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[Music] I believe that we have to keep reminding ourselves not turned out no photography rangaraju that the the theme of the a chingadera regular career a note which is the a of excellence war-era japan surah surah [Applause] is not just an ordinary theme our inquiry pink indira rocket are not only do we have excellency as the theme I said now what you to know when youngjae's I thinking durability but also 2020 is an excellent yet supported our 2020 forever solid silicon solar cell we are going to look into the Word of God this morning John Terry some chakra marijuana are no and see how we can achieve excellency one other thing is a visible source or by the help of the Spirit of God who gives a narrow path zero of my own mind Daniel chapter number 6 verse number 3 okay at Daniel chapter number 6 this year 3 the book of Daniel chapter 6 verse 3 then this Daniel was preferred then this this particular that there could be some other Daniels still not Daniel we're gonna burn a moment Daniel but this one i cou was preferred what happy you are not because of the difference in the name great enemy are no azita not because of his height were Taino korea not because of his complexion but I know American Dracula day was the reason behind his preference as manga fennekin zero no sorrows and this Daniel aha Daniel will this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes so when a man is preferred above the president's animal mechanical for I'm a president suddenly if you are an attentive reader of the Word of God Yahweh Papagayo Romanova angles a Catera revelation has to heat your spirit immediately Chandrakala Mui Papo Papo if a man is preferred above the president's and a Maroma can you answer Obama president it means there is another office above the president sorry Robert mine my office from sort of a president [Applause] the office of the president orefici m2 mamiru Anika cannot be the highest office ganga Kournikova yo yo Peter suribabu Kira if a man is to be placed above such an office Anna my name Romeo na kotoba mo ro the office that makes the office of the president in inferior office zoria office him to nominee I pass because another superior office has been created above the office of the president now who depending the office they attack the ravanasura office the president so I am saying this so that you can aim even higher drama is equal to a corner that we end up a mess or because there is always a position above the position nobody panic are a bilingual dream province or penguin G there is always a better place above the place meningococcal forum and Jimbo promotion in your life is endless open you are out there you are here today you are there tomorrow next week you have that Naruto Vicki not even open source so God from today can elevate you and promote you on a daily basis Mario Casas the reason he can never run out of offices and positions we are superior was long as you can keep on qualifying yourself cucarachas recruits the recent promotion is going to be a daily exercise sweeter is what geometry three-quarters water correctly the man Daniel was preferred above their present roommate daniel walker d walk for now what was the reason it's going to retroactivity because an excellent spirit was in him because no Kuti an excellent spirit Woodham way I was in ba conga he's got him there was an excellent spirit in his God an excellent spirit was in who weapon on me now because we know so you have a man here who just got promoted when mo room upon know a Django family there is one and the weight of God is so generous Sakura mary renault / - give us the reasons behind the promotion she calls there or to cook it there is one not because the man has been to school greater good more America funda but the man managed to cultivate a certain level of spirituality as a moral marijuana Khedira comic I came he majored himself in a certain way Acosta genitals aluminum pole that made him not to attain heaven Chaka Quadra would assign the Buddha an excellent spirit is not getting him into heaven where a mandolin solo human is acting that he's about to be promoted because of the nature of a spirit I work with there is gonna be Mandarin where that was found Lackawanna cop discovered he can one equal which means somebody with an ability to search out qualities of spirits jor-el hakuna no controller can ejaculate sir Mandarin where Daniel at some point was taken into the laboratory Daniel in a memoir to rock a pit 1m laboratory and somebody had to diagnose his spirit monogatari some way away and found out that there was a level of quality low corner Beauty goodness we are refractory same a better position above even the president's trip arena before I am Radhika and promotion was as a result of the quality of the spirit of the man from kava hideout you book your way a few of you that have understood me you can sit down we hope the rest let me hope the rest let me help let me help you see excellency is going to be a product of an excellent spirit William tree savage paraquat my albums for excellency energy is a product