Emmanuel Makandiwa | The School of The Spirit 1| 2021

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[Music] hmm [Music] i [Music] something hopper for it's not just a name [Music] but it brings an atmosphere hallelujah [Music] jesus a lord foreign [Music] when i call you [Music] master the prince of peace [Music] i raise my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] ancient doctors selected by name hand picked from multitudes by the spirit of god to be partakers of this year of the spirit life we celebrate what god is doing amongst us we celebrate what god is doing and we embrace with open arms and receptive hearts this lifestyle that has been handed over to us within this year of our lord the year of the spirit life i'm quran but joined by pastor jokuni and in a few moments we will have the prophet leading us on man of god always good to be here such a joy to be here wonderful amazing to begin the service we we really want to just marvel at the way that our father delivered the message last week and we want to say thank you to every single individual that partnered and that sowed seeds into the lives of the team that is working behind the scenes to make these broadcasts possible so thank you so much we're all team they're doing such a fantastic job being able to bring our father into the homes of so many people all over the world it's an amazing team wonderful guys just that partnership sometimes it's not everybody who is gifted in doing certain things being in the forefront but that background work and our father is coming here the voice teaching us to appreciate these people and we thank god for the wonderfulity was it not a marvel to learn that the blessing of god has mobility it's not always concentrated in one place or found in one place it can be mobile in the sense that there are certain areas that you'll find the lord inviting you to partner or to sow a seed where then you have these sort of like concaves these access points to the blessing because of that you know it's also amazing i think for me the most important part is when you have an individual that is able to pinpoint that place where you can derive your blessing from through partnership through whatever activity just having that individual who can pick the radiance the place where the blessing emanates from or where the blessing has been put by god what else can we ask for locating that place it draws us to a lot of subjects we could talk about being able to see the well of the place where your father dug the well and accessing the stream and adding to that another principle that we learned in addition concerning how the prophet communicated to the widow and that was a place where god had already deposited his message and it was up to the prophets to locate that place where the message had been deposited i didn't think you were going to go there because i really have a question there i really need to understand what type of voice or how god communicates with individuals up to the point where scripture writes that she was commanded and she seems to be unaware of the command and it became the responsibility of the prophet who had been informed and the voice comes and says ours is a confirmation you see and then you hear individuals saying there's no need for a man what a lie but i really want to know i really want to know what kind of a voice that god speaks with to people and they're not able to realize because the subjects scares me as an individual how many things probably that god has commanded me to do [Music] amazing and you haven't followed through i might have missed but can we still say you're in that position obviously i'm sitting here i'm representing somebody out there who probably has the same question and as for me i'm here i have my father close to me there is never a better place this is the best place follow me like um i follow follow me as i follow christ exactly follow me and i'll make you fishers amen so our duty as we gather here around the light of god our north star is to follow and um and be made yes and be made as we follow so ours is to follow and the prophet comes through and we have we begin to get molded into those exceptional beings that we must be in this year of the spirit life locating that very let's call it a slit [Laughter] it's literally a slit the narrow way amazing well we're ready for the service we believe that you are and ready to receive from our father this very wonderful day allow us to introduce him now greetings our father greetings how are you doing ah we are doing something there's no better place for us to be a father very true very true ah father thank you so much we we see that with the gold that you have on the prosperity of our spirit a man is assured you guys all right what it was again thank you so much anyway let me get into into that very important moment where i remember last time it was on monday we had a very unique very special program i would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to our partners those that manage to send through their seed and those that will continue doing so this i believe has to be an ongoing program until we bring on another program again that covers another crew because we have two broadcasters that are airing and doing the recordings and giving us programs every single moment which is the oreo broadcast team and the christ tv and after we are done partnering with this i would like this to become a fixed thing a continuous program that keeps on going thank you maybe on a monthly basis or quarterly basis we'll see how best we can approach that because we want to keep on keeping on and keep on looking after those that are looking after us which is a good thing it's the best way that you can respond to god's service that god is offering keeping on being grateful appreciating those that god is using so that your peace is ensured so i would like to thank you so much those that have managed to send their seed through and those that continue doing so even after this service today i'm praying for you now believing that even after the program you'll still be able to send your seed so i have faith in you and i trust that you commit the grace of the lord is mercy the hand of god that delivers and that helps it reaches out to you right now as long as you can hear the sound of my voice having obeyed an instruction from the lord a command from god to the widow of sarafa you have heard the lord speak to you and then the prophet came and confirmed that same way that you went on to do as the lord had commanded you i would like to release the blessing of the lord upon your life that there shall be peace upon your life there shall be grace imparted on whatsoever it is that you put your hands on may the lord bless you keep you let him cause his face to shine upon you when you go out you experience the blessing of god even as you are coming in we still experience the blessing of god we i pray for that anointing that deals with every complication in businesses and in relationships and every other transaction you are blessed by a superior blessing that can never at any point be taken away from you because you are in this not just to be served by god but also to save him yes yes and he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him yes what you have done is to obey his voice and you don't get punished for that you get rewarded let the lord bless you and may he keep you in jesus name thank you viewers for this moment and i would like you to go ahead even if you can double what you did this past week go ahead and do so okay so this prayer is hanging on some of you that have heard this prayer and you haven't yet committed moments you fulfill what the lord has spoken about right away these nice words will descend on you so i want you to go ahead right now keep on sending your seed i'm expecting a greater commitment because that's what i do like i told you last time i look at the intensity the weight of the message and then compare that to the response okay so because deep collection too deep if the message was deep then whatever is given has to be deep as deep as the the way it was so go ahead commit this is where god wants you to commit at this particular moment so go ahead and send your seed let us support the team that has always been supporting us ever since this lockdown started so go ahead and send your side and i believe and i trust that you will not hear this and just wait for the next program to come fulfill do what is right until i feature again and then i present to you a different team and i'm expecting the same thing to happen so i want us to have partners that will keep on partnering thank you thank you even if i'm never going to ask for this again they will always remember it is that time again we have to partner okay so that's it for the partners do we have anything that we need to cover today indeed we do further um father we had some questions from last week and i'd like to just ask one okay i thought last week you you dropped a revelation of nuclear bomb proportions concerning the healing of these spiritual senses sight and hearing father we feel like you gave us a snippet in terms of understanding what exactly happens so father would like to understand in in a broader way the process that takes place when that healing is occurring the healing of the spiritual senses very important question though a part of it has already been answered but how um i brought in that aspect because it goes well with the theme of the year because we can't be talking of a spirit life and not be able to hear and see and feel from a perspective that is spiritual so as the reason why to broaden that experience in as much as it was personal my intention was not to try and bring every other person into my own personal experiences because personal experiences i personal i'm careful not to derive like i've told you before a doctrine out of an experience that was meant just for me i'm very careful because god deals with us differently he manifests to his people according to their measure of understanding and knowledge what they know is considered before he appears god has a way of extracting the amount of knowledge and it is assessed before he appears to an individual it matters what the person knows before god manifests to him so that makes my experience my experience and your experience your experience because what we know is considered before god reveals himself to us wow wow [Applause] sometimes there is there are things about god that you know and yet you don't know explain not because you don't know but because you can't remember you just don't know that you know right they are in a state that is unconscious that information the knowledge that you have about god but most of what we know and we know that we know it is because it has been elevated to a conscious state where it is at any time retrievable and you know what you know because it is in a state of consciousness but there's so much also that you know that is in an unconscious state and you don't know consciously that you have that information in your subconscious mind yet you know yes i hope i won't get some more questions from that again anyway because you've raised a very important issue if i had had this question [Music] throughout the week i would have um i think it's better that these questions sometimes they come it's random yeah and then we still go on for hours trying to help our people hey you told me maybe just after the service or maybe