Empires SMP: Kingdom EXPANSION! - Episode 3

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hello everyone my name is pearlescent marine and welcome back to episode three of empires smp where the chaos never stops coming all right so we are actually going to be going to the end and doing a little bit of end reading but we're not going to be fighting the dragon there's no dragon fighting happening but we're going to be going and raiding with a group of people skipping the dragon fight and going straight to the end cities because we like to do everything out of order on this server this is fine but i do need to get prepared and considering i'm all in diamond uh iron gear i'm all in iron gear and that's a bit of an issue so i look i'm debating the fact that we have to actually die to come back is a bit of a concern i'll admit but i do feel like we kind of need diamonds to go into reading otherwise we're gonna die so let's just craft a little bit of this all right i'm gonna need something here bam that's like three sets three three armor pieces right there i'm probably i'm probably a little bit crazy if you're going into the end without actually any good enchantments or pretty much anything to my name let's grab a few stacks of cobble uh we are gonna use an ender chest i believe other people on the server do have an ender chest so we'll be able to save our items that way i have had some membranes haha i am going to rule some potions i'm supporting yes vam pumpkins all right i think we have everything that we need i reckon it's time to go we got some firework rockets when we get our elytra so we can get out of there nice and easily it's gonna be good it's gonna be it i reckon we should go and meet up with everybody i believe everyone is currently at sausage's place so let's head out that way shall we whoever has a boat i don't want to drive someone has to drive me let's hit the river i am the best pilot all right oh we're approaching we're approaching ocean queen we have come to you for knowledge of the strongholds yes ah yes i will share with you my secret please follow me away from my pathetic empire okay here it is i'm i'm going to warn you that the entrance is a little bit dramatic oh no dramatic okay there's a geode right there follow me oh this is where we die oh i'm [Music] this is where my journey ends you guys go ahead thank you thank you so much thank you yeah we'll be fine we're professional we've done this many many times somebody leave the ways well they're gonna die we gotta leave and it's gonna be fantastic oh no okay there's the library oh is that the portal i see the portal it's here it's here right next to the library oh they knew i was on the right track all right folks uh welcome to the heist uh i don't know if any of you been part of a heist before but i am basically gonna have to do an airline safety instruction video for you guys because this is about to be a little bit weird okay we basically do need seat belts there are safety procedures to observe so first of all we're going to be crossing the end using a honey block flying machine and this is basically something that you can just stand on a honey block and the thing will carry you over the void but the important thing is that nobody is allowed to hit anybody nobody is allowed to jump and nobody is allowed to go like crouching towards the back of this thing as it's flying because at that point physics takes over and you will fall into the void so see so we stand still we stand still still and in the middle as someone with high ping issues this makes me nervous all right okay someone comes down all right all right three two one heist oh gosh okay okay everybody walk towards the island if you can and just crouch there because i need a bit of space when you're running step towards me let's go fast wait where do we where are we standing bottle bottle bottles jump on a honey block jump on a honey block don't stand on the observers or the pistons make sure you are on a honey block before this thing gets moving oh my gosh going to die oh my gosh i'm not moving i'm not touching the keyboard i'm not touching the keyboard [Music] i didn't touch anything [Music] oh my god that's me that's me gone that's me as well you've killed us all actually you haven't killed two of us yet that was okay we tried i'm going in again are you going to go slowly [Music] oh gosh there it goes we got so far we were so young take two three two one heist two go okay get out okay crouching i'm hiding over here okay this should work in theory i said that last time [Music] everybody get on one of the available honey blocks for this one here right here we're good okay me and jim are the uh the the team at the front you guys in teams if i like back your sausage out on the edge i don't want to be all yet i wanna get so technically okay here we go oh god it went the wrong way okay good job this is like great this is a great style great style [Music] i need you to step back into where sausage and catherine are okay come come pearl come come in i'm here okay oh my god i'll be here oh that's um yeah oh i'll just be here oh um this is fine i wasn't ready this is this is great i've been abandoned by my family [Music] that was never gonna happen that was [Laughter] [Music] you know what i'm going to do it this way then you know i was i'll meet you guys on the other she's going to get there before us [Music] [Applause] literally it popped into frame for like a second there it is there there i'm seeing it right there i don't see it who would have known a seat with a back on it would have