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[Music] [Applause] put somebody next to you as you take your seat [Music] he's a good god he is a good god we dealt with sight let's talk about hearing say hearing we'll have [Music] our scripture reading from three places let's start from first corinthians chapter number 14 and verse 10. let's read it together one two go thank you may be seated they are it may be so many kinds of voices in the world and none of them is without signification many voices and yet all of them they signify something which makes hearing a very important topic many voices in the world and yet none of them is without significance i want us to again look at whilst we are seated first samuel chapter number three and verse number one and the child samuel ministered unto the lord before a lie and the word of the lord was precious in those days and there was no open vision go down to verse number seven now samuel did not yet know the lord neither was the word of the lord yet revealed unto him samuel did not yet know the lord neither was the word of the lord yet yet yet revealed unto him these two voices are very important especially the first verse of chapter three of the book of faith samuel and verse number seven and the reason why these scriptures are very important is because this one is like it's like the introduction of the ministry of samuel all of us know how samuel was born and as soon as he was winned the mother had already hannah had pledged that she was going to give samuel unto the lord as a seed and she wanted him to minister in the house of the lord and verse number one samuel is now ministering unto the lord but before a lie and every word in that scripture in that portion in that verse is very important samuel ministered unto the lord but before a lie you always minister to god before somebody ministering unto god before a lie so that's what you do if you minister to god in any department whatever it is that you do in the house of the lord your doing it is unto the lord but there has to be somebody before you and that person is going to help you minister well and effective and while he was ministering before the lord the most amazing part to me is verse number seven and samuel didn't know the lord neither was the word of the lord yet revealed unto him and yet he was really ministering before the lord he was ministering unto god the god that he didn't know he was ministering to god the god that talks that speaks and yet the voice of that god was not yet revealed unto him and yet he kept on ministering before airline so if you bring those two verses together you will appreciate the fact that it is possible to even start by saving the god that you don't understand and it has happened several times can a person be married to somebody that he doesn't know yes yes yes yes samuel served the lord in verse 1 and verse 7 he didn't know the lord can you work for a boss that you don't know yes that's why you end up getting fired this scripture is very important because it helps you to understand the importance of getting to know the person that you're serving and the voice of the lord was so precious in those days the word precious there means rare it wasn't common which means the voice of the lord was not present in those days and there was no open vision prophets could no longer see visions dreamers could no longer dream those that used to hear the voice of god could no longer hear the voice of god in those days and samuel began his ministry during that period of time when the voice of god was read let's appreciate that this is a very very difficult task to be serving god during a time when god is no longer saying anything it was red the voice of god was rare and the reason why the voice of god was rare is not because god had stopped talking no god is talking every every time but people had lost the sense of hearing god is communicating with you every time and every day but you can choose to hear him once in your lifetime it will appear as if god has spoken to you once and yet he is talking to you every day you'll be amazed to hear from god telling you the number of issues that he has shared with you just today from morning and yet you are not even aware of any god is stalking if god is a talking god we should learn to be hearers we need to sharpen our ears and be attentive to the voice of god because he is talking every day god is talking every day so if the voice of god is rare not just in the book of samuel in your life if the voice of god is precious if the voice of god is not common it's not because god doesn't want to talk to you it's simply because you don't want to listen to his voice he is talking he's a talking god and he enjoys that imagine from the beginning even before anything was created god could still talk he created everything by saying saying say he's a talking god he enjoys talking so it is your duty and your assignment now to develop yourself and make sure that you improve yourself and as far as hearing is concerned because he is advising you he is talking to you every day but here's the problem now most people don't they don't know how to distinguish the voice of god like from the scripture we read there are many voices on earth voices on earth many many many voices and how do i know this one is the voice of god since we have many voices how do i know this is one of the many voices that are talking to me how do i identify how do i know this one is god now how you know the voice of god is so easy to ignore you need to be trained to hear the voice of god there is a school just for that where you can be taught to listen to the voice of god and hear the voice of god and understand and interpret the voice of god but the person that teaches you that should be somebody who knows what he is talking about he must have heard the voice of god before yes yes myself even up to today i'm still learning to understand