“Bella!!!” Emma Stone and the Poor Things cast on *those* accents, *that* dance and cracking up.

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[Music] what would you say is more pleasurable fully kicking someone up the backside or saying the words I must go punch that baby I must go punch that baby God that's tricky It's Tricky they might be equal for different reasons you know it's like the intention of going to to punch a baby as opposed to actually kicking a man in the ghes ghes yeah it's really you know just to have that written for you and to get to experience both and to say it in a very Arch delightfully crisp English accent oh yes understand we never lived outside God's house what so Bella so much to discover and your sad face makes me discover angry feelings for you that to me is part of the appeal of this character you can just there's something about hiding in an accent that lets you feels so good let you be so free I even felt like you slapped Mark Ruffo with an English accent you think yeah it felt that way oh that's really sweet thank you that means a lot the ultimate compliment you confine yourself to three phrases how marvelous delighted and how do they make the pastry so crisp yes very difficult not to talk in his accent isn't it it's no it's difficult to talk in an accent for some people for me become the very thing I hate a grasping succubus of a lover tried many of them off me and now I'm it I the photographer yesterday did I tell you this the photographer yesterday said what was that accent and I said well maybe it wasn't so great he's like you said it not me I was like it works beautifully it may not be uh totally authentic who says he's [ __ ] English I think he's I think he's an American affecting an English accent it's a little presumptuous being defensive you're being defensive all right sorry stick by it stick by it beautiful performance you're great you don't have to explain but Oscar a kids on his way I was like do you want to send me home Yos I I I can't get the accent I I don't you know the joke was Oscar Isaac was working in the other part of the the studio and and he kept on saying I know he's here to replace me and one day he comes in rehearsal and Oscar's like hey man good job but it's time to go home he still gets it he takes it out of my hand right at the moment of Victory Bella this is Mr mandles hello [Music] Bella it was really fun I had this moment with Christopher Abbott where he was just so excited that we were Americans doing British accents cuz he was like it's always the other way around now we're doing it it's all time yes you know and I was like yeah you know uh we had a great accent coach uh who who really made you know because yorgos doesn't like doing any sort of post audio stuff it's you got to get it right on set M so he was really we we worked we worked really hard on it it is your body Bella Baxter yours to give freedom I generally charged 30 Franks well that seems no why would you say you I we love Bella so much and I know it's an expensive question but a very expensive question she's on another level she's so special I learning about the character the story all of it I just completely I became completely obsessed with her I think because there's no I I can't compare her to anyone she's her own creature and and not having you know any history of shame or self- judgment we will need less of your tongue in the future but overall most agreeable and she's just so curious about everything and everything is like equally balanced even if it's difficult things beautiful things she all of it sort of holds equal weight to her because it's life she's so fascinated by all of it so it's very inspiring that Bella she's very silly she's a silly lady she could be a silly silly girl no better displayed than by the dance moves and tell me please tell me you had names for the moves because I struggle to describe what's going on with words I feel like we did but I don't remember what they were at this juncture cuz this was over 2 years ago but I feel like we did have some names for [Music] them with that dance sequence congratulations because it's another level and I want every wedding I go to to somehow recreate portions of it really please thank you it' be a very cool Club wedding but it would be I know you're not obviously in the scene but surely there was a temptation to go and watch that dance happening I don't think I was around but no I would have been jealous cuz I like to dance and I wanted to dance I wanted to see you dance but that's that's my that's my place in the movie I'm the guy that doesn't dance it's the character credit you get [Music] the you're always read now B you're losing some of your adorable way of speaking I'm a changing aable Feast as are all of we I would have struggled on set not to have burst out laughing corpsed broken oh yeah when Mark is shouting Bella oh completely I didn't have to be in that shot and for good reason Bella it's just coverage on him Bella that was improv by the way he was pulling a little street car a tiny just a touch of the street car just a sid were there any other moments where you really struggled to keep your mouth like that a good amount of the time but we got so much of that out in rehearsal because there were three weeks of just like you know being completely Goofy and insane together all of us that we sort of you know worked out a lot of that it was more like weird inside jokes that would make us laugh than within it it was it was less the dialogue of what was actually happening in the scenes and then just like things that would make us laugh like Willam and Willam and this one scene near the beginning I say something to him about did he cut my parents up basically you need to see the movie to understand what that means and he goes no and we yoris and I thought that was the funniest thing ever and so every time he had to just say no we still do it to this day we all go no no it was but it's stupid like it's not funny now it's just you know to to anyone else it was just funny to us it's making