later thank you no worries joey see you later bye bye sausage hello sausage for you hi hi oh my god i was like i was looking up i was like she's gonna come any second now did you hear me yelling out for you every now and then yeah a little bit i was like i was like like that was like very very faint oh bro i love that hi are you hello guys hi well good to go yes i guess guess what i've been addicts i've been making banners i have six for you to look at and i want you to pick your favorite yes six i remember you saying you were going to do some banner patterns for me in the last episode i think yeah right yeah yeah cause you were like you were like i don't got a banner i need something and i made a banner maker shop and i created some cool stuff okay let's see them let's see i want to see you got them let me know which one of these you like the most and you can have it okay okay all right i'm looking for banner number one for your kingdom that's number one okay if you like that one you can take it i want to say them all before i make my decision is that is that allowed okay okay that's good the next one okay the next one uh-huh sugarcane sugarcane okay all right all right i'm feeling unbelievable towards that one yeah it's nice oh it's a beautiful sunrise oh i love it that's gorgeous can i pick my face through it am i am i am i the sunshine am i the sunshine sunshine your new name is sunshine oh the banner is ruining this moment there we go there it is oh god that looks freaky okay it's the the sun waves are over my head anyway let's see the next one perfect and this is probably the best one so uh a big drip leaf oh oh that's cool it kind of looks like a snake almost with like a really giant head and oh that's neat that's really cool actually oh gosh i feel like this one is going to represent me the best right but the duck is actually the best [Laughter] the face is the derpiest thing i could have come up with i know i think another thing as well i reckon with the drip leaf one is it looks gorgeous but it's also very dark when my kingdom is very like sunshine and green yeah that's the thing like i try to do with different colors but black is actually the only one that can actually not show that glow this is the glow pattern oh really backwards oh yeah yeah i see i got this one too oh okay which has a border so it gets more green into it because i didn't notice the other one had too much darkness but i got though yeah it makes it very hard doesn't it yeah these are the ones because you know it's a big drip relief that grew up but then yeah this this this look at this like i feel like i really want to go with the duck here even though i think in this case maybe i need to put something in my kingdom that is ducks what if i change the textures of a chicken to a duck oh my it would be biome related right so if they're in my room they could just be ducks a big old wait the golden okay suck yes i'm not spoiled i'm gonna say too much but golden goose okay yeah yes yes take this dog okay this is my better now this is my better now oh good oh that's amazing oh my god i'm just going to get all of these and burn them oh don't fight him can i even can i like take the drip leaf one burned oh that is that burning well i'm going to steal it thank you okay well thank you for the banner this is adorable i'm gonna have to retexture some ducks now this is gonna be great you better read texture do it right now whatever you do just do that okay i will goose it's a goose duck it's a combination it's a goose duck which is it a goose or a duck that's the new fan newfound question it's not chicken or duck now it's you so duck all right i'm gonna i've got a little building to do so i will catch you later then sausage thank you for the banana perfect you're welcome oh nice have a nice beautiful day pearl thank you you have a lovely one too okay i will show you later get out of here get out of my lane okay i'm going to go i can't fly it's fine bye bye carefully ow this banner has got to be one of the cutest things and these things i have seen and you know what i just love it so much even though my kingdom isn't massively related to but you know what maybe it will be down the line these other two banners are honestly not that bad either the sun is actually quite beautiful and would represent my kingdom just wonderfully again though couldn't resist the dirty face and then of course the drip leaf is also very nice but the black is quite a bit too dark for my kingdom so once again we had to land back at this guy it was a hard choice but i honestly love the new kingdom flag that uh sausage has made for us i think it's absolutely fantastic i would actually really love to get this thing on a shield you know get this officially uh implemented into my armor set so let me go grab a shield and we can uh stick it on and there we go fresh shield and banner applied look how gorgeous that is oh it looks fantastic i love it i love it as for the prank we pulled on catherine that was honestly super super random and out of the blue i had no idea that we're