been who would have thought honestly who would have thought that safety features would stop i would have never thought of it you know your safety feature's gonna be kicked off the boat in case you didn't realize well i'm sorry sorry pearl we miss you dearly oh no we're all lagged out [Music] we have a bridge now so you can always come back do have a bridge we do have a bridge you guys got my bell bridge now was that a little spot right there oh snow it was that sorry the german seth brings out the slots in all of to get stuff my pinky's going to grow a new set of muscles by the end of this one all right pearl there's going to be a birch bridge it was the it was the wood i had the most of oh my gosh that was a long bridge i'm here i'm going to touch the lane i'm going to touch land you made it hello hello how was your experience with that it was long and my pinky has grown new muscles got it all right are we going together are we splitting up in multiple directions i'm good to go i don't want to not go alone yeah let's all go together we're fine we'll share all the loots i'll see you this way yeah we're gonna we're gonna go around it looks like these islands connect a bit better okay i mean otherwise you're gonna be building over the void for a long time and that's super scary i mean i mean pearls pills void stop dragging the server who's doing it who's growing trees all right let's see who gets there first eh let's do this we're here oh this is so close oh sausage i'm calling it sausage sausage hey get in the water thank you thank you thank you go keep going bro okay i'm going i mean we're sharing everything yeah hi hello you know i've just realized iron tools do absolutely nothing you want me to make like a water thing to follow yeah yes oh that's terrifying yeah it's the worst i hate this room so much let's do it unfortunately our luck after that one it kind of ran pretty dry pixel did separate at one point so we could try and find electro a little bit more efficiently and he did find one but the rest of us unfortunately did not find any more cities with any more electric so we actually decided to call it there and then come back a bit later which is what you guys are going to see later in the episode when we go back with gem to the uh to the end all right sayonara worlds see you later pearl so we've come back from the end reading mission and then you know pixel kind of killed us in the void so he was feeling bad and apparently came around with oh actually i didn't i had no idea what he dropped us this is amazing oh my gosh he felt bad about killing us in the void so he's come and left us a presence before i managed to get back how much coffer is this oh my god two name tags as well i survived dying in the end i survived how do you survive dying in the end diamond pick as well and some shocker shells 64 copper i feel rich i'm rich now oh my gosh well thank you pixel he really didn't have to do this to be honest i was fine i was totally fine with dying not to mention as well i kind of i walked in earlier i didn't have my i didn't have my game recorded at the time but i came to walk through my doors earlier and there was a nice little pressure plate here with the dispenser that popped out a poison potion so i don't know who's left that i don't think that was pixel i highly doubt that was pixel but someone is trying to wage war here and it's slightly concerning all of that aside we actually have a few tasks to do so we did die in the void and we lost all the diamond gear that we had crafted in preparation for that um so that means we do kind of need to replace that now we do have a chest plate from the end reading which is great but that's it that's pretty much it and now we also have this diamond pickaxe from pixel as well which is quite nice but we need to get some diamond stuff going now i do have a few diamonds in here that we can use we have a whole 20 diamonds to our name so we could probably just create ourselves some new armor unless pixel might allow us to trade with his villagers maybe i honestly i feel like i need some diamond tools for the most part so how about we kind of make some of those okay i've come over here and i've gotten a few extra resources because i've kind of left them in here while i was making this place it really does need an interior facelift which is something that we can do um today i would say we kind of get this thing going and get a few bees in here to give us some honeycombs so we can wax our own buildings uh just a little bit just a little tiny bit of honeycomb i don't need much it's only on the accent of my building uh we could do like another pickaxe because we can potentially enchant later and then just save the rest of our diamonds for other things i think that's fine can i put this right here like this i survived dying yes i like that that's perfect it's a little bit creepy but it's perfect i reckon the first thing we should focus on is honestly getting this you know the interior of this building done because i really want to get those bees started so how about we just how about we just work on that honestly how about we get this interior going and see where it ends up interior of house 2 is you know it's not done but it's definitely a work in progress and i think it's a lot better than it was before and honestly this building doesn't have a lot going for it so far it has an interior but the functionality is kind of missing in some areas we kind of walk in here and we have a whole bunch of like staircases down there i want to make a room to something i don't know what i just