Emmanuel Makandiwa | Unusual Authority Over Demons Part 2

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[Music] Shalom and warm welcome to this international online Sunday service we give glory to God for giving us another opportunity to sit at the feet of his friend receiving meat nourishment that will enable us to be authorities and to exercise unusual authority over demons I'm excited I know that you're excited a child of God surely this is our time I'm joining a studio by pasta Julie and in a few moments we will be introducing the voice of God prophet Emmanuel macron do pasta Julie Oh Marc thank you Pastor Colin Bethel is good to be here unusual authority in the además I mean the question stirred like the teaching stirred by a question I received last week Thursday during the question and answer session with the prophet of God it was an amazing time in the presence of the Lord mmm where you get to hear the friend of God like you said giving us authority over demons in a way that we never thought possible yes and I think one of the greatest gifts that God has given us as the voice of father property money McCann you are selling us into your time way like as in our authority being extended hmm we are in as much as our authority may be extended we are being brought to the realization of what we are supposed to be capable of doing yes you know if you look back in terms of the teaching that he highlighted that Jesus was ready to usher the disciples into another dimension of his power of his word and yet they were not ready for that but the voice is coming now and is through the Holy Spirit expanding our Challenger is expanding our Dominion yes and bringing me back to something that I really thought when our fathers explained it the Dominion principle to understand that the original Adam or Adam was created by God given Dominion yet there was nobody was possessed with in his vicinity and yet you are still given dominion over this evil spirits so there has to be another type of power or another type of Union that is beyond what we thought was the minion of the evil spirits mm-hmm Wow it was just something Dominion principle you know we really get a strong sense of that the fragrance of some 82 where God is standing in the congregation of the mighty and he's saying how long will you judge unjustly and we are being taught here I I feel so privileged I feel happy I feel special because I feel like I'm I'm part of that congregation and we are receiving an address from God where we should now begin to judge these matters justly because we've been letting these demons go without executing Kingdom Authority and Kingdom justice over these demons we're allowing them to go well resourced with our riches with our health with a lot of the benefits that we should be enjoying as the children of God but we look at these things we look at these demons we look at situations that are bothering us based upon demonic influence and we're allowing them to go and judged and so I feel like I'm I'm in Psalm 82 right now and I'm having an experience wait but God is reprimanding me and saying to me you are a god don't don't waste the power that you have exactly so I am full of energy because I am getting what I must get and I'm being brought into a new reality I had no idea of before about the power that I wield about the authority that I can exercise in this earth dimension you know bizarre man for me in as much as you've explained it well and I think it was so profound but what really struck me was the nature in which our Father explained it this interpretation of the word there is understanding of spiritual activity that is more of a confirmation of where one spends their time because there is certain information that you can never get from the logos alone there are things that our father is now explaining that makes me realize that there is a certain life that he experiences that is beyond what we may know understand you know I know some people may not be comfortable with what I'm saying but I I really mean it you look at the first time that he highlighted that we there is something more about the deliverance process than what we understand we are not delivering according to the book of deliverance exactly and at first for me because of where I'm coming from it didn't sound well without an explanation and I always wondered how we would then explain it and make sense not only with my mind but with my spirit and to my amazement the way he explained you can tell that this is yes scripture isn't sync but you can tell that this is beyond Scripture and it is synching with my spirit that's the amazing thing about how he explains this now because look here the explanation of the Deaf spirit the dumb spirit and you begin to realize that our analysis of our demons operate the scripture was limited and therefore by the very reason of that foundation or that analysis we were placed on a platform where we can now really understand that these whose spirits they healed us in certain areas but they no way it is that what we supposed to be ours or what belongs to us is because it can stop you from getting money when it doesn't know where the money is or how you get the money yeah possibly I'm ready for this morning another principle is for the gravity theorem maybe you'll be naming principles of getting to it by the voice here but yes ah Wow we're ready for the service this morning and we know we believe that you are also prepared for what God has for us today allow us to introduce the voice of God it's lovely morning father thank you so much for being here with us today I'm glad to be here father you are revealing to us mysteries that had been hidden from our eyes we had no capacity to see them and even if they were there was ever going to be an attempt to give these to us we would have never been able to receive them had it not been for you so father we are thankful for you giving this to us and father we appreciate their the way you prepared us over the weeks even the sermon you taught us concerning approaching the dark areas of God this is an area that has been of much controversy before in the past and you're now bringing to light the true reality and the truth about our authority as children of God hmm father without you would have never understood these things but thank you for qualifying us for this area now through the immaculate and amazing delivery of the Word of God No thank you so much father well we think God you know we are living in in a very very sensitive time in the history of mankind and we have to count it a privilege for us to be in this position where we come and we sit and God uses us as a as a channel through which he brings information to our dear people it is a privilege justice is a privilege change and I'm grateful to God for that but you know before we get into the word I would like to thank God for blessing you with a son thank you Father thank you so I us to see by a different man now that is just giving him a pretty you boy boy yes bouncing baby boy father thank you so much it is a go it happened in Tantra grateful to God thank you elevations thank you so much I'm so happy for you we are overjoyed and we are thankful for your covering can you imagine your love I feel like a new man [Music] indeed we thank God for that we thank God and I would like to appreciate our people our viewers as you can see that is a level of dedication and commitment on their part they're always here yes always yeah and I would like to celebrate you as well and I believe today is going to be a very unique day and the Lord is going to bless you so much thank you for being here and like I said it would be good if you have a friend let him know that we are all yes this is an unusual authority over demons its authority that is unusual Authority that is uncommon Authority unlike any of the authorities that if you had or you have seen in the past it's a rare Authority but today I'm going to try my level best to simplify some of these things we can bring you to a place not just of understanding but a place of authority Authority that is what we want to achieve today is raise an individual who was once weak and we let him go strong I wanna thank you for years I want you to follow me and follow me very well and prove that you have had me is the presence of that power and that authority why then you will know that you will understood me we we are tired of this very weak generation very weak and very ignorant generation we want to see the generation of Authority enough power yes yes Father yes and I said I'm going to be giving out codes yes what yes but you know of all the codes that I'm going to reveal to you there is one code which is there the major one which is the the principal one and outstanding the offer and you some people may wonder why would that be a court but that does it there's nothing that we can we can do about it it's an established Accord and everything else has been tried and only this one just proven to be to be fruitful every time like in season and out of season and I'll talk about that maybe right at the end because it covers every other Accord that I'm going to give but that major chord is Jesus so so but we need to discuss some finer details which are very key and you realize that in his matches Jesus is the overall key how come sometimes calling upon his name has not given you any desired results what you expecting to see after the pronouncement of his name you never got that nothing happened and it could be something wrong not with that major key but with these other little keys that we have turned a blind eye on so I'm going to focus on that a little bit this is just a way of simplifying it and making it easier for you to comprehend and even in the future should you want to receive that information it's formatted in a way that is easier for you to remember thank you yes there is number one the spirit study okay okay the spirit study with the spirit search okay which is the SS I would like to call it the SS one one in terms of priority okay after you are born again after you are born again the first thing is that spirit study and I would like to arrange them in their order of importance thank you and then we'll get to the spirit style number to start and then this spirit speech just number three and you look at those the three chords and then prove to you how you can get the job done by using those three chords and these chords are found in him okay they are found in him the spirit study which is the spirit search number one and then there is the spirit style there is a style and I will teach you the style well thank you for and there is this speech I wanted to call it the spirit language but let's maintain it that way so that it is easier for people to remember all these are SS ss SS SS 1 s 2 s 3 and by the time you get to the speech part you would have started seeing certain things materializing in your atmosphere you know yeah something is taking place if that's that stage amazing things that we are dealing with here unusual authority over demons what is important for you to know at this point is that not every power of God is with God not all the power but God has is with God telling people that God is powerful it's an obvious statement they have seen what what God can do useful but it is important that people realize that not all of God's power is with God God is a generous God these are given God he's a sharing God you study your Bible you realize that they are objects in the Bible that God gave his power to and certain miracles were performed sometimes by the raising of a rod stick and the waters odd part and you study about a furniture in their most holy of Holy's there was the Ark of the Covenant and within the Ark there were other things the stone upon which God had written the Ten Commandments there was a port and within the port there was manna and there was the rod of Aaron that badet but over Ali something within the box was contained which was the power the power of God unusual power and that power would work wonders if taken into foreign places because there has been several hostile takeover and end and this box was taken even into the land of the Philistines and it did some crazy