even gonna do that in the first place sausage and gem just suddenly popped off while i was uh streaming one day and they're like hey you want to do a prank on catherine and i'm like sure let's do it so i guess we did you know i was planning to do a prank myself so it kind of fills that uh that goal anyway there perfect and of course we also met up with joey in those clips i hadn't actually recorded with joe before i had barely had an interaction with joey at all even outside of empires so it's really cool to be able to have a chat with joey and get to meet him a little bit more hopefully we can record more clips in the future with joey and also gets uh shovel in on some recordings too shovel and joey are both newish members of the server they joined a few weeks ago and it's absolutely lovely to have them with us on empires now there is actually one more thing left to do in this episode guys and that is to meet up with our alliance members gem and flip i believe they have something they wanted to discuss with me and i think we should go and do that and see what's up hopefully there's no chaos that's happening in the alliance that i need to be told about we're all peaceful here right right all right let's go for a fly and uh see what they're up to yeah you like them i hear voices it's looking good oh hello she is right on time i told you we are looking the wrong way i told you you look that was great fantastic what's going on did i miss a conversation no we were just waiting yeah we were arrival jim told me to look this way because you were going to come from that way and then you came from the office yeah my face is that way who's this one here by the way is this sausage that's sausage i want to make sure he was included okay all right i guess i guess all right sausage is gonna be in my hand let's go okay perfect that's a limited edition song this way secret meeting room okay information oh is it jimmy oh this is even more secret okay no i mean it took me one go there whereas was face planting the painting for a little bit hey you know what sometimes i struggle and then it's this door this one uh-huh okay this is a bit of a maze oh okay there we go there we go hold no i feel like i should we should balance it out now there we go that's better so yeah been called here what do we got what's going on what's happening i feel like what is this is your meeting go ahead um well we got a nice little trade deal going on here pro right we got the paper for the gun powder and everything and i've heard through the through the plants and everything that you've got a little bit of a sinister side to you as well in our sinister sinister in what way huh he doesn't mean sinister i'm just skipping through my sunflowers peaceful means peaceful peaceful okay that's completely opposite to what sinister means but no this is the godfather's head and and we we we require your skill set here pearl we have the wither rose alliance i believe we've been named jem this is the meeting table of the alliance [Music] you need to grow a giant field of wither roses uh peace peace i still don't believe that from the sinister but i'll i'll believe it for now all right sinister yeah chaotic good that's that's the vote all right yep yep okay so what do you need so for me um we we need your help with a big ol building of an hq and a place where we can hide this we're trying to make a vault and we are trying to hide that away from the godfather so that he doesn't keep dipping down this road of chaos i i believe the cod are leading him astray bring it back to reality here so we need to hide the they're flopping out of the river and you need to chuck them back in yeah yeah perfect alliance like peaceful peaceful place you could do that you're like you got plants you're very peaceful yeah yeah look at my sunflowers they got peace written all over yeah you're perfect for this job you're gonna build us an awesome hq yeah yeah okay we'll work together you got it sounds good to me tomorrow done by tomorrow great cool um yeah that was a handshake right that wasn't a punch this is the handshake yeah i have to do this there's no internal fighting in this okay good job all right well that sounds good to me i really hope the deadline's not tomorrow because i've got a bomb to raise okay so uh should we maybe go look at the site that would be good actually i do need to know where to build maybe look at the site all right you know what i need to find a site first so um oh yeah yet so you're bringing me into this plan and you've got no idea where we're building you know it's just we're at stake hold on you're telling me you don't have a plan have i ever had a plan evil guy i've ever met i tell you the the other thing i was gonna bring up is uh i was attacked i was i was attacked i've been panicking sanctuary for little salmons in the in the world i did not do the attacking i i was the recipient of the attacking here i'm trying to build a sanctuary for salmon because they've been abused and destroyed everywhere in this world and they didn't have a mountain or to