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[Music] [Music] you the kingdom at hand or a child have gone into the most magnificent era of our lives Shalom welcome to this international online Sunday service and we've hit the midmark of the year 2020 thank you so much for joining us this wonderful morning of God you are loved by God and the evidence of that love is you being here special morning sation of the exceptional anointing and the exceptional grace that is upon the life and ministry of the voice prophet Emmanuel macron do this we are preparing and we continue to prepare weeks come the tangible crystallized presence of God that is about to descend upon us Studio this morning I'm joined by imposter Shakuni has in a few moments we will be introducing the voice prophet Emmanuel macron do welcome back it's good to be back bicycle ride my excellent man of God the kingdom had had indeed it is at hand you know it's one thing in the Word of God another to hear the word from God well we're hearing now word for the season the very foundations of this world was shaped by the word yes and what we're getting from the Watchmen the men were sounded the trumpet of what is to come a dispensation that we never imagined a dispensation that the prophets of old would have wanted to partake off and what the voices are setting us into is this a marvelous time in the things of God in the kingdom Joseph was tried by the word were refined by the melt by the work by the word you know something significant that I learnt last week and that me we learned as the voice was ministering to us explaining that was it was an announcement but it was a teaching concerning the sounding of the trumpets the sounding of a trumpet concerning we're calling it revival but it is the kingdom at hand and question something that had almost become like an established principle in our minds we used to think that a revival was just a short spurt a short little sees enough the presence of God being displayed in an in an extraordinary way hmm and we got used to that mm-hmm our there was a revival last year how our waiting for the next one our there's gonna be a revival very soon our were praying about it Oh fifty years ago there was a revival hundred years ago there was a revival and we talked about these episodes and it almost in a sense frames our minds to think that a revival is stuck within a time period where after that it expires but the voice said this the best way to end the revival is to hope it continues to help but continue Wow profound why must it end we must get the presence of God retain it keep it and to continue to live at that new reality of that revival continue to ride upon that wave mouth I think one of the greatest things that the voice also highlighted on that particular point was the fact that we need to be trained in as far as its maintenance is concerned yes because without that training without the word that enables us to maintain that's exactly what it would be like what you've just highlighted it comes and it goes but we thank God for the voice in our time we thank God for the men that comes with a practical Word of God into our lives yes you know when you talk about Joseph the way explained it last week and of time we just say everything is meant for the good for those that love God probably one is positioned look at how the voice explained it last week you'll then realize that it is the word that then purifies you so sometimes you go through certain seasons in your life and you're wondering what is going on and some people tend to look at that as the absence of God and yet you are within and your being the position and the voices coming on is explaining that after such a season then you will be in charge over substance when your word comes exactly are you able to identify the neglect and the rejection that you've faced as an assignment by God being positioned another amazing aspect that's about to happen in this revival which is the Kingdom at hand is how on a political level positions of leaders and leaders of countries and those were placed in positions of responsibility in terms of governance those decisions are going to be made by the Watchers it's amazing no longer the ballot box by the time elections are done before they are done the leader has been selected already by heavenly Celestials these luminous beings Wow did we ever think that God intended that for us or the world has shaped our mindset into believing that we follow and they lead hmm but the voice is coming in a signal now you need to have a change in mindset all these that you have gone through like Joseph you are being assured for being positioned or being equipped or being empowered to stop the mouths of lions to destroy aliens and what an amazing time yes because I think is whatever express one can do this based on the information that they have and what the voice is giving to us is that information that qualifies us to do exploits there was our word that is the word and sometimes people will talk about revival but somehow it seems exclusive you it seems like you are not part of it but the voice is coming and is saying you the one that is taking this time to listen though you may not be qualified because a lot of people disqualify themselves from these things and the voice is coming and I said though you may not be qualified but I am qualifying you through the world by you hearing what I'm saying now you are being ushered into that position where you have that power and imagine it's coming after the teaching where you have to seek the personality first and then in the power X Wow and the voice is coming and is saying no no no no we may be praying for healing them we may be moving towards the season of power but the personality first and then the power next and after that you can do exploit positive you need reminds me of a statement that the voice said prophetic statement he said at the end of a prophecy that we once discussed the metal bird prophecy during the word digest and he ended by saying everything that I do in the spirit is very organized exactly and you just pointed out an aspect of that organization the order of delivery of these teachings Wow we we excited and now is the moment now's the time to receive thank you so much for sticking with us for these few couple of minutes we're hoping that now you're preparing yourselves and you are Randi as we continue to be educated through the word concerning this time that we're about to enter the kingdom at hand allow us now and to hand over this time to the voice of God property man you mocking you good morning father thank you so much for being here today I'm so glad to be here when you face me thank you Father father we cannot wait for this glorious time we are about to enter into the kingdom at hand father we thank you for qualifying us to enter into the reality that you're already living we we see it we we witness it and when we close our eyes and imagine what could this kingdom at hand look like what could it feel like we see your face and we're so grateful for leading us there to a place that you are well accustomed to do already for you today you ready for me we are fun again it is important that we we always start by thanking people who are making this possible they're not just thinking but to keep on praying for them that's all appreciate our Christ Tiffany crew thank you because you can imagine had we not had these sessions during this trying moment you know some of the people watching us today would have committed suicide indeed oh yes one many weeks ago very clear but given the number and the attention that our programs are getting from thousands of people it is indeed proof that these programs are saving a tremendous purpose until we wonder thank God cause behind such a provision there are people placed by God who are really dedicating their time so that all of us can enjoy the blessing which is meant for this season nobody they want to appreciate them it was so I would like to appreciate you pastors for bringing me on board and also keeping me entertained as well FEM was a blessed day I get so much quite interesting this season that we are now getting into and parish it was shared with our viewers last Sunday it was simply a summary the bigger picture that we're going to gaze it but more is coming and I wanted to find out where the God really wants me to keep elaborating on that as of now oh we should keep one dream back what we have already touched before and then at a later stage come back again and remind the people concerning the revival so that we don't sound like just already started okay I was keeping on touching on it we may then end up having it pretty much fun because if I was created by words the moment you start mentioning the revive when you keep on turning on it and as much as you have for missing people that is coming it is no longer coming so you have to be very careful now I've been one trying to get our people we may end up having it immediately but it is it is really is really coming when we talk about the coming of the kingdom of God we are simply talking about like the clear manifestations thank you power of God thank you Father so it's not like we are going to have the Holy Spirit coming down afresh now we do have him already but we are talking about the the externalization of the gifts of the Holy Spirit how we are going to freely exercise define abilities that God has given to us in they have been dominant in us all these years and unbelievers were running over and - depriving us of opportunities that we should be the ones actually giving them those opportunities but no turbos attaining the psalm the giftedness of the gift Wow finally fine yeah yeah I also need some prayers as well you pray for yourselves don't forget I need serious help Wow a lot of better that we have I don't know what to do we can just continue going boy I got hmm the giftedness of the gift Israel let us like on that Thank You forgive and the illustration I gave last time I was trying to compare the difference between the face tower and then the self and I remember telling you that you can have the towel as a gift and have the phone as a gift this one but these two gifts are different in terms of their gifting hmm but you can do quite a lot with a phone than with a face to it and yet both are gifts because they are given to you by somebody hence we ended up focusing on the giftedness of the gift what the gift carries in itself which makes it different from every other gift and yet it is a gift just like every other gift yes it's also called a gift I think other gift is called a gift yet this gift is more gifted to not give it so we are all gifts even before we are gifted and I said in this earth is gifted yes by having us yes it is gifted because it has us but us the gifts also gifted and we are gifted in different ways never the same the sooner we accept that the quicker we excel and we become better in lives don't don't argue with that fact it's an established truth you move around you meet people who are gifted in a very very strange ways try to argue with that you will not survive the argument you simply have to look at it and admit that this guy is gifted woman is gifted that doesn't disqualify you from being a gift a gift not that gifted so and then I I said that there is a checklist that you can actually take and trying to establish the presence of God in a place and making sure that it is not just the gift that you have identified me but also the giver of the gift and I said you can have the presence of the gift in the absence of the giver of the gift because what makes the gift the gift here's the absence is the absence of a giver of the giver of the gift yes and I said this is where most of our people have been deceived because they stay in a place on the basis of the manifestation of a gift because they were not trained they were not equipped to descend the difference between the two the gift and the giver so they assume that once they have had the gift manifesting that is the manifestation of the giver of that gift so you can have miracles happening even in the absence of the giver of the gift of miracles I don't want to quickly jump into that because then I made a mess up by my foundation where we need to start from but gifts are very very deceptive in nature very very if you can survive the deceptiveness or the deception of the gift you are really perfect you are you are a perfect man excuse me Father please allow me to ask yes this