the moment you received those questions our father we need to go for the oh yeah because if an impromptu father you can go for hours it's a marvel but the question is compelling me to uh let's have a subject like the school of the spirit because i have to deal with so many other aspects so that you get to understand the process like you've asked yes we have asked that question i think that person really desires to no more i just pray that i hope that question is not coming from you but it's a very important question though so we pray for those that are watching us today who are part of this broadcast it's a platform where we're going to have an exposition a release and ushering into a much brighter light and i pray that as we begin the transition right now you will not have anything distracting you taking away your focus from what is more important may the lord help you to hear and to see what needs to be seen in jesus name uh your question again father we would want to know the process of the healing of the senses of the spirit what is that process fun let me present something to you here it was a new definition that we got last time and i believe if there were thousands of intercessors listening to me they got delivered from an endless labor of trying to seek that which the lord has already made available which is the eye that sees and the ear that hears and many people when they encounter or even stumble upon a prophet who is accurate in his prophetic exercises what happens apart from just praying for them is they admire that level of operation you admire your wish you could hear the creator the way that man of god hears the creator successful and that's that's not lust that's not greed that's not car viciousness it's a desire wanting to hear god i don't think there is anything as important as that so what they then go on to do is they raise prayers they make some repositions they place demands before god that i've witnessed their gift at work and please god oh jew give me the same eye that sees the same ear that he is because i have met a man who hears you so accurately yes what they go on to ask for is the ear yes in the eye and it is amazing for how long that prayer will go on and on and on and it is god that keeps on hearing you and you never get to hear god because there is something wrong with that prayer you see when the holy spirit begins to help you pray it is because sometimes you don't know what to pray for and then you end up praying the right way praying the right way for what you're not supposed to be praying for and there are times when there is a genuine need that needs to be prayed for and then you don't know how to pray there is a cause prayer is needed for certain things to happen yes you feel it so strong that hey where i am right now unless i pray there is no way that i can ever come out of this situation there is a genuine cause why prayer has to be raised but then the problem is you don't know how to pray so there is something that needs to be prayed for but you don't know how to pray yes there are times when you know how to pray and what to say [Music] but you haven't yet grasped the need you don't know what to pray for then you end up doing the right prayer asking god for what you should never ask for there is no need yet the prayer is there and you know how to pray but what you're praying for is not something that you should pray for so lining up having those two things properly aligned you require the precision that is um brought about by the presence of the holy spirit as they help he helps you achieve that preciseness but there are so many areas so many facets that we need to look at in trying to answer that question and the reason why i'm considering responding to that question it is because it is in line with what we are dealing with the life the spirit life if you asked any other question away from what we are trying to address here i would have postponed it but i think thank you for we are right on track let's deal with that and hope our people improve thank you thank you hearing god's voice and seeing what needs to be seen whatever it is that you need to see so next time you see a prophet you have seen a man whose eyes have been healed [Music] you have seen a man whose soul has been restored a prophet is a healed man and prophetess is a healed woman so more than the eye that he got it is the healing more than the ear it is the healing of the ear so a prophet is a healed man a man whose senses have recovered so imagine if all those prayers that you were doing if you were just asking for the healing of the eye and the healing of the year and the healing of the senses you would have been at a certain point right now in the prophetic level that would amaze you to a point that you you'll be amazed at the amazement but we had a genuine cause but we didn't know how to pray indeed we needed to hear god but we didn't know how to pray we didn't know what to ask for yes because god is not in the business of wasting resources he has already created an eye so you have less cost fixing the car that you have already and buying a brand new one right there is an eye that needs to be healed that process is much faster and asking for a new eye now what is happening let me try to take you back again to some of the issues that we have already dealt with you have heard me before but to some of you because of your spirituality that now you have developed you are in a better state in terms of understanding you will hear this as though you are hearing it for the first time [Music] when we talk about all these senses where do you find them within the construction of the human of a human being you sense god you sense even the presence of demons you pick on waves and activities around you using what what part of you fuse whatever it is that you need to feel where are those senses located in a physical body [Music] it is important that we get to know his father because the certain messages that will arrive at you and they touch a certain part of you that is not your eye that is not your ear and yet that message has to be decoded by that part that gets touched by the message and it's not your eye it's not your ear okay um i'm trying to let me try to relax a little bit please allow me for yeah so are you saying beyond the eyes the ears the whole physical body is a receptor yeah spiritual things spiritual messages yes and somehow somewhere within that body wherever the message is deposited it has to be decoded it has to be decoded because these messages are coded they are called they have to be received first and interpreted later of the ability to interpret that message if the message comes and a a certain part of me receives that message and that part is not even the eye messages that you can't see they are certain signals that are going to come and they are at a level that is beyond logic and your mind cannot fully grasp you can't circle around that idea that you're receiving because it is never given to your mind it's given to something else a certain part of you which is not the brain that is why logic cannot comprehend it which part of you is that let me okay so let me let me let me try to simplify what i'm saying here the flesh component we must never forget where we got that aspect of ourselves from the flesh aspect the flesh component we must always remember who we are for us to fully manifest fully manifest as spirits and start enjoying the spirit that is not just spiritual but a spirit life ah hear this yes very important you are a cake that has been begged by the greatest chef god who knows how to cook you are a mixture of too many things [Music] now all of us we know what a cake is but not all of us can prepare cake when the eggs when the salt when they flower when so many other things are put together and they are mixed so thoroughly to a point where they are now inseparable there is no way that you can now separate and try to pull out the egg from the cake it's gone it disappears into the entire composition but the man who beat the cake knows every single ingredient that went into that cake so if you really want to know apart from the test you can cut a piece and enjoy it and you know it's a cake that's the little knowledge that you have that it's a cake yes when it comes to the ingredients you have to consult the superior creator of the cake this is why we always go back to god who created everything because you have a salty part you have a sugary part so in order for you to understand yourself you must be able to investigate those ingredients separately god who is the creator before he formed not you but your flesh he formed the heavens i prayed for you because i i i suspected that i was going to here it is god created the heavens so before the heavens were created by god they were non-existent before yes and then god went on to create the heavens and then he ended by creating the earth and it wasn't just the earth that he created he created several other planets which are yet to be explored the heaven they haven't even covered the half of what god has created in terms of just knowing it on the surface right i hope whoever ask that question it's ready to follow through because sometimes it's important that you get to know what you deserve to do rather than wanting to know what i know you must be ready for what has come god then created the earth and from the book of john chapter one we dealt with the process that he is not just behind the creation he is the source john 1 verse number 3 thank you father all things how many things all everything yes all things were made by him okay and without him was not anything made that was that was made so all things were made whether the thing is small whether the thing is big it doesn't matter the thing is green the thing is red whether the thing is high or the thing is law all things were made by who by him yes so we have found the creator of everything it was him who formed who made everything and he goes on to explain where he got the material from because you need to have the wrong normally people say god is a creator because he creates something out of nothing and yet he never created anything out of nothing he created something out of something yes yes because he is not nothing he is something so creation doesn't always mean that you create out of nothing he created everything out of something and that something was himself because it is stated in that same passage of scripture where he got the raw material from yes and without him without him and i explained that the word without doesn't just refer to his absence from the creation for instance if god is not present nothing is going to be created yes that's the other aspect of the word without then there is without which refers to external him being present so if the bible says without him and without him without him referring to the outside part of him [Music] was not anything made that was made so so there is the without where you have the absence of the person in a place so the place is without the person get that part that without connotes the absence of the person [Music] and then there is with the without which refers to the outside part of the person that is present yes without if you say you are without a house there is no house then once we have the house that is the without aspect of the house yes we are referring to the outside of the house so this without is referring to the outside aspect of god that outside of him there was nothing