Mark Ruffalo Suffers For His Art While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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right up there we go right [Music] up hey what's going on everybody for first we Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Mark Ruffalo he's one of the most prolific and celebrated actors of our time from the theater stage to Oscar winning dramas to iconic romcoms and historic Hollywood blockbusters his latest project though is poor things the yoro L the most directed dark comedy opening in theaters this December we're very excited for that Mark Ruffalo welcome to the show thanks Sean I'm glad to be here what's going through your head as you prepare to take on The Gauntlet are you at all nervous going into this I am yeah I'm a little nervous about the bomb and uh um the uh the goat the ginger goat well those are two things to be weary of are you ready to get started over here let's do this Sean [Music] it's pre- Sauced sorry I should know that M I'm still I'm still I feel a little kicked there it's a little creeper it's a creeper hot sauce okay so in Port things who played the role of a daper lawyer who you've described as a bomb vant somebody who enjoys the Finer Things in life and thinks of himself as the world's greatest lover was there any sort of perverse pleasure or joy in playing a character so self-obsessed yeah I mean I don't get to play many parts like that and um honestly I was scared of it he's a real Casanova and he's out of control and it's you know getting to do it it was just so freeing people have all these expectations on you and uh and you start to get stuck in these boxes and at 55 I'm like sick of that and so it was just a kind of an explosion of um of kind of radical creativity for [Music] me all this talking is to avoid moving to the to the next listen I'm well aware of the stall tactics okay Mark I've seen them all You' seen, hours in okay cool all right but you can't hide anymore because this next one is the shashido and garlic here in the two spot all right here we go I'm glad I came hungry that's the way to do it there's this often quoted Mark Ruffalo fun fact about this time in your life a decade plus where you went on an estimated 800 audition without Landing a single Ro is there a moment that you think back on and can pinpoint as being like your acting Rock Bottom like what do you think is the closest you ever came to just giving it up forever so I probably quit like six times during the course of it all um the closest was I my dad had a uh was part of a construction painting business and um I went to Wisconsin and I walked on a job site and I saw some guys like s blasting and these dudes work I mean they're covered head to toe and they got you know all day long and there's sand blasting them and you're like uh maybe I should give it one more shot yeah I was like my hands are too soft for this but my mom got wind of this I didn't tell my mom cuz I knew she'd be bummed right and she got wind of this and she called me and she's like what are you doing she says to me if you quit acting I will never speak to you again I will be so angry and upset with you and my I never heard my mom talk like that and so I was like that works dad I talk mom says I should give him another shot I'm GNA have to go cuz Mom won't let me mom won't let me quit I got to get my that's all right okay got that out of the way spicy yep and sweet not too bad heatwise that's good we're in a good spot right now and yeah I'm feeling more confident right where we want you we got you right where we want you spank me all right what do you think is your personal record for the most takes ever requested by by a director while you're shooting a scene you know I read a quote from your collateral co-star Jamie Fox about how particular Michael man can be David Fincher makes Michael man look like he's working on a McDonald Hamburger line during rush hour I mean it's like my first day of work it was a walk and talk with Jake Gyllenhaal and we're on take 63 Fincher he came straight towards me and I was like oh no here it comes and then he walks right by me and he he goes to a background artist behind me he moves him 2 Ines he starts walking back to the mod on the back of me on my back and walks past me and I was like oh okay I'm just happen to be like 2% of the frame the other crazy thing is he invented the delete button for digital media out of necessity he he's not going to use it so he's like well why have it and he literally you'd be in take 50 and he'd be like delete takes one through 45 and you're like take 30 was the [Laughter] [Music] one do you get sick of spice not sick enough to think about getting a real job if that makes sense never get a real job yeah right but I accept it you know what I mean it's a sacrifice yeah got to suffer for the art yeah man you have to suffer for the art so I read that while preparing for your role as real life Boston Globe reporter Michael rendes in Spotlight that you asked him can I see you yell at someone what does that teach you if anything other than like how they yell I had heard that he can be a little hot a little spicy on some of his uh calls and so so I asked to sort of take I wanted to take along with him just to see how he did his business and uh the cool thing about being an actor is you get invited into these worlds that most people will never be invited into and people want to tell their stories so they're very vulnerable and honest with you in a way and it's just this it's kind of this peak into Humanity that's so rare mhm and it just makes it fun and it and it makes you have an an appreciation for all different walks of life and different people you know and their beliefs and how they came to those beliefs and so on and so [Music] forth it's good now what kind of pepper is that one it's got uh you need glasses man yeah I might need yours are you are you at that point yet oh I don't know I guess we can try let's see it's hard to accept actually no I'll try these are working kind of better those are kind of hot on you these work yeah man all right let's see here can you can you