service berry of an excellent spirit of an example of an excellent spirit so if we say that excellency is a product Connecticut wouldn't it appear echo of an excellent spirit from way out Man Ray Palmer oh it means that excellence is a product jor-el opportunity parable it can be produced Jeannot Canaveral excellence gene Okanagan is a product chicken it's a product chicken 0 if excellency is a product can originate at them then they must be a producer of execute upon of an epidemic at theory when in the name of the producer is who or means if there is delay Medusa means of excellence entity an spirit excellent what spirit thank you the excellent spirit where llamando even sorrow which means the spirit is capable of producing excellency jor-el academia una no corner who put this out young [Music] okay all right be seated suppose a blow visit and the men was preferred more roomy enough absol above I'm sorry what does above B come Soros no for any is there any difference between above and below and I'm seein a republic or on epatha is it the same weight is graduated what is above I'm solos you know really hello hello and in this case is above who presto who is from surah pan so a place for him because of an excellent spirit below nada yes so if he was placed above the president's because of an excellent spirit Kanaka God governs forum guru Anakin what qualified the president's teach Nicole there is a guru Enoch was a lesser spirit where will possess know there are following this I have to I have to work on this because some of you what you think is promotion is actually demotion you know finally I go back up and now we know from the rock with Elizabeth I don't want you to then in South God this year when he is promoted you above your friends and in America really broken apathy and you still think when they are above you simply because of the cars they drive orphans or ovum and a bucket of erotica era you have to understand what promotion really ease you can have somebody below you know gonna go and I'm gonna pass the pass staying in a better house Marine on because promotion is by revelation the would acquit there is one who know and it is the road you want to have excellency wound up on audiology who is going to produce that journey which occupies ocean the excellent spirit where women great and small so read read or forever be renovated this Daniel was prepared above the presidents and princes because an excellent spirit was in him and the King thought to set him over the whole realm the King sought to what guru Anika addressing him over the whole realm okay let's look at proverbs 17 verse number 27 The Book of Proverbs chapter 17 verse 27 he that hath knowledge he that hath no alleged evil he that hath knowledge will receive oh he that hath knowledge who uns zero it means some people do not have knowledge yet there's two people never was Nancy what up everyone right haha spirit his words the one with knowledge will spare his words uneasy wanna check it atomizer be ugly aha and a man of understanding the man of what understanding various racism amen good name roommate who is a man of understanding a normal room a rocket at second there is a man and a woman of understanding no manometers my evils be system if you have such a man come to your service kabamaru market erotica blessed men of god hurry Megumi akaka falls by having a man and a woman of understanding who animal room animals movin on visas are coming to sit under you as you Minister Rajoy Rajoy therapist Paco Moshe Meera you are the most blessed man of God Romano Amari after OPA fancy before a llama most men are men of something else the room ever seen several movies you may walk they don't come to the house of God for the sake of understanding about we agree my mother good ones we see they come for something else I know we already talked or several men of God and I wanna hear me this way when you step on O'Meara before an audience I'm Barry they were nice enough if God places one person and America got the governor machete among us those hundreds and thousands of people are Ossetia war but I coming to your ministry or whoever Shapiro aku and he comes and he is sitting there or we hope that I Papa and his desire Missouri walk his only desires understand Jarvan and your tongue will be Co the most blessed man of God or Amano America Rockefeller for another finding such a woman who wanna meet America taro is a miracle banana you rarely get people who come to church for the sake of understanding Oh an avenue ago Korea could have we observe they come looking for girls I know you're such a Thomas can they come looking for business connections I know you talk about my business they come for the anointing for money I know we opportunity as well to remark but having a man come to your service asuka on a guru nanaka Kakaako search of understanding I to talk about this ISA a blessed karappa Francois huh a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit [Applause] my I'm helping you the cocoapod serie understand your disease this is that you wear a charcoal your lack of desire for understanding kuzava