kind of thought it would be cool to put a staircase there moving off into this room at the side i've got let me just close that real quick i have my little b section now i did say i was making this building for my bees and i finally got it going the honeycomb collection system itself is honestly just simply an observer facing into the hive with another observer above it detecting when this one goes off which then is connected with redstone to this dispenser which has a bunch of shears in it so whenever this kind of fills up or whenever a b enters and exits a hive it goes off and if it has anything to shear then it will shear it so that's pretty neat it's super simple we kind of did this design on a stream one day on one of my hard hardcore worlds and it works really really well for honeycomb without any problems now moving over down here as well i would like this little area to be maybe a brewing area so i think if we bring a couple of our stands over from the kitchen then we can kind of have this little area to start making our potions in but then turning around to go down i decided to move a whole bunch of my storage down here because the other house just was not it was too small it was just way way too small so i've kind of moved everything down here into a whole bunch of double chests this is still a fairly small storage so i can expand on it later down the line moving back up the stairs we have another staircase here going up and this area is very yeah i don't know it's very messy at the moment but you know what it kind of leads up into the other tower section here the bees are below just buzzing away but we have this kind of little open section here and you come upstairs and there is another little bit on top of the roof which kind of has a nice view coming out of it which is really really cool however this leads to the next thing that i would really like to do as you can see pretty much none of my tools are enchanted except for the sword which was another end reward that i picked up and i would love to get my enchanting going so i kind of brought this stuff with me and i think we should make our enchanting table by him i really need to get enchanted unfortunately i do not have a lot of levels for this stuff but i think this could be a really nice place to put our table down so let's just kind of chug that in there and then i have plenty of bookshelves so we can kind of make it like a little library even just surrounded this whole table with a bunch of bookshelves at least to get the base level 30 and then from there we can kind of just decorate this how we see fit make like a cute little library or something i don't know something like this for now can do i reckon but this should be level 30 there we go now oh efficiency four that is straight up already a pretty good uh enchanted to get but i do not have 30 levels so we're at a kind of a kind of a crossroads we're a little bit stuck we need to find a really good way to get some xp levels now as i've been told by sausage the nether is pretty much exhausted of course around our portal which is a bit of a problem there is the they're just saying two pixel riffs online so i wonder if we can go ask pixel to see if we can borrow his villagers for a little bit now he has said that he has mending as well and that's something i also need and i can't get with the table so i reckon we should go have a chat with pixel and uh see if we can maybe strike up a bit of a deal hi how's it going hi there you are i made it the last the last place i expect your base is like that way i told you i went for a big loop i went all the way around and then i came in this is looking fantastic by the way just saying oh thank you so much oh it means a lot yeah i i've been been working on this place little by little i've got paths going in now and um oh uh while you're here and while we're actually right here in front of the vigil um i wanted to ask how many times you've died uh hold on hold hold that thought let me have a look ten times ten wow okay you're all close i'm great i'm great at this living thing i don't know if you realize i think you're up there you're up there with joel joel has died 12 times at least and that's mostly just to get his own head for stuff apparently oh so yeah yeah all of these um these different color candles around this monument represent how many times people have died on the server so far there's an orange candle around the back to represent you because you've got like the kind of the farmers candles and so the cat the candles in the middle are all of the empires there's 11 of them and i need to add i guess nine more uh orange candles here to represent you you would yes but but thank you for giving me an exact number that's super helpful keeping track of this once wars start and stuff is going to be uh it's going to be a lot all right so however we have some business to discuss right we do yeah because you said you were in need of some books and i i happen to have recently come into possession of some librarians from nowhere in particular right from nowhere in particular yeah you did you didn't hear it from me yes but they're very useful to trade with i've mostly been getting glass from them but occasionally they they sneak me the odd book under the table so what was it you were after i need myself some mending books for the most part and maybe like a couple of silk books would be great but mending for the most part because i can't get that right so perfect uh follow me into my honey farm for absolutely no reason because uh i have a shulker box in here that's