that was created or that was found so without him nothing was what was made that was made so nothing existed outside of him first so whatever we then later on saw materializing without him came from within hmm okay hey that is strong yes so the heavens were extracted from god and the earth came out of god and i said i have to highlight this aspect again if god stretches out his hand and he touches another material which is not himself and with that material he creates the earth then we begin to in question now where he got that material from he got it without himself outside of himself yes yes so if god had to find another material outside of himself by which he then made the earth we are then introduced to another god that material then becomes another god that contributed and participated in the creation of the earth i want to get this aspect for god to be the soul the ultimate creator of the earth and he claims ownership and lordship over the earth there mustn't be any other source apart from himself otherwise that source that contributes the raw material becomes another god in existence that he helped god so for god to own to say i am the creator of the earth he must never discover an external raw material he has to reach out into himself and mine it out he has to bring out of himself the earth okay yes sir yes okay we're coming to those senses don't don't forget please so god goes into himself in search of materials and then he comes out with the dust and with the dust he said let me create the earth so if that is the case that the earth came out of god we have them to agree that at some point there was god's physical aspect if the earth is physical yes if the earth is tangible if the earth is material so there must have been a material aspect in a spiritual god yeah the strong father so being spiritual does not exempt you from possessing material or physical attributes you must understand god is a spirit right yes as much as he was a spirit we could still find dust in him there was the flesh of god in god so the day god said let me create the earth he wasn't really necessarily creating the health he was separating himself as a spirit from his physical aspect the part that makes him visible [Music] he wanted to operate it an invisible dimension where he is not perceived every single moment by optical eyes so for him to disappear he had to remove from his body aspects that are dusty so i i want to disappear what do i do i look for things that makes me visible that's how then god created the earth he purified himself so creation was the process of purification where god was taking a bath he was cleansing himself removing aspects from his body that makes him visible so with those aspects that's the dust yes he created the earth this can never be heresy otherwise you're telling me he got the dust from a different source which was not himself and then that sauce becomes another god without him nothing was made so he got the dust from himself so if there was dust in god that dust would make him visible as the earth is visible i wish people i wish people would follow what i'm saying we are following so we're following that purification process where god willingly subjected himself to that separation where the flesh aspect of god has to stand on its own and the spirit aspect is standing on its own now i said this notice that when god formed the earth and the earth was complete but the sanctification the purification process was not yet complete god had still some other physical components remaining on his body which he didn't want then what what does he do he he didn't keep on increasing the earth in trying to get rid of the dust that was on his body he went on to create other planets that are not active today yes yes and you wonder why such an intelligent god would create so many planets and there is no life existing there he's so careful he's so calculative he doesn't waste he's the same jesus who said the remaining gather the bread and put them into baskets and they had 12 baskets leftovers yes it's not a waste for god why would you create other planets and there is no life there is no activity there so the reason for the creation of all those other planets it wasn't so that just there can be other planets he wanted to get rid of certain components he still had more flesh he still had more dust on his butt that would make him visible so he said okay i've created earth for the few people that are there but i'm not yet done i'm still visible we are coming to the site because you want to see god yes i will tell you again on another broadcast how he increased the clarity in his voice wow so that you have to hear it on a different frequency wow things that you also have to remove from a voice so that it ceases to be a material voice okay hear this hear this hear this so so the earth is now formed in other planets have now been formed and god now has just finished taking a bath then when god says let us now make men after every other creature was created if god took from the dust of the ground and then he made an elephant if an elephant came from the dust of the ground the dust of the ground that came from the body of god yes it means god released a part of himself that is able to also release another part if the earth that came out of god and then we have an elephant coming out of the earth right it means god gave birth to something that can give birth yes to something else [Laughter] a strong father so i highlighted i have to highlight this point again so is it right if the earth is a part of god is it then right for us to worship the earth i have to keep on polishing these things so that we don't make mistakes it's fine because if what this prophet is saying is true that the earth is a part of god then that makes it right for people to worship the earth and anything that you find on the earth because everything came out of god notice the past that god removed from himself he removed those parts because they were inferior they were somewhat a limitation to his operations he wasn't ready to separate himself from components that makes him powerful he he wanted to become even more powerful by removing whatever would limit him like the dust so going on now to worship inferior parts living out the superior aspect of god idolatry comes in now you can't go for a lesser god when you have a greater god you're right okay yes father this is dust this is west you now have a cleaner being who is now holy hmm okay yes father we're together so you have the earth and out of the earth god then said let us make man but out of the dust of the ground the man that then god went on to create he took out off the earth the dust and with that dust he formed the physical aspect of a man he created that and then he puts him there we are coming to the senses so at this point we have god who no longer has dust in his body that dust is now the earth and other planets yes are together yes now and that earth now goes on to produce next time god wants to create the physical man he doesn't reach out into himself he reaches out into the earth and he gets the dust the thing that once limited him he puts it on you notice not just something yes so you are going to be bound you are going to see certain limitations as long as you're in the flesh that's the reason why god had to get rid of the same flesh because somehow it was limiting he made the spirit now if he is ever going to clothe you the superman with the same flesh that he removed from himself you experience some limitations henceforth will get to the point where healing is needed notice so the earth is over there now dusty has been removed taken from the earth and with that dust the flesh is formed now you have the physical body lying there earth out of god and then man out of the earth now yes father we're together then god releases something from himself he breathed the spirit of life into the physical body and that physical body did something that the earth cannot do because the earth never received the same breath that the physical body received yes notice not something oh wow so you have two different dusts the earth is dust the physical man that has been formed out of that same dust is still dust so the difference is in the breath there was another breath that used to wover upon the face of the deep yes okay it's a separate breath god has different forms of breath hear this but the breath that he breathed into the physical man made him to become a living soul [Music] so there is the resurrection of the soul why would the soul become living i touched on that what is this [Music] so if god is to breathe into your physical body pastor hear this if god is to breathe into your physical body and then you become a living soul you're not becoming a soul you're becoming a living soul meaning before he breathed you were a soul that was dead yeah what had killed you so you are a resurrection of your soul which means you might have existed before and died and the spirit is coming to resurrect you so when you are resurrected as a soul and yet you once lived as a soul you then have a past that's not your beginning okay preach it father preach it hear this hear this preach it father i i'm trying to avoid getting into something very sensitive here let's get it if you want me to go again [Laughter] so what are you saying okay maybe you need to understand something that happens in the spirit because we said this is the school of the spirit yes you must understand when a man is there's a difference between the creation of adam and the creation of the rest of the human race yes where you have one man coming out of the dust and then the rest of the people coming out of that to one man the processes are different okay it's fine just like we have adam coming from the dust of the ground but if did not come from the dust of the ground it came from the men that god had already finished okay yes yes okay so the the more you keep on doing that the more you keep on getting a more refined product this is why men are handsome but women are beautiful yeah okay and even if a man is ugly to what extent it's not anything that you can really talk about okay here's something here's something what we study from the bible which is common is the creation of adam but how a man is formed from adam going forward it is still mysterious to most people some they don't know at what point do does existence start when a child is about to be born there is a deliberation there is a committee of god that sits down every single soul before it comes into existence there is need for an approval because god being a responsible father there must be enough inheritance that sustains each soul that comes to earth there must be enough food supply oxygen security properties that is what makes any father a good father a responsible father god doesn't just allow people to be born everything about that particular individual has to be discussed and you are given wealth before you are even born where am i getting that from i'm getting that from the character and the nature of god if he is a father who is loving an intelligent father he makes sure there is provision even before there is the creation of an individual the same way there was meat there was rice there was chicken there was before even adam was formed yes there was land even before adam was formed yes father so i'm deriving my teaching from the nature of god okay so what is being discussed before a child is born ah okay look at this we'll get to