me laugh cuz I can see it with all of his Prosthetics on no no that's delightful better why I keep it in my mouth if it is revolting when we were doing the um where's my money when I got punched in the stomach and I just you know I just fell down and no one was expecting that and then we just all burst in the laughter beautiful the one like greatest note I ever I get from muros was just him laughing off camera during the performance oh the other one I was laughing my ass off is when I'm dragging her off the trying to pull throw her off the um oh that was good I buried my face in her in her crotch and was just laughing so hard y that's one way tell me where did she come from I sh or just a happy day what about working with Emma she's in pretty much if not entirely every scene I know she produces it it's her passion project I get that did you ever just catch yourself staring in awe because that is not an easy gig no I mean she's she's unbelievable I I would just kind of watch the way she was building the physicality the language and then making decisions and and and then somehow she still seemed happy it wasn't one of those don't talk to me I'm stressed it was huge smile positive mhm unbelievable she I mean she'll go far it just did I I feel good about her future which I I think she and it was weird she was having some doubts and I I actually kind of was like I think you're going to be all right I think it'll be okay you got this you got this I can't let you go if you do not B shall turn rotten with hate a and this is another tricky one but how have you been describing this movie piy to friends and family like you're coming home from a day's work what have you done today no no no you've had a day how are you describing it it's a very tricky one I mean at certain points I don't want to give anything away then some days I'm like oh I'm too tired I'll just tell you you know there's a baby's brain in her body whatever but you know I uh I think if I had to describe it to anybody now I would to say it's the story of a woman who is born a new and is experiencing all of life for the first time but she's fully grown already so what would that be if you could experience everything for the first time and grow rapidly that's not really a great description is it plus yogos plus yogos plus it's funny done that's yeah it's a riff on a female Frankenstein Coming of Age story that's a little naughty done is that all right that is perfect cut it print it frame it good roll it out do you have Oscar Isaac could have done it better he could have done it in an accent I say it's filthy it's disgusting and it is uh worth your time filthy disgusting worth your time yeah posters put it on the poster I tried talking to marketing about that as a tagline yeah and they said uh we we just kind of we're happy you performed in it maybe don't call the marketing department you don't have anything to do with this I love the phrase we're going in a different direction yeah okay it's been said to me a lot in my life and then so I just kind of tend to pick you know make my own Direction and then here you are here I am talking to you I am Bella Baxter and there is a world to enjoy circumnavigate it is the goal of all to progress grow what would you say about quote unquote weird films and how important it is for us to support movies that are out there I guess one man's weird is another man's right down the middle you know what I mean this basic film couldn't be more Med just couldn't be more just a straightforward just to speak to kind of joro's uh filmography it's a lot of people have called his films weird to me at least and I I think that he kind of create or he's drawn to these sort of environments that are surrealistic in a way but they also ask more questions than they give answers and I think any any art of any kind that can do that where you're left kind of going what do I feel about this what is the what effect does this have on me and it's very individual is a great thing to be challenged is to enjoy art yeah it shouldn't just be packaged up for you although sometimes it's really fun just to just to let go and have a great time and be entertained but um but this hopefully kind of encompasses both cuz I think it's very funny but it also you know makes you sort of reflect on your own life in your own choices and society and all of these things and we started talking about the accent and the voice but this is a left question and I like asking it so indulge me do you have a favorite British turn of phrase one that when you hear it you go only here budge up budge up yeah budge up as in scooch yeah budge up budge up like scooch over that's only in England in my head it's you sitting next to Willam sitting next to Mark at the canteen yeah bud up I love that one but there's so many great you know phrases and things and have you ever heard of squeaky bum time no what's that that is when things are so hairy like your on tent hooks yeah that I'm told you move in your seat and it squeaks oh because you've you've sweat through got it tight like that tight like that and then and then you budge up that's great and then you budge up and it's squeaky bum time that's great perfect it's even better than your really hand in hand no I mean it was perfect um and I thank you for this film thank you so much thank you genuinely thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and click the Bell icon to keep up to date you can listen to my radio one movies and TV podcast screen time on BBC sounds and you can find these interviews in full on bbci player by searching movies with Ali plum
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 265,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBC, RADIO 1, ali plumb, movies with ali plumb, ali plumb interview, radio one, movies that made me, emma stone, willem dafoe, willem defoe, mark ruffalo, ramy youssef, Yorgos Lanthimos, poor things, accent, accents, dancing, the favourite
Id: oA1d_VZ5XQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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