got some uh some mending books in it um we've got i've got six mending books is that does that sound okay how many do you need that sounds honestly that sounds like a really good start i might have to come back at some point and maybe do some trading with some villagers in the future uh forum yes but that is a really good start because my tools are not enchanted whatsoever so sausage has gone and mined all the courts around my portal so i don't have any xp that way i don't have any villages because there's no village name near my base so i'm kind of like a little stuck on everything yeah yeah that sounds like a bit of a problem and honestly like at this point i'm i'm fine uh getting one over on mythical sausage a little bit so uh here we go i have a couple of silk touch books in here as well and there's six mending books for you there so hopefully champion yeah this is this is fantastic but you know well you can't just give me all of these though for nothing is this yeah i i i was gonna bring over some gifts you know yes i i was mostly gonna ask for some food because honestly being out here in the desert like it gets a little bit old just drinking honey every time you wanna eat something a little uh i guess arrangement we could come to is that if you start to work on a more sustainable long-term way of getting hold of some decent food i was wondering if you know since mending is something that applies for the rest of the server as long as you can keep your gear i was wondering if maybe we can work out some arrangement where i get access to the stuff that you're farming not gonna like turn up and kill your entire house yeah i'll come back and all my cows are just gone one day it's like okay i mean and replaced with witches for no real reason um but no no if i mean if we if we want to work out a uh a nice little arrangement or i can just swing by the farm every so often and grab some food that would be really great honestly absolutely i think it's it's a really good idea for me to actually make a redstone farm and get some food going that way and hopefully if i get some villagers i can get some master pharma villages that'll supply a nice supply of like golden carrots so that'll be really good oh yeah but you know what i have a start of assortment of food for you it's oh lovely it might be a bit of a mixed bag but it might keep you going for a little bit and a little bit tastier than just honey and bread and there's something a very diet is what i'm after right now so one singular ever it uh may not have died on the way here that is that is absolutely perfect thank you so much that's going to keep me going for quite a while i think there's some bonus potatoes oh bonus potatoes always welcome yes yes love that love that spud so um yeah thank you so much and let me know once you get your your redstone stuff set up i may be able to sneak you a couple of villagers as well if you want to work on some farmers that'll be fantastic get some golden carrots into circulation i think we'll all be a lot happier oh thank you so much this is going to go a long way for me um real quick can i like can i like steal from some xp from your villages oh absolutely yes um fantastic actually a better place you could steal xp from because i've uh got this going on is we've got the uh the blast furnaces set up in here and i don't know if they've i don't think they've been cleared recently so let me go and grab something i can smelt and we can just use that for the xp 29 oh there's the 30. okay that's a lot of extra you got going on in there yeah i've been smelting a lot of copper i don't know if you've heard there's quite a lot of that going around here so yeah anytime i i need xp i just lock off the hoppers on these furnaces and uh top up using those so hopefully that's enough to get you started that's definitely enough to get me started thank you so much all right well i'm going to get to enchanting seriously thank you so much i'm also going to get that food started and i guess we can discuss villages at some point absolutely all right enjoy the trek home and i recommend picking up a horse on the way i have a horse at home i really should have brought it with me in the first place okay bye bye so thanks to pixel we have the full 30 we have 37 levels that we can use to enchant our gear and now we also have the mending books and a couple of silk touch which is absolutely fantastic because i needed silk for those bees i don't need it so much anymore but now i can actually pick up that hive which is amazing so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a few enchants see if we can get some good enchantments on our pickaxes and everything efficiency 4 straight away we're on to a good start guy look there's no one breaking on it but fortune 3 is fantastic we can get mending on this baby get this all fixed up as well i'm enchanting all of this stuff even though it's almost broken because if you get mending you just fix it anyway and it lasts until the end of time as long as you don't die so let's try another one what else can we get here another efficiency one i think we should do an axe so i can chop down some trees a little bit quicker regular efficiency not so good but it's something to start our journey let's do another pickaxe here and see what we can get and we have a silk on the pickaxe with efficiency and unbreaking that is a beautiful start now that that's on here let us put some mending on these nuggets boop there we go and there we go we have our start to our tool set now this actually leads on to the next thing that i would like