the senses very soon even if it's next week [Laughter] hear this let me lead you to something that is taking place that took place even before you were born yes father and i show you what happened because you are a resurrected soul especially in the case of adam your case is different in the case of adam let me show you something why is it that um each time i can give you scripture after scripture but for the sake of time i don't want to go to all those scriptures these are scriptures that are very easy to find but i will just shed light on those scriptures and then you'll agree with me that there is no distortions that i'm putting into those scriptures it's it it is as clear as they are why is it that an angel of the lord would appear to a woman or to a man that is barren and he makes an announcement that next year this time you will have a baby whether it was a prophet under the influence of the spirit of god coming to a barren woman the message would always be next year at this time you'll have a baby at some point it is said that in the case of sarah [Music] abraham was stored by the angel even by god himself but in this same season when god says same season don't worry about those those that's what they do we don't do it because of time time time time time is going to be very very key why because from this time when a prophet says this time next year if it is this time next year it means it is 12 months yes father yet it takes only nine months for a child to be born what is the extra three months for foreign hmm preach it father preach it let's go father now if i time i would explain to you what takes place during the three-month period before conception because whatever miracle that is being performed there there was provision because whoever is declaring that miracle must factor in a period of time required before a spirit is dispatched from heaven here it is so a child is going to be born next year this time isn't there sufficient power in the angel or in the man of god to have the baby born in the next nine months the power is there the power is there but hear this hear this hear this there are people that can be born in three months yes two months [Music] okay you must understand that there are so many things that can i can explain to you you've seen that how those people are going to be different in life yes yes yes because remember the nine months was as a result of a case yes yes yes because god then came to eve and said your your conception has been increased in the pain during delivery yes so we mustn't preach and celebrate a case that god pronounced over man what was the condition if that case is to be reversed unless we are promoting cases here but if you are a minister of the blessing of god at some point do we have to look at the calendar and get to talk about something different but we have problems with people now because they say it has to be nine months okay there are preachers of a case they want the case to go on that strong further but when that case gets reversed you begin to see certain things changing now wow now i'll show you something but let's say now a miracle is declared but the miracle has to take its course according to the pronounced case which is nine months so prophets are not coming to violate that because okay let me let me let me let me try to just bring you to something here if you notice that history has it that when zechariah left the temple his father after he had seen the angel of god and the angel of god had told him that your wife elizabeth is going to have a baby and you give him the name john this father and he left that place and do you know that for the next three months she did not conceive it had to be at the exact time next year wow so how is it that we have a man wow and this couple is barren and they are promised the baby and they leave the presence of the angel of god still barren they can't conceive and yet a baby has been pronounced and the name has already been delivered but they go back home no productivity no multiplication i wanted to see something he yes father show us if john was born nine months after the angelic visitation it means the meeting was on for the past three months before the angel visited sakarai if the angel came before the meeting it means there was three months first where they still remain barren what is happening why is there a need for such a period of time before a child this happened to all of you wow wow the spirit life spirit life notice god had already planned that we want to make men out of the dust of the ground so that he has dominion yes okay the breath that he later on breathed into the physical body it was already planned the blood was already there to finally release the spirit into that body before even the body was formed so you see there's a period of time before the formulation of the physical body so the spirit that is going to occupy that body is already prepared so there is a need for a spirit to be notified because within god god is a cluster of spirits he's an accommodation you can't be talking of any other heaven so when a child is going to be born it depends on who is next on the line so one spirit is summoned out of god and that spirit is told that you you are going to be on a a very strange pilgrimage you are going to descend you are going down on a mission so that spirit has to be isolated from god that spirit and that spirit is lowered into a lower heaven for preparation well okay wow i can explain to you if you want what what sort of preparation is taking place explain it father explain it to us father because it is hard now this thing that god did with adam where he just breathed the spirit jumps out of god into the physical body because because of his state he had not yet fallen he could handle that in the intensity of that spirit the body would not be affected and the spirit would not be affected by the body wow but because of our current state now now that man has fallen there is need for the spirit coming from god just like a rock you bring it out of the fire you put it into the wood cold water it breaks yes okay so the spirit now has to be low lowered from a have a godly realm now what is happening in that dimension is what they call acclimatization okay it's a reconditioning or it's a pro a programming it's a place of adaptation okay the spirit is getting prepared to enter into a different body unlike god's body wow okay so that spirit has to be stationed there some they believe two men some they believe one month some they believe i don't know i believe three months that is if people even believe anything along those lines so the spirit is there now notice the spirit coming down from god yes father there is an intermediary state a place of preparation where the spirit is getting trained on how to coexist with a body that is physical wow okay wow and while is the spirit is there the spirit has to wait for a sexual activity now we'll come to those senses we'll come to those senses let me let me show you something when you you have a spirit coming out from god descending before a child is born that spirit has to be kept somewhere there's a lot of education wow familiarization that spirit is under serious intense coaching wow concerning the body that is now that it is going to occupy at that point you haven't yet met with your wife right notice yes let me leave most of the things that are happening physically here so that so that you you make sense out of it imagine a spirit from god coming into the physical body it has to be trained for that transition same thing happens again when a man dies you don't go straight into heaven there is another place again which is called abraham's bosom okay it's an incubator because if you jump out of your flesh and you go straight into the presence of god you die again so notice from god getting into the flesh you need thorough training so that you are conditioned for a physical manifestation now from a physical manifestation if you are to die again you have to be kept in a place called paradise that's not a heaven you are getting adjusted again now to a heavenly experience where you don't get killed by the presence of god so you stay there for some time now abraham is managing that realm well he says give me that area where we develop individuals that are dying we condition them for the atmosphere that is extremely divine wow so what is abraham doing there you must understand the term bosom his father okay let's not get into that we don't have time the bosom connects an aspect of fathering there is spiritual fatherhood that abraham is conducting to dead souls okay his father where he is still a father in the spirit and there are sons that are supposed to believe in his fatherhood lest they cannot enter into the presence of god unless prepared in that state you can't a rich man dies he's buried lazarus a poor man dies he's carried by angels and i told you he can't even fly right how is it that he is still limited yet he is now a spirit he is now a soul free from the body why carry him why is he he can he can't even or he can't even fly right he's carried into a place because this man has been buffeted he has gone through different afflictions i will explain that thank you what happens to you what determines your stay in abraham's bosom your experience is on the earth okay your experience if your problems in troubles were too many you stay longer in paradise before you get into heaven wow if you are afflictions if you were a man of miseries and and and many chastisements because in the process of your body getting afflicted your soul got affected remember lot yes father dwelling with them by seeing observing yes yes events this one righteous soul that interaction so being on the earth and everything is wrong you are sick you are broke conflict every time wars right yes that is going to immobilize your soul to a point where even after you are dead you still cannot walk you can't fly you need to be aided by angels into a bosom that begins to nature you for a heavenly experience i hope you're following this so i'm showing you how the spirit is coming down out of god into a place of preparation before the spirit enters into a physical body right and how you get prepared again after you are dead right yes your soul cannot just enter into heaven again i'll explain i have so many things to explain so going down there is time a time frame going up again there's a time frame so let's say you are in abraham's bosom you're sitting there you actually watch as souls are entering through the gates and you know how many people have died today who are righteous wow yet still they can't walk right they are untrained right these spirits that are coming in they used to be very very active but they are coming so frail weak weakened by the earthly experiences so as we are there you might notice that you'll find another soul coming in today and then tomorrow the soul is elevated and you say i saw a guy who just came in yesterday how come i've been here for two months they say you suffered a lot your experiences were too much this was just a baby who got born physically and then that baby died before the baby was subjected to so many troubles on the earth so the soul just entered into the body before they mixed together like those cake ingredients yes before the soul disappeared into the flesh the child died so you might see children coming in who are dying and they stay for just a short period of time they are ready to be elevated