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[Music] greetings and a warm welcome to this international online sunday service to you the graced people to be in this holy place this sacred place where the presence of god is going to be dispensed into your environment my name is pastor karumba joined by pastor chikuni and in a few moments we will be having the voice leading us on man of god what an honor to be here the voice of god exactly it's an amazing season that we are in we have the voice in our midst our father a man that god has sent to transform our lives and what we are going through in this season is a season of transformation whatever we choose to do it depends it determines where we're going indeed we look at what we affectionately call him uh the voice and we've done so for a few years now and it's from an understanding of his function in our lives you know he's our voice he is uh to those that are watching their personal voice my voice uh the voice to their families but when we observe the the history of what we've called our father according to the understanding that we've had over the years at some point we used to be called pasta macandio and um and as we continue to get a better understanding of the way that he operates there was a time when we started calling him reverend and we believe that it's within that time where the strange manifestation of this pioneered anointing and the prophetic that was oozing out of him was bewildering to us and we're looking for a name we're trying to figure out what what do we call this being that is among us and we fell upon reverend and uh reverend theologically it's uh it's an appointed bishop or a man of the cloth but we could look at his name reverend then as an allocation of honor where we're not sure where to place him but he's revered he's honored the way he operates is strange to us and then you see over the years the name moved from reverend to prophet after it had settled in us and we had gained enough understanding to see that so all these years our father has been moving in the prophetic we had little understanding of what the prophetic was at that time and then now we affectionately call him the voice but looking at all those phases of us discovering more and more of our father we realized that each step of the way we were years eons light years away from defining his present state at each of those different seasons and so when we call him the voice we understand that it is not the definitive encapsulating name that we can give him but if he is one with him who has a multiplicity of names we gather that our father is beyond a prophet he is beyond the voice there are much and many more layers of him for us to unfold we see it throughout his ministry and the many miracles that happened especially the miracle that he described last week an outstanding display of the ranking we read that our father has in the spirit i'm going to come back to that one [Music] you highlighted a very important point that at every point that we tried to name or give an identity to our father we always missed that's right and i believe that on the basis of a statement that he added last week that sometimes we decode the voice of god according to our understanding and sometimes our understanding is found lacking and by so doing we misinterpret or we misunderstand the voice of god and sometimes not only do we miss i wouldn't want to say the mark but we miss and that lack of understanding disqualifies us to even give a name to the one that god has given a name and indeed that is why god names or has given a name to our father we follow behind and even at this point it's amazing i've been looking at what has been happening around us this past weekend it's amazing how given how much society wants to refute the prophetic we find ourselves positioned at the very point that was prophesied about we're in the center and you look at that and you begin to understand that what we are dealing with goes beyond the intelligence of man it goes beyond what men can plan for isn't it amazing how sometimes the prophetic can come and tell you where you will be in 10 years and you work against that and then you find yourself in the very same place that the prophetic said you will be where we are now because when god speaks he is considering what you know and what you don't know and he's communicating to you and the motivation behind his communication is based upon him knowing that you have the potential to understand and to eventually understand his voice you mentioned another point about the prophetic and i would really want to say this when i first saw my father it was the prophetic around when i this is i first met my father in the physical round about just after 2000 maybe 2004 2005 somewhere there and the prophetic was already there i remember him prophesying to me that i'll be there in zarabani when the crusade the first crusade will take place one of the crusades will take place and believe you me what happened in between and my being in in sarabani at that point it was just the prophetic he highlighted the the nature of the cloth that would be the nature of the stage that would be and this is years before years before and we are here today we are still learning about the prophetic through the life of our father is it not fascinating is it not wonderful when you begin to trace geographically the the movement and the development of a prophecy in in the landscape of time you can you can draw a cartesian and you can plot out point by point and map out the movement of a prophecy and in doing that you you are in awe of the intelligence of god but understanding that without a man who is gifted with an exceptional ability to function as god in that level of intelligence when you begin to monitor and see you're giving us your personal testimony of the prophecy and you look at the fact that everything that you're going to go through up to that point had been seen but the intelligence of our father in being able to pick out the most prominent events that would take place within that space of time to be able to prioritize those and make them stand out and be those things that