deception what you've just said don't say please you guys this is why I mix you be having these sessions with you you are allowed to speak thank you for English looking this is meant for interaction we are we are here to to confess thank you for to discuss and to educate our people and I wanted to be the one one speaking here you know what was going to happen I so it's an opportunity so that we keep on going where you would want me to emphasize and clarify you come in it any time if you go quite for too long I become worried okay so I didn't that's thank you for father all along when you are teaching us there was a specific aspect of the deception of the gift that you you raised above the one that I'm seeing now you taught us that this gift can deceive those that are seeing it being done seeing it being executed it deceives those that are looking upon him that has the gift but now you drew another point that just blew my mind the gift can even deceive the one carrying it they can be deceived by their own gift so this deception can be present in both ways those that are looking upon him that is gifted and the person that has the gift to himself being deceived by his own gift thank you thank you for that that was something else father ah sorry sue you know when we talk about the deceptiveness of the gift not even the gift that is spared by that deception not even the gifted how do I want you pastors to realize that even those of you that are watching me to also realize that you know a deceiver is a deceiver because he has also been deceived by his own deception some people think that the deceiver goes around just deceiving people they deceive as a victim of his own decision this is why a liar he ends up believing his own life okay you are deceived when you're deceiving people and the deception is that you think that everyone is getting deceived by your deception hmm yeah there could be some of us present who can apprehend you there is always someone in your audience there is always someone in your ministry whose level of discernment is greater than your deception Wow but if you are deceiver you also deceived into believing that everyone is getting deceived mmm and that's the reason why sometimes when you find someone we just stopped consuming your product or your gift maybe stops coming to your ministry maybe stops attending your shows if the committee is there the rest are laughing but he is not and then you may think the person has just become rebellious and yet he has found you out they say that you can't deceive all the people all the time so but now we are trying to separate the two you can have the gift and not have the giver got that gift and I explained that to you when I say that with the car he has been given to you you now own the car the fact that the Chi has been given that is what makes the car a gift and if that car is going to become your gift coming from me I shouldn't be found sitting in that car and still driving it myself then it's not given so if I'm giving you the car like I'm giving you the gift well there's a prophetic gift whether it's a healing gift whether it is a power gift whether ability to interpret tongues and mysteries it's a gift so when I Drive the car to your house I should bring in another car to live with and then I must make sure that I have established my absence in the car that I've given to you they must be in absence of me do not come and the presence of you in that car then you know that you have received you have given it to you and then I keep on driving it you can't even believe that I'm giving you that car you can't even tell you your son that you know that car that prophet is driving is giving it to me it's my gift a little boy is going to ask you so what is he doing that why you know the one driving it it's not yet given it could be promised but not yet give it no now when I've given the car to you I have to leave the car walk away from the car therefore becoming absent then you can say I now have a GERD same with even some of these spiritual gifts they are not proof that God is present and I gave you a scripture of a man who gave out talents and after giving out those talents what he did was to depart so now imagine you can have a man of God he has a gift but doesn't have the presence of the giver of the gifts and people now gather around the gift believing that the presence of the gift is a confirmation of the presence of the giver of the gift if you've met people who are gifted yes faheen yet not born again you can tell me that the only gifted people are born again and people you know we've seen people who are not born again and yet gift in Hedgehog do you see all those football players are born again no we cannot indeed they're gifted gifted whoever gave them those gifts is not present in the pitch God is not playing soccer we have to agree on that as soon as possible into blasphemy you guys if you see the giver of the gift he has to remain during the execution of the gift then you are saying God please look he has given gifts and then he has established his absence you go ahead and use your gift and then he went to a country [Music] and the men were left with gifts and he said trend occupied till I come hmm so you can find me with a talent but that doesn't confirm the presence of the giver of the talent hmm but now the issue is if you study in the book of looks at the number 24 now you notice that when they got to the tomb where Jesus had been buried three days ago unless father Jesus who is God was no longer present indeed and who was present the two angels they were standing there and the Bible clearly tells me that even their clothes verse for father yes Luke 24 verse four and it came to pass as they were much perplexed much what perplexed they were much perplexed know what perplex the people is not always the presence of God Wow even his absence his absence is a wonder his absence is a miracle people can gather in their thousands in a place and you wonder what is God doing there maybe it's because they are gathering just to see what God is not doing what the absence of God can perplex people mmm oh people can gather around you as in there are thousands and you think you've got a big ministry only to discover they were coming to witness the absence of God perplexed because he wasn't there what disturb them was the absence of Jesus and one meant them to discover that he was absent was their presence they needed to be present at the truth and you realized that he is not precise yes so I'm not trying to stop people from going into places where there is no God you have to go there fast mm-hmm it's a moment of landing wow you must have joined certain clubs incident a groups of people in certain ministries just to discover just to find out so that you can get used to the absence of God so the day that you get into the right place it will be easy for you to descend the presence of God Wow so don't blame yourself some people have been to churches for years where they have never sensed out or seen who touched the presence of God and they are blaming themselves that I have wasted so many years had I known that there was a place like this can you be in a place and not know that God is in a place Jacob God is in this place but I didn't know then he called it can you also be in a place where there is no God and you think God is there yes but there has to be that moment of realization but yes I am where God was but he is no longer there is it that you have to descend it there is no longer here or you have to be told by the angel that is present they where God is absent in us at this point a diva with men of God do it very much perplexed I want to show you how they differ they is never doing very much even next yeah as they were very much perplexed thereabout behold two men stood by them two men stood by them so we now have the presence of two men standing right next to them hmm what was happening to them in shining garments these men's comments were shining shining in shine there was light glorious from the garments yes yet Jesus was not present mm-hmm verse five and as they were afraid they were now afraid for being perplexed now they are afraid what will is terrifying these disciples is the gloriousness of these two men they just realized that no these are not ordinary being because they are shiny there was light all over the place but listen to the confession now something that most men of God can never do when their clothes are shiny when the gift is at work hmm watch what the to him I'm just about to say and as they were afraid and bowed down their faces to the earth they said unto them why seek ye the living among the dead why I was seeking the living among the dead hmm he is not here he the man that you're seeking is not here he is not here do you think that for people are they ever going to hear such a symbol from the apostate no father one day a big conference you hear a man of God telling you finally but Jesus is not here when his gods are shining hmm when gifts are manifesting he wants you to believe this is proof that you found him he is you but these ones are honest enough to say despite the light that you see shining still he is not here keep on searching keep on searching keep on moving you have seen the power have seen the prophetic waves in the healing keep on searching for Jesus beyond every manifestation of a gift don't stop the search they taught the disciples that the greatest mistake that you are doing is seeking for the living among the dead dish he's not blaming them for seeking he's blaming them for seeking for the living among the dead you have to keep on seeking everyone who is going to church today is doing the right thing sitting but you require God to place an honest engine an honest man of God along your way who tells you you know remember Joseph when he was sent by his father to go and give some bread and milk and some drinks to his brothers yes he go to the place where he thought he would find them and they moved to a different location right yes so they were absent but when his brothers were now absent there was a man who was president and he kept on wondering looking for his brother and the man found him said what are you looking for is it I'm looking for my brother's hmm and he said they are no longer here he was given a different location yes finding an honest man of God who tells you that I'm not your father and not your pasta I'm not your prophet I've been placed here by God to announce the absence of God keep on searching here if you're seeking for the living you will not find the blessing that you are looking for in this ministry you will not find the information that you are looking for in this ministry I'm a reference point I have been sent here by God the can imagine that God has to put angels in places where he's not if those angels are going to lie the people are going to stop searching because look at them right now they are already on the floor mm-hmm where she question is mm-hmm that is simply the manifestation of a gift and they are fallin for it hmm it's amazing how you can hear such a message for make such a glorious man who is telling you that everything that you are seeing here you have come to a dead place so the living can never be found he says it's a wrong location so keep on searching so gifts can easily replace his presence don't be deceived by God is not present on the basis of the presence of the gift go further keep on penetrating go beyond the gift you remember some time back when I gave you a chance you passes to come and spend time with me remember this other day you pass you really wanted me to get into some personal experiences that already had with God you said to me man of God I really want to keep on hearing more about some of those experiences that you had with God yes and down and I remember that day I really disappointed you I said I said and I will wait to get into that I explained myself and I gave you reasons why I wasn't interested that day that day you may find me doing that in a different day but that desert what makes you think that those experiences are going to help you and I said are you trained enough to de-spawn to pick a lie because if you want me to give you and to narrate to you the experiences that I have had with Gordon who cannot do that who cannot do that who cannot share his you don't need to have an experience for you to share me as an experience with people that you've had you've got visible that doesn't require an experience it'll