and you say but guys i've been here and they say man you lived 400 years you lived for 70 years look at the troubles problems your soul was vexed by seeing and hearing so you you stay there longer okay let me show you something now you have the spirit right getting ready to come a child has been promised someone is going to have a baby next year this time next year this time why next year this time why not next nine months so a spirit comes from god now you must understand i want i want to show you something very important here it depends now do you know there are there are children that when you give birth to them the spirit that they have is a portion of your spirit okay it's a piece of your spirit please explain that yes a multiplication of your spirit okay yes an extension of your spirit it's scriptural god said to adam multiply in what he multiplied in the spirit in it okay this one so is there another side it is another side yes it's another side the way the spirit comes directly from god into a physical body and your child receives a spirit directly from god not the one that you have that you have to hand over to your child to your child hear this okay let me explain that this one you are in a physical body are you spirit and when god said to you multiply that instruction was not just be given to your body the instruction was communicated with your spirit it was your spirit being told by god to multiply so your spirit can multiply yes yes yes yes that's why when you give birth to a child the child has a spirit not just a physical body so you are multiplying both physically and spiritually so the baby has a part of your dna physically and a part of your spirit spiritually so you have multiply it as a spirit yes one right so if you are able to multiply as a spirit it means you are a community of spirits you are accommodating spirits you have generations within you okay so when you're giving birth to a child the common scenario is where you have a portion of your spirit departing from you you don't die because you've lost your speed the same way god did not die when he breathed spirit into a physical body this father so you don't die because you're giving you have given birth to too many children no then you don't die yes yeah all that happens is that it's just that you get relief from caring too many spirits wow by giving birth to too many children okay i'm just encouraging you i'm just encouraging some of you okay here this now here this that's the common um sequence there is a rare process where god allows you to give birth to a unique child unlike any of the children that one a spirit comes from god and it's kept for three months and that spirit comes into your body the day you become intimate with your wife and that spirit gets into you first before it gets into the baby and that spirit comes out through your seed and that seed is properly guided into the egg and the leadership of that spirit starts from that point where your seed is guided wow protected and it is given much more speed than any of the seed that you are releasing because it is under the inspiration of that spirit that is on a mission because it's a unique child that is going to be born and that child who has that kind of a spirit is different you'll notice that his mission is straightforward he may not like all sorts of things on the earth he's focused on his mission now let me let me let me let me show you something let me show you something let me show you something so you have a baby that is born as a result of your spirit you have released a part of your spirit which is a complete it's not a peace it's a complete your entire human being is a spirit that came from you into a physical body or god has to release another person who is in the queue who is in god we supposed to be born on the earth the rest of the spirits that you have have had an experience on the earth for is this why you said that there is now a mix up of existences that is now happening yes there is this time okay before your before you existed notice this before you even existed you yourself yourself you were in another existence is it not going to be shocking if i tell people that you once existed as your father very shocking you see that's the problem but that's what i'm explaining here because if you are your father's dna if you are your father's spirit it means before you existed as a son you once existed in your father not just in your father is your father because okay pastor you hear this if by procreation we are producing and multiplying ourselves from generation to generation it means your father was once in his father and his father was once in his father and his father was once in his father until we get back to adam a following right which means if you are born today you you you are receiving as a soul that was in existence in many generations even before you were born because the dna that you have pastor if you go back a thousand years ago and we find your ancestor he has the same dna that he ended over the same i'm saying the same yes no something like the same so you have been inheriting existences so you then must be able if you are helped by the spirit that comes to help you as a soul to be able to remember you can by the help of the spirit remember what your father did yes father this is not ancestral worship hear me hear me and hear me well what is causing you to forget the experiences that you once had whilst you were still in your father like levi who paid tithe where was he wasn't his father father that is scriptural yes levi a generation a tribe that was yet to be born the bible says levi paid tithe to milk he's a dick whilst you are still in abraham's loins how many generations how many generations so but the bible is saying he's not saying abraham paid on their behalf they paid levi paid so had abraham committed adultery levi would have committed adultery in the he participated the sins of the fathers you were there you that's why the scene of adam it's not just adam that was kissed why are we experiencing the same case if we're not present it wouldn't be fair for god to cast all of us it means we were present that's why we're getting the punishment is where we participated while we're still in his loins so if you participated in the conception of the forbidden fruit in the garden it means your forefathers the father that you know whatever he was doing you were there present in form of a dna and in form of a spirit so you have been to the beer hole before you can't say you know you have never taken it so imagine how many women that you have slept with yet you're still a virgin how many men that you have slept with and yet you're still a virgin now let me let me just try to if if my time is up please let me know we are yet to touch on the senses i'm coming to the senses this is the year of the spirit life yeah we have the time yes so look at this now you're you you are a descendant even as a spirit they are passing you on even as a spirit so the reason why you can't remember what your father did how your father proposed your mother it's not because you don't have that information it's just because you can't remember because as a soul in your father you were present you liked it when your father proposed your mother because then you knew you had an opportunity to be born same way abraham paid tithe to me okay zedek and levi also participated yes now you can't remember how it happened that's the only problem not because you don't know you can't you just can't remember consciously yes consciously you can't but in your subconscious that that information is there because all those activities that took place were recorded they were recorded you see they are certain cds that when you write them you put them in certain radios they can play yes it will record error yes yet there is still music in there you change the radio another range you can play it so depending with your physical conditioning certain information from the past you can't play it it writes error sometimes you can't even remember but at some point you will begin to see things that used to happen in your generation even before you were born and then you go on to ask i saw this in a dream and they would tell you ah there was a grandfather like that with those features that you have described who told you you have tabbed into ancient knowledge we are coming to the senses yes we are coming to the senses see what is happening now you have multiple spirits that you are carrying as we speak in your spirit is the overall spirit that owns the bosom and you are preparing spirits before they are born is a spiritual father [Music] so i want you to listen to every single man who says there is nothing called spiritual fatherhood and then you look at his biological son if you like if you can identify a spirit in that baby then the man is silly he doesn't know what he's talking about your children you're not just their biological father because you didn't just produce them biologically you also produced them spiritually that makes you a spiritual father you multiplied your spirit you released a spirit from you the overall spirit who is fathering other spirits gave birth to one spirit so you can look at your son and call him my spiritual son depends on who is saying that a spirit in you who gave birth to your spirit is a spiritual father before we go to church wow okay so what you are giving to your son what you gave to your son two things you gave him your flesh and you gave him your spirit and along with the flesh was the dna and within that dna was the soul now what i want you to understand now is that men that became living having resurrected by the spirit they saw don't be shocked if adam would remember certain events that took place before the first flood if he is a resurrected soul don't be surprised if moses gets to write about certain things that happened even before he was born if he is a resurrected soul because he was in existence even before he existed physically [Music] now so your son is a cake that you begged and within that cake is your spirit within that cake is your dna within that cake is your soul but the spirit that he got either from you or from god to you to him not this diagram this one the spirit from me yes several spirits that you have to me to him yes you have several spirits and there is you the spirit in charge in charge of the other spirits for instance let me put it this way because some of you you don't know who you are exactly imagine okay if we say um pastor we are mentioning names there okay so if someone calls you simba you respond because you you know that's my name okay but notice there's something that happens in the book of revelation i want to show you something the book of revelation 2 verse 17. hmm i want you to know what a soul is how you function as a soul how you hear as a soul how you see as a soul and how you were originally created by god if you can't hear now what is stopping you from hearing if you can't see now what is stopping you from seeing yes because this was never your original state something went wrong along the line the production line because there are errors as you are creating weather whatever vessel that you are creating in an industry there are errors that okay and certain products are supposed to be recycled okay so if we say simba we have called out a name and the owner of the name has to respond read it he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches so he that you hear