the voice of god but i'm at a better level now than before it's different so i can always come to you and teach you the levels that i've already accomplished but i'm still learning i'm still learning it wasn't easy for me the first time when i heard the voice of god if i tell you my own personal testimonies you'll be laughing at me for rest for the rest of the service the voice of god is so strange i remember this other time after our against the service i think it was his unity health or something like that in second and then we went to saint mary's where they say this in the afternoon before coming here later on during the day those days and i'm i'm praying for people and while i was moving in the audience i looked at this gentleman and i went to him prayed for him and the power of god touched him he fell and something told me that he was sick there was a condition that he had and the condition had left and i felt it in my spirit this guy is healed now as he was down there on the on the floor it was just just the ground no carpet no what not house it was outside you some of you can remember the place whilst he was on the floor i saw as if he began to write on the ground and what he wrote i was able to read it and he wrote okay i'll be very careful here when it comes to the name so that you don't know the person that i'm talking about and he wrote like mapuranga on the ground and then quickly the ashes came and they picked him up and when i checked again on the ground i couldn't see the name so quickly i spoke to him i said because i knew i'd seen something but what is this and then i said to him i'm telling you how it started of course i could hear god before sometimes i could see visions before but i'm just i'm just giving you one example here so that you understand that i am i'm still learning even today so now i said to this guy because i knew that this was prophecy god wanted me to share something with this guy and i said to him my brother anything to do with firewood or something like that and he looked at me i said you sell firehood he said no maybe this is english he said no and i said my pranger what is my prank and he said my senior means my prank and the moment he said that the moment he said that i heard now not this time i'm not seeing then i heard the name like i said i would be very careful i had clever then i said are you sure you're a prank he said i'm a prank i said he is clever and then he jumped he started running and i was confused so i was busy following her because i wanted to to know and he was busy running around and then when finally finally he was standing over there and then i'm back and i'm asking he said he said i'm clever i'm a prank i said are you sure said yeah yeah i'm clear and then guess what i did i said do you have something on you that shows or maybe an idea or something i'm telling you what i did i said do you have something like an id2 because i didn't believe him i didn't believe him and he said i don't have anything i said on sunday are you coming back and i said bring your id so next service i looked for him i saw him he was wearing the same shirt i went to him i said you said you are clear from a problem he said yes i said you said you're going to bring me your id and then he brought it out i looked at it it was clever my prank and then i gave it back to him then that's when i whispered to him i said last time when i prayed for you last week the lord just healed you from a disease and i mentioned that this is now i was confident i knew i knew [Applause] i was experimenting with it is normal when you are afraid if you don't want to miss you wanting to be accurate it's normal but then i didn't prophesy to him publicly but at least i knew first he fell and from that day i was very careful each time a person falls down i'll be looking just to see whether he's going to write something and it never happened again like that but you learn to understand the voice of god had he not brought the id i was never going to believe him there are times when i'm ministering to people i look at somebody and i see him wearing a uniform sometimes written maybe back as in or lobbyists or maybe see be said and the moment i get close to the person he's no longer wearing that but i'm asking the person who works at cb's edge and then he tells me i'm a bank tailor let's see visit i never had anything but i saw something something that you can also see but you don't pay attention to all i don't know if i should be sharing if i'm supposed to be sharing this with you i don't know if you deserve to hear what i'm talking about the voice of god is available every day and every time but it takes time for you to understand divine communications it takes time you can serve god in verse one and yet in verse number seven you don't know the god that you're saving you don't just pray for promotion at work god promote me oh god touch my uh pray for understanding ask god to give you an understanding of your boss of your senior because you can serve him in verse one and get universe seven you don't understand the company you don't understand the person you don't understand your boss most influential and blessed people rich people out there they are looking for one person who can at least listen to them listening to somebody can bring about your promotion listen oh hearing is very important i went to another country outside of zimbabwe to pray for one brother of yours who was sick for a very very long time and he was now in a coma and he was in a coba for more than a month more than a month they'd done everything to bring him back no ways and this is what happens now doctors can tell you that if a person is in a coma you're in a certain state where you can actually hear and they can tell you that the sense of hearing of all the senses that you have hearing is the last sense that you lose when you are dying every other sense where the sight where the