to do which is expand my farm even further now this place yeah we built this in the last episode and we've done interior today but i think what we could do with is a sugarcane farm so one of the main things that i would actually like to sell on this server is sugarcane because soon enough everybody is going to get their electra get their rockets going and they're going to want a bunch of paper now i believe flip is actually selling some gunpowder so we could strike up some sort of trade alliance with that and work together but i do want to get a sugarcane farm kind of started up and going so we can really get that supply happening more so than just a basic one over there so how about we move on to the next stage of the video and uh get this place kind of kind of started up a little bit build the building over here maybe build a giant willow tree over here and just kind of get some pretty things happening let's do it guys let's do it [Music] [Music] guys look at all of the particles around us isn't this amazing i absolutely love what the small block does to this area it looks like it's it looks like a whole bunch of leaves are just falling around us and it's fantastic but check out the additions that we have just made i've made my giant willow tree which i've been wanting to do since since the update came out basically and i absolutely love it especially with all of the the small blossom editions there we've got a couple of trees off to the side another one over there just to kind of bring it all in together and then i've also made some extra terrain let me just not get shot by these guys who suddenly who suddenly appeared at my base i don't know who left them there at all they just appeared some days after i finished building this thing yeah they're just like hi what's up what's hello anyway i've gone and made a whole bunch of terrain over there as you can see let me avoid getting hit by you and i've pushed the portal back a little bit given a little nestle inside of a almost a cave-like or cliff-like edge there i've added an entry into the kingdom as well so when people want to walk into the kingdom they can walk underneath all these glowberries and all the bamboo i think it looks really pretty so if you're a sausage coming into the kingdom you get to walk through here and it's it just feels like more of a really cool entrance into my my area now moving on over here i've also got the building that i've made now i did really want to make like a sugar cane farm in this building but i think we're kind of running out of time in this episode so what i have decided to do is actually make a cow farm so and hold off you know our end of the deal with pixel so we can have at least some kind of supply to supply of food in here of course i've added a whole bunch of interior here with all the greenery kind of taking over the building a little bit but unfortunately upstairs has nothing i don't really know what to put up here just yet but i'm sure we'll figure it out all of this aside without the without noticing the arrows currently sticking in me you might have noticed the drip leaf that i have in my hands now sausage actually came over you know while i was collecting resources to start this build and did a trade with me he had some drip leaf on him which was really neat and this is something that i really wanted for my kingdom so he he made me an offer that i didn't really want to refuse and you know what it's recorded so let's go have a look at the clip let's check out the clip right now pearl sausage what bro what are you doing up in that tree i'm chopping it down i need wood for my build what do you think i'm doing i don't know but can i can i practice my archery skills really fast no yes give me any wait what no no that was on the ground now i was wearing that to yourself what you did that to yourself bro i hit the wood and you hit the wood i thought you shot a second one was that me no that was the same arrow you did that to yourself pearl pearl oh yeah i love everything exactly better and better oh thank you look at this yeah look at that look at that red you look amazing every time i show somebody my new skin i i do i do a little a little twirl i got my air sausages on too this is fantastic and the speed look at the speed look at the speed look at the speed see that you don't look any faster than normal either look at that speed pearl look at this guy's delusional everyone he's letting the crown get to his head literally um i did nothing oh did you just sausage what time what did you even come here what do you want what did you come here for breaking my crops shooting me off my tree i keep the torments you that's what i came to do no i'm playing i can't even have something to trade pearl okay pearl i heard that you needed stuff and i got this thing i do i need that i it's a it's it it looks like yeah i need that yeah you know what else i have look we ready you ready i have the baby version of it the baby version got a bunch i got six of them and i've been training with other people and i've been getting so many riches from it okay fantastic so you want to steal my riches now i mean trade because i mean i really want that i really want that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's right yeah give me stuff give me stuff okay what do you want what i need i need okay i know i know you can't you you know you're a little poor but i have a little four that's what i have much so i'm gonna take i'm gonna take if you have some some deep slate kind of stuff i need a lot of deep state for the bills i'm doing so if you got