The Story of Noah (AS) - Prophets of Allah Series

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jazakallah that was nice

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Shawirma 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2015 🗫︎ replies

Nice Video bro


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/phpisdead 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2015 🗫︎ replies


This video said Noah had four sons. Where is that in the Quran?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheRationalZealot 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2015 🗫︎ replies
Oh [Music] [Music] as time passed they had certain pious people from amongst them if you look at Surat more you will find the names of these pious people what then sois and Yavuz yeah oh and Nestle these are five names mentioned in the Quran they were pious people Chafin came to the the people of that time and said look these are pious people who are reminding you to do good now that they've died just make a small statue so every time you see the statue you'll be able to remember that this person used to remind us of good and you will do the good they saw nothing wrong in that they created statues and each one was named after one of these pious people and every time they came and they saw these statues they were very happy it reminded them to do good and they began to do good now Shaitaan is very patient so he waited for that generation to pass when that generation passed and people forgot why exactly they had made those statues he went to the next generation and said you know your forefathers you don't know what they used to do they used to worship these idols these are statues this is what brought them goodness and he conned them he said whenever they saw these idols they worship the idols so they became good people and goodness came in their direction so Shaitaan says don't you see the statue used to help them to become good so you need to prostrate to these statues in order to become even better so this is when she started this is the first Association of partnership with allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and that's how the shelke start to spread among the people after the death of a trees all the way to know allah his salaam and the silk took over the world there was no one saying la ilaha ill allah except known [Music] at the top of know hani salaam no who's that only Muslim who are shipping Allah Sultan Allah at that time everyone beside Noor is a mushnick everyone beside my associate someone also the last origin and that no Holly Salam claim we sink new to his people so he said to them directly all my people worship Allah alone you have no deity besides Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala nobody worthy of worship besides allah subhanahu wata'ala calling towards the oneness of allah subhanahu wata'ala 950 years generations generations were coming into and leaving no Holly salem's time such a long time actually for down now obviously a las manos de ella he gives this struggle to the prophets because the prophets can handle 950 es calling to Allah spanner or dollar or people say la ilaha illa-llah we sent north these people to warn his tripod people before hcp punishment comes to them i fear over you the punishment of that day the great day I am only conveying to you the messages of my own rubber and I am giving you advice now see how sound advice I am delivering to you so don't hold it against me don't call me a madman way what I am saying and if it makes sense and it will definitely make sense if you are ready to ponder over it then follow it so a few people started following who very few after so many years one person after so many years another person subhanAllah what were their backgrounds what were their positions and status in the community or in society you will find that every single one of them Allah describes them in the Quran that they were people who weren't very important in the society what do I mean by that they weren't popular people they weren't famous people there weren't people who had high positions such as the chief of a tribe or the leader of a nation or a doctor PhD or a famous singer or a famous actor there were merely farmers simple people they would call them primitive people and when they heard the dawa of not highly his cell and they did not hesitate to accept they did not hesitate to accept so when no holiday is Salam began to give dower to the others who were the Chiefs and the big men and the big people and the hotshots Norlin you know what happened they did not want to listen they wanted to carry on in their ways the Chiefs from amongst the people those who had authority those who had power those who had wealth those who had respect in society they spoke they said you are a straight as man is a straight don't listen to him nor said copy all my look you need to call me Lena oh my lord I called my people during that day at night and my call to them only made the run away from me and yet he was in a beat of allah subhanahu wata'ala they followed the haughty they followed those who had money they followed those who had authority they'll put their fingers in their ears that I want to listen to me then I want to give up calling them for what stuck shows the air power they covered themselves and get away we don't wanna listen to you well our son who was that burrow stick father and they are very firm in denying and the head pride the mania of jihad or Allah then I called him in the open I called him in the open I called him in close I'll call him in the day I called him a noise I wanted a house I wanted their gatherings aspect them individually aspect them in groups 150 easier worthy 450s they replied to him we will not believe in you you're a madman you're a crazy man and anyway look at who has followed you this is in the Koran we cannot see anyone has followed you except the the most inferior among us in society they just take very simple words without thinking about it no logical no logic to them they just anything you say to them they believe it are what they're trying to say is a type that believed in fairies in fairy tales put a tooth under your pillow the next one you'll find a coin they were trying to say this is the type of people they were like children this is how they saw them but contrary to that opposite to that Allah saw them quite the opposite he saw those ones inferior and these aren't superior why when the truth comes brothers and sisters the truth has a description how do you know the truth from false