feeling it goes and you're left with the lastest sense to leave you is the sense of hearing so when you walking into that intensive care unit watch what you say when your relative is in a coma because he can hear you very well and yet he cannot respond why would hearing be the last sense because hearing is the last hope that you have that can bring you back to life your life can change no matter how down you have gone in terms of being broke whether financially or what but as long as you can hear maximize on the last sense that is left which is hearing you can be brought back to life again hearing is very important why take away every other sense and you leave just a hearing because that's the only thing that is left that can bring you back to life again so no matter how terrible your life has been since you are here today and you can hear the voice of god you can live again you can live again it's amazing hearing is so powerful that even when a man was dead jesus came he never touched lazarus he spoke to him he spoke to him so for more than a month he's in a coma i'd prayed for him before he never recovered and this time around i went there walked into this place with my brother pastor ara and then i told him that i have come and i said to him i am calling you back come back he never responded but i knew he could hear me and the reason why i had to fly is because he was given 24 hours by the doctors they said we are now going to switch off the machines so every relative was called and they came and because of that notice i was also told that just 24 hours and they will switch off everything so because of the 24 hour notice i had to fly and then i went there i spoke to him i didn't pray for him i called him back so that same day in the evening they were shocked because they said everything had stopped from the liver it did stop the kidneys had stopped everything in his body even the heart there was a machine just for the heart and one after the other parts of his body started coming back to life again in one that one day [Applause] and doctors were shocked they said for more than a month and to be honest with you it's not like this person was still alive we just we couldn't just switch off the machines but everything has come back to life so they would disconnect this machine which was supporting they had this machine for the kidney they were switching them off one after the other was now this thing is working the next thing is working the next thing is working and within two weeks or so he's out of the hospital but but but the issue is to me if you see that happening even if a person dies later on that's still a miracle but listen to me now so i was i was asking the holy spirit how come all this while i've been there praying for him and he never recovered and the holy spirit said to me each time you came and you were praying for him he heard you talk to me you never spoke to him [Applause] you never said anything to him you said everything to me and he heard you what did you want him to do he can only respond to words that are directed to him so many of you here you have problems that you have talked about and you have never talked to them your relatives they have heard about your poverty but your poverty has never had anything from you you speak to something to anything it's a master that thing has to respond [Applause] let me show you something here very very important don't underestimate hearing don't don't don't underestimate hearing because that is your only way out jesus said watch what you hear be careful of what you hear samuel samuel god decided to speak to him he called him by name samuel this guy didn't know what to say and imagine his response he said here am i and yet god knew that he wasn't talking to him god knew that samuel wasn't responding to him he was soon after saying he am i he left the room went to eli and said you have called me and then eli said i didn't call you go back and sleep you went back and god again samuel samuel and he said he responded to that voice by saying here am i and still god knew that the here am i this one is not he's not he's not he's this guy's not talking to me and he kept quiet god knows when you're talking to him god knows when you're talking to somebody god knows when you're talking about your problem he knows that he went the third time and this time eli said because the bible says and then eli perceived that god was talking to the child and he said my son go and sleep this time when he calls you again say speak your servant is listening but it's the same thing as saying here am i you could be doing something for years and it's not working until you are instructed to go and repeat the same thing it might work it's amazing it's amazing this is amazing [Applause] for three times he was saying i'm here and yet still god kept quiet until he went to eli and he was trained on how to respond to god and this time because of the training there is a difference god did not just speak the bible says the third time when the lord came the theater and god came and stood and then he called out his name samuel samuel just one lesson a one minute lesson from eli it wasn't just the voice of god no there was a vision as well god came and he stood he wasn't there before he was calling him from a distance but now that you have been trained and you have submitted yourself to information now i have come there are people that when they instruct you god will have to visit you god will have to visit you so it was both a vision and a word hearing and seeing the lord and this time he knew how to respond and then god now was interested in getting into details now because now you know how to respond to me and that's what the lord taught me also even when i'm professing to people don't just give prophecies look for response a person should know how to respond move around just call them by name keep on saying repeat the same prophecy