Nyonya noggin species it is not it is not deliberate as you know so Narita morning you are sick you are and your condition is not affected your flesh don't know I'll go out of batter William and begin with it is affected your spirit Zapata my Haku the reason why you do not desire understanding called the Rosengard a query system it is because your spirit has left do one thing one quality which is excellency Yoko team when I walk o una gonna wanna watch a machete when Yan Zi they say that excellency according to their dictionary definition one naughty Union G my real anonymity is that the quality of being outstanding Cova no woman Rapunzel it is that quality of being outstanding or to be extremely good Oh Monica sanaka but when you study Excellency from the biblical point of view as supona Teresa is we Iroquois mucho para maana it carries an extremely huge definition are not to quarrel with the Escamilla and secular definition which - Anita never tomaten when the Bible says that Daniel had an excellent spirit by Bernadette De Niro a kamehameha women Rapunzel excellency of the Spirit Day is pre-eminent yawns oh my papa with a phenomena which means say passing general for say passing general food being above and extremely beyond the ordinary for Aziz Al Pacino why would God place such a spirit only in one man Kumari Michael is America dies a moment more mature yet he is not a respecter of persons he hasn't occurred seven why would only one man get into God's office and comes out with that outstanding spirit how about the rest of us Jose Rodriguez a kutiman rocket dhyanapeetam officer Mary ocher Anna Maria what this makes me so jealous is not a condemnation why only Daniel of all the men who say Daniel a capella rumor was he doesn't have this spirit simply because he's a Jew Arnim way away no bottom atutor because there were many Jews around Nora to demagogue a very poor without the same excellent spirit was in America time why him and him alone Jose REE and pietà probably if you to ask you tell you that I didn't give it to him Kizuna Bernardo called Americanos on gravity Tom and Nicole new projects excellent is it is what analysis our items when I gave all of your spirits and a cockamamie amazing those spirits were of the same quality where Ino Yamanaka Fannin but of all the men it was only this Daniel in particular a secondary Daniel who you who began to wake out rocket and abortion who started exercising his nourishing his spirit would sleep much advancing his spiritual journey somewhere until today procedure on us he gets promoted who know quickly because of a quality spirit that he never got from God in that state walk our but he developed his spirit how could some way away from your level of spirituality wonderful here somewhere ice Mason he did something on his rocket about the quality of his spirit no Amanda Iowa which resulted in him getting promoted even physically nominee Panama this isn't what they be sitting read proverbs again very guy book we are Syria was a car The Book of Proverbs chapter 17 verse 27 he that hath knowledge spareth his words if you have not let you spell what well even what I'm saying no no it is evil not take it at that maths geography our it's not everything that I have had from God understand about my what I'm teaching you today is not everything that I know so I don't know Steve I'm still spare in some ways look check yet among a man cause I'm a man of knowledge noted the Romano is zero okay I have to keep that information you're fine I get it does the way you till I have the right person sitting next to me who second Avenue Chaka rapids with me so you have to work on your spirit or are under occupation them we are highly find yourself for certain information what what there is about one aim with zero is not my fault is the Quran it is your phone in a bootlegger aku your level of spirituality disqualifies you what you know professor from certain information good name with you man of knowledge Spira these words who maybe they were educated the Massa wahoo and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit a men of understanding Romeo going to be season is what is an excellent spirit [Music] amen a fan who is a man of understanding dynamo Romeo who googles racism that men of understanding is off Rumanian the way an excellent spirit my Alejandro if I'm sorrow so the man himself is a product a room a Pecha Kucha Perico the men that you see while roaming or hallways of understanding opens racism he is often say he was produced by an excellence water that's the runway or mandapam sorrow when you talk to your man not our number at home Pumbaa and you explain to him with Shannon gorillas your concerns super Moya and your worries there's also wouldn't any oh hey Martha aqua when you look at him right in the eye on um Teresa mozzie saw that see seem to be understanding what you say I know that is very with Darwin's businesses or what our the man is thinking of sometimes maybe agriculture is thinking of a gearbox is thinking of something else when you talk to a man Muhammad necessary mechanical measurements that you are already got