things which is proof that not all of God's power is with God they are things that have had that privilege of sharing that power with God and no I'm not here today to just talk about those things but we want to talk about people people is well because the power of God is in some of the people yes yes there are people who are today possessing that power they have it in their possession they carry that power they walk in that power and these people are not talking about the people that are dead now we still have people in our days still alive and the custodians of such power the power of God so there is a place in the Bible where the people rejoiced when a miracle was performed and this was their confession the Bible says and they glorified God for he had given such power to men God God glorified for sharing his power giving his power to men he got glorified not for having the power himself but for handing over his power to men as well and by reason of that transference of power a miracle was performed it's amazing because if you begin to study spirits and such you get to a place where your perspective of the supernatural changes in the changes that you see are changes that you can share with people who are not within that same dimension of understanding what because they're your understanding of spiritual activities changes drastically and you begin to realize that God is never in the business of performing miracles all the miracles that we think we are performed by God whenever performed by God looking at his power looking at his authority and who's that regulates his practices within his sphere they are not miracles they are not miracles because we have laws that we have on the earth which are natural laws that governs the natural activities okay and we have those laws only here and in eternity we have the laws that are spiritual spiritual laws and those laws also govern whatever happens in the spirit here we call it a miracle because a law has been violated and we call it a miracle there is a violation of a certain given law so then we call that a miracle cause a law has been violated you walk on water we have violated a law Wow okay yes but there is a space beyond most people's reach where if you do that it's not even a one that no one looks at you there while it's you're walking on water because there is no law against that they if God wants to do miracles he doesn't have to do them himself he has to hand over his power to us then we contend with our natural laws because we are governed by those and he is not if God wants to punish the devil he must hand over the stick to us and we beat him up not all of God's power is with God they glorified God not for having power so we are living in a season where God is never going to be glorified on the basis of him having power him having authority him having no no no no no by the day that he chooses to hand over that power to men then he gets the glory so if you think it's all about God that's as your dimension just too small in the things of the Spirit Wow yeah it's not all about God we are part of this so when that power is given they must be an acknowledgment you must then know that the power has been given spirits study you know when you try to teach people on spiritual things I have noticed that many people struggle with that kind of a teaching they really struggle but if you have studied everything else and you have left out the spirit study accorded as according to me you are yet to study anything there is not much that you know in life but the problem we have had is that we have subjected our selves to the so called knowledge and by reason of attaining that sort of knowledge you get crowned they put on a garment on you and they give you a certificate yes Laura yes degree and you have a cap that confirms that now you know something but then if what you know cannot secure and guarantee your success your piece your safety you need to begin to question that kind of knowledge was it necessary for you to even learn what you've learned is that the subject that matter what you know now is that what really controls life it's amazing how people can come in they can study rocks and they can study stars and they can nurse that the water they study everything else and they leave out the spirit number one study of this spirit because you're going to have everything else around you being controlled by this spirit that you've never studied I SS one when you begin to search and study spiritual activities it's an interesting subject cause in there the first thing that you discover is yourself you find yourself there studying spirits what you understand first is yourself you know yourself we've all been to school and they call you educated only if you have known what they want you to know there is knowledge in the book and there is knowledge that you carry and if the knowledge that you carry doesn't line up with the knowledge that is in the book you have to make some sacrifices let go of the knowledge that you have is and embrace the knowledge that is systematic has been placed in a book and it has been accepted but this is the knowledge that you will go by so if you fail what is in the book and then you pass what you carry according to their standards you have failed I begin to wonder now why is it that every true information is external why is it that every accurate information is in a book and not within me was I born that ignorant is it true that I came without any programming there was no knowledge whatsoever yet I knew how to cry when something is wrong a new way to find the milk I knew how to suck it out I knew who then destroyed that information somebody told me that I know nothing so this secular education has not become an establishment it's a it's a system that fights against the supernatural intelligence that you come with and then you have to sacrifice the knowledge in the information that is divine and you go by the book because that knowledge is dangerous to them if it is sustained if it is nature so a baby has to be subjected as soon as possible to certain kind of knowledge which contradicts every other knowledge that is superior there is supplier knowledge there is a greater knowledge hmm had we subjected our children to the spirit study investing for most is my god you then look at what they call knowledge and understanding and then you begin to wonder why is it that most of the guys with a lot of money they have walked away from such information this is something that people don't want to investigate yes why having most billionaires as school dropouts how come the men who chose to abandon that kind of search finally has most of the money what is it with this curriculum is it an advantage or a disadvantage isn't it a limitation what is it that we are we are studying it's an amazing observation something is wrong with this book indeed our educational system is not right it's not right yet I'm not saying studying is wrong I'm focusing on the subject what are we studying yes when I we study what if what you carry is the actual information and what is in the book is the documented ignorant it's a strange thing honestly pastors because once ignorant is organized you you you you up you abandon your your knowledge and you bow for the ignorance because of the way that ignorance has been marketed placed and packaged in a nice book you let go of the knowledge that you came with and you all fight for that textbook a but contradicts every god-given knowledge fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge the beginning the beginning spirit study when you begin to study spirits it's interesting the things that you'll begin to to find I found something interesting things that I can share with you all day long he's fun please do please do you know there is something that we don't know that's something that we know has failed to address there's something that we don't know there is something that we don't know and what we know his failed to address the situation that we are here something that we don't know we know something but something else that we don't know has brought us into this situation God said something in the book of Isaiah chapter 5 verse number 13 Isaiah chapter 5 verse number 30s that means therefore my peoples people my and my people which means God's people look at where they have gone into are gone into captivity these are God's people that have gone into captivity and here comes the reason because this is the reason they have no knowledge and they have non knowledge right then and there honorable men now they have honorable men amongst them he are famished they are famished they are poor they are broke yet they are honorable my people there is a group of people and God is saying these are mine in as much as there they are my people still they have gone into captivity and they have been captured on the basis of their ignorance they have no knowledge yet still these are my people we have to be very careful now because you can be born again and still be God's person still go into captivity if you lack knowledge and there are honorable people there are still people honorable amongst all of them are slaves different ranks honorable people we have had Honorables everywhere which are not honorable good is looking at what he terms honor and what we are calling honor two different things the unreasonable people brought people they don't have an understanding even in that level of captivity still they are honorable people because they lack understanding they have gone into captivity you are captured right now if you don't have the right information demons have taken over your kingdom because of lack of knowledge knowledge knowledge the prophetess he says that my people are destroyed each of the forest number six they are destroyed for lack of knowledge my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge so you see for my Zaya there is captivity because of the same reason here there is destruction yes because of the same reason occurs look at what ignorance can do to his people in both places God is acknowledging like ownership I all these people they are mine yet they are destroyed and they are being captured because what they lack now is no longer me hmm it is knowledge what qualifies them to be his people it is him with them the a born again you can be with God and still be ignorant and you can be destroyed after being born again if all that you have is him and you know nothing about him you can be captured by evil spirits having him with you doesn't guarantee your safety didn't Peter drown in the presence of Jesus he did right in the presence of Jesus he was singing what then brought him up was something else that he did with that Jesus a what he did do with that gene his mere presence the presence of Jesus was present and the man was singing until he knew how to press a different chord you think all these poor Christians Jesus is not in their houses Jesus is everywhere in their kitchens in that empty refrigerator Jesus day is their king searching studying spirits how do we study spirits I remember I said in gentleman that came from Namibia he came [Music] to the life heaven and he was so desperate for answers I'm sure and that's that's why he came and this man you know what he had something around his waist that he had gotten from a Spiritist I don't know don't know how to call them and that thing was there to perform a certain duty we are we are starting to study spirits now here so I want you people to follow please follow this so he came we had different ministrations and people went through deliverance and we were moved into the prophetic and then I taught people on a certain principle which is very very strong and very vital but everything that had took place that's not that's not what I'm here to share with you but this is the most interesting part he wasn't that happy with the way this session was conducted because he felt like I had not really touched his issue then he raised this matter up in form of a complaint to one of our pastors it sounded like he needed more than what he got because his issue was is this all this is this whole no Namibia's too too far from here we go our struggle to come and then you can tell me