until a person responds in a way that qualifies him for the next information you can serve god forever and he just calls you by name you keep hearing the same thing from god one thing one thing one thing one thing until you know how to respond and then he gets into a new topic and god said to samuel i'm going to do a thing in israel that people are going to be shocked starting with eli the man that has just trained you to hear my voice and he started hearing information from god concerning his father if you are going to be prophesying he's dangerous to start from there he started with his own father but that's very very important because if a man that you serve under introduces you to his god his god must talk to you about him you see people want to understand the voice of god to me the number one key to understand the voice of god the most important thing number one number one number one thing before you get the word of god or believe in the word of god oh know the word of god know the god of the word first go for the god of the word go for the god of the world go for the god of the word once you have received him now you know that you have god in you you now know that you have god in you you no longer now get information from people about the men that you save other no god talks to you about your own elixir oh there is a man that i respect so much and then after helping him and doing everything that you can do to also support another man of god and then i heard there was an article i don't read articles sorry about that but i know when when something is being said i have my own way of knowing but then i heard that he said something against me so i thought about it i said how could he do that and i felt like maybe he deserves a word from me i have a phone and i have a time i think if i can give him a call and we can talk over this whilst his number was still dialing the lord said to me cut it and i had to cut my phone and after 30 minutes or so i said what did i why did i stop because pressure was building inside of me i felt like i needed to just deliver the same one here because somebody needs to and then i doubt the number again the same voice came and said cut it and now i was suspecting this could be the holy ghost but i wasn't happy because i wanted to talk about this matter i really wanted to talk about this then i stopped i never tried the third time but i had this desire in me like something was i was there was something needed to come out i just wanted to talk to because i've done everything how can he say that not knowing that during that day when the article came out the man of god went as a size going to the media house he created some problems there and the following day i had there was a retraction they apologized to the man of god for using his name he had never said anything that was the following day and the paper was apologizing to him the following day he had never said anything against me [Applause] in life you make a decision whether to listen to people to listen to the internet to listen to the newspaper or to listen to god because there are many voices on the earth and when i had this one i didn't have i heard from people then i remembered twice yesterday the lord stopped me i could have delivered that word how do you know it was god who spoke to you watch this now if you want to know whether it was god you look at the consequences if you are to disobey let's say god speaks to you now and you don't know whether it is god or something or maybe it's yourself listen just look at the consequences if you disobey look at the magnitude of the consequences if you disobey the voice if you obey look at the reward and reward and the consequences they suggest it was the voice of god sometimes you're not sure when god is talking to you but disobey the voice and watch what follows then you know it was god who spoke to you you will know soon after disobeying it you know how many times have you done something and after doing it all of a sudden you realize i've made a very serious mistake and yet there was this small voice talking to you over and over again and it wasn't loud but all of a sudden the consequence is louder than the voice so then you have to look back and know that it was the lord who spoke to me when you see the outcome it was the lord who spoke to me when you see the outcome it was the lord who spoke to me when you see the outcome you might not really feel convinced at the time when god is talking to you he tells you don't marry this one and you marry your experience would then become the confirmation that it was god who spoke to you that's what i'm talking about i'm saying if if if you are not sure whether is it god is it me disobey simply disobey and then what comes after will tell you it was god or it was just you do you want to say the god whose voice you don't understand oh this is this is what i see happening around me i give instructions but most people don't don't hear me when i'm giving instructions and i struggle with that a lot and i prayed about it because at first i thought i wasn't a good communicator i said what's wrong with me why is it that when i give an instruction people don't hear what is wrong with people many voices on the earth and most of the voices are not even difficult they are not complicated and yet you still don't understand them many voices before we get to the voice of god there are many several other voices which are very common they communicate with you in china in the world in english and you don't understand them you can serve a god in verse one and yet in verse number seven you don't know him you can have your wife in verse number one in verse seven you don't know your wife you can be married to a man in verse number one in universe number seven you don't understand your husband do you listen when somebody is talking or you talk when somebody is talking [Applause] somebody said if your boss