married to rheumatic roarin yes he is a man on Maroney but of what as the way is he a man of understanding human services is he attentive material do you think he's hearing what you're saying or just wasting your time I forget the Arkansas Oregon of the route abysm vehicle there are people like that they are good at asking new questions there they are not good at hearing you when you answer when Eleanor guitar avocado condom but avocado could tear it up on up in Durham because asking questions sometimes has now become like a couch no condom wounds oh wow with as a generation away to come as Louis I've seen this several times that's worn on we're going way we have to another two hours of boons mom you can say well we can say when you have kids coming to ask you hundreds Mobutu amicus a nobody waits to listen how you work number four to Bob for a single man casts a condom a hottie they just pass by as they say so but talk about is about panic are what happens where they would G Indira say apana but if you look and try to understand it wants to understand how you are immature you moved from south america de just asking how are you Tiago Tillman if we tell you how we are nominally me our problem is you one that one's got the rarest anus you want to understand how we've solution eyes as now - Jamie Maria Panama to tell you that you've Kabir Marilyn Monroe again you are with me a new material - I also Bruns is terrorism get your blankets await so I'm saying this to help you understand the rules would do pastor going to be Caesar that it is a blessed thing to have a man or a woman of understanding Otero Europa father's Okinawa room mechanism Iowans this isn't a woman that when you speak was in Iowa with the power tower she's listening uh not really you need the person who he is you who no daman no anokhin the one when you're speaking cannot tower and having such a person who won a Monica that person is a product on a year expiry of an excellent spirit this is nothing to do with her parents I mean emotional ability or his parents Kabira karate parents cannot produce that miracle upon America men of understanding is of an excellence is produced by an excellent spirit very bottom where women rape and soul do you listen when the people that you love are talking not I reckon even worn or damaged our understanding well this is understanding cause racism I want you to ask your neighbor lot of Gonzaga therapies what they where so my friend if you are not hearing what the Prophet is saying but a summary on can also record was route around imperfeito' why are you here for say you will be partner what why are you here Saenuri partner ha because you came here with a cost now would you are we apart on them when you paid a price or bad data for you to be here today who drove a pan on us you could have been at home but I will come back doing something else much all she wins Nobunaga's like you can't afford to be sitting here as I wanna go to America for the next one hour two hours three hours our monetary fail to understand what is taking place so quickly of all the things that I want you to understand today understand this one thing basilosaurus and inaudible with Anna's visit images and excellency Putin young is a product of an excellent spirit somewhere among firms for [Applause] you know when God gives you a theme and I'm worried about you what do you do you are the first person that is challenging do you I want to see excellency taking place in my own personal life it's all just for you now it's also for ritika when you are it takes labor to produce excellence Angie huh my God my God there are times when you're tired and you get home and then go about that one later you remove your shoes these are the shoes facing that direction the other one is facing the north there is a cumin and then you drop your jacket somewhere in the knee drop your trousers off in sabbaticals awkward huh and there is chaos all over the place oh no good feeling it's the capacity failure and somebody if he comes anything's maybe rupture has taken place - even way in the addenda that is very chaotic Oda is very painful barangay cocoon or Watsa Oda is very stressful wrong a common but this year we have to be deliberate università I want to be excellent in the way that I do things my travels you know what if you don't perfect your dwelling place Cara even when God begins to communicate with you whenever America on the talk about our information - you will come 0 is how we are in that same mana native oil chaotic information 0 like a feeling it's confusing information revealing its and on Guerrero you know sometimes what we call nightmares Zuma the mover that not to open the much kissa its failure to understand in New York sands racism your spiritual experiences IET come where I don't want to get into that be seated open an image really sorry proverbs again America's energy levels Akari chapter 17 verse 20 says yes yes yes we did he that hath knowledge spareth his words and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit the men of understanding is of an excellent it was the way a men of understanding is