he communicates to you and leaving other underlying matters that are not as much of a priority i don't know if you understand i do i do that i do however many years it was it was a long time it wasn't um we love prophecy so we we love our father and we we appreciate his presence and our lives she can allow us now to take these few moments to say hello to our father this lovely sunday greetings our father it is a wonderful day blessings to you pastors and blessings as well to our viewers father in the name of jesus we thank you for this moment and this season that you've allowed us to be right at the center of where you are and we are here to receive from your grace from your wisdom from your understanding we live not just by bread alone but by every word out of your mouth and we are so happy to be here and we are ready for you thank you for allowing us to partake of this table in our hearts and our spirits our bones our flesh even our blood yes we're just open we are open yes ready to receive yes lord in jesus name yes we are here pastors too thank you deliver a message to god's people and i would like you to uh take this moment seriously i'm not going to be here for too long but it is very very critical that we get to hear what the lord is saying i hate you as you were touching on the prophetic which to me is a that's a very very critical area getting to hear what the lord is saying yes father yes of all the people this is the lord saying oh that is what makes it a very critical thing it is the lord speaking yes he is not a man that he can lie yes for yes he cannot lie so when he speaks you expect to see what he said coming to pass you look at what god has told us so far if someone thinks that we it's it's not god that we're here still they have to give a name to to that thing that talks to us there still has to be a name given to whatever it is that talks to us what is it that we hear what is that because the thing is so accurate the thing is so precise and the thing is not limited to the present the thing is speaking to us from the future whatever that thing is if it's not god then people have to come up with with a different name if that name is not god again it's hard to tell what is going to happen tomorrow it's very very hard too far true it's very very very hard especially if you see those that seem to be predicting or prophesying the future not necessarily because that's what they are seeing coming but that's what they are creating there are those that are saying yes i've had some saying we are going soon going to have a phase two pandemic okay and when i talk about these things please you must understand i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not prophesying at a national level most of my prophecies like especially with this one because they are people who are so much they they desire to be included in in everything that i'm saying i say something that is at a global platform and then local individuals they try to personalize when i'm when i'm coming to local issues it's a local issue but this thing is happening at a very very broad spectrum it's bigger it is being dictated from the mountaintop the rest of the the nations in the valley are just following suit coping what others are doing yes father so when i give prophecies concerning such matters don't try to reduce them to your local understanding and try to fit in where you don't fit when people that are controlling this thing that are in charge of this agenda ah discussing we get to hear what they're saying and when we come and we're telling you and even when they also come out and sort of predict what is coming it's what they are creating if they are preparing you for another wave globally i'm not talking about what i'm talking about globally his father some might look at this as predictions like i've said some might perceive it to be to be something that falls within the category of the prophetic but these are people who are making up things these are creators of chaos and problems because already they can see they know what is going to trigger whatever they are calling another way the solution the so-called solution because it was deliberate [Music] trying to stop the first pandemic whatever it is that they used in trying to help the people they know there is another face that is coming where people have now been weakened and when people begin to fall in there because you you can't once you have introduced a cure a solution we can't be talking of the same problem again yes father we cannot it can't be hearing that from you again you have provided what you attempt this solution why are you now intimidating us again with another thing of the same nature that you say is coming so that when you begin to fall and you're dying you blame it on the disease and not on the so-called cure so these are creators of problems i'm not going to get into that but i said last time that when prophecy is coming you must look at the timing of it given the time the prophecy was delivered was it a common thing do we have any platform that had already started talking about it or it was given when no one thought such a thing would come so he is not a man god is not a man his father god is not a man god is not a mess father once we come and we give you what is coming and we give you figures [Music] in trying to make that false you get to the fingers because he's not a man he cannot lie here comes the assyrian king in the book of isaiah isaiah chapter number 37 i want you to look at something in verse number three we have touched on this before but like i promised i don't want to be here for too long in chapter 37 of the book of isaiah thank you i want you to hear what the king of israel is acquired said verse number three and they said unto him thus saith hezekiah this day is a day of trouble this is what hezekiah said but this day it is the day of trouble and of rebuke a day of rebuke and of blasphemy it is a day of blasphemy for the children this is the reason for the children i come to the birth and there is not strength to bring forth a day when children are supposed to be born and there is not enough strength not enough energy to bring