that it is it is it is all it's done then these pasta tried to comfort him this man would not be comforted he needed more more he needed more for me then at the end he really opened up to say pasta pulled up his shirt he said look at this all along ever since I came I checked him staying in these rooms I met the man of God I was carrying this thing this charm on me some people were falling down demons were coming out he also laid his hands on me nothing came out am I wrong if I move around telling people but his prophetic is not the real am I wrong and this pasta probably maybe in trying to maybe wanting to not just comfort him also maybe protect he's made of God he contacted me he told me that I know this is what this guy is saying then I gave this pasta information to give to this guy and I said let him know that according to my understanding there is nothing and this is how I said I said there is no metal detector that responds to plastic [Laughter] you are not the one to tell me that you have a job I'm the one to tell you if it's a job mm then I say to this pastor let tell him no this guy has been deceived here's nothing if that was something how they've sensed it you know we are studying spirits yes yes Father hmm that guy who gave him that thing is a kook he has been deceived thank God when my pastor told him that he sort of believed it because he went back straight to that guy and then he found that house already he was too much doctor was no longer staying there the house had been destroyed by the villagers and they said it has been a long time I think some Mans ago because they discovered in that village that this guy was cheating everybody hmm so he had gone back to verify and to ask this witch doctor whether this thing was fake he never found him now he was calling back now the life of him okay Wow but what am i teaching you he is carrying something that he thought was something okay most people don't understand how the devil works most people who claim to have spiritual powers demonic powers and so on they are empty there's nothing there yes we have we have very few people to fear on the earth very few very few people not many people carry something of what many imagine my silence mm was a prophecy yes it was a confirmation that what they're caring is not hmm and most of these people what they do which doctors is not necessarily come up with a proper charm that addresses any situation the only thing that the charm addresses is your confidence they hand over to you something which carries nothing in terms of power hmm and then you are given that thing and from that thing you derive your confidence not any spiritual power and you are you are empty in his size in the size demons are concerned you you you get prayed for nothing comes out of you because nothing is in you the only thing in you is ignorance and ignorance it's difficult to pray it out okay you lay your hands on the most ignorant person he remains ignorant in what makes matters worse is when that ignorance now is anointed then that's that's it that's a serious case if anointed an ignorant man he was now happy here it was nothing how come he did not deliver me now how come he didn't see I was carrying something I have studied spirits I know how to sense the presence of negative energy if it is there what what you think is danger you get close to somebody who can sense spirits and then he doesn't sense the danger that you are sensing then you must understand that's not danger at all thank you Father you have had a man of God who hears from God come to you and then he addresses an issue that is completely different yes from your focus yes what you thought was important is what what he is addressing exactly then you must immediately change your perspective mm-hmm Wow thank you because your understanding of what is important is wrong then how come the man who he is from God is not considering that area to be important not many people have these demonic powers and them we ever had confessions by some of the you see while we're taking on this because we are studying spirits right yes Lamia yes confessions by some of the witch doctors you have had some of them say claiming that Pastor Sauron saw he comes to me every time yes mister saw him so mr. Sorenson and I give power to all these people okay right and the reason why he's telling people that is because he wants to be Nonya wants to be popular right and the man that he is saying I've given power to now that man is popular now people have follow him powerful crowds that same witch do that doesn't have that crowd yes yes okay you have yet to follow this yes well the things that you see the men of God - you've never seen that witch doctor - yes yet people believe what the witch doctor is saying are you sure that you're the one who has given that man of God power to do the things that he is doing let's have them done here this hmm you never get to see that power at work yet people believe what this man you say and this man cannot claim that he doesn't lack popularity if he is telling people yes from the one who made that person popular how come he is not known like the man that he gave that power to [Music] all these they're liars because they know that's how they capture you also mmm because you don't know how to study spirits date Wow Wow I've looked at most of the books not really studied them I studied spirits before I came across books hmm okay so when time came that I needed to learn from the books I'd had difficulties believing in most of this stuff I don't know if you came across some of the very odd books in the past which would detail the activities of the devil how the devil operates activities in the Satanic world I once came across another one called delivered from the powers of darkness hmm most people afraid that that person made more money had he written anything else whether about Jesus not many Christians would have read that book what these authors are doing is to study your ignorance and they feed your ignorance with more ignorant than knowledge mmm [Music] when you have mastered the area of the spirits you open any book read few lines you know this this is a lie this guy doesn't know how to do operates this information is false they are the depths of the of Saturn levels of certain that you you can be as evil as whatever and you never get to those depths no people are confused because when you begin to move in the prophetic people are wondering is this god is this the devil yeah is this god is this the devil that kind of confusion has been created by the devil himself now so that you begin to doubt the work of God in your life trying to find out is this god is this the devil and yet the dear father we know according to his maximum prophetic capacity he didn't know that his mission was never going to be accomplished to when he rebelled against God I have said this over and over again over and over again all these demons that we talk about they are serving the devil they are under the dais the ones more powerful than him in prison weaker ones are under him yet that the man himself in charge of that kingdom could not prophetically pick but I'm going to be arrested by my cue and be cast down you deaf aborted that attempt if he was that prophetic is other people are claiming that the devil is that prophetic that you can prophesy by a charm they do not do unless it is a brand new one okay we have to study define now the author they had the man in charge of all the other spirits if he could not prophesy is down for hmm who told you that that prophet is prophesying with a charm where did he get that charm form if there is that intelligence in the kingdom of darkness the devil would've been the first one to use it hmm if you'd ever avoided is wonderful very as we are talking we are that level of prophetic does not exist in the kingdom of darkness to prove to you that some of the people really don't know you can have a person let's say for instance most of the so-called prophets right they are not prophesy right yes well right neither are they using any charm they have never met the devil anyway right all you need is a Facebook like I said right before imagine if you are getting information from the Facebook or you are sending people to get information from other people and then you prophesy having had access to those places do really require a charm to access Facebook information no no phone no no not at all okay so if I'm prophesy for instance let me let me give myself as an example if I come across information information about you from the Facebook about about him and then I'm prophesying to people on the basis of that information on Facebook if ever you are going to criticize me you have to be very careful what you tell people if you tell people that I have a charm if you tell people that I'm a devil worshiper you have actually elevated me above my paygrade you're promoting me because if I had MH hum I wouldn't have consulted physical places I'm getting information from the Facebook because I don't have a child people are in churches where you don't even have the presence of the devil the devil himself is really impressing you you don't know what you're talking about is when you begin to tell people that I'm into rituals do do you require any ritual you're required to kill your son we have information from the Facebook no no not at all that contradiction means you don't know what you're talking about in trying to undermine me you're actually elevating me hmm you're promoting me wow that's something that every crew can do without the use of a demon ease is I'm trying to educate people so that they know how to identify you need to stab these spirits yes Father thank you Father Wow a man with a charm that tells him information Alessia telling me that that Facebook is [Music] if a man is into rituals into sacrifices and so on why then go on a platform that everyone has access to without any ritual most of these false prophets they don't even have the devil using them the devil is smart the devil is very very very smart it's not that prophetic but he is very smart some of the things that you see pastors doing on television these days it can be the devil that's even beneath him yes you don't even blame him and say what is the devil up to it can't be him it can't be the devil the devil is is more educated than some of those it's a ratio I'm telling you the truth he's bigger than that he's bigger than that he's bigger than that yesterday we were sitting there my family and me watching a program in the college what America Got Talent or something that NASA where they are having some auditions people are coming in they're singing I think that one man I really wanted to know whether this was a joke or what but they were telling me it's serious this these guys are serious hmm and some would have even their parents accompany yes and what I started watching that I said I wish there was a place like this for men of God we wouldn't be having all these jokes yes there was need for judges to investigate and find out before a man of God is released I know it's impossible you can't have that because every man is under his own inspiration yes yes and no one wants to be judged no one wants to have his own book mugged by another person that's the problem we have but least these ones they have there is a partner that tells them going to find something else to do see hmm and the judges are so honest and most of those people are very angry they have the presence of the entire family accompanying such a person and they all believe she's singing just like in a church everyone sitting there believes that the man of God is pretty mm-hmm what they believe we are blaming the devil for most of the things that we see happening in changes and yet he is far away from that hmm he doesn't practice that he doesn't practice that we are still a number one then we made that they who knows that first all you need to study spirits study spirits sach sach sach go beyond the book go beyond the confession go beyond the same on the statement in get to the spirit of the person speaking what is driving the man to say what he is saying Colossians 3 verse 1 then verse number 2 hmm closures 3 mm-hmm verse 1 and 2 