of cheerful is of my shingle and excellence is of the the the the the the the British race or maybe from the white is is of a Chinese rest of understanding is a product of what what produces a man of understanding an excellent spirit so the men that you see that is come here that is wearing a suit and a tie was introduced are we apart not apply the spirit I walk a Pyrrhic know where you have product of your spirit or experience on way our physically Panama you are a product of your spirit or a superior coach America the Bible says as a man thinketh Sagara Mary no two moments there are no funda so easy those are Cesare as the Bible can I explain further don't show grammar can explain weather can I explain further you ready the Bible's not saying the way you are gives you a certain way of thinking my parents put a shower in Osaka paper from Giro it's not saying the way you are a ricotta story gives you a way of thinking those Nakayama from Giro saying recruiting as a man thinketh so is he my fingers are no fun condos are a product of your thinking or a better question than the redeemer from Naraku you are not thinking the way of thinking because of who you are our orbit no dog when we were made by your thinking raka cut the runner from the undergrowth I wanna prove so we are migrating from a thought were a product of an idea or a superior court affirm what anger he were produced by night you you you were like a mindset writers and anger erode as a man think it's so easy Moroccan versa you know I'm already in love under my finger it wasn't from a career and a car and a career wasn't a ket ravanasura handy-dandy to Cora the asam will say I think this way because of the way the second law was a magical raffia same a coup d'etat hater the way he speaks negatively it's their pecking order crowing shuttle when I said raka raka the end guys because of the way they grow up what would our do together can you loosen the soniku Chacarita was so never bad building this way because they were brought up this way what career was on Obama's funky rap yet the Bible is saying wonderful from danwon sides in the air war how did I think before I was born I was brought up here Marybel good if people have the ability to produce you you have more responsibility in producing yourself you can put reproduce yourself you ever know what I was if you are behaving the way of behaving because of the way that you've been brought up canal quit amitabha's you know nobody Macrina you can then start bringing yourself up in a different way who not gonna be similar element or Garcia in the way of the Lord Here I am worried why that would be you out surah you wanted to be loved as you have growing up none by who you are blaming the people who did not love you growing up or even move are three same people if you were to go deeper into their spirits their problems in loving themselves the guruship a boat and anyway so so they start with you who are you you want to blame me those people I forgot about your opponents they start blaming yourself for not loving yourself to jungle supalen Sara you will observe sweet aqua bring yourself in the way that you like this is a piece a wealthy Rahu north as a man thinketh semaphores Iran is also is he those are so it is not to what you are that gives you a mentality as this is Raul is an occupier from zero it is a mentality that makes you who you were from there are no people to a robbery you move from thought processes nobama from zero into becoming who you are a reality of your reasoning and of your thinking and of your thoughts original party Katamon from zero aqua man dr. Rhodes ago the problem with having an ad agency de luca register their nation they said why not we were like grasshoppers to eat saweeza in their sight me suavo these were spice rockin gar basura qualified spice ass or even Eunji more intelligent than the CIA rocket engine because these ones had an excellent spirit whatever momentum where women women from above one of accordingly they sneaked into the country up in Dominica spied out the country raucous or Anika and they were never discovered have an apartment but they they were present good one American yet upon coming back they said in their eyes we were like grasshoppers in who's I asked about yoga Pavarotti meso avatar itís a wizard no one saw them Aparna , wanna yet coming back they are giving a report as soon as I talk about coming I have their eyes who departments who are you well a grasshopper say itís a wisdom you see the world the way that you think they see you man from your abdomen wound in actual fact that's the way that you see yourself don't matter because no one has ever called you a grasshopper you are calling yourself a dress would you is that you are positive is or sometimes the way you view yourself you think that's the way that other people sees using my thermometer is Delano's reason don't go from not and over from denominator these spies were Liars by Saudi Arabia no one ever saw them a partner come alone as a man thinketh semi-firm Giro movement in his heart so is he those are [Applause] be seated but Roger what's it [Music] you know if you have a life partner gonna win my win I obey you who has a problem of low self-esteem Vanaja Teresita are a double-decker couch terrible always looks down upon himself I know karate therapist you have a big a miracle to perform when a man animal Porou equator there are two extremes some people couldn't zero they overestimate themselves there is no pumps war for battery power yes yes the Bible says Amen or to think of himself Roman horrify Naraku fungi is he or - not highly but is very greedy pants or any he says be very very careful to change the era that you put yourself in a category that you belonged was really th out of Chaco but you know it is easier 3-1 a man down could see Suberu may pass than raising a man up panic acquit the Roman when your wife thinks that she is inferior the Moroccan forgive The Rocketeer pass it will take you Dickens Senora de Macarena McCrory and by the time you become successful in raising here vozack Warnock Massimo theorem in the heavenly records you'll find out that you've raised the dead Theresa McQuarrie who technodrome orthography to be recorded in the heavens that she once raised a dead woman g-general Makarova de Guevara promoted my workers so hard raising an individual Kakaako similar Monroe from in free energy complex Papa Suzuki Syrah somebody who believes that she's a nobody more no unattended regime oh she's so hard to raise I don't need a quick reason so hard to raise I don't need them so that's why sometimes when you look at your wife George Kontos the man who understands my work at home welcome back and you wrap your hands around Oh Mandira whatever you tell her all about them if she has this disease my materials for the next 30 minutes that she explaining to you by our Commission on guerrilla II she thinks you're up to something another empanada winter she thinks you're lying Alfred return she doesn't believe everywhere that chasse attend the mass of Asura why because he's under attack squadron name her whisper hey ego has been destroyed who's Rita what this one she's a product of thinking spirit and anger exact she's a product of an inferior spirit superior question where women rape there is no excellency in the spirit one a young German weather can be any excellence outward Ganga Venusian sequences so before you deal with the outward appearance you have to deal with the inward man OS Ottawa parthasaradhi Joe Joe pulizzi nerve and rocker-bottom honorable touch the spirit of the man where woman a man of understanding romanticism is of an excellent the one where women become swallow now Dania because no Danielle was preferred what God you are above the president's I'm a solo para don't give Anika why it's called a because the key wouldn't mumble what makes a king a king gentleman bother mom it is because their reasoning is above the reasoning of the president's in now my from giro Aguada pants or that is my Jesus is not the president of the president's is the king of kings no sir a GS or a serum hakuna matata Vedika as a map or a maximum he doesn't think like a president a fungus on guru indica he's above president re pomodoro pelvic or even econ so what made the King Gianna contra good man to discover a spirit in a man the one way among the king was not a prophet even man wobbegong Gaveston pure freedom to prophesy the level of spirituality of the year opera freedom and own way our ten-year because it is within the nature of kings to descend spirits no good is really more but matt the Mambo poor jeremiah that is why he wants you not just to be a priest also to visit as I do remember he has presented us before God to become priests and kings rocketry stop American motherhood Eva procedure animated map we reign in the kingdom of God not as priests priests don't reign you reign as kings in the kingdom of God Kumari so if you are going to have a king and I just wanna mumble in your life open you avoid then the king the day that you present yourself before a king now all those related of Imam the King you will have an ability to design your spirit which is simple when Jeremiah walk and then find out that you have an excellent speed was the rocket on my women become soul looks for a better position which I country boy Aaron and because he wants to I locate a position no Karuna broken dream or not to MN cuenta cumaru me but to a spirit a second way there is always a better position for a spirit Kanaka equipment repo era nanak woman yo man outside their console you think all the positions are got wonderful mineralogy but this is a guy in the think again from geyser car is always see who knocked are a queen emma karna there is always enough space for la cara queen and Rima requirement for an excellent spirit your money our Mandapam sorrow so if you look at your profit i wanna tell is a profitable I am standing here like a miracle no and you think from profit of only the road open up going down GN the pass up to the Sunday School Department particular baccarat driven you think every position is occupied one from the Trojans in boy USA in a moment is because you are blind in our good a warning there is