deep sleep i'll take that you know come this way come this way step and step into the building do you want some honeycomb do you have honeycomb oh actually yeah give me some i'll take some honeycomb i gotta put a string from scott i just need a bunch of honeycomb too give me three steps there you go wow wow drip leaf is valuable so you take it all take it off a bit oh this is the basement you were in last time yeah yeah this this is my this is my storage my new storage and i've got some deep slate for you right here sorry please give me give me give me i'm gonna give you four stacks how does that sound oh four stacks of that and three stacks of of the honeycomb oh that's worth it bro here have that big dream thing right there okay big one yeah yeah and and and yeah that's it that's that's all you gotta say that you know how much diamonds you got bro i think this every time you come to this place people are just like come back here why isn't he stealing my stuff all the time i'm gonna go on a flight real fast why am i not hitting you right now okay fine i just wanted i just wanted the advanced to me i just wanted the advancement thank you see that advancements help a lot look even catherine was a present flip i'm still sure on my end of the day oh yeah yeah yeah you still what's up here pearl that's my enchanting setup it's really messy up here though but it is up top and it's it's very bland oh no this is this is a work of art bro here you go you ready yes yes yes yes yes yes yes and come outside this is not a good spot to do it very well no they protected me see that got half a heart of dip oh that's not very floating okay listen listen you said also that you had something coming down the line that i could have access to what was that you mentioned well i i might be producing a little bit of food later on so if you want some like steak i think yeah you you can come around for some steak but i mean i feel like i've sweetened the deal quite a bit with all that that honeycomb and the black stuff and the deep sleep yes i just like you know i like taking advantage of my friends you know but that's fine i'll take a little bit of meat later that's perfect okay well let me think about what would be the mythical sausage without the meat i love meat bro i love there it is okay take good care of that and don't you dare put it down unless you really intend to use it okay why is something gonna happen you never know sometimes things happen around here there's a magical stuff around here i've been doing some stuff playing around with some magical crystals and things are going crazy around here bro okay okay so you're saying i should put it down god okay okay i'll be i'll be super careful but i love it look at this it's okay he's so cute oh look how pretty wait one more thing something very important happened okay um i've been asking everybody i've been trading with today uh do you happen to know anything crazy might happen the last couple days you know anybody around my base or anything like that or any suspicious activity in the area because you live next door crazy no yeah i'm just living in my peaceful cottage i got bingo over here is chilling finger have you seen anybody that's bingo bing obviously some bingo bingo says no i have no idea no nothing okay because basically somebody passed by my villager trading hall and they converted all of my uh uh librarians into witches uh i i know from so have you what have you lost the villagers now like yeah why does that sound like a flip thing is it like you know i i had a splash potion at my door later and i've since been informed that i'm pretty sure flip has been flinging around some potions so is that is that like a flip thing maybe i kind of i checked with whip and he he didn't he didn't do it i have he didn't know because because he doesn't have any reason to and if he would have done it he would have probably t and t um all the villagers probably because he's that kind of person okay the only two people on my list right now that i have are possible suspects is jimmy number one because we have this problem going on that he's he's making watchtowers he's doing all kinds of stuff i stole his music disc but technically he stole like 55 things from me so he deserved it so jimmy's on my list okay and then the other person that i think it could be is pix because technically i sent an army to his base as a test i was doing a just a beta test of how battles could be you know a bunch of pillagers into his base the day that i came by that day remember i came by and asked you for some milk okay uh i think it could be him because of that okay i mean i i went to his base earlier and he gave me some books i mean i don't want to sell him out he's done me so well but he he he got some access to some books so i don't know if if that was anything to do with that or not i think yeah but vicks is great i think he's been really kind to me okay so maybe just like ask him nicely i think jimmy's probably still number one here but just saying there's a few books yeah yes oh oh no oh no i'll be right back pearl uh what what hold on i'm gonna be right back okay oh i'll be right thank you for the information now i feel bad he's being so nice to me and i'm going i'm just like i'm just like yeah he's kind of like just like you give him a hug and then you know it probably wasn't him it probably wasn't hit me it was probably probably gonna put him on top of my list i'll keep jimmy in there but prix has now inched up closer to the top of the you know i'm gonna go i'm gonna check i'm gonna make sure i'm gonna j