them forth so he's talking about the disruption of an amazing event that should have occurred today this was the birth day instead of rejoicing and receiving a new child that is coming it has turned out to be a day of trouble a day of rejoicing when people were supposed to be happy receiving a new life that has just arrived it has turned out to be a day of trouble a day of blasphemy where god is going to be mocked and the reason being that the day has arrived at a time when there is not enough strength to deliver the baby i'm touching on something very important here when the strength within you has been tampered with when the ability within you has been compromised [Music] the day that you should have rejoiced now becomes the day of trouble not because the baby is not there but because the energy required to bring forth the baby is no longer there what made hezekiah to say this it was because and carried the king of assyria and written him a letter to say i'm coming after you and he sent his uh army commander rab shaka to make this announcement not just to hezekiah but to every person in jerusalem he said something very very nasty it wasn't just a threat but this messenger even warned the people not to listen to what hezekiah was telling them that the lord is able to deliver so an interesting thing is happening there not only did he say what he wanted to say he went on to write it on a piece of paper and the king of jerusalem received the letter and he was so much devastated by the message and what he did was to invite the scribes the priests the judges of israel and the elders and then he said please go to the prophet and inquire from the prophet hear from the prophet what are we supposed to do against the assyrian king and the prophet said thus saying the lord the king that has come against you i don't want him to die in this land i will bring up a matter there shall be a rumor and he will have to return back to his country and there i will cause him to fall verse seven of one it's all right and then i will cause him to fall but what i want you to understand is this this is the thing that is haunting so many christians and they think it's a demon they think it's a spiritual attack where where you see your day arriving and you have the name of the miracle that god is about to perform you know what god is about to do an opportunity whether it's a business opportunity you know it is supposed to happen today and that day turns out to be a day of trouble and you think it's a demonic attack and yet it is the lack of strength that will result in that day becoming a day of trouble and you think demons are fighting you so hard most of you people listening to me you don't understand what goes into the delivery of a miracle when a baby is about to come the devil makes sure that you don't have what it takes to deliver yet you have what to deliver you have what needs to be delivered and the devil makes sure that you don't have what it takes to deliver what you have your energy your strength has been tampered with pastors hear me and hear me well because this thing it fights you like a demon a featured father you look at its tactics it behaves like a demon it is simply lack of strength when god's assignment that he has placed within you outgrows you when the mission when the agenda when your purpose that god has inserted within you outweighs your ability to deliver you get to that place where you hear this sour mist saying the zeal of the house of the lord has consumed me i've watched his people are getting consumed by what seemed to be demons and yet it was the seal of the lord when a divine purpose cannot be delivered well on the day of his delivery it turns out to be a day of trouble a day of reproach when the baby the assignment when the mandate within you cannot be brought forth when you have not developed yourself to the measure that is required by the baby that you carry it turns out to be a day of trouble demon is fighting you there it is lack of strength lack of energy god is already deposited within you the baby the child the next generation is within you but to bring it forth strength is needed what has weakened us hezekiah wants to hear from the prophet please go and tell the prophet babies are getting ready to come but mothers are weak such a message had to be delivered to the prophet we have we have the babies but we don't have what it takes to deliver you see the chariots are there the horses are there yet the king of israel is not ready to engage in a fight unless he hears from the prophet how do we deliver how do we dispatch let's get a strategy from the lord it depends with the outer that you approach because the assyrian king has his own god and hezekiah is his own god and his he has his own prophets and he has his own messengers the same way sanchez bears also is on god and his own messengers but it is the size of the older that determines the sacrifice the size of the order do you know that you can have your adversary visiting a sangoma a ritualist a witch doctor and they pay even up to a million dollars they can even sacrifice their children just so that you go down so if you want to counter what they have done you don't get into figures you identify a superior order it's not a burden of figures how much did they sacrifice so that you go down and then you say how much should i sacrifice also so that i go up it's a question of location your enemy can sacrifice a million and then you can only get a cup of cold water and you give it to any of these little ones he has gone to a witch doctor given a million dollars and then you identify a man of god and you give him a cup of cold water and watch what happens identify the right old connecting dealing with the right man that is what ensures your victory the assyrian king has done all the rituals that are needed for him to secure his victory but hezekiah his trust is in the lord and there is a prophet and he goes on to inquire and the prophet said he said something very interesting he said he will not even throw an arrow he will not come anywhere close to this city i will cause him to go back when god is about to destroy some individuals god