mm-hmm if ye then if if they if mmm if ye then if we then be risen with Christ that is the issue if thus the case that you have risen with Christ he's not saying you have risen with Christ if if mm-hmm seek now this is what happens after you are raised together with him you seek those things which are above what are you seeking the three things yes in Christ is not one of those things seeking after things is still something that you do after you are born again you still seek for things but the difference is the location now where you find these things these things so your sex is now at a different level you are born again you have Christ but there is something else me that you don't have the things the things if if ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God which means on the right hand of God there is Christ and again on the right hand of God they are face you can have Christ and not have those things after you are raised together with him there is SH now you need to start searching when we talk about above this hood all about in heaven the things above are things superior well well things opinio things greater than just money what is that thing that is above money people have opted for money because they can go for the above yes yes there is something greater something bigger than money when you start to study spirits you will come across things that are above in nature mmm things that are above in power things that are above in strength in value above everything about those things is above whatever we are using on the earth is a representation of those things those things the money that you have in your pocket is a representation of the actual money you couldn't get access to the actual money so that's why we came up with what you representing else that represents it you have to seek for those things but you see in seeking you must come to a point where you get delivered okay yes you graduate from seeking one thing and then you start seeking for another thing you see the meter 6:33 scripture that people always caught in it k CQ fest the kingdom but seek ye first the kingdom of God yes and His righteousness in what and all these things shall be added and certain things again we are coming from Colossians we are seeing things and here if good things again yes but he is telling you to seek ye first fast he didn't say seek you only hmm right yes makes the difference yes a bit different big different it's all different if they find you seeking for things they will have a problem with you okay yes it is Sakhi fest hmm for what the kingdom seek invested the kingdom of God once you have found the kingdom of noon then you will find everything else being added unto you and whatever gets added I will prove to you is something that you seek in the kingdom of God whatever gets added you'll have to seek for it Wow the Bible is teaching us in Colossians we have to seek the things yes Father there are above the things that are above ought to be sought after things all the earth can be edited without you seeking for them but in the spirit you have to seek for these things can can I can I can I show you something yes for this one yes Father you must get to a point where you write it in your diary okay that today I have finally found the kingdom mmm a and a day after that day you are no longer seeking for the kingdom it has to be known don't let anyone on the internet bombard you anymore with this scripture stopping you from seeking after things you must understand if Jesus says seek ye first yes there is something else that he is telling you but if you seek you find so there must be a day that I can say I finally been delivered from seeking the kingdom what no longer seeking the kingdom I found the kingdom yes nay we need to confess like that now people have started having problems with you they want the safe to be ongoing forever keep on safety for the kingdom some of us we have found it what else you want us to do we have found it yes the kingdom but you are still searching for we have found it you can't tell me that it can be found yet jesus said seek for it how do how how how can God who is reason loving God send his child to go and seek after something that cannot be found something is not in existence if he tells you to seek for the kingdom it means the kingdom is available it can be found in seek first the kingdom and his righteousness so I found the kingdom and I have found his righteousness now when things begin to come to me don't accuse me for going after things if things are coming to me listen allies description [Music] if what Jesus is saying is true because we know he's not a liar Israel Sakhi fest yes the kingdom Ezra right is it true that the kingdom can be found yes yes okay and his righteousness he is not ours yes is it true that his righteousness can be found yes is it true is this true huh okay and then he says and all these things shall be added unto you is it true that if I found the kingdom and I found his righteousness all these things will be added unto me it is true it is true okay while then do we have a problem when we come across a man who is having things being adept as a result of him having sought for the kingdom why are we not saying this is proof now when we look for the man who has found the kingdom who has found his righteousness the only proof in the Courts of Justice I think the things added must save as a testimonial but he has found the absence now of things means you are yet to find why not go by that principle why is it hard for people to celebrate a man who is having Kings being added unto Him and say maybe it's because he has found the kingdom maybe it's because he has found his righteousness now he is having things being added unto him but when you have more things being added unto him they say it's because you lack the kingdom now you like his righteousness this level of ignorance is amazing it's amazing usage not for the things for the kingdom in his righteousness once you have found his righteousness this is what happens now you are you are reconfigured by the presence of God the river system in that monarchy that they inset in your body you are programmed for success in a way that even if you fail you fail successfully that failure will be considered a success you get the level of anointing if you are successful in everything that you do there is a magnetic energy in the f you you bastard you know that it is that magnetic force that gives your compass direction in the North Pole yes the North Pole how that magnetic force is created I don't know who knows somebody out there knows but there must be an activity happening in the F between the solid part of the F and the liquid part of the F and when that energy is created because it's not fiction your compass in your pocket it's always pointing there you put it in your car it always you rotate 20 times it still points that it means this it established the reality is not fake there must be a force so something in your compass a magnet is responding to another magnetic force in that configuration is present in your physical body having been formed from the dust of the same earth there is an energy in every person which gives direction to certain things you must then get to the level in studying spirits you must know what points things towards a particular direction in your life where is your north the magnetics in your own physical body that causes things to go towards a particular no matter where you whether you go to to America you find any job in the UK you go to Australia things will continue happening the same way until you begin to study that force and that force is a spirit oh my god or an explanation oh my god do you understand that energy in your body before you say anything friends are walking away from you is it all about what you say or there is a negative image you can be delivered from demons but can a man be delivered from this magnetic force do you understand spirits you need to start searching how things operate under the influence of different spirits so I'm studying I'm studying I'm studying I'm searching I'm searching I'm searching mmm I'm searching spirit study spirit studying spirit study I want to know I want to know I'm a spirit I'm a spirit I'm a spirit I'm a spirit so I was never going to allow my body to give the spirit main direction this women has to give the body direction what controls the body right what controls the body what controls the body what controls the spirit what controls the spirit what controls the spirit so I know yes a spirit I came from the spirit God I came from the spirit God God is a spirit and because I'm under him as long as I under him I am controlled by him and then I control my flesh as long as my flesh is under me if my flesh then submits to me then I control my flesh I can educate my flesh I can heal my flesh if my flesh is under me if my flesh is in rebellion if my flesh is in disobedience then I have no jurisdiction my flesh is no longer within my reach as a spirit so I have to submit to God to his a spirit for him to have a say over my spiritual affairs and my physical body has to submit under me the spirit for me to ever say over its affairs what makes people do certain things the spirit behind what makes people do certain things Jesus from his bed went straight to the spirit that was driving the waters peace bhisti he commanded the wind not the water no matter how that wind was going to be blowing no disciple was ever going to die because of the movement of the wind it every disciple was going to die because of the water if the water gets into the body the pot sinks and people die and and they were terrified the disciples by the waves the water Jesus from his bed he went straight to the spirit Wow that controls the body the water the material that's what he rebuked he rebuked the wind the wind the wind the wind and he said to the wind don't touch the water and the water that wanted to touch the disciples could no longer touch the disciples because the water was under the influence of the wind of the Spirit something was controlling the water same applies with you the sickest is 70% water your physical body and what controls that water is a spirit high a it's a spirit all this thing that you think is poverty these are waves these are stone being driven by the wind if the inner man is not trained he wakes up and Intex the all body to the University and you think is another subject that you need to do this spirit that drives the water Stagg did this spirit the spirit the spirit the spirit so I am sitting here because I've been doing this that the four years wanted to understand that still things that I don't understand today and I'm still learning but of course they're things that I now know and I can share those things with you freely here instead of God within you God placed different gifts and those gifts are in a form or seed Jesus cause his father the farmer and we are his field so the farmer has a seed he goes to the field us and he puts his investment in us but for that seed to germinate again in your study of spirits you must understand your own not earthly your own personal photosynthesis game because they're going to have God putting sins in you passes I wanted to follow this is fine if your gift the gift in you is in form of a seat then it is your light that determines the direction of that gift I used to wonder as a young boy working in the field and we are dropping see it random carelessly in not placing them in order so that when it comes out you have the leaves coming out and you have the hoods going down I used to wonder how come you drop it it falls it sits on any position yet still the roots goes down and the leaves come out same direction I thought we're supposed to properly place the seed what determines the direction the light in that process of germination dude I heading towards the streams of water the entire tree gravitates towards the light so God places gifts in people in form of seed now depending on the light that you have in your head the information you give direction to that seed by the light the knowledge spirit study hmm everything that is not growing in you it is not because it is not in you it is because