gives you one instruction twice then he has to cut your salary into half because you have made him to work double any instruction repeated your salary has to be deducted when somebody employs you he gives you a job it's not a sign that you qualify for the job no he has given you a platform to qualify yourself or to get fired [Applause] people don't just get employed because they qualify why do they get fired two weeks later you didn't qualify you simply qualified for the opportunity to prove yourself not for the job not for the job you qualified for the opportunity to prove that you qualify for the job and then you disqualify yourself and then you lose your job and this i see it happening in many places when you look at the senior guy giving instructions to junior guys and juniors are not listening to what the senior is saying and they wonder why they don't get promoted yet they pray for promotion and fast for it and still they don't get it if your boss who is a physical person can give you instructions that you don't understand imagine we are talking now we are talking about god imagine what are you doing to improve your hearing so that you can promote yourself what are you doing to improve your hearing what are you doing to improve your hearing in any environment you find yourself in there is a senior person there who gives orders who gives instructions who makes demands and if you find yourself in that environment know that you are there to take and to receive others not to give hello hello communication is very important do you hear your wife talk do you know her yes first one you are married i mean verse number seven do you know her when she talks when your husband speaks do you listen because in that marriage no politician is ever going to promote you in your own marriage it's only your husband responsible for your promotion it's only one guy your husband what are you doing to be promote because some of you think you think you are married because you qualify no no it's not quite a qualification it was an opportunity to prove whether you qualify or not yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes hello can i can i repeat this please please if a guy looks at you and you are passing by and you look qualified he doesn't have a way of knowing whether you really qualify unless he marries you and by marrying you you are not yet married simply because you are married first marriage is simply an opportunity to prove yourself wealthy [Applause] and then you will prove to him that you have made the right decision or the wrong decision so you could be there to teach him a lesson so but next time be very careful it's not every woman that you see around and you marry [Applause] you can serve the lord that you don't know especially if you don't understand his language how does he talk so everyone here if you are married let's start from there because we'll get to the voice of god later but the two of you because you are talking vessels you talk and unless you understand each other understanding god is a tough assignment it's very difficult let's put god aside let's talk about the two of you do you understand each other papa this is what makes this teaching very important don't say i don't care what she says because the bible says there are many voices on earth and all of them have significance oh yes yes yes all of them in fact if you read some few verses before it says there is a sound for the harp and a sound for the pipe and the sound for the trumpet and their sounds are different right and then the bible says if their heart is not played well how shall people know the meaning of the sound if the trumpet is not played well how shall the people prepare for the battle so in that verse he's saying everything on earth has its own way of communicating with you not just humans but objects are talking to you every day do you understand their language your talks to you your shoe is talking to you the car that you're driving is talking to you the problem is if you don't understand somebody's language you don't call it a language anymore that's why you say the dog is backing. if you were another dog you would understand the story what the dog is saying there is a communication there [Applause] so if you want to understand the dog become one you want to understand god be a god [Applause] so you [Music] that's communication one day if you become a dog you'll appreciate you would want another dog to back like this and you know it's it's this is not backing at all [Applause] everything see that everything is communicating that's why i'm saying learn to hear learn to hear because everything every if you ever sit on a chair and you feel like it's about to break before it breaks who told you that the chair hello hello hello everything on earth has an ability to communicate that's why jesus he answered the fig tree because this fig tree had spoken and by answering it means the fig tree can also hear and the fig tree also responded to the prophecy by withering so when you we is led to respond you learn to wait when when god talks to you there should be a response anything that you talk to he has to respond are we together okay okay okay so you see now if anything if everything on earth has its own language how does many speak you want to be friends with money how does money talk you want to have money and yet money has demands that you don't understand have seen a thing under the sun the bible says which is an era slaves sevens on horses and princess we're walking on foot and it's happening under the sun the seventh who should be walking is the one on the back of the horse the seventh the prince who is the owner is walking on foot and it's happening under this earth what caused that error it's simply because the seventh has taken more time with the horse he now understands the horse and the horse understands him and the prince is busy getting a massage in the palace