Emma Stone & Mark Ruffalo Try To Avoid ‘Poor Things’ Spoilers! | The Graham Norton Show

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that's a spoiler right there that's a spoiler Mark spoiled it now since we last saw you Emma Stone on the show you went and won an Oscar well done you yeah and and there's you know often people in those spe go you know oh I never dreamt of this moment but you did more than dream of this moment I mean you planned this it wasn't that specific that movie to be fair no I mean what you mean just like in terms of my childhood yes when when you dreams when you made your pitch to your parents yes I've this is this story will never die well but I love how old how old are you you did it cuz it's amazing I I was 14 I was almost 15 and I made a a PowerPoint presentation for my parents but this is so you wanted to move to LA and they didn't want you to go they weren't going to let you move is that it well no they did they hadn't even heard the idea yet it was just like I realized if I'm gonna you know I I we lived about a 6- hour drive from from La in Phoenix Arizona and I realized I couldn't just come home in my freshman year of high school which is what grade nine nth grade sure um okay and I realized I couldn't just walk in and go like I'm a moving I'm 14 and here I go so I um decided to make a a PowerPoint presentation about why it would be a good idea for me to move to Los Angeles and follow my big dreams but you went through it like it had music and everything yeah it had the song Hollywood by Madonna amazing were you in a sensible pants I should have been in a sensible F too I think I was in my like high school I went to an all girls catholic high school so I think I was in like a plaid skirt and a color shirt and so so so Madonna's playing Madonna's playing and then what you just had a series of reasons why you a series of reasons why this would be a good idea not just at any time but now um and for some reason it did eventually it worked and I would punish my child if they had done that but they believed in me those freaks but it is true that the presentation ended with with a let me go what no with it didn't end with um you probably remember more about it than I did well just doesn't it end it ends with you putting up the picture and and it says Emma Stone actress best was it best act no no didn't end who told you that first of all my name is Emily so there's no way it said Emma and then no so you didn't say you were going to win an Oscar why are we telling this story no why are we telling this story what is the point of the story was going to win an Oscar that's what I thought I thought the whole point of this that's crazy I thought well it's quite crazy anyway but crazy the bo but that would have made it like absolutely she's going somewhere and it's not there it's somewhere else oh well you want an Oscar there you go it all ended well it all ended well how many auditions do you think you did before you got a job well it's sort of been mythologized now but it started with about 600 wow most people smart people quit yeah when it takes that long what was giving you hope I I couldn't do anything else but you've done a lot of theater haven't you over the years that's right yeah and sometimes incredibly convincing performances didn't you like sometimes more than others yeah didn't you like cross a line you know was it your fault that you crossed the line or is it somebody set you up oh you're talking about that yes um there was a play that I did that I had to um I I I smoked a joint in the first scene and um of course there was a very um a very naughty young actor I was in the play with who uh on the opening night with all the critics for the opening night he uh slipped a real joint onto the prop table and I'm out there and and I'm just now when you're acting you overdo everything so when you're out at a party you take two Puffs and you say okay that's enough I'm so stoned but I was acting and so I'm just [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] like I'll save [Applause] it I literally we between the two of us we smoked a giant blunt on stage and I'm I'm like man I am in it tonight I feel it I'm on fire and I'm feeling it and and and and I why is that dude standing backstage laughing at me and the kid who put the joint on the prop table standing there going and I just went oh and um the girl that I was passing it to had never smoked pot in her life oh my God I up to that point had smoked a lot of pot so I was I know you haven't and I know you have no barbs don't ever do drugs okay love you too we interrupt this anecdote for a message that's to a regularly scheduled program yeah okay it was the worst thing I ever did don't do it but at the end of the play um I got the best reviews of my entire career but I'm not no no we're not it's WR I would never do that again it was a nightmare experience and for the barbs you're much better off listening to Nikki than me that's rights new year new movie Emma Stone and Mark Ruffo bring us a really extraordinary film it's called poor things H now it'll be out in cinemas from the 12th of January and this is the latest from director yogos Lanos and his films are always quite out there quite different you did the lobster the favorite so what's this one about who do you guys play off you go go ahead it's a um it's a little bit of uh uh it's kind of hard to explain you're doing great it's a little bit of a female uh Frankenstein oh uh Coming of Age feminist story that's on the naughty side yes that actually you know what that's pretty good was it would you see that movie yes yeah I feel you have notes Emma has notes I I I desperately wanted him to do this because I it's such a hard movie for me to explain that I'm just like hey Mark Mark whatever you want to say how about it's about a woman who has a baby's brain put into her 35y old body no I mean it is about that but just listen there's other stuff going on too that's a spoiler right there that's a spoiler Mark spoiled it he did very well the first time now he spoiled it but but it's also but but it it is so who who do you play Emma I play uh the woman that he was just describing Bella Baxter who's she's a woman who is discovering everything for the first time um for a series of reasons brought on by a a semi-mad scientist played by William defo semi mad and who do you play Mark I play um the cad who uh invites her on an adventure of a lifetime M yeah and I introduce her to all the um sensual uh aspects and dimensions of life this sounds amazing it is so good sounds amazing it's a really different part for you Mark I've never seen very different yeah yeah I think because it was so different for him and he's so funny and so good in it and because it's Mark you you love this guy even though he's absolutely no offense pathetic gotic narcissistic you know all of these things that Mark just very much is not it's what makes this character like so oddly lovable yeah [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 417,742
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Keywords: Behind the camera chat, Behind the scenes, British celebrities, British television, Celebrity news, Emma Stone fans community, Emma Stone interview, Film industry chat, Film industry insights, Film industry news, Graham Norton Show, Graham Norton fans community, Interview, Latest movies, Mark Ruffalo fans, Mark Ruffalo fans community, Movie exclusive content, Talk show host, Talk show moments, The Graham Norton Show, Top actors
Id: CO_T4vb_770
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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