it doesn't have the corresponding light hmm the vegetation requires that light change it into chemical energy and they live by it you move that light to a different direction you see all the sunflower they will face the direction they'll follow the light the sunflower they follow the light whatever that God has placed in you that is not growing what is lacking is information the light in your head as the gift gets established in the ground on the F and you become a master in the market physically what gives that grace and ability essentially causing you to rise up is the light in your head the light has to be above the gift information has to be above your gift you must have knowledge let every gift be below the knowledge apply a more information and you realize that your gift begins to gravitate towards that light lies there in different forms you and I know that it was on the fourth day that God created the Sun yes yes in that Sun that he created he accorded the greater light and then hidden moon he called it the lesser light the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the what the night but he's not telling you of another light even this light that is calling great light it wasn't the greatest delight because three days before there was another life we didn't get to hear about that light how great that light was so the greater light to rule the day the lesser light to rule the night but if you want to go after lights you must not stop in the greater light keep on searching until you have the lesser light you keep on searching you get the greater light you keep on searching there is another light that the Bible doesn't does it doesn't describe three days ago we had plants growing out of the ground and there was another light different from the Sun that was giving vegetation direction what is that light is the supernatural light so there is knowledge above what we have acquired from colleges the supernatural light there is knowledge information above what you know physically the science the economics that you know is it's inferior there is still another greater light greater than the great light that you have what is that the Sun is arriving today finding out that every tree is already present mm-hmm and then we are given credit today so that's that the Sun is responsible for the growth of the vegetation before it was formed there was another light present why is that no one is talking about that light today all we're talking about and universities going to primary school secondary school you have to go to a college ok but there is another light that comes before that light which is responsible for your growth you can grow as a result of that light which is not sunlight no one is talking about that this Sun that we now have has come to take over now it is responsible it is this Sun now that is in charge of everything before you came before you we created how come there was another light there was a growth before the Sun was created what is it that you knew that then God deleted when you went to school if the Bible talks about the transformation that comes by the renewing of the mind not by the removal of the mind the renewing of the mind ok and be not conformed to this world but be transformed transformed by what by the renewing so what's your my what transforms you the renewing the renewing of what the mind see what good changes if he wants you transformed the light he addresses the light why talk about the renewing of the mind if the mind you head is still new it means it's an odd mind it's an odd mind it's an odd mind and what made that mind to become obsolete his wrong information wrong information your mind is old non-functional it has to be renewed and once the mind gets renewed there is a transformation that happens to the whole body he touches the light he touches the light you have to replace your light some have less aligned some have great light and there is the greatest light which is supernatural and we speak from that light and most people don't understand us I hope you are following this yes some people they don't believe that you can be with God and have money and they understand that they are convinced they are chemists everything their lifestyle is contradicting even what they are preaching they come driving a car they get into the studio right and they are dressing when they begin to attack success and everything that seeks to simplify life they attack it and because the people listening are not that smart they don't know how to study spirits you must send you up to such a person and then you only hear what the person you say look around him isn't they a contradiction around his life isn't there contradiction around his life they are claiming today oh that is important is Jesus that's what they say Jesus is enough Jesus is enough Jesus is enough yet his daughter is going to school that same preacher is developing his state a residential state mmm he's building a house on the earth what are you saying what is doing two different different things because people are not smart they keep on listening they don't open their eyes to see you have a contradiction on you if you have it it's because you need it if you need it your people listening to you they also need the same thing we are sending our children to school so that they become educated slaves that's what they are thinking get a job go to school get a certificate then you are qualified to be enslaved by another man that's all so the whole educational system that we have revolves around promoting slavery hmm so a child of God who is poor isn't because he doesn't have financial potential within him the potential is they what he doesn't have is the light that he hopes that seemed to grow that light is very important we are searching in so we are searching Hebrew something I believe he was sitting up by living look at this in number 8 we live down to verse number 2 thank you for Hebrews Hebrews 11 verse 8 to his 80s by faith by what faith yes Abraham when he was cold look at what faith can do by faith Abraham when when he was cold he was called yes to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance by faith Abraham was called by God court ought to go out to go out into a place so he was caught by faith to go god caused us out into hmm right by faith into a place if there is a place once you've developed that faith the faith that Abraham had was not just in obeying God when he called him out the faith that Abraham had was what qualified him for the call ah let me live let me let me repeat again the faith but Abraham had was not faith only in responding by saying yes to God yes to his God no the faith that Abraham had was what qualified him for the invitation he had developed his faith and God said with this kind of faith you can't remain in that same place because that faith qualifies you for a different location you work on your faith in that same location of poverty until you are disqualified by God to remain poor right and it is that faith that then attracts a call you will be you have faith that calls for the call the calling is being called by your faith you did called by God out of a place of limitation and God is saying how they've allowed you to remain there but with the faith that you carry that place is no longer suitable for you come out there is a better place for men like you with the kind of faith that you carry it's because Abraham was searching for something he's on SS Wow before he knew what God was there was a hunger in Him searching for the right spirit when people searched before we even get born again we are searching for the spirit not for Jesus because we don't know who he is well there is a there is a signal a hunger within people that makes them stop at a crusade 200 metres away he stops his vehicle he opens the window his list he's never been to change what made him to stop is that says the SS one he doesn't know whether it is Jesus that he is seeking after but it's just a feeling there is a hunger but he cannot explain you only find out that it was Jesus after finding him hmm you are not away that it's Jesus that you need in fact when you know it's Jesus that you need is because you have him already hmm you have him already before you have him you are not away you are searching for a signal which is spiritual which comes to quench your thirst there is something missing in you that you feel like I have had everything but there is this hunger that you can't explain you're searching on ss1 you're searching you're studying spirits you're studying spirits and then you receive him then you know oh this is the thing that I was looking for yes because you've been searching every study mmm now you have him Abraham he was called out into a place into what a place yes which he should after which he should after receive an inheritance for an inheritance obeyed he obeyed so the faith was what qualified him for the place in the faith is what made him to obey hmm okay yes far so what obeyed was not even Abraham it was his faith God was calling his faith it's a rightful place and his faith responded okay okay now hear this yes and he went out that he went out look at how Abraham had thought how he was studying spirits whichever way you want to put spirits such spirit study we are still on s s we are studying the spirits so he has developed his faith because I'm showing you now how you ultimately have authority over demons he went out uh-huh not knowing with not know he went so it was that's why I am saying it wasn't him if it was him he would have waited until he'd fully comprehended his journey in his mind he did in no way he was going but the faith that God had someone to knew so it was that faith that responded Wow so Abraham is being carried by the faith he has developed his faith to a point where now his faith can carry him into places that he doesn't understand mmm you don't get there because you understand you are careless there so that you can understand oh wow you will understand when we get there so he has developed his faith but he doesn't understand spiritual things yet he moved yes by faith he sojourned in the land of promise now the journey continued I want to help you understand this part he is searching for the land which is the promised land God had promised him land and the land that God had promised him was a physical came well pastors please please I wanted to get this I want to I wanted to get this but God had promised Abraham a land and then he left and then he got to the land and then he saw genndy his pilgrimage still continued whilst in the promised land he kept on searching for the land in the land explain it to us for his agenda he read it again yet by faith he Sergent in the land of promise yes in the land of promise yes you see he's still searching in the land of promise he got to the place he is still searching for the place what is wrong with this man I'll let you know very soon huh as in a strange country earth in a strange it remains strange to him what was strange to him there is the promised land he remained a foreigner in the land that was his dwelling in Tabernacles dwelling in Tabernacles or intense he made his habitations temporal and that was a message to God that I haven't arrived as yet he is denying by faith inferior possessions he is promised by God a cow and God calls him from a bicycle into a car and then he gets into the car and he keeps on searching for a car in the car hey so he's saying to god this is not what I have worked for this can't be it the faith that I have developed is beyond the physical positions hmm no no no and I want our people to get this because this is a key this is what gives you authority over spirits okay uh-huh dwelling in Tabernacles in Stepanek wasn't Isaac with an Isaac and Jacob the heirs with him of the same promise the earth the people who are coming to inherit the same promise he said to them don't build permanent houses in the promised land let's put up tents so that God knows that we are not here to stay because the search is still on we are on 1ss here let's prove to God but we are not satisfied with a physical possession this must be more to this for he look for he looked for a city he is looking forward acidity