always space who know Cara Queen Emma Khanna closer to the men of God PES gonna mono Mario but this face has to be occupied not by an individual dream boy unified Naraku Adam quit you know friend recovered the practice race is waiting for an excellent spirit boy you know you can be Romania with Monday Patrol I am throwing in a challenge today Durga Conda now from the day administer this ministry was conceived see what appear upon you Sumeru no the day the ministry was birthed Musyoka paravasu meruna until this Sunday who secret Sandow in our first Sunday in 2020 scenario Ganga arathi and I am still searching for an excellent spirit DaSilva chakra when I wave and wave and for [Applause] I'm said she still talk I'm searching children now what you're going to realize in life is that you are never going to become excellent in every aspect so the friend request even more pain you in now a also no ng+ Aussie Juno in the secular world there ever tape Kanika one is will that they call stuffing your weaknesses there are not to go wait there are simple cool when you stuff your weaknesses they're talking about when you are running an organization i wana Tonka now you have to discover your weaknesses no further away zero zero except that you're weak in those areas or ten now put in the theorem of higher people that's the stuffing that I'm talking you hire people all the money to compensate your inabilities good you've operated upon by the party no come because you are never going to be doing everything now I know we are not I was on Twitter the best you can do is to put on a nice suit but you can't wash it so what we don't frickin battle-ax as the best you can do probably is to drive a nice car but you can't fix it when it's broken no girl good girl Gannicus out when a week that there are so stop focusing on just your weaknesses visible because you are never going to become excellent the same every aspect nobody else on Lauren or not you have to identify a location a specific area that you are going to deliberately mask the other corner couscous and say I want to become a guru and expect a master in this area Joey [Music] ah I know what I'm not good at Dino's Ziva releasing a corny we're gonna wrestle a vagina you see all these people that are dressed well could Fuma its acceptance oh I wanna you see these people is mystery I just the children of an envelope or of Tulsa don't know how the mystery night I see the pro a weakness it's calling upon stuff in your weakness sofa ministry sheet and of Kandra Kandra buy them up with Vanara from the beginning of the minister i wonder what the profit is noted threat they actually know for a feature I was a threat consumer is accepted a roof over the numbered energy budget do you think I didn't buy a keyboard myself there I turned up at the Samba to Mamun I went there myself I put it's not sending anybody the end I need me pattern yeah / hot sounds average it by video I mean hot sound when they were still in town did I know choose any time sort of change a wonderful thing resolution was for like a tent and a girl I bought myself and I chose myself because I didn't want anybody to be I know Goomba and I took it home okay connector by maggots I put the connected it on to electricity kata horn put it on [Music] now was it rushing about Cumberland my era would soon grow guarana wife came to a point where said please can I sleep no one that I know it she don't need such a keyboardist my kids I got one don't know that you know should not play what she was she she let me try those applications and I eat in my bed they managed anger actually paying a good read for signing the gold one pastor Harma jingle well food pasta Kufa vote for him as well ha to food itself Enzo growing it like this you see anybody looking for a money edge which is this thing I think this the passages is blocking someone because sure that is one are know born upon achieve a corner when you see these guys playing at the expression that she try or try it yourself that's a band of an ounce or if you don't have a headache my revenue what is with you I see really doesn't sound yes are engaged a panel garena everything was placed this one about shows all swim about the Irish you must agree in the Nets gonna England pirates on or who you are what is my problem even when I preach people are coming and it's one name so what is my problem discover your areas of strength for yourself that you concentrate on that this immense of a purple vision you're not going to be making money from everywhere discover one primary sauce and you say I'm going to perfect what happened is that this stream this Avenue of income and ride abyss I'm going to become an established millionaire never [Music] [Applause] visited who do you want to become or not cause the way you want to become a champion agua Mukunda in what area once a boy [Music] that's when you begin to then say okay don't talk about our booty oh how do I move from here do not pass a pop until this is where I was last year dopinder Gandhi record another pair and 22 and I'm still there what electrolytic indeed agility how do I move from here