what an ear let him what let him hear what what the spirit saith unto the churches so if you have an ear now he is not saying uh there are those without any e okay okay this one because you find them with ears yet they can't hear so he's talking with an ability to hear this one those that have an ear let them hear what the spirit is what said so the spirit saith so we must understand and appreciate the ability that the spirit has to say it's a speaking spirit so you must grow up knowing that there's a spirit that speaks and the spirit what the spirit is saying the spirit is saying not to the government to churches okay so you must understand the institution that god has put in place through which he communicates so if the spirit is ever going to speak at any given moment you have to hear what he is saying he might not be saying it to you but to the churches sometimes so when you've developed your ears very well you can end up hearing what you are not even being told by the spirit but what the churches are being told so wait he didn't say church because we thought church was just one one body but here they're saying churches churches but referring to different assemblies which means the holy spirit is speaking to different churches different messages but if you have developed yourself very well you end up hearing what is the spirit saying to the church not even just to you to the churches because you are one member of the whole body and yet what is told another member you can hear okay okay because the message has reached you as a body are a part of that body so every part that is attached to the body must eventually hear what they speak they say to the body okay that's what that's what i want to talk about keep on reading to him that overcometh if you if you overcome will i give to eat overcome what he's not just talking about overcoming the devil there there is an overcoming that has to happen during your stay in a physical body wow where you overcome the body you overcome the flesh preacher father when you have finally overcome the body he's saying i'll give you something to him that overcometh yeah i give here comes mana yes to eat to eat of the hidden manna so there is mana that is hidden that i will give you to eat when you get that manner and you are asked to eat you are in what state because this is going to happen after you're dead take note of that when you no longer have your physical body and yet in that state man is given to you to eat so you you you have another aspect of you that eats yes father outside of the body what is that aspect i'll describe this soul to you thank you very soon thank you very soon so manna is given to you after you have overcome the desires of the flesh you get manner to eat you are eating as a soul you are eating as a soul and then something else is given to you and will give him a white stone so look at the soul the soul is so concentrated and so tangible to a point where it can touch stones you are given a stone as a sword and you reach out and you receive a stone that is white and in the stone and in the stone a new name there is a written there is a new name that is written now here comes the most surprising part which no man knoweth no man knows him saving him that receiveth the only person who gets the stone gets to know the name because the name is in the stone no one else knows about that name now the question is how then are they going to call you [Music] yes if they don't know your name yes father how are they going to call how are they going to address you if you have a name that they don't know that name is giving you a revelation of the intensity of a name that when a name is given to a person it's not given to a person so that he can be named or called by that name it's not for calling it's a character given to an individual so if if he gives you a name he he's he doesn't go out there telling people his name is sorry so so that way next time you're calling him it's not so that you are called by the name it is so that you behave according to the name wow it's a character that you'll receive but they don't have to know you by name they have to know you by manifestations you manifest according to that name so i'm telling you now what is happening in the future but something has already happened already you it's another name that you get which means you had another name before so when did you get that name because if it is important for you to know that you'll get a name eventually a new one that no one else will know yes if it's a new name you hit another old name how did you get that one yes yes and what became of you as a result of that name you were a manifestation of that name when this is what every father listening to me must hear what the spirit is saying to the churches notice the scripture is saying what the spirit saith not what the spirit said to the churches we have a very big problem of men of god women of god who are so much attached to history that they end up missing out on what the spirit is saying today and they just stick to what the spirit said to the church in the past that's a dangerous thing if the spirit is still speaking you have to be hearing him now yes what he's saying i'm away i'm a man of god who is well developed in the spirit developed enough to know that there is more to this god than what beats the i in the bible there is more to this god than what the bible contains because in the bible some of us we read we see men that were wise and they look up they see a star they identify a star and attach that star to a major event by seeing a star the bible says when they saw his star they knew who owned the star of all the stars in the sky they said that one in particular is his and they began to follow a star something that was not recorded in any of the manuscripts surpasses we are seeing people here that are very very wise and they knew the meaning of the star and what it represented and who was controlling it and they started following a star knowing where it was leading them to now trying to get into the bible to find the scriptures that they read concerning the star then you get to see now that some of our forefathers were very successful in this journey because they read something that we are not reading today yes father otherwise we wouldn't have identified where jesus was born we have great patriarchs that read what we are not reading in the bible i am spiritual enough to know that so i'm giving you information that is so mysterious and i'm revealing secrets to you because there are books that i read that you can't read discussions that are not being recorded physically yet the spirit is saying today now back to the issue you had a name you'll be given another name and with that other name they will make sure that it is not known what are the dangers of having the name known by other people god knows then there's an explanation to that people have a way of contaminating other people's names so the first one you had it and it was known the last one god is saying this time around no one has to know except you we just have to manifest according to your name okay yes how was your first name contaminated every father hearing me every son every daughter hearing me especially if you are not yet married you have an opportunity to take advantage of this information that i'm about to give you now if your son eventually is going to have a soul that you once had if you have been made a custodian of the spirit that will eventually find its way into your daughter it means that i've been allowed by god to educate my son before he's born i've been allowed by god by looking after my soul very well before i hand over that soul to my son i had an opportunity to tame the soul to domesticate the soul so that i don't give a wild soul to my son so because if i'm lasting after women it is an expression of the soul because feelings whether spiritual feelings sexual feelings all those are expressions of the human soul do you know even when you are having sexual intercourse these are two souls sleeping together but they are using your flesh this is why we didn't have to talk about soul ties every man if you have slept with 20 women in your life you still have until today the presence of 20 women present in your soul you don't sleep with a person and leave that place without carrying a part of his or her soul so because the bible tells me if you sleep with your heart you become one one flesh is telling you about the flesh because that's the activity that you can see physically and he says if you unite with the lord you become one spirit with him unity with the lord you become one spirit unity with a prostitute you become one spirit so if you have slept with 30 women now you have become an accommodation of multiple souls so don't be surprised if there is such confusion it's like it's you're in a classroom that now too many people involved in your affairs today you manifest like this one tomorrow manifest like a different person you can't tell where you are exactly because souls are taking turns to manifest hear this this is why this is very very important so when it is a sanctioned relationship where you are married it's a blessed union where you are given the grace to manage each other's soul in case of a transference you are given the grace to manage the ties the the subject for another different day i don't want to get into that but i want you to see something before your son is born you once had his soul with you and his spirit with you what did you do with that soul so when i start controlling myself today and i'm feeling like before i get married you see there's a time when before marriage you're so calm relaxed you're focusing on books you want to pass a certain subject girls is not even an issue at that point and then you get to a point where you try it and you see it's an exciting thing and then you start experimenting during that moment it's a trying moment where you get then unequally yogged with wrong souls sleeping with many girls at that point now you started losing it because now you are inviting other souls into a spirit that is yet to develop you are yet to see even yourself manifesting and then already there is a union a unity of different souls in one body through sexual uh intimacy but hear this hear this what is happening now is when you finally get married to one person for instance let's say i'm growing up i'm not yet married before i got married i had an opportunity to sleep with as many girls as is possible okay then i say to myself i have to restrain myself control myself okay i have to control myself i have to control myself and when i got married never think that that idea would then get deleted this is why i can keep on marrying until you get to a thousand wives like solomon did [Music] okay right the reason why you end up getting to a thousand it is because you keep on listening to the demands by other souls that you contain if you're not careful you end up marrying your children's wives it's no longer you you are caring other souls that desire after their own wives so you might desire on their behalf just be careful not to marry on their behalf that thing will continue because you'll not be able to deliver all of the souls that you carry you still go to the grave lasting after women because you will never be free from the rest of the souls that you carry [Music] if you've got a million souls that you are carrying and you give birth to five children you still have so many things