never wanted the king of assyria to die in jerusalem he said i will create a situation so that he goes back to his hometown and i'll cause him to perish there and if you study right up to the end of that chapter he was in the house of his god the king the assyrian king whilst he was praying his two sons came in and they killed him he was killed by his own two sons the closest people to him it's because it was within the prophetic the closest the people that he trusted the people that he trusted the people that he trusted the people that he trusted his own two sons individuals that he brought up they killed him they killed him they killed him so when the lord sometimes is about to close the chapter of your enemy he might not choose to do it elsewhere he raises a matter god said there's going to be a rumor i'll cause him to go back to his country and there you perish [Music] but that's the thing that hezekiah said we are lacking strength but babies are ready to come we have worked so hard for years nine months it is now time to deliver but there is no strong the lord is about to close a certain chapter but sometimes it is terrible the way that he closes it it's very very terrible very very very terrible i'm not saying much today but i'm saying much i'm not saying a lot but i'm saying a lot we feel it further so very lot get this part it might not be a demon that is still fighting you today something has tempered with your strength god's vision god this agenda for you that is within you has developed itself more than what you can carry you are being consumed by the zeal of the lord you have underdeveloped yourself god's purpose has become bigger and greater than you and you seem to be demon possessed now lack of strength lack of energy and this is what the enemy managed to do he destroyed their confidence people are enjoying talking enemies they enjoy talking they enjoy writing quite a lot this was a letter written to the king of israel and he took the letter presented the letter before the lord and he said oh god look at what this man is saying some of you if you begin to number the people that have made it a point that you fall and you go down you are overwhelmed by adversaries but there comes a time when the lord said okay not even an arrow from their camp will touch you will touch any of your children but i will raise a matter god is raising an issue there's going to be a rumor father father a rumor i'll create a scenario so that the assyrian king is drawn back to his house and that will cause the thing to happen when he thinks he's safe the safest place the safest place where he feels comfortable where he's secured then there's going to be war there is going to be war this god that we serve is just that some people they never got to see what he can do they talk about god they preach about him yet they have never had an encounter even in a dream they have never seen him do what he can do imagine the creator of all these manifestations that we see if he gets into you and he starts operating from you imagine the things that can happen the devil never knew what would become of this kingdom otherwise he wouldn't have crucified the king of glory um there are things that i was supposed to say but i just want you to hear this wisdom i want you to hear this wisdom it's not a good thing for you to be fighting against god don't temper with the human strength not just goddess strength human strength pastors you are watching yes billions upon billions surrender their strength their ability to overcome the enemy willingly willingly willingly there is strength in your body right the ideas that you have that idea is a strength the wisdom is a strength your immune system is a strength thank you there will come a time when you need that strength to deliver and that will be the day of trouble what has happened to humans what has happened why have we lost it to that extent not after we have been to school past us not after we have been to school i knew that the devil has always been a deceiver but i never thought that he would go to those extents it's not easy fooling billions it's not easy hear me it's not easy you can fool hundreds but sometimes it's hard to fool a thousand but getting into billions strength is being lost a day of trouble is coming make the lord your god your order make the lord your god your hiding place make him your secret place stay in his presence there you are safe thank you they are safe i hear god i see what he is doing it doesn't because i'm in any way unique it's all because of his grace some they think we are here to play but this is a serious business this is a serious business isn't a game this is not a joke having the father sending his own son to come here not to play he came here and he died so that he can facilitate the victory there will come a day when you're supposed to deliver will you still have enough strength to deliver but what the lord is doing is to make sure that whoever is behind your loss of strength god is creating a situation if you're in god's hands every arrow that the enemy is going to throw at you it will not touch your flesh we don't have to make this too long but i'm just trying to help you understand what you thought was a demon because you're so unproductive it is simply lack of strength you have donated your strength you have surrendered your energy now you can deliver why because you have listened to what the enemy has said and written weekend nations you have to look around as a prophet if you're a prophet if you hear from god look around let the lord himself lift you up look down count the number of people that you see down there count the number of people count the number of people the devil doesn't want us here the devil doesn't want to see people here on the earth and the devil is in people a few years from now [Music] those that would have escaped the wrath and the agenda of the enemy will shake their heads and say indeed the devil is a deceiver we have been fooled how can a prophet pastors yes how can a prophet tell you that they wanted this thing to be well developed mature and then it goes out there and then god because of the prayers let's pray