and when a servant sits at the back of the horse there is a relationship you fed me yesterday [Applause] non-believers money stays with them because they've studied its language and the princes are broken because no one has ever trained you to understand the language of money who is at the back of the horse now the seventh the thing that you spend time with master it master master it master it ah whether that thing is a thing whether that thing is a person master it the car that you drive if you bought it well there should be a book called a manual okay not registration but emmanuel and the book that your car comes with talks about the car if you open the book you'll understand that it says something about the car and that's the language of the car so everything about the vehicle is in the book so the vehicle says if you want to understand me read my book i've told you everything that i desire in terms of change of oils filters and so on so the car communicates so when you open the book about the car you are listening to the voice of the car okay [Applause] you ignore the book you damage the vehicle and god said okay i am god right and i want to create something that looks just like me and then he created you and he said now i've created a vehicle that moves on two legs there has to be a manual as well and the bible was provided come on for your service peppermint service if you go for a service and you come back the same you were never serviced upon but the person that services you should be somebody who understands your manual okay okay listen to me because pulpits are everywhere preachers are preaching everywhere um this is the manual this is the manual now if if if god tells you to stop a certain behavior he wants you not him you to live longer amen this book is about you from god because now you are here you don't understand yourself are you how you function god said okay i've given you a manual there is a book down there and then it talks about you how to maintain yourself so that you can be a good person who functions in good condition this is the book you want to understand yourself find yourself here here yeah this is your standard so when somebody is going to talk to you next time are you prepared to hear and how prepared are you because you have received instructions before i don't know how to say this but it's very important who doesn't want to have a listener everyone wants somebody who can listen to him everyone including the ones that don't listen to anyone but this is the issue if you are not promoted it's a sign that you're not a good listener i have sons that i text messages and i say i'm missing you nothing they knew [Laughter] imagine you can be missed by a prophet and he breaks all the rules and he tells you that i'm missing you i don't want to see your face me too can you hear instructions are you sure you can receive instructions if you are not promoted is because you are disobedient there are certain counselors in other countries they get a lot of money just by not just not even by saying anything but but listening to people with problems people come they said yeah yeah yeah and they're just listening like this and they get paid for listening they get paid they get money just for listening to somebody your promotion your money your wealth is attached to your ability to hear dokkuns were quatro samuel sammy that was all samuel god is expecting that you respond in a certain way and yet he never taught you how to respond he never god never taught you how to respond to his voice why because he knows there should be somebody down there yes not me god doesn't doesn't teach you that [Applause] oh communication hearing voices a hub a pipe that keyboard over there is producing sound that sound might not mean anything to you some of you are wondering but you don't know what that does to me it's not your sound it is mine why because i know the interpretation what it means it doesn't carry the same meaning when you hear the same sound but let me look at you in focus and whilst i'm looking at you and i hear that i'll finish all of you because yes yes because where we stay in the spirit where we get information from during our meetings there there are sounds and while it's you are playing they might not really play the exact song but once in a while he might come across touch some of those keys and then something inside of me is triggered by that because i have a different interpretation so it's different preachers certain preachers they require sounds and by the sounds are different this is what i prefer because i know where i normally hear this [Applause] imagine the day that he decides not to play it and then he doesn't tell me that's disobedience hello hello hello so who is talking to you what is talking to you what is the language because you have you have received information and instructions before and you disobeyed all of them what are going to do next time to improve yourself stop trusting your mind it has let you down several times so what you do now [Applause] you get an instruction from somebody responsible for your promotion it gives you an instruction quickly write it down have your own to-do list you have a list of things that you know today tomorrow this is what i'm going to be doing starting with number one and you set your alarm for each instruction so that you don't disobey now this is where your promotion is certain things the way they happened there was a pool pool of bethesda the bible says the first person who jumps in was the only person who would recover from any disease one person but there was no announcement it was never announced that it's only one person but they saw it over time that no no no this is a communication we have seen it happening the second person nothing happens the third place nothing happens and the next time again when when when the waters are stayed the first person that gets in recovers and the