that you have to keep on mastering this is why you have to overcome wow desires that you that are coming out of you because you're not the only one living in that physical body so what i'm doing now is the overall spirit in the physical body i have to train the juniors how to conduct myself as a soul what is their learning my children within me must see me abstain before i dispatch them from the college from the school of the soul they are coming from a university out of my body wow where they saw the lecturer having mastery over women yes over alcohol yes over fornication so whilst i'm restricting myself and behaving in a certain way i'm aware that i have other souls that are under my tutelage as a soul that are learning understanding me so i'm already training my children before they are born wow by abstaining and behaving exhibiting a certain character i'm aware that i'm being watched as the overall spirit in the body as the overall soul so when my children are born their souls have set under a master so i'm not just doing it for myself i'm doing it for those souls that are observing me that are within me yes yes we'll get to the senses go get to the senses we'll get to the senses but notice now all the things that uh that i can't continue because my time i think my time is up but notice not just something very important here when when now the spirit comes out of that uh heaven where the spirit was now prepared yes now the spirit knows that ah conception is going to take place tonight so the spirit must then get into the men so you receive an action you receive a spirit into your body you might not be away the spirit has entered you which is not your own but it is the spirit of the son the child that is going to be born that spirit might stay in your body for one week in that one week you don't even know what is happening to you the things that you are thinking about you can't even comprehend what is happening with you it's like something has come upon you it is during that same time that a child is conceived and that spirit comes out of you suddenly after that intimacy you lose the feeling that you were having for one week or maybe you were so your mind was very sharp you were very smart you had a certain understanding you were hearing things that were very strange that you don't usually or strange dreams and just by coming together with your wife and then you are delivered from that spirit it has been transferred so it comes out with the seed into the egg the spirit is now accompanying the seed because the seed is now what contains the dna in the soul why is the spirit accompanying the seed because the spirit knows that the soul cannot survive by itself i am coming as a spirit to empower the soul help the soul achieve because when god breathed the spirit into the physical body then man became a living soul so when your seed is traveled your semen is traveling into the egg yes it has to be accompanied by the spirit right once your seed is in the egg then what the spirit does is the spirit starts helping that seed to develop you are already the moment you enter into that compartment you are a human being but becoming human right everything about you is in liquid form including your bones your bones are there your teeth are there your hair you find them there in the cement but undeveloped so the spirit is coming to help the seed grow not to create the growth growth is the growth so when bones are starting to formulate the location of the spirit in a human body it's not even your heart it's not even your mind the spirit stays in the bones the center of the bones wow hey that's where the spirit stays i'm just i'm just i'm just trying to help you understand what is happening so when the spirit gets into the bones the spirit is in the bones from the bones the spirit empowers the marrow the marrow creates the blood then the blood gives life to the flesh for the life of an animal is in the blood but the life of the blood is from the spirit so you have the spirit at the center that is helping the marrow develop the blood and the spirit gives life to the blood and the blood gives life to the body okay now while this you are developing as a human being senses are also developing most of the activities that you are doing in your life right now they are soulish activities okay it's not even the flesh doing it we're getting to the senses now at the end of the service already we are ending most of the activities it is the soul expressing itself through the flesh your physical body is not even an issue to talk about the day you die physically while these people are crying that we have lost a person the earth is rejoicing because the restoration of the earth has taken place you were missing peace and the earth couldn't wait to have you back so this physical body will go back to the dust from whence it came from right yes and the earth is so happy when we bury a person it has recovered they lost a coin like the woman in the bible okay but whilst you are dead physically you continue living as a soul you continue seeing as a soul you continue hearing as a soul how come the body in the coffin can no longer feel here see yet the body is still intact open the eye the eye is still there how come that i can no longer see if it was the eye seeing all along that goes to show there was another man who was seeing through the physical eye not with through through it's true so whatever you are hearing me saying now it is your soul listening to me hearing me through your ears it's not you right now hearing me physically you have a soul that years you have a soul that sees right so the only way that you get stopped from seeing is when there is an a disturbance in the physical eye now the soul within has to see through a damaged eye now the soul can no longer see as perfect as the soul is it becomes imperfect because of the imperfections of the body yes so hey if you are a lawyer the profession was given to the soul it is the soul that practice is law not the physical man i want to close but when it is decreed that this soul is going to become a mechanic what it means is that you are going to have a soul fixing a physical car yes but using the body if it is said that this child in the program is put into the dna and the soul is given an assignment to become a physician then it means when you get into the surgery and then you are made to lie on the bed the man who comes gets a knife and he opens you up it is a soul conducting that operation not the physical man it is the soul the doctor is the soul but the doctor needed a physical body because he cannot reach out as a soul and touch a caesar you notice why the body has to be healed so that the soul can express itself well let's say for instance this ring it's god it's a golden ring in their diamonds right and the body needs to put on a ring right that's how the soul dresses the body so the soul says i'm sent here to create rings that's the product i'm a creator of rings let's say that's my profession yes so that assignment is given to the soul but then the soul says i can identify gold but i cannot touch it physically because i don't have a physical hand so what the soul does is he assigns a physical body to reach out in mind the gold and create the ring it's a product by the soul but the physical body is the machinery that's the industry from which the soul is working for so clear father thank you it's clear right yes okay so most of what you are doing you are marrying on behalf of the soul if it is given to a soul to be a mechanic you're supposed to be fixing cars and then out of pa soul pressure intermingling interacting with other souls friends within or without you yes even outside even outside and your friends who if we have so much interest studying law and so on and so on and yet you are there you are a mechanic and you are contaminated by their soul and you you change your course you study law and you become a lawyer yet there is a program within you your soul is a mechanic what is going to become of that man you might find him practicing but he will never realize joy the joy that comes with fulfilling that assignment eventually that's why you get into certain people's offices the the certificates that you see on the wall that's not the exact thing that the person is doing he was arguing with an assignment that was given to the soul so eventually the assignment will catch up with you you will find a lawyer fixing cars and people are telling do you know this guy is a lawyer and he's under the car eventually the soul will prevail over all the pressures that you might have gone through now so it is given to your soul to become that is why the father isaac said to esau bring me meat so that my soul may bless you which means esau now was now becoming a soulish hunter ah he would go into the forest in the hunt it was his soul it was hunting using the physical body so pastoral awakening is the work of the soul okay it is the work of the soul so when an assignment is given to you and god says you are the prophet then you commit yourself to that mission and then your physical body is under that superior instruction it's not now your body controlling the prophet it is the prophet within the body controlling the physical body right now what happens is that they mix together they blend to a point where if you are not careful at death it will be a struggle for even god to separate the two of you your physical body well and your your soul the cake has now become one even after you are dead as a prophet and you are buried your bones can still raise the dead the mixture was too intense but you you can't really and and the body was under obedience to a point where the body was almost becoming like the soul that heals the sick my god the bones are still healing why because that was the the the temple of the spirit location okay wow so so but if you keep on arguing with your assignment it means you have two people living together but they're in in a disagreement they are divorced but if there is a union where your body agrees to the assignment given to the soul your body is transformed into becoming like your soul it becomes easier now for the soul to see through a body that is not contradicting itself oh wow as a soul you are hearing through a body that is in subjection to the soul there's no contradiction your body is not arguing with your assignment [Music] so when you s see look out as a soul through the physical eyes you can see clearly why because the physical flesh is in agreement with the soul inside wow we're talking about senses now so all the hearing the seeing the feeling these are abilities given to the soul not your flesh not your flesh your flesh doesn't hear even physically i'm not talking about spiritual even physically you can't hear yes that is why when the spirit goes out of you together with the soul the body left alone cannot hear what is the ears there yes yes so if you want to hear more if you want to hear better something has to be done not just to the soul but to the body the body the body if you get into the hospital and somebody is there lying there two months three months four months and they're not talking they're only a machine you try to talk to the person and the person is not responding don't worry about him responding just talk to the person just talk to the person right right the person hears you well right and sees you well hear me hear me hear me you people you have to hear me you have to aim on this one you have