you I wanted you to understand that you have to get to eleven of the assignment anyway Nia in that level let everyone come and tell his story then that story has to be subjected to that discernment and I said to you and I have to say it again today but what I believe can stand is proof that a man has had an experience with God is the lifestyle truth but men a man has had an experience with God an experience that is defying that proof is called lifestyle hmm a man's lifestyle is any reflection of his divine experiences Wow so when you asked me about my experiences of God you must ask me on the basis of the lifestyle you say I've seen this lifestyle I really want to know what is best wow that lifestyle thank you not when my lifestyle is in contradiction okay I shouldn't have an experience with God that is being contradicted by my lifestyle is wrong any men of God can tell you that I have been to Venus in the spirit okay yes yes I've been to heaven I've been to hell do you have enough spiritual sight to penetrate into permeate that life is the men's lifestyle confirming his supernatural experiences so I'm already teaching you to go beyond the gift less fun yes yes you know in a church you are seeing the gifted work can you go beyond the gift whatever the man of God is saying and everyone else is jumping and is happy because the preaching is all good you look at the wife of that men of God is their confirmation is is the man telling the truth well it's just that maybe with some qualified liars I don't know how how the deer fur does it sometimes that they're Sidon pastors wives that can lie just like this it's amazing if you want also want people to see kids you can make a mistake I've I've listened to to liars oh my god my god you know you can sense oil in a lie this name is anointed I've had people say that lie as they forget that they've light and then they come today and then that is if they are not anointed you've never met an anointed liar don't go by that it comes breakups or six years he maintains that lie hmm the reason why some of you forget because you are doing that without an annuity William in Owenton well now a lie has been confirmed you know some of you people of course we had yes we are laughing but you see these are cities laughing I'm not loving anyway you see what is happening some of you people you forget that when you you know when you fall in love what that's what they say falling in love when you when you when you love a liar there is something else that you've just loved that you're not away off a lie Wow okay Wow when you are married to a liar you are married to a lie mmm this is why you end up having both the pasta life and also his wife like you're shocked as the man himself is lying the wife is taking notes yeah that's true funny you saying Jesus came home last night then we saw him myself in my wife and we're sitting there you see when a man is married to a liar if the wife is a liar look beyond just the marriage between the two we have also married the thing a gift when you are in love with a liar you in love with a lie when we go beyond the liar and I'm proving to you now it was also the lie in the lie but you loved now your heart begins to pump fast you can't believe that she's done that yourself in this one you're falling in love with a lie not just with a liar hmm but when you're surprised now why is it that my husband lies so much you should be surprised hmm why because what made him a liar a lies and when you loved Alya it was in life but which made him a liar that's what you loved as well hmm so you must be surprised that a liar is telling the truth hmm when your husband tells you the truth that's when you must actually go for a counseling session is a liar you fallen in love with the wrong thing when you laugh a man of God on the basis of his gift if the gift is deceptive you may not be in a position to descend that you need help you need help you need serious help rarely do you get a man whose jacket is shining whose trousers shining with shade is shining telling you that Jesus is not here so some of the people listening to me they just realizing that really they have made a mistake we are realizing that indeed I've made a serious mistake can you go beyond the gift I said no I will not explain to you I don't give you any experience and I asked you to observe my walk is my lifestyle I said that's a confirmation data if a man has been to any of the planets if a man has been to to hell pasta if you've been to hell if you've been to the level 5 prove that you've been there is your conduct when you come back I will wait for you to come back I will not go by the book but you right I will not go by this Emma you can explain it all you want in the everyone is shaking I will follow you after that narration of your story I want to see how that experience is molded your lifestyle Wow if you are coming from the lake of fire pasta you see a woman you run you come back you delete every number in your phone that we don't do including Ahmad you're not sure so I'm saying don't go by what the man of God is saying yeah has the experience more did his lifestyle is he living according to his experience an encounter with Jesus that encounter will permanently and perpetually reflect in your conduct people who know the Okami time now when people are begging you to share your experience because they have seen the lifestyle did like you are now begging me yes for you no want to hear what is giving birth to this kind of a lifestyle yes fun but you are never going to ask me that had I not seen the laughter and you not seen the lifestyle okay yes why it is not possible it is not possible coming from the lake of fire but you can misbehave it's something else that you saw they know they not not not defy so I'm teaching you on how to descend go beyond what is being said beyond what is being done beyond what is being acted can you walk with the men and still see God in his conduct away from the pulpit yes found away from the portent away from the pulpit is there Jesus in the place what you're seeking for child of God is it believing if you are seeking for the living you make sure it is not among the dead you'll never find the living among the dead now looking at the place where Jesus was buried it was a separate tool away from have a troops away from other grains hmm was away to places they suspect in Israel but this is where Jesus was buried two places both places you realize that is just one - not many other tombs are now Wow okay especially this one of Joseph of Arimathea he was a rich man he was living in his own house he wasn't even in the high-density setup because he was rich in money it is beautiful house away from the rest of the houses same applies with His grace okay as rich as he was you didn't go to a public place where there are many cases he bought a very nice yard where there were no other graces so that when he dies he gets buried in play that's why he told Jesus into so why would the Angels say you are seeking for the living among the dead who else was dead that's for another day or see some of the things that you keep on searching for you must get to that place where you know and my men of God doesn't have it it's not here it's not here it's not here it's not here it's not here it's not here it's not here one of these days wake up early in the morning like they did going to the grave before you go there you must sit down with your family and discuss let's talk about our ministry let's talk about the place that we keep on visiting are we finding the living is there Jesus in the place share your experiences as a family come up with your projections for how long do you think that this gift is going to bring us to our place of destiny hmmm this level of a teaching yeah with this manifestation of a gift with this kind of a conduct this lifestyle yeah for men of God as a father you must think twice three times do I really want my son to become like my past are you going to celebrate your son if he's going to become like your past you must be able to answer that question hmm even before your next blink are there question marks what I've realized also in Africa is that we fail not just to descend but to defy a wicked defining things not just descending okay defining okay defying you may say that I'm not gifted in as far as discernment is concerned but you must still be able to define things right you know in you want to become famous it's so hard becoming famous there is a difference between famous and infamous famous and influenced linear infamous means you are well known but for wrong things yet well known it needed work well-known for some bad quality or deity we get but but as students well known in the beginning that's what we do in Africa if somebody really wants to be famous because they have felt the same the difference between the two somebody thinks that he is so famous it is not famous he's infamous in the people also cannot decide they cannot define they cannot tell the difference they think that guys are famous being infamous doesn't require much you can drop your pants run across the street once every week only when is the morning you can become famous there are celebrities that you know on television today who are known for nothing yes ii exactly this wrong even becoming naked you become infamous yes but they call it being famous because in also they know that you people that are hiring them you don't know the difference between the two why you follow this follow this is this is just amazing because from our context or from the world context I think there's there's never been a separation of the two in fact we have come to a point way being infamous you become a celebrity mm-hmm of some sort mm-hmm and whoever wants to market something mm-hmm they like for example musicians I'll give a very good example of musicians sometimes they throw around very funny videos mm-hmm that according to what you've taught us now you will then be able to classify that as being in famous mm-hmm and yet for them it is a platform or it is an idea of becoming famous famous and trying to push their volumes or probably being known and look at the number of people that actually follow that also tells you the people who are in that category of foolishness and they know that they know that but many people are wise so they never do the wisest thing if you want to get most of the attention majority of people are not smart they're fools so if you want to have more people more viewers more attention you don't get it from the less that are smart no you have to look at the numbers yeah so we are not following a man because he's just famous is he really famous or infamous is he known for the good things so profound so we are on this issue it is important that you you know just like one day let's say you are you you realize that maybe your wife doesn't believe but you're telling her the truth what could have actually trimmed up that she may have caught you in a lie but being caught in a lie doesn't mean that you were lying to him maybe it was on the phone you were talking to somebody lying to that somebody in her presence now she's hearing you she's witnessing life you lie to another person for any reason yet there is coming a day when you want to tell her the truth and you really want her to believe but what you're saying is the truth how hard it is going to be for you to convince here that in this particular instance I'm not lying I'm telling you the truth mm-hmm I wonder why my wife doesn't believe in me she thinks I'm lying what made her to think that way you once lied in her presence that day she knew that you may not be a liar to me but she lied to somebody you lie and because of that personally if you were to ask me not just about experiences that I've had with God but also with liars I can write a book hmm I can write a book once you've decided in your life that you're going to accommodate Alya you must understand that you're going to start living an expensive life life is going to become so hard for you the problem with a lie is that even when you're telling him the truth he thinks everyone is lying yeah he doesn't believe anyone out there can live by the truth because he lies to everyone any things you are also lying to him he doesn't believe in the truth why do I keep on coming back to that because to some lying is an occupation it's a gift a gift a gift a gift of head friends Oh Elias I've hid Suns spiritual science my god until I realized that a his son nothing