second person doesn't this third person doesn't until it became a language because the food was communicating it's communicating so you can't have certain things happening in your life over and over again and you fail to interpret why certain things are happening like that every time [Applause] there is a communication your man is talking to you why does it always run away from you it's a communication there's something wrong pay attention to the voice of everything around you [Applause] i said the man of god we are talking texting messages and he's asking me a question he said you know i've been your friend for a year now i really want to ask you something because i see you on television prophesying to people and that also is happening here many people are doing that here but most of them here are fake so now i see you my friend doing that in them i said okay at least i got somebody that i can ask who can honestly talk to me about this he's a pastor very big church very big church and he tells he says to me hey my friend between me and you is this thing real prophecy does it really like like like real real yoyo what are you talking about so i'm texting i said what do you mean by what's your definition of real what do you mean real i mean is it really happening or maybe it's just effect i said to him can we do it now if you're free that was my text message and then he took some time before he texted back i said okay we'll do it later when you have time and then quickly he sent me a message he said right away i'm ready and i said if i give you a prophecy of something that you think i might have gotten from somebody close to you we are friends please let me know and he said okay we are texting and i said i sent him i said who is gift and within seconds here comes the text message he said gift is my son then i said is there any way that i can know that apart from prophecy and he said yes and i said how. and he said because i have a big church and every person in my church knows that i've got a son called gifts i said that's good that's what i said i said if you can operate like that in life you can be free from most of the deception that is taking place in the blood of christ be wise i said keep that intelligence it is needed especially during our dispensation because i might have gotten information from your members [Applause] and i said now can i proceed i said yes then i sent a message i said i said in four minutes thirteen seconds you will stop texting because gift will be at the door you are in the bedroom he is going to knock you open the door you will bring a jar and there are fruits they their apples and bananas and he's going to be sent by your wife who is in the kitchen and then before the four minutes we're talking about other things but i had my other phone assigned here and i was looking at my watch because i knew four minutes 13 seconds something's going to happen and when it was 4 minutes 13 seconds 14 seconds 15 seconds 16 seconds i was expecting a text message and all of a sudden my phone was ringing he was calling and i didn't pick it [Applause] i didn't pick it in the whole night imagine the wife was in the kitchen he's in the bedroom and i said gift is going to come four minutes 18 seconds he'll be at the door now this guy to be honest he's in nigeria and i'm here and then he's calling me now and i'm not picking because i know what he wants to talk about i don't want to talk [Applause] so [Applause] so i had to switch off my phone i just said okay i'll talk to him tomorrow when i woke up the following day there were pictures on the phone from him pictures of guess what fruits so in the morning i said okay let me call him it just rang once and all of a sudden he was he was still crying he said i couldn't sleep how do you do that and he was busy interrogating his wife and saying what made you to send this who told you i wanted fruits here did anyone call you i said how can i even call you a wife and then in the morning i'm asking him do you have a member of your church who knew that gift he was going to bring you some fruits in exactly four minutes 18 seconds and then i said to him now you tell me is this thing real [Applause] [Laughter] at least thank god he asked yes yes some of you may be there but you know okay most people that say prophet prophet they okay the question is why do they lie to me if you if you know that i'm a prayer why do you lie to me lying to a prophet and you're calling him a prophet it means you don't know you don't know him that's verse one you are serving the lord verse 7 you don't know him this world is a reality where you interact with god he talks to you about anything that you desire anything [Applause] at least i'm bad i'm a prophet if if my wife is talking and i don't hear what she's saying it's better but when now the problem is [Music] sharpen your ears sit down sit down sit down i was prophesying to people during the life having and i'm moving around the voice of god was so continuous i was hearing god and it was seamless non-stop it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming i never stopped and it was continuous just like that and i kept on moving giving prophecies to individuals privately maybe sometimes i'll announce to the people but i continue prophesying and then when i came to this gentleman i just looked at him and when i looked at him he looked at me and all of a sudden the voice stopped and then i skipped him from the next person i started to see here and i said let me go back again to that gentleman when i looked at him again and the voice stopped and i didn't know what to say or how to prophesy to him but he helped me to understand what i was hearing because i then went to him and i said you need to pray because the voice of god has stopped and he said to me i was a prophet and i had a ministry look at this and i had a ministry i did everything and all of a sudden i fell into sin