read that literally it's it's like a a fleas writing we've got a serrano peppers in this one oh yum serrano peppers all right and then it says it brings a punch they're not lying no it does it it's a creeper yeah it sort of Builds on you yeah it's a step up here it's a step up over here uh how about this fact or fiction is it true that you once accidentally popped Channing Tatum's ear during a particular L physical scene are you joking in Fox catcher where he told you before the take just slap the out of me and get it over with oh there's a lot of that he did ask me to slap the out of him and it was easy to do because he'd beaten the out of me so many times we had it was like four months of wrestling of learning how to wrestle together and he like has 30 lbs on me um so when it came time to smack the out of him I was like came from [Music] Alabama all right I'll give these back to you cuz I'm worried about how used to them I'm getting they're good right oh GH pepper mhm gently building in the back yeah of the pallet yeah this is kind of like the one that um makes my throat scratch a little bit yeah I'm starting to get a little little um uh what is it called experation oh I didn't even I did not know that I was not going to help you out at all there like a little you know yeah yeah which what is that called expiration experation yeah that's like a law in New York City you're not allowed to exp forgate oh okay well I'm experting yeah something fierce right now are you feeling that yeah I'm experting what makes Kenneth Lans this is our youth such a sought-after playground for young actors it's kind of crazy the number of people I've interviewed who have that as part of their origin story yeah it's like it's like our generation's Hamlet um it's just such great writing it's so welld designed it's sort of that character becomes a man and an equal to his friend and those people who are who were the dominant ones in high school unless they change it doesn't work out for them you know going forward and it's the Geeks or the the nerds or the more thoughtful people that actually kind of do well later in their lives it like pierces the heart of the theater kid totally it smashes him the ginger goat we're going big yeah it's an explosion I'm yeah yeah oh yeah same wavelength yeah same page Mark right now oh yeah I'm down with that yeah have you ever had Woody harelson on the show no but I'm dying too you put in a word for me he has he has this pepper that he grows in Hawaii he gives it out in a little vial like that with a cork oh I've met some of those guys before it's literally a matchick amount of that in a freaking giant pot of chili and that's enough and it's just bang it is so intense I he carries one with him everywhere he goes yeah I know guys like that too he might be crossbreeding that stuff himself I think he is man if anyone knows how to crossbreed it's him thaty sorry can you give us one pro and one con of having walking Phoenix as a roommate when the two of you shared a house while shooting reservation Road he's a great cook and he turned me on to um vegan Cuisine and so he would cook all the time and he was a great roommate you know he was a roommate who'd be out and he you you get a text need anything you know want need me to pick up anything the place is clean all the dishes were washed he's got a great sense of humor he was super thoughtful and he offered me to stay there I was supposed to stay someone else he's like hey man why don't you stay here I have like three bedrooms and you're like all right I'll renew the lease yeah put me on there put me on the leas this is not my jam this next one okay that looks it looks serious it has a little it has a little nuclear fallout uh yeah yeah and there's a reason for that they're not lying the label being a warning is appropriate in this case Insanity it is beyond Insanity so this is like the turbo or what is it the insane button on the Tesla yeah that's what we're doing we're lighting it up all right here we go it looks really red yeah I'm going to take this whole thing you are let's do it all right I'll go where you cheers [Music] cheers I'm stupid this thing keeps going I know and it doesn't stop it doesn't stop and this has got a nice long over makes it worse does it kind of always makes it worse but if we didn't have it on the table people would ask for it you know what I'm saying how many more do we have to go just two more we're so close we're so close but before we get there yeah you know you've been an established actor here now for over three decades you have dozen long it's been a long time it's been it's true dozens and dozens of titles some of them huge massive Hollywood Blockbusters others maybe you don't even remember making them and to put that to the test I want to play a game where I hit you with a Mark Ruffalo movie tagline and you try to connect the tagline to the movie all right does that sound good sounds okay when the girl next door when the girl next door moves across theall apartment 13 wow there you go one for one that was like my first movie I didn't forget that and I remember the girl across the you know across the hallway Girl Next Door moved across the hallway I know I know I'll tell you something it was so low budget that I flubbed a take and the director came up to me and said that was 500 bucks just so you know okay let's go again I kind of like that keep the actors accountable you know how am I supposed to practice my craft when you're putting a number over my head man it's that kind of pressure that's what's going to form a diamond whatever happened to that director he go on to become scor Daisy right basically how about this one forbidden desire s are Unleashed and unspeakable evil is watching that's mirror mirror there you go good job that might have been my first movie there was mirror mirror and then Mirror Mirror 2 Raven dance yeah yeah which had a penthouse porn star in the female lead and Billy Drago in the male lead and I oh my God I was the I was like the serious actor sidekick and my first it was like a softcore horror fle that's where I got my started yeah yeah that was