i'm gonna ask jim i'll be right back oh okay i'll see you later honestly i do actually feel quite bad i do feel quite bad we made an amazing deal with sausage but at the same time when he was interrogating us about the like you know the villager thing i'm i might have i might have said pixel's lame you know i kind of kind of feel bad about that my mind is definitely conflicted as an ally between pixel and sausage hey but maybe one day they both can be allies and maybe all three of us can be allies together that would be really cool that's why i kind of said sausage you know give him a hug instead of you know of conflict and maybe you can work something out otherwise now because of this drip leaf trade that we have i've got this cute little driftly flat that i want to place down somewhere he told me not to but i kind of want to and i was looking at this big hill over here and thinking maybe we can make this into like a nice garden someday i don't know but if i place the drip leaf down i need a little bit of water to put the drip leaf in but let's chuck that one right in there you know it's just it's just gonna sit there and we're gonna make a garden around it it's the precious drip leaf i think it's gonna be amazing ah look at the little thing i like you you stay there you look all pretty we'll be back i promise and now that that is planted down we actually have uh more things to do guys there is more more tasks to complete in this episode i know this has been a super long one guys i apologize once again i'm still getting the hang of this content overflow problem but we actually need to go back to the end again and complete our end reading journey and we're actually going to be doing that with gem because we need to go back and get the group some electro that missed out the first time around and maybe some extra ones for other people on the server and jim has kindly offered to go and go and do it with me because she wanted to go anyway so how about we go meet up with jem and uh see how we go let's go on an adventure let's do it everyone's awfully close now hi how's it going let's go all right are you ready pearl yep let's do it three two one i'm gone it's fine you're awesome i slipped my feet slips yeah you know you're right i'm nervous jumping in this like to start flying shall we run so that your electro doesn't have to actually you know what this is fine as long as you don't hit me with the sword into the void and we can run right i'm not going to hit you i'm i'm still traumatized from the last time i trust you that's just you excuse me sir excuse me just scoot around your little legs there do you have who are your allies and enemies on here do you have any enemies yet i'm trying not to have any emily emily's any enemies no emily is allowed no emily's allowed guys i don't even know what emily is i'm so nervous oh i'm not i'm not scared at all even even if you fall into the void you can just it out of it so i don't have the confidence oh gosh you are quite far behind i'm shifting oh my gosh jim i'm coming in here with a turtle apparently i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm nervous oh it's good first time pearl at least we're starting to load in uh terrain now that'll be pretty quick actually yeah it's not too bad of a path to run on is this the friendship establishment for both of us and raiding together yeah can we be allies okay you know what i'll be right with that i can do that okay you want to fly let's go ready yep nobody taught me how to fly what kind of ally am i bringing into this oh like a city already there's no no i don't think we can get jokers right this is true a little bit treasure i'm gonna land on the top let's see if we can get stuff from yeah i want to get a um and the chest as well cool i got whacked up oh boots i needed treasure okay this has been really successful so far let's go easy easy city let's get let's bring it on i'm pretty sure actually south is the uh coordinate to go anyway the direction to go anyway for cities so okay perfect oh yeah we have to die together here don't we oh oh no i kind of forgot about that little detail yeah i forgot about that as well i'm really used to us having killed the dragon i haven't died in so long oh it's a we kind of though yeah we did it fantastic another a lot should you get that one all right although we'll just share it at the end so it doesn't really matter how many elections should we should we i think we should get some like spare elijah we should get a sparrow each right yeah oh diamonds definitely i picked this up when i uh oh never mind i get hit a lot yep there was i think he got in the way of my soul and i was trying to hit the other shoulder i get in the way of everybody's sword apparently that's what everybody keeps telling me pearl no or maybe you should practice more in not walking in front of swords maybe that's this i i don't think that i'm the issue here i'm choosing to believe that it's everybody else i was going for the shulker there that's not my fault you decided to walk in front of me yeah and pix was going for the enderman and murdered me so you know uh do you see anywhere in elytra or not electro um shulkers are we good do you think there's a few like scattered around but i don't think they're really worth going for all right okay that's fine south yep this way off we go on an adventure pearl what is with all these tiny city actually there's a boat it's a tiny city but it has a boat it has a boat do you want to get that one because i got is fantastic south again yep south again let me pick that up oh look a