you know fantasy Oh papa what am I going to be known for because II can wear my Remini creating problems God Rama temple si quieren or Sophia and I work at the reason then you say I want to be known for solving them what induces econ one the quad then from there you move one two or BiPAP solving what problems exactly would you detect that there is a mathematical a pitch I want to see you are never going to solve every problem now look at there is a mathematical or say you are not going to get in yourself involved in the problems taking place in Iraqi I was opened on my temples aguar with Akari right you have enough Baghdad in your house you lie about that they are iguana babaco so you have to choose what a fine durable Tsuruta I want to solve problems and not to create them no God there is some attributes ago when I work at Z that you have to name the problem no Simon Aquaman Sita Mata busy watching this is going to help some of you what I'm saying is it's a patent about my values and route our let me deliver you from a delivery that is never coming together nobody can know remove a particular 8000 wheel you had me when I said let me deliver you from a delivery that is never coming forget that the kidnapper to thinking what I mean by that is that you are waiting for something to be delivered Humira not to mention local to human we are waiting for God to give you something welcome in America to occupation machine something that God is never going to give you she knows she also knows or poopoo and I'm lying because he has given you already like a Papa card now let me help you by theorem so that you don't waste your time again this year could lose the Tampa same way across a category no no the things that God has already done she knows a great wanna marry carry things that God is never going to repeat she still without the Quran wanna marry because God is not a time waster now what you Maria was a champion war you can't get him to do what he has done already how could the reason why I deserve an attack re so any prayer when nice resume in D'Amato in trying to persuade God into doing something that he has already done it's never good a romantic stammer goodbye eaten xaloc embroider so what do I mean by that do believe a majority of you people here wasn't even your partner you are believing God pretend Amari for an excellent idea when a faux pas a Monday Pam so you think that God will let me hope my sister's he ate my brother's red anniversary and that's Duncan okay yeah okay let me hope [Applause] this is a problem irritable Tico that has seen men of few people hundreds of years agenda anima Karaka one without any significant achievement mostly not German Bundesrat except achieving the year's Kunze cope in the dynamic array this is the reason is not conserved something keeps on telling you manage in is not a budget support that they must be a very unique idea floating somewhere in the atmosphere but the unifier come between a map from wha yep Amanda pants or pieces burrows and agenda we are hoping that one day God is going to drop an idea a unique 100 dream Aramis Romero Japanese era from ye yo yo yeah Casa Rosie but let me help you understand some forget the new capacitor will research mutual do you think they are ever again going to invent a plane on a fungus travertine deck is agate Rapids Iowa to invent a plane all they're doing is perfecting an idea moving into excellence some are worried about my name's Erica but repeat the audience once the idea is dropped now good it for my email or name it awaits a developer you know Marilla I know but somebody who can pick all the same you have a friend who is into a business relationship re remove is remorse but what your friend is lacking is an excellent spirit and that's what you have we finish a Maria where our mattresses top ask God for another new idea Americans will the Mariana Brahma you need to begin to perfect that old idea that God has given you shift it moves it into perfection into extra surrender the more energy you think they all invent cars but the motorcar no but there is simply improving what you see is an improvement on that old idea for my Akari yo-yo ah you think the prophetic is going to fall afresh no forgive the relative or not by partha men of God I pray God there is a coming revival of the grid ah of God that is coming mathematically room Attila Telugu nothing like that is coming hakuna Takata Rotorua God has dropped a prophetic idea my foot wedged in it is up to the profits for a fee to begin to perfect whatever target when it be prophetic into excellence we filled out for a bit oh yeah [Applause]
Channel: CHRIST TV
Views: 106,807
Rating: 4.8672791 out of 5
Keywords: Makandiwa, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Prophet Makandiwa, prophet makandiwa 2018, emmanuel makandiwa 2018, makandiwa prophecies, makandiwa international prophecy, makandiwa prophecy 2018, makandiwa shona sermons, makandiwa 2018
Id: VIaeQl_x9yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 9sec (3609 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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