the truth is clear number one the truth is very clear the truth is powerful it can it takes you five minutes or less to accept the truth so these people whom they called inferior bear the arathi primitive minded like children they were deliberately calling him now out of arrogance and proudness why these people they didn't want the truth because the truth will make them equal to the farmers and to all the others when I mean farmers today farmers are important but in those days when he said farmer it means it's just primitive doesn't ever need education and look at those who are following you look at them they are the worst from amongst us they've got no material standing at all nobody respects them in society they are foolish they haven't even thought before they followed you they don't even know what's about to come in that direction 950 950 s that's not how long he lived for he called to Allah for 950 years they said to him if you get rid of these inferior people who are primitive minded will think of following you will think so what are these people actually is asking you they're not after the truth will speak to you in return you keep those weak ones away from us we do not accept them to be around us I'm not gonna turn this paper out I'm not gonna tell them go away they'll be facing a lot too and don't be judged like you choose all my people it will support me who will stand by me if I kick these people away and Allah Azza WA JAL will want to punish me he will stand by me it will support me against Allah if I attend this people away he's gonna stand by me these are our lost servants these people have rights to listen if I kick him out who's gonna stand by me from Allah surgeon who's gonna protect me from a loss punishment I've been after the girl can't you think so they did not listen Tim said if that's the case we wanted to give you some respect but you didn't listen to us thangka he dwelled within them calling them towards goodness for a thousand years less fifty which means nine hundred and fifty years he spoke to them he called them he instructed them he tried with them he answered all their questions now they started getting frustrated now they wanted to begin to threaten they say oh no keep quiet if you're not going to keep quiet we're gonna stone you to death if you don't keep quiet we're going to stone you luck about what if no hurry is a lot of a salon do he kept on saying Allah guide my people Ya Allah guide my people Ya Allah guide these people he kept on saying he was patient he was patient for a long long time what Khalu Majnoon and they called him mad was duty and they rebuked him they swore him they mocked at him they tortured him they engage in all forms of evil but he was still saying o Allah guide my people Allah Spinetta Allah he said to know Holly Salam and her name minimun kaamika in lemon Amman no more of your people show believed in you other than those who have already believed so grieve no longer at their misdeeds then don't feel sorry for them what does this mean Allah told him no one is gonna believe anymore that's it that's it the heyday is closed on this plane [Music] revelation from Allah saying turn off don't waste your talking him whoever you gonna call the waving at a specter the webbing and up reached so no Holly Salam although he was so patient for many many years many many years nine hundred and fifty years do you know what happened finally he raised his hands so then he made his famous dog oh my lord do not leave a single disbeliever on the face of the earth again then leave him alive if you leave them alive on the face of the earth they will lead your servants astray and they will not give birth to anyone except arrogant boastful disbelievers well that does it allow Mina Allah tomorrow and do not increase the criminals and he oppresses anything but more grief very well yeah I know I responded a loss of Hanna Allah revealed to nor to build an ark a sheep i order you to go and construct an ark under my under our eyes and address me no further on behalf of those who have been unjust they shall be drowned in the flood that's it it means you've said your door there's no turning back so nowadays Salam was ordered by allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to build a ship and alehissalaam start to build the ship with the guidance of gibreel gibreel alehissalaam came down teaching nor how to build the ark Allah ordered no Holly asylum to go up to a mountain strange to a mountain to build the big ship you don't build a ship under up in the mountain where there's no water normally you build it close to the coast right obviously there's a wisdom behind that you'll find out soon sure and the people of north come and mock nor howl a syllabus a or nor did you become a carpenter after your profit so while you're building oh you're a carpenter we saw you're a prophet and they'll mock him and then the totem on or you build a ship in the middle of the desert every mountain it's something wrong with you there is something wrong with you but what no now you're at you're a carpenter and before you were a prophet make up your mind for crying out loud you're a prophet now you're a carpenter we're told he is crazy and never stayed one hundred years building the ark the people used to go into the Ark of Noah listen when he's not watching and they used it as a toilet just to go there and defecate in the Ark you know so much difficut unbearable his people mocked him in the most ugliest and disgusting ways the ark was huge some of them say it was 80 yards long some of them say a hundred and they agreed that it was at least thirty yards high it was made of three stories the first story was ten yards high second ten yards in the third ten yards high so big very big ship huge higher than a very high building you know like those skyscrapers we have in the city very high very tall very big he covered the top as well it was not a ship with the top open it was covered as well more like a submarine ready to go and allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala taught me how to build this state-of-the-art piece and allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala he said about this Ark a lotta Tarek Maha confer had removed a girl and we had left this Ark we had left the ship as a sign a miracle to the day of judgement and this Ark till this day exists they found a part of her in Turkey this active this day stays to the day of judgement as Allah as though as I said in the Quranic then Allah told him oh Allah says further ferritin nor when the oven