to him lying his relay ministry you don't want to have such a person in your life that majority of what you say is not true even if you're going to have a serious gift of discernment I can assure you you're going to run out of it very soon because you wanted me yes yeah yes I've said something they even if you are gifted in descending align out what certain people you still run out you know in one day you only have any disagreement left to deserve the next person coming toward you spend all of it on one person in one conversation there are people who are that gifted Jesus said you guys are lying because of your father I know when you've got this very you're gifted if you yet identified a liar in your life was that message not a lie was that miracle not a lie was that prophecy not a lie can you descend the presence of a gift again if the presence of God is their God in the place or it's simply a gift you study Luke chapter number four when Jesus was taken to the pinnacle of the temple by the devil what the Holy Spirit did was to only take him to the wilderness to be tempted yes but the one who took him to the pinnacle was the devil it's an elevated place but who took Jesus they were conned so promotion doesn't only come from God mm-hmm you can have an elevated men of God at the top of the temple the head of the church hmm bless the some way above all his members but who placed him thing it wasn't the Holy Ghost it wasn't the whole who made join men of God a man of God who placed him they above you you can claim all you want to have a covering above me yes who took him up there if Jesus was taken there by this guy hmm he's responsible of many promotion as elevations that we have seen but I just want to show you something there which is very very very interesting you know what they do according to our culture in your meeting a woman he's not becoming your wife you have really to get the consent those that really gave birth to her and nature the hair and you pay something yes yeah you pay it's not like a buying it's like a thank you yeah you did this for me now I'm finding this person at a much later stage she is now 21 she's now fetish is now 19 years but you did a wonderful job in this this is just to say thank you thank you thank you yes and then after that that's when you begin to realize what you really thank them later yes what so if you have Jesus coming and is telling you that this one is the son of the devil you're liars because your father is alive then I believe that if you have married a liar you all the devil something some money she's a product some people who are claiming that they have paid everything if you haven't given money to the devil for producing a liar then we're still waiting for you to come okay I want people to descend the person you have above you where is it coming from where she coming from is there the manifestation of another strange famine but I want you to study but passage of Scripture suggests 9 or something look for indeed far from verse nine and he brought him to Jerusalem and set him on a pinnacle of the temple and said unto him he brought him to Jerusalem who did that the devil and in what saved him who saved him the devil of who was it Jesus well the devil we're on a pinnacle of the temple what is the pinnacle is the total talk but if you ever imagined that you can have the Holy Spirit leading you into the wilderness and have the devil take you from there the wilderness to church now this is not the devil that we know it'll take some people to church who who wakes you up in the morning you prepare yourself you prepare your children and you're all left by the devil to the change finally Jesus is a change he was taken to change how many of those in your church man of God if you are listening to me how many of those in your church have been brought there by him the devil we used to think that whenever the devil comes he is always sending people out of the church yes a very good father when a person makes lines you think I think the devil bought him the devil got him how about this one that is coming maybe they never got him - he was brought day he was set on the pinnacle I'm not I don't want to talk much about that but he was now on top listen to what the devil st. I wanted to hear what the devil Satan and I will show you what he did not say deliberately because he's the father of lies what did he say if thou be the Son of God cast thyself down from hence if you are the son of God do what cast thyself cast thyself down yes from hands mm-hmm for it is written he shall give his angels oh he is making reference to a scripture it is written yes so if the devil is saying it is written he is not reading roots of the number four mmm this is number nine that's four let's go so when you hear the devil saying that it is written he's not reading what he's saying it must have been saying he's making reference to what as he said yes so mental hmm it's all mental Unversed nobody living now before you read that let's finish let's see now we know he is reminding Jesus that it has been written you know can imagine that what that which has been written is so important even to the devil yes it means the devil his books okay it is written what he shall give his angels Josh a leave his angels charge over the over V to keep thee to keep thee and in their hands and in their hands now to keep V in their hands and in their hands in between here there is something missing there I went to find in the book of song right this one you give charge his angels over Eddie right to keep living and in their hands they shall bear thee up they shall lift you up pick you up so lest at any time at any time it lists at any time you dish thou dash thy foot again against a stone a stone so you will have a hose getting ready to make sure that all they are in position under his command they make sure that you don't stomp he isn't mmm he live for something now let's read it because he's saying it is written but not everything that is written that he is caught it he omitted certain things that were written so in a dealing with the devil must understand now what is he omitting Wow because you know okay now now hey so some may 21 verse 11 yes for ye shall give his angels charge over thee he shall give his angels charge over thee so right there the devilish spot on spot uh-huh to keep thee to keep me that's exactly what he's also said yes lead in all thy ways in all thy ways mm-hmm in all thy ways in all language so he'll verse number 12 they shall bear thee up in their hands they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against us so on so God has given angels charge over thee to keep you not everywhere as long as you are within your lane there is a security provision God has commanded angels to keep you to sustain you from falling as long as you pass in your lane in all thy ways not the devil's ways it wasn't your intention to go on top of the of the temple that was the devil's way and when you are in his way never make a mistake of casting yourself down otherwise you don't have angels given charge by God to protect you in a profession in a career that is not how are you you have to understand when you stop you have angels but these angels are not going to come to where you are they they are stationed by God in your way where God said you are going to walk through this path I love that path when you fall you are caught you hit against a stone you know that you've gone of course in the path that is yours but what is taking most people out of their way is that glamour the glittering of other people's give you also want to become like them and you are diverted from your path you have found exercising a gift that was never given to you and once you find yourself in the tail of a territory you fall there are no angels given charged by God to hold you up in your hitting against the storm there is no security for you there's no life for you you can do all you want to do play all the tricks but you'll never last it's just a matter of days people will start asking why we're not long hearing of that musician why is that soccer player so to them it was a short-lived revival hmm but when you are within your way had you cast yourself down once you're in your way so jesus knew that i'm listening to el hire the devil is lying to me this scripture is out of context I am NOT in my way this was my way of doing things this is not my style we prophesy you must know that from another angle I'm just positioning myself as an ordinary complication and I decide to go to a certain ministry where somebody has been positioned today and the pinnacle and I deviate on the basis from my ways on the basis of the one placed at the pinnacle and the pain in my life is their point where that could be caught self-inflicted because I'm trying to consider everybody around the people that I see every day hmm and they are going through certain phases in their lives mm-hmm and they are believing that it is probably got taking them through a certain patch in a certain season in their lives mmm and yet they their way they have deviated from their way what you're saying or just as a serious observation the so that's so profound so profile so you're saying these people are in a place where they don't belong yes they've been deceived yes and can we say these people are really participating their own afflictions yes is it right to be deceived no it's wrong but can you do something to avoid deception yes okay yes are we going to blame these people after this okay because you can say what if this person is there he doesn't know the truth he has never had a teaching like this so why should we blame them when everyone to blame them who blame them after this when this information has been made available when the angel has now told you but he is not here and you remained there on the basis of the color of the command the brightness of the government when I have told you because my voice right now is not just it I'm not preaching this from one place I am standing in different positions right now proving to you that even here where you think you belong Jesus is not here you notice that some of you you can have a gift and be more gifted even than the person that you admire but it's just that she are yet to realize that you have it is his only realization that is left and some people that we admire today so because they are that gifted but there was another gift given to their gift which is called opportunity the giftedness of the gift it's not enough for you to be gifted they must be a follow up where now God gives that gift a gift God opportunity oh wow when your gift next that gift like the most talented person very gifted but that young girl who danced before the King in the Bible until Herod was so pleased she had a gift but not until an opportunity is given to the gift is another gift Wow so when the King says come and play he's giving a gift to the gift and your gift requires that gift called opportunity if you found that gift that your gift requires if you discover the place when the best comes out of you hmm or what you've discovered is a place that brings out the west are you always England are you always a jeté today always irritated by the things and the people around you we are in our own place so your gift is to communicate with you your gift has to help you migrate go to locations where now the gift that you carry can confirm to you that I've found a platform an opportunity how do you I feel like another another teaching is just kind of a how do you become that person that can you see it's a process a complicated process that I want to present here when the gift is gifted when gifts are given to the gift you find a gift and you give the gift a gift being used by God to hand over a gift to the gift what is that you listen to his same one that he preached fast-fast I first first time you tell people that this was his first sermon then no one is ever going to believe that okay but he didn't get the gift the day he preached it was inserted in him at a certain moment but that gift was waiting for another gift called opportunity so now you had the gift but the gift was waiting for another gift and what you got in that day that opening that platform was a gift that the gift was waiting flowing is so you need to find people like that in your life that will hand over gifts to your gift create an opportunity for you to manifest you may admire people that you think are more gifted than you in yet what they have is only a