he needed something bigger something much more not the village is looking for a city there was no city in that land Abraham had enough faith not to settle for less there must be a city some way he's been living in a developed God who knows what he is doing so he said here we have arrived God is calling this the promised delayed but according to me in my children who put tents and who said that as a message to him that we are not here to stay he kept on looking for another city whose builder which had foundations he needed a city which is what found it means this one had no foundation hmm yet it was a promise d'Alene ordinary Christians would have settled for that in college success it abrahama was sensitive to pick the absence of the foundation and say this thing cannot last I'm looking for a city which has number one the foundation number two whose builder and maker is God so Abraham in the promised land he kept on searching for another city founded by God don't be surprised finally when you have what is called the Abraham's bosom a place a location in the spirit and I his name a he is sought for it had he settled for a material blessing physical blessing we were never going to have such a place in the in the heavens he kept on setting him he said this cannot be all of it there must be more to this God than a beautiful car I've build a nice house on the earth but don't allow that house to stop you from searching feather there must be another city spiritual authority is the ultimate power comes in different forms there is power that money creates it is inferior that power the day your money dries up you lose the power that that money brings there is political power I've seen people in politics very powerful Giants yet in one day you've watched presidents yes yes one yes my god means lakhs of the Gaddafi beings act like a madman like a dog in the streets can you imagine mmm the man that was once talk you couldn't touch him you sit on his table everything there was gold hmm suddenly that power vanishes it disappears he has now become the weakest man the poorest man every other power is very deceptive there's only one power that remains the supernatural the supernatural that's the greater light don't be deceived by the power that money creates don't be deceived by the power that politics creates and it's amazing that people they take turns to get into political positions and whoever is in charge they forget they forget political power is never terminate it's never designed to last forever so Abraham kept on searching he was like a king with soldiers under him yet he kept on searching for another supernatural power he it was seized him chariots he had cattle he was rich in God and in silver yet he kept on searching for another level of wealth collusion to say seek for those things that are above not just in heaven superior things what is it that is greater than money that can help you transact go after that go after that the greatest light greater than the greater light what is that light the light before the Sun the light before you went to school mmm why I ask this question again why is it that every accurate information is in a book who told us that the book is fighting the information that we came with there was another light before the formation of the Sun hmm that kind of life day 1 day 2 day 3 we had things happening before the Sun was created why let the Sun take ownership why crowned the Sun and say he's in charge of all the flowers of all the trees the Sun came later this information that came from within us knowledge that is from the Spirit the Holy Spirit is teaching us some things which are being contradicted by text books and that information is accurate that information is bright so he kept on searching he said ok so this is what God is calling from his d'Alene let other people come and inherited this as for me and my children let's put up tents and tell God that we are still searching for another city he needed power he needed authority he's saying you think Abraham was humble that's not humility he needed more than the physical form is deal and he talked of grid this is extreme he's not satisfied with physical possession yet the physical he got it didn't really didn't refuse it didn't tonight you gotta decide what what else my faith is too big for a crap a car child of God you want the anointing of God and the grace of God in your life to only produce for you marriage and you end there yet your grandfather who never had that relation ship with God still had a wife they'd carve they must be more this unusual Authority must be taken to another level otherwise it remains usual it has to be unusual Authority things that your father's never did there must be something more to this the captain said she is looking what is he looking for now corrosion is saying we have to search the things that are way above of above means above where Christ is seated the right hand of God so when you are seeking for the things that are above how do you find the things that are above you know it's not everything that is on the earth that you find when you keep on looking on the earth you know when when the pilot finally gets to the airport and the weather is cloudy he still makes an announcement that we have begun our descent before he sees the physical airport because within his space something else greater than himself has been made available there is a gadget some way that tells him and he has to trust that mother he trusts his eyes something has to tell him that you have arrived and that thing is faith it's not sight is faith it's faith and he tells you that we have arrived no airport whatsoever but he is descending so you see buses if he follows that gadget that instrument properly he can land even without looking outside that is if that gadget is accurate if your faith is accurate you don't have to see to believe it your focus is not on the tarmac your focus is on your faith the instrument you develop your faith you concentrate on your faith and your faith takes you to where the money is mmm there must be something big I kept on Sacchi I kept on searching I kept on searching I kept on searching something kept on telling me there is more to this God there is more to this God there's more to this God there's more to this God now I'm saying searching for those things that are about imagine somebody who is above can see our earth what is this up there and also whilst you are on the f you can see something that is on the earth even by looking up looking up let's search for the things that are above can you imagine that somebody who is looking up can find something that is on the earth looking up it's a spiritual principle mmm you look up to find the things that are on the f ck fests for his kingdom is a spiritual Kingdom mmm and all these earthly things are who beheaded you find the earthly things when you have found a something that is above mmm which is the kingdom you look up and then down here you find I can give you another scripture Bible says in Abraham looked up and behind him he found a ram what was a court a thicket to me is like a the typing error hung in one look in behind he finds something I thought if it's man that I'm looking for I have to look down where money is you look up sewed that behind you and sometimes if you look up you didn't say before he said behind Genesis 22 third hmm and Abraham lifted up his eyes lifted what up his eyes his eyes anyway and look her and behold uh-huh behind him behind a ram caught in a thicket by his home imagine he has been climbing the mountain he went past this Ram he didn't see it he didn't see it this was behind him he but the day that he met the heavens his focus not the sacrifice hmm not the physical the flesh the RAM when he looked up to the heavens then he began to see opportunities that he had missed in his life some of these people listening to me today it's not a new job that you want your success is behind you you find it behind you something that you tried in the past if only you can change your focus lifting up your eyes karate-do say let's seek after those things which are above when you have found the things about things beneath I found look up in behind I can give you another scripture again what they were looking for walking all the way from the east was Jesus but they had to look up to this star and what they found was not Esther it was Jesus on the earth but for them to locate him oh my god they had to look up look up searching for what was on Jesus was already born on the earth but they had to focus raised their vision look up you find physical things looking spiritually if you make this spirit your focus the star was leading them they were looking up looking for something that was on the earth being guided there was a light above them leading them to a physical thing Jesus was born physically on the physical earth but for them to find him on the earth there to look into the skies the heavens there is something spiritual guiding you to your physical possession there is something spiritual there is an indicator there is an light the reason I know above you leading you to a physical Canaan physical form is deal and spirit study just like all the people that have finally made money finally you realize that money was never their focus you make money your focus you won't find it as why people are making serious mistakes every single day they leave their houses get into the streets what they are looking for is money the day you stop searching and looking for money and you start looking for problems to solve then you discover a reward system that God has put in place money comes as a reward for having solved the problem what problems are you solving change your focus change your focus looking for the things that are about things that are about things that are above yes Father so right now all Israel they are fighting over the promised land there is a war right now raging right now is I'm speaking yes over a physical territory yet they are found I knew that you can let go of this physical there is a spiritual city but Israel should be in charge of right now we should be consulting Jews until today and they had this understanding that there is something beyond having arrived to physically and you keep on searching people are wandering he has all the money but they look at the way that you are praying they wander they wander that is why I desire so much that our people get blessed and you have all the money that people can think of and when your son finds you kneeling on the ground and you pray talking to God that little boy is surprised by that who is this guy cuz he's a little boy doesn't know who is this guy who can make my father we're so glad to bow down like that II that boy will begin to respect such a personality he cannot see him he doesn't know that it's God but my father in his now with his money if he can do that then that son when he grows up and he gets money hmm he will still be very submissive to that same Authority yeah he knows that money can never make you run away from such an authority you're grooming god-fearing children when they see you walking with God with all the money and then they know there is no amount of money that will make them rebellious again they have to learn it from you you are teaching them with this promise the land still there is another city so let's keep on searching my children let's keep on sacchi there is more that is more so today we are sitting here we know demons we can cast out any man of God who things may be saying this because he's weak he's saying this because he doesn't have the power like I have oh I have more than I know that then what is needed in terms of casting out demons I have it but I am the one coming now telling you that there is more to this authority and just casting out these demons something will get to the stile and I will teach you on this style thank you Father but here we are searching we are studying the spirit what is controlling people what really is controlling people what controls you the force in your body that makes your body to rise up in the morning and you go to three different interviews and they all give you offers and you choose the wrong one what is