like your crime procedural yes that's where I got my that was my brand it's like oh get get the kid get that Ruffalo kid how about this one it's a wonderful afterlife a I only know one afterlife just like like Kevin that's it that's it that's it hold on I need to wipe down oh no my makeup came off how you feeling are we doing a cutaway to a commercial now you look like you're yeah that's what we do after the bomb all right and we'll be right back with more Mark Ruffalo here on hot ones this is really well [Music] done are you going tongue down I'm going wherever you take it tongue down all right tongue down so the hot part on the tongue all right full living danger [Music] yeah right up there we go right up got tongue down spice on tongue full on direct to skin Tong action no prophylactic m- do you have a favorite living sculptor that burns twice I know I know it does there's always a second act to this show do you have a favorite living sculptor I know that that's become like a profound kind of Escape for you like an outlet for you okay all right I don't want to blow it up I don't want to blow it up blow it up just can you can we take that one back say I hear you're taking uh like classes yeah yeah how about won't on the wies and I'm just be like autographs I'll be like signing funkos all day long be there'll be like 10 new people in the class that just happen to have funkos on them right I don't want it's intense I know I don't want it to turn into the you know like the baggage claim at the airport or anything oh dude that yeah you heard about that oh my God I got Funko too believe it or not yeah I'll sign your Funko take out that Funko can can somebody grab my toy I'm taking them up on that I'll totally sign your Funko I'll sign anyone's Funko here all right my teacher is named arsan he's a he's a um he's a Russian sculptor he's so great and I he's he's my favorite living sculptor right now and he's not super well known but he's known and he is just a amazing sculptor and if you wanted to go online and look up arsin he's on there and all his work's on there and he's just fantastic I knew it I knew you were going to do that what we sh why I'm shaking it you got to shake it like Daddy needs a new pair of [Music] shoes man you really slathered that thing didn't you on accident try not to do what I did no I'm doing what you did uh-oh here we go here we go Sean I'm with you is that like about right yeah that looks that looks perfect like they're like okay I'll do won't stop you all right are we doing fies yeah we're doing fies well I'm going wherever you go but you would ask if you we going [Music] foies bye see you on the other [Music] side become a non-verbal show here at the [Music] end yeah okay I got you I got you yeah yeah yeah all right so Mark rafalo to close things out you know it's been such an amazing spice Journey with you the highs the lows the dark days of Serial auditions and serving up Margaritas to keep the lights onny you know everything what would be your advice to other young aspiring actors like if you were to come across somebody who'd likewise had 800 auditions without booking one would your advice be closer to never give up or call it quits you're the only one who could stop you you know as any kind of artist you are the one who says it's enough cuz sometimes you feel like oh this world is not is against me doing this I had a lot of time like that next stay out of debt do not take on huge debt because you need time and you can't spend all your time servicing that debt you got to be doing your work and number three is develop yourself right now everyone's on social media and and everyone's in some way trying to trying to be the same you know yeah yeah yeah and it's like stay off of that and and develop yourself so you have your own voice it's you who they're looking for not the next ex you know develop develop a style develop a way of working wise words from Mark Ruffalo and look at you taking on the wings of death living to tell the T we crushed wings of death and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you Mark Ruffalo thanks this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life um I have poor things coming out I have um which is an amazing movie and so much fun what other there's another camera that one mhm lots of hi Mark Ruffalo and uh this is hot ones thanks for joining um I have uh all the light we cannot see on Netflix out right now and I just shot a television show and that's Howen Harper directed by the amazing Cooper Rafe um with Lily Reinhardt and um Betty Gilpin thank [Applause] you you did it you did it that's the that come man come here we we we together SAU Brothers Until the End Brothers thank you man thank you that was great I had a great time I was scared really nice to meet nice meet you man that was great you're a great interviewer man that was that was really in depth well we got to meet you halfway you did some old Cuts man yeah yeah yeah yeah some deep Cuts it's fun to dive into the material you know like that's the part that I I like about it you you're really good at it thank you Mark I appreciate that blessing everybody nice to meet you nice meeting you where's your Funko oh yeah yeah yeah somebody got my toy hey what's going on hot ones fans this is Sean Evans with an announcement truth or dab the game now has a brand new refresh Edition that's right if you already had the original truth or dab game you can now get even more hotter questions with the refresh Edition the game is simple answer deeply personal and potentially awkward questions or face the Wrath of the last da that's right both additions of The Game feature a mini bottle of the last da hot sauce check out the description below to see where you can pick up hot ones truth or dab the game or visit Wilder [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 2,394,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, mark ruffalo, mark ruffalo interview, avengers, marvel, mcu, hulk, poor things, poor things trailer
Id: oWMW2umf41A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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