gift given to their gift which is opportunity that's what most people today are lacking hmm today hmm how do you make a gift that is not gifted gifted and I'm gifted gift when you have a nun gifted gift how do you how how do you do that happy nun gifted give you every bit like the gift is not a gift and it lacks an opportunity how do you improve that gift it's difficult it's hard when I have to I have to educate you on that yes find so hard thank you for rarely do you find people who are ready to gift the gift ready and it may not be correct English but you just want people to follow who rarely can you find a person who is ready to hand over a gift to your gift then make your gift gift it out lame-o it is act ways that in the Scriptures God said to Abraham enchanted half of the book of Genesis I God will bless those but bless you and kiss him that kisses you hmm we are going to look at that passage of Scripture God did not say I will bless those that who bless you and curse those that will kiss you he didn't say that he said I will bless those that bless you how can see him that kisses you I have it father Jerry Westry Genesis 12 and I will bless them them many many I will bless them that bless the years and curse him him that curseth thee you see so you have them blessing you and have him kissing unions can you see that yes God so God is saying here why is he not saying I'll kiss them that kiss you because if I'm going to catch them that kiss you you end up having a lot of them being cast in that's not your mandate your assignment is to have them blessed and have the few cast you are knowing too much of it it's not for kissing this is for blessing so I will bless the nation's so many people are going to become blessed because of you but few are going to become cares too because you don't specialize in kissing you specialize in bless so now follow this now what am I saying I'm talking about how then do I bless the blessed if Abraham that God has blessed mm-hmm and requires my blessing [Music] when you encounter a blessed man you are not responsible for his blessing when you bless a blessed man then you are responsible for your blessing that was super funky to give because I've had people saying that you know that men he is what he is today because of me I have blessed him in every way it when you look at the man who is claiming to have blessed that man there is no choice there's no proof there is no you can't save in the fingerprints of the blessing on him why is he claiming ownership of that blessing that's not true when you bless a blessed man you are never responsible for his blessing hmm when you bless a blessed demand then you are responsible for your blessing mmm now look at this God is saying Abraham is not just a person in this instance no he is now in institution Abraham me has now become in old that disseminates and multiplies blessings okay so if a person wants to be blessed he has to identify the blessed Abram and when you bless Abraham that is already blessed we have confirmed God's work you have green with God but you've blessed the right man in when you do that you attract that same blessing you are blessed for blessing the blessed in your cast for casting the blessed I can follow this yes oh I just want to out in trying to help you because I'm saying I'm trying to educate you on how you can identify a gift in a person and give a gift to the drift and you blessed man because of his blessing because of his cases even because he's poor but because he's broke it's another level sohow ministration Wow that that makes you even better that improves your life we thought that every money you get look for the poor indeed forth rarely can you come across Abraham and buy him a car yes that's why I say becoming a gift to the gifted the boy has a tremendous power you have to be called by God how do I add to the gift than the gifted has already mm how do I contribute how do I make my brother better by adding to his gift giving to his gift not just because I love him but I love what he carries yes can you have a poor man standing over there and then have Abraham stand over there and you take a seat and you give it to Abraham not in this hmm it's a Guinness every doctrine now nowadays people are looking at how much has he given to the poor but many are asking him how many blessed people have you blessed hmm all of the world everyone has been conditioned by the world in a way that when you meet him won't give him anything you keep looking for the living among the dead if you find the true mean can you descend that this is the man that is carrying your blessing hmm and you blessing you not because you want to bless him your blessing because you want yourself blessed you want to be blessed hmm you agree with God huh a man who is everything more than 300 soldiers not just sevens so this was an army three four hundred trained men in his house you meet him and God says bless him a a no a no no mmm this Abraham the way that God is camouflaged to him with blessings he is not that men that I would want to give my money - I don't feel satisfied doing I have bought a brand new car and I give it to a brown then he drives to once in a month cause he has several of those already there is something that really deceives me when the peso drive blessed is now crying so rolling on the floor thanking me for the blessing that's deception the deceptiveness of the gifted yet you must have a man but you can hand over a million dollars and he pushes it aside and then he says let's talk about this you have a problem calluses improve in this area improve in healing Bewkes you after giving him a million dollars now you have discovered you have found the blessed hmm how do i bless the blessed how do i hand over a gift to the gift the timing be timing some people who was placed a case of money and said he means never going to make it these are the same people who were celebrating me when I was ministering God had given them an opportunity to descend my gift and to support my gift and to bless my gift but they thought speaking against it is what is going to destroy the gift God had given them in a chance to descend where I was going they were supposed just to project and to see where this young boy is going given the demonstration of this gift you can tell this this person is never going to remain small yet they wanted to contradict that feeling in that reality they thought contradicting it is what is going to destroy the gift yet had somebody amongst them come to me and say son let me tell you what the Lord is showing me concerning your future today I would have been cutting that person to say he told me but I'm going to become this big today hmm and yet every person who'd descend my gift never took advantage he did not bless what God had blessed if I follow you so the gift then began to grow well is the way looking at it not contributing good participating in the growth of that gift you see yes Father now at the end of the day when you then have enemies in your life because of the gift you must understand the number one reason why you will have enemies what creates most of your adversaries you have to hear this today majority of your enemies they are created by something very very simple if I tell you that thing you won't even believe it what is it far is it fun most of your enemies are your enemies because they feel they've been left out that's it when a person feels like he has been left out and you are doing this all by yourself leaving certain people out of your success that creates enmity adversaries are birthed by that omission any one that you think is angry with you doesn't want to see you pay that person a visit initiate a relationship you'll be shocked it comes out confessing not to people this is a good man my courage when you leave people out of your success they start fighting you but how can you correct that now you can't involve every person hmm but I'm talking about adding on to the gift that you find in people who are and you participate in you make contributions so that it lasts when those people are high up they you become part of their story this men didn't fight me he he helped me he created a petition for me in his office he allowed me to work from there for six months with a payment because he had discovered that there was a gift in me but we try to go against realities can you meet with Abraham and add to his gift most people when they meet the blessed men what they expect is money from them that's true father they expect money from a blessed man timing is very important if anyone comes to me now of all those people and he tells me I see the Lord I see right now I'm seeing the angel of God becoming and he's telling me that he's going to lift you up and so on he's closing his eyes but I'm opening mine and I'm looking at him what is he saying nothing obvious cares now and he come to me mm-hmm timing is very important in time there was a day that I needed that wait timing and I never got it from you all I got was discouragement you told me that I was nothing when I needed to hear that motivation my gift was craving for that gift of encouragement Wow and you never encouraged to me you are coming today yet what you're telling me is what everyone else is see hmm so timing is very important time timing is very important you know that God can can demand that you give him a gift God of all the people that I know all the personalities that you can think of God is not gifted okay God is not gifted he doesn't have even one gift it is the giver he is the giver feast without anyone giving it to him all right yes because once he is a gift then we know that somebody would give it to him yes he is not gifted okay he is the sauce we're gifts originated from and I believe that when it comes to intrinsic and extrinsic whether it is value or whether it is a gift anything that is intrinsic you know it's something that they say is in my view is really me you and extrinsic is something that comes from outside that you have to lend right and I believe that every gift is access extrinsic every gift that we have is extrinsic Wow but there was a time when that gift wasn't there in you yes Father you got it from someone you okay you got it from some what God gave it to you mm only God has an intrinsic gift Wow it is within you but was not gifted but then when God creates a miracle this equality miracle when he calls people and he gives them an opportunity to make him gifted that's why I'm giving him a flower it's a miracle hmm but a God who is never gifted will create an opportunity for you to make him gifted by giving him a gift hmm it's a miracle but as why the devil is so much again is to give it because this is the only moment when you get to bless the blessed God Himself is the blessing hmm right yes far end by blessing him the purpose has blessed the Lord yes oh my soul how do you bless God agreeing with your success as blessing amen Wow hmm hmm so making him better you make yourself better agreement is agreeing with his success so when God who is not gifted then asks you for a gift hmm it's a miracle if you are going to have that chance of bringing a gift okay can I show you something yes Father please God can ask you today for a gift but because he is desperate for it no when he asks you to bring him something maybe it's a house maybe it's a car maybe it's your salary it's not because God is in any way desperate I have bought cars that you have the manufacturer saying we are the only people that can service this vehicle and I don't think that is monopoly over their product or over my asset they want to continue having charge and control so that the reputation of the product does not diminish keep on bringing back our car to us let us alone keep on touching this don't give it to everyone else okay yes so when God is asking you that you keep on bringing whether it's tight whether it's in offering he's claiming ownership he doesn't want your success in your blessing to be serviced by any other hand apart from his so you you are you are establishing your communication that the line is still open even after you have gotten a gift from him a blessing for me him hmm that's the only way that you can make your money submit to God when part of it keeps on going back to him but it's only because God is broke I've also given people gifts some who never had gifts hmm yes Father someday lives imagine giving a person a car who has a driver's license it means the person is gifted he can drive but it doesn't