against what is coming because of the prayers it gets out of their hand it goes out of control and these people have the guts to pick up the fragments and package it and send it out as a solution let's manually do it because the first strategy failed what is wrong with us loss of strength loss of strength a day of trouble is coming when you can't face even the weakest dividers the weakest disease your body won't be able to withstand it loss of strength a day of jubilation the day of laughter will turn out to be a day of money an assyrian agenda send out a message write it down but hezekiah said we have the lord god on our side will inquire from the prophet and the prophet said this is what god is going to do do you know that when the letter was presented before god and the prophet declared that god is about to fight for you that night the bible says and the angel of god went into the assyrian camp [Music] and thousands hear this thousands of people the following morning where all day that is what made the king of assyria to go back to his country in the morning how can you discover thousands of cops yes none of them were sick yesterday an engine moved around the camp this is a wave that is coming because god is about to deliver and secure the lives of his people but there are people at the top of this agenda at the top of this agenda so there is a dispatching of this very horrific angel into their camp and their days are numbered their days are numbered their days are numbered you can't have your children dying early the old men and old women who are busy plotting go on to live longer and longer and longer the agenda of feeding on the human strength the lord is bringing it to an end thank you father thank you and they are one children who killed them it is god's air that we are breathing people must know that whether they love god or they don't love him this earth belongs to him this earth oh none of these billionaires created this whatever they're trying to buy it's gods that's fine we are about to watch god's intervention they thought he was quiet they underestimated they think that he has run out of strategies but soon people begin to realize that oh somebody always owns this earth thank you so my prayer for you is that you receive back your strength your energy so that you can deliver you have a mission god has an assignment for you you are failing to push it out because something has tempered with your strength but hear ye the voice of the lord you have enemies i also have enemies personally i have many enemies and we wish them well we have been praying for them we have been blessing them but if they become too many the angel of the lord will come in you are a child of god you have been called by god but there are those also that believe that they are also children of god and yet we differ and we look at our level of operation we are different there are people that god is about to protect now he wants to defend his all he wants to remind the kings that he is their king the king of kings you can never outsmart the king of kings you can't so i've prayed for you and we'll keep on touching the altar don't keep on touching the altar thank you get into contact i said it matters the size of the altar determines your victory yes the size of your victory and how fast you can get it it might not be something big that you are giving to god but you are giving to a big god they have their gods we have our god yes so let's watch let's see what is going to unfold but i want you to understand don't be caught on the wrong side don't fight against god's people don't fight against god's people if you look at me i might be very very small maybe in terms of size but never underestimate what i carry you don't know where i'm coming from you don't know where i'm going something terrible can happen to you it's only those that remain behind that will know what happened to you god wants to protect his people yes yes so i'm encouraging our people [Music] not to lose hope thank you but be strong in the lord knowing that you have joined the right ami this is your winning team no arrow shall touch you no arrow shall touch your children but god is going to destroy them in their own camp when they think they are winning they are losing yes when they think they are winning they are losing yes because god is taking over the battle a child of god i want you to continue saving god continue partnering with god's work we are spreading we are broadcasting this message from here because of wonderful wonderful partners that god has given to us i keep on praying for you partners keep on partnering so that we spread this message don't be afraid i'm not afraid so don't be afraid you don't have fear in your dna don't be afraid don't be afraid this god is our god he is our father so i wanted to continue i am sure on sunday i want people to be ready pastors i'm going to be ministering from the altar yes i'm going to be ministering from the author on sunday so make sure that you keep on partnering it's still a season it's a continuation of this season of honor and hopefully after that um you know pastors have never done a press statement ever since i've never released um how do i put it some i feel like something needs to be saved i'm still verifying this with the lord but after the declarations when we were done on sunday ministering to those names in the author i don't know whether it's the right thing for me to promise the people i should just come but i think i feel it is time that you hear me say some things okay this one yes uh you it will be your first time you don't need to be there okay my strength is not weakness it's a strength i'm known for something else and not for something else but certain things have to be have to be corrected so i'm going to say some things and you have to brace for that hold on to anything that you can find because we need to bring order and sanity to the body of christ sanity and order and i feel god has given also to me that mandate to restrain the operations of the devil you have noticed that people can go on to say whatever they want to say because they know they know what they think they know yet