that force that makes you feel like you need to go to church and you always choose a wrong man of God what is that force you feel like it is now time for me to marry and then you are always attracted to the wrong person what is that force you need to study ss1 we start from there understand the spirits behind activities whoever talks to you you must understand whether it's your husband talking to you you are no longer angry with him because like Jesus you know this statement is never coming from Peter and you say get thee behind me Satan it was Peter who said those winds Jesus knew how to go beyond personalities mm-hmm and you would get to the origins of certain statements people that you think are so much against you they're not a chemist you the day they get their deliverance to become your friends so who was against you after all a spirit a spirit sturdy spirits spiritual study and this is heavy stuff Stud the way you sit down with someone who understands spirits and you ask him spiritual questions teach me men of God enroll me have me registered in the school of the spirit and from that moment we'll begin to introduce you to spiritual civilization we educate you on how to conduct yourself so unless we convince you that money is inferior we can get you to exercise that authority over demons if you think money is superior and you think money is more valuable than even yourself then you don't need any other demon to possess you you're possessed by money you can't have what forex you can't have power over physical possessions if physical possessions can still control you you are not in charge we are here to control the physical not to be controlled by the physical ok so the water in the sea has to wait until the wind moves before it moves we can't have the water moving the wind you're not here to be controlled by the physical we are here to control the physical we are in charge we are in charge that power is amazing we can do things that you should never be written in books people call us all sorts of names wizards and witches and so on when we get to that level of authority and power something that we can teach children these days like last time I was telling you on how to end over an individual to the devil yes and he leaves that place with the devil in you officiate that ceremony yourselves as men of God making sure that he gets is handed over to the devil yes by a man of God what kind of a teaching is that it's spiritual civilization Wow when you have Jesus on the earth it's not everywhere Jesus went where there was deliverance not every way here we hear me the demons a legion of them said to him don't cast us out not just of this man out of this city city they needed their presence in that city and they are begging Jesus okay that picture that you have these are demons pray if you want really to visualize it draw it put a portrait on the wall where we have Jesus standing and demons praying to Jesus and you tell me how Jesus responded he answered those prayers in a positive way a child of God listening to me today who think God is ignoring you because maybe are too evil and so on you have the most evil spirit asking your God for a city and your God gave that city to those demons Jesus did not cast them out of the city prayer request granted by your own Jesus and you're terrified somebody's is intimidate you can't even ask for a two-bedroom the house you think that's materialistic demons they know how to place demands things that you have you have you have wasted in God they come in the demand in their given cities hmm number two requests can you please give us those pigs dreamers are not entering into pigs because they can see pigs no the pigs were present in these pigs were not really spiritual prayer for that this demons could not enter all the demons needed was permission from Jesus who created everything give us those possessions livestock and Jesus approved did that in demonic possession Jesus what the devil now you have a pig that is possessed and who approved it your Jesus shut up god I don't know how you can talk to me because this calls for a response for me you argue with me if you want to accurate but here we have a peek and Jesus allowed that demonic possession he listened Jesus to the petition a request from a demon asked for a city given to them asked for the pigs given yet you don't have a house you don't have a stand you don't have a donkey you don't have a got a chicken you don't have your scanned you feel it is the money it is evil to ask Wow I said every demon in a poor man is rich did I not say that you did you did you did these people should have asked to me why call it rich how do you know that that demon is rich I don't go too far to search into its bank account the immediate position because a demon says from that dry place I will go back to my house every demon is into real estate so you can't tell me that you're a demon in a poor man is poor yet it has a property it has a house this man doesn't have a house but the demon in the man has a house so the purple that is making you poor is rich just like your men of God who tells you that riches are not important it is accumulated these riches young men of God is running in business and what he is getting from that business is not anointing it is money money is making money he's discouraging you from going after these things what he should teach you is to seek for the kingdom and then after second being the kingdom you help them ensure that the things follow the things follow the things follow if the things are not following let's go back to the drawing board and say what have you thought not be the kingdom prophet out units of the kingdom things are not following its follow the principle now things are not following you have found something else maybe it's your own righteousness not his maybe it's your own Kingdom not his if it is his kingdom and his righteousness things must be following so how do we know you are yet to find his kingdom things the absence of things the absence of things don't be afraid of these witches and wizards okay let me close by telling these people something something much more powerful than they are witchcraft something much more powerful than their witchcraft you see Balam who is either where there was a prophet where was a witch doctor whichever but if you study his life and you see how God interacted with him every visitors coming from Ballack right yes it is being hired to come and kiss God's people would comes to him and he says God go with them who came to him even God God it wasn't the devil but that's what makes him any prophet so he was a prophet hmm I think but here the weakness of great mmm-hmm he didn't know how to control that grid over material things it's a weakness okay that can make a true prophet a false one okay not not sin it's a weakness yes they are weakness they are sins we have to understand that a syriza seen that there are weaknesses we are not sinful okay so he not mastered that ultimate authority having God telling him not to go and then they kept on increasing the author hmm we give you this we give you this until ha he didn't know what to do now he was now being overpowered by material things okay and that made him a false prophet you know that there are certainly false prophets that are going to have it you have you have to know that you find false prophets in heaven from Hawaii okay people think that false prophets made false prophets by the force information or maybe they're being driven by a force spirit that's everything you know being a false prophet is in deserts it's not hard just like if you are in evangelists and you start teaching you become a false teacher it what you are teaching is Jesus mm-hmm hostage you die you go to heaven mmm while is to a teaching that was a force ministry he called some to be prophets some to be teachers salud all indeed that which was called to be a teacher can be found in one day one day prophesy it it was never given to him to profess a year to what he was prophesy was accurate that day he was a force [Laughter] father you saying he's prophesying accurately the whole to be 80 he's caught to be a teacher in the realms of the spirit you can be punished for that for delivering a message which was meant to be delivered by a prophet there are people who are not prophets ooh a prophesy and their prophecy is accurate but that's not their name they are even creating confusion for the prophets what was supposed to be said because when that information is like in a board meeting after discussing everything on the agenda then the execution you say you are the one who is going to run with this agenda yet everyone in that meeting leaves the meeting knowing what he is going to be doing now but that knowledge that no it doesn't mean that he's one who's going to take over that mission so a teacher can come across information that is being given to the Prophet and then he goes on to give that prophecy not as a prophet but as a teacher and that delivery of that prophecy has made him a false prophet he are punished for that in the spirit hmm yet the process it was accurate you die you go to him it don't go to him you tell God God I think I felt there was a need because that woman needed the weight hmm but you don't go to him that thing that you did was false not because it was a force that was never you know as you thought because you had information it was you were supposed to then distribute that information you a part of the board in the meeting you a member you get to hear everything including assignments being given to other board members oh okay back to Bala so Vallum Balaam is a prophet he's hearing from God yes notice he went there you know what I did the area of kissing God's people when he came back finally and he said there is no enchantment McGinest what Israel there's no witchcraft he's not saying and not the witches tried to bewitched and failed no no no no he is telling us of witchcraft that he practiced against Israel that never worked okay hmm where did he get the witchcraft for if he was a true prophet using demons using DeMuth that's what he did he gets to a place he makes use of demons him to cast a spell upon God's people and then coming back he says there is no enchantment it was enchantment that he had used advanced God's people but that enchantment was not ease it was in his Lane those are materials that witches are supposed to use and he hijacked their system and he uses them McGuiness to God's people and he says there's no witchcraft against them not because I another witch had tried he had used demons of witchcraft him being a true prophet using demons now notice how powerful Israel was against witchcraft hmm and how weak Israel was against is something else there are about to tell you now witchcraft against Israel was not as strong as the witchcraft doctrine Balam that they pegged his bags and he left and the mission was terminated he failed to cast God's people yet in the book of Revelation you hear about the doctrine of Balaam the doctor is not a witchcraft the Tatra doctor not the prophecy the doctor hmm so when witchcraft had failed when prophecy had failed hmm they employed another strategy hmm the doctrine of Balaam which Dobson he taught Balak to pursue hmm revelations 2 verse 14 but I have a few things against thee because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam who taught Balak we see in other teaching it is another prophet mm-hmm he went off his Lane in the beginning instead of teaching so the day that he failed to catch God's people he said to Balak but I can tell you something there is a teaching that I can give you what witchcraft there is a doctrine he tore to Balak to cast a stumbling-block you can do that yourself there is what is called a stumbling block that we can use agonistic no intent people not witchcraft it doesn't work there's a stumbling block II it's an immoral block you can delay them you can slow them down he is teaching Baraka and the teaching was to do with sending his girls hmm send your girls into their camp mmm when they begin to sleep with wrong people hmm now you're going to complicate their journey it's no longer witchcraft child of God some of you listening to