and the voice of god that i used to hear ceased and people in my in my church realized that i can't hear anymore now the church is gone and my wife is gone he said what he said i can't hear god anymore so what you said is very true the voice of god has stopped so sit down i want to show you something here so imagine imagine god did not say anything to me and yet by not saying anything he said something [Applause] i don't know how to explain this when god chooses to keep quiet interpret his silence in your marriage in your business when god is quiet what is he saying by not saying anything what does he say so it was me who thought god had kept quiet and yet that's when he was giving me his this guy's prophecy the reason why we pray to god is because we know that he hears us so we know that he's a hearing god the reason why we're singing songs is because we are very much aware that he hears us we are confident but is he also confident that you hear him does god have the same confidence that if he talks you can also hear him hey there are times i come here and i know myself i've been with myself for a long time now and i know how things happen in me so i'm coming to greet you i say hi can i talk to you sometimes when i hold your hand i run through your system just like that it's like it's just like lightning i'm out and somebody said to me when i i think we that we had a meeting i think with the pastors at home they just came we were sitting there and i began to explain their problems diseases one after the other i said these are these are minor not not serious big diseases no no no something that they were feeling at that particular time and one asked me a question he said but baba we are not in a church service here we're just sitting and you didn't start it we are we are asking and you can describe everyone every one of us how is that possible are you hearing from god is god talking to you about us i said it depends there are times when god talks to me about you but you know the easiest way to know you you want to know easiest way if i really want to know you in an easier way i become you imagine if i'm you you know what you're feeling you know where your pain is you know where you stay you know what your problems are so i can have that opportunity for five seconds to be you and know where you're coming from at that time i'm not hearing from god i'm you just like you are not hearing from god but you know yourself and then after revealing what you know i will have to become a prophet separate from you so that i can know the things that you don't even know you want to know how a tree feels be the tree you describe yourself very well like a prophet if i ask you who are you you tell me your name where are you coming from your address everything but are you prophesying hello are you prophesy you're not jesus knowing their thoughts he answered them how do you know what they are thinking if you are not thinking what they are thinking if you are not them [Applause] foreign jesus is touched by the feelings of our infirmities our infirmities our sicknesses he is touched physically by our diseases he is touched by your pain when jesus comes close to you he feels your pain so yeah [Applause] yes yes yes yes hello your wife could be a reflection of you [Applause] and by covering hair you're covering yourself by exposing hair you're exposing yourself because she is touched by the feelings of your infirmities she is touched by that and women by nature they are good at that they blend very well with their environment you're seeing yourself there the day that you separate you will be shocked even herself should be shown this is what is happening and people are not paying attention but he made me to faith but then if you are not trained you would say when i was preaching right now and i attacked or something there are preachers like that they don't even know what is happening teresa [Applause] a foreign see foreign i foreign [Applause] me foreign um but that's what i'm saying you need to learn because it gives you instructions every day he tells you where to get money he tells you he shows you people that you're going to meet and then most of which you forget the steps of a righteous men are ordered by the lord which means saying barack obama he's telling you every day but you are not listening i can go go to switch off the television right there switched off if he tells you wake up and pray all of it i will not tell hoping just wake up and pray look [Applause] is i love the voice of the holy spirit you can take away anything from me but leave me with the voice of the holiest [Applause] the voice of the holy spirit when god reveals things to you when god reveals things to you he's not revealing them so that he intimidates you no he wants to solve problems okay i'm just giving you very very few examples here a few examples of how god talks clear all right let's forget about my prophets i am not my prophet let's talk about abuse you are authentic legitimate doctor declare here comes the anointed of the lord he declared that sami the anointed of mary the lord it was god who opposed him say that's not him saving mistakes he was about to anoint the wrong person as sharp room foreign why because interpretation you're going to listen in their names to iowa tonight [Music] but god is talking god is talking to us god is talking to us heavens are open and your glory we [Music] see
Channel: CHRIST TV
Views: 35,984
Rating: 4.8818183 out of 5
Keywords: Makandiwa, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Prophet Makandiwa, prophet makandiwa 2020, emmanuel makandiwa 2020, makandiwa prophecies, makandiwa international prophecy, makandiwa prophecy 2020, makandiwa shona sermons, makandiwa 2020
Id: LbxjlWtWJ74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 7sec (6007 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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