to hear me when your body is under attack health-wise then the soul finds an excuse where the body has been knocked down to say by a disease a traumatic event where the body is laid to rest not death it's resting now you're sleeping that's the opportunity that your soul finds to find expression without being interfered with by your flesh that's why you dream while it's just sleeping it's an opportunity the only window that your soul gets where your soul escapes the restrictions of the flesh and it goes up and down and it is rejoicing your soul is so happy but now when the sun is rising your soul comes back discouraged knowing that i'm going back to the prison especially if the soul and the body are in a disagreement every time every time but if you are in agreement the same experience that you have during the night you can have them during the day because your soul is at liberty to maneuver without the flesh restricting your soul i hope you are following this yes so you go out you come back you go out you come back you go out you come back that is mostly during the night the soul is taking advantage when your flesh is not alert when your flesh is not active the moment your flesh comes back to life he wants to take over he's in charge he starts restricting the men that could properly see see the way you see in a dream just see the way you also hear in a dream doesn't matter people are over there a thousand kilometers you can look at their mouth and hear their voice in a dream yes father yes which means you are more perfect you hear more you see more as a soul than his flesh you see now yes so if you notice now when you talk about you have to hear you have to see you have to walk as a spirit your soul has to be under the leadership of the spirit so that the soul can express his feelings well his emotions his desires under the leadership of the spirit okay but when you wake up do you know most of the dreams that you have you can't remember yes father you might remember two or three or just one yes why the restrictions of the flesh this is the problem that the soul is having with the flesh you are not thoroughly mixed up together another point as we close do you know that when it is morning you are having a dream and somebody wakes you up abruptly and your heart is pumping that causes you to forget a dream yes it matters how you wake up not just how you dream how you wake up the way you wake up makes it hard for you to retrieve a dream even remember it the way they wake you up if it's an alarm system that wakes you up where is the volume does it wake you up nicely because you might lose most of the information gets deleted at that moment of waking up what am i saying that's the reason why you can't remember what you did whilst you were still in your father's loins of the day that you woke up the day that you were born physically was a violent uh resurrection but okay [Music] how you came out of your mother that process makes you never to remember wow your previous experiences the mother is crying the baby is crying why is the baby crying it's a very traumatic event you are cheated harshly that moment just so that you lose your memory so that you don't remember where you were before you became a baby this is the reason why even if even if you see the trauma is not only experienced because of the restriction when the baby is coming out through the canal no no the breath in itself is a painful experience the transition will it will disturb the baby to a point where okay do you know this a baby that comes out through the normal channel is crying and sometimes even if they open up the womb of the mother and bring out the baby okay that experience still is very traumatic to the baby still the baby has to cry yes it's still painful to the baby even if you pull the baby nicely out of the womb that transference into another dimension it is a painful experience but the one that gets born through a normal channel where there is restriction some they go for 30 minutes on the way and doctors are just screaming keep on pushing keep on pushing the baby i'm telling you if you had a dream while it's in the womb you leave it over there you're not coming out with it i'm telling you the truth by the time you come out all you know to do is cry cry for help okay you have lost a lot of information through birth but also take note there are babies that are born even before their time their mothers are operated on and their baby is brought out nicely why is that most of those prematurely born babies are extremely intelligent go and do a research and you find out born young as little as you put them in the end like this and they are kept somewhere for some time and so on but as they begin to manifest you'll be shocked at their level of intelligence how come somebody who did not fulfill his time is much more wiser than the one who completed his his cycle what is happening maybe the other one fulfilled the case nine months and the other one didn't maybe the other one who was born naturally came out through a restricted place he had more pain therefore forgetting and losing a lot of information and knowledge that he was he was supposed to bring to this world wow are you following this so when it comes to hearing let's finish this so when it comes to your soul you you the career of the name the name given to you is your behavior your character your personality you manifest according to that so you were made by god to become and you're not in this world to create a path you are not in this world to create a profession you are just here as a soul to discover it is the discovery of who you are that's your assignment knowing the program god has put into your dna maybe you were being headed over from generation to generation but there is always going to be an outstanding daughter an outstanding son who comes out of the norm if you have such a member in your family who is not doing the things that all of you used to do it is pointing out to the spirit that it might not be a portion it might not be a spirit that was natured by your father but there's been a spirit that came from god into a lower heavenly realm stayed there was trained and it got into your father not for one week and then that spirit came out through the intimacy into that child and he's doing things that are not being done by every other son or daughter why because that spirit did not attend the same school with the rest of you okay i don't know if there is any clarification there before we we dismiss the people i've been here for for too long but but this is the only way you can improve yourself by making sure that your flesh lines up lines up find ways of putting the flesh to rest when you are fasting know what is happening there fasting doesn't do anything to your spirit because i've had many people fasting praying and they believe once i have this conference after such a prayer something is going to happen i want to pray for the sick what do i do first i have to fast and they're thinking i'm empowering the spirit to heal the sick no you're not you're not jesus would not have said lay your hands on the sick and they shall recover and yet scientifically if you check the flesh there's no healing power in your hand he's giving an assignment to the soul that heals the sick but the soul has to reach out using a physical body so fasting praying what are you doing especially fasting you are fasting for for what purpose for what reason why are we fasting even jesus fasted but why did he fast you have to understand fasting it's an admission you have to understand this aspect i'm not saying don't fast i fast more than some of you listening to me and i pray more but fasting is it is an admission your spirit is not yet more powerful than the flesh because if your spirit becomes more powerful than the flesh there's no more need for you to deprive your flesh of food your flesh requires even more food especially when your soul is more active you will have to eat more than fast pastor your soul desires a good home a good environment that's why if you are sick if you're not feeling well if you keep on getting sick and every single day you are sick very soon your soul is going to depend he doesn't like that because he's a prosperous spirit he believes in prosperity you depart i don't want to live in such a body because i cannot express myself through a sickly flesh that's why he departs and then you die physically that tells you that your soul believes in prosperity the prosperity of the body that's why he wants you to eat he wants you to be well yes so the reason why i'm fasting i'm fasting so that if i'm about to sign a document i've deprived the flesh of energy so when a document is presented before me before i sign i consult the spirit as a soul and then i sign according to the spirit but if the flesh is too much fed he's too active just because of the figure i'll look at the figure and then sign and miss out on the rest of the sections on the agreement then i'll go to jail because of the lust of the flesh he looks at the figure and then he cannot sense the dangers involved in the agreement so fasting just so that i can sign an agreement it is so that it is not the flesh that is going to lead the transaction so i i slow him down by fasting so that the soul can lead under the leadership of the spirit so when i look at a woman you want to marry it's not just your flesh that looks for the flesh it is your soul that looks out for another soul that is meant for him but for the soul to go out looking for a wife we have to leave the flesh at home how do you do that fasting so that you look at your woman it is not now the flesh that you focus on you allow the soul that wants to marry to look for its wife and don't let the flesh interfere with that with that uh proposal so you are fasting so that you slow the flesh so pastors you have the ability viewers you have the ability to hear god and see into the spirit how do i sing to the spirit in conclusion then we'll pick it up from there right now as you are looking at me you are seeing into the spirit it is the soul looking at me not your flesh your flesh cannot see this is a vision they stop there i really wanted to comment i really wanted to but i i it brings me to that point where i get to have a feeling of how peter and the rest of the disciples felt when paul was preaching a certain voice but anyway father we appreciate it is the school of the spirit thank you so much for the information i sincerely believe that this is one of the reasons why enoch was not disseminating such information rather this is deep material this is i really need to digest this thank you so much father thank you thank you you're welcome we are blown away we are just we are blown away father allowed this to really say too oh this is so much father [Music] thank you for thank you for such a word thank you school of the spirit let's be ready as this semester commences until we meet again next time [Music] hmm
Channel: CHRIST TV
Views: 75,764
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Keywords: Makandiwa, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Prophet Makandiwa, prophet makandiwa 2020, emmanuel makandiwa 2020, makandiwa prophecies, makandiwa international prophecy, makandiwa prophecy 2020, makandiwa shona sermons, makandiwa 2020
Id: 6skO5dHBTsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 34sec (9574 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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