me it's no longer witchcraft working against you now who I was sleeping with that's the issue the doctrine name of Balaam they had escaped the witchcraft and yet the doctrine called them what we are having in Africa we have survived all forms of witchcraft but the only thing that is still holding us down right now is the doctrine you can have your grandfather who was a witch doctor and he bewitched you you know what the day that you got born again you escaped that grip of witchcraft eh but what is warding you done today is his doctrine you are walking according to your father you are behaving like your father you still have the doctrine of your forefather now we are getting to this time yes for the style of the Spirit the Spirit is died we have to we have to change your style hope you walked in a different way nor longer like your grandfather you are poor not because of witchcraft today you are poor because of Daughtry you are acting you are walking you are treating your wife the way your mother was being treated by your father there is a residue of adoption in your generation that is coming after you no longer witchcraft witchcraft against them enchantment that dinislam had failed yet a doctrine called them a doctrine a doctrine there is a doctrine there is an understanding and a Nestea money that you have still maintained in your in your mind you still think man is if that's what your father used to think until you are liberated from though China issues you are not yet free oh my god let's let's let's this let's stop here for for today I'm coming back with the SS spirit style spirit style SS - and that's number two mmm after finding out the spirits knowing how they operate our keep only referring back to on SS - we'll come back to SS 1 because there is a lot that I have left out I want to try to to to to bring together ok information that I have say today and information I didn't say today from the SS 1 we can even into SS 2 they now teach you on how to extract you are getting something that you've known about the spirits and how you can employ that the style in there is a sty mm s style my brothers and my sisters when you begin to understand this style of the spirit this style because there is a style they said in Israel we have never seen it done in this style there is a style you are doing it the way that your father used to do it that's why your life remain in that same state until there is a change in style I don't want to get into that today my time is up but there is a style let's study the spirits I will tell you more about spirits and most spirits that have been accused today in families in churches hey there is a tip on that path there is a demon most of those pastors and most of your relatives they know nothing about those demons those guys they are simply empty there's nothing really controlling them except ignorance so they can't be in which I don't want you to be afraid of any witch doctor because already there is no enchantment if there was no enchant administer Israel in the Old Covenant how how about in the New Testament we are much more powerful than them all they're there they're there they're things put together we are much more powerful more than a conqueror but what is stopping you now from going forward is the doctrine doctrine talk three your wish is not that one on a broom coming your way in holding some strange beds you greatest to each and your greatest reason is that man of God in a suit holding a microphone telling you that man is not important telling you that Jesus only and alone is enough that's a wrong doctrine I said it before that's the same God who said it's not good for the man to be alone that man yet God he begs leader no oh it means he was with God yes yet God is saying you alone it's not good him that men with God it was not good for the men he needed somebody a helper and if someone a preacher comes to Danny tells you that you with God enough yet God is saying with me it's not good for you is the same God mm same God it's not good for the men that he be alone I will make him an help meet for him apart from the God that you received you need something else from the same God from the same God God wants us to have power over our situations it's not about God having power over demons God having power over evil spirits I'm tired of that I know he has the power my question is can I also do that that's my question I want a man of God who can teach me what I can do with the power of God but tell me what God can do don't don't don't don't tell me that don't tell I can see that for myself don't teach don't waste your time don't waste my my my my my data III know that don't tell me what good tell me what his power in me can do him what God can do according to the power that worketh in US tell me that tell me that tell me that I don't want to follow such a Jesus who is the only God who walks on water I am like Peter if it is you the true God bid me to come where you walk I also want to walk yes that's that's me now if you are true if you men of God you are blessed by God and your life is like that help me come where you are yes I want to build my house next to your house yes if I'm using the same anointing that's my understanding that's how you take other anointing in a man of God Jesus working on what the Peter said if if if it is you if it is you help me I'm closing on that I know I have to go by that this thing is so so strong on me if it is you if you are genuine today Jesus I'm going to test your authenticity I will genuine or your fake I'm not going to wait until I see you drowning even if you continue walking on water I wouldn't believe that you are you until you beat me to come not when you draw but if you can make me I'm testing your originality by sharing with me that ability like you Jesus if you had the power to multiply it solely to if you can make me do that then I believe you are you he said if it is you that question is very strange if it is you if is you so in other ways Pete I say you might not be Jesus but for you to prove that you're Jesus don't don't don't tell me that you're Jesus did me to know what you're doing if you are really the good that I know if you are a real God God's must help and aid and enable their people to behave like them beat me to come let me come on the same water I want to walk on the same water the things that I used to hear that God can do God can do this year and must be the one doing those things as if that's power that's what 4:18 now yeah I want to walk on water I want to walk on water I want to walk on water speak to mountains and they obey me I like that style I like that lifestyle and I can't wait for that yes yes - what is that what is that it's not all about Jesus that's a lie that's a lie you don't know him you don't know him don't let any man of God lie to you the day that he opens his mouth and he tells you Jesus is enough you ask him about number one the microphone is OD that's not Jesus his wife at work that's not Jesus okay keep on asking him fed up most of this period they don't they don't think and they know most of their listeners don't think it can be all about Jesus it can be Jesus is looking for a place where he can invest his power into and he was the devil to receive the punishment he has ordained strength in the mouths of his children so that he may steal the power of the enemy he wants to steal it in terms of stopping it seizing it but he has given that power to his children that's what we believe that's what I believe there is that power being given to people too by God and with that power you can do amazing things amazing things it's not all about what God could do here we are talking about what the power of God can do through you exceedingly abundantly above all we may think or ask he is able to do God according to what power - the power that works way in earth in God in us see God in our God in us that power is in us and we are going to do exceedingly and abundantly in the above all that we may ask oh think I wanted to be ready for this special anointing I'll be teaching on it and at the same time there's going to be a transference of that anointing people are going to contact this anointing is they are hearing me teach they are receiving that grace authority over spirits you will walk back into your village no longer afraid of any enchantment yes because there is no more any divination against you you are above your situation everything now is below you I want you to set your eyes up and change your focus as much as you can see the airport focus on your faith what your faith is telling you if it is time for you to take off you will take off despite what you see you don't walk by sight oh yes you walk by faith what is God telling you that instinct that feeling within you despite the little money that you have despite the odd clothes that you are putting on but within you there is a feeling of greatness like something so big is approaching you you just don't know from which direction now I'm teaching you you will look at you understand your programming the things that are happening in your body when get to this style you'll be able to read the direction of success we are being led by the spirit in how to respond to whisperings of the Spirit oh my god father in the name of Jesus I thank you for these very special people people that you have given wisdom and intelligence people that are ready to exchange and to lose they are less alight for the greatest light the light that was in existence before the physical light was formed the knowledge that is beyond knowledge information that is the foundation upon the rest of the informations laid upon father I ask that you help them comprehend you help them store this information and let not any bed of the air come and pick the seed that has fallen to the ground I am praying but with this information now and this illumination in their mind every seed within their belly will begin to germinate towards this light yes whoever told them that they were poor there was wrong information but you told them that they are reaching they are blessed and that seed from this moment let that sin respond to this light light to this light to this information this light this light this light stop being afraid of things that are afraid of you creation is waiting for your manifestation you have the power what you've been sending God to go out there and do for you you can do it for yourself and you can do it for God the power is within your child of God do not be afraid be strong be courageous he said because I have overcome the world he overcame all the systems of the world the Jews whether we have him Mehta in the courts was a worldly system be of good cheer he has overcome whatever you are facing in your life right now whether it's dead people are coming after you from every direction o child of God hear me hear me what the devil is trying to do is to make everything around you control you but let us turn the tables upside down it's time that you take over a child you are now in control of this cheering you have to control your feelings things will begin to be run according to your terms in your atmosphere they shall no longer be any range any bitterness you can create the joy that is required by your heart in the name of Jesus don't be afraid don't be afraid don't be afraid control your atmosphere manage it manage it manage it manage it manage it manage it manage it spirits on the earth in physical bodies are in charge take over your position child of God until them we meet again bless you bless you thank you Father miss ah we are dumbfounded by this great light hmm what a marvelous day this has been to meet again next time for SS two-spirit style shallow [Music]
Channel: CHRIST TV
Views: 97,882
Rating: 4.9154077 out of 5
Keywords: Makandiwa, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Prophet Makandiwa, prophet makandiwa 2020, emmanuel makandiwa 2020, makandiwa prophecies, makandiwa international prophecy, makandiwa prophecy 2020, makandiwa shona sermons, makandiwa 2020
Id: T2hYH_nAyVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 42sec (10542 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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