retreat to so i made them a mountain retreat some of them usually all the way to the mountains yeah they they go to mountains let's go from the ocean to the mountain yeah okay all right the question is true facts i am native of salmon land being absolutely you're saying there's been a crime committed against i i already threw the criminal in lava but despite that uh the salmon population which was previously hundreds of salmon is now down to five oh oh geez okay there was an actual bottle released in the salmon mountain that wait did you just did you throw an axolotl into lava no i i did throw an axolotl and yeah i don't know if i could be a part of this alliance anymore no bro he's not he's not always like this just like 90 of the time it's fine it's just fine okay well if i hear another axolotl is harmed again i'm just that that's it i'm gonna have to just walk out and then sometimes sometimes sometimes maybe just don't talk as much i'm just saying the axolotl murdered over a hundred salmon and you're worried about it it was like he was just like put into you know a room full of candy and then he was told no you can't have that candy but he really wanted that candy you know yeah i can't really blame it there to eat them all it was put there but he wasn't the one that tried to pretend he he didn't choose okay we're getting a little off topic here regardless of flip's attack we need an hq and pearl you're still in to help us with that right regardless whatever is happening at flips yeah yeah we pretend we pretend that that's fine okay i think because we don't know who did it did we flip we don't know do we know you have any information considering it's an actual level isn't there just one oh wow yeah that's certain person is the queen of the ocean right yep so the only person that's my thought the only person that knows of the location of them is sausage and lizzy so it's probably lizzy because if sausages in our alliance that would make the most sense so [Music] is this towards lizzie then is lizzy part of the cod alliance she is she is also allied the godfather so it would make sense then yeah i'm just just throwing the information out there i'm just a little worried i'm trying to repopulate my okay i think that we should not launch a counter attack i think that i think that we should lay low you know lizzy lizzy has a full army of those acolottals we need to stop our beasts before we act purely bringing information to the table we don't want to take any action quite yet that was all just to let you all know that i lost over 100 salmon and i'm saying i just kind of wonder if we like poses trying to be nice to them and then later we strike right we make them more comfortable and then suddenly exactly pearl gets sick why can't you be more like pearl oh okay you're great you're a great flip you're you're great you're wonderful um poop is fabulous right well so it's the same minnie's dress so wait so so we need that location flip you get back to us and then we can build stuff i will work on that i i'm looking for something very specific on where we can build this location and i will um i'll get back to everything all right sounds good cool meeting adjourned good meeting good meetings goodbye oh he's invisible okay oh my goodness i'll be lying if i said i wasn't a little bit worried about these dungeon plans that they have going on but you know what it sounds like a lot of fun from what i know of we basically have this cod header that we're going to be hiding at the end of a series of challenges or dungeons that someone has to get get through in order to get that ahead and i think we can create a pretty fun challenge for that so i'm in we'll have to do it but you know what that's not going to be until the next episode because i'm pretty much all out of time in this one unfortunately i'm also not going to ignore the fact that flip killed an axolotl and i'm a little bit worried but i'll let it slide for now and yes i have axolotls these guys have kind of been down here since i don't know week two or something i've just never been down here to show you guys i'm sorry and with that being said with all of the peace still around in my kingdom that is going to be the end of today's episode guys i hope you all have enjoyed the shenanigans for this week and if you did enjoy the episode please let me know in the comments below what you liked about it what you'd like to see more of and i'm looking forward to reading them thank you for watching everyone and i'll see you in the next one goodbye guys goodbye i'm gonna face plane again you ready three two one good morning goodbye [Music] you
Channel: PearlescentMoon
Views: 169,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft empires smp, empires smp, pearlescentmoon, pearlescentmoon minecraft, minecraft, minecraft 1.17 smp, minecraft prank, minecraft 1.17 empires smp, minecraft empires
Id: sjgWt1SGG4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 6sec (2046 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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