there is something else that they don't know that they are yet to know god is giving us strength and when we choose to use that strength it will only be for the upbringing and the development of his body and not to destroy it okay yes have you ever seen me give a prayer statement i'm done preaching already i'm done preaching i'm just just where i sit in the office and i talk to the world concerning other matters not the bible not the bible not prophecy it's not prophecy i'm not just a man of god i'm a mature man of god i know myself i know my character and i trust myself when it comes to that because i work with god i work with god when i can tell you that but if the enemy is smart enough you must throw everything he has before that day before after that day to be too late you have your problems but you must understand that your problem is god's problem when you are his child thank you i know you're trying to understand what is happening [Applause] there's nothing really but you know when god has promoted you and he is now assigned you to get into matters that matter you have to accept the promotion okay useful you have to accept that promotion when it comes to the things of god when it comes to the things of god i know what i'm doing when i'm blessing people i know what i'm doing when i say this is what the lord is saying i know what i'm saying i don't say that and then go on to hear what god is saying i hear from god and i bring the message to the people but there is a situation a rumor that the lord is creating there is a messenger from god who is getting into the camp of the enemy it will take one night i've been telling people for years some people who think that i'm i'm not a i'm not a fighter physically i don't know how to fight physically because a greater part of me is a spirit i've never targeted an individual targeting an individual and then he goes on to see two days and two two nights it doesn't happen like that we have strength within us that we have reserved for years and we've been honorable because of that god has given us strength to decide who stays and who goes he has given us that strength so we'll soon find out whether those in the camp of the enemy are stronger than us oh we are stronger than them we get to see pastors have you ever seen power do you know what power is [Music] [Laughter] you have no idea right first do you know what always so god is doing everything just so that you can have your breathing space you can't keep on fighting we're not here to fight we are here to enjoy life so god is bringing in there is so much reinforcement there is backup that i see coming where the arrow of the enemy will not have to touch your body enemies have spoken right they've spoken they have not been quiet they've spoken yes and we've been quiet yes father now it's our ten it's our 10. this one let's see who is going to survive okay right so be strong in the lord child of god be very very very strong in the lord be strong in the lord at the end of the day we shall be the ones standing i pray for you i pray for your children i pray for your businesses i pray for your relationships i pray for every connection may strength be restored back to you the strength that you have lost any assyrian strategy any word spoken any letter written to you that has been feeding on your energy hear the voice of the lord i will raise up a matter i will trigger an issue and people will start falling in their safest places god is coming in to rescue his people before they are destroyed child of god you are surrounded you are fenced you are secured received you are covered and you are protected save it in the name of jesus be strong in the lord so those of you that can partner with us go ahead i want your name i want it three times i want it four times i want it five times let's have names in the prayer closet on sunday i want to be laying my hands on those names you as you as you're watching you might not know where your name is exactly but when i get in contact when i touch your name you know that was my name right there you will know wherever you are so be ready next sunday as you prepare your people as usual they must be ready to take videos and pictures because strange things are going to be happening in their homes in their houses in their offices whilst i'm ministering i want people to see what god can do okay so so so be be ready for me on sunday if you always be ready for me on sunday come prepared for that session because things that you never thought were present in your body you'll see what the power of god can do you'll see whatever was responsible for your downfall always going down downward it's always been your direction the story is changing i want you to see what god can do when your name is placed in the right place and you are in contact with the most powerful order let's watch let's see what is going to happen on sunday so i want people to be ready throughout the week commit yourself to god's work support god's work and then it is that contact that is going to create another victory that you so much desired so i don't think i have anything else today to share with these wonderful people but i look forward to that day when the record is set straight and then the church of god will begin to move forward in the proper channel so i'm looking forward to that it's just just an announcement that i met at the end of the preaching so keep on praying keep on praying do we have anything else bastards my father returned you're okay to go right thank you you can dismiss the people thank you please take note of the announcement made today until next time [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: CHRIST TV
Views: 49,105
Rating: 4.8796458 out of 5
Keywords: Makandiwa, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Prophet Makandiwa, prophet makandiwa 2020, emmanuel makandiwa 2020, makandiwa prophecies, makandiwa international prophecy, makandiwa prophecy 2020, makandiwa shona sermons, makandiwa 2020
Id: q8eP9vOu26o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 46sec (4786 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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