city time to land is there a ship though there's no ship well that's sad one moment please just hanging out you know all right we're good all right let's go south yep this way like oh there's another city there we go wait really yeah slightly to your right oh whoa still no ship though i would like pearlescent moon back up please i would like to request pearlescent moon back up oh my way don't don't go into danger just yet i'm in danger in danger get out get out of danger what are you doing and get out of the danger gym i'm floating you don't need to approach the danger boxes just yet but i like the danger boxes why do you like the danger boxers they shoot you and they grumble at you are you safe are you are you good yeah i've handled it don't worry independent wizard oh why wow so lukey throwing shade the fact that i didn't come right away no you didn't i had no assistance pearl i look i'm fighting my own battles i didn't have any gemini assistance either you weren't screaming for help well i'm sorry but i'm not very vocal with my screams right i was screaming internally and you didn't hear it with your magical powers i'm literally getting seven diamonds right now and a touch pick this is very important business thank you i just shot myself [Laughter] should we uh should we keep heading south yeah south ship beautiful that was cut in half wow it generated without the elytra what a tease that's really the point yeah you have a ship taking electric psych ship there we go it's a little closer to where the city is tiniest city oh my god adorable oh city big city oh there's a bit of a ship it's got a ship it's got a ship ship that's so exciting that is not cut off okay fantastic and ship there is a ship it's there yeah there's a ship beautiful yes pearl fantastic i kind of feel like getting more oh my gosh you're addicted she's addicted at this point we had been reading for a while but we did feel like getting the few extra electro was worth it after my suggestion to get some more so so we did we got a few extra and then decided to head home but in order to do that uh yeah we might have had to die so we go into the void or do we splat the pancake i think it was flat it's more pancake all right let's do it ready okay three two one go i thought you were about to go into the void for a second we splattered i splatted the amount of loots that we came back with from the end is actually kind of ridiculous we literally have all of this stuff and i'm feeling kind of rich right now not gonna lie okay this box is is less than desirable but hey everything else is absolutely amazing now we have three extra elijah that we'll be giving away to sausage scott and catherine now we'll be doing a trade with scott because he wasn't there on the first round that we did with the end rating but for sausage and catherine i'll kind of like like make up maybe some kind of nice care package for them i don't know we'll see but we have a lot of stuff we could also give them as well which is a possibility because of course i'm not going to be needing all this i'm i'm pretty good already however what we're going to do is we're actually going to be leaving the care packages until the next episode because we are honestly out of time and i would love to kind of go talk to them directly and give them to them in person so we're going to leave that to the next episode to recap for today we had the end rating that had gone unfortunately wrong at the start we did some interior building on the base behind me right there we traded with a pixel who really helped us a lot with those mending books unfortunately i'm sorry i might have told sausage a little bit that he was trading books that's some sorry sorry of course we also traded with sausage and got ourselves that beautiful drip leaf that that small drip leaf though magical powers it's a little bit sauce we expanded our empire further and made an extra cow farm as well hopefully in the next episode we get that sugarcane farm going and then we went and raiding again with gem except this time it was pretty successful we came back with eight elijah in total for each and that's that was pretty amazing that's pretty cool but that is actually going to do it for today's episode guys seriously thank you all so much for watching once again i apologize that this one was so long again i'm really getting used to this whole uh you know there's too much content to put into one video and i i felt a little bit behind trying to get this one out i apologize guys but i am aiming for two two uploads a week whether that be hermitcraft or empires hermitcraft is going to come shortly after this one a couple days after and i hope you guys enjoy that one as well because i've been working super hard on them and getting that content out if you liked it let me know in the comments below if you didn't still the same give me give me that feedback let me know i'm all about trying to improve my content here so thank you all so much for watching once again hope you all have a lovely day and i will see you in the next one goodbye everybody goodbye thank you thank you for watching goodbye [Music] you
Channel: PearlescentMoon
Views: 236,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, pearlescentmoon, empires smp, minecraft 1.17 smp, minecraft kingdom, minecraft fails, minecraft 1.17 survival series, minecraft building, minecraft survival, minecraft empires
Id: Bq4-Np1jDb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 47sec (2927 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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