have the gifts to drive it gifts that can be driven it doesn't have so I add to that leader and one good example if we said no but before that before I started contributing in people's lives to me it was a desire there was a moment when it was a dream where I said one of these days I was imagining myself blessing people making them better and had somebody told me that at some point you will give more than 200 cars I was never going to believe that person but after now I was going to be looking for that person to say your prophecy was correct I've seen it imagine if you can have more than 200 people driving because of you deidre thank you so much yeah can you imagine thank you for y'all and thank you so much oh but listen to this now it's really something so touching that we need to really look at this something serious timing is very important to me so if you are thinking me is because I gave you that car I was sensitive enough to give it to you anytime when you are not driving too far then he thanked me a lot you think me a lot as well but notice what happened after I'd given you a car how many cars you got after that some people yes one you know that me is fun thank you so much some other people came in to give you car here so that's ready okay that's very useful maybe God had instructed them to give you that car but they were not sensitive they were not right in terms of timing they are gifts that I've wasted if you ask me many gifts prophet have you ever given a gift and felt bad yes profit is there give that you can say you've wasted there is a yes there is a no okay if you ever profit if you ever even do a profit in Jeff wisdom if you ever regretted even given a gift to somebody or many times yeah many times I made mistakes and I'm still making those mistakes today and some of you are making those those same mistakes the most unfortunate part when it comes to this issue of blessing the blessed is that you only have to realize after blessing a man that he's not as blessed as you thought he was you realize after blessing him and that you've just blessed a guesstimate how do you add to people's gifts there's no way you can tell the level of ingratitude it's a hard to descend even me the spirit I have found it so hard even as a prophet to predict the ungratefulness of people my frequence prophetically has been so his phone is so hard so even impossible to to catch that wave of unthankfulness it's so hard that's one thing that is so hard to discern look at the people that some of you have helped you have helped so many people and God is never going to advise you God is never going to whisper to you until I go to a point in as far as giving and hoping other gifts is concerned I go to a point where I say I now have money pastors that I've set aside and with that money I don't intend to get a harvest I now have blessings that I give and I don't expect if anything comes back out of that it's a miracle I don't I have in account that I have created that helps me descend the ungrateful because the segment cannot do that sometimes you have to use the segment to descend ungrateful sometimes you also have to use gifts just any money to descend ungrateful I told you this before but we're people that you see and you spend the whole night praying asking God why treating this man like this please God look at him the man is committed the man is dedicated the man is serving God the man is preaching it doesn't sleep waiting for God yet the man you saw broke when you observe that because you fail to descend the level of ungratefulness the measure of gratitude because there is a measure every person has gratitude but it comes in different measures gratitude some people have zero zero so you are praying for this man isn't God God God God God God God and then I've told you before and I'm telling it to you again God says to me you go and bless you several times I'm busy cry God says don't play stop pray you're asking me that I bless him with a what a car God versus you Africa take yours when give it to him then after blessing him with a car I have had people who in Newfoundland was careless drivers ablaze with cars and they were involved in car accidents and they said maybe there was something done to this car mmm maybe same issue or something you wanted to kill me now forgetting you you you are not a good driver no you have the first person to drive in your village esra we're trying to break a case here yes van but he's blaming the person who's trying to elevate him and then you go back to God crying good so what they're saying is he's laughing at you I told you I've been there before this is the same guy you thought I was wrong I have made serious blunders myself even as a prophet there are people that I felt like God was not fitting for me everyone's been deceived how prophet there are days when I thought God wasn't laughing enough there are days when I felt like God wasn't caring enough I'm confessing and I moved in then I discovered why God has kept himself away from certain people if you want to be destroyed then be devastated for the rest of your life in every kapha try to work with people that God has stopped working with try helping people that God has stopped helping how do I become a blessing to the Blessed if God says to someone listening to me today let's say God for example God can ask you to give a hundred thousand US dollars or ten thousand dollars or five thousand dollars yes or $1,000 God can tell people to do that yes anyone who tells you that God cannot do that he doesn't know God okay walk away you're looking for the living amongst the dead a among the dead anyone who tells you that God doesn't tell people but give that give that give that is life anyone who attacks the principle of giving has no idea because that's what every billionaire is not even born again is practicing for them to remain where they are is an established principle if a man without God knows that this is the only way you can sustain your success it's a principle but I'm saying if God tells you to give your car and then you delay and still give it later it is foolishness to expect the same harvest hmm when you have sown an expired seed the soil that is current will not give you a harvest which is current because you have sown in that soil today the soil can be present every single day but there is a day when the soil is calling for your seat mm-hmm now let me let me let me let me show you something I'm talking about handing over a gift to the gifted timing yeah why is it that posture when you get your restaurant you know the waiter is being paid by the restaurant well before you leave what you do depend why why is there not one person on the internet attacking that kind of a behavior if there is anyone why is it wrong when a man of God is being tipped yet you know it's God who pays him you see these are not just demonic this is foolishness Wow but my issue is let's say we've that iPad is fun for instance if God says give me that iPad and then you don't give the iPad today and still give the iPad to more it is no longer the same I bet hmm it is much colder tomorrow than it is today yes whether you are using it or not this is why certain gadgets can be phased out you can buy it brand new keep it in your drawer and never use it and you can still be phased out yes and following this yes and yet we have a person who has brought the iPad the following day still expecting the same harvest yet what he has brought is never what God it demanded smaller mat the same thing that's why most Christians today may know God am provoked because of their giving a giving can make you broke you can become poor you can lose everything you have in your house given to your change hmm and never experience God is blessing I'm telling you this as a prophet hmm I've made my own mistakes you keep on giving giving giving giving everything can go and God is never obligated to bless you any outdated seed cannot produce a modern harvest oh it's impossible you have to understand timing I can you imagine that God said to Abraham give me your son right yes give me your son it was the promise the son he didn't just come was a promise design so to him Abraham he was very seed that would inherit so that Isaac was a picture of Christ was a promise to son right yes son of the promise the one who comes to inherit but it wasn't Isaac that was born hist that was given the mission first there was another Ishmael came before yes Isaac and God demanded that Abraham gives Isaac remember my teaching at the mission that Jesus came to do it wasn't given to him he wasn't the first one to be given that assignment in the s-1 Lucifer was supposed to be the savior of the world and he failed and he failed follow this and God says to Abraham give me your son and he tells Abraham come to the place Mount Moriah and they I will show you where I want you to sacrifice your son okay and then it took him three days so already he was fulfilling son like he gave after three days getting into action the day he had from God he is working already the process of obedience because the place was too far away why didn't God say kill him at the backyard hmm because still Isaac was going to die why go to a place why because the place was prophetic Mount Moriah right yes that's the same place same range of mountains where God knew that his own son was going to be sacrificed now so God wants Abraham to dramatize what he is going to do create a picture of what I'm eventually going to do then Abraham is carrying a seat to the right place so it's not just the timing the right place it's not just the giving who have you given to it if you give it to a man of God because he's Brock you felt pity for him I've told you before you don't put your sin into the cell because we have filled pity for the soilless uh-huh is it because the man of God was too desperate that's why he blessed him so there was the timing God to name what he wanted they seemed Isaac and the place he said I'll tell you why you would drop the seat I will tell you a drama said so God is in the habit of naming sins he tells you what he wants you to give to him again I will keep on repeating this it wasn't in the Old Testament it was before the Old Testament so it's not an autist and in trances I don't know why people they keep on coming back and they raise this usually they don't listen to me if they listen to me it's not in the Old Testament it was actually given that created the New Testament hmm who God so loved the world that He gave he loved in the or Testament and He gave His only begotten Son then he created by that act of giving the New Testament but here this so premio son sacrifice him as he was about to sacrifice the Bible tells me in the book of Romans that actually he actually killed his son according to God and he killed his son because he was never going to stop according to god he killed his son and God said now don't kill the son and he looked up and behind him was a ram caught up in a thicket with its horns hmm behind him can I tell you something that sheep was notice a supernatural one it wasn't it wasn't a spiritual and it was a physical one yes which means there could have been a men was heading his ship in that area walking in front of them and they were following and this one went astray as it was feeding on the leaves of that shoe whatever bush whatever then something it got entangled then the owner kept on walking unbeknown to him that one of his sheep was left so Abraham now is looking behind realizing that there is a sheep now it's hanging on a tree as the picture of him right the lamb on the cross yes both things together that's what he is seeing as the picture and were said check that one and replace because this whole drama is nothing to do with your gift there's everything to do with my gift check the lamp late on the wood sacrifice in Abraham said you read that story the Lord shall provide a lamp for himself so it wasn't her Abraham providing is not you blessing the Blessed mmm it's God wanting to provide mmm but he pushes you into doing something that justify him to bless you but now since Abraham has been coming for the past three days and today he finds out the reason she had Abraham postponed and still bring the same Isaac two weeks later so let's assume this ship was caught three days ago when God spoke to Abraham to say give me your son yes look at the timing God doesn't ask you to give anything unless the harvest is in position Wow he makes sure the harvest is captured already in