floods we said to him carry on board your ark from every creature a pair just to male and a female this is in the Quran from every animal Marilyn female and go into the ark every single animal and creature was bordered onto that ship they were in the first story in the second story they say it was the humans and in the third story were for the birds to land and stayed [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Allah says - Tecna ababbas Center Beamer in Muhammad law says and so we opened up the doors of this of the heaviness metaphorical words the doors of the heavens with gushing water when Hamid is like spilling a packet wasn't just rain it was like the water that he's spill from a bucket wasn't dropped was all at once well for Jaron an adult are you in a power of Allah and we burst exploded the earth and made holes from every power from mountains from valleys from everywhere into billions of gushing fountains fellas da Camaro ila Ambreen cut cutting the water of the sky in the war of the earth met together on a divine command he called upon his followers and went to the ark and from the ark and no Hollis and I went with his followers and his family and his wife and he had four boys four sons [Music] yeah Sam ham and japheth yam disbelief Sam ham and japheth believed the majority say that they did they were on the ark with him and no Holly Salem had a wife beforehand was the mother of young she died before the flood and he had another wife who climbed the weather was the mother of san ham and japhet who climbed aboard and those drew bits number of people that believed with him no Holly asylum doctor is Sonia and he said to him [Music] come come aboard with us and don't be among the people who disbelieved what did his son reply in arrogance he said dad I'm gonna go to a high mountain and rule save me from the water but didn't know how they said in reply he said today there is no protection from the law of Allah except who he has given mercy to as they were having the conversation Allah says right there and then this was quick 100 job again and suddenly the waves intercepted between them both and took his son away and he was among the ones who drowned immediately no Holly said I'm turned and he said o my lord my son is part of my family well in now are that kind of help God and your promise is true what an tough I'm gonna [ __ ] him in and you are the most wise Allah replied immediately to him and said to him he said I know he's not one of your family why in the earlier verse Allah said to him I will save your family except the ones who disbelieved so the family that I was talking about were the ones that believed but the family of yours who disbelieved I'm not gonna save them in a part of it now it's not something to do between you and your son this is a matter between your son and me I gave you your son if you wronged you different story here on me don't get involved don't dare to ask me something that you have no knowledge of in near are a woman and jae-won I advised him not to be among the group why not Wolfie nervous me know him a JD who says Allah said to them climb onto it and say bismillah in the name of Allah it's directed and in the name of Allah it flows it sails and now alayhi Salam will be in that ship and our commander his believers for six months allah azzawajal for six months protected nor hand his followers in the ark and then allah azzawajal ordered the ground to swallow the water rocky lair of the blind man said the ground swallowed the water the floods gone no under the rain water from the top water from the bottom so no hana' he said i'm used to send bird used to send a pigeon and every day that pigeon will come back with nothing so one day he sent that bitching and he came back with a leaf from her from an olive tree so I realized what is drying and then after that by few days he sent that pigeon again he came back with motherland free so not realized that now the water is dry now where did the ark stop stopped on a mountain called Trudy Melton called Judy and that mountain is in Turkey what Allah says in the Quran is the truth he landed on the mountain of Judy and when it settled there the ark subhanAllah was built on a mountain and landed on a mountain see it hardly find an ark that high they say well Allahu Alem I don't know I've heard this story several times now that they found the ark or pieces of the ark in Turkey somewhere I heard this like 10 15 years ago and it suddenly was forgotten and now they go ah the other day they go they discovered it and I'm thinking they discovered it then or now we'll win but the point is it is still on earth and people have discovered it before now Allah who I love if we have or haven't maybe it's fossilized and the Allah knows the point is Allah said in the Quran well oh yeah my ducky Allah says and we left the ark as a sign as a miracle can anyone deny this so at the time the problem Hamas are seldom this Ark was still there and people found it when people witnessed it and people spoke about it and today they still talk about its fossils and the scientists are discovering because they know that the Ark is actually still there so was sighted and it was seen and Allah says those were injured with knowledge cannot deny it as you're reading history cannot deny it so it was there it doesn't mean that every single person sees it but there are members of the human population who do see it and rediscover it and we talk about it again and again and then nor Holly salon came out loss of Hannah Tyler saved him and those people and the rest of the animals allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala made all the followers of north not to have any descendants all that the sentence stopped all the wards were barren except Noah and his family and that's why they call nor the second Adam because all the descendants get back to Newhall a celeb no one else and no hani salaam lived 350 years after 350 s after the flood and it was a raju a servant of allah used to worship allah azzawajal constantly and he is the fast every single day except that eight days east except 38 days and he passed away alehissalaam and most of the narration says he was buried in Mecca
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 1,388,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Allah, lecture, Reminder, merciful, servant, themercifulservant, islamic, prophets, series, Noah, Nuh, Nooh, surah, story, ark, flood
Id: xZoBB8TsPNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2015
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