a thicket mm-hmm before he comes to your house and he tells you bring me a seat why am I talking about this I'm talking about blessing the Blessed giving a gift to the gift a person so he had Abraham said I'll go next week you they found the ship already dead but not by reason of sacrifice it means Jesus was going to die through other means it was supposed to be sacrificed for him to become the sacrifice sometimes by delaying we delay until our harvest is dead you see when Abraham gave Isaac immediately the harvest was that them but she was the harvest yes one prophet why quality harvest look at this the difference is in what came out as a result of the two if Abraham was going to give Isaac it wasn't what he was going to get is a person of blessing for himself for having obeyed God okay but when Abraham slaughtered that sheep that sin became a universal it had chanted a universal harvest which all of us benefited from Isaac was for himself this was for all of us so God said sacrifice this one now for everyone but that half is to us a great that the little seed are using in the harvest is always bigger than the seed the harvest is always bigger than the seed but God establishes the harvest in the soil before we give in bring the seed okay so it had Abraham delayed I'm saying the harvest was waiting to die even before this seed for that harvest was sown mm-hmm the ship was never going to be there forever so most people they delay until their harvest his death now he brings in I paid for the harvest that has been hanging on the tree for two months not fitting it's now dead you are wasting your resources by keeping one giving it a wrong type and two wrong people following father are you giving a gift to the gifted I'm missing the blessed it is still the same Isaac but giving him at a wrong time you have created a problem that's the same spot where Jesus now came he was sacrificed he was he was hanged order on that on that bush on that tree the same place and Abraham adoring the professor that upon this mountain it shall be seen talking about his sacrifice that God Himself is going to provide that's why Jesus when he came he said Abraham when he saw my day he was so glad which means Jesus is acknowledging that what you see what you see happening on the cross there is a man who was present who acted that out he saw my day he was so glad Abraham which day was he talking about that day that finally the lab would be slain Abraham was they he he was the one but look at this now when God is asking you to bring something is simply a drama he's not blessing you because you are giving him money no you give money to God because you're blessed Wow Wow you see now what do you do now when you have a head God speak I have taught certain people for physically I see a vehicle like this yes yes yes number like this yes yes yes but I wanted to check that vehicle to the garage safe is it it is a problem and I tell the person it is a problem like this yes that's very true after saving that car take the car to your posture so that you bless you okay men of God and after two months also God is confirming to me that he is to driving the car I'm wondering somehow even approached him to say how far does true mean oh god where is to praying about it I'm thinking about it okay thinking about it still thinking about it finally when they deliver that he is no longer the same vehicle even you'll never get the same harvest you've allowed what God wanted to expire before delivering it now you will never get the reward that was meant for it at that moment so how do I bless those that are gifted I identify people who are gifted okay okay yes and identified the people also that I gifted in they are not aware of their giftings okay and help them realize you know they are gifted hmm how do I realize that your guests participate in the bed of the gift make contributions huh yes sir hmm I heard you say some time back that there is a guy who picked this young boy trained him now it is very serious soccer player and wherever this guy goes how much they are willing to pay for this young man this man old man gets a percentage yes yes hmm yes and yet this old man cannot play soccer you identify the gift mm-hmm invested in that gift Wow in this course a share yes 10% of that gift yes belong to that only motive of money of that giveth belong to that old man Wow do you know he can even sue that young man hmm if he doesn't get his 10% is why he participated in the growth of the of the gift don't fight the gift don't ignore the gifted don't act like they're not there No acknowledge them write them letters emails telling them that we are so safe we'll feel comfortable in the business sector because of your presence I admire integrity tell them learn this because some of you I don't know maybe your father maybe your mother you grew up in a in a in an environment that was so lost I'm to good behaviors so you don't know even how to say thank you don't even know I'm not blaming you but at least you God has given you somebody today who is coming to tell you why the person who once blessed you in your life has never returned back to bless you again your gratitude was never good enough it was never good enough how do you know it wasn't good enough because the same person never blessed you again that's the answer any person who has given you a gift once you didn't thank him enough how do I relate with gifts another name how how the giftedness of the gift if I give you a tire it's a gift but if I give you a car together with tires on it it's a greater gift yes you can do more yes with a car mmm than with a tire when I give you a tire not much you can do much but with a car you can do more yet both are gifts and the car is more gifted and the tire okay so how do we improve ourselves we have to start by realizing that we are gifted now what is the gift in you demanding because gifts have different appetites yes what does your gift feeds on for it to grow I can tell you of the one of the most gifted men we have been able to use his gifts today to an extend that even God admires a him the devil had the devil not been active in exercising his gift today the greater part of our population or they've been Christians even in rebellion is exercising his gift all the non-believers I helping him reaching his highest level of success they are supporting the devil fulfill his mandate he's so gifted father I have a question and maybe just allows just a few see maybe we start from there from there it's just just a few seconds my father okay just a few say roughly yes can can we solve for a gift can you is it possible to sow a seed monetary seed for a gift for a gift yes can I saw a seed for a gift and the reason why I asked that father is because you explained about blessing the blessed and we are aware that we are approaching the revival you've told us about it and we were excited but that excitement that joy was short-lived okay reason being because we felt that such a great measure of a blessing from you giving us access to this place this revival through through the Lord Jesus surely this is not where the announcement ends surely this is not all that God requires of us is there a platform that you can open for us and allow us to sow seeds financial monetary seeds towards the server that is coming but it's it's a burden do we want the opportunity to sow into this however have you college sowing a seed and in the end they're okay because when you are sowing a seed is not always money that you saw is there a seed that you need to solve for you to participate in this revival yes but it's not always in terms of money when a person spends time when invest time in prayer that investment is a seat okay yes so we when you study books on any given subject you are sowing a seed that commitment is a seat when you give somebody who is making a mistake then advise your sonís seed could advise when you meet people who are taking me sowing they have no idea what song is all about okay what we are doing today sitting here we have been sowing into the lives of these people so but in this case now because there is a part of the spiritual part of the divine phone in the financial part yes well okay soon somebody saw for that who is that somebody to me in my live for now is what is more important than the seed you said your Bible it says that you know that God had respect for a bill and he seemed okay yes far as well swim is God respected two things ember was respected by God or not by God that's why contra cities city sacrifice so you can have a person bring a seat the right seat and yet the right seat has been brought by the wrong person it's one thing for God to accept your seat it's another thing for God to accept to you I followed this yes Father I follow this the right person there are people that I've received the seeds for who were wrong people the only proof did manifested later that they were wrong people I shouldn't have okay yes one when somebody also responsible for his poverty simply because you've taken maybe five dollars from him or ten dollars from him yet he has consumed thousands of dollars it's not blaming himself he's saying I'm poor because I've given my money to that men then you shouldn't have received a seed from such a person though the seed was good but that wasn't the right a bill if there was a cane okay okay yes so when God accepts your person he then goes on to accept your seat when you are growing in the things of God and us to Brock even as a pastor you don't have an understanding of these things we have no receiving every seat that you get from people you don't verify the person the transportation the mode of transport that was used if you notice that there are certain gives that you get in the Newton realize that also gifts and then you go straight for the gift to what you thought is like the only gift hmm okay for example if you are going to give somebody this nice table here Gordon vessel if that is here you wrap it nicely right I don't know how many layers of paper that have been to put in to design it in me sometimes maybe write a card and you put it in there and there are some ribbons or you can put some balloons right when you give this table to someone that person believes that the only gift given to him is the table if there are so many layers of gifts because that paper was also bought but you tear those parts apart and throw them away because you want to go for the main so I'm saying that because it's also good to observe and analyze the packaging before you go for the content because the package itself is also a gift so you can have a person with a gift bringing you a gift hmm then you are blessed Wow has God used the best transport to bring a blessing to me so it's not all about people sewing right now if you say go ahead and so everyone will start sending the acid yes but we had to live a way we have to consider the one giving we must be honest enough to tell the people this does not concern you you are not the right person to sow the seed okay yes it's like receiving love from the devil he's not the right person to give that now is not it love is good so number two can I saw for a gift yes I also have to be honest enough to you to let you know that probably maybe what you are sewing for you have it already but if I'm broken I'm poor because of the money I'll get the money from you even knowing that you are never going to get what you're asking for hmm you see the problem yes when a man of God this broke he is never perfect in his way hmm Norman of God can minutes and preach a pure gospel you have to understand that Norman of God that is broke hmm you can never you can never say to me that you have integrity as a man of God when you're broke you may think I have integrity why because I'm not fornicating I'm not committing a time very hmm but you see your children are not happy that she a man of God if you are broke if they are deprived of certain benefits that they are supposed to get as children so you don't understand what integrity is all about the Bible says a righteous man who live an inheritance he doesn't say well now if for from beer or cigarettes you live an inheritance for his children and his children's children and God costs that righteousness because that righteousness just a just meant who live an inheritance so what am I saying I'm saying if I'm broke then you bring me money as a seed and you say I need something a gift I need a gift some can even caught maybe a scripture description a Bible Way there was a witch Simon okay who came and then he said I'll give you a money so that you also give me the gift okay and they saved the disciples you have to perish with your money and some take that to mean that you cannot give a man of God money for the blessing mm okay and it what they rejected was not even money they rejected the man the map Wow they rejected the man so the the way smart enough to descend that this man is not properly born again is born again according to Philip but according to us that is why I began to talk about certain chemicals in his body corn onion drink that then you realize not today then you realize that it was because of the men how come we have Solomon who gave God a physical seed yes and God said ask for anything he asked for his to and God did not rebuke him for that and say we can buy a gift they don't look at all those scriptures why because they just want to attack the issue of giving if giving is not biblical why are you giving to your wife why are giving you a children you are following a biblical principle so if you say I cannot sow a seed for a gift is the man that you are giving this into honest enough to help you realize that probably you have the gift already you have the gift already what Solomon did was to give to God right what did he ask for yes for his dough and God gave him that he gave him wisdom so if you come today and you say to me prophet I'm sewing this seed into your life in there can I have the same gift the gift of wisdom I can either take the money and then pretend like I'm giving you the gift but that's stealing I should hope you realize that you have it already what if you have it already faster what if you say me not God I need wisdom and then I tell you that you have it already what I going to say you taught us that in the case of Solomon he asked for his no I'm talking about you I didn't in the case of Solomon you if if I tell you that you have wisdom the obvious thing is that in your heart you are going to argue hmm and you know what what makes you angular you have wisdom and you you argue with that what makes you a cue because you believe you don't have it because I believe I don't have it we don't talking about you guys yes Father I believe and what makes you believe that you don't have it is because you haven't seen it working exactly as experiences you've made wrong decisions sometimes and you are saying I don't think I have wisdom so let me now go in what ask ask for it now then what I have to do now is to prove to you but you have it but maybe it's not active okay okay now I begin to help you on the basis of your seat it's so now I'm I'm telling you I will prove to you through scriptures that you have wisdom can you imagine I'm just giving you an example the Solomon that you think had wisdom imagine yourself walking through a certain village passing through 1,000 houses before you get to a man of wisdom you today admiring a second wife the calling it lack of wisdom is a man who had it I'm saying you are asking God to be are knocking 1,000 doors looking for a man of wisdom is not here maybe it's next door and you go next door is not there and you believe that you are you've come to see a man that has wisdom what is what is what is helping you mix that kind of a mistake in at the end of the day when he was happy not opposed he said all this is vanity you hear that from the men we do is do we did this after I even received wisdom so what kind of wisdom is that no I'm now beginning to show you that maybe you may have more wisdom than Solomon after having given message now I'm proving to you that we have it hmm but you still think that Solomon is better than you solomid yes II do is do hmm probably you have gone way past his wisdom wah-wah here wisdom he was the smartest man in his time not today why because now he finally if I take you to face currency of the word verse number 30 now that wisdom has been personified it's no longer a thing as mallanna is she so Luna in it while Christ has now become our wisdom so how they raised a butt off him nahi in Christ Jesus mm-hmm of God is made unto us wisdom Jesus Christ has been mentioned to us with wisdom so how can a man who is Christ say that he doesn't have wisdom can you imagine now just doing this abruptly yes Father checking one gift as an example yes you wanted wisdom you have given message now I'm proving to you that we have a wisdom and you say I don't have it and I'm saying but you have Christ Solomon had thousand wives because he thought wisdom was a she so meeting all those who was trying to get married twisdom now what you married today for you to have wisdom you marry one man Chris so I'm proving to you see now you want to jump out of her signal but you came here crying that you don't have wheels to travel so the wisdom that you have is greater than the wisdom that Solomon had he wasn't born again so the seed is for recognition to help me recognize circle now you know paying me in the same way that maybe sometimes you are paying a lecture yes for sale to help you sometimes discover yourself okay yes fine so when you give me a seed you have had a coach you can have two coaches coaching two different people it's eat the pasta he plays soccer very well you see yeah he does yeah we haven't even given that knowledge the gift you see if you want to change somebody it's either you find the guy who knows nothing about playing soccer and you start from scratch but what do you have to do you have to deposit you know the gift and that will take you a very long time or you'll find a young boy with a reading gift and bonding gift is untrained and when you are educating you are no longer educating that young boy is getting the gift one so you have less you so it has to be easier for you now you have to find a person like if you come to me you have the gift already I simply have to educate the wisdom thank you Father thank you that you carry because you have it but you're not a way that you have it hmm am I right on that we follow you absolutely we have the gift but you are not a way that you have the gift but but I thought I didn't have it because I never see it working okay now I can say to you I can say to you who is done do you know what wisdom is no because sometimes you speak and people around you don't hear wisdom from your speech and that's why you think you don't have it yes fun yes fun and yet you don't realize the difference between the gift of wisdom and the gift of externalizing it a because the gift of wisdom is not the gift of demonstrating it here is the gift of wisdom doesn't mean that you are gifted in articulation there are people who are quiet all along yet they are realizing mistakes whatever you are discussing the you know this is never going to work they don't contribute and you may think they don't have wisdom heaven wisdom and speaking it out are two different things you may not have the gift to bring out the wisdom that you have yet you have the wisdom there are men of God was so gifted in terms of doing God's work but you go for counseling and you sit under them for 20 years they will never teach you the things of the Spirit mm-hmm and you want this man how come in your everything maybe this man is very stiff it is not even able to teach you those things so you may think that you don't have wisdom simply because you haven't had it come out through your mouth yes and yet the coming out of that wisdom through your mouth requires another gift for the gift of wisdom to come out it cost one what a gift that gift is that no it was just an example so touch on that next time but we just wanted our people to understand this that quickly identify the gifted don't become embedding don't Overlord be gifted don't allow the gifted to suffer stress and are you help them develop help them improve invest in other people's gifts cause once you have the gifted close to you you're going to become the first person to benefit from that gift because the gift is never for the gifted okay yes we gift is never for the gift to gift it if you have musician launch your album and buy your own DVDs let's see how many of those you are going to buy you you'll never rise you'll never make money when you keep on investing in your own gift and they're the only person consuming your own gift it is meant for other people to consume and let other people enjoy it and let millions of people buy copies then you can start making money you see because your gift is not for yourself every time next time you stumble upon a gifted man know that whatever he carries it's meant for you celebrate the gifted because their gifts are never for themselves they are for you that is why comedians you rarely see the bluffing but they are making everyone cry and laugh the gift is for those listening start developing your gift start improving your gifts if it means bringing together books that are supporting your your your desire invest in that until somebody recognizes you and when you are recognized go to bring people on your way you give angels charge over you so that when you fall whilst you are in your way you will not - your foot against a stone God is sending you opens people who are ready to assist you ready to guide you when you're falling we are there to stretch their hands making sure that you don't stumble but those people are placed by God only in your way stop copying other people stay focused and remain focused and keep on going as long as that is your way soon angels will show up whenever you go astray expect to meet honest angels that will tell you here he is not present go back keep on searching until you find the truth I released the blessing of God upon your life and I know God has blessed you today and your life can never remain the same anything and everything that God has placed within you he wasn't hiding it from you he was hiding it in you for you and for the people around you may you enter into that season of realization in the name of Jesus that product within you and that idea within you that grace and that ability within you that will comfort billions of people in the name of Jesus announced at that grace will begin to come out of you now and Hinnant in unstopped in the name of Jesus bless you thank you thank you my father I've seen people jump is they minister and I've seen others sweat till the whole dole foot is wet but I've never seen them bring such depth to the word out likely to reminds me of a scripture that you highlighted couple of weeks ago that out of our weakness you make us strong out of our weakness you make us strong you have given us the word you look at how you are enlightening us in terms of us looking at those that will that are and that have been ministering and through love you know I was thinking as you're ministering that you're a prophet you're a minister of the way but you find no reason to hide truths from us you bring them to the phone and you say before you go for what is contained within the package you analyze the package you are happy to show us your ways so that we may take from you it is not something that you can find oh it is a pearl my father thank you and you teach us you know III I wanted to cry at some point when you highlighted the aspect of timing how can you saw an old seed and expect a modern harvest hmm and all these are truths beyond what men can ordinarily give hmm it goes beyond love it goes beyond the empowerment probably the word that can sum it all is you're giving us life and father I want to thank you I really want to thank you thank you for giving us a knife thank you those are inspired words thank you so much father thank you so much father we celebrate you from here we're going to fly yes we are going to fly in thank you Father thank you so much for being a part of the service this morning Wow the giftedness of the gift we continue to celebrate what God is doing with this time and where he's leading us to trust that you've been blessed until we meet again next time Shalom [Music] you
Channel: CHRIST TV
Views: 59,802
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Keywords: Makandiwa, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Prophet Makandiwa, prophet makandiwa 2020, emmanuel makandiwa 2020, makandiwa prophecies, makandiwa international prophecy, makandiwa prophecy 2020, makandiwa shona sermons, makandiwa 2020
Id: JlnFhJbK11A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 47sec (10427 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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